Investment in your business. Investing in business - advantages, disadvantages, types, main investment options

This section reflects the requests of potential investors considering the possibility participation in an investment project on the territory of the Moscow region.

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You can also familiarize yourself with the ones already proposed for implementation. investment projects in the Moscow region by going to the section "I propose an investment project".

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We know how to attract investment in your projects.
We help our clients solve the most pressing financial questions related to the financing of any business projects. Feel free to get in touch if you are missing financial resources for the implementation of your projects. A dedicated team is ready to provide investment solutions by connecting you with potential investors.
WhatsApp only: + 7-926-745-72-17

Investment capital available for projects real sector economy and trade (export-import), socially significant initiatives in the field of ecology and health care, culture, education, tourism.
We have reliable connections with foreign financial institutions interested in projects on the territory Russian Federation and CIS countries providing capital for favorable terms by a simplified procedure, as in the form investment loan, and in the form of joint ventures with equity participation financial partner up to 100% of the project cost.
Capital is provided at a rate not exceeding world indicators (3-4% per annum), with a moratorium for the development period investment capital(up to 3 years old).
Terms of organizing financing, depending on the degree of readiness project documentation, 1.5-2 months.
Direct contacts with those who make decisions on the provision of capital, reduce the time of workflow and minimize the risks of refusal to finance.
We provide support for the project at all stages of the transaction, from placing an application for project financing to organizing and holding a working meeting to sign an investment contract.
Applications for the provision of services are accepted from new (created for the project) or existing companies that have objective grounds for obtaining investment capital, have realistic plans for the implementation of the project, owning the initial capital to cover the costs of the organizational period, not less than USD / EUR 50-70,000.
For questions and suggestions, please email: [email protected], for skype negotiations: a.rishad1, mobile phone, WhatsApp, Viber + 79273369267

For a business that has existed for more than 2 years and has a stable turnover, we offer loans from private investors through investment platforms. Loan terms - up to 12 months, approximate rate, taking into account platform commission - 32-35% per year. The loan amount is comparable to the monthly turnover (up to 10 million rubles); if the equipment is pledged, the amount can be increased. For medium-sized businesses, unsecured loans can be issued through factoring, overdraft, bond loans (amounts are limited only financial capacity your company). We work all over Russia, except for the Caucasus, Crimea and the Far East.

Large-scale modernization of production, development of the agro-industrial complex (pig farms, poultry farms, cattle complexes, recirculating aquaculture systems), get the latest equipment and technologies of the XXI century, expand capacities, purchase equipment, build multi-story houses, new workshops or complete turnkey factories (from 5 million euros).

The investment project itself can be considered as the main collateral for the loan.

We work on the territory of Russia and the CIS (except for Ukraine).

Investments and loans in real sector projects

We consider projects from the real sector: production, energy, agriculture, construction of transport and logistics complexes and others.

Interesting projects from 0.1 to 1.5 billion rubles, in general. We can consider larger ones.

The profitability of the project is from 20% per annum in rubles and above.

We provide assistance in attracting financing for business projects in the field of oil refining.
Funding volume from $ 100M - $ 20B +
Term investment project: 5-15 years, depending on the investment program.
Return rate> 25% (IRR).
For the sake of purity and openness of the business, projects are accepted for consideration of financing issues, preferably an existing business, at least three years on the market, without mixing capital investments of several financial institutions... We also take over the functions of Project consulting & Credit broker & Financial provider. Financing of Start-Up projects is possible.

We invite the Initiators of large investment projects (production, high technology, pharmaceuticals, ecology, energy ...) on the basis of existing enterprises that need their financing to strategic cooperation!
Loans up to 10 years from one of the largest Russian banks.
To start interaction:
-financial model, business plan. It is advisable to have third-party income to repay the loan (not necessary, individually, each project, there are no special conditions)

We are also ready to arrange loans secured by commercial properties with a working rental business
Bank analyzes financial flows that generates commercial property... 30-40% discount on the deposit.
Loan terms - up to 10 years. Rate 11-12.5% ​​(currently)

Amounts of 300,000,000 rubles or more are considered

Terms of cooperation in personal correspondence with interested parties.

Initially send your requests to the mail: [email protected]

Projects of any activity are accepted for consideration, incl. financing of long-term commercial transactions.
Loan for a period of 5-10 years, at 4% per annum, a moratorium on interest and loan payments 12-24 months
The organizational period is 2-3 months, we provide consulting support on a paid basis.
Details when contacting the client.

