Accounts payable of a foreign company. What is controlled debt and how to manage it

Creating comfortable living conditions obliges citizens to pay considerable sums every month, which is what the majority do. But how to use it in housing and communal services when nothing is being done?

Housing and communal services system: general overview

It consists of a number of organizations. Some are directly involved in providing services, while others supervise their activities. Service providers can be either state or municipal, or private. A specific category is an association of homeowners that independently provides services and enters into contracts for their provision.

The controlling bodies are government agencies:

  • housing supervision organized in each region;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • prosecutor's office

Before choosing sample applications to the housing and communal services, you should understand the reasons for the complaints and the authority that will be obliged to deal with the problem.

Who and where to complain. Legislative system

Regulatory documents here are conventionally divided into categories according to the types of public services and affect:

  • energy supply;
  • heat supply;
  • water supply;
  • maintenance of the house and surrounding area;
  • garbage removal.

The peculiarity of legislation in this area is the saturation technical terms and provisions that are understood only by specialists. Thus, a lawyer without the help of an energy specialist will not be able to fully understand regulatory framework on electricity, especially in narrow areas. Here, sample applications to housing and communal services, compiled with the help of a specialist, will be useful.

Legislative acts are represented by laws, in particular, on issues of water supply, electricity, heat supply, etc. Government acts have been developed for them, containing specific provisions of the laws. An example is Rules for the provision of public services No. 354, Rules for the collection and removal of household waste. As stated above, there are also acts devoted to purely technical issues. In particular, there is technical documentation on heat supply issues. Suitable sample applications for housing and communal services must take into account the provisions of the law in full, otherwise they are of no use.

Writing a complaint to the utility service

The document is left according to general rules about :

  • addressee (name of the organization, its address);
  • information about the sender (address, means of communication);
  • the essence of the complaint, claims, their justification (clauses of regulations, factual circumstances);
  • signature of the author of the complaint, date.

An example could be the failure of the heating system to comply with regulatory requirements when the room temperature was below normal on certain days. The level of voltage in the electrical network that led to the failure is also a serious cause of complaint. Claims for recalculation relate to incorrect charges when the consumer is presented with increased tariffs. for housing and communal services can be easily found on the relevant resources.

How to protect your rights

Protection of rights is based on compiling a record of violations using photography, using instruments, conducting examinations, etc. Papers are transmitted via mail with notification and inventory. Personal delivery is recorded in the office of the organization or institution. The sender is given an acceptance mark on his copy with the date and signature of the person who accepted it. This is rarely included in the application to housing and communal services (sample). If there is no evidence that the papers have been sent to court, it is then difficult for applicants to prove that someone is violating their rights by not fulfilling their duties.

Stages of rights protection

Resident apartment building you must contact the management organization if the question concerns common property, otherwise the application is submitted directly to the relevant utility service. The management organization is responsible only for common property. The application to the housing and communal services (sample), unfortunately, almost always ignores this. Residents of private houses communicate directly with companies. Utilities are responsible for network communications from points designated in regulations. So it is quite enough to call a specialist to solve problems with wiring or plumbing.

Inaction is subject to review by supervisory authorities. They complain about the energy company to Rostechnadzor or its branches. A sample can be found on the organization’s website or at reception stands. Already inaction supervisory authority It is worth appealing to the prosecutor's office. Until this moment, it is pointless to contact this authority, since it will forward the materials within its jurisdiction. When reviewing a complaint, officials may go beyond it and discover additional violations. They have the right to request additional materials if necessary.


Judges work exclusively with materials provided to them by the parties. They have no right to go beyond the requirements, so incorrectly formulated requirements will lead to the meaninglessness of the resulting court decision, and it will become impossible to fulfill. Housing and communal services (sample) should be looked for after contacting other authorities. Otherwise, the case will most likely be lost.

Why are lawsuits filed in court? Here are the main reasons:

  • challenge tariff rates;
  • require a recalculation of the amount of debt;
  • want to eliminate service deficiencies.

The last point should be as specific as possible (fix a leak on the roof, for example). The text of the claim basically repeats the content of the claim. So the sample for writing an application to housing and communal services should be well selected. During the trial, it may be necessary to conduct an examination; its payment falls entirely on the parties. If you disagree with the decision, you can appeal it within a month. You have 6 months to write a complaint to the cassation, and 3 months to the supervisory appeal from the date of the decision.

