Investment 100. Where to invest small money? Least risky deposits for minimal capital investment

Where to invest $100? I often hear that people have free 100 dollars and they don’t know how to spend it, or even make money from it. Perhaps they got them suddenly and had no plans for them, however, it’s encouraging that people are thinking about how to make money from them and not how to waste them. 100 dollars This is, of course, a small amount for investing in a bank, real estate, business... Still, 100 dollars is also money.

Unfortunately, many people like to deceive themselves, since those who have little money usually want a lot at once. This is how people usually jump at colorful headlines - “100% profit in 3 days!” or similar pyramids and so on, where they promise to become a millionaire with 100 dollars. Everything is explained to the person, they prove it, they inspire hope, they improve their mood, and now they are already giving away their money...

Where to invest $100?

The reality is that you won't get rich with $100. But you can earn extra money. Moreover, you can start investing with this amount! The easiest way is to invest in .

  • In short, a PAMM account is a type of trust management; you entrust money to professional traders on the currency exchange through a broker, and the profit received is divided between you and the manager.

Profit can reach from 5 to 30% per month, depending on whether you invest $100 into the account. This good way To invest money, where can you invest 100 dollars and make money on them. In addition, this is also an easy way, since convenient payment systems allow you to invest without leaving your home and also get this money back. This way you can earn money without working.

As you can see, there is where to invest 100 dollars. And you can even invest them not in one PAMM account, but in two, in order to diversify your investments and reduce risks. Now let's compare. What if we deposit $100 in the bank? At the highest standards, this is 15% for the entire year. Are you willing to wait a year for $15?

Stock market

Despite the modest amount, you can earn $100 on stocks - there are inexpensive options for securities, from which you can even form a small portfolio for this money.

The profitability of such investments, taking into account dividends and growth in the market value of assets, can average from 5% to 30% per year, however, when using leverage from brokers, this amount can be multiplied by 100-300.

For example, a broker with whom I have been working for a long time offers the purchase of shares and other assets, and minimum deposit at the broker $100 .

Below I will show my example of a stock trade. GM. To buy shares, you need to select the ones you want and click on the button BUY(Buy):

The very next day cost General Motors rose and my profit reached 107 dollars:

To get money into your account, you need to sell shares, that is, close the deal:

Ready. The results are displayed in the tab Transactions on the same page:

TO negative aspects Such an investment may include the risk of losses, the need to have a certain level of knowledge about the market and an account with a broker, as well as the lack of guaranteed profitability. The advantages include good potential profitability, as well as gaining skills in working in the stock market, which can be of great benefit in the future.

100 dollar business?

Investing $100 in your business is hard to imagine. The only thing that comes to mind is to try to make money on it, but in order to meet such a budget, you need to understand this very well in order for this enterprise to really be of any use. Don't forget how much time you will need to spend on this!

Many people like to answer like this - invest in yourself! There is some truth in this, but 100 dollars?... The maximum you can do is complete the first level of any training courses, or buy one or two good books. You have to be very lucky to be able to make money from this. What is probably important here is not the return, but the process itself, since it brings us employment and satisfaction from the fact that we have a business.

However, in fact, any small investment into assets financial market: stocks, bonds, futures, cryptocurrencies - this is an investment of money and time in your own training in trading and working with these instruments.

Therefore, even if for the first time such investments do not bring material benefit, they will give most valuable experience, capable of bringing good dividends in the future.

Most investors started their careers with just 100-300 dollars in order to learn from their example how to properly manage large sums in the future.

Handmade business

If, in addition to $100, a person has imagination and free time, the money can be invested in his own small business. Currently, interior items such as a table made from cut wood are very popular.

The return on investment in such a business can be measured in hundreds of percent, but for this it will be necessary to spend a large number of of their time and energy to work, which is not suitable for those who have a busy schedule.

