Can a budget institution have a foreign currency account? Accounting for transactions in foreign currency

The need to purchase foreign currency may arise either commercial organization, and at a budgetary institution (for example: in the case of sending an employee on a business trip abroad, etc.). In this article, methodologists from the 1C company consider the procedure for accounting for this situation in the 1C: Accounting of a Budgetary Institution 8 program.

dated 10.10.2008 No. 8n

At the same time, in the field

dated December 30, 2008 No. 148n
- ,
- ,
- .

Debit KRB 1 304 04 000
KRB loan 1 304 05 000

Debit CIF 1 201 03 510
KRB loan 1 304 04 000

Debit KRB 17 03

dated January 20, 2006 No. 42-7.1-15/1.2-24).

Debit CIF 1 201 07 510
KIF loan 1 201 03 610

Debit KRB 17 07(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses).

Debit KRB 17 03

dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136

Debit CIF 1 201 03 510"Receipts Money institutions on the way"
KIF loan 1 401 01 171
Debit KRB 17 03(KOSGU 171);

Debit CIF 1 401 01 171
KIF loan 1 201 03 610
Debit KRB 17 03


the name of the operation



Document in the program

KRB 130404000

KRB 130405000

KIF 120103510
KRB 1.17.03 (KOSGU)

KRB 130404000

KIF 120107510
KRB 1.17.07 (KOSGU)

KIF 120103510

KIF 120103510

KIF 140101171

dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136)

KIF 140101171

KIF 120103610

Purchasing foreign currency: regulatory rationale

According to clause 2.8.2 of the Procedure cash service execution of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, approved by Order No. 8n of the Treasury of Russia dated October 10, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 8n), the funds required by the chief administrator of sources of external financing of the deficit federal budget or the main manager of federal budget funds for the purchase of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget to pay for accepted budgetary obligations under agreements and government contracts concluded with non-residents for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services, making payments in foreign currency related to business trips outside the territory of the Russian Federation, are transferred by the Federal Treasury on the basis of an Application for cash expenses from account No. 40105 to an account opened to the chief administrator of sources of external financing of the federal budget deficit or the chief manager of federal budget funds in a bank for the specified purposes, for use in the prescribed manner on the balance sheet account No. 40106 "Federal budget funds allocated government organizations" (hereinafter referred to as invoice No. 40106).

At the same time, in the field Purpose of payment Applications for cash expenses In addition to the required information, it is recommended to provide additional text Transfer of funds for the purchase of foreign currency, as well as the name of the foreign currency and the amount.

Transactions involving the transfer of funds to foreign currency accounts and their use are reflected in budget accounting and reporting in accordance with the Instructions for Budget Accounting (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 2008 No. 148n), taking into account explanations provided by letters Federal Treasury:
- dated December 23, 2005 No. 42-7.1-01/2.4-385,
- dated January 20, 2006 No. 42-7.1-15/1.2-24,
- dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136.

1. Transfer of federal budget funds in rubles for the purchase of foreign currency on the basis of an Application for cash expenses of the main manager (chief administrator of sources of external financing of the federal budget deficit) from the accounts of the Federal Treasury authorities opened on balance sheet account 40105 “Federal Budget Funds” to the accounts of managers and recipients of federal budget funds in foreign currency, opened on balance sheet account 40106, is reflected by the entry:

Debit KRB 1 304 04 000"Internal settlements"
KRB loan 1 304 05 000"Calculations for payments from the budget with financial authorities."

At the same time, the main manager (chief administrator of the IFDB) as a recipient budget funds based on an extract from the personal account, reflects this transaction with the entry:

Debit CIF 1 201 03 510"The institution's cash receipts are on the way"
KRB loan 1 304 04 000"Internal calculations."

Transactions for converting cash into foreign currency should be recorded at off-balance sheet account 17 "Cash receipts for bank accounts institutions" opened to account 1 201 03 000, by code budget classification Russian Federation.

Debit KRB 17 03(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses).

2. The purchased foreign currency is credited by the credit institution to the foreign currency account of a budgetary institution opened on balance sheet account 40106 “Federal budget funds allocated to state organizations” and spent in the prescribed manner (letter of the Treasury of Russia dated January 20, 2006 No. 42-7.1-15/1.2 -24).

Receipt of funds in foreign currency to a bank account based on an extract from foreign currency account 40106:

Debit CIF 1 201 07 510"Receipts of funds from the institution to accounts in foreign currency"
KIF loan 1 201 03 610"Institutional cash outflows in transit."

Transactions on the receipt of funds in foreign currency to the foreign currency account of the main manager should be reflected in off-balance sheet accounts 17 “Receipts of funds to bank accounts of institutions” opened to accounts 1,201,07,000 and 1,201,03,000, broken down by budget classification codes of the Russian Federation.

Debit KRB 17 07(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses).

Debit KRB 17 03(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses) with a minus sign.

3. When transferring funds to a foreign currency account, exchange rate differences may arise. Accounting entries for reflecting the exchange rate difference that arose when transferring funds to a foreign currency account are given in the letter of the Treasury of Russia dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136 for the amount of the positive exchange rate difference that arose:

Debit CIF 1 201 03 510"The institution's cash receipts are on the way"
KIF loan 1 401 01 171"Income from revaluation of assets";
Debit KRB 17 03(KOSGU 171);

For the amount of the resulting negative exchange rate difference:

Debit CIF 1 401 01 171"Income from revaluation of assets"
KIF loan 1 201 03 610"Disposals of funds of the institution in transit";
Debit KRB 17 03(KOSGU 171) with a minus sign.

The above accounting entries for the purchase of foreign currency are summarized in a table.

Table. Accounting entries for the purchase of foreign currency at the expense of the federal budget


the name of the operation



Document in the program

Transfer of budget funds for the purchase of currency from a personal account opened in the Treasury to an account opened in credit organization (103)

Application for cash expense (conversion)

Transferring a ruble amount to a transit account

KRB 130404000

KRB 130405000

Crediting a foreign currency amount to a foreign currency account 40106

KIF 120103510
KRB 1.17.03 (KOSGU)

KRB 130404000

Receipt of funds to the foreign currency account of the main manager, manager, recipient of budget funds for making payments in accordance with the budget schedule (clauses 114, 103)

KIF 120107510
KRB 1.17.07 (KOSGU)
KRB 1.17.03 (KOSGU) (with a minus sign)

KIF 120103510

Receipt of foreign currency to the account

Positive exchange rate difference (letter of the Treasury of Russia dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136)

KIF 120103510

KIF 140101171

Negative exchange rate difference (letter of the Treasury of Russia dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136)

KIF 140101171
KRB (with a minus sign)

KIF 120103610

Let's consider how these operations are reflected in the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8".

