Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces Categories of people entitled to receive additional payments to their salary

From 01/01/2018 to 01/10/2020, monetary allowances and military pensions will increase military personnel by 4% annually. At a hearing in parliament, the Russian Minister of Finance announced that pay and pension amounts for military personnel and law enforcement officers will be indexed after a 5-year break.

Features of changes in monetary allowances in 2018

Key features that relate to changes in the pay of military personnel and military pensions in 2018:

  • it is expected not just an increase, but an indexation of salaries by position and military rank;
  • the increase will depend on the amount of annual inflation according to statistical information (salaries increase from 3.2 to 3.7 percent);
  • the maximum increase in monetary allowance will be 4%, taking into account indexation;
  • The budget has already included funds for three years in advance (from 2018 to 2020).

Every month, retired military personnel can count on a bonus for length of service: 5% for service from 6 to 12 months, 10% for service of 1-2 years, 25% for conscientious service of 2-5 years. Russians can expect a 40% increase with 5-10 years of service, and 45% with 10-15 years of service. If a retired military serviceman has 15-20 years of service, he will receive a salary increase of 50%, for 20-22 years - 55%, for 22 to 25 years - 65%. If a person’s service is more than 25 years, then his salary increases by as much as 70%.

The budget for the payment of allowances was included in 2017. It is planned to pay 18 billion rubles for 2018, 22.6 billion rubles for 2019, and 41.2 billion rubles for 2020. Required package documents and regulations developed by the authorities.

From 01/01/2018, the platoon commander and lieutenant will receive about 66 thousand rubles every month (two and a half times more than last year). Lieutenant colonels will be paid 3.4 thousand rubles more, and their pension payment will average 88.7 thousand rubles. Officers' pensions will be increased by almost 1 thousand rubles in 2018, by 2 thousand in 2019 and by almost 3 thousand rubles in 2020.

For several years now, officials have been discussing the abandonment of bonuses for the level of qualifications in physical training. To pay bonuses you need a large number of Money, therefore, the parliamentarian decided to optimize the cost of paying for military personnel and their pensions in 2018.

Continuing the topic of changes monetary allowance military personnel, started in the last issue of the newspaper "VPK". The most significant event in the monetary allowance reform in recent years was the entry into force on January 1, 2012 of the federal law “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them.” In accordance with the mentioned document and the government decree adopted on its basis Russian Federation dated December 5, 2011 No. 992 “On establishing salaries for military personnel undergoing military service under contract”, both the basic amount of military pay and the amount of military pensions increased significantly.

The entry into force of this law was accompanied by unprecedented PR. Firstly, more than a year before the law came into force, public promises began to be made at the highest level (and did not stop until December 2011) to significantly increase the level of pay for military labor, as well as corresponding instructions government agencies and separate officials. Secondly, the very next day after the signing of the mentioned law, the vast majority of the media, including government “ Russian newspaper”, published messages under similar headings: “President Dmitry Medvedev signed the law “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”, “From January 1, 2012, the monetary allowance of military personnel will be increased by 2.5–3 times.”

There is a law, but payments are unclear

At the same time, apparently deliberately (after all, it is difficult to suspect all the journalists who wrote on this topic of incompetence and unfamiliarity with the text of the normative legal act they are reporting on) they kept silent about the fact that the federal law “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them “did not increase wages at all (he only ordered the government of the Russian Federation to establish uniform salary levels for military ranks, salary levels for standard military positions for military personnel serving under contract, and salaries for standard military positions for military personnel serving on conscription). On the contrary, the mentioned law and the federal law “On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation and invalidation individual provisions legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the federal law “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of certain payments to them” and the federal law “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, a number of payments and in-kind payments were canceled benefits for military personnel. Below is a partial list of them. To assess changes in the real amount of remuneration for military labor, it is necessary to calculate not only the change in the absolute value of monetary allowance, but also the value expression of the canceled benefits.

1. The payment to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract who conscientiously perform the duties of military service, based on the results of the calendar (academic) year, of a one-time monetary remuneration in the amount of three salaries in cash, has been cancelled.

2. The payment of a monthly bonus for complexity, tension and special mode military service, which, among other things, served as monetary compensation for previously canceled benefits in kind.

3. The relative size of the percentage bonus for length of service has been significantly reduced, in particular, the duration of service at which this bonus begins to be paid has been increased (from six months to two years) and reduced maximum value(from 70 to 40 percent of salary).

