Mortgage for housing for military personnel. Military mortgage - mortgage terms for military personnel

As you know, the process of purchasing an apartment is more complicated than going to the store for household purchases. Registration of housing takes time and buying a home with a military mortgage- not an exception.

We will answer frequently asked questions about the timing: what are the stages, duration and what it depends on.

How long do you need to serve to become a member of the NIS?

To buy real estate with a military mortgage, you need to become a participant in the accumulative mortgage system. Are they included in the register automatically or do they need to submit a report on entry: depends on the start date of service and rank.

Officers do not have a threshold for the number of years of service, warrant officers and midshipmen are included automatically after 3 years, privates and non-commissioned officers can become participants voluntarily, also after 3 years of service.

Conditions change every year. We consider in detail the current categories of military personnel for participation in the NIS in the article “Military mortgage: conditions in 2017”.

How many years does it take to get a military mortgage?

After submitting a report to your superiors about joining the NIS or automatic inclusion, the countdown of the date of participation begins and savings are formed on the serviceman’s personal account. Minimum 3 years later You can take advantage of your participation by taking out a military mortgage, and use the money as down payment.

How long can you avoid taking out a military mortgage?

An NIS participant is not required to use savings after 3 years. You can buy an apartment with a military mortgage at any time. The main thing to know is that for each age of a military personnel the bank sets maximum amount loan: the older the buyer, the less it is.

How long does it take to obtain a military mortgage?

When a serviceman decides to use his savings to buy a home, he issues an NIS Certificate. The paper is valid for 6 months and will appear in your hands within a month of submitting your application. That is, over the next 5 months, the foreigner must have time to choose housing, a bank and go through the entire registration procedure. The deadline has expired - the certificate is taken again.

How many years is a military mortgage valid for?

The number of years depends on the age at which the license is issued mortgage. Banks expect full repayment to occur before age 45. Accordingly, if you subtract your age from 45, you will find out maximum term military mortgage.

How many years does it take for a military man to get an apartment?

It is important to realize that a serviceman does not receive an apartment, but buys it. While he serves, funds are taken from a personal savings account. It can be understood this way: savings funds are an additional “reward” from the state for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Under the terms of the program, the apartment (house, townhouse) becomes the property of the serviceman after full repayment mortgage debt.

The repayment time depends on the chosen path:

  1. This can happen naturally: the mortgage serves and the mortgage is paid according to the plan from NIS funds until the debt is completely paid off;
  2. It is more profitable to pay off your mortgage early using maternity capital or personal funds. This can be done at any time. If the service is not completed, the money will continue to flow into your personal savings account and you can re-apply for a military mortgage.

But if a military officer resigns of his own free will or for poor performance of work duties, the debt passes to him, moreover, the military man must fully repay the funds used from the NIS. Therefore, be careful, before leaving, think about how to pay the cost of the apartment - this issue will become a significant factor when making the decision to leave.

For the majority of military personnel, by 2019 there is no alternative to buying a home other than a mortgage. Of course, the Ministry of Defense is interested in high-quality provision of lending services to active officers.

Military mortgage is a system for obtaining housing for military personnel. It is abbreviated as NIS (savings-mortgage system).

How does this system work?

The NIS came into force in 2005. It replaced the Soviet system of providing the army with living space.

You can obtain the right to NIS without any problems. The military receives payments to their account every year from the state. It is important to know that enumerations are indexed. For 2015-1016, the total amount is 245,880 rubles. for every year. In 2017 - 260,000 rubles. In 2018 - 268,456 rubles. In 2019 - 280,009 rubles.

Savings funds are sometimes invested at interest, but more often they are used for a more profitable purpose - for a military mortgage.

To obtain a housing loan, you must save the amount for at least 3 years. Then you can count on a certificate. And choosing housing that is suitable for price and square footage is a separate issue.

Order No. 166

This order was signed in February 2013 by S. Shoigu. The point is this:

  1. The registration process has been changed.
  2. Information on savings account NIS is provided in a new way for participants.
  3. The preparation of information about future participants in the savings system has also been revised.
  4. Preparation of information about military personnel who have earned the right to use savings for the purpose of providing housing.
  5. Organization of payments Money NIS participants in addition to cash security for housing.

