Restructuring a loan from Sberbank to an individual: conditions, applications, documents and reviews. Is there a benefit to the borrower from restructuring?

Loan restructuring at Sberbank to an individual allows you to reduce the loan burden when the borrower’s income decreases.

This is done by increasing the terms, recalculating interest or introducing credit holidays. After receiving complete information about Sberbank’s proposals, you need to write a statement with documentary evidence of the reasons for the request.

If, due to the current circumstances, an individual cannot pay, restructuring the loan at Sberbank allows you to adjust the conditions for making payments.

These may include changes in volume wages, job loss or serious illness. This procedure makes it possible to avoid delays. The borrower repays the loans in smaller amounts, and the term of the obligation is extended.

What is called restructuring

There is no clear definition of restructuring in the legislation. This procedure represents an adjustment to the terms of the agreement with the borrower.

It is provided for in Art. 414 Civil Code. Customer reviews show that the payment schedule is reviewed individually. The following points of the payment schedule may be changed:

  1. amount of payment;
  2. contract time;
  3. date of payment.

Loan restructuring is carried out after agreeing on the terms between the bank and the borrower.

It is preferable to submit your application before the payment delays begin. However, even if there are payments that were not made on time, you can negotiate with the bank.

If the terms of the agreement change, the borrower:

  • continues to repay the loan, but in smaller amounts;
  • avoids the accrual of fines;
  • overpays a large amount;
  • does not spoil your credit history.

The bank, in turn, has a certain benefit, namely:

  1. additional profit;
  2. possible losses when conditions are relaxed are compensated by extending the contract.

In what cases can the bank make concessions?

When requesting restructuring, it is worth considering that it is carried out if there are grounds. The deterioration itself financial condition will not yet be a reason to contact the bank. Approved conditions include:

  • job loss and lack of employment results for;
  • serious illness or death of the borrower;
  • loss of an additional source of income;
  • late payments from 1 to 4 months.

It would not be superfluous to document the reason for the restructuring. If you lose your job, you can provide a work book (possible) with a notice of dismissal or a certificate from the employment fund confirming your unemployed status.

If your income decreases, you will need a statement to which your wages are transferred. If the reason lies in illness, you need to attach a medical certificate or an extract from the hospital.

What restructuring options are available?

Several options are available for Sberbank clients.

  1. Payment deferment.
  2. Extension of the contract term.
  3. Development of an individual debt repayment plan.

When payment is deferred, the client has additional time to find funds to pay off the debt. The term limit is 12 months for consumer and 24 months for mortgage.

The extension also has a time limit. For mortgage deadline contract for 35 years, extension no more than 10 years. Consumer and car loans are valid for a total of up to 7 years, and can be extended for 3 years.

An individual payment schedule is suitable for seasonal workers. They have uneven earnings throughout the year. For such cases, the main credit load is planned for the profitable time of the year.

Important: registration of restructuring is not the responsibility of the bank. However, banks make concessions when it is in their own interests. If the debt becomes overdue, the bank will suffer losses.

There are other changes that can be combined with the programs listed above. It is possible to arrange a credit holiday - a period during which the client is exempt from payments.

It is also proposed to recalculate penalties and reduce them to the amount of interest under the agreement.

What documents are needed for the agreement?

Before going to the bank, you will need to prepare a package of documents. The standard set consists of:

  • passports (if the document is expired, the state is paid);
  • information about income - work book, certificates from the stock exchange or forms 2-NDFL, 3-NDFL;

  • applications for restructuring;
  • a certificate certifying the reason for filing the application.

This list is a basic set and will be required to fill out an agreement at any bank. You can find out the exact list from Sberbank employees.

How to negotiate with the bank

To change the terms of the loan agreement, the bank client will need to take four actions.

  1. Go to a Sberbank branch and get information about the offers on this moment programs. Offers in this area are changing very quickly. To choose the most suitable conditions, you need to have up-to-date information.
  2. Choose the most profitable one from the programs offered by the bank.
  3. Write a statement with specific amounts that the client is able to contribute.
  4. Document the agreement. Fill out either a new contract or an annex to an existing one.

As an option, write an electronic application. To do this, you need to find on the Sberbank website email address, to which the completed form is sent.