Making a purchase in the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8"

In the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8", accounting for transactions related to currency conversion is reflected in the accounts:
- 201.07 “Institutional funds in foreign currency”; - 201.03 “Institutional funds on the way.”

For account 201.03, accounting is established by sections of personal accounts (types of funds). Account 201.07 is maintained currency accounting and accounting by sections of personal accounts - types of funds (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

According to Appendix 4 to the Budget Accounting Instructions for account 201.07, acceptable KVD and KBK are configured.

Parallel accounting according to the codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation is organized on off-balance sheet accounts:
- 17.03 “Receipt of funds in transit to the institution’s accounts”;
- 17.07 “Receipt of funds in foreign currency to the institution’s accounts”;
- 18.07 "Disposal of funds in foreign currency from the accounts of the institution."

For off-balance sheet accounts, accounting is established by type of activity, BCC, KOSGU and by sections of personal accounts (types of funds).

Transfer of federal budget funds in rubles for the purchase of foreign currency

For shaping and printing Applications for cash expenses (f. 0531801) to transfer budget funds for the purchase of foreign currency, as well as to reflect in the accounting of transactions for the transfer of funds for the purchase of foreign currency, a document is used .

The header of the document indicates:

  • Document Number- filled in automatically when recording a document;
  • it can be changed; document date
  • - is set equal to the working date of the program; subject to change; To generate the payer's payment details, you must indicate paying institution And personal account, from which funds should be transferred - click on the selection button to open a directory
  • Personal accounts, from which you should select the desired personal account;
  • OFK/UFK - you should indicate the body of the Federal Treasury in which the institution’s personal account is serviced;;
  • if accounting is carried out in the context of balance sheets, to generate transactions you should indicate type of balance recipient- select from the directory offered by the program
  • Counterparties recipient organization; recipient's account- by selecting from the directory Bank and treasury accounts, indicate for which bank details send money.

The selection window only shows those recipient To generate the payer's payment details, you must indicate current accounts, which relate to a specific recipient. When selecting a payment recipient and his account, information about them specified in the directories Bank and treasury accounts , will be reflected on the bookmark Counterparty When selecting a payment recipient and his account, information about them specified in the directories.

document Application for cash expense (conversion).. If necessary, the automatically filled values ​​can be changed for a specific cash expense application directly on the tab Basic payment details are indicated on the tab Application Payment amount - indicated- a multi-line text field for entering information about the purpose of payment, common to the entire document. Filled out in accordance with the Description of filling out field 24 of the payment order (Appendix 4 to the Regulations on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation, approved. Central Bank of the Russian Federation 03.10.2002 No. 2-P).

According to the requirements of Order No. 8n in the field Purpose of payment In addition to the required information, it is recommended to provide additional text Transfer of funds for the purchase of foreign currency, as well as the name of the foreign currency and the amount. The payment purpose text can be filled in either manually - by entering a line of text, or automatically - from the template (button Fill out "Purpose of payment").

It is also provided for the inclusion of the INN and KPP specified on the Application tab in the text of the payment purpose according to the rules specified in clause 9.2 of Procedure No. 8n.

Advance payment indicator - indicated by default No.

Payment order- you should indicate the number of the payment priority group in accordance with Article 855 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The default is 6 . Payment type- select the type of payment: by mail, telegraph, electronically, urgently when making payments using the appropriate methods. By default, the attribute takes the value Electronically. Execution deadline- indicates the date no later than which the application must be executed. In this case, the deadline for execution should not be earlier than the date of the current working day. By default, the attribute takes the value according to the setting in the personal account card. In the details group Signatures information about the persons signing the application for cash expenses is indicated. Checkbox Print position should be included if the document is signed by an authorized person.

On the bookmark Payment decryption the total amount of the cash payment (document) is detailed by budget classification codes to form Section 3 “Deciphering the application for cash expenses” of the form Applications for cash expenses, as well as for the formation of accounting records for account 17.03 (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

In the rows of the tabular section you should indicate:

  • personal account section- the type of funds from which the cash payment should be made (you must select the section of the personal account indicated in the header of the document);
  • KBK- for each type of funds, the budget classification codes for which payments must be made are indicated;
  • KOSGU- you must indicate the code corresponding to the payment according to the sector classification government controlled. If the institution conducts additional analytics on goals, activities, additional classification, you should enable the visibility of details Purpose code, Event code, Additional classification;
  • Purpose of payment- the purpose of the payment is indicated according to the corresponding budget classification code in accordance with the basis document confirming the occurrence monetary obligation. The detail is filled in if the purpose of the payment changes depending on the budget classification code or the amounts specified in Application;
  • Note- if necessary, indicate the goal code in brackets, as well as other information necessary for budget execution;
  • Sum- indicate the amount in rubles according to the corresponding budget classification codes.

After checking that the application has been filled out correctly, it can be printed in the required number of copies (button Seal). Attention! Only the recorded document can be printed. If the document is not recorded, you will be prompted to confirm the recording before printing.

According to Order No. 8n, Section 2 is displayed on paper carrier and is formed in in electronic format in the presence of supporting documents confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation for payment of which this Application for cash expense.

Having received an extract from the personal account, in the document Application for cash expense (conversion) checkbox should be enabled Paid, indicate the date of discharge (on the tab Execution), and then swipe (button OK), reflecting the operation to write off funds on accounts budget accounting.

When posting a document Application for cash expense (conversion) for each specification line Payment decryption three transactions are formed (see paragraph 1 of the table). The accounting records that are generated when posting a document (Fig. 3) can be seen in the accounting certificate (button P print - Accounting certificate).

Rice. 3

On the bookmark Execution You can also indicate the registration number and date of registration of the document in the OFK, the number and date of the supporting document (payment order from the Treasury). The specified details are filled in automatically upon download. Extracts from personal account.

Information about the payment document can also be uploaded. In this case settlement document You can print it from the link Confirmation document.

Receipt of funds in foreign currency to a bank account

Based on the extract from foreign currency account 40106, you should enter the document . The document is entered based on the document Application for cash expense (conversion). When entering based on a document Application for cash expense (conversion) Most details are filled in automatically with the values ​​of the corresponding details of the base document.