The interaction of management companies, other similar organizations and residents at the legislative level is regulated by Government Decree No. 491, which discloses the rules for maintaining property from the category of common property, as well as the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Municipalities are also taken into account regulations, Civil and Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In these documents you can find answers to all the most common questions regarding technical communications, damage and compensation, misconduct sides

It is necessary to remember that residents have not only rights, but also responsibilities enshrined in the agreement concluded with the management company. Please take this into account before submitting the application to the management company according to the sample. To a greater extent, this concerns the timeliness of your payment of utility bills and the absence of debt. Making demands and complaining about a violator is not always effective if you yourself are a violator of the terms of the contract.

We will consider answers to questions about what the Criminal Code is responsible for, what is a valid reason for a complaint against its work, how to correctly draw up a complaint against the housing department, and a sample for different cases.

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Responsibilities of the management company

The main functions and responsibilities of management companies include:

  • Conducting a survey apartment buildings that are registered with them;
  • Carrying out repair work(major repairs, replacement of glass in windows, roof repairs, etc.);
  • Modernization engineering systems communications, their timely inspection, repair, replacement;
  • Repair of public television antennas;
  • Installation of intercoms;
  • Ensuring proper operation of elevators;
  • Providing improvement adjacent areas apartment buildings;
  • Work related to the insulation of residential buildings;
  • Installation of metering devices for heating, hot and cold water consumption;
  • Supervision of house redevelopment.

All this work is carried out at the expense of Money apartment owners. These can be either contributions that are paid monthly for housing and communal services, or additional collection of funds by decision of the majority at a collective meeting.

Before writing a complaint using one of the samples presented below, you will need documents that indicate the facts of the violation, as well as a clear understanding of what generally makes sense to submit a complaint to the housing and communal services. The template you will use is only a guide to correct design and drawing up an application.

Reasons for writing an application

Send management company Apartment owners and tenants under the contract have the right to write a complaint. Grounds for claims:

The sample official appeal below in the article will give you the answer to the question of how to write a utility application or complaint correctly.

Correct application form with samples

A claim for the quality of public services is always submitted first of all to the management company. Before making an application, it is advisable to notify the responsible persons orally, for example, during a personal visit to the office or by telephone. This rarely has the same result as a formal complaint, but in many cases it will help resolve the problem faster.

If you are interested in how to correctly and competently draw up a document, take into account the most common mistakes that should not be repeated:

You can look at the required details and their location on any claim form, so pay special attention to the text describing the facts and circumstances of the case. It is unacceptable to use threats, insults, incomprehensible abbreviations, obscene language, only capital letters.

To visually familiarize yourself with the structure of the document and have an idea of ​​how to write a complaint against the management company, you can use a file with a sample and standard text.

Home repairs

When the responsible company has not carried out repairs at your entrance for a long time or there is a need for it to be carried out as soon as possible for some reason beyond your control, your primary task is to notify the management company about this in writing. It has more than one apartment building on its balance sheet, so it is physically impossible to monitor the condition inside each entrance and utility room. Therefore, such an application to the housing department is often carried out without the need to submit complaints to higher structures.

It is not necessary to copy the sample application; it is important to display the real picture of your specific case. The appeal is drawn up on a blank white sheet of A4 format. You can write by hand or type on a computer. When visiting the management company’s office, you must have two copies of the application, a personal passport, and documentary evidence that the house needs repairs. This could be videos, photographs, opinions of independent experts and other papers related to the issue raised.

Please note: repairs at the entrance (non-overhaul) must be carried out at least once every five years. For this reason, you cannot require it to be done annually or at intervals of less than five years.

In the application submitted to the management company, a sample of which is given below, it is necessary to indicate what type of repairs should be carried out and what specifically needs to be repaired. Focus the attention of the organization's employees on areas where action is required urgently. It is advisable that your appeal be collective.

Sample application to the management company for the necessary repairs of the entrance, house.

Roof leak

You should report your roof leak problems first orally, then to writing. Oral communication is important so that employees of the management company are informed as quickly as possible and take appropriate measures. When contacting verbally, be sure to write down the date, time of call, position, full name. the employee who responded to you. Written notice is given when oral notice desired result didn't bring it.

A written complaint against the management company, the template of which can be downloaded below, is official document, to which the management company is obliged to respond. The inaction of the organization after the submission of the appeal is a legal reason to transfer the case to the prosecutor's office or court.

In the text of the document it is not enough to write that the roof of the house is leaking; describe the full picture: when it was discovered, under what circumstances, by whom, where exactly the leak is located, what nature of the damage (if you know, for example, a crack or collapse), whether damage was caused , what kind, for what amount, how this is confirmed. The application must be accompanied by documentary evidence of roof leaks and damage.

