Where to order a cadastral passport for an apartment? Procedure and deadlines. Obtaining a cadastral passport for an apartment - the necessary documents

Obtaining a cadastral passport for an apartment necessary for re-registration of rights to real estate - for example, in the case of a transaction for the sale of an apartment. About, how to get a, as well as some of the nuances of paperwork, you will learn from our article.

Cadastral passport of the premises

Cadastral passport of the premises is a document containing all the information about the room. Information for it is taken from the state real estate cadastre.

In addition to the descriptive cadastral passport includes graphical complete drawing apartments and an indication of the footage.

Cadastral passport for an apartment required in the following cases:

  • if you are planning to make a redevelopment of living space;
  • if you need to make administrative actions with the apartment (for example, a sale and purchase transaction);
  • if you want to evict a family member through the courts.

If you bought an apartment in a new building, then take care of issuing a cadastral passport in advance.

Registration of a cadastral passport for an apartment

Design cadastral passport for an apartment can:

  1. Through the Cadastral Chamber.
  2. through the MFC.
  3. Through the website of Rosreestr.

Consider first general order registration of a cadastral passport - through the Cadastral Chamber (since the procedure for registration at the MFC is no different, the order is the same for both structures).

  1. If you need to make changes after redevelopment or put new apartment for cadastral registration, then in order to issue a cadastral passport, you need to call a technical specialist at home to carry out all the necessary work.

    If you want to get a simple cadastral passport, then submit the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • a receipt for the payment of the fee established by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 343 dated July 30, 2010. For individuals its size is 200 rubles; for legal - 600 rubles. If you would like to receive an extract in the form electronic document, then the amount of the fee in this case for individuals is 150 rubles, for legal entities - 300 rubles;
  • title documents for the apartment;
  • if you legalize redevelopment, then you must submit documents that confirm the fact of redevelopment (for example, a technical passport, a court decision, etc.);
  • application (filled in on the spot);
  • a power of attorney for a representative, if another citizen or organization is acting on your behalf.

    After you hand over all the documents, an employee of the Cadastral Chamber will check them and give you a receipt. He must also set the day the technical worker arrives at the apartment (if necessary) and the day he receives the finished cadastral passport.

    Usually, cadastral passport for an apartment made within 5 days from the date of delivery of all documents.

    First you need to find the tab " Electronic Services"and select" Submit a request for the provision of information to the GKN.

    Further, following the prompts of the system, you fill out the required form and pay the state duty. The only limitation in the form of payment is that it can be made either from a bank card or through a QIWI terminal.

  • How to get a cadastral passport for an apartment

    If you submitted documents through the Cadastral Chamber or the MFC, then you must pick up the finished cadastral passport yourself. On the day indicated to you, you come to the Chamber or the MFC and, having provided a receipt for the delivery of documents, pick up your passport.

    If you applied for a cadastral passport through the Rosreestr website, then you have the right to choose which way get a cadastral passport for an apartment:

    1. Personal collection at the Cadastral Chamber.
    2. Obtaining an electronic version of the cadastral passport.
    3. Receipt of a paper version by mail.

    The validity of the received cadastral passport is not limited. But if changes are made to the state real estate cadastre regarding your apartment, then the information contained in the received cadastral passport becomes irrelevant. Accordingly, in this case it will need to be replaced.

    When registering the ownership of an apartment in a new building, homeowners are faced with such a thing as a cadastral passport. Today we will talk about what this document is, who needs it and why, and how to get it.

    It should be clarified that the legislation is constantly undergoing changes, and therefore the article will contain information that is relevant for 2017.

    What is cadastral registration

    Recently, the state has been actively working on accounting for real estate, which is located on the territory of the Russian Federation. The real estate cadastre is a list of registered real estate objects located within Russian Federation, as well as a specific set of information for each of these objects.

    Public authorities need to know exactly how much and what kind of real estate is available on this moment, and to whom this property belongs (we will not discuss the purposes of collecting information in this article). Real estate information is collected in single base, earlier this was done by an organization called State Cadastre Real estate (GKN). The following information is reflected in the cadastral passport:

      Cadastral number (apartments);

      Cadastral number of the building, floor;

      The area of ​​the apartment;

      Cadastral value apartments;

      Information about redevelopment;

      Plan of the apartment (and the location of the object on the floor).

