Military mortgage interest. The best banks to turn to for a military mortgage

Contract soldiers and officers who previously took out a military mortgage with a high interest rate (up to 14–16% per annum) will be able to renegotiate the terms of the contracts. They will have the opportunity to reduce the rate to the current market level (currently approximately 9%). The Ministry of Defense has prepared a corresponding package of documents. Experts believe that such a revision is consistent with the principle of fairness and will ease the mortgage burden for hundreds of thousands of military personnel and their families.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation told Izvestia that the department has developed a draft government decree changing the rules of military mortgages. The document is currently at the stage of interdepartmental approvals.

268 thousand rubles per year

The military mortgage program was launched in 2005. Today this is the main form of providing housing for military personnel. Over the past period, transactions have been concluded to purchase residential premises for a total amount of more than 600 billion rubles.

A savings account is opened for a military member participating in the program. There monthly in equal shares funds are transferred from federal budget. In 2018, the amount of annual payments will be 268.5 thousand rubles.

Payments under the program are made until the end of the officer's or contract soldier's service in the Department of Defense. Over 25 years, you can accumulate more than 6.7 million rubles in this way.

But if a serviceman needs housing, then after three years or more he can enter into a mortgage agreement with one of the banks. The amount accumulated by this time is used as a down payment. Subsequently, the money that comes from the budget is transferred monthly to the bank account to pay the loan and interest.

In 2014–2015, housing loans for military personnel were issued at 14–16% per annum. However, from December 2014 to the present, the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has decreased from 17 to 7.25%. Rates fell along with it mortgage loans for ordinary citizens. Now you can get them at 9% per annum .

The interest rate for a military mortgage is higher - about 12%. Last year, the Ministry of Defense for the first time faced a situation where officers began to postpone the purchase of an apartment until the end of their service. Thus, they try not to spend the money they are entitled to on paying bank interest.

Now military personnel who took out loans several years ago under high interest rates, cannot revise their terms. The new regulation will allow them to refinance their mortgages. It won't require additional expenses from the federal budget.

Rosvoenipoteka has a say

According to the draft resolution, in order to review the terms of the mortgage, a serviceman will need to contact one of the banks, where they will select a refinancing scheme for him. After this, you will need to obtain loan approval from the federal state government institution “Rosvoenipoteka” - it controls the targeted spending public funds according to the relevant state program.

To do this, the serviceman will need to provide a package of documents: a new mortgage agreement with the bank, a repayment schedule, a copy of his passport and details bank account, open for transactions with funds housing loan.

Rosvoenipoteka has the right to refuse to revise the terms mortgage agreement in case of provision of an incomplete package of documents or their incorrect execution.

Savings of almost a million

Young lieutenants often took out a mortgage without thinking about the conditions, believing that all expenses were borne by the state, Oleg Zherdev, a member of the Russian association of law enforcement agencies Gvardiya, told Izvestia. - But now they began to understand that they were losing their own money. Naturally, they want to renegotiate the terms of the contracts.

Reducing the rate from 13 to 9% for a loan of 3 million rubles for 10 years allows you to save about 900 thousand rubles, the Inkom-Real Estate agency told Izvestia. The new conditions will allow military personnel to purchase more spacious and high-quality housing for the same money.

Mortgage interest rates will continue to fall if there is a cut key rate Central Bank, managing director for retail products Absolut Bank Anton Pavlov.

"Rosvoenipoteka" together with a number of financial organizations is already developing refinancing schemes. The press services of Sberbank and Otkritie Bank told Izvestia that they are preparing new credit products. Natalya Karaseva, director of the retail business development department of Svyaz-Bank, said that this organization has already reduced rates on military mortgage up to 9.5% per annum. Gazprombank reduced it to 9%.