The question itself where to invest 100 dollars is not a stranger to me, since I also asked it a long time ago. And I did what I did, I put them in . At first, I invested all my money in one, then, realizing that I needed to diversify my investments, I withdrew money from it and invested in 2. The first deposit has already brought me no less than 20% in a month and a half.

After I saw the prospects investment activities, I began to increase my deposits and strive to get to the point where I can earn money from investments for a full life. I can say that those first 100 dollars served as a good incentive for development.

To better understand where to invest 100 dollars, imagine how your decision could affect your life for at least a year? If you don’t see any meaning or development, then my advice is to rest on them! This is what 99% of people do.

As a rule, the average person rarely has at his disposal a couple of hundred thousand, not only dollars, but even rubles, in order to make profitable investment and live comfortably on stable dividends. But each of us has 100 rubles in our wallet to invest in order to earn money, but let’s figure it out together whether it’s possible to seriously get rich or at least slightly increase our income!

These projects work with investments from 100 rubles:

Where can you invest 100 rubles: medium-risk methods

First of all, you need to face the truth and understand that investments from 100 rubles are prerogative of the Internet space, but certainly not any banking institution, bookmaker's office, and so on. Although if you trust an experienced broker, then your hundred can become a completely suitable investment instrument.

So, to the question, where can you put 100 rubles in the first place? ideas come to mind :

  • Start purchasing brochures, manuals and other printed materials teaching aids to develop your own business idea;
  • Start providing intermediary services.

Now let’s look at these three most effective ways to invest 100 rubles and get income in more detail, and for clarity, present them in the form of a table:

Where to invest 100 rubles The essence of the technique Possible risks
PAMM accounts In fact, this is the only method where you can really invest 100 rubles. At the same time, you need to understand that this is not the simplest manipulation that will instantly bring any kind of income. If you approach this issue with all responsibility, find a truly competent and experienced broker (it’s better if it’s a person you know), then even such a tiny amount can bring good dividends. The best way to invest in this way is on a monthly basis - set a specific date for yourself (under the watchful supervision of a broker, of course) and invest small amounts of money regularly. Accordingly, if you act this way, then over the next seven years you can save a tidy sum.

There are so-called one-day projects that involve investments of 100 rubles for 24 hours. In this case, it is very important to choose the right platform (not a scam) to invest money in, for which you need to pay attention to user reviews and the “life” of the project. Comments are unnecessary here: the longer a project “lives,” the more trust there is in it.

Such investments are a priori very risky, since the conditions of unstable economic development, as well as constant jumps in both the internal and external market space, can work against investors. Although the good thing about small investments is that if you lose them, you won’t feel like biting your elbows.

Another difficulty: earning money with an investment of 100 rubles is a field of activity for test platforms, which means that the investor, even before the start of the project, is aware that making a profit: 50/50, may be lucky, or maybe not.

Invest in yourself - purchase printed publications to obtain the necessary investor knowledge Give preference to purchasing “fresh” printed materials: the latest magazines, webinars, “instructions” and so on. Study them carefully and try to apply them in practice, for example, these could be investment programs on the Internet from 100 rubles, set yourself a goal for the next month, for example - to turn the hundred rubles you have into 250! Always start small - this can be a good starting point for truly productive investing activities. There are no risks in this case, even if you fail to become an advanced investor, invest funds as profitably as possible and accumulate decent capital, you will receive knowledge that will remain with you forever and, at a minimum, you will be able to maintain a conversation in society if circumstances require it.
Intermediary services are an excellent method for earning money with an investment of 100 rubles The essence of the idea is very simple - buy the latest publications at the newsstand, which specialize in advertisements for the sale/purchase of a wide variety of things: from clothes to cars and real estate. Also, don't forget about the service sections. Then comes the stage of analysis and comparison of similar advertisements, which are based on the supply and demand of similar goods and services. Mediation activity is an unplowed field for developing one’s own organizational abilities and communication skills. Learn to negotiate: reduce the cost of goods/services offered for sale and increase the price for their purchase. Naturally, you may be lucky, or maybe not - this is all a risk. However, for the most part, the amount of earnings depends only on you, on your business qualities and ability to interact with people.

