Investments in stable and reliable currencies. The most expensive currencies in the world The highest currency in the world

What do you think is the most valuable currency in the world today?

Most believe that British pound the most expensive currency, however, as it turned out, this is not so.

Especially for blog readers, we have compiled a list of the most powerful currencies in the world (as of January 20, 2020).

So, the most expensive currency in the world...

#1 – Kuwait Dinar ($3.29)

Currency code - KWD.

Kuwaiti dinar exchange rate:
1 KWD = 3.29 USD(Kuwaiti dinar to dollar).
1 KWD = 202.94 RUB(Kuwaiti dinar to ruble).

The most expensive currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar.(relative to the dollar and Russian ruble).

Kuwait is a small country with enormous wealth. The high value of its currency is explained by the significant export of petroleum products to the world market.

Thanks to its stable economy, highly developed oil production and export industry, Kuwait is considered one of the richest countries in the world.

More than 80% of the country's income comes from the oil industry, since the extraction of black gold here is the easiest and, accordingly, the cheapest in comparison with other countries.

Until 2003, the Kuwaiti dinar was pegged to the dollar, but in 2007 the government decided to peg it to a multicurrency basket.

In addition to a very stable economy, Kuwait is a country with almost no taxes and a very low unemployment rate.

#2 – Bahrain Dinar ($2.66)

Currency code - BHD.

Bahraini dinar exchange rate:
1 BHD = 2.66 USD(Bahraini dinar to dollar).
1 BHD = 163.78 RUB(Bahraini dinar to ruble).

The Bahraini dinar is the second most valuable currency in the world.

Bahrain is an island state in the Persian Gulf with a population of just over 1 million people. As in the first case, the main source of income for this country is the export of black gold.

Interestingly, the Bahraini dinar is pegged to the dollar, and for 14 years its value relative to the dollar has not changed.

#3 – Oman Rial ($2.60)

Currency code - OMR.

Omani rial exchange rate:
1 OMR = 2.60 USD(Omani rial to dollar).
1 OMR = 160.17 RUB(Omani rial to ruble).

Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula. Thanks to its strategic location, it has a developed economy and high level life.

The Omani rial, like the Bahraini dinar, is pegged to the dollar.

I wonder what purchasing power this currency is so high that the government has to issue paper bills in denominations of 1/2 and 1/4 rial. In the picture above you can see 1/2 rial.

#4 – Jordan Dinar ($1.41)

Currency code - JOD.

Jordanian dinar exchange rate:
1 JOD = 1.41 USD(Jordanian dinar to dollar).
1 JOD = 86.86 RUB(Jordanian dinar to ruble).

It is quite difficult to explain the high value of the Jordanian dinar, since the country is not particularly developed economically and lacks important resources such as oil. However, 1 Jordanian dinar is worth about $1.41, making it one of the 10 most expensive currencies in the world.

#5 – British Pound ($1.32)

Currency code - GBP.

British pound exchange rate:
1 GBP = 1.32 USD(British pound to dollar).
1 GBP = 80.18 RUB(British pound to ruble).

It is the British pound that everyone considers the most expensive currency in the world, but, as it turns out, it is only in 5th place.

By the way, the British colonies issue their own banknotes, which are visually different from the banknotes issued by the Bank of England, but are quoted 1 to 1.

So, there are also: Scottish, Northern Irish, Manx, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar pounds, as well as the St. Helena pound and the Falkland Islands pound.

It's funny, but native Brits don't always want to accept "other" pounds as payment.

#6 – Cayman Islands Dollar ($1.22)

Currency code - KYD.

Cayman Islands dollar exchange rate.
1 KYD = 1.22 USD(Cayman Islands dollar to US dollar).
1 KYD = 75.01 RUB(Cayman Islands dollar to ruble).

The Cayman Islands are one of the world's top tax havens. These islands have given power to hundreds of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies.

In particular, due to its leadership among tax havens, the Cayman Islands dollar is worth about US$1.22.

#7 – European Euro ($1.11)

Currency code - EUR.

Euro rate:
1 EUR = 1.11 USD(euro to dollar).
1 EUR = 68.31 RUB(euro to ruble).

Even though the Euro currency has lost about 20% of its value over the past year, it is still one of the strongest in the world.

Part of its strength comes from the fact that it is the official currency of 17 European countries, including several economic heavyweights.

In addition, the Euro is the world's second reserve currency, covering 22.2% of all world savings (for the dollar - 62.3%).

#8 – Swiss Franc ($1.01)

Currency code - CHF.

Swiss franc rate:
1 CHF = 1.01 USD(Swiss franc to dollar).
1 CHF = 63.61 RUB(Swiss franc to ruble).

Switzerland is not only one of the richest countries in the world, but also one of the most stable. Her banking system known for its unshakable “Banking Secrecy”.

Moreover, their high-tech products are appreciated all over the world.

Pay attention to the original appearance of this bill. This is the only currency that I have seen that “looks” vertical.

#9 – US Dollar

Currency code - USD.

Dollar rate:
1 USD = 0.90 EUR(dollar to euro).
1 USD = 61.58 RUB(dollar to ruble).

Due to America's leadership on the world stage, its currency has achieved the title of “world reserve currency"In other words, you can pay with dollars anywhere in the world.

#10 – Canadian dollar ($0.75)

Currency code - CAD.

Canadian dollar exchange rate:
1 CAD = 0.75 USD(Canadian dollar to US dollar).
1 CAD = 47.14 RUB(Canadian dollar to ruble).