More than 200 thousand families

In December 2017, Russian army captain Kirill Egorov became the 200,000th client of Rosvoenipoteka. The officer serves in the Moscow region, but purchased an apartment in St. Petersburg. Existing legislation makes it possible to purchase housing in any region of the country. Therefore, after retirement, military personnel often move from remote garrisons to their small homeland or to cities with a population of over a million. In total, the state program affected up to half a million military personnel and members of their families.

Welcome! Today we’ll talk about what a military mortgage is and how it has changed: terms of provision in 2019. Read the post to the end and you will find out all the details.

The conditions for providing military mortgages did not change too much in 2019 - this is a program for monetizing the procedure for providing preferential housing to military personnel. In 2004, it was adopted in this area the federal law from 20.12. 2004 N 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system housing provision military personnel." Over the past 12 years, the law has been changed and supplemented many times, and since January 1, 2016, it has completely replaced the allocation of living space in kind.

The main difference between the military mortgage program and the previous system is that now a soldier can get housing much faster than before. Already 3 years after joining the service, a serviceman can write an application, draw up documents for a mortgage and move into a new one.

Representatives of those federal bodies executive power, where there is military service. These are the Ministry of Defense, FSB, FSO, Rosgvardia and some others. As of the end of 2016, more than 320 thousand military personnel are participating in the savings mortgage system (NIS) program. Of these, more than 117 thousand have already purchased housing using a military mortgage.

So, what is a military mortgage?

The savings mortgage system includes two components:

  • storage part;
  • credit part.

The savings part consists of annual cash contributions, which are transferred once a year to the serviceman’s personal savings account. In recent years, the value of these deductions has been more than 200 thousand rubles per year. By law, this value is subject to indexation in accordance with inflation. Unfortunately, such indexing was not carried out in 2016.

For military mortgages, the conditions for granting in 2019 provide for an increase in the amount of deductions from today’s 260 thousand rubles to 280,009.7 rubles.

The second part is a bank mortgage loan. Currently there are about a hundred credit institutions accredited to participate in the military mortgage program. Among them are the country's largest banks: Sberbank, VTB24, Svyaz-Bank, Zenit, Gazprombank, RNKB, IZhK Agency, Bank RUSSIA.

The conditions for obtaining a loan from banks are market ones, but due to state support, military borrowers are considered more reliable by banks, and the conditions for military mortgages in 2019 are such that interest rates are offered 2-3 percentage points lower than usual.

Requirements for a military personnel

There are two types of participation in the military mortgage or NIS program:

  • on a mandatory basis;
  • on a voluntary basis.

Indispensable or automatic participation The NIS program is provided for all officers and warrant officers who first signed a long-term contract for service after 01/01/2005.

To obtain a military mortgage, these officers do not even need to write an application. They are guaranteed to become participants in the program. Already now, most of the officers are participating in the NIS, and in 7-8 years almost everyone will be involved in it.

The opportunity to voluntarily participate can be used by:

  • reserve officers who served under a contract concluded later than 01/01/2005;
  • private and non-commissioned military personnel who entered into the 2nd contract for service in armed forces after January 1, 2005;
  • warrant officers who, as of January 1, 2005, have already been in contract service for at least three years;
  • graduates of military universities who graduated from the educational institution before January 1, 2005 and signed a contract for service after training.

Representatives of this second, voluntary category, to participate in the NIS program must submit an application, fill out a form, attach Required documents, receive a decision on inclusion in the NIS program.

For military personnel participating in the NIS, savings accounts are opened, to which funds are subsequently transferred for the purchase of housing.

An important innovation for 2016: now military spouses can pool the funds of their savings accounts and spend it on buying an apartment or house that will be located in joint ownership spouses.

Requirements for the property

If the requirements for participants in the NIS program are determined by the state, then the requirements for objects financed under the military mortgage program are determined mainly by the bank issuing the loan. The state requirement is that housing must be purchased. That is, a house with land plot You can buy with a military mortgage, but you can’t just buy a plot of land. Banks are ready to lend to three types of objects:

The most popular option is purchasing a new building. This is due to the fact that military mortgages involve objects built by accredited developers. Moreover, accreditation is carried out jointly by the creditor bank and the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka”.

