Dmitry Aleksandrovich Eremin MKB. Almost the entire top management of MKB bought shares in the bank at the expense of additional bonuses Eremin Dmitry Aleksandrovich MKB

How often these days can you meet people who devote all their strength to achieving their goals? They constantly work on themselves and make every effort to help purposeful people, helping them implement their plans. These heroes have existed at all times, however, they often do not like to talk about themselves, remaining in the shadows. Dmitry Aleksandrovich Eremin is just such a person, since throughout his life he managed to accomplish many amazing things that motivate others to action and rapid development in their chosen field of activity. Literally every new step he takes is a daring challenge to his own destiny, but from all such battles this man emerges victorious. He is always ready for new challenges and is happy to rush into the next battle.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Eremin was born on December 14, 1978 in Moscow. He is completely convinced that it is this city that promotes motivation for new achievements. This city is famous for its love for strong and successful people, and Eremin intended to become just that. IN Last year While studying at school, our hero had a choice as to which institute he should enroll in. Then Dmitry decided to study where he would have the opportunity to use his thirst for knowledge. As a result, he entered the Academy Federal service security of Russia.

Studying was easy for him, so no problems arose. Dmitry actively took part in All-Russian Olympiads and received many awards for first and second places. Soon he began to think about his own future, and chose the MKB company as his main job. It is noteworthy that there was no specialty in information security at all, but Eremin would have been confident that this company would be the key to his successful future and would allow him to develop by solving complex problems.

Already in 2002, Eremin successfully completed his studies at the Academy and was hired by the ICB. He immediately felt that the work was unusual for him and required a lot of effort on his part, and he was always famous for his love of solving non-standard problems. After some time, this work became very simple for Dmitry, so he took the place of head of the sales department, bringing MKB Bank more than 20 million new contracts per month. The understanding immediately came that there was a lack of knowledge in business, so Eremin was worried about failure in this field of activity. He immediately decides to get a second education, but studying and working at the same time is a rather difficult task, but quite feasible for our hero.

Already in 2003, Dmitry received a diploma in the specialty “Finance and Credit”. The new education made it possible to take a higher position, and now he becomes deputy director of the sales department. The volume of work began to increase, the demands from management became stricter, so there was practically no free time. Eremin coped with his duties excellently, worked quickly and efficiently, so already in 2012 he became chairman of the board of the Moscow Credit Bank.

While working, Dmitry constantly paid attention to his junior colleagues, holding meetings with them where he talked about the principles of doing business. Even then he was obsessed with the idea of ​​creating the most convenient bank for clients, therefore he actively participated in the development of software for operational work with borrowers and depositors. Dmitry was proud of what he did and made every effort to ensure that the company always remained competitive. It was thanks to the activities of this person that the company became popular in the factoring markets.

This led to the creation by MBK of a new product - non-recourse factoring for debtors belonging to the segment of not only small but also medium-sized businesses. It was possible to develop a progressive program for financing medium and small businesses. There is no doubt that Dmitry Eremin turned out to be an extremely useful employee for his company. It took a little time for him to significantly increase the bank’s profits, and it was thanks to him that the company regularly received good bonuses for employees. Competitors did not have a chance to beat the company, as new strategies were constantly being developed, bringing many new clients to MKB.

The level of service was high, so customers became regulars. In just ten years, the company began to enjoy considerable popularity and began to participate in charity events, the organizer of which was also Dmitry Eremin. He also became known for his responsiveness, so he could not help but participate in the development of a fund to help children. He acted as one of the general sponsors of a charity event called “Hurry to Do Good,” the basic essence of which was to provide comprehensive assistance children's institution"Sochi". With special emphasis on the fact that children are the future of our country, he promised that he would provide financial assistance promotions and children's hospitals.

Colleagues constantly noticed Eremin’s incredible perseverance and patience when he was doing his work. He is extremely interested in ensuring that all the tasks he undertakes are solved with the highest possible quality, and that clients remain satisfied with the level of service. He paid a lot of attention to studying the work of competitors, conducted analyzes of the activities of the ICB, and then drew appropriate conclusions. This allowed the bank’s total profit to increase monthly, customer service became more efficient, and the company’s popularity grew at an incredible pace. Repeatedly he motivated not only his colleagues, but also competitors for further development. Of course, Dmitry Eremin managed to make an invaluable contribution to the development of the MKB company.