The Canadian dollar is the world's fifth-largest reserve currency. It is often called the “loonie” after the bird featured on the $1 coin.

Dropped out of the top ten

Due to the dynamically changing economic and political situation in the world, it is difficult for a currency to remain in this ranking, so here is a list of currencies that have left the top ten in previous periods.

Australian dollar($0.68)

Currency code - AUD.

Australian dollar exchange rate:
1 AUD = 0.68 USD (Australian dollar to US dollar).
1 AUD = 42.35 RUB(Australian dollar to ruble).

An interesting fact is that New episode Australian banknotes, like the one pictured above, will have a tactile feature (Braille) to help the visually impaired community identify the denomination of the note.

Azerbaijani manat($0.59)

Currency code - AZN.

Azerbaijani manat exchange rate:
1 AZN = 0.59 USD(Azerbaijani manat to dollar).
1 AZN = 36.30 RUB(Azerbaijani manat to ruble).

It is, of course, surprising to see the Azerbaijani manat on this list, but the currency of this Middle Eastern country is only slightly cheaper than the US dollar.

It should be noted that the local economy is actually quite strong, and the unemployment rate in the country is low.

Luigino of Seborg?

Have you ever heard of a currency called Seborg Luigino?

This currency belongs to the virtual state of the Principality of Seborga, which is located on the border of Italy and France. Luigino circulates primarily locally and is not considered legal tender in any other country.

But what’s interesting is that the local Luigino rate is 1 SPL = 6 USD, which could make this currency the most valuable in the world if it were officially recognized outside the principality.

Thus, despite the huge value of SPL, Luigino cannot yet take the first place in our list of the most expensive currencies in the world.

Is a high currency value a sign of a strong economy?

It is known that the currencies of not particularly successful countries tend to decrease in value. However, when the economy is doing well, we are unlikely to see the opposite effect.

Indeed, in practice there have been very few cases where the value of a currency has continually increased. The reasons may be different, but basically, the state itself does not benefit from the constant strengthening of the currency, because the population begins to actively save money instead of spending it.

Thus, the high value of the currency only indicates that inflationary processes in the country are under control.

In the context of this article, mention should also be made of Japan and its one of the strongest economies in the world. At the same time, the cost Japanese yen very small, $1 = ¥108.74.

Information about the highest value of currencies is unlikely to be used by investors to make any investment decisions. In this case, it is better to consider the most stable currencies.

By the way, did you know that you cannot use images of banknotes without the inscription “SPECIMEN”? Let’s learn to obey the laws, comrades!

Only a strong currency can ensure the safety of deposits, because it is less susceptible to the influence of an economic crisis. Which popular currency is trustworthy?

Millions of investors look at currency charts every day to determine what the most reliable and stable currency in the world is. Despite some discrepancies in the forecasts of experts, world holdings and bankers, it is easy to notice a general trend that has swept across the world and is reflected in the actions of professional investors.

Investing in the foreign exchange market is not only an investment, it is, first of all, an agreement to keep savings in the currency of another country, or in the world reserve currency. Where does the expression “strong currency” come from? What factors must it resist in order to be called strong?

The best currency is the currency of a strong state with developed economy. The area a country occupies on the map does not matter, but the presence of support and competent management often raises the national currency to the level of the world reserve currency and elevates it.

Support for the national unit of account is provided by the country's gold reserves and global trade turnover. Therefore, the share of the country's gold in the total foreign exchange reserve, and GDP indicator determine the reliability of the currency.

What matters is the place a given country occupies in the world community, its geopolitical position and other factors that influence the country’s rating. The more influence, the stronger the currency on a global scale (not within the borders of an individual state).

To answer which currency is better to invest your monetary equivalent, we need to analyze which countries influence the global financial sector and economy. Evaluating a country using the following criteria will help determine the value of its national unit of account:

  • Extraction of raw materials;
  • Export volume;
  • Control over the most important industrial sectors (oil, gas, mining, IT technologies).

Contrary to this information, the position of countries in the ranking of the world's strongest economies does not correspond to a similar list of their currencies. This means that the strengthening of a currency as an investment object depends on all of the above factors in combination.

The most stable currencies

Alexey Ulyukaev, head of the Ministry of Economic Development, was right in emphasizing the differences between the stability, reliability of a currency and its global status. According to his remark, the dollar has not emerged into the top five most stable currencies.

Many consider the US economy to be unstable, with stagnation intermittently, some say that America's gold reserve (the largest in the world) is not that large, and the US national debt of 16 trillion. equal to more than 100% of US GDP.

However, the worst forecasts of analysts, who promise the dollar devaluation, do not come true. America can be said to be prosperous, but the dollar in 2019 is not the most stable currency in the world. Most of the exchange transactions, as well as import-export operations occurs in dollar prices, therefore it is assigned the status of a reserve currency.

It is better to store capital denominated in dollars, not in them themselves, but in dollar assets.

The most reliable currency in those countries that devote efforts to maintaining the exchange rate at the same level. There are few such states. These are Norway, Switzerland and Sweden (we remind you that in 2008-2009 the Norwegian krone was recognized as the most reliable currency in the world). The euro has also proven itself well as a young currency that is recognized as a reserve currency.

List of the strongest currencies

In order to find out in which currency it is better to invest your finances, in which of them your savings will be effective, and when it is better to convert your earnings, let's figure out which currencies deserve the trust of investors around the world.