Important: Payments can be made under the new conditions only if you have a document from Sberbank with a seal and signatures. Before signing the contract, you should read it carefully.

If the bank consultant refuses to change the terms of the agreement, you can write an application again. Along with the request for loan restructuring, the document must contain:

  1. specific changes that the client expects from the bank (amount of monthly payment, term);
  2. the basis for such a request with documentary evidence.

At the end of the application, it is worth indicating the period within which the client expects consideration. The law does not require financial organizations respond to such statements. However, in the best case, the bank will consider it and meet it halfway.

The document must be prepared in two copies. One of them is transferred to Sberbank, the second must be stamped and signed by the person who accepted the application.

The second option for submitting an application is to send it by mail. The address can be found in the “Parties Details” column on the back of the signed agreement.

What is the difference between mortgage restructuring?

In terms of the registration method, mortgage restructuring does not differ from the same procedure with consumer loans. However, in this case there is practically no risk for the bank. At the same time, due to the delay in payments, the reporting of the financial organization to the Central Bank worsens.

It has features that complicate restructuring:

  1. long term of the contract;
  2. large amount of payments.

Restructuring a mortgage loan is a difficult process for a bank. However, for the client, in case of unforeseen circumstances, this is the best way to preserve the property and continue making payments. This procedure will not adversely affect credit history.

Although loan restructuring is not an obligation of the bank, it is possible to agree on this procedure. It is important to correctly compose the application and document the reason for the request to revise the conditions.

Before signing the agreement, it is preferable to make payments according to the previous schedule. There are several options to ease the borrower's loan burden. You can find out more about the bank's offers at your nearest branch.

Life without loans

The issues surrounding the restructuring process have never been simple. Every year this problem becomes more acute. After all, this process is associated with financial problems problems that arise among borrowers, and with the desire to avoid the occurrence of delays.

Restructuring process

Basic concepts, familiarization with the process

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in our country. In the Federation, it ranks first in the number of clients who seek help. Millions of individuals have used and continue to use lending programs from this bank. But it often happens that the borrower becomes a debtor. In general, you can use only three methods to avoid delays.

  1. Loan refinancing.
  2. Correct payments.

What is restructuring? About the advantages and disadvantages

The name of restructuring was given to the process associated with “improving” the financial situation of borrowers. This is needed to make it easier debt load and that clients continue to transfer their money to pay off debts.

Advantages this decision mass, but e There is also one serious disadvantage: For borrowers, this procedure is associated with serious overpayments on the loan. There are also certain risks for the bank, so they try to cover them by increasing the service period. This means that the bank will always receive more money, even if a fair restructuring is carried out. But what are the advantages for financial organizations when restructuring is carried out at Sberbank?

  1. Saving time and effort due to the absence of litigation.
  2. Receiving additional profit.
  3. Improving portfolio quality.
  4. Elimination of losses.

But there are also advantages for borrowers:

  1. You can save your nerves on the proceedings.
  2. There will be no fines or penalties.
  3. Possibility to avoid trial.

More detailed definition

Directly, myself restructuring is assignment or change in the terms of the contract. The borrower is offered another option for repaying the debt if he encounters unforeseen difficulties. But such conditions are not provided to everyone. Serious reasons are needed for the bank to change the terms of lending. This means that the borrower must prove his hardship.

You can always find out more about restructuring at one of the bank’s offices.

What types of restructuring are there?

Restructuring at Sberbank for an individual is carried out according to several available schemes.

  1. Debt that is paid according to an individual schedule. Sberbank is developing an individual scheme and options for each client who applies to resolve this issue. For example, it is allowed to make payments quarterly. Or the amounts themselves are divided into smaller and larger ones. But individual schedules are drawn up for at least 12 months. If necessary, after the deadline, the restructuring is formalized again.
  2. Breakdown into payments with a long term. To do this, a new schedule is drawn up according to which payments are made. Overpayments for clients will increase, because the percentage does not change, but the term does.
  3. Credit holidays. The so-called deferred payments. For conventional loans, the maximum deferment is one year; for mortgages, it cannot exceed 2 years. But even during this period, interest-related payments cannot be avoided.