4. In fact, salary bonuses for the positions of associate professor and professor, academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences for military personnel serving in positions of scientific and pedagogical staff of the military have been abolished educational institutions higher professional education. The result was an absurd situation. Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” vocational education"(Clause 5, Article 30) establishes that scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education educational institutions bonuses are paid to official salaries in the amount of 40 percent for the position of associate professor, 60 percent for the position of professor, 3,000 rubles for the academic degree of a candidate of sciences, 7,000 rubles for the academic degree of a doctor of sciences. The Federal Law “On the Salary of Military Personnel and the Provision of Separate Payments to Them” does not contain a prohibition on the payment of the above allowances. However, in fact, they have not been paid since January 1, 2012.

Let us note that, according to available information, this order was issued with the note “For official use”, was not sent to financial authorities, was not communicated to personnel and has not yet been applied in practice (as of June 2012), in connection with this the contents of the order is presented here on the basis of unofficial sources - a certain semblance of the mentioned payments was introduced by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2012 No. 500, namely: when determining the amount of the monthly allowance for special achievements in the service, the presence of an academic degree in a military serviceman is taken into account, as well as the position he holds professor or associate professor. However, it is established that the total amount of the bonus (taking into account the above, as well as all other grounds) cannot exceed one hundred percent of the official salary. Consequently, if a serviceman has the right to establish a bonus for special achievements in service on other grounds (for example, good level physical fitness), then the amount of actual additional payment received for an academic degree and the position of professor and associate professor will be reduced, possibly to zero, so as not to exceed the mentioned limit.

5. Payments for the acquisition of essential property, which were previously made in the amount of up to 12 monthly salaries, have been cancelled. For the military position “Commander of a tank (motorized rifle) platoon” (10th tariff category) and the military rank “Lieutenant”, the payment was 70,764 rubles. If we consider that this benefit was provided once during service, then its size, distributed over 20 years, may seem rather insignificant (about 300 rubles per month of military service).

6. The right to preferential payment for sanatorium-resort treatment and organized recreation in sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, children's health camps, and tourist bases of the Ministry of Defense has been abolished. Previously, military personnel paid 25 percent, and members of their families - 50 percent of the cost of the voucher. At the same time, the payment to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in formations and military units of permanent readiness in positions subject to manning by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, and who entered military service under a contract after January 1, 2004, was canceled instead of providing sanatorium and resort benefits. treatment and organized recreation.

Table 1

The average cost of a trip to a sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense in 2012 is 26,000 rubles. If we assume that in addition to the serviceman, only one family member enjoyed the right to sanatorium-resort treatment, the value of losses as a result of the cancellation of this benefit will be 32,500 rubles per year (75 percent of the cost of the voucher for the serviceman and 50 percent for his family member) or 2708 rubles per month.

7. The annual payment of monetary compensation in the amount of 600 rubles for the serviceman himself and 300 rubles for his spouse and each minor child has been cancelled. For a family with two children, the amount of this payment was 1,500 rubles per year or 125 rubles per month.

8. The annual payment to military personnel to pay for the cost of vouchers for their children aged from six and a half to 15 years inclusive in organizing recreation and health care for children in the amount of up to 10,800 rubles for each child has been cancelled.

9. Payment canceled lump sum benefit upon dismissal of military personnel serving under a contract due to their recognition as unfit for military service due to an illness they received while performing their duties, in the amount of 60 monthly salaries. For military personnel undergoing conscription, the amount of this benefit has been reduced from 133,260 rubles to 50,000.

For example, for a serviceman holding the position of commander of a tank (motorized rifle) battalion and holding the military rank of “Lieutenant Colonel,” the amount of such benefits before January 1, 2012 was 448,260 rubles.

10. Payments for the maintenance of children of military personnel in nurseries have been cancelled. preschool institutions. Previously, its size was 80 percent of the fee paid by parents for the first and second, 90 percent for the third and subsequent children.

11. The right of military personnel performing military service under a contract to travel free of charge to places where they take their main and additional leave has been abolished. At the same time, military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in formations and military units of permanent readiness in positions subject to manning by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, and who entered military service under a contract after January 1, 2004, have been canceled the payment of appropriate monetary compensation.

The right to travel free of charge once a year to the place of use of the main leave and back is reserved for military personnel serving in areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in the territory of the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern regions. federal districts. Even for the above categories, benefits are not fully preserved.