In 2018, Dmitry decides to leave his post and change jobs. Perhaps this was due to his constant desire to develop and face new life difficulties. Dmitry is a man of intelligence, so he was not able to deal with typical problems for a long time. He noted that working for the MKB company was the best for him, but he needed development and mastery of new skills. This led to Eremin giving the position he had held for a long time to his colleague Pavel Shevchuk and leaving for another place of work. Dmitry is absolutely sure that in the future his dream job will await him, which will give him the opportunity to work for his own pleasure.

A difficult situation with loan debt arose with Moscow businessman Denis Filippov. In early March, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Moscow Credit Bank PJSC Dmitry Eremin seemed to begin hinting at the need to provide an eight-figure sum to solve problems with loan debt.

In May 2014 Filippov my wife and I, as individuals, took out a loan from MKB for repairs country house, in July of the same year, the couple took out another loan for major renovation their Moscow apartment.. In the first case, the loan amount was about 14.5 million rubles until May 2019, in the second – 50 million rubles until July 2029. Both the country house and the Filippovs’ apartment were registered as collateral. The main borrower was the entrepreneur's wife, and he himself was the guarantor. It is noteworthy that the same bank also serviced companies owned by the family.

The difficult economic situation in 2014-2015 could not but affect the family business, and during this period Filippov a third child was born and the entrepreneur’s wife was forced to retire for a while. As a result, difficulties arose with servicing the loan and overdue debt arose; pre-trial settlement procedures were initiated against Filippov. Employees of the collection department quite “persistently” reminded about the delay, which forced the entrepreneur to contact the bank to resolve the issue of debt restructuring. It seems that despite what was happening, the businessman continued to pay off his obligations to the creditor, and the possibility of restructuring was verbally agreed upon, but not documented. Instead, representatives of the ICD turned to Khoroshevsky district court Moscow with a demand for unilateral termination of the loan agreement and collection of the pledged property.

Filippov and his wife most likely never received any official notifications, but were probably invited by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the ICB Dmitry Eremin to a meeting at which, apparently, he could offer the businessman to “solve the “problems” by paying some kind of fine in 20 million rubles. If you believe Fillipov, the “deal” was presented as a good deed, and further, it seems that Fillipov was even offered to buy out the bank’s troubled assets for the appropriate amount.

As the lawyer explained Nikolay Novikov, this may be a classic scheme for conducting “gray” money, not done by the top managers of credit institutions, which is used in such cases. The higher the position of the potential “businessman”, the fewer questions all the bank’s services have; not too much attention to the issue allows the business to be carried out as smoothly as possible, leaving the opportunity to maneuver and, in case of questions from the owners of the Credit Organization, to pass off their goal as good.

“When any credit institution decides to go all-in and “squeeze” its insolvent client, offers to buy “bad” illiquid assets are not uncommon. This is the standard scheme. In fact, it is not the bank that sells illiquid assets, but a third-party company. Since the profitability of “toxic” assets is zero, this money is simply withdrawn from the dummy LLC and the result is a semi-legal transfer of money by bank transfer,” said the lawyer.

Having received a refusal, Eremin, apparently, took advantage of his official position and froze activity on the accounts of companies that were not parties to the loan agreement.

“Until February 2017, there were no ICD controversial situations on banking transactions and the current account did not arise, but after February 27, the bank, without explanation or notification, blocked it as personal bank cards Filippov, and suspended operations on the current account of his companies, and also blocked access to the “Bank-Client” system, explained the entrepreneur’s lawyer Ekaterina Valiulina. - The bank’s actions literally paralyzed the activities of companies and deprived borrowers of income and drove them into debt.”. According to her, "attempts to implement Bank operations by submitting for execution credit organization properly executed settlement documents on paper, a refusal was also received. The bank manager who previously served the legal entity refused to accept the documents, citing verbal instructions from management.”.

I wonder if this is not the same odious Head of the organization, one of the elite of Russian banks, who continued systematic step-by-step pressure on the borrower? As a result, the company is unable to use the funds remaining in the account and suffers delays in fulfilling its obligations to counterparties.

At the same time, it seems that with personal cards borrowers bank in unilaterally still wrote off the amount 10.8 million rubles. According to Denis Filippov, up to this point, neither the family nor their companies had ever had any problems with the bank itself. Moreover, he does not deny the existence of problems with debt servicing and is ready to look for ways to resolve the situation, but within the framework current legislation and loan agreement.