How is restructuring carried out?

The borrower must provide the financial institution with documents confirming the difficult situation in which he finds himself. The restructuring of the mortgage at Sberbank is no exception.

  • certificates from other creditors, with the terms of payments and the dates of their payment (the name in which the loan was issued does not matter - it was the borrower himself or someone from the family);
  • a certificate stating that the borrower has registered with the employment service due to dismissal;
  • a copy of the order regarding sending on leave without pay;
  • copies of orders regarding changes in wages, if they are downward.

To solve the problem, it is enough send a special application on the official website of Sberbank and fill it out. The address is also provided here Email, which you can write to if you have difficulties paying your debts. A scanned application form is sent to the same address. Then a return call should be received on the phone.

Questionnaire for analyzing the possibility of loan restructuring at Sberbank

During the conversation, the employee will try to find out all the specifics in connection with the situation. After this, it will be easier to decide on a further plan of action. The bank employee will also tell you what documents need to be collected in order to carry out the restructuring. After the certificates are collected, the citizen goes to Sberbank to hand over the certificates in person. During a personal meeting, it is necessary to once again discuss the details of a particular procedure. This also applies to such issues as restructuring mortgage loan Sberbank.

State assistance and litigation

You can contact lawyers to draw up statement of claim, if there are no funds for repayment, and creditors refuse to meet them halfway. The main thing is to attach a letter already sent to Sberbank regarding the restructuring, with a receipt noted.

But it is unknown what the court will ultimately decide. But there are other options. For example, special financial organizations are being created on the market to provide assistance to borrowers who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Such organizations themselves can restructure existing debt, or issue a new loan to pay off the old one.

In general, it is better not to lead to litigation. Firstly, it takes up to six months to make decisions - this is only if the defendant does not appeal to judicial authorities authorities with a complaint about the actions of the other party. This means that the plaintiff will have to pay legal fees and state fees all the time, but the obligation to repay the debt does not disappear.

Secondly, after this there is a high probability that the client will be added to the list of unwanted visitors, and this is in the largest bank in the country. In the near future, this will make it difficult to obtain new loans, and other organizations will be wary of such visitors. Therefore, it is better to try to find a peaceful solution to the problem.

If a person does not have the money to repay the loan, according to the law “On Bankruptcy of Borrowers,” the bank can make a concession to him and soften the contractual terms - carry out loan restructuring. This is possible for both physical and legal entities. In this article we will look at the restructuring process only for physical entities. persons using the example of Sberbank.

The debt restructuring agreement is made by agreement (individual) between the financial institution and the borrower. You should contact the bank as soon as possible after a difficult situation has arisen (downsizing or loss of work, serious illness and other force majeure circumstances). This will demonstrate a sense of responsibility for your obligations and a desire to prevent problems from arising. But even if you are very late, there are many ways to convince the bank.

Debt restructuring options at Sberbank

Sberbank, in order to ease the situation of the creditor, offers several ways out of the difficult situation:

Pushing back or postponing

Repayment of debt (principal) on loans can be deferred:

  • Mortgage – up to 24 months.
  • Automotive and consumer - up to 12 months.

During this time, it will become necessary to try to find money to pay it off.

Prolongation (extension) of the contract period

Employees of financial institutions can increase loan terms:

For mortgage

Up to 10 years. But no longer than 35 years for the total loan period.

For loans: consumer and automobile

For 3 years. No more than 7 years constitutes the total period.

With this measure, the (financial) situation of the borrower becomes much better. After all, the monthly amount required for repayment becomes several times smaller.

Repayment schedules (individual)

Both interest and principal debt can be repaid using individual flexible schedules. This tool is suitable for people employed in seasonal work. Schedules are drawn up for them that take this factor into account, and the main burden of debt repayment will now have to fall on the “profitable” season. For example, instead of repaying 200 rubles every month, they pay 30 rubles for 7 months, and then pay off the (accumulated) debt with a lump sum payment.

Important: if the client comes to the bank in advance, then he does not have a debt. A new loan repayment schedule is simply drawn up for him.

In addition to these basic methods, there are other tools:

  • Credit holidays (a period when the loan can not be repaid at all or only interest can be repaid).
  • For a one-year term, interest can be paid quarterly.
  • Sometimes the bank can recalculate the accrued penalties and reduce (according to the agreement) to the level of regular interest.