    The cadastral number is a unique sequence of numbers that is assigned to each property for ease of identification (like a TIN for a person). By number it is very easy to find and determine the current state of the apartment.

    The cadastral passport was replaced by the USRN certificate

    To date, the concept of "Cadastral passport" is outdated. Structural changes have now taken place, and now information is collected in the newly created Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN). The new structure combined the functions of the USRR (rights to real estate) and the functions of the State Property Committee (characteristics of the property).

    If earlier it was necessary to obtain a cadastral passport, now the document is no longer issued, its role is now played by an extract from the USRN, which simultaneously contains information about the ownership and about the real estate itself.

    The logical result of the idea of ​​combining structures was the simultaneous registration of property with the setting of real estate for cadastral registration.By the way, the certificate of ownership itself will not be issued, the same extract from the USRN will become confirmation of the fact of ownership of real estate.

    The USRN extract, in turn, is the result of such an important action for the state as the procedure for cadastral registration of real estate. The document is a confirmation that your apartment is registered, but if your apartment is not registered with the cadastre, then you simply do not have the technical ability to register ownership. Accordingly, in this case, you cannot fully dispose of your property - you cannot sell housing, exchange, register (get a residence permit), receive tax deduction, insure housing, etc.

    So, the USRN certificate, in addition to the above information, includes the following information:

      Surnames and names of owners, indication of their shares;

      Indication of the document on the basis of which the housing was transferred to the property;

      Number and date of registration of property;

      The presence of encumbrances, indicating the reasons and timing.

    How to put an apartment on the cadastral register

    When buying an apartment in a new building, the cadastral registration of the apartment is usually carried out by the developer, but if this is not provided for by the terms of the DDU, then the shareholder is responsible for this.

    Registering real estate is not difficult if the developer has already registered the residential building in which your apartment is located, but this is where difficulties often arise.

    Developers periodically face various complications that prevent the house from being registered, and the equity holder has to wait (up to several years) for this to happen in order to arrange an apartment. At the same time, the shareholder can live in the apartment, but cannot register the property, that is, there are quite serious restrictions on rights.

    However, if you have a need, for example, to quickly sell an apartment, then you can still put the property on cadastral registration. To do this, it is not necessary to wait until the developer settles all your problems. It is enough to draw up a technical plan for an apartment (this necessary document can be ordered from the BTI or from private companies providing cadastral services), and submit it along with a package of documents to the nearest MFC.

    Methods for submitting documents and obtaining an extract

    You can submit documents at any MFC at the place of stay or location, for example, you can register a Moscow apartment while, for example, in Samara. But that's not the only way to get an extract, either. desired document can be issued:

      In the office structural unit cadastral authority;

      Send documents to Rosreestr and receive an extract by mail;

      Order an extract in electronic format on the official website of Rosreestr (this method requires the applicant to have an Electronic Digital Signature);

      Order field service (for a fee). Such a service is practiced with the limited physical capabilities of the applicant. Employees of Rosreestr will arrive at a convenient place, accept documents, and then bring an extract.

    Checking the apartment on the cadastral database

    Before registering the ownership of an apartment, you need to make sure that the developer has already registered the house. If this is done, then the apartment already has cadastral number, and you just have to get an extract, otherwise you can register an apartment separately from a residential building. You can find the necessary information on the official website of Rosreestr using the search for your house at the address.

    How to get an extract if the apartment is already registered

    If you have found your house and apartment on the site, then in order to register real estate as a property and obtain an extract from the USRN (on cadastral registration), you need to provide the following documents to the MFC:

      Treaty equity participation or Assignment Agreement (original);

      The act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment (2 originals and one more for each additional owner);

      Receipt of payment of the state duty (2 thousand rubles);

      Marriage certificate;

      Mortgage from a bank (2 originals) or a loan repayment certificate if the property was purchased with a mortgage;

      Disc (CD, DWD) with technical plan.