12. The payment to citizens who have a total duration of military service of 15 to 20 years and who were discharged upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events without the right to a pension, monthly social benefits for five years has been cancelled. in the amount of 40 percent of the amount of salary for a total duration of military service of 15 years and an additional three percent of the amount of salary for each year over 15 years. Instead, this category of military personnel continues to receive salary according to their military rank for only a year after dismissal.

We will analyze the losses from the cancellation of this payment using the example of the same average officer holding the position of battalion commander, with the military rank of “Lieutenant Colonel”, who had 18 years of service at the time of dismissal from military service. The amount of the benefit that would have been paid to him before January 1, 2012 was 3,661 rubles per month or 219,647 rubles for the entire statutory five-year period of this payment. This amount must be reduced by the amount provided current legislation payments in the amount of salary according to military rank for a year from the date of dismissal. For the officer in question, its value is 144,000 rubles, that is, the loss will amount to 75,647 rubles.

13. From January 1, 2015, payment of compensation in the amount of actually paid land tax and property tax individuals citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons, or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more.

Currently, there is no reliable information about what the amount of the mentioned taxes will be in 2015.

The abolition of a number of payments that do not have clear goals for their introduction (except for the desire not to increase the size of military pensions while increasing pay), with a simultaneous increase in salaries, is long overdue and cannot be assessed other than positively. This applies to monthly cash incentives, monthly allowances for difficulty, intensity and special regime of military service. The size of the bonus for length of service has also become more balanced (in fact, it returned to those previously established in the USSR Armed Forces and in the 90s in the RF Armed Forces). Salaries according to military position and military rank again became dominant in the composition of monetary allowances.

Therefore, the specified list is presented here only to demonstrate, to put it mildly, the dishonesty or incompetence of many media outlets that announced as a fait accompli a threefold increase in salary a month before the release of the corresponding regulatory documents. There was no real increase in the incomes of many military personnel since January 1, 2012, and in those cases where it did occur, it was neither three-fold nor even doubled, but was measured in percentages comparable to the growth index consumer prices. The average officer's losses from the abolition of a number of in-kind benefits from January 1, 2012 amounted to approximately 9,100 rubles per month (sum of lines 9–16 in Table 2).

Income and benefits

table 2

In further calculations, we will not take into account losses from the cancellation of monthly social benefits for citizens dismissed without the right to a pension, with 15 years of service or more, as well as a one-time benefit upon dismissal of military personnel serving under a contract due to their recognition as unfit for military service on health. The refusal to take into account these payments is explained by the fact that, simultaneously with the abolition of these benefits, the amount of a number of payments was increased within the framework of the mandatory state social insurance life and health of military personnel, as well as the absolute size monthly allowance dismissed without the right to a pension in the amount of salary according to military rank, maintained for a year from the date of dismissal. Without taking into account losses from the abolition of these benefits, the average officer has lost 6,850 rubles per month since January 1, 2012.

Now let’s find out how the total monetary allowance of a serviceman has changed since the specified date. In order not to clutter the material with calculations, we present their results for one average serviceman, whom we considered above. Let us recall that this is a lieutenant colonel serving in the city of Moscow or the Moscow region, with 18 years of service, holding the position of commander of a tank (motorized rifle) battalion, and having two children: a schoolchild and a preschooler.

As of December 2011, his allowance was 60,843 rubles. This includes the following payments:

salary according to military rank (3034 rubles);
salary for a military position (4437 rubles);
monthly bonus for complexity, intensity and special regime of military service (7099 rubles);
monthly cash incentive (4437 rubles);
percentage bonus for length of service (3,736 rubles);
monthly percentage bonus for military personnel admitted to state secrets on an ongoing basis (1,331 rubles);
material aid(1/12 of the annual size - 1245 rubles);
monthly bonus for command (leadership) of military units and military units (400 rubles);
monetary reward for class qualifications (for first class – 355 rubles);
annual financial compensation in the amount of 600 rubles for the serviceman himself and 300 rubles for the spouse of the serviceman and each of his minor children (1/12 of the annual amount - 125 rubles);
bonus for exemplary performance of military duty (1/3 maximum size quarterly bonus– 1868 rubles);
one-time monetary reward for conscientious performance of military service duties (1/12 of the maximum annual remuneration - 1868 rubles);
additional payment provided for by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2010 No. 1010 (in the amount of one third of the calculated amount for the fourth quarter of 2011 - 40,000 rubles).