As document date Receipt of foreign currency to the account You should indicate the date of crediting to the account on the statement.

In the document Receipt of foreign currency to the account You should indicate the currency account and the amount of currency credited to the currency account.

In account card 40106 (directory element personal account) on the tab Personal account details the source of funds to fulfill obligations should be indicated (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

On the bookmark additional information The account currency is indicated.

The exchange rate and multiplicity of the currency on the date of enrollment must be uploaded to the directory Currencies in advance or they must be indicated directly in the document. According to the exchange rate and currency multiple specified in the document, the ruble coverage of the currency amount is calculated (details Amount in rubles

) and exchange rate differences. In the details group Budget Accounts

You should specify a 26-bit exchange rate account. The default synthetic account is 401.01.171.

From the working chart of accounts, you should select account 401.01 with KBK of the type “CIF” (Fig. 5). Rice. 5 In the tabular section Receipt of currency based on document

Application for cash expense (conversion) lines were generated detailing the currency amount by budget classification codes. Detailed currency amounts are calculated proportionally Application for cash expense (conversion) specific gravity

ruble amount reflected in the document

. Rounding errors apply to the first row of the table..

On the bookmark For each line - budget classification code - the ruble coverage of the currency amount is calculated according to the exchange rate and currency multiple specified in the document. In each line you should indicate the section of the foreign currency account -

Budget funds

Exchange difference

you should indicate the subaccount of accounts for accounting for funds in transit (201.03, 17.03) and accounts for attributing exchange rate differences (401.01).

If the standard account settings have not been changed, then you only need to indicate the section of the personal account from which currency funds were transferred for currency conversion, for accounts 201.03, 17.03 (Fig. 6). Rice. 6 A correctly filled out document should be used to generate accounting records for crediting currency to a foreign currency account (see paragraph 2 of the table). At the same time, records are generated to reflect exchange rate differences (see paragraphs 3 and 4 of the table). You can generate an accounting certificate for the document, which reflects the generated entries. Income must be made on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2018 No. 32n, which approved the next Federal standard“Revenues” (hereinafter referred to as the standard, GHS “Revenues”). The provisions of this standard (as well as other previously approved federal standards) are new to institutions, and therefore it will take time to understand them. In the article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the basic norms of this document relating to sports institutions.


Currently, income accounting in state (municipal) institutions is carried out in accordance with accounting instructions (depending on the type of institution). These documents provide accounts for recording income and correspondence accounts to reflect transactions related to them, as well as general order revenue measurement and recognition. Let us remind you (clauses 295 – 297 of Instruction No. 157n):

1. Income is assessed based on selling price, the transaction amount specified in the contract.

2. Income is recognized using the accrual method.

3. The recognition date is determined by the date of transfer of ownership of the service, product, finished product, or work. When performing work or providing services under long-term contracts that indicate the stages of implementation, if it is impossible to determine the date of transfer of ownership, an even allocation of income and expenses to financial results activities of the institution or their write-off in accordance with the estimate or plan of financial and economic activities.

4. When completed financial year the amounts of accrued income reflected in the corresponding accounts of the financial result of the current financial year are closed against the financial result of previous reporting periods.

Since an institution's income may come from different sources of financing, the procedure for recognizing it varies. As a rule, institutions provide in their accounting policies for certain types of income the features of their accounting.

What will change in 2019 in connection with the transition to the GHS “Revenues”, we will consider further.

Classification of income in 2019

Due to the new standard, the income of state (municipal) institutions is distributed among accounting groups. In addition, the GHS “Income” does not apply to some types of income.

For your information: income accounting group - a set of incomes depending on their economic content with similar principles of recognition in accounting and valuation, information about which is disclosed separately in the accounting (financial) statements (clause 6 of the GHS “Income”).

Separate accounting groups are income from exchange and non-exchange transactions (see below).

Thus, the main income of sports institutions belongs to the accounting group of income from exchange transactions. At the same time, institutions also receive income from non-exchange transactions. We will take a closer look at the criteria for classifying certain incomes below.

It should be noted that the standard does not apply to income arising as a result (clause 4 of the GHS “Income”):

    receiving material assets under a contract free use;

    receipt of dividends declared (paid) by the investment object, accounted for using the method equity participation;

    sales of inventory, excluding goods, finished products and biological products;

    sales of fixed assets and intangible assets;

    changes in fair value financial assets and liabilities or their disposal;

    initial recognition of biological assets and biological products and changes in the fair value of such assets and products;

    changes in the fair value of other non-financial assets;

    changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble.

Revenue recognition and measurement

IN section III GHS “Income” sets out the general (basic) provisions for the recognition and assessment of income, and in Sect. IV and V explain the features of income recognition depending on the accounting group and type of income. Next, let's talk about everything in order.

General provisions

Income for accounting purposes is recognized as a result of exchange or non-exchange transactions or the occurrence of events (hereinafter referred to as transactions (events)), as a result of which it is expected to receive economic benefits or useful potential, provided that their sum ( monetary value) can be reliably determined (clause 7 of the GHS “Income”).

Income received (accrued) in reporting period, but relating to future reporting periods, are recognized for the purposes of accounting, formation and public disclosure of accounting (financial) reporting indicators as income for future periods.

Revenue recognition criteria , established by the GHS “Income”, are applied separately to each fact of economic life (operation, event) as a result of which income arises.

In the event of income arising within the framework of operations (events) consisting of operations (events) separately distinguished by economic content, income from such separately distinguished operations (events) for accounting purposes is classified (referred to as a separate accounting group of income) based on their economic content and income recognition criteria provided for by the standard for the corresponding accounting group of income.

In cases where it is not possible to attribute income arising from a separate transaction (event) to a separate accounting group of income (to qualify the transaction (event) according to its economic content), the income recognition criteria are applied simultaneously to two or more interrelated transactions (events).

Income received as a result of the exchange of products.

In relation to such income (for example, received under an exchange or barter agreement), it is necessary to pay attention to the following provisions:

1. When selling products (work, services) in exchange for other excellent products (work, services), the exchange is recognized as an operation that generates income for the institution (clause 9 of the GHS “Income”).

2. If products (work, services) are exchanged in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for products (work, services) similar in nature and cost without implementation cash settlements, the exchange is not considered an operation generating income for the institution (clause 10 of the GHS “Income”).

Doubtful income.