Often a serviceman buys an object in a different region than where he is serving. More than half of the applications come from the Moscow region. In this case, engaging an accredited developer becomes almost no alternative.

It is very difficult, being thousands of kilometers from the site, to check the legal purity and degree of deterioration of a secondary facility or the progress of work on the construction of a detached residential building. And in the case of a new building from a well-known developer, there is floor plan, the location of the house is known, the presence of infrastructure, proven in practice standard contract, a group of housemates. The presence of what is called “good practice” and the absence of “skeletons in the closet”.

The second group is less numerous and is in demand among those borrowers who buy housing at the place of service for immediate occupancy. In this case, the borrower often independently or with the help of a realtor selects an option, and the bank gives or does not give its approval.

As a rule, the bank requires that it be a separate apartment-type housing with a kitchen and bathroom, that the house is not in disrepair, and that the floors be reinforced concrete. The apartment should not be mortgaged, no one should be registered in it.

The third group of objects, lending for which was allowed only in 2012, is the least popular. This is the most expensive group. In order to purchase a house with a plot, even with a military mortgage, you need to invest very significant personal funds. Requirements for the property include the possibility of year-round living and the presence of an access road. The house, of course, should not have any encumbrances.

Choosing a mortgage bank

BankBid, %Amount, thousand rublesPV, %Rate on finished housing, %Note
AHML9 2410 20 9
Bank Russia10,4 2270 10 10,4
VTB 249,3 2435 15 10 if leaving NIS rate + 0.3%
Gazprombank9,5 2330 20 9,5
Bank Zenith9,9 2800 20 9,9 It is possible to get a mortgage of up to 5 million under a special Family program. In the sampo complex the rate is 9.5
Bank opening10 2300 20 10
RNKB9,5 2300 10 9,5
RosselkhozBank10,75 2230 10 10,75
Sberbank9,5 2330 15 9,5
Svyaz Bank10,9 2220 20 10,9
Absalut Bank9,5 2900 20 9,5
Bank "Saint-Petersburg10,9 2200 15 10,9
Uralsib10,6 2600 20 10,6

An important advantage of the NIS program is the ability to choose a bank to suit your taste. The largest banks offer comparable, but not identical, loan terms.


Sberbank is the largest and oldest bank country, and enjoys a reputation for reliability. Sberbank has a voluminous portfolio of offers for every credit taste.

The bank provides military loans in rubles for the purchase of new or secondary buildings:

  • interest rate: 11.75%;
  • loan amount: up to 2,050,000 rubles.

Receiving a loan does not require confirmation of solvency, there is no requirement compulsory insurance borrower.

VTB 24-Bank of Moscow

VTB 24-Bank of Moscow has a developed network of partners among the largest developers and real estate companies. The conclusion of an agreement is possible not only in the bank’s office, but also in the offices of partners. VTB 24 partners often offer clients special programs and discounts. It issues loans to the military for the purchase of real estate under construction or in the secondary market:

  • loan interest - from 12.1%;
  • PV - from 15% of the cost of the apartment;
  • mortgage size - 2.01 million.

In case of withdrawal from the NIS, an increase in the interest rate on the loan is provided. The mortgage term is up to 14 years, but it must be repaid by the borrower’s 45th birthday.


Gazprombank, under the Military Mortgage program, offers loans for finished objects and for construction under the DDU. loans are offered on the following terms:

  • PV - from 20%;
  • term - up to 25 years;
  • rate - 11.75%;
  • maximum loan amount - 2.0 million rubles.

Under the “Military Mortgage with State Support” program at Gazprombank you can get a loan at 10.6% per annum. However, at the same time, the down payment will increase to 50%, and the loan term will be reduced to 7 years.