The amount received was reduced by the amount of personal income tax - 9092 rubles.

The calculation of the monetary allowance received in 2012 was made on the basis of the provisions of the order of the Minister of Defense of December 30, 2011 No. 2700. However, the said order was returned by the Ministry of Justice without state registration(letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 01/17687-DK). In accordance with the rules for the entry into force of regulatory legal acts federal bodies executive power, such an order is not subject to application as it has not entered into force.

As a result, a legal vacuum has now formed. Order of the Minister of Defense of June 30, 2006 No. 200 “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” ceased to comply with regulatory standards legal acts more high level(federal law “On monetary allowances for military personnel and providing them with individual payments” and the decrees of the government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with it), but not formally cancelled. Order of the head of the military department dated December 30, 2011 No. 2700, designed to eliminate existing gaps legal regulation, has not entered into force and, most likely, will not enter into force existing form. The financial authorities of the Armed Forces are currently forced to be guided in their activities in calculating monetary allowances not by current regulatory legal acts, but by telegrams, clarifications, ineffective acts of military administration bodies, in particular the mentioned order of the Minister of Defense of December 30, 2011 No. 2700. Taking into account the above The calculation given here is also based on the contents of the latest order.

On January 1, 2012, the same serviceman began to receive 64,206 rubles. This amount was obtained by taking into account the following components monetary allowance:

salary according to military rank (12,000 rubles);
salary for a military position (24,000 rubles);
percentage bonus for length of service (9,000 rubles);
monetary reward for class qualifications (for first class – 4800 rubles);
monthly supplement for special conditions military service (7200 rubles);
monthly bonus for working with information that constitutes state secret(4800 rubles);
award for conscientious and effective performance job responsibilities(1/3 of the maximum quarterly bonus – 9,000 rubles);
annual financial assistance (1/12 of the annual amount - 3000 rubles).

The total amount is also reduced by the amount of personal income tax (9,594 rubles).

Thus, without taking into account the loss in the value of canceled benefits in kind, the increase in pay since January 1, 2012 for the officer in question amounted to six percent (in December 2011 - 60,843 rubles, in January 2012 - 64,206). If we take into account the losses in the cost of canceled benefits (6,850 rubles), then the total volume social security the number of such servicemen in January 2012 decreased by about six percent compared to December 2011.

Table 1 shows the results of similar calculations for some common military positions. Let us note that for the analysis we selected the positions of commanders of tank (motorized rifle) units undergoing military service in the Moscow region, who do not take part in combat duty and other special events that imply new system monetary allowance additional payment.

As can be seen from the table, the most significant decrease in income occurs for the teaching staff of higher military educational institutions. First of all, this is due to the actual abolition from January 1, 2012 of allowances for the positions of associate professor and professor, the academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science, the academic title of professor and associate professor. If the benefits had not been cancelled, it could be considered that the state showed real concern for its defenders.

Table 2 provides a list social guarantees, abolished between 2002 and 2012, indicating the benefits provided in in kind, their cost expression.

A significant positive change in the payment of military labor has become a very decent level of pay for military personnel performing tasks at risk to life and health, as well as in remote areas. Thus, the commander of a combat unit of a strategic missile submarine cruiser, captain of the 2nd rank, serving in the city of Severomorsk, receives on average 184,300 rubles per month. Unfortunately, if he transfers to serve in military command bodies (the Main Headquarters of the Navy, the General Staff), his salary may be halved. This may be a significant argument for refusing such a translation. Who then will staff the highest bodies of military command: company and battalion commanders from brigades near Moscow?

At the same time, considering the change in the social security system for military personnel from January 1, 2012, one cannot help but note such an undoubtedly positive moment as the long-awaited increase in the size of military pensions. For example, a battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel, who retired with 22 years of service, until 2012 received a pension of 6,903 rubles, and from January 1, 2012, its amount was 14,152 rubles, that is, for such a pensioner from among former military personnel there was a twofold increase in the pension. At the same time, most of the previously available benefits have been retained, only the payment of compensation in the amount of actually paid land tax and property tax for individuals has been canceled (from January 1, 2015).

In addition, an undoubted advantage of the reformed monetary allowance system was the reduction in the corruption component of regulations in this area. In particular, the commander’s right to redistribute large sums money between subordinate military personnel without legally established criteria for such a decision. The previously existing voluntarism in this matter is replaced by a normative establishment of the amounts and conditions of each payment.