According to clause 11 of the GHS “Revenue”, the amount of recognized income for which a receivable is identified that was not fulfilled by the debtor (payer) on time and does not meet the criteria for recognition of an asset (hereinafter referred to as doubtful debts) is adjusted with the formation of a reserve for doubtful debts. In this case, the accounting of doubtful debts is carried out by the institution at off-balance sheet accounts the working chart of accounts approved by him.

The writing off of doubtful income debts from the balance sheet (off-balance sheet) is carried out on the basis of a decision of the commission for the receipt and disposal of assets in the presence of documents confirming the uncertainty regarding the receipt of economic benefits or useful potential.

If a decision is made regarding income debt to recognize it as uncollectible, such debt is written off from the balance sheet (off-balance sheet) of the accounting entity with a simultaneous decrease in income for the current reporting period (reduction in the reserve for doubtful debts).

Termination of recognition (disposal from balance sheet (off-balance sheet) accounting) of income debt as hopeless for collection is carried out on the basis of a decision of the institution’s commission on receipt and disposal of assets in the presence of documents confirming the termination of obligations to pay the debt, the right to collect debt and (or) uncertainty regarding receipt economic benefits or utility potential.

Income assessment.

In accordance with clause 12 of the GHS “Income”, income is assessed by the accounting entity in the full amount of the expected receipt of economic benefits and (or) useful potential contained in the asset.

In order to determine the amount of income, the following is carried out:

a) adjustment to the amount of discounts or benefits provided;

b) adjustment to take into account the discount rate if the receipt of cash or cash equivalents is expected within a period exceeding 12 months from the date of recognition of income. The discount rate is used key rate Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective as of the reporting date.

Criteria and features of recognition of income from non-exchange transactions

Income from gratuitous receipts from budgets are recognized (clause 25 of the GHS “Income”):

    income from the provision of grants, subsidies, subventions and other interbudgetary transfers from other budgets budget system Russian Federation, as well as the return of unused interbudgetary transfers;

    income from receiving gratuitous and non-refundable transfers provided by supranational organizations and governments foreign countries;

    income from receiving gratuitous and non-refundable transfers provided by international financial organizations.

By virtue of clause 28 of the GHS “Revenue”, income from interbudgetary transfers provided without conditions when transferring assets is recognized in accounting upon the emergence of the right to receive it:

    in the part relating to the current period - income of the current reporting period;

    in the part relating to future periods - income of future periods.

Income from interbudgetary transfers provided with conditions upon transfer of assets is recognized in accounting upon the emergence of the right to receive them as future income. Deferred income from interbudgetary transfers is recognized as part of income from interbudgetary transfers of the current reporting period as the conditions for the transfer of assets in relation to the reporting period are met.

The procedure for recognizing receipts from supranational organizations, foreign governments and international financial organizations as income is set out in paragraphs 29 - 31 of the GHS “Income”.

For your information: conditions for the transfer of assets - conditions established by the transferring party when transferring assets, according to which the future economic benefits or useful potential inherent in the transferred assets must be used by the recipient of the assets for their intended purpose, including the achievement of established results, failing which the transferred assets must be returned fully or partially to the transferring party (clause 6 of the GHS “Income”).

Income from fines, penalties, penalties, compensation for damage.

By virtue of clause 32 of the GHS “Income”, such income includes economic benefits or useful potential received or expected to be received from administrative payments and fines, penalties, penalties, compensation for damage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The specified income is recognized in accounting on the date of occurrence of a claim against the payer of fines, penalties, penalties, claims for compensation for damage, in particular upon the entry into force of the rendered resolution (decision) in the case of administrative offense, definitions of overlap court fine, upon presentation to the payer of a document establishing the right to demand payment of penalties (fines, penalties) provided for in the contract (agreement, agreement) in the amount indicated in the relevant documents (clauses 34, 35 of the GHS “Revenues”).

Other income from non-exchange transactions.

Such revenues include income not listed in clauses 13, 19, 25, 32 of the GHS “Revenue” (not related to taxes, insurance premiums, interbudgetary transfers, fines, compensation for losses).

According to clause 37 of the GHS “Income”, the object of accounting for other income from non-exchange transactions is individual species proceeds from non-exchange transactions, taking into account their intended purpose(conditions for the transfer of assets), based on the economic content of non-exchange transactions according to the budget classification of the Russian Federation. For example, such income includes grants, subsidies (with the exception of subsidies for the implementation of government tasks), donations, and gratuitous receipt of property.

Recognition of such income in accounting is carried out by accounting entities that receive assets (economic benefits) from non-exchange transactions.

In the table we present the procedure for recognizing other income from non-exchange transactions depending on the types of income and the conditions provided for their transfer.

Types of other income from non-exchange transactions

Procedure (moment) for recognition in accounting

Free receipts of funds (including subsidies and grants) received without conditions upon transfer of assets

As part of the income of the current reporting period upon the emergence of the right to receive it from the transferring party in part related to the reporting period (clause 39 of the GHS “Revenue”)

Free receipt of property (except for cash) without conditions when transferring assets

As part of the income of the current reporting period upon receipt of property from the transferring party (clause 39 of the GHS “Income”)

Income from gratuitous receipts of funds (including subsidies and grants) or income from gratuitously received other assets provided on conditions upon transfer of the asset

As part of deferred income at the time the right to receive it arises. As the conditions for the transfer of assets are fulfilled in the part related to the reporting period, gratuitous receipts are recognized in accounting as part of the income of the current reporting period (clause 40 of the GHS “Income”)

Paragraphs 41 – 43 of the GHS “Income” explain the features of recognizing other income from non-exchange transactions:

1.Reflection in accounting of the financial result (accrual of income) from the disposal of an obligation in connection with the forgiveness of a debt (an obligation for which the disposal of assets is not expected due to the termination of the claim of a creditor who is not the founder (owner) of the accounting entity) is carried out on the date of derecognition of the obligation (in the current year).

2. Reflection in accounting of income when receiving assets (tangibles) free of charge carried at fair value on the date of receipt. When reflecting income from such non-exchange transactions, methods for determining the fair value of assets received free of charge are used, provided for by regulatory standards. legal acts regulating accounting and preparation of accounting (financial) statements.

3. Reflection in accounting of income when receiving work and services provided by individuals or legal entities institution through a non-exchange transaction (that is, free of charge), is not carried out provided that information about this is disclosed in the accounting (financial) statements in accordance with the standard (discussed below).

Criteria and features of recognition of income from exchange transactions

Income from property.