“We are not abandoning our obligations. But we are ready to resolve the issue on the terms of the agreement. After the bank's actions, the business suffered greatly. But you can always find a way out", says the entrepreneur.

This option does not seem to be of much interest to the ICD.

WITH Filippov one of the supposedly former high-ranking officials, probably related to the ICB, got in touch, and at a meeting with the businessman he proposed to normalize the situation, refuse to contact the prosecutor’s office and the central bank, and return cash on the cards, consider restructuring real estate debt, but again for 20 million rubles. Having not received a positive response, after a short amount of time, legal proceedings were initiated on behalf of the bank regarding the debt. Court hearings, according to Filippov’s lawyer, are currently suspended, at least until mid-June, assessment examinations are being carried out collateral real estate.

“The Filippov family, to which Dmitry Eremin and the people entrusted to him could actually cut off oxygen, are seeking an independent assessment of market value, and not at a reduced rate,- Novikov explained. – The standard scheme for “squeezing out” collateral real estate looks like this: the value of collateral properties is underestimated by 50-70% and they take from the borrower not what he owes under the contract, but basically everything.”

Based on these “requirements,” the borrowers have already submitted applications to the Meshchansky Interdistrict Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow and the Central Bank.

(According to media materials)

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Eremin, a former employee of the Moscow Credit Bank (MCB), was born on December 14, 1978 in Moscow. Being a serious man, he always believed that the true happiness of a person lies in the thirst for work. That is why in October 2002, his choice of work fell on the MKB company, where he received the position of manager in the corporate business department. The work was unusual and very energy-intensive. but this turned out to be exactly what he loved: new and challenging tasks. But very soon this work became too simple, Dmitry became an example for his colleagues, and he was transferred to the position of head of the sales department. At the same time, Eremin began to realize that he greatly lacked knowledge in business, which is why he was worried about the failure of his work. It was then that he decided to get a second education. Combining work and study is not easy, especially when you work in a prestigious company that does not forgive even minor mistakes. But Eremin remained a stubborn and purposeful person who would do anything for his goal. He knew that for any success you need to clearly fulfill the assigned tasks, strive to achieve quality growth and try to become the best in your business. Getting a second education did not escape Dmitry’s superiors, and soon after that he was transferred to a higher position - deputy director of the sales department and director of the Red Gate branch. Now there is even more work, the requirements are even stricter and almost impossible to fulfill, and there is almost no free time left. But all this was only for the joy of Eremin. He did three times as much as he was assigned, twice as fast, and came up with bold ideas for running the company's business. Six years later, his satisfied bosses promoted him to head of the Corporate Business Department of MKB. And in 2012, he became first deputy chairman of the board of Moscow Credit Bank.

Eremin has two degrees. He received his first degree in information data protection at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, which he successfully graduated from in 2001. He received a diploma in "Secure Telecommunication Systems". He decided to get a second education while still working as a manager at the Moscow Credit Bank. So in 2003 he graduated from the Moscow Economic and Financial Institute with a degree in Finance and Credit. He sees his happiness in a prestigious job and believes that a person should find himself in one area and develop in it, moving only forward.

Eremin was very interested in making his work better and as useful as possible for his clients. He carefully studies the work of competitors, conducts analyzes of the work of the ICD and draws conclusions. Thanks to this, every month he increased the bank’s profits, made the employees’ work with clients more enjoyable, and the company became more and more popular. Many times he acted as a motivator for his colleagues and competitors. Dmitry Eremin made a huge contribution to the development of the Moscow Credit Bank.

As a bank employee and a devoted fan of his business, Eremin brought a lot of benefit to his company. In a short time, he was able to increase the bank’s profits; it was with his help that the company received large bonuses for its employees. Without giving his rivals a chance, he created merciless strategies that gave MKB new clients who were satisfied with the work of the bank. Over these 10 years, the company gained enormous popularity and participated in various charity events, curated by Eremin.

Thanks to Eremin’s intensive work, the bank never found itself in a difficult situation; it was never affected by crises or financial problems. Moreover, Eremin was so busy with work that very soon Moskovsky Credit Bank received nice bonuses for his employees. This had a positive impact on the company's work activities. Eremin also believed that the company could not even occasionally operate at a loss, and he always tried to find solutions that would allow him to maintain factoring income at an acceptable level. So, thanks to this, various programs for non-recourse factoring and financing of SMEs were developed. this allowed Moscow Credit Bank to enter the TOP 5 market leaders among companies that provided factoring services. Gradually, the company began to expand, and additional branches appeared in Russian cities.