The breakdown of the 10 largest banks was discussed in the previous post.

Thus, if you are interested, first of all, in the interest rate, your choice is Gazprombank, if the down payment is low, Sberbank will suit you, and if you need discounts from partners, then VTB 24.

Registration of a mortgage

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage for military personnel involves several stages:

  1. Joining NIS. Allocation of a savings account.
  2. Selecting a credit institution.
  3. Selection of housing. Compliance check.
  4. Registration of a targeted housing loan (CHL).
  5. Signing a mortgage agreement with the bank and special agreements with Rosvoenipoteka, the insurer and construction organization or the home owner.

At the first stage, a reserve officer or warrant officer who wishes to become a member of the NIS and has the right to do so writes a report. Registration of participation in the NIS for active officers is carried out automatically. The command enters the data of potential NIS participants into the register, creates a personal participant card and sends lists to the command.

The higher authority checks the lists and forwards them to the registration authority - the Housing Department. After a positive decision is made, each NIS participant is sent a written notification about the assignment of an individual number, a savings account is opened and money is transferred to it.

The serviceman receives the right to spend funds after three years. Whether to start spending it or continue saving it is up to everyone to decide for themselves. When the decision to take out a mortgage is made, the stage of choosing a bank and a property begins. The choice of object must be agreed with the bank.

After approval, you can move on to the next stage - registration of the CLP. To do this, you need to prepare all the documents and write a report to the commander. Documents must be prepared in advance, because after submitting the report, you will have six months to complete the entire procedure. If you miss this deadline, the paperwork will have to start again.

If you have not missed the deadline, read the entire package of documents carefully, consult with friends and acquaintances, realtors and lawyers, and consult on the Internet. Having figured everything out, prepare a fountain pen, sign a package of documents and rejoice - the housing is almost yours, live in good health.

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Government Russian Federation has long raised the issue of quality housing for defenders of the Fatherland and their families. Exactly housing issue, surpassed in demand even pension reforms And salaries, called the most pressing issue among military personnel. During recent years The housing problem was solved by a construction program for the military. One of the ways of such assistance was the provision of preferential housing on a first-come, first-served basis. However, this method forced people to wait ten, twenty or more years, which did not completely solve the problem of housing provision. In 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense decided to completely curtail construction program. Now from 01/01/2014 the Russian military instead residential areas will receive government cash subsidies(EDV). And in order to reduce the “waiting mode” and at the same time slightly reduce the list of military personnel in the queue for housing (at the end of 2013 there were more than 60 thousand military personnel in the queue), deputies supported a law according to which Russian military personnel can receive a mortgage loan and, as a result, quickly get an apartment or house. To help the military there will be a cash allowance from the EDV. Thus, the Ministry of Defense plans to fully satisfy the requests of the entire queue by the end of 2019.

Let's look into the details of a military mortgage in the current 2019: what is EDV?

EDV is the amount of money state aid, the intended purpose of which is the acquisition or improvement living conditions, intended for issuance to each military personnel who has just received the right to this allowance next year.

The amount of assistance is determined by the length of service, rank, number of dependents and the presence of honorary merits or insignia: from 3,000,000 rubles for military personnel without a family, whose service life is from three years to 13,500,000 rubles for military personnel with over 25 years of service and three dependents.

The emergence of such state subsidies for a large segment of the population could not but affect the state of the real estate market. Capital realtors, in particular, are afraid of an artificial rise in housing prices. However, against the background of small and stagnation, market fluctuations are insignificant.

Military personnel can still take advantage of the preferential mortgage program for the purchase of housing, where EDV will also play an important role.

Military mortgage: essence and advantages

In short, the essence of a mortgage for the military is that the bank issues a loan for three years at a set interest rate (from 8.5% to 11.25% per annum), and every year participants in this program are credited with a certain amount of funds from outside states. Upon expiration banking contract, the accrued funds can be used to repay a housing loan or pay off the down payment. IN this moment most responsible credit institutions Sberbank of Russia, as well as VTB-24 Bank, are recognized as participating in the mortgage program for military personnel. They offer the most optimal rates, which are also approved at the state level.