In accordance with paragraph 44 of the GHS “Income”, such income includes, in particular:

    income in the form of fees for the transfer for paid use of state and municipal property;

    income in the form of interest on account balances;

    income from the transfer of state and municipal property to trust management;

    income from the provision of budget credits and loans;

    other income provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation from the use of assets in the form of state or municipal property.

The above income from property, with the exception of rental income, is recognized in accounting as part of the income of the current reporting period in the assessment, provided for by the terms agreements (contracts, agreements) (clause 46 of the GHS “Revenue”).

The procedure for recognizing and assessing income arising under lease agreements (tenancy of property) or agreements for free use is regulated by the GHS “Rent”.

Income from sales.

According to clause 48 of the GHS “Income”, income from sales includes income from the sale of goods, finished products, biological products, as well as income from the provision (performance) of services (work), including services (work), financial support which is carried out at the expense of a subsidy for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks.

Such income is recognized in accounting on the date that all of the following conditions are met (clause 51 of the GHS “Income”):

a) the accounting entity has transferred to the buyer significant risks and benefits associated with the ownership of goods, finished products, biological products;

b) the accounting entity does not retain actual control over the goods, finished products, biological products;

c) the accounting entity has the right to receive economic benefits or useful potential associated with the operation;

d) the amount of income can be reliably estimated.

At the same time, clauses 52 – 54 provide for the specifics of assessment and recognition of the following income:

1. Income from sales of goods, finished products, biological products are recognized in accounting in an amount equal to the expected receipt of economic benefits and useful potential contained in the asset.

2. Income from the provision of services (performance of work) are recognized in accounting as part of the income of the current reporting period on the date the right to receive them arises in an amount equal to the amount of the expected receipt of economic benefits and (or) useful potential contained in the asset.

3. Subsidies for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks are recognized in accounting as deferred income on the date the right to receive them arises (that is, on the date of conclusion of the agreement). Further, future income from subsidies is recognized in accounting as part of income from sales of the current reporting period as the state (municipal) task is fulfilled.

Disclosure of information about income in reporting

IN explanatory note The following information on income is disclosed in the annual accounting (financial) statements (clause 55 of the GHS “Income”):

a) about the provisions accounting policy, establishing the features of income recognition by the subject of accounting;

b) on income by groups, subgroups depending on the economic content, highlighting the amounts of benefits (discounts) provided;

c) on income from gifts, donations and other gratuitously received values ​​recognized in the current reporting period, and the nature of these values;

d) about the main types of services (work) received free of charge;

e) about amounts accounts receivable recognized for non-exchange transactions;

f) on the amounts of changes in future income by type of income;

g) on ​​the amounts of obligations for advance receipts.

At the same time, it is necessary to separately disclose information on income from income-generating activities and on income received in the form of subsidies for financial support for the implementation of state (municipal) tasks.

According to paragraph 58 of the GHS “Revenue”, retrospective disclosure of comparable information is not required when the standard is first applied.

In conclusion, let's highlight the main points.

Starting from 2019, income accounting is carried out in accordance with the GHS “Income” in the context of income from exchange and non-exchange transactions. The standard provides criteria and features for the recognition and assessment of certain types of income. However, the standard does not apply to income received from the sale of non-financial assets due to changes in the value of assets and liabilities, exchange rates and other similar income.

Among the features of recognition of certain types of income, the following can be identified (which significantly change current order) innovations:

1. The amount of recognized income for which doubtful debts are identified is adjusted with the formation of a reserve for doubtful debts. In this case, accounting for doubtful debts is carried out on off-balance sheet accounts of the working chart of accounts approved by the institution. Probably, starting from 2019, appropriate amendments will be made to Instruction No. 157n.

2. Subsidies for the implementation of government tasks are recognized in accounting as deferred income on the date the right to receive them arises (regardless of when the agreement is concluded). Further, future income from subsidies is reflected in accounting as part of the income of the current reporting period as the state (municipal) task is fulfilled.

Information on income is subject to disclosure in accounting (financial) statements, unless otherwise established by other federal standards and instructions on accounting and preparation of financial statements.

What entries need to be made to convert euros into dollars? (There are euros, but you need to pay the supplier in dollars. The bank offered to carry out the conversion without selling euros and buying dollars, but to carry out the conversion directly from euros to dollars. This is more profitable - we less money we lose due to the difference in rates.)

For conversion, a course is taken, set by the bank. This procedure follows from Part 7 of Article 14 of the Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ. At the same time, the conversion of funds in a foreign currency account into rubles on the date of conversion is carried out at the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia (paragraph 1, clause 5 and clause 6 of PBU 3/2006). This means that if the bank’s commercial cross rate is more profitable for the organization than the official one, it generates other income (clause 7 of PBU 9/99). If the commercial cross-rate is less profitable, the organization must include the resulting difference in other expenses (clause 11 of PBU 10/99).

Reflection in accounting of an operation for the conversion of one foreign currency into another if the commercial cross rate of the bank is more profitable for the organization than the official one will be as follows:

Debit 76 Credit 91-1

– other income from the conversion transaction is reflected.

Reflection in accounting of an operation for the conversion of one foreign currency into another if the commercial cross rate of the bank is less profitable for the organization than the official one will be as follows:

Debit 76 Credit 52 “Currency account in euros”

Foreign currency funds were written off from a foreign currency account in euros for conversion;

Debit 52 “Currency account in US dollars” Credit 76

– currency funds are credited to a foreign currency account in US dollars after the conversion;

Debit 91-2 Credit 76

– other expenses from the conversion operation are reflected.

Reflection in accounting of the conversion of current currency amounts from one currency to another by direct transfer (conversion) of currencies will be as follows:

1. Debit 52-1 Credit 52-1

The ruble equivalent amount was calculated at the write-off rate on the date of conversion into the old currency. The ruble equivalent amount was recalculated from one currency to another at the credit rate at new currency

2. Debit 52-1 (91-2) Credit 91-1 (52-1)

Reflected in other income is the recalculation of exchange rate differences that have arisen in rubles in the old currency when the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation exceeds the write-off rate on the day of currency translation or Reflected in other expenses the recalculation of exchange rate differences that have arisen in rubles in the old currency when the write-off rate exceeds the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of translation currencies

3. Debit 52-1 (91-2) Credit 91-1 (52-1)

Reflected on other income is the recalculation of exchange rate differences that arise in rubles for the new currency when the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation exceeds the write-off rate on the day of currency translation or Reflected in other expenses the recalculation of exchange rate differences that arise in rubles in the new currency when the write-off rate exceeds the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of translation currencies

4. Debit 91-2Credit 52-1

The bank's commission on operations related to currency translation is reflected as part of the organization's other expenses (in ruble equivalent at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of translation of the old currency)

A detailed procedure for recording currency conversion transactions is contained in the materials of the Glavbukh System

1.Situation: How to reflect foreign currency conversion in accounting. The organization has an account in one currency, and settlements through it are carried out in another currency

Example reflection in accounting of transactions for the conversion of one foreign currency into another. The bank's commercial cross rate is more profitable for the organization than the official one

The bank's commercial cross rate on the date of the transaction is 1.36 USD/EUR. To purchase euros, 13,600 USD (10,000 EUR ? 1.36 USD/EUR) was debited from the organization’s foreign currency account.