Sample of a standard complaint to the Criminal Code about a leak in the roof.

Receiving the information

Before considering the application form related to housing and communal services issues and adjusting the sample, pay attention to the list of information that you have the right to receive from the management company:

Sample for an application to the housing department for information.


In accordance with government regulations, temperatures inside a residential building must be maintained at temperatures not lower than:

  • 18 °C - living rooms;
  • 18 °C - kitchen;
  • 16 °C - flights of stairs;
  • 16 °C - entrance;
  • 5 °C - basement of the house;
  • 20 °C - corner rooms.

The management company must comply with these standards, but on the condition that apartment owners also provide thermal insulation in their living space. If everything is in order on your part, but the problem is poor heating or no heating at all, this is a reason to file a claim with the management company, an example of which is given below, or a claim from the residents of the house if the company does not respond to complaints.

To confirm the fact of a violation, temperature measurements are taken in the premises. Control this process, personally look at all the readings and check whether the numbers are entered into the act correctly. The inspection report is drawn up in two copies, one of which, after signing, must be given to the owner of the apartment.

In the event of non-provision of heating or poor heating, you have the right to demand a recalculation of utility bills. But only for the period counted from the date when the act was drawn up.

An example of a complaint against the management company regarding heating issues -.

Recalculation for utilities

A recalculation of payments for utility services can be required, for example, if there is evidence that during the paid period the service was supplied of poor quality (lack of heating, warm water instead of hot, frequent power outages for no reason), or when an incorrect, unreasonable amount was charged for payment.

The requirements for applying are standard, the situation should be described in as much detail as possible, and be sure to attach copies of payment receipts for the period for which you want to receive a recalculation. Attached are other documents giving you the right to make such demands.

Please note: you have the right to submit a claim to the Criminal Code for recalculation of fees only within 30 days after the date of payment accrual. If the evidence of your position is strong and obvious, the management company is obliged to recalculate the amount of the fee no later than within five working days.

Any money you overpaid will not be refunded in cash. They are transferred to the account of future payment, that is, next month you will receive a receipt with an already recalculated, smaller amount taking into account the overpayment.

You can see how to correctly write an application to a management company and a sample of one by going to.

More sample applications to the Criminal Code

Since situations are all individual and there can be quite a lot of grounds for claims against the management company, we bring to your attention a few more current samples of complaints regarding housing and communal services:

Each sample application presented here to the Criminal Code can be used as a template for your own claim or request to the company.

How to submit an application

A letter drawn up according to the sample addressed to the management company is prepared in two copies. Despite the fact that you can send a claim by registered mail (necessarily with a list of attachments and notification of receipt of the letter), this takes longer, and it is recommended to hand over the documents in person at the management office.

The responsible employee in the office must register both copies by putting the appropriate registration marks (identical) on them. You keep one of these copies for yourself - in case you have to contact higher authorities.

Sending by registered mail is relevant when the Criminal Code refuses to accept and register your application, but according to the rules it must be submitted. For example, the same prosecutor's office will not accept your complaint if you do not provide evidence that you addressed your issue to the management company.

The procedure for submitting a complaint to the Criminal Code:

The processing time for your application is 10 days. If after this period you have not been given an answer, you have received a formal reply about nothing, the issue has been resolved unsatisfactorily for you, you have the right to contact higher authorities - the housing inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the court. To write a complaint against the housing office, you can use any sample presented in the article.

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Reading time: 29 min

Employees of a housing organization, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to promptly remove garbage from specialized sites, periodically check the condition of the roof of the house, and replace risers that have become unusable. Their competence also includes maintaining the sewer and water supply systems, intercom and access lighting, insulating walls, pruning trees and other duties. However, the responsible structures do not always do their job, which causes indignation among the residents of the building. One way to eliminate the imbalance is to submit an application to the management company, a sample of which is given below. If utility companies do not respond to the request, residents have the right to appeal their inaction to supervisory authorities or the court.

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Job responsibilities of a home maintenance company

The main functions of a housing company are the following:
  • inspection of multi-storey buildings registered with them;
  • work of a capital or routine nature;
  • modernization utility networks communications, including scheduled inspection, repair or replacement of non-working parts;
  • installation of home intercoms;
  • working condition of elevators;
  • improvement of adjacent areas of high-rise buildings;
  • insulation of walls of residential buildings;
  • installation of devices for monitoring water supply and heat supply;
  • supervision of the redevelopment of buildings.