The advantages of a mortgage for military personnel are:

  • transition to preferential lending from the “natural” method of providing housing. Due to the fact that this is extremely beneficial for the state, in the foreseeable future the provision of housing for the Russian military may completely switch to this system;
  • independent choice of housing. If until recently military personnel could not choose an apartment or house of their liking (the state did this for them), now the choice lies entirely with the participant mortgage program: You can settle in a new house or outside the city - whatever your heart desires. Moreover, the conditions are such that each borrower can even choose the region of residence at his own discretion;
  • expanding the list of employees who can participate in the program and, as a result, receive funds from the state to pay for a new apartment;
  • government payments that are the same for all levels and ranks, indexed every year. Since the beginning of the program, the amount of state assistance has increased six times, moving ever upward.

Mortgage size for military personnel in 2019

So, for all military personnel in the current year 2019, there is a fixed amount of the savings contribution. Its size is 245 880 Russian rubles. Compared to 2016, this figure increased by 5.5 percent. This is not a very big increase, and financiers note that for all 11 years of the mortgage program this year in terms of growth in military mortgage ratios, it is one of, oddly enough, the most unsuccessful. From the table below it follows that growth below this level was observed only in 2010.

Disadvantages of a military mortgage

Like any other program, mortgages for military personnel have several disadvantages:

  • you need to wait three years until you are given the opportunity to get a mortgage for your home;
  • the list of program participants is somewhat limited, although it concerns a fairly wide range of military personnel;
  • The state limited the maximum possible loan amount. This means that obtaining a mortgage does not always provide an opportunity to buy real estate. specified quality or the area the family needs.

Who can participate in the program (take out a military mortgage?)

List of participants military mortgage quite extensive. This:

  1. Russian employees who received the first rank after the law came into force, that is, in 2005;
  2. military personnel who served under contract before the specified date;
  3. warrant officers, officers and midshipmen who entered service from the reserve and whose service life after the adoption of the law is more than three years;
  4. soldiers, sailors, petty officers and sergeants who, after 2005, entered into a contract to enter the service and, accordingly, expressed a desire to take part in the loan program.

Mortgage innovations for military personnel in 2019 (report)

Every year in military mortgage system Some points change: banks set new interest rates, the state, that is, civil, side also dictates new conditions for the provision of services. Since 2014, the program has undergone a number of changes:

  • It is in 2014 that the state intends to finally abandon the distribution of real estate in kind. New buildings or Khrushchev buildings, private houses or apartments - all this will now be chosen by a military family;
  • funds accrued by the state for new mortgage, now you can spend at your discretion;
  • The size of payments will change depending on the region and the chosen area of ​​housing. At the same time, the creditors’ report states that the amount bank loan will remain the same. The loan size will be a maximum of 2.4 million rubles, a minimum of 300 thousand.

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These are the conditions mortgages for the military Russian Federation in 2019.

The conditions of the Military Mortgage, which appeared back in 2005, are being improved from year to year. This is proven by the gradual increase in the number of Military Mortgage partner banks, as well as the annual increase in the size of state annual savings contributions. Thus, military personnel included in the NIS in 2005-2008, in 2017, while maintaining the level of profitability of NIS funds at the level of 2015-2016, will additionally receive at least 500 thousand rubles into their personal account, taking into account income from investing NIS funds.

The amounts of Military Mortgage broken down by year allow us to understand the principle of formation of military personnel’s savings for housing and see the whole picture.