The 2018-2020 budget has been submitted to the State Duma and it is already possible to draw the first conclusions about the increase and indexation of military pay and military pensions

First of all, let's talk about military pensions. Along with the budget for 2018-2020, such an inconspicuous and small bill was introduced to the State Duma. It's called:

“On suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" in connection with Federal law“On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020”

It seems like such a harmless name - suspension. The uninitiated man in the street will say, “Well, the law was in a hurry to get somewhere, it was ahead of events, and so it was suspended.” But all military personnel and military pensions have been facing this “suspension” for a long time. Already since 2013.

This is about Part two of Article 43 of the Pension Law, on which all pensions of persons who served in military service or equivalent depend. Here is this part 2:

Part two of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, drug control agenciesand psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Law) stipulates that the specifiedin part one of this article, monetary allowance is taken into account when calculating pensions from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and startingfrom January 1, 2013, increases annually by 2 percent until reaching100 percent of its size. Taking into account the level of inflation (consumer prices) by the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial yearand the planning period, the specified annual increase may be established for the next fiscal year in an amount exceeding 2 percent.

Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 430-FZ “On the suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, drug control agencies” and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018, part two was suspendedArticle 43 of the Pension Law. At the same time, the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating the pension in accordance withwith Article 43 of the Law on Pension Provision, from February 1, 2017 it is 72.23 percent of the amount of the specified monetary allowance (hereinafter referred to as the amount of monetary allowance taken into account for calculating the pension).

The whole point is that this humiliatingly reducing coefficient (as military pensioners and active servicemen themselves called it) somehow last years increased, not even covering inflation, but still increased. And here is what is proposed by the bill submitted to the State Duma with the budget:

The draft federal law “On suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and criminal authorities” executive system, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" in connection with the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020" (hereinafter referred to as the bill, persons who have served in military and equivalent service) is proposed extend the suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law on Pension Security until January 1, 2019, maintaining the amount of monetary allowance taken into account for calculating the pension - 72.23 percent.

The bill will ensure balance federal budget in 2018 - 2020, taking into account actual incoming revenues, the need to implement priority expenditures and minimize the budget deficit in accordance with the basic principles budget system of the Russian Federation, established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

That is, military pensioners are not a priority budget policy. That's how it is!

The bill was prepared in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 192 Budget Code Russian Federation, according to which if in the next financial year and the planning period, the total amount of expenses is insufficient for financial security expenditure obligations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Well, we know this... Our prime minister said it simpler and shorter: THERE IS NO MONEY, BUT YOU HOLD ON!

of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation submits to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal law on changing the dates of entry into force (suspension) in the next financial year and planning period of certain provisions of federal laws that are not provided with sources of financing in the next financial year and (or) planning period.

In connection with the adoption of the federal law “On suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and their families" in connection with the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020" invalidation, suspension, amendment or adoption of other regulatory legal acts not required.

The bill does not contain provisions that contradict the provisions of the Treaty on the Eurasian economic union, as well as the provisions of other international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the solution proposed by the bill will not entail additional expenses from the federal budget, and will not have an impact on the achievement of goals government programs Russian Federation.

In this case, if an increase and indexation of the reduction coefficient for calculating military pensions is not expected, then the possibility of increasing the salaries of military personnel by military position and by military rank may be considered. Indeed, in this case, pensions for military pensioners should also increase. But in the article explanatory note There is not a word about such an increase in the budget.

In this case, for now it turns out that neither the pay nor the pensions of military personnel and military pensioners will be increased. Perhaps, of course, there is a mention of this issue in the secret part of the budget or the relevant State Duma committees will make appropriate amendments, but so far, at the time of the first acquaintance with the budget documents, no traces or mentions of increases and indexations have been found...

Since 2012, according to the “May Decrees”, a systematic increase in wages is planned for all public sector employees, including military personnel. As a result, by 2018, wages in all categories were to increase to 200 percent. For several years, promises were kept and military salaries increased regularly. But due to the crisis, it was announced that military salaries would not be indexed. This situation has been going on for several years. According to latest news The pay of military personnel will be indexed again in 2018.

