Zenith bank hotline number. Bank zenith

The bank was founded in December 1994 by the oil company Tatneft*, the Academy National economy under the government of the Russian Federation and a group of other legal entities. Registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in June 1995 in the form of an LLC. In 2002 received general license Bank of Russia and a license to work with precious metals, and also changed the organizational and legal form to open Joint-Stock Company. According to the decision general meeting shareholders at the end of 2014, the form was brought into compliance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and re-registered as a public joint-stock company. Since December 2004 credit organisation participates in the deposit insurance system for individuals.

In 2005, Zenit Bank bought 90% of the shares of Devon-Credit Bank from Tatneft, and at the beginning of 2007, as part of regional development acquired 85.3% of the shares of Gazprombank's subsidiary, Sochigazprombank (now Zenit Sochi Bank). In 2007, the Zenit banking group** was replenished by Lipetskcombank, which previously belonged to the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant (NLMK). In December 2008, Tula SpiritBank also joined the group.

In August 2018, Deputy Chairman of Zenit Bank Dmitry Yurin reported that “at the turn” of 2018-2019 it is planned to complete the merger of four subsidiary banks with Zenit Bank.

PJSC Tatneft named after. V.D. Shashina has been the main shareholder of PJSC Bank Zenit for a long time. Currently, the company controls 71.95% of the bank's shares. Other owners of the bank also include member of the board of directors Maria Sokolova (13.57%), chairman of the board of directors of NLMK Vladimir Lisin and Yuri Lisin (relatives, jointly control 5.75% of the bank’s shares). The shares of the remaining participants of the bank do not exceed 5%, including member of the board of directors and board of directors Kirill Shpigun owns 2.22%.

The head office of the credit institution is located in Moscow. As of March 2018, the service network of the Zenit banking group included 149 points in 51 cities. Our own ATM network includes more than 260 devices, while the unified ATM network of the Zenit banking group and partner banks exceeds 900 units. The number of POS terminals serviced by the bank's processing center exceeds 6 thousand devices. As of June 30, 2018, the number of the group was 4,629 people (at the end of 2017 - 4,599 people).

One of the key activities of the bank is comprehensive service corporate clients. Also, the credit organization is actively engaged in the development and promotion of retail services and offers individuals a wide range of banking programs: deposits, mortgage, consumer and car loans, bank cards(MasterCard, Visa, "Mir"), safe deposit boxes etc. The bank also has a strong position in the market investment services and private investments (Private Banking).

As of the beginning current year the group served 1.2 thousand corporate groups of clients, 17 thousand SME clients, 500 thousand individuals. The main clients of the bank are traditionally oil producing, oil refining and oil trading companies, metallurgical plants, regional and municipal government structures, engineering, defense and energy complexes, as well as telecommunications companies, foreign trade associations, trading and intermediary firms, gold mining enterprises, non-banking financial institutions. The number of clients of the bank at various periods of time included JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey, JSC OPK Oboronprom, JSC Obukhov Plant, PJSC Arzamas Machine-Building Plant, JSC Energy Machine-Building Alliance, GC Vostok-Service ", Nizhpharm JSC, Yugrafinance Management Company, Transneft NPF, Region Asset Management JSC, UTair Airlines PJSC, Element Leasing LLC, Ekran Plant JSC, Leasing company CARCADE. The most significant is the presence of the bank in Privolzhsky federal district, in which they serve large industrial enterprises.

The main strategic goals of the bank for the next three years, according to the strategy adopted in 2018, are: in corporate business - the creation of an ecosystem with the Tatneft Group of Companies, syndication with the Vnesheconombank Group of Companies and the development of transactions under EXIAR insurance; in terms of small and medium-sized businesses - development of the electronic segment bank guarantees, development of factoring, etc.; in the retail business - developing an ecosystem for military personnel, increasing the number of active customers to 1 million people, etc.; in the investment business - entering the top 10 organizers of bond issues, etc.

