What does a change in deferred tax assets mean? Reflection of deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities, permanent tax liabilities (assets) in the financial statements

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Regulatory acts

67 As a result of a business combination, the ability to realize a deferred tax asset held by the acquirer prior to the acquisition may change. The acquirer may determine that it will likely recover its own deferred tax asset that was not recognized prior to the business combination. For example, an acquirer may be able to realize the benefit associated with its unused tax losses by offsetting them against the acquiree's future taxable income. Conversely, it is possible that, as a result of a business combination, it is no longer likely that the future taxable income will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered. In such cases, the acquirer recognizes the change in the deferred tax asset in the same period in which the business combination occurs, but does not account for it in the accounting for the business combination. Therefore, the acquirer does not take this change into account in determining the amount of goodwill or gain on a bargain acquisition that it recognizes in a business combination.

24. Permanent tax liabilities (assets), changes in deferred tax assets and deferred tax obligations, current tax profit are reflected in the income statement.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Change in deferred tax assets

Document forms: Change in deferred tax assets

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9. An increase in items of other comprehensive income due to a decrease in deferred tax liabilities and (or) an increase in deferred tax assets in relation to balances on active (passive) balance sheet accounts, changes in the value of which are reflected in the accounts for additional capital accounting:

Change in deferred tax liabilities (assets) (lines 2430 and 2450)

IN new form In the income statement, the names of the lines “Deferred tax liabilities” and “Deferred tax assets”, as well as the procedure for filling them out, have been clarified. This is due to the fact that previously (including in the 2010 reporting) these indicators were presented as absolute, thereby their values ​​were repeatedly involved in the calculation of the current income tax (i.e. they were “doubled” many times). Now, line 2430 “Change in deferred tax liabilities” of the new unified reporting form shows the deviation between the data of the deferred tax liability indicator at the beginning and end of this reporting period. Line 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets” is filled in in a similar manner.

If during the reporting period the amount of deferred tax liabilities (assets) has increased, then the deviation is shown in the report without brackets. In case of a decrease in the amount of deferred tax liabilities (assets), the difference is given in parentheses.

At the same time, an increase in the amount of changes in deferred tax liabilities leads to a decrease in the amount of current income tax, and a decrease in them, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the current income tax. An increase in the change in deferred tax assets, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the current income tax, and a decrease in the change leads to a decrease in the current income tax.

A deferred tax asset, the change of which is indicated in line 2450 of the new unified report form, appears for a particular transaction if the accounting profit for it arises in an amount less than the tax amount. For example, due to the use of different methods of depreciation of fixed assets, reflection of certain types of expenses normalized for profit taxation, and other similar differences. As a result, deductible temporary differences arise in accounting. Change in deferred tax assets in reporting period equals the product of deductible temporary differences that arose (settled) in the reporting period by the income tax rate.

Deferred tax assets are reflected in the debit of account 09 “Deferred tax assets” in correspondence with the credit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”. Moreover, if the balance sheet reflects the debit balance of account 09 (line “Deferred tax assets”), then the debit turnover on it minus the credit turnover is indicated in the income statement. Credit turnover on account 09 can be when deductible temporary differences are reduced or when the object for which they arose is disposed of, with accounting(for example, when selling it, donating it, etc.).

For more information about the accounting procedure for deferred tax assets, see the section “Deferred tax assets” (line 1160).

Deferred tax liabilities, the change of which is indicated in line 2430 of the new unified report form, appear in situations where, for a particular operation, profit according to accounting data was received in a larger amount than according to tax accounting data. As in the case of deferred tax assets, this occurs as a result of different procedures for recording certain transactions. For example, depreciation of fixed assets, different procedures for accounting for interest on loans received for the acquisition of investment assets, etc.

As a result, taxable temporary differences arise in accounting. The change in the amount of deferred tax liabilities in the reporting period is equal to the product of taxable temporary differences that arose (settled) in the reporting period by the income tax rate.