The above conditions are met through cash receipts from apartment owners. These can be monthly payments for housing and communal services or look like an additional fee, based on a decision made by the owners of residential premises and apartments.

The main functions of housing and communal services are the following responsibilities:
  1. Planned or routine examination residential areas, preparation of design and estimate documents. The competence does not include the reconstruction of load-bearing parts of the building.
  2. Repair and construction work to replace or restore unusable elements of houses.
  3. Modernization of facilities during their major repairs.
  4. Insulation of residential buildings to improve heat-shielding properties and installation of external vestibules.
  5. Replacement of utilities.
  6. Installation of collective and apartment energy metering devices, all types of water supply.
  7. Reconstruction of combined roofs.
  8. Supervision of project structures, technical control over the process of major renovation.
  9. Repair non-residential premises Houses.

Cash coverage occurs at the expense of the owners. The company's obligations are determined general meeting apartment owners.

Watch the video:"What the management company should repair for free."

Reasons for application

Complaint to the management company - commercial organization, can be directed due to a variety of circumstances that are identified by residents high-rise building.

The latter have the right to submit claims against the actions of the management company due to the emergence of grounds:
  1. Services are not provided under a contract for which the management company charges a monthly fee.
  2. Poor maintenance of the building, cluttering of waste container sites, lack of heating during the cold season, low temperature of hot media, power outages.
  3. The company shirks its obligations to fulfill overhaul with obvious deterioration in the condition of the building.
  4. There is no technical inspection of house communications.
  5. Unsanitary conditions of common areas - dirt, insects, small rodents.
  6. Unreasonable increase in some tariffs, incorrect calculation of rent.
  7. Failure to comply with the housing and communal services conditions stipulated in the agreement with residents of the high-rise building, the provisions stipulated by the country's Housing Code.
  8. Illegal increase in service fees, detection of all kinds of violations during a general meeting of owners, or the absence of a meeting when the conditions for convening it exist.
  9. Providing low-quality cleaning services for access cages, improper heating of radiators, lack of wall insulation, etc.
  10. Violation of the terms of provision of services, which is stipulated (in current edition 2020).
  11. Failure to comply with the provisions of laws and regulations of the Russian Government.

Drawing up an application

Filing a complaint to a housing company consists of describing the problem that has arisen. The claim to the management company is written in any form by hand or using a PC. Each organization has the right to determine the form to be filled out by the applicant and provide it to the latter.

Complaint attributes

Absence strictly established form There is no appeal-complaint, but drawing up involves the use of the following recommendations.

Compliance with them will speed up the receipt of an answer or reaction to the letter:
  • following the business style of the document;
  • no reasoning, no flowery phrases, only facts;
  • reference to the provisions of current legal acts that are being violated.
These may be laws and government regulations. They are:
  • an agreement with a housing company, which lists the entire range of services provided;
  • dated September 27, 2003 (at latest version 2020), indicating the standards for the operation of buildings;
  • , 2020 edition;
  • states;
  • (2020 version);
  • Rules for operating MKD (with latest changes 2020);
  • legal acts bodies of local and regional self-government, stipulating the activities of commercial housing structures.
Despite the lack of a strict form of preparation, the application to the Criminal Code must reflect the following information:
  • full name of the company manager;
  • Full name of the applicant, his contact details, place of permanent or temporary registration;
  • It is not recommended to make mistakes or corrections, or provide incorrect information;
  • the essence of the problem with reference to the current legal legislative acts which, according to the applicant, are violated.

The final stage of registration is setting the date of writing, signature with a transcript of the citizen.

Legislative acts

Any type of appeal must be confirmed by reference to legal acts.

These are usually the following documents:
  1. Codes:

They will serve as the basis for filing a claim or complaint to the management organization.

Collective statement

There are often cases when the work of the management company is not liked by the whole house or the majority of its owners. Each owner of a high-rise building does not have to write a complaint; for this, there is a collective application to the management company from the residents.

Methods for filing complaints with an organization serving apartment buildings

After drawing up an application to the management company, the paper is sent to the company’s office.

The last action can be performed in several ways:
  • visit the office in person;
  • send by registered mail with confirmation of notification;
  • use mobile or landline communications.

Of all the proposed means, the last one seems to be the most unreliable. The secretary may not even enter the call in the order log. If the user nevertheless decides to call the housing administration, it is necessary to request the complaint registration number.