Swiss franc (CHF)

As we have already said, Switzerland conducts wise macroeconomics, which is aimed at maintaining the exchange rate of the franc. The Gold and Foreign Exchange Fund reinforces the franc by 40%, and this is due to the Bank of Switzerland. Banking secrecy is the main milestone of his policy. This means that any investor (be it a state, a corporation or an individual), putting money into Swiss bank, you can rest assured that even the interest rate, not to mention all other data, will remain secret.

About 10 years ago, a Swiss bank disclosed interest rate deposit of one of the American banks, and stock speculators who invested in the franc lost their savings in a few minutes.

National Bank Switzerland does not allow devaluation and sharp growth franc. When conditions were created for the natural growth of the Swiss currency in 2011 (huge debentures dragged the European Union into a crisis), the National Bank demonstrated what a stable currency is.

Its head announced that he would not allow the franc to rise above 1.2 euros per franc. After this, the EU's claims subsided, and the franc has been at the top of the list of the most reliable currencies for about 80 years.

Note to investors. The inflation rate usually does not exceed 0.5-0.6% per year, in size external debt Switzerland ranks 14th, 1 franc = 1.08 dollars (in 2012 it was 1.05). It is better to invest in francs, despite the modest Swiss bond market in 2019.

Euro (EUR)

The economic situation in the Eurozone is one of complete uncertainty. But with the euro, everything is clear and predictable - a decline in quotations during the global crisis is not surprising, but their decline to the point of losing its status as a world reserve currency is not expected.

The European Union has 28 countries, and it is clear that the level of development of each of them will not correspond high standards. Moreover, many have joined the EU developing countries, therefore, economically more developed countries have to pull up their economies with their own efforts. This suggests that the euro exchange rate will decrease slightly.

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Return on securities portfolio

Another factor is “soft”, according to experts, credit policy European Central Bank. The total debt of the Union is 90%, and this is normal for a reserve currency. If not for the problems with economic rehabilitation.

The currency is called a reserve currency due to its huge debt market. It allows you to vary reserves without affecting its exchange rate.

Taking all factors into account, we can predict that the euro will fall to the dollar. This forecast partially came true, because 1 euro = 1.15 dollars (at the beginning of 2019).

Note to investors. This is one of the most stable world currencies, now the euro is going through difficult times. This is the advantage of neutral countries - their currency does not react to crisis events.

Japanese yen (JPY)

This is what the post-war " economic miracle» — National currency Japan has long been considered one of the most stable and reliable. Such data is provided by technical and fundamental analysis. Inflation does not exceed 1.2%, and redenomination has not been carried out in Japan even once over the past 65 years - these are convincing arguments for investing in the yen.

In general, Japan is a quiet haven for investment, but there were some “storms”. The nuclear disaster led to long-term economic stagnation. They say that soon Japanese banks will begin to allocate significant sums to buy gold to bolster their national currency and economy. Japan currently ranks 8th in the world in terms of gold reserves. Beyond the adverse circumstances, the yen is in the category of the strongest currencies. Today 100 yen = 0.89 US dollars.

Note to investors. In 2012, 1 yen was equal to 1.25 dollars. The exchange rate fell, and this is due to the stagnation of the world's leading economies. The leading positions of the Japanese economy were ensured by high-tech developments in the field of IT; the demand for them decreased slightly. Last year, the yen was recognized as the worst performing currency.

Norwegian krone (NOK)

In 2008-2009 The crown surprised the whole world by being recognized by HSBC analysts as the most stable currency. As we remember, 2008-2009 were the years of the previous economic crisis, which did not affect the krona exchange rate. The growth rate is slow, but the upward trend was noticeable. Behind last years The Norwegian currency remained among the three strongest.

This is not to say that the crown was always present on the list best currencies, because Norway's economy is focused on oil production. Consequently, the economic sensitivity of the krona has always remained - just as the price of oil fluctuates. The krona's breakout came as a surprise because it was a weak, volatile currency.

Thanks to the export of impressive volumes of gas and oil, Norway has accumulated a huge reserve fund, which holds the crown on itself high rate against the dollar – 1 crown = 1.33 dollars. This figure is higher than that of the euro, franc and yen.

Note to investors. If the economic crisis and falling oil prices affected even Russian ruble, then the Norwegian krone was bypassed by these factors. You can invest. Today it is a really strong currency.

Swedish krona (SEK)

While the economies of other countries rely on printing new money, Sweden’s policy in this matter is aimed at fundamentally maintaining the exchange rate of the krona. This is the main advantage of the Swedish national currency, because timely regulation financial issues does not give a chance of inflation and devaluation.

Evgenia Lapeka

Updated: 2019.09.30

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For 1 monetary unit - the ruble - in Russia you can buy a box of matches. But there is a $1 coin in the world that can buy several Ferraris. Why some countries benefit from an expensive national currency, while others benefit from a cheap one, and where the most expensive currency in the world is located, we will tell you further.

We present the top 10 most expensive currencies in the world.

Kuwaiti Dinar, KWD = 3.29 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 Kuwaiti dinar is approximately 216 rubles.

The Kuwaiti dinar appeared in 1961, displacing money called the Gulf rupee. Kuwait increased the exchange rate of its national currency in 2006 by 1% against the US dollar. As a result, the American national currency weakened and the rate became less than 0.29 Kuwaiti dinars per 1 dollar.

  1. Coins: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100. 1 fils is no longer minted, but can be used for payment.
  2. Banknotes: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20.

What material are the coins - fils - made of?