    How to register real estate (without reference to the house)

    If you did not find your apartment on the Rosreestr website and want to register the property, as well as put the housing on the cadastral register separately from the house, you will need to make additional efforts. In this case, you do not have a technical plan and need to get one. For this it is necessary to order its production (BTI, private companies that have licenses for cadastral work), having previously received the following documents from the developer:

      Permission to put the house into operation (copy);

      Document on the assignment of the house address (copy);

      House project (stage P, architectural solutions section).

    Together with these documents, the following must be handed over to the organization that will draw up the technical plan:

      Copy of an identity document (passport);

      DDU or assignment agreement;

      The act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment.

    Today, the technical plan is transferred to the customer in digital format, recorded on disk. In addition to the plan, the disk must contain an electronic digital signature of the engineer who performed the work.

    Now you have in your hands a complete set of documents required for submission to the MFC. After sending them, it remains to be expected, the time for Rosreestr to make a decision is approximately 15-20 business days. In case of a positive decision, the owner of the apartment receives an extract from the USRN (with the information described above), which means that the ownership is registered and Residential Properties belongs to the shareholder and put on the cadastral register. Otherwise, a refusal will come with an argumentation of the reasons.

    You need to be mentally prepared for the last scenario, since registering an apartment for cadastral registration separately from the house traditionally meets with opposition from officials.

    Civil servants, in order to protect themselves from unnecessary trouble, come up with various reasons for refusal, however, since these reasons are deprived legislative framework The decision is easy to challenge in court.

    Igor Vasilenko

    Any multi-apartment or private housing is registered in the state register and has a unique number, which is included in the cadastral passport for the apartment. Its execution is mandatory, justified legal rights and duties of every citizen.

    Why do you need a cadastral passport

    With the introduction of a common database of information about real estate objects in 2008, the definition of such a passport appeared: this is an extract that contains all the maximum possible information about the object. Information is taken from the Cadastral Register (Rosreestr's information repository). The list of mandatory information depends on the characteristics and purpose of the premises. Main content includes:

    • location of the apartment with the exact address;
    • information about the owner of the property;
    • description of the premises with indication of the area of ​​the rooms;
    • assigned a unique cadastral number of the apartment.

    An extract from the register differs from a technical document that contains extended information about a property. The latter must contain detailed description all the characteristics of each individual room, taking into account the materials used in construction and decoration. The technical document is the primary (basis) for registration at the BTI with entry into the real estate register. It must contain a graphic image (plan) of all elements. Since 2015, it contains data on previous owners, recent transactions and redevelopments.

    The need to obtain a document arises in certain cases when the situation requires information about the living space, its condition or owner:

    1. When making a transaction of sale, donation, lease or exchange.
    2. Housing is being remodeled.
    3. When moving out of an apartment housing stock.
    4. When conducting damage assessments.
    5. Providing grants and incentives related to utilities, taxes.
    6. Registration or eviction of a tenant.

    Where and how to get a cadastral passport

    The cadastral passport of a real estate object can be ordered and received at the Federal Chamber, the MFC or ordered on the official website of Rosreestr through an online application through a public reception. Anyone can receive an extract for both their own and someone else's housing. Contact order:

    1. To write an application.
    2. Provide proof of identity.
    3. When registering, you additionally need a certificate of ownership, documents on privatization.
    4. Pay state duty.

    Present the application, receipt and passport to an employee of the chamber, who will determine the day when to issue an extract (according to the law, 5 days), provide a receipt for the receipt of documents. On the appointed day, you must come to receive the required statement, presenting a receipt. If the actions are performed through a third party, a power of attorney will have to be issued.

    Validity of the cadastral passport for an apartment

    Such an extract, unlike a technical document, has a limited validity period: if information about the state of the apartment changes, it needs to be updated. It is recommended to produce it every 5 years, which will help adjust the cost of the apartment. But regulations and the legislation does not establish limits on the validity period, no one will oblige to produce a new document if there have been no changes.