Our company "Capital Plus" offers direct investment and soft loans for business.
Our partners include leading Russian and foreign investment companies, AAA rating funds.

Basic financing conditions:
Projects from the real sector of the economy are being considered.
Collateral - the investor's entrance to share capital for a period of 3 to 5 years. Exit from projects is carried out by selling a stake to a strategic partner (initiator) or through an IPO.
Having a profitable and financially stable business with growth potential, a strong management team, and a transparent ownership structure. The company is at the "Development" or "Expansion" stage. Minimum amount transactions - 300 million rubles.

For startups and enterprises with low turnover, investment loans are possible, subject to the participation of the initiator or his financial partner in the project, own funds in the amount of at least 20% of the project cost.
The loan term is up to 10 years or more, the moratorium on payments of the loan body is 1-1.5 years. The minimum amount is 100 million rubles. Any industries and segments are considered.
We also provide preferential lease financing. Within the framework of state subsidies - substantial discounts for advance payment+ manufacturer discount.

For small businesses and individuals, we offer loans secured by any real estate (residential and commercial), as well as vehicles, special equipment, including secured by purchased real estate and equipment. Loan amount - from 2 to 30 million rubles.

What is business investment attraction? What business projects (startups) are investors interested in? What is the right way to invest in a small business or manufacturing?

Hello to everyone who visited the site of the online magazine "HeatherBober"! Denis Kuderin, an investment expert, is in touch with you.

The topic of the new publication is business investment. The article will be of interest to both novice businessmen and those who have already tried their hand at entrepreneurship.

The long-term goal of any business is to receive a stable growing income and have continuous development.

Would you like to know how to achieve this? Then go ahead!

1. Why is it worth investing in a business?

Competent investment in business is the key to a comfortable future. Successful investments create passive income- this type of earnings frees up your time and gives you financial independence.

The overwhelming majority of residents of Russia (as well as citizens of other states that were once part of the USSR) have a fundamentally wrong idea about long-term profitable investments.

Many believe that promising financial investments available only to the rich, successful and talented. Others believe that owning a business is an unjustified risk, especially in the face of a permanent economic crisis.

With such views, people live their whole lives, unable to escape from the grip of hard wage labor and the vicious circle of existence from paycheck to paycheck.

Having changed our ideas about the essence and meaning of monetary investments, we can change not only our own financial status, but also our destiny. Freedom (including financial) is, first of all, an internal state and only then - expensive restaurants, travel, yachts and luxury cars.

Everyone is capable of achieving all this, if there is a desire. If you want to become free, change the vector of your thinking: active economic activity - start working for yourself.

Investments in personal business- this is:

  • earnings, which, as they develop, depend less and less on labor costs;
  • confidence in the future;
  • the opportunity to realize the most daring ideas and plans.

Modern investment technologies allow you to start your own business with a minimum capital. Special knowledge are also optional - there are many areas of business that do not require an education in economics.

2. Best Investments in Startups - 5 Proven Options

Option 2. Production

Choosing investments in finished production, investors should be guided by the level of profitability of the enterprise, its competitiveness and possible risks loss of funds.

It is important that the products of the company in which you invest are in stable demand in the market. The timing of capital turnover is also important.

V modern world more and more interesting business ideas that require embodiment. But to promote any project, money is needed, which the author of the idea does not always have. Therefore, the question of finding investments for starting a business is relevant. However, entrepreneurs and companies starting from scratch run the risk of facing strong competitors in their chosen niche. And in order to realize the idea and find the necessary funds for this, you need to know all the tricks for attracting investors.

We will tell you how to make your project attractive to investors and what you need to do for this. The road will be mastered by the walking, and the business - by the one who is ready for the new.

  • 1 Where to look for investors
  • 2 Attracting investment through the mainstream
  • 3 Platforms for finding investors
  • 4 How to proceed. Basic rules for attracting investors
  • 5 How to make a project attractive: what an investor will pay attention to
  • 6 How to prepare for communication with an investor: from a pitch to concluding an agreement
  • 7 How to properly prepare a presentation: 5 chips for investors

Where to look for investors

There are many more opportunities for finding investors than it might seem at first glance. And you can find money by resorting to how long ago existing ways investment, and modern, which appeared with the emergence of the Internet.

Classic ways to attract investment

You can get money for a business through investment funds , small business support funds... This is a pretty daunting task. In addition to the fact that a novice entrepreneur is obliged to find serious grounds for obtaining investment, he must invest part of the funds himself, but for this not everyone has the opportunity.

You can ask for help at venture funds, however, it must be borne in mind that they provide funds for the development of projects that have prospects. First of all, in the field of innovations and IT technologies.