Deferred tax liabilities are reflected on the credit of account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” in correspondence with the debit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”. The income statement shows the credit turnover minus the debit turnover. If at the end of the reporting period account 77 remains listed credit balance, it is entered in line 1420 “Deferred tax liabilities” of the new unified balance sheet form. Debit turnover in account 77 arises when taxable temporary differences are reduced or when the object for which they arose is disposed of.

Read more about the accounting procedure for deferred tax liabilities in the section “Deferred tax liabilities” (line 1420).

The accountant needs to clearly distinguish deferred tax assets and liabilities from permanent tax assets and liabilities. The first arise in a situation where the difference between accounting and tax profit for a particular transaction disappears over time. For example, if in accounting and tax accounting a company uses different ways depreciation charges for fixed assets. However, despite this, after a certain period of time, the depreciation amounts in the two accounts will be equal. This amount will be equal to initial cost of this property.

At the same time, permanent tax liabilities (assets) arise for those transactions as a result of which accounting and tax profit will not coincide in principle. For example, according to tax accounting rules, a company has the right to use bonus depreciation (that is, include part of the cost of a fixed asset as expenses at a time). But in accounting there is no such concept. As a result of this operation, accounting profit will be reflected in a larger amount than tax profit, and a permanent tax asset will arise. After all, this difference will not disappear over time.

Change in deferred tax assets 2450 is a change in the value of deferred tax assets reflected in the balance sheet on line 1180 ().

That is, this value shows how much deferred tax assets were written off or added to the assets of the enterprise.

If the value is in brackets, then it is entered into the site services with a minus.

If the values ​​for net profit do not ultimately converge, it means that the signs in the original statements are mixed up.

Calculation formula (according to reporting)

Line 2450 of the income statement


Not standardized

Conclusions about what a change in indicator means

If the indicator is higher than normal

Not standardized

If the indicator is below normal

Not standardized

If the indicator increases

Usually a negative factor, but must be considered in conjunction with changes to line 1180.

If the indicator decreases

Usually a positive factor, but must be considered in conjunction with changes to line 1180.

If this indicator is difficult to understand, you can not focus on it during the analysis at all


The indicator in the article is considered from the point of view not of accounting, but financial management. Therefore, sometimes it can be defined differently. It depends on the author's approach.

In most cases, universities accept any definition option, since deviations according to different approaches and formulas are usually within a maximum of a few percent.

The indicator is considered in the main free service and some other services

If you see any inaccuracy or typo, please also indicate this in the comment. I try to write as simply as possible, but if something is still not clear, questions and clarifications can be written in the comments to any article on the site.

Best regards, Alexander Krylov,

The financial analysis:

  • Definition Change in deferred tax liabilities 2430 is a change in the amount of deferred tax liabilities reflected in the balance sheet on line 1420 (what are deferred tax liabilities). That is…
  • Definition including: permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 - this is the balance of permanent tax liabilities (assets). In other words, this is a certain value that either increases or decreases payments...
  • Definition Deferred tax assets 1180 are an asset that will reduce income taxes in future periods, thereby increasing after-tax profits. The presence of such an asset...
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  • Definition Deferred tax liability 1420 is a liability in the form of a portion of deferred income taxes that will result in an increase in income taxes in one or...
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By line 2430 information is reflected on changes in the amount of deferred tax liabilities recognized in accounting in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02.

[Credit turnover on account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”]


[Debit turnover on account 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”] (Excluding debit turnover on account 77 in correspondence with account 99 “Profits and losses”)

Deferred tax liability upon disposal of an asset or type of liability for which it was accrued, it is written off in an amount by which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, taxable profit will not be increased for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods.

Line 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets”

By line 2450 information is reflected on changes in the amount of deferred tax assets recognized in accounting in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02.

[Debit turnover on account 09 “Deferred tax assets”]


[Credit turnover on account 09 “Deferred tax assets”] (Excluding credit turnover on account 09 in correspondence with account 99 “Profits and losses”)

Deferred tax asset upon disposal of the asset for which it was accrued, it is written off in an amount by which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the taxable profit of both the reporting period and subsequent reporting periods will not be reduced.

Line 2460 "Other"

By line 2460 information is reflected on other indicators not mentioned above that affect the amount of net profit of the organization.