Investments on the Internet from 100 rubles: how to choose a HYIP project

Try to find several such projects and invest a little in each of them; this is a great way to accumulate real capital for further investment. If we talk about specific figures, then those funds that provide for initial deposits of 100 rubles provide a guarantee of 150% profit, if you choose the right fund, and this is already very good.

Try to avoid pre-New Year investing, anywhere, unless it is, of course, real. National Bank! And when it comes to hype, these are also three summer months. No matter how strange it may sound, HYIPs are seasonal income.

If your attempts to make money on the Internet with investments have not been successful, do not despair! Do some serious work on bugs and draw appropriate conclusions, after all, 100 rubles is the amount after the loss of which you will not have to neutralize the consequences of losses for years, which means you can invest it again. On the other hand, entire regions are being built up brick by brick, so even a hundred-ruble cash injection requires sober mind and analytical work! Be patient, work for your own experience and then you will definitely get what you want.

Summing up , we can say with all confidence that making money on the Internet with an investment of 100 rubles is not a fairy tale or fiction, it is reality, but at the same time you need to study everything possible risks and analyze the options presented. Of course, we all understand that investing 100 rubles and receiving, say, 10,000 in income within a short time is unrealistic; in order to even get close to this figure, you will have to wait at least 1.5 years, and then only on condition that the investments will be made monthly character. By the way, while you are thinking about and studying these options, you are gaining considerable investment experience, and this is the most best contribution, because, as you know, the most productive and long term investment- this is our own knowledge and skills!

Hello everyone, my dear friends. Today we will try to figure out where to invest 100 rubles and get income. In fact, this is a very difficult task. Personally, I think that you should not get into investments with an amount of less than 10,000 rubles at the investment stage. And 100 rubles is just ridiculous. But since such requests exist, I will try to explain everything as I see it.

Financial pyramids

The first thing that came to my mind was making money on HYIPs. For those who don’t know, HYIPs are pseudo-investment projects. There is no real investment activity there. There are only investors. All income is obtained thanks to previously invested participants. As soon as the influx of new participants decreases, the pyramid closes and most people do not return their contribution.

A striking example is the MMM financial pyramid. But unlike MMM, modern financial pyramids are not recognized as such. They introduce themselves investment companies V various fields(betting, cryptocurrency, investments in precious metals etc.).

As a rule, the minimum deposit in such projects is at least 100 rubles. Basically, a hundred dollars are invested in order to check the functionality of the hype and make sure that it pays.

On average, the profitability in such projects is about 2-3% daily. This means that by investing 100 rubles, you will receive 2-3 rubles daily. But this, of course, takes into account the fact that the pyramid will not collapse. If this happens, you will lose your steward.

In this case, of course, it is better to take full risks and look for fast-hype projects with the most high percentage, for example 10% per day. Well, again, it’s worth keeping in mind that the contribution to such projects should be no more than a week, since such crap breaks down quickly. By the way, there are HYIPs that include tariffs with daily payments, including the body of the deposit.

But again, financial pyramids are a crazy way of making money, in which more than 90% of investors remain at a loss. So I wouldn't really recommend you go in this direction.


Also quite a high-risk investment. The idea here is that you buy cryptocurrency at a certain price and wait for the rate to rise. All you need to do is create a wallet and put crypto into it. And then you just wait for the right moment when the rate rises.

But Bitcoin is a very unpredictable thing. It can either rise sharply or fall sharply. Most likely it will decrease again, and then increase again. The only important thing is not to lose in this matter.

But let's go back to 2011. If you then bought bitcoins for 100 rubles (at the current rate), then you would have around 1.5 crypto coins. Then, over the course of several years, Bitcoin gradually grew until its rate stabilized to approximately $200-400. In 2017, Bitcoin went up sharply and reached $20,000 at the beginning of 2018. Today one bitcoin costs more than 11 thousand dollars.