An important aspect of this law is the change in the order of sending documents from parts. They will be sent to the Department thanks to the regional housing authorities. Previously, documents were submitted through the military department.

Another significant change is the payment of funds. It's about about additional savings that relate to housing provision. Before the order, the decision was made by the unit commander. The current Order No. 166 approved these payments to be made through regional departments.

How to calculate the amount for a military mortgage

The easiest way to calculate this amount is with an online calculator from a thematic website. It is important to know the calculator criteria:

  1. Market value of the apartment.
  2. Calculated funds.
  3. Mortgage term.
  4. Interest rate.

Detailed conditions for receiving

All military personnel who have reached the age of 25 are eligible for the NIS. These age criteria are prescribed in the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

As was written earlier, to participate in the program you must serve at least three years. During this period, the amount available for purchasing an apartment accumulates.

All officers and warrant officers who have signed a contract since the beginning of 2005 are required to participate in the military mortgage. Moreover, officers who entered service as volunteers from January 1, 2005, also apply to this program.

You can voluntarily apply for a military mortgage to petty officers, soldiers, sergeants and sailors who signed a repeat (second) contract after the beginning of 2005.

Interestingly, the right to join this funded system is given regardless of the housing situation. That is, if a military family does not have an apartment or each family member owns personal property, this does not affect the criteria and conditions in any way.

Mandatory NIS participants receive a notification that they are included in the register, and an account has been opened for them to accumulate funds.

Those who wish to voluntarily participate in the “military mortgage” submit documents to the housing department, and not to the unit commander. This change came into force in 2013. The documents are transferred to the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, then to Rosvoenipoteka. And in the final instance they draw up the paper in the form of a certificate. This certificate confirms participation in the program and the right to receive housing loan.

From the day the registration is submitted, the countdown for transferring money begins. By law, transfers take no longer than 10 days.

Then the military man has six months to choose an apartment. Of course, more savvy people, as a rule, have already looked at several options even before applying for registration. This is important for achieving the goal, because if you do not find the necessary living space, the certificate will be lost. After 6 months, you must re-apply for registration.

Detailed structured plan for the mortgage procedure

Let us consider in detail all stages of providing a military mortgage.

Registration and receipt of a certificate confirming the right to a housing loan

The action has been previously described in detail. It is important to remember that the time to purchase is less than six months. This is a strict limitation. It must be adhered to when planning all actions to organize a mortgage.

Selection of housing

In 2019, finding an apartment with conditions for a military mortgage is feasible in most regions of Russia. It is wiser to seek help from accredited realtors.

It is important to know what is most advantageous choice– these are new buildings provided by the development company.

For some intelligence agencies, information is not open.

How can you combine military spouse mortgages?

Since 2016, it has been officially allowed to pool funds from the NIS between spouses. This change in the law came into force in mid-2016. It was given the name “Military Mortgage +”.

Video consultation on obtaining a military mortgage

The video explains in a clear and concise manner the procedure for military personnel to obtain housing with a mortgage.

According to statements by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the cost of purchasing housing is fully reimbursed by the state, while the serviceman does not spend his own funds. Is this really true? It cannot be said that military mortgage deliberate deception of military personnel. But it is obvious that the program has many nuances and pitfalls.

How is a military mortgage paid to a bank?

Having become a member of the NIS, a serviceman receives a personal account. From federal budget The account is replenished with annual contributions. It is these payments that are transferred to the bank to pay off the loan and are used for the down payment.

The real estate registered under the purchase and sale agreement remains pledged to credit organization until mortgage obligations are fully satisfied. Actual payer mortgage loan is the Ministry of Defense. During the loan repayment period, the serviceman’s personal account is not replenished, since all funds are transferred directly to the bank.

Important! Applying for a mortgage is accompanied by additional expenses: home appraisal, life insurance of the borrower and collateral real estate. These expenses are paid by the program participant from his own budget.