When visiting directly, the application should be given to the director’s secretary, with a registration stamp installed. This will help you find your request among other complaints. Such an appeal will be the first step to clarify the circumstances of the failure of service employees to fulfill their direct duties.

Sample claims

Drawing up a petition from apartment owners at the discretion of the utility company is a forced reaction of the population. In this way, citizens defend their rights. In this case, they take the form of a complaint about the inaction of an organization serving a specific multi-storey building. Of course, the type of presentation is not particularly diverse, but the text of one has a significant difference from the other.

Receiving the information

Below is a sample complaint to the management company for the provision of information on the functioning of the service organization.

The application consists of obtaining the following information:
  • general information about the business company, name, address, operating hours;
  • payer and landline phone numbers;
  • a list of residential buildings included in the structure with which agreements were concluded and cancelled;
  • formation of repair funds;
  • tariffs, service standards;
  • technical characteristics of buildings;
  • absence or presence of administrative penalties in the Criminal Code;
  • debit and credit of the organization;
  • reports on the general fees residents;
  • expenses for major and current repairs.

It would be useful to obtain other reporting information.

Complaint about quality of service and inadequate service

The application is supplemented by written evidence attached to the application. If any point of the claim is not supported by documents, this is not a reason for the organization to refuse to accept it.

Complaint about malfunction of technical equipment

This category for complaints to the management company is due to the following reasons:
  • redevelopment of living quarters, kitchen rooms;
  • replacement of the stove heating system with a centralized one with the supply of boiler rooms and heat supply resources;
  • installation of cold and hot water supply;
  • installation of electric stoves, elevators, garbage chutes, electronic driveway locks;
  • fire alarm status;
  • replacement of old networks;
  • updating existing television antennas;
  • arrangement of local areas, landscaping;
  • renovation of buildings up to 50% of their total area.

Task repair - major and cosmetic

The complaint must include the following information:
  • information about commercial company, its location and manager;
  • information about the applicant, which includes his full name, contacts, place of permanent or temporary registration;
  • name of the document – ​​statement, complaint or claim;
  • the conditions that served to compile the paper;
  • legal requirements that the tenant of the house asks to satisfy.

Control of indoor equipment

Experts advise filing complaints simultaneously with various services, which will help quickly resolve any problem. After the purpose of the resident's appeal has been resolved, a notification will be sent to him by mail.

Entrance renovation and lighting

The complaint is filed in two copies, the first remains at the reception of the service organization, the second - with the residents apartment building. Moreover, the document must contain a note from the company secretary about receipt. If the company refuses to accept the complaint, it is sent by registered mail with a notification delivered to the sender.

Complaint to the Criminal Code about balcony repairs

Some utilities encourage complainants to submit their complaints electronically via feedback with the population or use the services of their portal. However, according to Russian laws Such statements are not considered official, but are classified as the most ordinary issues that are not subject to mandatory implementation. Of course, it is not necessary to comb everyone with the same brush, but compliance with this rule will not allow the management of the Criminal Code to leave the complaint unanswered.

Repair of interpanel seams and insulation of facade walls

Dissatisfaction with the quality of public services is always expressed to the management of the management company. Before writing a complaint, you can use a landline phone or visit the office in person and report a violation.

Compensation for damage due to leakage of common building communications

Flooding from the water supply or sewerage system due to improper maintenance of communications causes damage to private property. To confirm such a complaint, it is necessary to provide evidence:

  • photos;
  • video;
  • signatures of neighbors;
  • reports of water damage to equipment.

Complaint about replacing riser pipes

To file a complaint with the management company regarding improper fulfillment of their obligations by employees, it is necessary to indicate a specific violation of the rules by the counterparty. To reinforce the persuasiveness of the words, you should attach a document or confirmation of the existence of the problem to the claim.

Crowning and cutting down trees

Although the complaint is in any form, it is necessary to write it correctly, without errors or corrections:

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  1. You cannot ask the management organization to eliminate any violations within 10 working days. The mentioned period is given to the company to consider the complaint received, conduct an inspection, implement the decision, and send a response to the applicant.
  2. The compiled document is submitted with an appeal against only one specific organization, but not all at once.
  3. After receiving a response, the citizen is obliged to immediately respond to it, especially if the feedback is negative. Otherwise, the legislation will consider it satisfied, which the organization’s management will certainly take advantage of.

Contacting the apartment building service company for recalculation

Issued in the event of a temporary absence of services specified in the agreement. Residents have the right to submit a letter to the management company for recalculation within one current month from the moment the amount is calculated.