Calculation of salary in Russia

The opportunity to serve in the army under a contract allowed Russian citizens to find new employment prospects. Of course, oh large amounts At first there is no need to talk, but in the future the figure may become impressive.
Military salaries depend on many factors:

  1. Salary, which is influenced by the rank and position of the military personnel.
  2. Location of the military unit.
  3. Secrecy: its special conditions add 65 percent to the salary.
  4. Qualifying exams, successful completion of which can add 30 percent to your salary.
  5. Risky conditions - here the premium can be 100 percent.
  6. Special achievements, the bonus for which can also be calculated as a 100% bonus.

In addition, a serviceman can receive a bonus of up to 25% of his salary, awarded for excellent service.

A number of allowances provided to the military are related to housing conditions:

  • compensation for rented housing;
  • one-time payments for settling into a new place of residence.

The gradation of military salaries based on rank and position is presented in the following table:

Thus, average salary for a career officer is about fifty thousand rubles.

To find out the approximate salary based on position, allowances and other factors, each military man can use the services of a specially designed calculator. In order to find out the required salary, it is enough to enter the rank, rank and qualifications. And having chosen additional conditions, you can find out the amount of the premium due and additional payments.

How did the increase in military pay occur and what to expect in 2018

In November 2011, a decree was signed according to which wage military personnel increased by 2.5 times. More details about the event in the video:

In 2012, a regulation was adopted on annual indexation. 2014 was marked by the signing of a law on increasing pay for military personnel serving under contract and conscription in the territories of Crimea and Sevastopol
As you know, for several years now, due to the crisis, military salaries have not been indexed. What can military personnel expect from January 1, 2018?

There are conflicting opinions on this matter:

  1. On the one hand, there is a new bill with a special register where all expenditure obligations, executed at the expense budget funds. The document indicates a fixed annual amount salary for the period from 2017 to 2019, from which it can be judged that salary increases in specified years will not be.
  2. On the other hand, presidential elections await us in the spring of 2018, during which it is quite possible to expect from the authorities “ good news» for the military and other segments of the population.

Even if indexation is resumed, its size will not exceed 5-6 percent, i.e. it will correspond to the inflation rate and no more. It is unknown whether such an increase will affect the quality of life of military personnel. But still, something is better than nothing.

A soldier's salary depends on the length of service. In 2017, contract soldiers who have served from 2 to 5 years are entitled to an additional payment of 10% of their salary. People are interested in the question of what additional payments military personnel will receive in 2019. Is it planned increase in long service bonus?

Categories of people entitled to receive additional payments to their salary

The amount of the bonus is affected by the length of service in the armed forces. Recipients of allowances include:

  • contract soldiers who serve in the rank of officer, warrant officer or sergeant;
  • sailors, divers and pilots;
  • people working in the RF Ministry of Defense in civilian positions.

The bonus is paid provided that the soldier has served for at least 2 years. When calculating pensions, length of service in the border, internal and railway troops is taken into account

Employees of the FSB and foreign intelligence agencies can count on payments from the budget. Length of service is used to determine pensions for fire service employees. The salary of employees working in the ITK depends on the length of service.

How long do you need to serve in the armed forces to qualify for a pension?

The person applying for benefits must have served at least 20 years etc. Next year, officials plan increase the minimum length of service to 25 years . In this way, the state gets rid of the need to finance people who take out early retirement.

IN seniority employee includes the following periods:

  • service in the armed forces;
  • work in government agencies;
  • accrual of experience is not interrupted in the event of being captured (provided that the person did not commit illegal actions in relation to one's homeland);
  • time spent in custody due to unfounded charges is included in the term of service;
  • When calculating length of service, specialists take into account the periods of training before entering the service (no more than 5 years).

Important! When calculating additional payments for sailors serving on submarines, an increased coefficient of 1.5 is used. The same procedure for calculating allowances applies to pilots and divers. The use of increased coefficients is associated with dangerous working conditions.

Amount of additional payments

The amount of the bonus depends on the length of service in the RF Armed Forces. An applicant who has served from 2 to 5 years can count on additional payments of 10%. To receive a 15% bonus, you must serve from 5 to 10 years. More serious amounts are intended for people who have given 10 to 15 years to their homeland. The state pays an additional 20% to this category of military personnel.

For example, a serviceman retired from the armed forces. His salary was 11 thousand rubles. He receives a monthly rank payment of 9 thousand rubles. The man served in the army for 21 years and 2 months. In 2017, the military personnel are entitled to an additional payment of 30%.

From here, monthly bonus for long service will be:

(11,000 + 9,000) x 30% = 6,000 rub.

Table for calculating long service bonus by year

How are bonuses calculated for people working in the Russian Defense Ministry in civilian positions?