How military personnel are cheated on military mortgages

Military mortgage is state support. The goal is to help military personnel decide housing issue at the expense of the federal budget. However, there are situations when the state stops transferring funds to pay the mortgage or even confiscates the home. Faced with such a problem, people tend to consider themselves deceived. In reality, neither the bank nor the Department of Defense seeks to defraud the service member. The reason is ignorance of some of the nuances and features of the military mortgage system.

Like anyone credit product, military mortgage implies special conditions, subject to which the housing loan is compensated by the state and subsequently becomes the property of the military man. Knowing all the pitfalls, you can avoid problems:

  1. You can order a certificate of entitlement to a housing loan after three years from the date of registration in the NIS register;
  2. Accumulated funds can only be used to purchase residential real estate;
  3. Having taken out a military mortgage, a soldier must serve 20 years or more. At early termination military contract (except for preferential reasons) must be reimbursed full cost mortgages own funds;
  4. Object insurance is prerequisite program and is paid for by the military personnel themselves. Insurance payments must be made annually throughout the loan period;
  5. Additional expenses for housing assessment and contract registration, notary and agent services are also not compensated by the state;
  6. The certificate is valid for 6 months, the bureaucratic process of collecting documents may take longer;
  7. Rosvoenipoteka, as a rule, does not index monthly payments, while the bank initially stipulates an annual increase in the mortgage monthly payment. This may result in a longer loan repayment period.

As in any real estate transaction, purchasing an apartment using a military mortgage may be accompanied by fraud on the part of unscrupulous sellers and realtors. The bulk of the scams take place on secondary market housing:

  1. Sale of real estate by third parties using forged documents;
  2. Registration of a transaction with a notary without a license;
  3. Replacement of the selected object. The documents indicate data on worse and cheaper housing;
  4. Invalid transactions. Sale of an object after the death of the owner, before the inheritance takes effect.

Important! In order not to be deceived, it is necessary to study in detail the conditions and consequences of using the military mortgage system, study the bank’s program, and also entrust the choice of housing to qualified agents. Before signing an agreement or other document, you must carefully study all the points and make sure that the specified data is accurate.

In what cases does housing purchased with a military mortgage remain with the military personnel?

Purchasing residential real estate under the military mortgage program involves certain conditions, upon fulfilling which the serviceman becomes the full owner of the home.

  1. Military mortgages are compensated by the Ministry of Defense after 20 years of service, including on a preferential basis. The listed subsidies are paid free of charge. After closing the loan, the military man becomes the owner of the property;
  2. If federal funds are not enough to pay off the mortgage in full, the loan balance is paid using the military member's personal savings. After the serviceman fulfills all obligations under the mortgage, the apartment becomes property.

Important! When applying for a mortgage, you need to take into account that the age limit for receiving additional payments is 45 years.

How to withdraw savings from a military mortgage upon early dismissal

The need for early dismissal arises for various reasons. If a NIS participant did not complete his service due to health reasons and a military mortgage was not issued, he can withdraw his savings if he has more than 10 years of service.

The procedure for paying additional funds for a military mortgage takes into account the reasons for dismissal and length of service. Those dismissed on preferential terms can count on such payments if they have more than 10 years of experience.

Advantageous factors are:

  • Organizational and staffing measures;
  • Medical indications;
  • Family circumstances;
  • Age limit.

Compensation for a military mortgage if you did not use it

As a member of the NIS, a serviceman can withdraw unused savings from his personal account under certain conditions.

  • If you have a service record of 20 years or more, you are allowed to use your savings at your own discretion;
  • If a contract soldier, having served more than 10 years, was dismissed under the general military order, but the military mortgage was not used, in addition to savings he receives additional payments. Based on the amount that he would have accumulated before 20 years of experience;
  • When leaving service for family reasons, if the serviceman has not taken out a mortgage, he can count on compensation for his savings. In this case, the service experience must be more than 10 years;
  • If the military mortgage is not used, upon dismissal of your own free will. Having served from 10 to 20 calendars, the serviceman receives savings and additional payments at his disposal.