Another option is a special platform for investing in business projects, a business incubator. But to get the money, you need to win the competition and go through an interview.

Potential investors can also be successful businessmen who would like to have passive income. Finding investors and making them partners is the most acceptable and simple way. And for this you need to be able to present your project well, to prove its viability and relevance.

Attracting investment through the mainstream

One of the most popular ways to attract investment is crowdfunding, which is a collection of funds for a business from ordinary people. There are crowdfunding sites on the Internet, designed so that they can leave offers to raise funds for a project, or invest their own money in a project. But in order to use this method, you either need to be a famous person, or be able to advertise your idea very well, which, unfortunately, is not done on crowdfunding platforms.

You can also try attract investments through cryptocurrencies and electronic payment systems . It should be noted that some of the popular cryptocurrencies today, for example, Ethereum, were created with the money of users.

Investor search platforms

If you do not know where to look for investors, then we offer you several large platforms for finding them. Federal business platform. In addition to projects and offers for the sale of a ready-made business, you can find an investor base here. The main task of the platform is to connect investors and authors of business projects online. The resource provides an opportunity to find investors for any industry, as well as a catalog of franchises, business plans and business ideas. The platform offers various services for startups and investors, for example, transaction support. Novice businessmen will need to describe the nuances of their project so that investors receive as much information as possible. The resource assumes ample opportunities for finding investments and investors. A platform for finding investors both in Russia and in the CIS countries.

How to proceed. Basic rules for attracting investors

There are a lot of people who want to get investments and the competition is quite high, so before looking for an investor, you need to learn a few rules.

The more information you provide to investors, the more they will trust you.

If you know how much you can earn, how your project will develop, you can safely go to a conversation with an investor. Calculate exactly how much money you need and for what.

An example is the startup Talkdesk. Its authors proposed the development of cloud technologies that should be used in call centers. Before meeting with a representative of the Silicon Valley venture fund, from which the project team subsequently received $ 12,000,000, she already had investments from other investors in the amount of $ 4,000,000 and received 1,000,000 in profit. Investors were captivated by the team's ability to save money and devote themselves entirely to work. All conclusions they made on the basis of the information provided about the project.

The more you know about an investor, the more opportunities you have to interest him.

What is your preferred communication style? How does it do business? How quickly does it make decisions? Any minor detail can be important.

An example is obtaining investment for the Glowforge project. Before applying for investments, the author of the project looked through the blogs of the fund's partners. Studying them, he concluded that making a presentation should be based not on numbers, but on the product. In total, the project raised $ 9,000,000 for the production of laser 3-D printers from venture funds Foundry Group and True Ventures in 2015.

The project also set a crowdfunding record, as it was able to raise another $ 28 million on sites. That is, the author of the project, Dan Shapiro, successfully used the second rule, but most importantly, the third rule.

The more confident you are of your success, the more others will believe in it.

Investors prefer literate and persistent people who know what they want and know how to justify their plans. Prove that you are capable of doing what you suggest. Give up the words "want" and "want", say "do" and "act." Concentrate on goals. Correctly set goals will certainly lead to success.

How to make a project attractive: what an investor will pay attention to

According to statistics, out of ten projects, only one receives investment. What needs to be done to make your project interesting to investors?

  1. You and your team

First of all, any investor will be interested with what kind of people he will have to work with. Interesting are both the personal qualities of the author of the project, and his motivation, willingness to go to the end. You must prove that you can go forward despite the difficulties. It is important how you achieve your goal, as any investor values ​​their time and money.

  1. Correct calculations

Unfortunately, 95% of aspiring entrepreneurs seeking investors, has a poor idea of ​​what income they can count on. The figures presented by them at the presentation sometimes do not correspond to reality. Constantly growing sales and millions of dollars in profits offered by the authors of projects often have nothing to do with real situation of things. Look for how to optimize costs, indicate what exactly you want to receive investment.

  1. Project potential

One of the most important points in communicating with the investor - determining the potential of the project. The investor should know when the project will bring income, how you will identify potential clients, and finally, when the project will pay off completely. It is desirable for a year, maximum - three years.

To identify potential clients, it's a good idea to run a crowdfunding campaign. In the event that users are interested in your project, you will have a chance to arouse the interest of investors.

How to prepare for communication with an investor: from a pitch to concluding a contract

There comes a period when the investor will believe that he should choose your project. On average, it takes businessmen 3-9 months from meeting an investor to concluding a contract. You may have to prepare more than one version of the business plan and answer many questions for which you are not quite ready. Therefore, carefully prepare not only for the presentation, but even for a short meeting and telephone conversation. Each stage of communication requires its own preparation.