But this is all a utopia. If you invest in crypto today, I doubt it will skyrocket several thousandfold. Although the devil still knows. You never know what could happen. But nevertheless, crypto cannot be written off. A couple of months ago the rate was approximately 1:4000 dollars. During this time it increased 3 times. That is, if you had invested your stolnik in May, today you would already have 300 rubles.

By the way, in addition to bitcoins and ether, there is another cryptocurrency worthy of attention. And many of these altcoins will also grow tens or even hundreds of times over time. And many will remain stagnate in one place.

I hope that you understand the essence of this investment.

Gambling (sports betting, casino)

An extremely dangerous method that I do not recommend, which I equate to fraudulent. But nevertheless, it’s possible to make money even on this. In principle, there is nothing fancy. If your bet wins, then you are in the black. But in my opinion, it is much safer to invest in hype than in this. Therefore, I would never invest here even the same hundred rubles that we have on this moment available.


Quite an interesting and at the same time difficult direction. Due to the fact that the number of new sites is steadily growing every day, normal domain names are becoming very difficult to find. So, some particularly enterprising people began to make money from this. That is, the idea is to buy a domain for 100 rubles, and then sell it for much more. Therefore, in this case, you can invest small amounts of money in order to receive income in the future.

But why would anyone need to purchase such domains for a lot of money? Well there are several reasons.

  • A beautiful name for a site. Many people want small, good-sounding names for their sites, without any numbers or dashes. Therefore, they often turn to special services or freelancers. Look, there are many such services on the same Quork exchange.
  • Brand name. Well, many entrepreneurs (and not only) are ready to shell out a lot of money in order to get the name they need, which is already taken. Or the client wants to choose a beautiful thematic name for his resource. Just look at the price tags in the domain store on
  • Sometimes domain name tenants forget to renew their contract for the next year. This means that anyone can buy their name. On the same service, you can fire sites that are about to expire. Then this bad person will offer you to return the domain for a large amount. I think this method is not good, but it also has a right to exist.

See for yourself how much certain domains are sold for on the exchange. True, of course, it is far from a fact that someone will buy it from you at that price.

Domains with a good history and considerable age are especially highly valued. So it’s better to buy not fresh names, but those that have already been around for 5 years, or even more.

But again. It is not a fact that someone will buy the domain you purchased from you, even after 3 years. So this investment may not be justified.

Debt service

Many services and even banks (Webmoney, Tinkoff) offer you to become a kind of borrower. The bottom line is this: there are many people and entrepreneurs who want to borrow for certain needs. You can help them, given that the money will be returned to you with a small percentage.

And purely theoretically, you can invest only a hundred rubles here, in the hope that someone will covet your ridiculous amount.

But in reality, don't come here with such small money. This is a really stupid idea. Moreover, the method itself is not particularly popular among investors. Or rather, in my memory no one used it at all. Yes, and I don’t want to trust that. My investment methods are enough for me.

Budget machines

The budget machine is an investment instrument powered by Webmoney. The budget machine (BA) receives income from transactions on certain sites (for example, online exchangers). You, as an investor, also receive a percentage of the profit.

In essence, BA is some kind of analogue of shares. You buy shares of these very budget machines. And you receive income from changes in the price of the share and from dividends. In general, everything is the same as in the case of stocks. Only here you are no longer working with large companies, but with special sites.

In principle, the idea is quite good. But I won’t add this to it. Still, I’d rather buy shares of large companies. But for those who don’t want to bother with opening an account, working with brokers, installing software, or just doesn't want to delve into stocks, this method can be quite good. Moreover, shares cannot be purchased for less than 1,000 rubles.