[Debit turnover on account 99 “Profits and losses”] (in terms of taxes paid when applying special tax regimes, penalties and fines, additional payments for income tax, write-off of deferred tax assets)


[Credit turnover on account 99 “Profits and losses”] (in terms of overpayment of income tax, write-off of deferred tax liabilities)

Line 2400 “Net profit (loss)”

By line 2400 information about the net profit (loss) of the organization is reflected, i.e. about retained earnings (uncovered loss).

When preparing interim reporting:

[Account balance 99 “Profits and losses”] (in terms of net profit (loss))

When preparing annual reports:

[Turnover on account 99 “Profits and losses” in correspondence with account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”]

[Line 2300 “Profit (loss) before tax”]


[Line 2410 "Current income tax"]


[Line 2430 “Change in Deferred Tax Liabilities”]


[Line 2450 “Change in Deferred Tax Assets”]


[Line 2460 "Other"]

Accounting profit (loss) represents the final financial result (profit or loss) identified for the reporting period on the basis of accounting of all business transactions of the organization and assessment of balance sheet items according to the rules adopted by regulatory legal acts on accounting.

In the balance sheet, the financial result of the reporting period is reflected as retained earnings (uncovered loss), i.e. the final financial result identified for the reporting period, minus taxes and other similar mandatory payments due from profits established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including sanctions for non-compliance with tax rules.

The amount of net profit of the reporting year is written off with the final turnover of December to the credit of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” in correspondence with account 99 “Profits and losses”. The amount of the net loss of the reporting year is written off with the final turnover of December to the debit of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” in correspondence with account 99 “Profits and losses”.

The amount of net profit according to accounting data must coincide with the amount of net profit determined by calculation based on the indicators of the Profit and Loss Statement.

If in accounting income is recognized earlier than it is determined in tax accounting, and income, accordingly, arises and is recorded later, a temporary (deductible) difference arises. IRR are revenues or expenses that are recorded during the compilation of financial profit in the current period. A temporary (deductible) difference is the amount by which taxable income is greater than accounting income. In subsequent periods, this amount will disappear.

Prerequisites for the emergence

Temporary (deductible) differences arise in cases where:

  1. The amount of accrued income (for example, depreciation of fixed assets) in accounting is greater than in tax accounting.
  2. An enterprise using the cash method accrued expenses but did not actually pay them.
  3. Loss for last year was not used in the current one and was transferred to the future one.
  4. In this period, income tax was overpaid and should be included in future deductions.

The temporary difference gives rise to deferred tax. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in profit deductions in future periods.


Temporary taxable differences arise if expenses are recognized in accounting later than in tax accounting, and income, accordingly, earlier. This determines the fact that in the current period the profit subject to taxation is less than the accounting profit. However, this will change in upcoming reporting cycles. In the following periods, the amount of financial profit will be less than the tax profit.

Reasons for the appearance of NVR

A temporary taxable difference may arise if:

  • An enterprise using the cash method accrued penalties and sales revenue, but no money was received.
  • The amount of accrued expenses in financial statements less than the tax office.
  • The company received an installment plan or deferment for the payment of income tax.

IRR may also arise due to the use of different depreciation methods for tax and accounting accounting, when the accrued amount in the latter is less than in the former.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities

If the temporary (deductible) difference is multiplied by the rate mandatory contribution to the budget, then you get the amount of deductions for profit that has already been paid, but will be counted in the future. This value is called deferred tax asset (DTA).

IT represents the positive difference between the actual, current deduction to profit and the conditional payment expense calculated from profit. Write-off of deferred assets can be carried out from the account. 09/00 in subsequent periods. If depreciation is provided for in the upcoming cycle, then it is not accrued on the fixed asset in the financial statements, but it is accrued in the tax statements. The temporary taxable difference is determined in the same way as the deductible difference, but it has the opposite sign. This value leads to increased contributions to profits in future periods. The amounts that must be paid additionally are IT (deferred tax liability).

Calculus IT

Deferred tax liabilities are recognized in the cycle in which the related temporary differences arise. Calculation is carried out according to the formula:

IT = Payment rate on profit x NVR.