Copies of receipts for missing utility services are attached to the written document. If the complaint is confirmed, utility companies are required to recalculate within the next five days. Money paid in excess is not returned to the citizen, but goes towards future rent for the apartment.

Other examples of complaints against a service company

If there are violations of the clauses of the contract by the management company, experts recommend calling the management company. If such an approach or visit does not produce a positive result, an official statement is drawn up.

Complaint about low hot water temperature

A complaint of this type is issued when the hot water is insufficiently heated below 60° C.

Complaint about clogged garbage disposal

A faulty garbage disposal is detected and corrected within the first 24 hours.

Appeal to the Criminal Code about a flood from a damaged roof

Poor quality repairs or clutter in the attic space can lead to flooding of the apartment with precipitation. Therefore, if a situation arises, it is necessary to send a complaint to the Criminal Code.

Complaint about non-working sewerage system

When filing a complaint about a non-functioning sewer system, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • a mandatory group of top details can be seen on any payment slip or form of a utility service;
  • you should pay attention to the design, describe the facts and circumstances of the case;
  • the text should not contain threats, offensive words, incomprehensible abbreviations, swearing, or expression of thoughts only in capital characters.

Complaints about heating to the service company

According to government regulations, the air temperature inside a residential building must be no lower than the following (°C):
  • middle rooms – 18;
  • corner – 20;
  • kitchen – 18;
  • flights of stairs and entrance – 16;
  • basement – ​​5.

A utility company can comply with these standards if only apartment residents improve the thermal insulation of their walls. If the latter is installed, and the temperature regime is not observed by the service company, residents of the building have the right to file a claim document - a complaint.

To confirm the fact of low heating of the coolant, it is necessary to call a representative of the organization home to draw up a report. If workers refuse to take measurements, several neighbors’ signatures should be collected on the application.

The act is drawn up in two units, the first is sent to a commercial organization, the second remains with the applicant with a stamp and a note of its acceptance.

Complaints about mold to the management organization

The appearance of mold fungi in a room is reflected not only in damage to personal property, but also in harm to health. To confirm the accusations, it is necessary to invite a commission from Housing Authority to complete the act.

Application to the management company about damage to the car

Causing material damage to the residents of the house due to the negligent performance of their duties by the organization’s employees is subject to appeal.

Valid general rules filling out forms on how to correctly write an application to the management company (sample). If the complaint is filed on behalf of several residents of the house, then this will be a collective appeal. The application must be signed by all applicants. Citizens' appeals are sent to resolve problems that have arisen with the organization managing the house.

The application must contain not only requirements, but also evidence of violations. If they ask you to renovate a house, these will be photographs of the emergency condition of the entrances. When there is no hot water, there will be acts of lack of supply of utility resources in the house. The court accepts photographs and video recordings, written documents, and witness statements.

The reason for sending a letter is any violation of the provisions of the agreement concluded between citizens and the management company (MC). If there are violations, write a complaint first to the management of the Criminal Code, and then to other authorities - the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor, the housing inspection.

The statement consists of three parts: introductory, descriptive and concluding

The introductory part serves to indicate exact information about the organization’s address and contact phone number. The surnames, first names and patronymics of the applicants and their addresses are also indicated here. The narrative part contains a description of the essence of the problem, as well as evidence of violations by the organization. After a description of the violations has been made, the requirements of the applicants must be indicated. For example, if you are writing an application to the management company to repair the entrance, you need to attach photographs of the condition of the entrance and demand that repair work be carried out as soon as possible.

There is a greater chance of solving problems when there is evidence. The final part of the complaint contains the signatures of the applicants and the date of preparation. All residents who agree with the requirements listed in the complaint can sign.

The response period for the application is twenty days

The general period for providing a response to complaints and appeals from citizens is thirty days. This rule is established by Art. 12 of the Law “On the procedure for considering appeals and complaints from citizens.” The deadline for a response begins to count from the date of registration of the written application. The time for preparing a response is specified by the contract concluded with the company. The organization is obliged to respond no later than the period established by the contract.

The deadline within which a response to an application is given is approved by clause 21 of the Standard for Disclosure of Information by Organizations Carrying Out Activities in the Field of Management apartment buildings(hereinafter referred to as the Standard). This Standard was approved by Government Decree No. 731 dated September 23, 2010. House managers are required to respond no later than twenty days.