There are currently 4 stock machines available. But if you want to invest 100 rubles to receive income, then only one BA will be open for you. The fact is that one share of each of them will cost you 3-15 dollars, which exceeds the given budget in the stolnik. But shares of the 24-obmen site cost around 3 rubles apiece. So with your gigantic amount you can buy around 35-40 shares.

The undoubted advantage of this type of investment is that you receive dividends every month. And in the case of shares, dividend payments occur only 1-2 times a year (if payment is provided at all).

But even if you receive 25% per annum with BA, then in your case it still cannot be called income.

Bottom line

As you can see, there are very few ways to invest 100 rubles on the Internet in order to generate income. Well, this is no wonder. With such a sum, it would be at least stupid to become an investor. All you earn is a pittance. Moreover, the basic rule of investing is to diversify risks and create an investment portfolio. How can you diversify 100 Russian rubles? No way.

In general, if you suddenly wonder about investing such a microscopic amount, then you shouldn’t even start. Buy yourself some ice cream and enjoy life. And if you have initial capital to invest in the amount of at least 10 thousand rubles, then you can already talk about something and start your journey in receiving passive income.

By the way, if you are seriously thinking about becoming an investor, I recommend that you visit free five-day training from Fedor Sidorov. The information is really cool and everything is laid out on the shelves. Thanks to this training, you will actually learn how to invest in order to receive passive income and live on it without needing anything. Hurry up before March 11, 2020. You will not regret it.

That's all for me. Be sure to subscribe to my public page on VK, Instagram profile and Telegram channel so as not to miss the release of new interesting articles and tricks on making money on the Internet. I'm waiting for you again. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

So, there is an amount, there is a desire to increase it, it remains to understand exactly how to do this. Question “Where to invest 100 thousand rubles” one should decide based on the fact that it certainly cannot be done with this money. Most likely, the desire to purchase real estate with them will disappear by itself, since the amount, frankly speaking, is insufficient for such a purpose. Normal interest income on a bank deposit can only be obtained from a figure approaching a million, that is, in the case when you are VIP client.

The only remaining decision on where to invest 100,000 rubles is in the area of ​​purchasing shares of some company, but it is better to diversify the amount into several, so that if one “burns out” you have a backup option, or invest them in a certain financial fund. In the second case, choose trust management according to a high-yield scheme or a conservative one in the form of trading accounts should be based solely on one’s own ideas about acceptable risk. If you have, then we know what to do with it.

In any case, when deciding where to invest 100,000 rubles, it is advised not to consolidate even that a small amount in one and only place, as this can be fraught, and, of course, scrupulously check the “reliability” of the selected project.

Let's consider all of the above options in more detail.

Invest 100,000 rubles in trading accounts

Let's start with trading deposits, since this topic is as close as possible to our site, and we can give qualified recommendations on choosing companies that will provide you with good passive income from 100,000 rubles. In the corresponding section you will find their rating, which allows you to quickly find suitable accounts.

With small risks, you can earn 5-10% profit every month.

To receive income from such investments, just register and transfer funds using WebMoney or your plastic card. If you follow the registration procedure using our links, you can count on all possible assistance at any time, and also receive a ready-made optimal investment portfolio for free.

Invest 100,000 rubles in a bank deposit

A bank deposit is not very suitable for increasing your hundred thousand rubles.

  • Firstly, banks do not indulge their clients too much with high interest rates.
  • Secondly, they have a large number of restrictions, due to which you, for example, will not be able to withdraw funds when you need it, due to the need to wait for the expiration of the period specified in the contract. Otherwise, you simply will not receive honestly earned interest on your deposit.

Invest 100,000 in mutual funds

Share investment fund- a good option. You buy a share, transfer your money to the management of professionals who make transactions in stocks, bonds, and other securities and provide you with income. The advantage of mutual funds can be called ability to leave the game at any time(although greater profits are provided precisely long-term investments). The disadvantage is the need to pay for funds management services.