    How to order a cadastral passport online

    Through the state electronic reception, you can make a cadastral passport of the apartment by sending a request on the Rosreestr website. In this case, you need to find a page with the same name, fill in the necessary data. Assistance in this form of public service can be obtained in the appropriate section. After filling in the data about the requested object, send a request about the applicant, having previously remembered the application number. After a while, you will receive an email with a code. It must be put on the document when making a payment.

    The payment of the fee depends on the method of obtaining the extract. There are three ways: by mail, electronic version and direct contact with territorial authority. The cost difference is 50 rubles, but not all organizations accept a printed electronic copy. You can find out how much it costs for an urgent service to register housing and get a cadastral passport for an apartment on the same website. Only significant discrepancies in information about the object can serve as grounds for refusal during registration.

    Video: obtaining a cadastral passport

    The technical and cadastral passport are the two main documents that the owner of the premises must have. Without them, it is impossible to carry out transactions with an apartment, draw up an inheritance, make insurance and register citizens. These papers are also required in a number of other cases. Where can you get cadastral and technical documentation in 2018?

    Fig 1. Cadastral technical passport for an apartment

    What is the difference between a cadastral and technical passport?

    Given the variety of certificates and papers for an apartment, many owners do not know the differences between all documents, do not understand why they are needed and how they are drawn up. The cadastral, technical passport are two different reference documents that have a lot of differences:

    • Technical certificateprimary document, containing information about the apartment, the materials from which the building was built, a description of the balcony - absolutely all the parameters of housing. Available here and inventory value- an approximate indicator, which will be several times less than the real price of an apartment on the market;
    • The cadastral passport is a secondary document, it is compiled on the basis of technical documentation and is an extract from the register. It contains a plan of the premises, but there is much less information than in the technical passport. But it is the cadastral document that is needed for most transactions. Its validity period is 5 years, then it is required to issue this paper again.

    Fig 2. What is the difference between the cadastral technical passport

    Due to the limited validity of the documents and the fact that they are needed for any transactions, including when selling or donating, you need to understand where you can get the necessary certificates for the apartment.

    The Bureau is responsible for issuing documentation. Technical Inventory(BTI), this is where you need to apply for a passport. This body registers apartments, makes any changes, for example, redevelopment or reconstruction, reflecting the updated data in the passport. According to the law, inspection of the premises must be carried out every 5 years, in practice this requirement is not fulfilled.

    Fig 3. Where to apply for a technical passport

    How to get a technical passport? To do this, you need to collect the following set of documents:

    • Application for an inventory;
    • Legal documents;
    • Receipt of payment for services;
    • Other documentation at the request of BTI.

    With documents, you need to contact the Bureau of your region, which serves the site where the apartment is located. Or - visit the Multifunctional Center - papers are also accepted there, however, the issuance of a passport is carried out only at the BTI.

    Video 1. Obtaining a technical passport

    Drawing up a primary plan takes several weeks - it all depends on the number of people in the queue, the remoteness of the object and other factors. A specialist visit is required for inspection.

    The technical passport can be useful if you need to make a calculation property tax, issue a loan secured by real estate, recognize the apartment as emergency or issue an inheritance.

    Where to go to get a cadastral passport?

    Issuing passports Cadastral Chamber and Rosreestr of the region where the residential facility is located. The passport contains a unique number of the apartment - it is automatically assigned to the property, thanks to which it is possible to trace transactions carried out with the apartment.

    Fig 3. Where to get a cadastral passport for an apartment

    To obtain a cadastral passport, the Rosreestr must provide the following package of documents:

    • Statement;
    • Technical passport for the apartment;
    • Legal documents.

    If a cadastral passport is required to legitimize the redevelopment procedure, additional permission from the competent authorities for such actions will be required. An extract is prepared within 5 days. It is necessary in a situation where it is planned to alienate property, or obtain a loan from a bank or evict a tenant from an apartment without consent.

    Video 2. Obtaining a cadastral passport

    Who can apply for a cadastral passport?

    • When carrying out redevelopment, this is done only by the owner of the apartment;
    • If the housing is not registered, any person can receive an extract by first writing an application for registration actions;
    • When the apartment is registered, the owner or an outsider who is interested in obtaining information, for example, a buyer, can issue a passport.