The bank's net assets have shown a slight increase since the beginning of 2018 (+4.1%), amounting to 231.7 billion rubles by the beginning of September. During this period, the liabilities showed an increase in the volume of attracted interbank loans (+22.3%) and funds from enterprises and organizations (+19.4%). At the same time, the bank repaid about 70% of the issued bonds and bills. In assets during the specified period, there was an increase in the portfolio of issued interbank loans (47.6%), loans to customers (+3.2%) and portfolio valuable papers (+4,1%).

The bank's liabilities are well diversified by sources of attraction. In their structure as of the reporting date, with a share of 30.3%, deposits from the population predominate, a significant part of which are attracted for periods from six months to three years. Attracted interbank loans account for 26.8% of liabilities and are formed primarily by short- and medium-term loans from Russian banks. The structure of attracted interbank loans also includes loans from the Central Bank and non-resident banks, but with a low share. About a quarter of liabilities also consist of funds in current accounts (mainly) and deposits of corporate clients. The bank also services current accounts and deposits state companies. The customer base is generally large; turnover on customer accounts since the beginning of 2018 has been in the range of 300-500 billion rubles monthly. Issued bonds (mainly) and own bills account for another 6.4% of the bank's liabilities.

The remaining part of liabilities is mainly formed own capital. Its sufficiency in accordance with the Central Bank standard N1.0 is more than twice the minimum established level of 8%. The composition of capital according to the Central Bank methodology includes subordinated loans according to residual value at the reporting date of 12.4 billion rubles. Fixed capital adequacy (N1.2), which does not include subordinated loans, is also almost twice the minimum established level of 6%.

The basis of net assets is formed by the loan portfolio with a share of 58.2% as of the reporting date. A share of 22.4% is occupied by a portfolio of securities, 13.7% - issued by interbank loans, 11.8% - highly liquid assets (correspondent account and cash balances), 2.4% - investments in the capital of other organizations, 5.4% - other assets, less than 1% - fixed assets and intangible assets.

The loan portfolio with a share of 76.4% is dominated by loans legal entities. The remaining quarter of the portfolio is represented by retail loans - mainly housing and mortgage loans, and to a lesser extent consumer loans. Since the beginning of 2018, both portfolios have shown slight growth: loans to legal entities added 3.4%, retail - 2.4%. The share of overdue debt in the overall loan portfolio has increased slightly, but remains at a low level - 3.4%. The level of provisions as of the reporting date was more than 2.5 times higher than the share of overdue loans. The portfolio is traditionally secured several times by property collateral (204.4%). According to IFRS reporting data at the end of 2017, the main share of loans in the total loan portfolio of legal entities fell on such segments as services (23.6%), trade (22.7%), construction (21.0%) and industrial production(19.7%). The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term; the bulk of loans provided to clients were in quality categories I and II.

The securities portfolio as of the reporting date consisted almost entirely of bonds, represented mainly by securities Russian companies and Eurobonds, to a lesser extent - government securities of the Russian Federation and bonds of foreign banks. The share of bonds pledged under repo transactions was 18.1% as of the reporting date. Turnovers on repo transactions are moderate.

On interbank market The bank both attracts liquidity and places funds, but in terms of monthly turnover it acts primarily as a net borrower. The bank is active on foreign exchange market Forex and stock exchanges, is a market maker with turnover on relevant accounts of 200-400 billion rubles monthly.

In January - August 2018, the bank earned 737.4 million rubles under RAS against a loss of 1.3 billion rubles for the same period in 2017. The net loss for the entire 2017 amounted to 2.4 billion rubles. The main cause of losses in previous years were increased costs for reservations loan portfolio, as well as reduction interest income from lending to clients.

Board of Directors: Nail Maganov (chairman), Vladimir Borutsky, Alexey Vorobyov, Sergey Lipanov, Arkady Sokolov, Alexey Panferov, Nurislam Subaev, Shafagat Takhautdinov, Evgeny Tikhturov, Sergey Shibaev, Kirill Shpigun.

Governing body: Oleg Mashtalyar (chairman), Sergey Boev, Andrey Dobrynin, Mikhail Stepanov, Dmitry Yurin, Olga Shcherbakova.