The Bank of Russia exchange rate (conditionally) was:

  • for euro – 40.60 rubles/EUR;

Consequently, the organization converted foreign currencies at a more favorable rate for itself (USD 13,600

– 403,920 rub. (13,600 USD ? 29.70 rubles/USD) – currency funds are written off from a foreign currency account in US dollars for conversion;

Debit 76 Credit 91-1
– 2080 rub. (RUB 406,000 – RUB 403,920) – other income from the conversion transaction is reflected.

An example of how an operation to convert one foreign currency into another is reflected in accounting. The bank's commercial cross rate is less profitable for the organization than the official one

CJSC Alfa entered into a foreign trade contract, payment for which must be made in euros. Alpha has $14,000 in its foreign currency account. To carry out the transaction, Alpha instructs the bank to convert US dollars to receive 10,000 euros.

The bank's commercial cross rate on the date of the transaction is 1.38 USD/EUR. To purchase euros, 13,800 USD (10,000 EUR ? 1.38 USD/EUR) was debited from the organization’s foreign currency account.

The US dollar exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of conversion was (conditionally):

  • for euro – 40.60 rubles/EUR;
  • for the US dollar – 29.70 rubles/USD.

Consequently, the cross rate of the US dollar to the euro, calculated based on the official rates of these currencies to the ruble, is equal to 1.367 USD/EUR (40.60 rubles/EUR: 29.70 rubles/USD).

Consequently, the organization converted foreign currencies at a less favorable rate for itself (13,800 USD > 13,670 USD (10,000 EUR ? 1,367 USD/EUR)).

The following entries were made in accounting:

Debit 76 Credit 52 “Currency account in US dollars”
– 409,860 rub. (13,800 USD ? 29.70 rubles/USD) – currency funds are written off from a foreign currency account in US dollars for conversion;

Debit 52 “Currency account in euros” Credit 76
– 406,000 rub. (10,000 EUR ? 40.60 rubles/EUR) – currency funds are credited to a foreign currency account in euros after the conversion;

Debit 91-2 Credit 76
– 3860 rub. (RUB 409,860 – RUB 406,000) – other expenses from the conversion operation are reflected.

Oleg Horoshiy

state councilor tax service RF rank II

2. Article: 6.3. Currency accounts

Reflection in accounting of the conversion of current currency amounts from one currency to another through direct transfer (conversion) of currencies.



Individual institutions (research institutes, higher education institutions, hospitals, customs, some government bodies, etc.) can carry out transactions with foreign currency. Sources of foreign exchange for budgetary institutions can be: allocations from the budget for the purchase of material and technical means (equipment, etc.) for foreign currency or payment for work performed to non-residents and; special-purpose financing from international special funds; payment by non-residents for services rendered and research work performed; payment of licenses for the implementation of inventions; payment for training, internship, treatment foreign citizens etc. Directions for spending currency funds may be: settlements with non-residents for goods supplied, work performed, services rendered; payment for services of nerent banks, payments for official business trips abroad; sale of currency and foreign exchange.

Accounting by budgetary institutions of transactions with foreign currency is regulated by the “Procedure for reflecting transactions in foreign currency in accounting,” approved by order. Civil Code of Ukraine dated 24072001 No. 126, and by order. GKU dated 26042001 No. 63 "On making an addition to the Instructions on the correspondence of accounting sub-accounts to display the main business transactions budgetary institutions" (as amended by order. GKU No. 139 dated 09072007, 2007).

For settlements in foreign currency, budgetary institutions may open foreign currency accounts for each type of foreign currency in particular in authorized banks. To open them, the same documents are submitted to the bank as for opening current accounts in national currency, namely:

- application for opening an account ( established form), signed by the head and chief accountant of the institution;

A copy of the certificate of inclusion of the institution in. EDRPOU, certified by a notary or the body that issued such a certificate;

A copy of the duly registered charter (regulations), certified by a notary or registration authority;

A copy of the registration certificate budgetary organization registered with tax authorities(certificate f N9 4-OPP);

A card with sample signatures of persons who are granted the right to manage the account and sign documents, and an imprint of the organization’s seal, which must contain the organization’s identification code;

Certificate of registration with the authorities. Pension Fund Ukraine;

A copy insurance certificate on registration of the institution in the fund social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases;

License. NBU for the right to engage in foreign economic activity

In accounting, funds in foreign currencies are accounted for separately for each currency in the cumulative statements of cash flows of the general (special) fund t f No. 381 (budget) or No. 382 (budget) - memorial orders No. 2 and No. 3, respectively. If A budgetary institution uses several types of foreign currency in its operations, has several foreign currency accounts in the bank, then the range of memorial orders for accounting for foreign currency must correspond to the number of types of currency and bank accounts. In this case, memorial orders are numbered accordingly No. 2 - 1, 2-2, 3 - 1, 3-2, etc. in.

In accounting registers, transactions with foreign currency must be reflected in parallel in both foreign and national currency of Ukraine (hryvnia). For this purpose, in memorial orders, for each entry of currency transactions, 2 lines are provided, one each serial number one - for an amount in foreign currency, the second - in national currency).

Accounting for currency transactions is carried out by budgetary institutions in subaccounts, established plan accounts:

302 "Cash desk in foreign currency"

318 "Current accounts in foreign currency"

442 "Other revaluation" (to reflect exchange rate differences)

For each name of currency in the accounting, separate third-order subaccounts are opened depending on the type of currency or accounts opened in bank institutions (302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 318 - 1, 318-2, etc.)

The initial recognition of transactions carried out in foreign currency in accounting is recalculated into the national currency of Ukraine using the exchange rate on the date of the transaction (date of revaluation of assets, liabilities, income, etc.).