  • 1 - bronze;
  • 5 - steel, bronze and cladding: a metal product is coated with another metal/alloy, namely brass;
  • 10 - bronze, applying brass to metal, steel;
  • 20 - copper, steel, nickel;
  • 50 - nickel, steel, copper;
  • 100 - nickel plating, steel, copper, nickel.


This is what the most expensive currency in the world looks like:

View of Kuwaiti dinar, banknotes

Dinars are available in the following colors:

  • 0.25 - pink, brown;
  • 0.5 - blue, green, purple;
  • 1 - green, blue, pink, gray;
  • 5 - gray, blue, purple, red;
  • 10 - orange, green, red, burgundy;
  • 20 - lilac, yellow, blue, olive.

What is shown on the obverse of the banknote:

  • 0.25 - traditional dhow boat;
  • 0.5 - boat;
  • 1 - large mosque in Kuwait;
  • 5 - boat and multi-storey modern building;
  • 10 - central mosque in Kuwait City;
  • 20 - Red Fort in Al Jahra.
  • 0.25 - door or hatch with patterns;
  • 0.5 - turtle and fish;
  • 1 - ancient columns with patterns;
  • 5 - tanker and the newest oil distillation plant;
  • 10 - eagle and camel;
  • 20 - pearl fisherman and ship.

Interesting facts about the Kuwaiti dinar:

  1. The Kuwaiti Dinar is a currency that can be used to carry out any transactions as it is freely convertible.
  2. The currencies of other countries are practically not used in the state of Kuwait.
  3. If in Russian currency 1 currency unit is called “ruble” regardless of whether it is a coin or a banknote, then in the Kuwaiti dinar 1 monetary unit is called a coin not “dinar”, but “fils”. This is due to the translation of this word, which means “money” from Arabic.
  4. The name "fils" comes from the name of the coin of the ancient Roman Empire "follis".
  5. Kuwaiti dinar coins are issued in the UK at the Royal Mint.

Kuwaiti dinar versus US dollar chart

Bahraini Dinar, 1 BHD = 2.65 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate for 1 Bahraini dinar is approximately 174 rubles.

In 1965, the Gulf Rupee currency used by the Kingdom of Bahrain began to depreciate. Because of this, the government considered it necessary to introduce a new national currency of its own, the Bahraini dinar. It was produced directly in Bahrain. 1 Bahraini dinar could be bought for approximately 2.7 US dollars.

  1. Coins - 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500. 1 fils is no longer used, but is kept by collectors.
  2. Banknotes - 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20.
  • 1 - made of bronze;
  • 5, 10 - made of bronze or brass;
  • 25, 50 - made of nickel or copper;
  • 100 - made of copper or nickel with a brass ring;
  • 500 - made of brass, ring made of nickel or copper.


Type of Bahraini dinar, coins

Dinar color:

  • 0.5 - Bahrain court;
  • 1 - Al-Hedaya school;
  • 5 - cottage of Sheikh Isa, Reef fortress;
  • 10 and 20 - King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa.
  • 0.5 - parliament: old and new;
  • 1 - Arabian horses and the structure “Sails and Pearl”;
  • 5 - aluminum processing plant and oil drilling rig;
  • 10 - Emir of Bahrain Bridge;
  • 20 - Al-Fatiha Mosque.

Interesting facts about the Bahrain dinar:

  1. Some of the coins have a frame that is made of a completely different material.
  2. Typically, banknotes depict architectural monuments with patterns. But when the constitution changed and the Emirate of Bahrain received the status of a kingdom, a portrait of the king appeared on the money.
  3. The most popular image on the reverse of coins is a palm tree. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Bahrain is called the “island of palm trees”.

Chart of the Bahraini dinar against the US dollar

Omani Rial, 1 OMR = 2.60 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate for 1 Omani rial is approximately 171 rubles.

In 1974, the Omani rial replaced the Said rial from circulation. This did not affect the exchange rate since 1 Omani rial = 1 Said rial.

  1. Coins - 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 baiza or 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1 rial.
  2. Banknotes - 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50 rials, 100, 200 bayz.

What material are the coins made of?

  • 10 - steel on which a layer of bronze is applied;
  • 25 and 50 - an alloy of nickel and copper.


Type of Omani rial, coins

Type of Omani rial, banknotes

Banknote colors:

  • 100, 200 bays - green;
  • 0.5 rial - violet-brown;
  • 1 - purple;
  • 5 - red;
  • 10 - brown;
  • 20 - green;
  • 50 - pink-violet.

The obverse of all banknotes depicts Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

What is shown on the reverse of the banknotes:

  • 0.25 - workers in the fish department and the steamer;
  • 0.5 - medieval castle of the Sultan;
  • 1 - brig, mosque and the edge of the island with a building on it;
  • 5 - the capital of Oman, Muscat, and a mosque;
  • 10 - Mutrah fort and port;
  • 20 - arches and the Sultan's palace;
  • 50 - Muscat, Ministry of Trade Affairs.

Interesting facts about the Omani rial:

  1. The numbers and text on one side of the banknote are printed in Arabic, on the other - in English.
  2. There are commemorative plastic Omani rial notes that were issued in 2010 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of National Day.
  3. The name of the Omani money “rial” arose from the name of the coins in the Arab Caliphate.
  4. In Oman in money circulation There are not only rials, but also Emirati dirhams and Omani enclaves.
  5. On the side of the banknotes, where the Arabic symbols are located, the Sultan and Ruler of Oman is depicted. On the back, where everything is written in English, there are landmarks and other elements. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the ruler is open to his people, and guests are given all the open spaces of Oman.