Stage 1. Acquaintance

It can be either full-time or part-time. The main thing here is to interest the investor in your project. To do this, you can use the following methods.

Elevator pitch or a presentation in an elevator. The short presentation is so named because businessmen and startups “caught” potential investors in elevators and presented their business idea to them in 30 seconds. Be sure to include in your mini-presentation:

  • the problem you are solving;
  • Product Description;
  • way of monetization.

The main thing is to attract attention, what you can use for Interesting Facts or numbers. For example, SpaceX's presentation consisted of just three proposals: the cost of a launch, which hadn't declined in decades, the possibility of reducing it by 90 percent, and the impressive amount that could be earned.

Elevator pitch can be used in large forums and business contests.

Correspondence. It is quite possible to establish contact by correspondence by e-mail. For individual referrals, this works best. The letter, in addition to the appeal, must include:

  • a description of the product or service;
  • description of consumers;
  • business model;
  • basis for investment.

Stage 2. Business meeting

Presentation... If a potential investor is interested in an elevator presentation or your letter, he will invite you to a personal meeting, for which you also need to prepare. When going to a meeting, you need to decide what you want from her specifically. If you get money, then you need to say about it. This call to action is quite applicable and works.

Now about the presentation itself. It should be short and bright. It is good to follow the 10/20/30 rule. Try not to go into too much detail and keep within a 20 minute presentation, which is 10 slides in 30 type.

Appearance. The fate of your project will depend not only on a good presentation, but also on your behavior and appearance... That's why:

  • don't be late;
  • come in a business suit;
  • follow the rules of etiquette.

Your ability to keep yourself confident, your energy and charisma are very important.

Stage 3. Obtaining funding

Finance, finance and finance again. For an investor, the main thing is making money. This must be remembered first of all. Therefore, even if your project should “save the world”, but does not have a good business plan and financial plan, a potential investor will not be interested in it. A financial model is needed, which the investor can adjust. It's good to have:

  • marketing research results;
  • letters from suppliers.

It is better to cook three options at once: optimistic, pessimistic and basic. But, in any case, the model must be carefully verified. Only in this situation can we hope to conclude a deal. It is important to show that you know the market well, to convince you of the expediency of introducing your product. The investor must believe that by investing money in your idea, he can not only quickly recoup the investment, but also make good money.

How to properly prepare a presentation: 5 tips for investors

Presentation is very important, on which the receipt of investment will largely depend. Many entrepreneurs, preparing for the presentation, do not fully understand the interests of investors and do not know how to properly present their project. What points should the presentation contain?

  1. Defining the problem. If it is, then it needs to be confirmed. Confirmation of demand should be based on real numbers.
  2. Solution. Your decision cannot be the only correct one. But this is your decision, and you need to convince the investor that it works, that people are ready to buy the product. It is best to come to investors with certain results. To do this, you can take the following steps:
  • do product testing;
  • inform about changes to the project;
  • to acquaint with the available results.
  1. Search for opportunities to sell the product. Willingness to buy does not mean that a product will sell well. Even if a person buys a service or product once, there is no certainty that he will contact you next time. Therefore, you need to take into account the profit and loss per client, the so-called unit economy, as well as ways to attract and retain customers.
  2. Searching for a market and determining a strategy for entering it... You need to look for those markets that are growing and not disappearing, like, for example, the market for the repair of cell phones.

If the presentation presents how your income will grow in 3-5 years, then your financial model will arouse the interest of investors.

  1. Determination of the investment amount... At the last stage, it is imperative to tell the investor what you need the money for and how much you want, as well as how much you are willing to invest yourself.

The correct choice of an investor, serious preparation for a conversation with him, as well as good presentation projects will help you get a chance to invest in your project.

Andrey Merkulov

Investor, founder of the Investment Territory project
The owner of a number of assets is a tenement house, profitable apartments, profitable sites
Entrepreneur, expert in traffic, business replication and business systems

This section is for those who are either ready to invest and looking for an object for profitable investments, or, on the contrary, is interested in attracting Russian or foreign capital... Here are both announcements of private investors who are ready to invest in business, and investment programs investor companies offering, among other things, project financing. Funds of direct and venture investments, the largest regional and industrial investors. A wide range of investment opportunities will be found here both by representatives of small and big business.