* PJSC Tatneft is one of the largest oil companies Russia and one of the largest public companies with market capitalization as of March 2018 - about 1.4 trillion rubles. Structures controlled by the Republic of Tatarstan own about 34% of the shares in the company’s authorized capital; 39% of shares are traded in the form of global American Depositary Receipts (ADRs); other shareholders own another 24% of the shares. Revenue of the Tatneft group, according to IFRS data, forII quarter 2018 amounted to 234.0 billion rubles, an increase of 24% compared toI quarter of 2018. Profit forII quarter amounted to 63.0 billion rubles. (+50%), oil production by the group in the first half of 2018 amounted to 14,283 thousand tons (+0.7% compared to the first half of 2017).

** Zenit Banking Group is a large Moscow banking group with significant interests in Tatarstan. Provides a full range of banking services. Represented in 26 regions of the Russian Federation, its own sales network as of March 30, 2018 included 149 points. Currently, the group, in addition to its core JSCB Zenit, includes four more banks: PJSC Lipetskcombank, PJSC SpiritBank, JSC Bank Zenit Sochi, PJSC AB Devon-Credit.

According to IFRS reporting, at the end of 2017, the group’s assets amounted to 253.7 billion rubles, capital - 42.4 billion rubles. The co-owners of the group are members of the board of directors and management; a large block of shares is owned by PJSC NK Tatneft.

Modern banking organizations We try to provide our clients with as many tools as possible for solving problems remotely. Was no exception Russian bank Zenith. On his official website you can find a lot useful information concerning not only the financial products it provides, but also the direct activities of this organization. If you need a phone hotline Zenit Bank, the address of the nearest office or details for making a payment, this resource will help you obtain the necessary data.

Bank official website address

The official website of Zenit Bank is located at: www.zenit.ru

Once on home page resource, immediately establish the region of your residence. The link to this function is contained in the top menu of the page, in a dark gray field. Choosing the right one geographical position, you can get up-to-date information about the bank's products and the location of its offices.

Important! Range financial services Zenith Bank and the conditions for their provision may vary depending on the region.

How to contact the bank

You can also easily find the contact details of Zenit Bank on its website. To do this, just hover your mouse over the rightmost item in the top menu "Connect with us". Having done this, you will see a drop-down window in which the Contact phone numbers banking organization:

  • 8-800-500-66-77 – hotline for private clients;
  • 8-800-500-40-82 – support service for legal entities.

Calls to any of these numbers will be free for residents of the Russian Federation. The bank's contact center operates around the clock, and its operators can advise you on any questions regarding Zenit services.

You also have the opportunity to ask a question you are interested in or submit a complaint regarding the bank’s work in writing. To do this, click the button “ Feedback", and then fill out a short questionnaire. You can formulate your questions and wishes in free form. The main thing when filling out the form is to leave your current contact information so that a bank representative can contact you.

How to find information about an organization

If you need Zenit Bank details to make payments and transfers, you can also find them on the official website. However, for some reason this information was not included in a separate section. It is in the subsection "Financial institutions".

In order not to wander through links, we recommend using the site search option. To do this, click the magnifying glass icon in the top menu on the right. A search bar will appear at the top of the page where you will need to enter the word "Requisites". After this, the site will redirect you to a section with the necessary information.

Zenit bank details

Important! This section also contains the address of the bank's head office.

Finding your nearest service point

If you need not the head office, but the Zenith office closest to you in your city, the bank’s website will provide you with the necessary information. Just select the section in its top menu "Offices and ATMs".

On the new page you will see:

  • a map showing all the offices in your city;
  • list of bank branches with addresses;
  • city ​​selection form;
  • address search form;
  • filter by services provided in the office.

At the top of the page you will find a toggle "Offices/ATMs". Move it to the desired position to obtain information about bank branches or self-service devices belonging to it. On the right side of the screen you will also find a drop-down list in which you can select a specific bank that is part of the Zenit group. This will help you find only its branches/terminals, and not view information about all offices and devices of the financial group.