Omani rial versus US dollar chart

Jordanian dinar, 1 JOD = 1.41 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 Jordanian dinar is approximately 92 rubles.

In 1950, the Jordanian dinar replaced the Palestinian pound in Jordan because its people had serious differences with the Palestinians.

  1. Coins-piasters, or kirsches: 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10.
  2. Dinar coins: 0.25, 0.5. No longer produced, but remain legal tender, as are the 0.5 and 2.5 piastres.
  3. Dinar banknotes: 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50.

What material are the coins made of?

  • 0.5 and 1 kirsch - made of steel, copper cladding;
  • 0.25 dinars - thermomechanical nickel plating, steel;
  • 0.5 dinars - 2 parts: a ring made of bronze, nickel or copper is used inside the ring;
  • 2.5 piastres - made of steel;
  • 5 and 10 - nickel-clad steel.


Type of Jordanian dinar, coins

Type of Jordanian dinar, banknotes

Dinar banknotes:

  • 0.5 - pink-brown;
  • 1 - orange-green, green-yellow;
  • 5 - orange-yellow, pink-red;
  • 10 - blue-blue, green-blue;
  • 20 - brown-green, blue-green;
  • 50 - brown-blue, brown-yellow.

What is shown on the banknotes:

  1. The obverse depicts kings everywhere: 1 - Hussein ibn Ali, 5 - Abdullah ibn Hussein, 10 - Talala bin Abdullah, 20 - Hussein bin Talala, 50 - Abdullah II.
  2. Reverse: 1 - Order of the Renaissance, 5 - palace in Ma'an, 10 - Jordanian parliament and a camel with a rider, 20 - Omar mosque, 50 - Raghadan palace.

Interesting information about the Jordanian dinar:

  1. Due to inflation, fils were no longer produced in Jordan. 1 fils was equal to 0.1 piastres.
  2. As of 2016, of all banknote denominations, only 50 dinars with a portrait of Abdullah the Second remain in circulation. However, other denominations are freely exchanged in Central Bank Jordan for updated samples.
  3. "Piastre" comes from the Italian "tile". The monetary unit itself was in the form of a silver tile.
  4. Any coin can be minted in the form of a circle or an octagon.

Jordanian dinar versus US dollar chart

British pound, 1 GBP = 1.26 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 British pound is approximately 81 rubles.

In 1694, the Bank of England for the first time began to issue special money, most often based on paper. The banknote became known as the pound sterling, or British pound.

  1. Pence coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50.
  2. Pound coins: 1, 2. Yes commemorative coins the following denominations: pence - 25, pounds - 5.
  3. Pound notes: 5, 10, 20, 50.

What material are the coins made of?

  1. Pence coins: 1 - copper, 2 - steel and copper alloy, 5 - steel, nickel, 10 - nickel-plated steel, 20 - copper, 50 - nickel, steel.
  2. Pound coins: 1 - silver, gold, 2 - zinc, nickel, copper.


View of the British pound, coins

View of the British pound, banknotes

Banknote colors:

  • 5 - gray-white, white-blue;
  • 10 - orange-gray;
  • 20 - lilac-white;
  • violet-white;
  • 50 - pink-violet-white.

The obverse of the banknotes depicts Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain.

On the reverse:

  • 5 - Elizabeth Fry, “angel of prisons”;
  • 10 - Charles Darwin, who explored the origins of man;
  • 20 - famous economist Adam Smith;
  • 50 - steam engine creators James Watt and Matthew Bolton.

Interesting facts about the pound sterling:

  1. There are banks in the UK that legally issue the British pound with their own unique design.
  2. In 2008, a new type of coin appeared, and when minting a denomination of 20 pence, due to shortcomings when changing the type of coin, the production date was not set.
  3. Before the UK economy lost its strength, sterling was the reserve currency in more than 50% of the world's countries.
  4. The penny is the smallest coin in Great Britain.
  5. 1 coin with a face value of 2 pence is called “2 pence”. However, if there are two 1 pence coins, then this is called "2 pennies".
  6. In the UK there is a law that prohibits the use of more than 20 pence in 1 penny or 2 pence coins in one purchase.
  7. The 50 pence was the first coin to be issued in a heptagonal shape.

British pound versus US dollar chart

Cayman Islands dollar, 1 KYD = 1.20 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate for 1 Cayman Islands dollar is approximately 80 rubles.

In 1972, the Cayman Islands dollar replaced the Jamaican dollar. Since 1974, this currency has been pegged to the US dollar. 1 Cayman Islands dollar was equal to 1.2 dollars.

  1. Cent coins: 1, 5, 10, 25.
  2. Dollar bills: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100.

What material are the coins made of?

  • 1 - bronze cladding on steel;
  • 5, 10, 25 - nickel cladding on steel.


Type of Cayman Islands dollar, coins

View of the Cayman Islands dollar using the example of $1 denomination, banknotes

Banknote colors:

  • 1 - blue;
  • 5 - green;
  • 10 - red-yellow;
  • 25 - orange-blue;
  • 50 - green, purple;
  • 100 - orange-yellow.

What is shown on the banknotes:

  1. The obverse of all banknotes depicts Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain. Also, each denomination has additional elements: 1 - fish, 5 - turtles, 10 - crabs, 25 - shells, 50 - stingrays, 100 - sailing ship.
  2. Reverse: 1 - limestone mountain on Cayman Island, 5 - 2 parrots, 10 - flower, 25 - turtle in the water, 50 - swimming stingray, 100 - Cayman Islands lagoon.