Advances, prepayments provided by a budgetary institution (received from other persons) in foreign currency are converted into national currency according to exchange rate. On the date of payment (reception) of the advance, the NBU will process the single payment.

Monthly in the financial report, which is compiled in the national currency of Ukraine:

Non-monetary items associated with transactions in foreign currency and which are recorded at original or replacement cost(historical cost), recalculated into national currency at the February exchange rate for the lat of the transaction

Non-monetary items that relate to transactions in foreign currencies and are recorded at fair value (received free of charge) are translated into domestic currency at the exchange rate on the date that fair value is determined.

Monetary items carried out in foreign currency are reflected in national currency using the exchange rate as of the reporting date, that is, exchange rate differences arise for these items and are reflected in the composition equity as a result will be overestimated.

Monetary items include funds in cash, in bank accounts and in the treasury, in settlements with accountable persons, other debtors and creditors, subject to further repayment in cash. Non-current assets, inventories, accounts receivable and accounts payable, which will be repaid not with money, but with mutual offsets of raw materials, goods, equipment, services or in rubles. The result of other non-monetary transactions. In the course of the institution’s activities, debt can be transferred from monetary to non-monetary and vice versa.

As mentioned earlier, non-monetary items are reflected in accounting at the exchange rate. NBU on the date of the transaction and are not recalculated at each reporting date, and monetary items are recalculated using the exchange rate. NBU monthly (as of the reporting date.

The main operations of budgetary institutions with foreign currency are given in Table 29

Analytical accounting of foreign currency in the cash desk of a budgetary institution is carried out in cash books for each currency in number and at the same time in hryvnias at the official rate. NBU. Based on the cashier's report and attached to the receipt primary documents for currency transactions are compiled separately for each type of currency"Memorial order -. Cumulative statement for cash transactions", providing them with N t ін accordingly.

. Table 29. Reflection in accounts of transactions with foreign currency

Corresponding subaccounts

1 Funding is credited from the budget to the institution’s foreign currency account

2 Funds received as charitable contributions are credited to a foreign currency account

3 Funds transferred authorized bank to purchase foreign currency in accordance with current legislation

311,313,314, 316,319,321, 323, 324, 326

4 Received funds in foreign currency for the provided

budgetary institution services to non-residents

5 Settlements were made with the bank establishment for the purchase of foreign currency:

credited purchased foreign currency

payment of the cost of bank services for the purchase of currency is reflected

801,802, 811-813

6 Foreign currency received in cash at the cash desk

7 publications from the cash register in foreign currency for reporting

8 A settlement was made with the accountable person for currency funds:

an advance report on expenses within the limits of the advance was approved (at the exchange rate on the day the advance was issued)

801,802, 811-813

approved advance report on more advanced advance issued (at the rate on the day of repayment


debt repaid (overspending on advance report) national currency

9 Currency transferred for services provided by a non-resident

10 Services received and work performed by a non-resident are written off as expenses of the institution

(at the exchange rate on the date of payment of the advance)

"801,802, 811-813

11 Materials received from a non-resident (at the exchange rate on the date of transfer of the advance)

12 Exchange rate differences were accrued on the balance of foreign currency funds in bank accounts:

a) when the exchange rate of foreign currency increases

simultaneous second recording

701,702, 711-713

b) when the foreign currency exchange rate depreciates

simultaneous second recording

On a monthly and quarterly basis, institutions that use foreign currency in their activities compile and submit to the authority. GKU “Certificate on transactions in foreign currency”, in which, according to the codes of the economic classification of expenses, indicators of the availability, receipt and expenditure of funds in foreign currency and in the hryvnia equivalent are given (for general and special funds separately.

State (municipal) institutions have the right to carry out cash settlements not only in the currency of the Russian Federation, but also in foreign currency. As a rule, the latter arise when repaying obligations to foreign suppliers, sending employees on business trips abroad, and carrying out other operations that arise in the course of financial and economic activities. We will talk about the features of accounting for transactions related to the crediting and debiting of funds in foreign currency, as well as currency conversion operations, in this article.

According to clause 42 of Instruction No. 162n*(1): to account for funds for budgetary activities For income-generating activities in foreign currency in accounts with a credit institution, account 0 201 27 000 “Institutional funds in foreign currency in accounts with a credit institution” is used.
It is worth noting that accounting for transactions involving the movement of funds in foreign currency is simultaneously carried out in the corresponding foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the ruble equivalent) on the date of the transactions.

The ruble equivalent of the balance of funds in foreign currencies as of the reporting date (date of formation of accounting registers) is reflected in accounting in the currency of the Russian Federation at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the reporting date (date of formation of accounting registers). To reflect transactions in foreign currency in ruble equivalent, it is necessary to revaluate them, which is carried out on the date of transactions in foreign currency and on the reporting date. Positive (negative) exchange rate differences arising during revaluation are attributed to the increase (decrease) of funds in the institution’s accounts in foreign currency with exchange rate differences being attributed to the financial result of the current financial year from the revaluation of assets (clause 154 of Instruction No. 157n * (2)).
In accordance with paragraph 54 of Instruction No. 162n, the exchange rate difference is reflected as follows accounting records:
- positive:
Account debit 0 201 27 510 "Receipts of funds from the institution in foreign currency to an account with a credit institution"
Account credit 0 401 10 171 "Income from revaluation of assets"
- negative:
Account debit 0 401 10 171 "Income from revaluation of assets"
Account credit 0 201 27 610 "Retirement of the institution's funds in foreign currency from an account with a credit institution"
Analytical accounting for account 0 201 27 000 is carried out in the context of accounts opened by the institution in the fund and settlement card (f. 0504051) or the journal of transactions with non-cash funds (f. 0504071). Accounting for cash flow transactions on the specified account is kept in the journal of transactions with non-cash funds on the basis of documents attached to account statements and a certificate (form 0504833) issued when calculating exchange rate differences (clauses 179, 180 of Instruction No. 157n) .