    There should be no difficulties with obtaining a cadastral and technical passport - just contact the BTI, and then the Rosreestr department. Don't forget to collect complete list documents and pay the state duty. The procedure will take from several days to a month - depending on the amount of work that is planned to be carried out by specialists. The validity of the documents received is unlimited, although if there is a need to use them, it is better to renew the cadastral passport after 5 years.

    Video 3. Getting a cadastral passport of an object has become easier

    Video 4. BTI plan. Where and how to get?

    Video 5. Technical passport - legal advice

    At the moment, you can also get a cadastral passport, but then a mark will be placed in the document, and in the future there may be problems with legal transactions with land.

    So, in this case, you will need:

    • application for obtaining a cadastral passport;
    • application for putting the allotment on cadastral registration;
    • passport of the owner of the site;
    • documents that confirm the ownership of the land;
    • a document that confirms or refutes the presence of established;
    • a document stating that the allotment belongs to a certain one;
    • the document that sets the ;
    • documents confirming the share (if the allotment is issued in a common fractional ownership);
    • with neighboring property owners.

    What is an application for a cadastral passport and how is it executed?

    An application for a cadastral passport of a land plot looks like a request. There is a special approved current legislation form - a person who wishes to receive a cadastral passport only needs to correctly fill in the appropriate fields.

    The application has the following structure:

    • Data of the land plot - its cadastral number, address at which it is located.
    • An option for providing data from the State Property Committee is a cadastral passport.
    • Data submission form - paper or electronic format.
    • The method of obtaining the document is in person at the cadastral office, by registered mail to the address of residence, by e-mail.
    • Applicant's data - surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the site or his legal representative (in this case, the data of the power of attorney are indicated).
    • At the end of the document, the applicant must confirm that he gives his permission for the processing of personal data.

    The application must be carefully checked before being submitted to the cadastral authority.

    If errors are made in the completed document, the cadastral passport will be refused, and the applicant will have to fill out the request again.

    How to prepare a document correctly?

    The more carefully the documents are prepared, the more likely it is that you will not be denied a cadastral passport for land. As we wrote above, it is very carefully necessary to fill out an application.

    If you do not know the cadastral number of your plot or it has not yet been assigned (if the plot is not registered), then you must indicate the exact address where the land is located.

    Please note that copies of documents must be notarized (if the documents are sent by mail or through a trustee). The power of attorney, if the cadastral passport is issued through a legal representative, must also be signed by a notary and be valid at the time of application.

    As an identity card, you can provide both a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a foreign passport.

    As for the documents that confirm the ownership of land, such documents can be the following:

    • inheritance certificate;
    • exchange agreement;
    • (for example, if the owner plans to buy the leased land from the state).

    If the site is not put on the state register, then the boundary plan is not binding document to obtain a cadastral passport.

    However, it is worth considering that before March 2018, it is necessary to complete the land surveying procedure and obtain a cadastral passport, otherwise make any legal transactions land will be impossible.

    In addition, even now, when selling a land plot, buyers are very reluctant to consider land that has not been surveyed - either they will not pay attention to it, or they will offer a low price. Therefore, we recommend that you carry out now in order to be calm in the future and not fall into the "boom" of land surveying at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018, when the owners of allotments will rush to invite specialists to conduct cadastral work. It is expected that in this case, the services of professionals will increase.

    The receipt of payment of the state duty is also a very important document. You can pay it either in cash at the cash desk of any bank or through a terminal, or by bank transfer using bank card or e-wallets.here.

    Some Russian banks offer mortgages for the purchase of land for the construction of an individual residential building. Details about the programs can be found in.

    Features of preparing documents when creating an application for a cadastral passport via the Internet

    The convenience of applying for a cadastral passport via the Internet is that no documents will need to be prepared. All that is needed is just to correctly fill out the application on the website of Rosreestr or Gosuslug. However, for correct filling, you will need to know the cadastral number or address of the site, as well as the applicant's passport data.

    As you can see, in preparing documents for obtaining a cadastral passport for land plot there is nothing difficult. A little more documents and time will be needed if the site is not registered in the state register, however, this will not bring many worries if this procedure is taken carefully.