Interesting things about currency:

  1. Initially, instead of $50 bills, there were $40 bills.
  2. In addition to the Cayman Islands dollar, US dollars can be used freely in Cayman.

Cayman Islands dollar versus US dollar chart

European Euro, 1 EUR = 1.14 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 European euro is approximately 72 rubles.

In 1999, the European euro was introduced for non-cash payment. It replaced the previously existing ECU - the European currency unit, with 1 euro being equal to 1 ECU. In 2002, paper money and coins intended for cash circulation appeared.

  1. Coins: 0.01; 0.02; 0.05; 0.10; 0.2; 0.5; 1; 2.
  2. Banknotes: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500.

As of 2019, €500 notes are no longer issued because they are most often implicated in criminal activity. However, you can pay with them.


What is shown on the obverse of banknotes:

  • 5 - Arc de Triomphe;
  • 10 - Romanesque arch;
  • 20 - 2 windows of the Gothic style arch;
  • 50 - 2 Renaissance style windows;
  • 100 - Baroque arch, the entrance to which is guarded by Atlanteans;
  • 200 - gates made of metal rods;
  • 500 - new building with a modern look.
  • 5 - Pont du Gard Aqueduct;
  • 10 - stone bridge;
  • 20 - bridge on the water;
  • 50 - double bridge;
  • 100 - bridge reflected in the water;
  • 200 - Art Nouveau bridge;
  • 500 - bridge diagram.

You can notice that as the denomination increases, the banknote “gets younger”, showing more and more new architectural objects.

What material are the coins made of?

  1. Cent coins: 1 and 2 - steel, copper clad, 5 - brass, 10, 20, 50 - tin, copper, zinc, aluminum.
  2. Euro coins: 1 - ring: nickel, copper, zinc, center: nickel, 2 - ring: nickel, copper, center: nickel.

Banknote colors:

  • 5 - gray-white;
  • 10 - red;
  • 20 - blue-blue;
  • 50 - orange;
  • 100 - green;
  • 200 - yellow;
  • 500 - purple.

Euro facts:

  1. The euro applies to the Eurozone, which can include all EU countries. However, entry is not free; you must meet the Maastricht criteria. For example, the state must have stable prices, the budget must be surplus, the public debt must be less than half of the gross internal product etc.
  2. There is a 0 euro note. It is impossible to pay her for anything, but you can buy her for at least 144 rubles.
  3. Simple mathematics will help you check the authenticity of a European euro bill. The serial number has 11 numbers and 1 letter. This letter must be changed to the number under which it is located in the Latin alphabet. Then add up 12 numbers and if you end up with the number “8”, then the banknote is real.
  4. One of the largest gold coins in the world is dedicated to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Denomination - 100 thousand euros.

Swiss franc, 1 CHF = 1.04 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 Swiss franc is approximately 66 rubles.

Since 1798, the first Swiss franc was distributed in the Helvetic Republic. But they stopped printing it. Later, in 1850, they remembered the Swiss franc, and it ousted the cantons from circulation, taking their place. The Swiss franc had a 1:1 ratio with the French franc.

  1. Centime coins: 5, 10, 20.
  2. Franc coins: 0.5, 1, 2, 5. Centimes in denominations of 1 and 2 are no longer minted.
  3. Franc notes: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 1000.

What material are the coins made of?

  1. Centime coins: 5 - an alloy of nickel, copper and aluminum, 10, 20 - an alloy of nickel and copper.
  2. Franc coins: an alloy of copper and nickel.


View of Swiss franc, banknotes

Banknote colors:

  • 10 - yellow;
  • 20 - red, burgundy;
  • 50 - green in light and dark shades;
  • 100 - blue;
  • 200 - yellow-brown;
  • 1000 - purple.

What is shown on the obverse of banknotes:

  • 10 - architect Le Corbusier;
  • 20 - Swiss composer Arthur Honegger;
  • 50 - sculptor Sophie Teuber-Arp;
  • 100 - sculptor Alberto Giacometti;
  • 200 - Swiss writer Charles Ferdinand Ramus;
  • 1000 - cultural historian Jacob Burckhardt.
  • 10 - square figures;
  • 20 - circle and notes;
  • 50 - spherical figures;
  • 100 - sculptures of walking people;
  • 200 - handwritten lines in Swiss;
  • 1000 - windows, sculptures.

Interesting facts about the franc:

  1. The Swiss franc has always been stable and is therefore a reserve currency.
  2. The Swiss franc is not sensitive to inflation.
  3. The chance of counterfeiting this currency is reduced to zero due to the complexity of security elements that counterfeit money does not have.

Swiss franc versus US dollar chart

U.S. dollar

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 US dollar is approximately 65 rubles.

The US dollar replaced the thaler in 1776, when US independence from Great Britain was declared. The dollar became the national currency. Initially it existed in the form of silver coins, but then evolved into banknotes and banknotes.

  1. Dollar coins: 0.25, 0.5, 1.
  2. Cent coins: 1, 5, 10.
  3. Banknotes: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.

What material are dollar coins made of?

  • 0.25, 0.5 - alloy of copper and nickel;
  • 1 - copper coated with manganese brass.

Cent coins:

  • 1 - zinc clad with copper;
  • 5 - copper, manganese, silver;
  • 10 - an alloy of nickel and copper.


View of US dollar, banknotes


  • 1 and 2 - gray-green;
  • 5 and 10 - yellow, orange;
  • 20 - green;
  • 50 - purple;
  • 100 - gray-white.