For some requests, the time frame for sending a response is reduced. About preparation managing organization responses to citizens' appeals Art. 31 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The time frame within which the management company must respond is established by this article. The management company must prepare a response within ten days. This period operates when a citizen complains about the provision of a service of inadequate quality and causing losses from the provision of a poor-quality service.

The deadline for preparing responses applies not only to management organizations, but also to homeowners’ associations (HOAs) and cooperatives. The company must respond within the required time frame, but the response may not satisfy the applicants. Then you should submit an application to the housing inspectorate and the prosecutor's office.

The complaint must indicate the essence of the problem, the requirements and make a reference to the law

The written appeal must contain clear and concisely formulated requirements about what violations were committed by the company. For example, in an application for pipe replacement, the following information is indicated: the reasons for the leak, the material from which the risers are made, the location where the leak occurred. Next, the owner indicates what repair work he insists on or wants the risers to be completely replaced instead of carrying out repairs. In the text of the statement, reference should be made to the clauses of the agreement, as well as articles Housing Code that were violated.

The complaint must be submitted in two copies. On one of them, the secretary puts a stamp of acceptance, an entry number, a signature and returns it to the applicant, and the second remains for the organization. How to write an application individually or collectively is decided by the residents of the apartment building. Greater results can be achieved by submitting a collective application. There are two ways to submit an application: personally deliver a letter or use the postal service. It is better not to use the electronic application form. House managers may not respond to this request or may violate response deadlines. According to the law, an electronic application does not have the status of an appeal, but is a question. There is little chance that utility management will address every electronic issue when there are many formal complaints pending.

In a complaint about replacing pipes, you must write that the management company is responsible for replacing common property

Often representatives of utility organizations claim that risers must be replaced by apartment owners at their own expense. The statement is true, but only in relation to risers that are located inside the apartment. Indeed, replacing pipes inside an apartment is headache its owner. But the housing organization must change the common property of the house. Which property belongs to the common house and which does not was approved by Government Resolution No. 354. Therefore, if the breakdown concerns intra-house engineering equipment, the responsibility must be borne by the management company.

3 options for how to formulate requirements:

  1. Completely replace the pipes.
  2. Make repairs.
  3. Compensate the applicant for the costs of repairing the pipes.

How to write a statement correctly depends on what results the citizen wants to achieve. By agreement with the housing organization, you can enter into an agreement for pipe repair with a private company. Then, based on payment receipts, the management company compensates the costs to the residents.

The complaint about the repair of the entrance consists of four parts

The text of the application is visually divided into four parts: “header”, description of the problem that has arisen, the essence of the requirements and the application. The condition of the entrances to most houses leaves much to be desired. Therefore, in this complaint it is necessary to indicate the requirements for what actions the organization must take.

8 requirements options:

  • replace glass in windows or carry out restoration;
  • paint the walls and ceiling;
  • replace the vestibule;
  • update the front door;
  • repair mailboxes;
  • update fire shields;
  • replace the visor;
  • paint the radiators and stair railings.

The listed actions apply to current repairs. But there is also a major overhaul, which includes more serious work. Complaints filed about the need for major repairs contain the following requirements: repair the roof, foundation, walls, facade of the building. It is important to remember that there is a deadline for the management company to respond. If after twenty days there is still no response, it means that the review deadlines have been violated. Since the time for considering citizens’ appeals has not been met, it means that you need to go to court.

The application must be made in the correct form

They must respond to statements that are written correctly: do not contain jargon or obscene statements. The example used is standard: information relevant to the case is presented sequentially. There should be no personalization or accusations. Only references to the provisions of legal acts and requirements to eliminate violations. When there are several requirements, it is better to list them sequentially. You can print the letter on your computer or fill out the form by hand. The main thing is to make it clear what exactly the residents are dissatisfied with and what they are asking to be corrected.

Evidence must be attached to the complaint

After all the text has been filled out and the requirements are listed, the “Appendix” is written. Here it is indicated with what evidence the applicant substantiates his claims. Materials on any medium, copies of acts, previously made applications are accepted. It is necessary to carefully list the number of sheets and copies in each application. Before filing complaints, take the time to take photographs of uncleaned leaves near an apartment building or photograph the peeling façade of a building. These photographs can be safely considered as proof of the stated claims.

If there is no response to the complaint, you need to contact a higher authority.

There will be a response to the letter within deadline or not depends on the integrity of the company's management. In some cases, building managers limit themselves to regular replies to requests. When there is no response within the specified time, you need to report utility problems to higher authorities or file a lawsuit.