  • In 2005, when contract soldiers first learned about the Military Mortgage mechanism, the state set the final annual contribution at 37,000 rubles.
  • In 2006, 40,600 rubles were credited from the budget to the account of each participant in the system.
  • In 2007, the Government again revised the amount of the annual contribution, increasing it to 82,800 rubles.
  • A year later, in 2008, the contribution amount was increased to 89,900 rubles.
  • The size of the contribution almost doubled in 2009, when the amount allocated for each participant increased to 168,000 rubles.
  • The next year there was an increase in the amount again, which in 2010 reached 175,600 rubles.

    Related materials

    • In 2011 there was an increase, although not very significant. Then the contribution amount increased to 189,800 rubles.
    • In 2012, the state allocated 205,200 rubles as an annual contribution for NIS participants.
    • In 2013, the Government again revised the contribution amount to 222,000 rubles.
    • In 2014, the state apparatus allocated 233,100 rubles to defenders of the Fatherland.
    • In 2015, NIS participants received 245,880 rubles in their personal accounts.
    • , due to economic situation in the country, the Government decided to keep the annual contribution at the 2015 level. Therefore, the amount of contributions in 2016 is equal to the amount of contributions in 2015.
    • The savings contribution was indexed higher than the predicted level, which is insignificant, but compensated for the under-indexation of the contribution in 2016, and amounted to 260,141 rubles.
    • The savings contribution was approved in the amount of RUB 268,465.60.

    Every year, the contribution is indexed based on official inflation data, so the amount of the contribution, even if it has not been increased by the state, will not decrease.

    This rule is fixed in current legislation about the savings-mortgage system.

    In addition to monthly (annual) receipts to a personal account Money from the budget of the Russian Federation, also credited to the account additional income from investing military personnel's funds.

    In nominal terms, these amounts are very significant and are a powerful argument when considering various options for using NIS funds for the purpose of maximum efficiency.

    In particular, the table below shows, as of January 1, 2016, the amount of income from trust management of military personnel’s money.

    Year of origin
    rights to participate in NIS
    Range investment income,
    depends on the month of inclusion in the system (thousand rubles)
    2005 652-685
    2006 610-642
    2007 553-606
    2008 442-540
    2009 346-442
    2010 258-343
    2011 183-249
    2012 111-178

    Military mortgage. Contribution scheme

    Contributions are accrued to participants' accounts according to two schemes.

    Increasing the account of NIS participants who did not buy housing (those who did not conclude a CZH agreement before December 31, 2015), occurs on a monthly basis. Each participant receives 1/12 of the total annual amount into their account once a month.

    In addition to monthly contributions, each participant’s account receives a quarterly amount of investment income.

    For those participants who purchased real estate before December 31, 2015, the annual contribution is immediately credited to their account at the beginning of the year - a lump sum, which means an increase in the total average amount savings involved in trust management and accordingly affects the increase total amount received by military personnel from investing NIS funds.

The parameters stated by the Mortgage Agency were also taken into account housing lending(AHML).

Rating criteria.

  • 16 graduates stated that their priority indicator is the bank loan rate for military mortgages;
  • 12 - loan size;
  • 10 - size down payment.

These proportions of respondents (in percentage) were taken to determine the weighting coefficients for the calculated parameters in the rating formula.

The remaining six young officers named (1-2 respondents each) the following priorities:

  • provision by the bank of services for the selection and assessment of purchased housing;
  • additional issuance by the bank consumer loan when applying for a mortgage;
  • the ability to use a personal online account on the bank’s website;
  • refusal to insure the purchased property.

Due to the small number of respondents who indicated these indicators as priorities, they were not taken into account in the rating formula.

Globex Bank offers good conditions military mortgage

Not a single respondent mentioned the possibility of using an online military mortgage calculator on the bank’s website or a button to submit an online application for a military mortgage. However, experience shows that in practice these options are often used and are useful to loan applicants. Therefore, for the presence of a calculator or an online application button on the bank’s website, it was decided to add an additional 10% to the calculated rating indicator.