What is shown on the obverse of banknotes:

  • 1 - first US President George Washington;
  • 2 - Thomas Jefferson, who inspired the US colonists to make their country independent from Great Britain;
  • 5 - American national hero Abraham Lincoln;
  • 10 - leader of the first US political party, Alexander Hamilton;
  • 20 - one of the founders of the Democratic Party, Andrew Jackson;
  • 50 - military leader Ulysses Grant;
  • 100 - one of the leaders of the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Franklin.
  • 1 - great seal of the United States of America;
  • 2 - painting “Declaration of Independence”;
  • 5 - memorial complex in honor of Lincoln;
  • 10 - US Treasury Department;
  • 20 - White House;
  • 50 - Capitol;
  • 100 - the place where the Declaration of Independence was signed - Independence Hall.

Dollar Facts:

  1. More than 95% dollar bills The USA is riddled with cocaine. The drug trade never escapes the American dollar, which is why most banknotes contain traces of the drug.
  2. The US dollar bill will not deteriorate for a long time. Since this currency is the most used, the technology for its production has been changed to make it sustainable. It can be bent about 4 thousand times, and only then will the banknote begin to tear.
  3. The average shelf life of banknotes depends on the denomination printed on them. Interestingly, as the number on the banknote increases, the expiration date increases. So, for example, the shelf life of 1 dollar is 22 months, and 100 dollars is about 90 months.
  4. For board game About 30 billion game dollars are printed in Monopoly, while no more than 1 billion real US dollars are issued.

US dollar index chart

Canadian dollar, 1 CAD = 0.75 USD

As of September 2019, the exchange rate of 1 Canadian dollar is approximately 50 rubles.

In 1841, Canada had its own dollar, which correlated with the US gold dollar as 1:1. However, the Canadian dollar officially replaced the Canadian pound only in 1858. This made money easier to use because before the dollar, a difficult quotation system was used.

  1. Cent coins: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50.
  2. Dollar coins: 1, 2.
  3. Dollar bills: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.

What material are the coins made of?

  1. Cent coins: 1 - brass, steel, copper plating; 5 - steel clad with nickel, nickel; 10 - silver, steel with nickel applied to it; 25 - nickel-plated steel, silver; 50 - silver, steel, nickel.
  2. Dollar coins: 1 - steel with brass; 2 - an alloy of bronze and aluminum in the center, a nickel ring.


View of Canadian dollar, banknotes

Banknote colors:

  • 5 - blue;
  • 10 - purple;
  • 20 - green;
  • 50 - red;
  • 100 - brown, orange.

What is shown on the obverse of banknotes:

  • 5 - politician Wilfrid Laurier;
  • 10 - the first chief executive of Canada, John Alexander MacDonald;
  • 20 - Elizabeth II;
  • 50 - Tower of Peace and William Lyon Mackenzie;
  • 100 - Robert Laird Borden, leader of the official Canadian opposition.
  • Reverse:
  • 5 - types of winter sports: skis, sleds, skates;
  • 10 - people near the National War Memorial of Canada;
  • 20 - sculptures floating on a boat;
  • 50 - “famous five”, or 5 women fighting for their rights;
  • 100 - ancient and new map Canada.

Canadian Currency Facts:

  1. The updated form of banknotes uses plastic polymer. It is almost impossible to counterfeit such a banknote.
  2. The direction of the Canadian dollar exchange rate is almost completely determined by the US dollar, because the dollar in Canada is more than 50% dependent on the American dollar.

Canadian dollar versus US dollar chart

The most expensive currencies against the ruble

The exchange rate is flexible, it is constantly changing, becoming more expensive or cheaper.

Name of currenciesCodeExchange rate to ruble, rounded values
Kuwaiti dinarKWD215 rubles
Bahraini DinarBHD174 rubles
Omani RialOMR170 rubles
Jordanian dinarJOD92 rubles
GBPGBP80 rubles
EuroEUR72 rubles
Swiss frankCHF66 rubles
Bermudian dollarBMD65 rubles
Bahamian dollarBSD65 rubles
Panamanian BalboaPAB65 rubles
U.S. dollarUSD65 rubles
Canadian dollarCAD50 rubles
Brunei dollarBND48 rubles
Singapore dollarSGD47 rubles
Australian dollarAUD45 rubles
New Zealand dollarNZD42 rubles
Azerbaijani manatAZN39 rubles
Bosnian convertible markBAM37 rubles
Bulgarian LevBGN37 rubles
Aruban florinAWG37 rubles

Who benefits from an expensive national currency and who does not?

Who benefits from an expensive dollar:

  1. Citizens who receive income in US dollars. The more expensive the dollar, the more profitable their salary can be converted, for example, into rubles.
  2. Domestic producers. Due to the rise in price of the dollar, prices for foreign goods will begin to rise, so domestic producers related products will begin to make the cost higher and higher, without touching the extremely high price tag. After all low price on the final product makes the manufacturer competitive.
  3. Europeans. When the US dollar began to decline in 2004, the euro became much more expensive than the dollar and Asian countries turned their attention to the falling dollar. They began to purchase it to maintain the price of their own national currencies and, thus, significantly increased the US budget. And they forgot about the euro. Therefore, Europeans benefit from an expensive dollar.
  4. Manufacturers of exclusive goods. For example, the manufacturer of the Lamborghini Veneno, a limited-edition car costing more than $4 million, cannot reduce the price because this would contradict the very idea of ​​​​the uniqueness of the product, which is considered a luxury item. If the dollar starts to decline significantly, it will undermine this idea and will depreciate the value of the car, because a Lamborghini will cost the same as a Lada Kalina.