Thanks to Eremin’s initiative, the Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) acted as a sponsor of the “Hurry to Do Good” campaign, which was organized by a children’s charity foundation.

In 2010, Eremin put forward a proposal to enter into an agreement with the SME Bank to provide line of credit in the amount of 1 billion rubles. The offer was approved and the deal was completed. Thanks to this, after a year of active work, the bank was able to attract clients of medium and small businesses in the amount of 500 million rubles. After this, a new application for 800 million rubles was sent, which was more readily approved by SME Bank.

Emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of his competitors, Eremin tried to do everything to ensure that the Moscow Credit Bank corrected itself from similar mistakes, due to which it acquired more clients. In order to improve the quality of customer service, Dmitry Eremin proposed the idea of ​​creating a convenient software. He was personally involved in its development. Eremin was very proud that the ICD never experienced a crisis, and if necessary, he could demand more work from the staff.

Thanks to the active and responsible work of Dmitry Eremin, the company became popular in the factoring markets, and the program for promoting factoring services was expanded. So MBK was able to create New Product- non-recourse factoring for debtors who belong to the sector of medium and small businesses. A program for financing small and medium-sized businesses was also created together with SME Bank.

Eremin’s main idea, as First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Moscow Credit Bank, is to make his work better and more useful for his clients. He carefully studies the work of competitors, conducts analyzes of the work of the ICD and draws conclusions. Thanks to this, every month he increased the bank’s profits, made the employees’ work with clients more enjoyable, and the company became more and more popular. Many times he acted as a motivator for his colleagues and competitors. As employees of the Moscow Credit Bank noted, Dmitry Eremin made a huge contribution to the development of the company, which allowed it to greatly expand and open points in other cities.

And after many years of working at the MKB, in the early spring of 2018, Dmitry Eremin decided to leave this place and find himself in another job. He admitted that he was just standing there, doing the same tasks every day. To his surprise, his work no longer brought pleasure, and he felt that he was simply losing himself. Eremin is ready to start from the very bottom in a new place in order to again strive for the highest point. Perhaps one day Dmitry Eremin will be able to open his own companies to give work to the same stubborn workaholics like him. In the meantime, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Eremin is even now ready to learn something new and perform complex tasks.

Eight out of 10 members of the board of the Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) received shares in its capital, it follows from the bank’s materials. The owners of the blocks of shares were the deputy chairman of the board Alexey Kosyakov, Andrey Kryukov, Alexey Stepanenko and Daria Galkina, as well as the first deputy chairman Dmitry Eremin, director of the financial department Elena Shved, head of the risk directorate Anton Virichev and Chief Accountant Svetlana Sass. Based on MKB share prices, the cost of the packages purchased by them ranges from 130,000 to 2.7 million rubles. For now, the board of directors of MKB, Vladimir Chubar, and the board of directors of the subsidiary bank SKS, Yuri Ubeev, remain without packages.

All members of the MKB board decided to invest part of their annual bonuses in its securities, explains Chubar. In addition, the bank paid more than 200 middle managers an additional incentive - a fixed amount in addition to annual bonuses and offered to invest part of it in MKB shares. According to him, this allowed the bank to avoid legal difficulties and additional expenses related to the organization of an option program, and offer employees real, and not “phantom” (as in the case of an option - Vedomosti) shares, the quotes of which can be tracked in real time. This allows employees to understand how their work affects the state of affairs in the bank, Chubar is convinced. He himself has not yet decided which package he will purchase.

There is something to buy

In 2016, MKB's personnel costs increased to 7.7 billion rubles, as follows from the bank's IFRS reporting (in 2015 they amounted to 5.51 billion rubles).

All employees, including top managers, bought shares at the market price, Chubar continues. As a result, less than 1% of the bank's capital came under the control of MKB managers. This is the first time that MKB has offered equity participation to managers, he says, but from now on it plans to do so “at least annually.”