R = 1000 (S0.75/p) * v-0.65 * (1+c+z), Where

S- maximum size military mortgage loan;

p- bank rates for military mortgages in 2017;

v - percentage of the down payment on the mortgage;

c is an indicator of the presence of an online calculator on the website. Takes values:

  • 0.1 - if you have a calculator,
  • 0 - if there is no calculator

z - indicator of the presence of an online application button on the bank’s website; also takes values ​​0,1 or 0 depending on the presence or absence of a button.

Rating of banks providing military mortgages

Name of the bank Maximum amount of military mortgage, million rubles* Military mortgage rate, %* Down payment, % of the cost of the purchased property* Online calculator** Online application** R
Globex 2,20 9,5 10 + 46,83
RNKB 2,22 10,9 10 + + 44,82
Sberbank of Russia 2,50 9,5 15 + + 43,20
Rosselkhozbank 2,23 10,75 10 + 41,80
VTB 24 2,29 9,7 15 + + 39,61
"Opening" 2,24 10 20 + + 31,35
Gazprombank 2,33 9,5 20 + 31,15
AHML 2,41 9 20 30,66
"Zenith" 30,42 9 20 + 30,42
Svyazbank 2,22 10,9 20 + 28,57
"Absolute" 2,22 10,9 15 28,70
"Russia" 2,27 10,4 20 25,37

* The data indicated in the table is valid as of October 25, 2017.

** The table presented above was compiled by reviewing the websites of relevant financial and credit institutions. It was taken into account that if the expert we hired for this study could not find an online order button or an online calculator on the website page dedicated to military mortgages, the values ​​of the corresponding coefficients were taken equal to “0”. If these tools are present on sites, what use are they if even an expert cannot find them?

Thus, the TOP 5 banks providing military mortgages:

  1. Globex
  2. Sberbank
  3. Rosselkhozbank
  4. VTB 24.

From this list it is clear that the TOP 5 includes banks that take a down payment when buying a home with a mortgage in the amount of 10% or 15%.

Conclusion: low rate The down payment on a mortgage is an important competitive advantage in the mortgage market.

What to do if the bank refuses to issue a military mortgage

A bank’s refusal to issue a loan on a military mortgage can occur for the same reasons that banks refuse to issue conventional mortgage loans:

  • the borrower did not submit a complete package of documents to the bank;
  • provided incorrect information in the documents.

These mistakes are easy to correct: collect the missing papers, clarify the information.

It's worse if the borrower has a bad credit history. For example, I took out a loan while studying at a university and did not pay it back.

There is no other option but to pay debts, fines and appear before the bank again with a clean bill of health. credit history, No.

The bank will refuse to issue mortgage loan, if you are going to use it to buy housing from close relatives. Such an act is considered fraud, a waste of budget funds.

Refusal for a military mortgage becomes a heavy blow for a serviceman

Most banks themselves undertake the search for housing for a participant in the Savings and Mortgage System. The purchase of housing under construction is made only from construction organizations accredited by the bank.

There are also specific types of refusals that are unique to military mortgages.

Boris G., an officer aged 44, applied for a military mortgage to one of the banks in St. Petersburg. And I was refused, because... The bank provides military mortgage loans only to applicants under the age of 41.

The fact is that NIS payments are made until the program participant reaches 45 years of age (retirement due to age). And the bank considered that during the remaining 2 years of service, Boris G. would not have time to receive sufficient NIS payments to repay the loan he needed.

There is only one way out of this situation: take out a regular mortgage loan.

Another case: a certain Alexander S., serving in Krasnodar, committed an offense for which he was put under investigation. At this time the bank was considering itmilitary mortgage application.

When the bank received information that Alexander S. would appear in court and was facing dismissal from service, the bank refused to lend to him. The reason is that NIS is stopping payments to military personnel dismissed from service for committing crimes, and Alexander S. simply will not have the funds to make loan payments.

This situation cannot be corrected.