The state pays such citizens additional amounts every month. Moreover, the size of the allowance depends on the length of service of the employee who works for the RF Ministry of Defense.

Features of registration and calculation of allowances

The amount of pay for a contract employee increases in accordance with the length of service.

This applies not only to military personnel. People working in civilian positions can count on increased payments. The procedure for applying for an allowance is carried out on the basis of an order from the unit commander. For each group of military personnel, the state establishes certain period


Women have the right to obtain documents at the age of 45. Military personnel promoted to captain retire at age 55. Privates must serve 50 years in the army. High command can retire at age 65.

  1. The monetary allowance consists of several parts:
  2. The salary amount, which is established in accordance with the rank and position.

Additional payments for length of service are calculated taking into account the length of service in the RF Armed Forces. When calculating the allowance, specialists are guided by Art. 13 of the law on the status of military personnel. To calculate the amount of the premium, you can use a calculator. It already contains coefficients that relate to the monetary allowance of military personnel.

The peculiarity of long-service bonuses is that they are not expressed in specific amounts. An increase in a soldier's salary occurs due to changes in interest rates. Their value depends on the length of service in the armed forces.

The maximum bonus is given to contract soldiers who have served more than 25 years. Moreover, for some categories the amount of additional payments is calculated taking into account the increased coefficient. People who serve on warships can count on increased pay.

Important! The amount of benefits for former military personnel depends on length of service. However, they have the right to receive a bonus only if their length of service reaches 20 years. Next year the state intends to tighten requirements for pensioners. The minimum length of service will be 25 years.

Increase in long service bonus in 2019

The budget deficit caused a sharp reduction in the amount of funding for the former military. Salary indexation was frozen for 5 years. Next year, military retirees will receive good news. Officials decided to resume the procedure for increasing salaries by 4%. In 2017, a sergeant’s salary is 30 thousand rubles. The lieutenant receives 2 times more. The income of a lieutenant colonel reaches 90 thousand rubles.

Increase in bonus for length of service is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 306, which describes the procedure for calculating monetary allowances. The salary depends on the rank and position held by the contract employee.

carried out taking into account the length of service in the armed forces. The planned pension increase will not affect all applicants. Will be increased next year regulatory period services. The government is taking measures to reduce the costs of early payments. In 2017, the minimum length of service for retirement is 20 years. To receive a military pension in 2019, you will have to serve at least 25 years. The essence pension reform

is to reduce the budget deficit. What will it be long service bonus for military personnel in 2019 year? Because of in the country, the inflation rate is high, and fluctuations in the currency market are forcing Russian citizens to think about whether they should expect an increase in allowances next year. Applicants will be required to serve for at least 2 years. After this, the serviceman will be able to receive an additional 10% of his base salary. Thanks to changes in interest rates, the state will achieve an increase in payments for military personnel.

To raise the standard of living of people, the state pays extra money for good physical training. Military personnel also receive a bonus for secrecy. In 2017 it is 65% of the salary. A project to increase long-service bonuses is under consideration by the Government.

Important! Amendments to Law No. 306-FZ will be made during 2017. Already in January, new rules regarding the procedure for calculating additional payments for length of service will come into force.

Information from the draft law concerning the increase in bonuses for length of service

The government plans to change interest rates, which are used when calculating bonuses for length of service. Persons who have served from 6 months to 1 year will be able to receive an additional 5% of their salary. With 1 to 2 years of service, a contract employee will receive a 10% bonus. People who have served from 2 to 5 years will receive additional payments of 25% next year.

Service in the RF Armed Forces from 5 to 10 years entitles you to receive a bonus of 40%. To achieve a 45% bonus, you must serve from 10 to 15 years. Military personnel will have the right to receive 50% of their salary if they serve from 15 to 20 years. The state will pay an additional 55% monthly to people with 20 to 22 years of work experience.

How many years did the soldier serve, yearsInterest rate that is applied when calculating the premium, %
Up to a year5
From 1 to 2 years10
From 2 to 5 years25
From 5 to 1040
From 10 to 1545
From 15 to 2050
From 20 to 2255
From 22 to 2565
Over 25 years70


Next year, officials plan to tighten requirements for length of service. Contract workers will have to serve 25 years to qualify for a pension. The government plans to change the procedure for calculating bonuses. A new version Law No. 306-FZ will come into force on January 1, 2019. The increase in additional payments will affect all categories of military personnel.

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