Important: all these measures can be used in combination and in combination. There are even repeated restructurings. The bank may look for other schemes if the situation does not change after 12 months.

As a rule, other banks, not only Sberbank, use similar methods. Terms and interest rates may vary.

You should know it

When signing a new loan agreement(restructuring is usually formalized this way) financial institution is obliged to officially terminate the existence of the previous one: in addition to the “old” loan agreement, draw up an agreement clearly indicating that the terms of the previous loan will cease to apply.

If the bank does not forgive the debts and draws up a new agreement under which the amount of the debt incurred, taking into account fines and interest, will increase significantly, then its decision can be challenged in court. In such a situation, lawyers very often take the side of the debtors, and accrued penalties and fines are canceled.

Loan restructuring affects the interests of banks

Banks are not obliged to restructure a loan once the borrower has requested it, but they often do so because it affects their interests. The occurrence of overdue debt is fraught with the accrual of huge reserve amounts, otherwise – losses. Therefore, in order not to receive another problem loan, it is better for the bank to make temporary concessions.

Is there a benefit to the borrower from restructuring?

As they say: “a double-edged sword.”

  • Firstly, the size of systematic payments is reduced.
  • Secondly, the overpayment (total) on the loan for the entire period increases. After all, the main debt is repaid in a smaller amount, so it turns out that more percent. If the loan is repaid in another currency, the interest rate on it will likely increase.

Important: only in cases of force majeure (when it is truly impossible to repay the loan) resort to its restructuring, so as not to do yourself a “disservice”.

Loan restructuring procedure

To start the procedure, you need to call the bank by phone and tell them about your intention. Then come there and write (in free form) a statement. It states the reasons why the debt arose or is likely to arise. It is advisable to document this.

Typically, Sberbank employees ask to indicate the amount of payments that the client is willing to make at a given time.

Secondly, you can fill out a (special) application in electronic form, then go to the official website of Sberbank - and send it to the email address specified there.

Required documents for application

  • Application for loan restructuring for an individual.
  • Original passport.
  • Confirmation document (certificate) financial income, which you received over the last 6 months.
  • Application form for restructuring.
  • Work book (in case of layoff).
  • An order from your place of work to reduce your salary.
  • Medical certificate in case of serious illness resulting in loss of income.
  • If the client has taken out a lot of loans, and this has increased his credit load, then all loan agreements are attached to the application.

Important: remember that while your issue is being considered, continue to repay the loan in an amount acceptable to you.

After the Sberbank employee communicates his decision, a new agreement (with simplified lending conditions) will be signed with the client.

It is advisable to prepare in advance for a visit to the institution. An individual who needs to ease the terms of repaying a loan can not only use the above methods, but also offer their own version of the schedule for repaying the resulting debt.

Remember, the debtor’s credit history will not deteriorate during debt restructuring if the bank client himself takes the first step to resolve his problems and does not run away from solving them.

The country's largest bank offers its clients various loan products. Various programs - from simple consumer loan before mortgage lending– help to realize any ideas and aspirations. However, sometimes problems with debt repayment may arise due to situations beyond the client’s control. Restructuring a loan at Sberbank for individuals helps solve the problem, but you will need documents confirming your difficult financial situation.

What is loan restructuring

No bank is interested in the borrower stopping repaying the loan. For this reason, creditors always make concessions, offering different options for solving the problem. Restructuring is a way to balance loan payments with the borrower’s income and do everything possible to ensure that the client continues to service his debt, only on new terms. However, to do this you need to prove your insolvency, so you will need to provide a number of documents that the bank would consider a serious basis for revising the terms of the loan.

Types of restructuring in Sberbank

To begin with, it should be said that Sberbank does not have a debt restructuring program as such that would operate on an ongoing basis. The institution only offers refinancing of loans taken from other banks. On an individual basis, he will always consider the client’s request if he has problems repaying the debt. The main thing is to report difficulties in time and then the employees will definitely pick up best option solving the problem.