Invest 100,000 rubles in websites

Investing in online sites is a pretty good way. One hundred thousand will be enough for you to create, launch and promote one or two projects, which will give you the opportunity to earn up to 15 thousand rubles a month from advertising alone. It is, but in order to reap its benefits, you will have to thoroughly learn the intricacies of creating, promoting and maintaining websites.

Select option and investing 100,000 rubles in any case remains yours. Carefully study our website, read various forums and resources dedicated to investing, and make the right decision. We can only say that with a responsible approach you will definitely be able to make money on investments, increase your initial capital several times and receive stable passive income.

Where to invest 100 thousand rubles

The amount can be invested in two ways:

  • one-time use without additional investments;
  • Place this amount monthly in any projects.

In the case of a one-time investment of one hundred thousand, it is preferable to choose a passive investment method. Its main conditions:

  • do not invest in fraudulent highly profitable projects operating on the principle financial pyramid(hype projects);
  • avoid investing in the Forex market and do not buy binary options;
  • do not invest in bitcoins.

By observing these conditions, the owner of 100,000 will preserve and increase his savings. Let's consider legal and profitable investment methods.

Mutual investment fund

Not a bad way to invest 100,000. To avoid losses, it is important to study in detail the ratings of mutual funds published on economic Internet resources. Investing in mutual funds has one drawback - the owner has no idea about the “fate” of his money and does not control its movement. This disadvantage is offset by the fact that the invested share can be withdrawn at any time.

Investment portfolios

This is a complex of securities different types and character acquired by one investor. When investing 100,000 in an investment portfolio, it is best to purchase government bonds, Eurobonds or securities developing, promising companies.

However, make money on investment portfolio maybe not everyone. To do this, you need to have a deep and extensive knowledge of the principles of operation. stock market, which is more likely to be possible for a financial trader than for an ordinary person.

Public private partnership

An interesting solution for those who are looking for where to invest 100,000 rubles. This is a concession agreement between the state and private enterprises in the field of healthcare, housing and communal services and some other infrastructure.

According to the latest innovations, public-private projects can be carried out on the initiative of the investor himself without holding a competition. This means that the investor has the right to receive a property complex for concession use. This could be a pharmacy, a household waste disposal facility, or another profitable facility. To participate in a concession agreement, 100,000 rubles will not be enough, but it is possible to attract borrowed funds.

Investments in existing business

The meaning of the investment is that the owner of 100,000 rubles deposits his money into authorized capital any company, becoming its co-founder. This is relevant for businesses that need to increase authorized capital, but do not have the capabilities to do so. When planning to invest money in this way, an investor may become a victim of fraudulent shell companies that “eat up” other people’s money and immediately disappear.

Buying a franchise

With the right investment, franchising allows short term get back the money spent and get a stable profit. Buying a franchise of well-known brands will be an excellent source of income, but the amount of 100,000 rubles is not enough for this, and you will have to attract credit funds.

Today on the Internet there are offers for franchising small, developing enterprises, whose franchise can be bought for a hundred thousand. It is important to accurately determine the area of ​​future activity and select a suitable franchise. With competent management, franchising will save and multiply the invested 100 thousand.

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Simple ways to make money

You have a free hundred thousand rubles.

Sasha Volkova

editor, economist

We have enough for food and an apartment, we bought all the iPhones, we have enough for loans. Now you want to invest your money so that it will bring more more money. Or at least they didn't disappear. To do this, you don’t have to put money on a deposit; there are better options. Let's figure it out.

To the stabilization fund (stash)

Why. Everyone should have a nest egg that is enough to live for 2 months without a salary. If you receive 50 thousand rubles a month, you need a nest egg of 100 thousand. You can live on this money until you find a new job.

If your salary is 70 thousand, put in not 140, but 200 thousand. It is easier to save in round sums: you will start saving in order to turn the ugly number 140 into an even 200. Even round sums are easier to save: taking ten thousand from 140 for a party in a bar is just a prank, from round 200 is an outrage.