Do I need to return the military mortgage upon termination of the contract in 2018?

The return of a military mortgage in case of early termination of the contract is regulated by the federal law“On the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel”:

  • Art. 10 indicates that a military mortgage upon dismissal for organizational reasons and with service of more than 10 years does not require compensation;
  • If there is a dismissal under the National Labor Code with 13 years of service, the military mortgage must be returned. The serviceman must pay the state everything transferred funds housing loan, including the amount for the down payment;
  • The apartment cannot be returned under a military mortgage in the event of the death of a military personnel;
  • When applying for a mortgage, if a person leaves on preferential terms and has less than 10 years of service, he is obliged to return the funds provided.

Military mortgage after restoration from stock not on preferential terms

If the military mortgage is not sold by the NIS participant before transfer to the reserve, the dismissal law provides for the restoration of savings if signed new contract. However, if the dismissal was not due preferential conditions, then accumulation will begin again. Previous amounts will be cancelled.

Important! In order not to lose savings when renewing a contract, you need to formalize dismissal under preferential circumstances.

Military mortgage for those discharged at a certain age

The age limit for military personnel is 50 years. Upon dismissal due to age, accumulations in the personal account cease. Accordingly, the remaining amount of the loan will have to be paid independently. The earlier a military mortgage is issued, the greater the likelihood of full repayment using mortgage savings.

Repayment of a military mortgage upon dismissal after 35 years is made by the state in the case of service of more than 10 years in the presence of preferential circumstances, or 20 years without them. In other cases, it is necessary to compensate the state for the funds spent, including the savings in the personal account used for the down payment.

Problems with paying off a military mortgage while serving in a foreign army

Military mortgage program intended only for military personnel serving in the Russian army, and are valid only in the territory Russian Federation. Programs for serving in a foreign army are regulated by the laws of the state in which the service takes place.

Questions and answers

When will additional funds for military mortgages arrive?

Additional funds are transferred within three months from the date of writing the application for receipt of payment.

If there is not enough money on a military mortgage, what should you do?

The amount of military mortgage for this moment- 1,900,000 rubles. When these funds are not enough to purchase the desired housing, the bank offers to issue an additional loan: Sberbank up to 1 million rubles, VTB up to 3,000,000 rubles. Payment additional loan occurs at the expense of the borrower’s personal funds.

Welcome! Today we’ll talk about what a military mortgage is and who it is intended for. Military mortgage is relative new program for the provision of housing to military personnel and their families. Military mortgage 2019 is one of the effective tools to resolve the issue for military personnel and military pensioners. Read the post to the end and you will find out: is it worth taking out a military mortgage, is a mortgage possible for military pensioners, is a military mortgage issued a second time, and also current offers banks for the current day.

How is a military mortgage different from a regular one? A military mortgage for military personnel differs from a classic one in that while the borrower is on military service, his mortgage debt is paid off by the Department of Defense, not himself. The difference will be in the lending conditions and registration stages. The requirements for the borrower will also differ. You will learn about them further.

What is a military mortgage?

The essence of a military mortgage is as follows: the state annually transfers additional subsidies to the account of a military personnel who has reached the age of at least 22 years, and the borrower can subsequently use these funds to make a down payment.

It is possible to receive no more than 3,000,000 rubles, but if he prefers to take more expensive housing, he can add his own savings to this amount. With a military mortgage, you can purchase both secondary housing and real estate under construction, and even buy out a share in the construction of a residential complex.

In order to become a participant in a military mortgage, it is necessary, first of all, to register in the so-called savings-mortgage system (NIS). This system deals with the provision of military mortgages and is designed to ensure that during the serviceman’s participation in it (and borrowers from 22 to 45 years old can participate in this program), a sufficient amount of funds should accumulate in his account in order to buy real estate with an average area of 54 square meters. According to the Ministry of Defense, this area is enough for a spouse and a child to live.