Individual payment schedule

Every borrower is important to the bank, because by issuing loans, the financial institution earns the lion's share of its profit. For this reason, although not often, bankers take such a step as an individual payment schedule. It applies mainly to clients who have a permanent but seasonal income. For the most part, this applies to workers employed in agriculture.

To draw up the schedule, the time when the borrower has the highest income is taken into account. During this period, the size of loan payments will reach its peak, and the rest of the time the borrower will pay a minimum of money. An individual schedule is rarely used, since it takes a large number of effort and time, especially since several options for paying off the loan are being considered.

Credit holidays or deferred payments

An interesting solution to the problem is the so-called “ credit holidays", the essence of which is to defer payment of the main loan. Time is given to restore solvency. It is important to understand that during this period interest must be paid. The main debt is divided in proportion to the remaining period of time, so subsequently monthly payments increase, which you also need to be aware of.

Extension of the term of the loan agreement

To reduce size monthly payments the optimal option is to increase the number of debt repayment periods or extend the loan agreement for another period. The principal debt is divided into a larger number of payments, which ensures a reduction in the credit load while simultaneously increasing the payment period. On the other hand, the total amount of money deposited at accrued interest increases. However, if you adjust for inflation and wage growth, the total amount of debt is leveled out.

Restructuring of loan debt at Sberbank on individual terms

Since loan restructuring at Sberbank is not standard service, and a strictly individual approach, then separate conditions are determined for each borrower. Based on an analysis of the documents provided and a mandatory personal conversation, a decision is made on each case. It is important to understand that a specific option may be adopted for one borrower, while another will require the implementation of a whole set of measures.

Interest rate reduction

In rare cases, loan restructuring at Sberbank occurs by reducing the rate under the agreement, since this is how the lender loses money. As is known, basically credit policy bank value applied key rate Central Bank of Russia. For this reason, when the regulator once again reduces the coefficient of compensation, you can write a statement with a request, because why should the borrower pay more if there is a full legal basis reduce contributions. However, before writing, you should carefully study the contract and see if such a possibility is spelled out there.

Quarterly interest payment

One of the options individual schedule debt repayment is the payment of interest once a quarter. This approach does not contradict tax legislation, therefore it is considered quite real. Its essence is that the borrower makes payments only on the principal debt every month, and pays interest on the use of money only four times a year. It’s worth mentioning right away that this method is not common, but can be used if, for example, the employee has additional quarterly bonuses and similar payments.

Reduction or recalculation of accrued penalties

As already mentioned, the main condition for restructuring a loan at Sberbank is timely notification to an employee of the institution that the client is unable to repay the debt. If you carefully look at the agreement, there are penalties for late payments and late repayment of the loan. As a rule, they consist of paying a fine or penalty, and the accrual occurs for each day of delay.

If the borrower promptly requests consideration of his difficult situation, then such collection measures are not applied. Otherwise, the borrower cannot avoid punishment. If such a fact occurred, the borrower may contact the bank with a request to revise the amount of the fine downward or increase the number of periods during which he can repay the debt in full.

How to restructure a loan at Sberbank

You should know that restructuring at Sberbank is carried out exclusively with the consent of the client. The bank does not have the right to unilaterally change the terms of the loan agreement, even if the borrower has incurred a debt. Another thing is that the payer’s positive credit history will be damaged. However, if he took all the measures in his power in a timely manner, this will not happen, and the borrower’s file will remain impeccable.

Who can apply

Loan restructuring at Sberbank is available to any client banking institution. To do this, he must confirm that at present his financial situation has changed for the worse and it is not possible to pay the debt in the same amount. The following will be considered as a compelling argument:

  • job loss due to dismissal or layoff;
  • the birth of a child, which increased expenses family budget;
  • urgent call military service;
  • restructuring of a foreign currency mortgage or car loan;
  • disaster;
  • temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, disability.

Requirements for the borrower

The borrower must meet the criteria that apply to all borrowers of the bank. The main emphasis is on age, or rather on its upper limit. Since the age limit for non-working pensioners is limited to 65 years, the restructuring, if an increase in the number of payments is implied, will be calculated in such a way that the last installments are paid before the client turns 65. Since debt restructuring at Sberbank implies the conclusion of a new loan agreement, the client will have to present a passport.