How. The nest egg should be available at any time, so it is better to use a savings account for it. You can open it through the application:

To do the same in Internet banking, you need to click on the right “ New Product bank”, select “Open a savings account”, then “Regular account”.

You can top up your account yourself or set up automatic payments - the bank will hide the required amount every month after salary.

pros. Income from interest plus capitalization. You can withdraw it at any time, the interest will not be lost. But the money is kept in a separate account, so you won't accidentally spend it.

Minuses. Interest on an account only saves you from inflation, but does not generate income. Therefore, there is no pleasant feeling that money brings more money.

Into yourself

Why. If you already have a stash and have some free money left, do not rush to take it to the bank or buy foreign currency. Think about how you can get not 100, but 200 thousand free money next time.

How. Invest in yourself: training, health, tools. If you are not advancing in your career because of your qualifications, study. If you are not working well because you have a headache, get examined and go in for sports. If you work slowly because of an old computer, buy a new one.

pros. Your qualifications and health are assets that will not go away. If the house burns down and money becomes worthless, you will still be able to feed yourself. A good tool will help you: it will save time and expand your capabilities.

Minuses. To improve your skills, you will have to work hard: read, listen to lectures, do homework, endure criticism. To improve your health, you will have to change your habits: watch your diet, go to exercise. And only a computer can be simply bought.

Into a dream

Why. This is why you work to pay for your desires. If you deny yourself everything, one day you will relapse and waste all your savings at once. Pleasant spending is an essential part of a financial strategy. Don't neglect your dreams: save up for a vacation, a car, or an electric guitar.

How. Put money into the same savings account, but with a clearly defined goal. Indicate the amount and date when the dream should come true. Also, give it a name and attach a picture.

Our experts say that it’s easier to save: if you see a dream in a picture and call it by name, then it becomes almost tangible. You focus and this motivates you to save. But, in my opinion, it’s easier to set up automatic payment and forget about it. And in a year, your account will quietly accumulate several hundred for your dream.

For a large purchase, it is more profitable to open a deposit. Wait until the end of December: before the New Year, banks usually raise rates by 2-3 percentage points. The optimal deposit period is one year. If necessary, you will open a new one next December.

When choosing a deposit, pay attention to capitalization. If it is, then the accrued interest is added to the account every month. Next month, interest is accrued on the entire amount. That is, the income on the deposit makes new income. If there is no capitalization, then interest is accrued only on your 100 thousand.

Minuses. If you withdraw money from the deposit ahead of schedule, almost all of the growth will be lost. Therefore, the deposit is only suitable if you know exactly when you will need the money. For example, you are saving for your child’s education and you won’t need the money before August. Or you’re saving up for an apartment and you definitely won’t be able to buy it suddenly on sale.

In height

Why. You won’t be able to make significant money with deposits and accounts: their yield is 4-10%, and inflation for 2016 is 5.4%. To make money, you will have to learn complex tools. For example, invest in stocks or play on exchange rates.

How. Study the market, monitor the stock exchange or currency market day and night. Develop an investment strategy and stick to it under any circumstances. To do this you need to control your emotions.

Even if you are great at playing Monopoly, when real money is on the line, your nerves will go away. During a decline, the beginner dumps shares in panic, while the pro holds his losses. On the rise, the beginner freaks out and takes the money ahead of time, while the pro calmly waits. Professional players are trained to withstand psychological stress.

If you have studied the market and the psychology of investments, you can go to the stock exchange or buy currency. Try to buy as cheaply as possible and sell as expensively as possible - that's all.

Minuses. Stories about 50,000% profitability attract gullible people to the exchange. But only professional players can make huge profits in a short period of time on stocks and currencies.

Many people think that there is no risk if you buy shares large company. This is wrong. For example, Apple shares suddenly lost 15% from their highs in early August 2015 - this was the most strong fall since 2013.

If you don't understand anything about this chart, don't buy the stock.