To understand better point, you can charge VAT on revenue when establishing the moment when the obligation to pay to the budget arises. This VAT is recorded on the account. 76 as an upcoming payment. Deferred tax liabilities for deductions to profits will also be accounted for (account 77).


As NVR decreases or is completely eliminated, deferred tax liabilities will be gradually repaid. In the analytics of the corresponding article, the information will be adjusted. If there is a disposal of an object of liability or an asset on which accruals were made, these amounts will not affect the amount of income tax in future periods. In this case, IT is written off.

The loss and profit account records deferred tax liabilities. They are reflected in the debit of the account. 99, credit account. 77. In the reporting period, when determining the indicator on line 2420 “Change in deferred tax liabilities,” the amount of newly appeared tax liabilities and the repaid amount are entered. In the process of filling out lines 2430 and 2450, it is necessary to apply the “debit minus credit” principle. From the income turnover according to the account. 77 and 09, the expense is subtracted and the sign of the result is determined. The report for the corresponding lines indicates negative (in brackets) or positive value. If the change in deferred tax liabilities is upward, this will lead to a decrease in profit deductions, and if there is a decrease, then, on the contrary, it will lead to an increase.

Current income tax

It is the amount of actual payment for the reporting period to the budget. This amount is determined in accordance with the size of the conditional expense/income and its adjustments to the amounts that form permanent deductions, deferred tax assets and liabilities. Thus the formula is used:

TN = UD (UR) + PNO - PNA + SHE - IT.

The scheme for calculating TN is provided in PBU 18/02 (clause 21). To check the correctness of the calculation, you should use an alternative method:

TN = taxable profit in the reporting period x income tax rate.

If the enterprise does not make constant contributions to the budget, then the absolute difference between the conditional payment accrued from financial profit and the current one will be equal to the deferred tax asset minus deferred tax liabilities. This value will affect the amount of current profit payments.

Deferred tax liability: entries

According to the structure of the income statement, the formula used to determine net profit is:

PE = BP + SHE - IT - TNP,

where BP is the amount of accounting profit; TNP - current tax.

This formula shows deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflected in the balance sheet as follows:

  • deb. sch. 09, credit. sch. 68.
  • deb. sch. 68, credit. sch. 09.
  • deb. sch. 68, credit. sch. 77.
  • deb. sch. 77, credit. sch. 68.

They adjust the amount of income tax. However, these items do not apply to net income. In order to reflect the method of calculating the current deduction to profit and at the same time provide information about net income for distribution, you can show two positions: deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities that affected the account. 68 and 99. In this case, the latter can be entered into explanatory note or on a free line.

Practical use

How to show deferred tax liabilities? Let's give the following example.

The company purchased a computer program. Its cost is 8 thousand rubles. The developers have limited the period of its use. In this regard, the head ordered the write-off of program costs over two years. IN financial statements the purchase amount is included in expenses for future periods. The cost of the program in tax accounting can be written off as expenses at a time. As a result, NVR was formed. The contingent profit deduction will be greater than the current one by the amount of the deferred liability:

IT = UNP - TNP = 8000 * CH = 1600 rub.

This is reflected in the financial statements by:

  • Dt 99/00 Kt 68/09 - UNP.
  • Dt 68/09 Kt 77/00 - IT.

In this case, 77/00 acts as a balance sheet passive item on which accumulate tax amounts, subject to additional payment in upcoming reporting periods. IT is written off from the account. 77/00 for upcoming cycles. In this case computer program already written off tax accounting and does not affect expenses in any way, and in accounting the write-off concerns the part of the program falling within the current financial cycle:

  • Dt. 20/00 Kt 97/00 - part of the cost of the program (excluding VAT).
  • Dt 19/04 Kt 97/00 - VAT amount.

In this case, the current tax on profit will be higher than the conditional one, part of it should be paid in addition, and according to the posting of the account. 77/00 will result in a debit turnover:

  • Dt 99/00 Kt 68/09 - UPN.
  • Dt 77/00 Kt 68/09 - write-off of IT.