It doesn't matter who you are: a private equity fund, a venture capital fund, a private investor, a business angel, an investment bank or a management company, if you make direct investments and are ready to provide project financing, then this portal will be useful to you.

If you are interested in diversifying your investment portfolio, looking for new and profitable objects for investment, post information about yourself: about investment priorities, investment volumes and directions, principles for selecting investment projects and companies, ways to exit an investment project.

You can not only post information about yourself, but also subscribe to receive applications for attracting investments. Just customize the search form in accordance with the criteria you are interested in and regularly receive investment applications in your mailbox. Do you want to look more actively for investment objects? Then refer to the section "Investment Projects".

Small business investment is a very common type of investment. Let's continue talking about This article will focus on direct investment in . And let's start by talking about investing in not your own small business. It can be the business of a friend, partner, or a complete stranger. It can be any small business that requires funds to develop or expand.

What is direct investment in small business.

First of all, what are straight lines into business. Direct investment is long-term investments funds directly into the business for the purpose of making a profit. Simply put, this is an investment of money in one or another asset in the hope of making a profit in the future. At the same time, the assets purchased by the investor may be different. This can be the purchase of a share of the business, with participation in its management (active investor). It could just be a loan to a business and get it back with interest. This loan is much more expensive banking and can range from 15% - 25% and more. This can be the purchase of a share of the business without participating in its management (passive investor). But the essence of this does not change: the investor entrusts his money to the business, and for this he receives the right to participate in future income. These investments are always associated with risk, since there is always the possibility that the business will go bankrupt and the investor will lose his money.

Direct investment in small business is, at first glance, the simplest type of investment. It is indeed an investment by definition, an investment without various intermediary structures. The essence of this investment is very simple. If you have free Money, you invest them in the development or creation of a small business, the owner of which does not have sufficient funds. I already wrote about this in the article It's just that now all the actions are opposite. Your task now is to find such a small business that enjoys your confidence, agree on mutually beneficial cooperation, document it and make a profit. Naturally, everything is not so simple. But, I repeat, this is the simplest type of investment, although it is associated with serious risk.

Purchase of a small business or its share.

Another scheme of direct investment is also possible. An investor buys for a pittance a bankrupt, or close to it, .Invests some money, brings it to a very competitive, working condition, and sells it for a significantly higher price. The payoff can be hundreds of percent. This type of investment is fairly widespread in the United States. There are many businesses (including ) are built from birth with a sales perspective. In this type of investment, as in any other, the main task investor is cheaper to buy, and to sell at a higher price. The problem is that the sale can be delayed indefinitely. And all this time, a small business needs to be kept in working order (otherwise you can't sell it for a lot). And this is not always included in the investor's plans.

When buying a share of a business with participation in its management, the investor simply becomes an integral part of this small business. The only positive thing about this option is, perhaps, that he himself influences the business and participates in the distribution of its profits.

When buying a share of a small business without participating in its management, the investor transfers the money to the management of the business owner, or a business partner. By transferring money to a partner for management, the investor gets rid of the need to directly manage all business processes. The business owner or partner will manage the business for the investor and for his money. This is very risky. If the partner is a good businessman, a decent person and competently runs his small business, the investment will return with a profit. Otherwise, the investor risks losing all funds invested in this business.

Venture investment.

A few words should be said about venture investment. This type of investment is more typical for large business, in small business it is much less common. This is currently a fairly common form of direct investment. Venture investment means that an investor, or a group of investors, invests money in a business that is opening. It is generally accepted that the direction of this business, as a rule, is a high-tech project. But it is not so. Venture investment can also be associated with businesses starting their own start in other areas, such as furniture business, restaurant business, construction, etc. But today, venture capital investment in high technology is the most popular. Often, with the help of venture capital, they grow large companies... By the way, the world famous companies Microsoft and Intel have grown on venture capital.

As you can see, venture investment provides investments to start-up businesses with significant development potential. As we have noted more than once, start-up businesses pose a significant risk for investors. It is necessary to remember about disappearing within 5 years. But on the other hand, due to their novelty, these businesses are, if successful, very promising enterprises that can multiply the initial investment of the investor. Venture capital investment involves investors' investments for the medium or long term. At the same time, you should be aware that there is no opportunity to recall attachments prematurely. Investments can be recalled only after the completion of the development cycle of the company specified in the investment agreement.


As you may have noticed, direct investment in small businesses is a lot like .Therefore, direct investment in business requires a certain level of knowledge and experience of the investor in the area where he is going to invest. And if for an active investor it goes without saying, for a passive investor, direct investment in a small business is unlikely to be the optimal investment.