You must prepare your application carefully. It is necessary to clearly describe the essence of the problem, the causes and the requirements for eliminating it. The general response time of the management company is twenty days. But some requirements have shorter deadlines. How to correctly write a statement to a management company means: the sample complaint must be adapted to your situation. It is also important to make references to articles of the law and warn about going to court if you are not given an answer.

In accordance with the current legislative norms of the Russian Federation, all issues related to the maintenance of the stock of residential space from the jurisdiction of the state were transferred to the area of ​​​​cooperation between management companies and owners of apartments in residential buildings.

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The level of their interaction concerns issues of managing technical communications (gas pipeline, provision of electricity, etc.), as well as issues based on causing and compensation for damage.

Responsibilities of the management company

Refers to:

  • obligations in the repair and maintenance area (repairs, maintenance of residential areas, scheduled inspection of communications, etc.);
  • obligations in the field of providing information and organizational support.

Reasons for appeal

There are several reasons for contacting the management company by filing an application:

  • failure by her to comply with her basic duties (for example, carrying out repairs within a certain period of time, supplying hot water corresponding to the established degree, etc.), this is a direct reason for writing a paper;
  • desire to receive information about the work of the management company - for example, an estimate of the costs that were incurred during the construction work, and other information.

How to write correctly?

How to correctly write an application to a management company with a sample? First, you need to know that the paper is prepared in any form (printed or written), since there is no sample established by law.

There are a number of rules regarding the application that must be taken into account when filling out:

  1. On the right side in the upper corner you need to provide information official(appeal by full name, position held is also mentioned), name and legal address of the management company.
  2. The line below indicates who is drawing up the document (full name, full address, contact information).
  3. In the middle, the name of the document is mentioned - “Statement”.
  4. Starting from the following lines, it is important to fully state the problem (essence) that has arisen. If there are options for solving it, then they must be indicated in the form of a petition or demand - the choice is determined by the situation that has arisen.
  5. If, when drawing up an application, it is planned to use evidence to confirm a certain fact (for example, photographs or videos, checks, receipts, etc.), then upon completion of the description of the essence of the problem, you must indicate the Appendix.” After this line, you need to list all the materials attached to the paper one by one.
  6. IN mandatory The date the document was written is indicated and a signature is affixed. Without these details, the application will be considered invalid.

For repairs

An application for repairs must be based on the Resolution State building of 2003 No. 170, on the basis of which the frequency of repair work is once every 5 or 3 years, depending on the type of building (physical wear and tear may additionally be taken into account).

  • indicate which classification the house belongs to;
  • how many years ago was the last renovation carried out;
  • If a violation is detected, repairs will be carried out.

About roof leaks

A sample application to the management company regarding a roof leak must include a reference to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2006 No. 491, according to which the maintenance of a residential building occurs with violations.

Then a specific problem is indicated - the roof above the apartment is in poor condition, so there are leaks. As a result, the apartment is constantly flooded.

Here you can make a note of the damage caused. To do this, indicate the date of the expert study of real estate, during which property damage in a certain amount was established.

About providing information

If a resident of a house wants to receive certain information from the housing company, then he has every right to do so.

He can inquire about all issues within the competence of the Criminal Code. For example, ask for formulas on the basis of which fees are calculated public utilities, or the estimate in accordance with which the repairs were carried out.

For heating

When drawing up a statement regarding delays in the provision of heating or its non-compliance with the established temperatures, it is required to refer to Government Decree No. 364.

The paper must indicate that during a certain period of time, residents of houses without personal system heating, must receive this service.

About the bay

If it is due to the fault of the management company (for example, worn-out pipes), then a corresponding application is drawn up indicating the urgency of its consideration.

It is important to assess the damage caused and indicate its extent on paper.

About recalculation for utilities

A statement regarding this is drawn up in the form of a request. To do this, you must refer to the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the provision of services.

The paper must be reviewed within five days from the date of submission.

Sample application to the management company

A sample application sent to the management company will allow you to draw up the document correctly.

The application must include the following provisions:

  • Full name of the official to whom the applicant is applying;
  • Full name of the applicant, residential address;
  • essence of the problem;
  • demands or requests;
  • applications (if any);
  • Mandatory details – date and signature.

How to submit?

The application is submitted in person by visiting the management company or by sending the paper by mail (letter of notification).

In the first situation, two copies of the application are drawn up - one must be kept with you. The recipient signs on each copy, which confirms receipt of the document.

A number of management companies offer the opportunity to generate and submit applications in electronic form, for which a feedback form or email address is used.