All military personnel are allowed to participate in the NIS, but there are restrictions for ordinary soldiers: they receive the opportunity to become participants in the military mortgage only when they enter into a second service contract. All other layers of military personnel (that is, officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, etc.) are automatically enrolled in the program; some of them need to submit a report for a military mortgage. Military mortgages for military personnel in 2019 can also be issued a second time.

There is a myth that a borrower can buy housing with a military mortgage only at the place of registration or service - but this is not true. There are no restrictions on the territorial location of “official housing” in military mortgage lending.

This scheme is used very often. Since you can buy housing in any region, a serviceman takes an apartment in Moscow or the Moscow region. Then he rents it out, and he uses the official housing for living. Thus, you get a kind of additional pension from the state for the period of service.

The requirements apply only to types of housing: you cannot purchase apartments in dilapidated houses, in "communal apartments" and in "Khrushchev apartments".

There are also no restrictions on the choice of bank that will provide a loan for a military mortgage: the register of military mortgages currently includes 77 Russian banks. Most profitable offer you can find at the end of this article.

Sevastopol has become a very popular city for the implementation of this program, like the whole of Crimea. Next, you will find out which banks lend to this region.


Military mortgage tax deduction. Do not forget that there is a tax deduction for military mortgages. You can get it, but only from your own payments for the apartment. The stumbling block here is that the RF Ministry of Defense will provide money for the purchase of an apartment. So, if you bought an apartment for 5 million and the state paid 3 million using funds in the NIS account, then from the remaining two million you can receive a tax deduction of up to 260 thousand rubles. Will also be available mortgage interest refund.

Military mortgage judicial practice. Arbitrage practice on military mortgages shows many cases when legal disputes flared up regarding the dismissal of a borrower from the Russian army, including those related to changes in the terms of military mortgage agreements. If you think it is possible to defend your right to a military mortgage even after leaving the Russian army, you should contact a military mortgage lawyer (fill out the consultation form in the right corner).

Military mortgage with bad credit history can also be issued by a bank. The main snag here is to find a bank that will agree to give a loan on such conditions, but if you want, you can get it. described in detail in our last post.

A military mortgage in the event of the death of a serviceman can cause serious damage to his widow, but only if he served in the Russian army for less than ten years. If the borrower had more than ten years of service, the state continues to pay military mortgage payments for him after his death.

Military mortgage pros and cons.


  • The state pays the payments
  • Low rate
  • Almost no attention is paid to credit history

Disadvantages of a military mortgage:

  • Difficulties with registration and deadlines.
  • Limited number of banks
  • Small amount
  • Problems with tax deductions
  • Although military mortgages approve shared construction, there are restrictions on the choice of developers and houses.
  • The owner is only a military man.


For 2019, the amount for military mortgages is set at 280 009,7 . Based on this amount it will be calculated monthly payment, which the state will pay for the serviceman. In 2019 it is 23,334.14.

How much money is given to military personnel in a military mortgage? The terms of a military mortgage are calculated on an individual basis. In this case, a variety of factors can be taken into account: the bank takes into account the age of the serviceman, his length of service, the amount of contributions from the state, etc. Military loans are not issued without a down payment: today this is an average of 20% of total amount loan, although in some banks there are down payments ranging from 10%. Interest rates are also installed individually.

How to get involved

How to become a participant in a military mortgage?

You can get a military mortgage if you:

  • An officer who received his military rank later than 2005. They are automatically enrolled to participate in the NIS.
  • An officer who received the rank of officer before 2005: in order to take part in the NIS, they need to submit a report. A sample report for a military mortgage can be requested at your place of service.
  • Midshipman or warrant officer, service for more than three years.
  • Private soldier, sergeant, sergeant major, sailor, etc.: people with these ranks can become participants in the program upon entering into at least a second service contract.