How to formalize restructuring

If according to others credit products There is a large amount of information on the official website of Sberbank, then for information on approval of the restructuring, you will have to contact the branch directly, since it will not be possible to find information online. This is due to the fact that general conditions There is no procedure for carrying out this procedure, and each individual case is considered individually. In order to imagine what the essence of the operation is and how it happens, you should carefully look at the information below.

Questionnaire for preliminary analysis of the possibility of restructuring a loan from Sberbank

Before the bank makes a decision on the possibility of restructuring the debt, the debtor is required to fill out a questionnaire, which will be considered the basis for considering the case. There, in addition to personal data, it is necessary to indicate the reason for applying for a review of the terms of the contract and the presence of its official confirmation. You also need to list the sources and prospects for repaying the loan later. In addition, you will also have to provide all the necessary information about current loan.

Application Form

Completing an application for restructuring should not pose any particular difficulties. The form can be obtained from a Sberbank branch. It is filled out by the borrower personally, but if the loan was taken on behalf of individuals or legal entities, his signature is also required. There you should indicate

  • loan agreement data;
  • debtor's preferences regarding debt repayment;
  • the reason and circumstances of the restructuring;
  • date the problem occurred;
  • prospects for debt repayment.

Interview with a bank employee

Employees of the country's largest bank, before restructuring a loan at Sberbank, will carefully study all documents and have a direct conversation with the borrower. This is due to the fact that this is the only way to find consensus and choose the optimal alternative. The manager will try to consider everything possible options restructuring, calculate upcoming payments, and if the client is satisfied with everything, prepare documents for signing.

What documents are needed for loan restructuring at Sberbank?

As has already been noted more than once, to confirm the reason for the difficult financial situation, the applicant must submit a document. If a person thinks that it is enough to just write a statement, then he is mistaken. The bank will not even consider such an application. Depending on the reason for the delay, the papers may be different:

  • A decrease in income can be proven with a certificate from the accounting department;
  • work book to confirm dismissal or layoff;
  • serious illness can be certified by a certificate from a clinic or hospital;
  • birth of a child or death close relative You can certify with a certificate or get a certificate from the internal affairs bodies.

Features of the restructuring procedure

It is worth understanding that Sberbank employees offer loan restructuring and mean by this the conclusion of a new loan agreement. It is imperative that the old contract under which the debt arose must be closed. If this is not done, then, according to the terms, the borrower will have to pay additional fines. If the new agreement provides for additional penalties for non-compliance credit obligations as usual, it can and should be challenged in court.

Consumer loan

Sberbank presents a broad view consumer loans. They are issued on cards or in cash. As a rule, the amounts are small, so restructuring such loans will not be difficult. You can also use refinancing if you still have loans from other banks. In this way, you can combine all loans into one, resulting in a reduction in total amount payment and reduction interest rate.

Restructuring of a mortgage loan from Sberbank to an individual

If a mortgage has been taken out and a person has problems servicing it, then without delay it is necessary to contact the lender to resolve the situation. The fact is that the security for a housing loan is the purchased real estate and, provided that the borrower does not fulfill his obligations, the bank has the right to sell the property to cover the balance of the debt. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to contact the bank for help in restructuring your mortgage at the first opportunity.

Credit card debt

Credit cards have become a popular means of lending. They are beneficial because you can use money not only in Russia, but also when traveling abroad. According to the agreements banking services the card is issued for a certain period of time, and the exact return period is determined separately. Each month, the borrower is only required to reimburse part of the money spent, which can later be reused.

If removed large sum money or the card limit has been selected, and additional contributions do not arrive, the bank blocks the plastic. All additional credits to the account are used to repay the interest accrued during this time. When restructuring a debt, it becomes possible to revise the payment schedule in order to be able to repay the principal debt.

Pros and cons of loan restructuring at Sberbank

Loan restructuring at Sberbank has both positive and negative points, and for both sides. The bank bears certain costs and expenses for concluding a new agreement and reviewing documentation that confirms the client’s insolvency. In addition, there is a risk of recurring problem debt on a newly issued loan.