As a rule, 2–3% of the company’s shares are distributed among managers, says the executive director of the Association professional investors Alexander Shevchuk. The MKB scheme is simpler than the traditional option program, which involves the creation of a closed-end mutual fund, which is managed by an independent manager. With an option, staff receive more guarantees, he continues: obligations are documented, upon achievement of which bonuses are guaranteed to management. In the case of MKB, the decision remains with the bank. The advantage of such a scheme for managers is that they have already become shareholders, says Shevchuk, but in the West it is common to return previously paid amounts when cases of fraud or inflated KPIs on their part are detected.

Shareholder remuneration schemes in Russian private companies are much less common than in the West, says Alexander Maslyuk, senior consultant at Korn Ferry Hay Group. He attributes this to gaps in legislation and a small number of public companies - large holdings are often registered in Cyprus or Malta, which complicates the registration of ownership of shares and shares. Therefore, most often in Russia, top executives receive a share in profits, but not in ownership, he summarizes. The scheme that was used in MKB - a deferred bonus - is often used in the West, he says: “Its point is to enable top managers to purchase shares and thereby become more loyal to the company in long term. What makes the situation somewhat more piquant is the fact that MKB invited top executives to choose for themselves how many shares to buy. This allows the owners to at the same time “measure” the manager’s degree of confidence in the company and loyalty to the owners. In this case, those who buy little or do not buy at all will fall under the shadow of suspicion that they do not want to continue working in the bank and developing it.”

12.02.2018 13:50

It became known about changes in the boards of VTB, Absolut Bank, MKB and Russian Standard, the BCS financial group appointed the head of the newly created insurer, NSD - a managing director, Otkritie Bank strengthened the team for trading structured products.

First Deputy President - Chairman of the Board of the Bank VTB appointed . He will oversee legal and administrative areas, as well as work with non-core businesses and distressed assets. Puchkov came to VTB in 2002 and worked his way up from deputy head of the legal department to a member of the board, and since 2008 he has served as deputy president - chairman of the bank's board. In 1999-2002 he was a member of the Moscow City Bar Association.

Member of the Board VTB will become the regulator after approval of her candidacy. She will be responsible for marketing, advertising and media relations within the banking group. Since 2008, Germanova has worked at Sberbank, at various times holding the positions of director of the marketing department and vice president, director of the marketing and communications department, advisor to the president, and chairman of the board. Before joining Sberbank she was Marketing Director Russian division SUN InBev.

First Deputy Chairman of the Board Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) will be appointed, who will oversee the corporate and retail business divisions. This post was previously held by Dmitry Eremin, leaving the organization on February 15. Over the past five years, Shevchuk has worked in various positions at Sberbank, in particular he was the manager of the Tver branch of the Moscow Bank. Before that, he worked in other financial organizations.

Board of Directors Absolut Bank recommended to appoint chairman of the board Tatyana Ushkova. Andrey Degtyarev, who has led the organization since 2013, will work on projects in the field of corporate business in the NPF Blagosostoyanie group. The decision made is related to the bank’s new strategy with a focus on retail, its message notes. For the past four years, Ushkova has worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Absolut Bank and oversaw the retail department.

Bank "Russian standard" the board member responsible for the development of payment system products left American Express And Diners Club. Now the entire credit card business is united within one block, Rostislav Yanykin, the organization clarified to Kommersant. Bushey joined the board and was appointed executive director bank in 2015, before that he worked as chief executive officer of B&N Bank. I occupied it even earlier various positions in Russian Standard.

Financial group "BCS" announced the creation of a company "BCS Life Insurance" and on the appointment of her as head Andrey Drozdov. The new insurer will be part of BCS Capital, an investment and insurance block headed by Edward Golosov. Drozdov works in banking and insurance markets more than 17 years. Since 2010, he has held various positions at Sberbank; since 2013, he has been managing director - head of the online sales of products in the Wealth Management block.

Headed the structured products division "Opening a Broker" and will be responsible for this area both in the company itself and in other structures included in the Otkritie Bank group. Since 2015, Fedoryak worked in the asset management and investment consulting department of VTB 24, in 2010-2015 he was the managing director of Veles Management, supervised the divisions trust management and structured products for retail and institutional clients. The National Settlement Depository (NSD) was occupied by the vice president of the organization Alexander Diakovsky. He began his career in the financial market in 2000 at the NAUFOR association, later he was vice president stock exchange"RTS", headed the public relations department of the Federal Service for financial markets. He joined NSD in 2014 and until his current appointment worked as vice president, director of information and marketing.