Receipt and outflow of funds in foreign currency

Receipts of funds in foreign currency to the accounts of a credit organization are documented on the basis of documents attached to account statements, by reflecting the debit of account 0 201 27 510 “Receipts of funds of the institution in foreign currency to an account with a credit organization” and credit (clause 52 Instructions N 162н):
- account 0 201 23 510 “Receipts of funds from an institution to a credit institution on the way” - when funds are received by the main manager, manager, recipient of budget funds for making payments in accordance with the budget schedule;
- relevant accounts analytical accounting accounts 0 207 00 000 "Settlements on credits, loans (loans)" (0 207 11 640, 0 207 13 640, 0 207 14 640, 0 207 21 640, 0 207 23 640, 0 207 24 640, 0 207 31 640 , 0 207 33 640) - upon receipt of funds for the repayment of loans and credits;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 301 00 000 “Settlements with creditors on debt obligations” (0 301 11 710 - 0 301 14 710, 0 301 21 710, 0 301 23 720, 0 301 24 720, 0 301 31 710, 0 301 33 720, 0 301 42 720, 0 301 43 720, 0 301 44 720) - upon receipt of funds associated with the occurrence of debt obligations;
- accounts 0 201 34 610 “Disposals from the institution’s cash desk”, corresponding accounts for analytical accounting of accounts 0 206 00 000 “Calculations for advances issued” (0 206 21 660 - 0 206 26 660, 0 206 31 660 - 0 206 34 660, 0 206 41 660, 0 206 51 660, 0 206 61 660, 0 206 62 660, 0 206 91 660), 0 303 00 000 "Calculations for payments to budgets" (0 303 04 730, 0 303 05 730) - when step cash in the reporting year to restore expenses and pay off accounts receivable;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts 0 205 00 000 "Calculations for income" (0 205 11 660, 0 205 21 660, 0 205 31 660, 0 205 41 660, 0 205 51 660 - 0 205 53 660, 0 205 61 6 60 , 0 205 71 660 - 0 205 75 660, 0 205 81 660), 0 401 10 100 “Income of an economic entity” - upon receipt of funds associated with the crediting of income administered by the institution to the institution’s foreign currency account.
The disposal of funds in foreign currency is reflected in the credit of account 0 201 27 610 “Retirement of funds of the institution in foreign currency from an account with a credit institution” and the debit (clauses 52, 53 of Instruction No. 162n):
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 304 04 000 "Internal settlements" (0 304 04 211 - 0 304 04 213, 0 304 04 221 - 0 304 04 226, 0 304 04 261 - 0 304 04 263, 0 304 04 231, 0 304 04 232, 0 304 04 241, 0 304 04 242, 0 304 04 251 - 0 304 04 253, 0 304 04 290, 0 304 04 310 - 0 304 04 340, 0 304 04 20 - 0 304 04 550, 0 304 04 810, 0 304 04 820) - when transferring funds to institutions under the authority of the main manager, the manager of budget funds;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 206 00 000 "Calculations for advances issued" (0 206 21 560 - 0 206 26 560, 0 206 31 560 - 0 206 34 560, 0 206 91 560) - when transferring prepayment in accordance with concluded contracts for the acquisition of material assets, performance of work (services), and other payments;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 302 00 000 "Calculations for accepted obligations" (0 302 21 830 - 0 302 26 830, 0 302 31 830 - 0 302 34 830, 0 302 91 830) - when transferring funds to pay bills suppliers for delivered material values, services provided;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 207 00 000 “Calculations for credits, borrowings (loans)” (0 207 11 540, 0 207 13 540, 0 207 14 540, 0 207 21 540, 0 207 23 540, 0 207 24 540 , 0 207 31 540, 0 207 33 540) - when providing loans;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 207 00 000 “Calculations for credits, borrowings (loans)” (0 207 11 540, 0 207 13 540, 0 207 14 540, 0 207 21 540, 0 207 23 540, 0 207 24 540 , 0 207 31 540, 0 207 33 540) - when transferring funds under state and municipal guarantees, for which equivalent claims arise on the part of the guarantor against the debtor;
- account 0 401 20 290 “Other expenses” - when transferring funds under state and municipal guarantees for which there are no equivalent claims on the part of the guarantor to the debtor;
- corresponding analytical accounting accounts account 0 301 00 000 “Settlements with creditors on debt obligations” (0 301 11 810 - 0 301 14 810, 0 301 21 810, 0 301 23 810, 0 301 24 810, 0 301 31 810, 0 301 33 820, 0 301 42 820, 0 301 43 820, 0 301 44 820) - when paying off debt obligations;
- accounts 0 201 34 510 “Receipts to the institution’s cash desk”, 0 201 26 510 “Receipts of funds to the institution’s letter of credit account in a credit organization”, corresponding analytical accounts accounts 0 401 10 100 “Income of an economic entity”, 0 303 00 000 “Calculations for payments to budgets" (0 303 04 830, 0 303 05 830), 0 304 03 830 "Reduction of accounts payable for deductions from wage payments", 0 304 02 830 "Reduction of accounts payable for settlements with depositors" - upon withdrawal funds to the institution's cash desk, as well as making other payments from the account.

Example 1
The government agency received foreign currency from the budget (20,000 euros) to purchase equipment from a foreign supplier. According to the supply agreement, the cost of the equipment is 19,800 euros, 30% of which the institution must pay in advance. The exchange rate changed as follows (data are given conditionally):
- on the date of transfer of funds by the main manager and crediting of currency to the institution’s account - 40.2200 rubles/euro;
- on the date of debiting advance payments from the institution’s foreign currency account - 40.0000 rubles/euro;
- on the date of debiting funds from the institution’s foreign currency account for the final settlement with the supplier - 39.2841 rubles/euro;
- as of the reporting date - 41.2500 rubles/euro.
In accounting, transactions for crediting and debiting funds from a foreign currency account will be reflected in the following accounting entries:

Amount, euro/rub.

At the chief manager

Transfer of federal budget funds in foreign currency on the basis of a payment document (application-order of the main manager)

At the recipient of budget funds (institution)

Receiving funds into a foreign currency account to make payments in accordance with the budget schedule:

Write-off of funds from a personal account with the treasury authority

Receipt of funds to a foreign currency account

Recalculation of foreign currency funds on the date of transfer of advance payments (reflection of negative exchange rate differences, in rubles) 20,000 euros x (40.0000 - 40.2200) rubles/euro

Transfer of advance payments from a foreign currency account (19,800 euros x 30% x 40.0000 rubles/euro)

Recalculation of foreign currency funds on the date of final settlement with the supplier (reflection of negative exchange rate differences, in rubles) ((20,000 - 5,940) euros x (39.2841 - 40.0000) rubles/euro

The final payment has been made to the supplier (19,800 - 5,940) euros x 39.2841 rubles/euro

13 860/544 477,63

Recalculation of the balance of foreign currency funds as of the reporting date (reflection of positive exchange rate difference, rub.) (20,000 - 19,800) euro x (41.2500 - 39.2841) rub./euro