For the borrower, reviewing the terms of the agreement helps to avoid a bad credit history, the amount of the monthly payment is reduced, helping the client manage money more rationally own funds. If the loan was not taken in rubles, then it is possible to change the lending currency in order to avoid risks associated with fluctuations in foreign exchange market. Do not forget that the bank may refuse to provide debt restructuring, so you also need to be prepared for this and look for other debt repayment schemes or apply for a second restructuring.


is a very difficult issue that is only becoming more acute every year in the country. It is connected exclusively with the financial problems of the borrower and with the desire to avoid delays on loans. Before moving on to its consideration, let us make a small digression.

Sberbank is the largest bank in the country. We will not go into statistical details, but if we proceed from the logic that Sber is the largest bank in terms of consumer lending, and delinquency in Russia is growing from year to year at an accelerated pace, it turns out that most of this delinquency falls on Sberbank, the restructuring of consumer loans and the restructuring of mortgage loans at Sberbank is beginning to cause increasing concern. How does debt restructuring take place on a loan at Sberbank, the largest bank in the country? Almost the same as or in .

That is, very cunning!

Let's start with the fact that the borrower can avoid delays in only 3 ways:

  • pay your loan properly

If everything is clear with the first and third points (they work successfully, but only for the benefit of the bank), then the second point, which should really harmonize the relationship between the borrower and the bank, does not work in the country.

ATTENTION! Restructuring a loan in Sberbank to an individual, as well as in other banks in the country, is a beautiful myth designed to create the illusion of a civilized banking market. In fact, it turns out to be a natural “field of miracles” - bring your money to us!

What is restructuring?

Restructuring a loan from Sberbank to an individual- this is the process of “recovering” the borrower and easing the debt load, the result of which is the avoidance of bankruptcy and the further continuation of loan payments. As a result, the bank solves the problem of a loss due to such a client, and the borrower continues making payments over a longer period of time, but in smaller installments.

Advantages and disadvantages

An honest restructuring of loan debt at Sberbank, both for the bank and for the borrower, has a lot of advantages, and perhaps only one disadvantage. For the borrower, this is a serious overpayment on the loan that he took out before difficulties arose. And for the bank - possible financial losses, which, in fact, are easily offset by the longer servicing time of the restructured loan.

That is, the bank is always in the black, even if it honestly restructures the loan.

Pros for the bank:

  • the bank avoids losses
  • the bank improves the quality of its portfolio
  • receives additional profit
  • saves time and effort on litigation

Advantages for the borrower:

  • avoidance of trial
  • avoiding penalties and fines
  • saves nerves


If we talk about the actual state of affairs with restructuring at Sberbank, then I would like to say that an honest restructuring of a loan at Sberbank to an individual is possible, but only if you resolve the issue through your superiors and almost through the chairmen of the board. In other cases, bank employees do exactly the opposite - they do not accept the application, do not process it, waste time, give incorrect information, and so on.

Why is this being done? It's hard to say, but it's true.

Restructuring a loan from Sberbank to an individual, features:

  • debt restructuring on a loan at Sberbank is the bank’s privilege, not its responsibility
  • Sberbank employees are, in fact, not interested in restructuring the loan
  • especially on those conditions that are announced officially
  • Sberbank is only interested in personal gain
  • Sberbank employees are only interested in quantitative lending indicators
  • Sberbank employees (paradoxically) are interested in the client going into arrears
  • An honest restructuring of loan debt at Sberbank is possible, but only through management

This needs some clarification. The behavior of Sberbank employees regarding loan restructuring is absolutely typical for the entire banking environment.

Sberbank is a huge bureaucratic structure with a large number of employees who have low work discipline and different perceptions of the same information. Therefore, one employee says one thing, another says another. It is not clear who is telling the truth and who is not.

Restructuring of loans from other banks

Restructuring of loans from other banks in Sberbank

There is an erroneous definition among people - restructuring of loans from other banks in Sberbank, but Sberbank does not have such a service!

People confuse one term with another. What people understand by the restructuring of loans from other banks at Sberbank is “refinancing”. That is, refinancing or combining two loans into one with other excellent conditions, while loan restructuring is a completely different matter.

The restructuring of loans from other banks at Sberbank itself is a fictitious service. Not a single bank in the country restructures loans from other banks.