However, it is not necessary to use a military mortgage at the first opportunity. The Ministry of Defense in any case replenishes the serviceman’s account throughout the entire period of his work. A participant in a mortgage for military personnel can use the accumulated funds immediately and buy an apartment or house, bypassing the conclusion stage mortgage agreement with the bank. But for this profitable receipt the service member must have appropriate reasons for mortgage funds. For example:

  • The borrower has at least 20 years of service.
  • The borrower leaves after serving for more than 10 years and without having his own home. At the same time, the borrower's family members do not own any real estate. If a serviceman owns real estate, he will not have to count on benefits.
  • The borrower may receive savings for family reasons, health reasons, or in connection with decisions made at the place of his duty (for example, in connection with a transfer).

If a serviceman is in at least one of the listed situations, then, after submitting the appropriate report, all funds accumulated during his service will be credited to his account within three months. The same system is used to issue military mortgages for pensioners.

How to get a mortgage

How to get a military mortgage: a step-by-step diagram.

To obtain a military mortgage, the borrower must be a member of the NIS for at least 36 months. These requirements are standard for most banks. If he fits the age range (from 22 to 45 years), then he should count on the loan repayment period based on his age: at 45 years old, the military mortgage must be repaid.

So, if you are eligible to participate in the military mortgage program, you can apply for a loan in several stages:

  1. First of all, you should submit documents to the bank of your choice (there may be several). You can, for example, leave an online application on the bank’s website. As a rule, banks require a passport, application and certificate of NIS participant, but in each individual financial institution Additional requirements may apply. A mortgage without a military ID is not possible.
  2. The bank manager fills out an application and sends it for a decision. If all requirements for the borrower are satisfied, the bank confirms the application and immediately notifies the client.
  3. Next, you need to collect all the documents required to obtain a military mortgage. These may include: documents of the borrower, documents of the seller, a purchase and sale agreement, some documents related to the purchased living space, and so on.
  4. The next step is the bank's real estate decision. The purchased housing must meet the requirements of a military mortgage. If the bank has no complaints about the object, then it issues a positive conclusion.
  5. The borrower must then sign all documents, including loan agreement. Mortgage bank sends a package of signed documents to Rosvoenipoteka.
  6. If there are no errors in the documents, then Rosvoenipoteka signs them on its part and sends them back to the bank. Also, Rosvoenipoteka immediately transfers funds for the down payment to the serviceman’s account. If the borrower was unable to obtain a military mortgage for the amount he expected, he can add funds to buy the apartment from his own savings.
  7. After completing these operations, the serviceman can register ownership of the housing. He must hand over the documents confirming this registration to the bank.
  8. As soon as the bank receives these documents, it sends them to Rosvoenipoteka and issues mortgage funds to the borrower. From this moment on, Rospoenipoteka begins to pay off the serviceman’s mortgage debt until it is paid in full or until the employee is dismissed. In this case, the borrower will have to repay the entire loan independently and in full.

Bank conditions

The best military mortgage offers from Russian banks:

BankBid, %Amount, thousand rublesPV, %Rate on finished housing, %Note
AHML9 2410 20 9
Bank Russia10,4 2270 10 10,4
VTB 249,3 2435 15 10 if leaving NIS rate + 0.3%
Gazprombank9,5 2330 20 9,5
Bank Zenith9,9 2800 20 9,9 It is possible to get a mortgage up to 5 million special program Family, In the sampo complex rate 9.5
Bank opening10 2300 20 10
RNKB9,5 2300 10 9,5
RosselkhozBank10,75 2230 10 10,75
Sberbank9,5 2330 15 9,5
Svyaz Bank10,9 2220 20 10,9
Absalut Bank9,5 2900 20 9,5
Bank "Saint-Petersburg10,9 2200 15 10,9
Uralsib10,6 2600 20 10,6

Changes for 2019 are the Family Credit program of Zenit Bank. According to it, if both spouses are participants in the NIS, then they can receive maximum credit for primary housing up to 4.6 million, for secondary housing 4 million. Additionally, if you use the “Mortgage +” option (paying part of the mortgage with your own money), the amount increases to 5 million and 4.5 million, respectively.

Online application on mortgage credit lending available for these programs link. Section "Mortgage". You won’t have to stand in line to see a bank consultant.
Changes in the program occur regularly, so we recommend subscribing to project updates.

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