Which countries are weakening their national currency and why:

  1. Russia. The low exchange rate of the ruble benefits the budget, because petrodollar income provides more rubles for implementation budget obligations. Also imported goods will be more expensive, that is, exporting companies and domestic enterprises will become competitive. Tourist packages within Russia will become cheaper than trips outside the country, and domestic travel agencies will receive more profit than foreign ones.
  2. USA. A high dollar makes goods expensive, and it becomes more difficult for manufacturers to retain consumers due to increased prices. And if the dollar exchange rate is low, then the low cost of products will help businessmen stay afloat. A low dollar will boost jobs, especially in manufacturing, as competitive manufacturers need workers. GDP will increase. It will become easier for the same producers to compete internationally between other countries, because their goods will be cheap.
  3. China. The Chinese deliberately hold back the growth of the yuan so that it does not become higher than the US dollar. This is beneficial to them, because the export of Chinese goods becomes cheaper than the export of American products. Chinese manufacturers are simply stealing customers from American businesses.

Arab currencies are more expensive than the US dollar because:

  1. Fluctuations in oil prices are not reflected in Arab currencies; they will be the same as before.
  2. Many people trust them because of the stability that has not left Arab currencies, even passing through world ones. economic crises. The high cost does not make these currencies uncompetitive; they are active in circulation due to their stability, so there is no point in making them cheaper than the dollar.

The most expensive dollar

This is what the most expensive dollar in the world looks like:

View of the most expensive dollar

A $1 silver coin from 1794 sold for $10 million, or approximately 650 million rubles.

The reverse features a bald eagle, the heraldic symbol of the United States. He is surrounded by a wreath of olive branches - a symbol of prosperity and peace.

The obverse depicts a woman with wavy, flowing hair. Above her head is the word “freedom”, literally “liberty”. This woman is a symbol of freedom for all 15 US states, which are shown on the coin as stars with six points on either side of the woman.

The coin was issued once in a small circulation of 2 thousand units. 242 of them were immediately liquidated as being of poor quality. As a result, the coins became fewer and fewer, until only a few hundred remained.

Possible reasons for the high cost:

  1. Rarity of the coin.
  2. This is one of the first coins minted by the US government in 1794-1795.
  3. The symbol of freedom is highly valued, especially in America.

To sum it up: the most valuable currency in the world has a high value because of the stability that makes it valuable. But there are states that seek to make their currency cheaper, and others that seek to make it more expensive; this depends on many economic and political factors.

The economic necessity of a developed human society today is the value of money. Every country has national capital, and it is important not only within the state, but also in the world market. But only a few powers have monetary authority over the rest. Today, in various sectors of the economy, there is an increased density international relations. And therefore business people are forced to use the most recognized and fundamental banknotes. But it should be understood that in recent years, or more precisely, in the last few decades, the euro and dollar cannot be called stable. When financing a business project, it is best to use more stable world money, such as Kuwaiti dinars, British pounds and others. Favorable currency can be considered Swiss francs and Polish zlotys.

So, what is the most valuable currency in the world against the Russian ruble in 2018? Which banknotes are the most valuable and expensive?

What is the most valuable currency in the world? Of course, this is the Kuwaiti dinar. Oil fields were localized in Kuwait, thanks to which the national currency of this country can be called reliable banknotes. According to long-term statistics, there is a strong position of millionaires here in the ratio of 1:15, with a total population of 3 million people. The Kuwaiti dinar took a leading position in the world market back in 1961, at that time it replaced the rupees and was worth as much as the famous pound sterling. A rapid rise in price of this currency was observed in 2006-2007. Today, for one banknote they give over 187 rubles.

What is the most valuable currency in the world? Bahraini Dinar – second place

When considering the question of what is the most expensive currency, one cannot fail to mention the Bahraini dinar. Bahrain is an Arab state, or rather, a small administrative unit - an island. The national currency of this power was created in 1965, and from the next year until 1973, it was the main capital of the United United Arab Emirates. The Bahraini dinar takes second position on our list due to the fact that this country is small, but at the same time it has a well-developed oil production and refining industry. The peculiarity of the design of the banknotes is that they depict cultural monuments and ornaments. Today one Bahraini dinar costs over 149 rubles.

Omani rial is third among leaders

What is the most expensive currency, located in third place in our ranking? This is the Omani rial. The state of Oman is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula. Initially, its main currency was Indian rupees, however, after the country switched to the Said real, which later became the Omani real, it was introduced new currency. Today, one unit of it is equal to 146 rubles and 39 kopecks.

The Jordanian dinar is the fourth currency rating

Paradoxically, it is almost impossible to explain why the Jordanian currency is in fourth place in our ranking. This country is controlled by Israel, and since 1940, it has steadfastly held its banknotes in leading positions. If we compare it with 2015, then at that time this currency was in sixth place among the most expensive. Although economic system countries are not fully developed, and there is also a shortage budget funds, the Jordanian dinar is still one of the most expensive banknotes, and costs more than the dollar or euro, namely 79.35 rubles per unit.

Pound sterling - fifth place

The pound sterling has been the most historically stable currency since 1694. This currency did not lose its position after the American dollar, in the late forties of the twentieth century, absorbed the entire foreign exchange market. The pound sterling is distinguished by its high cost and permanence, and it can also be called an identification mark of territorial affiliation, since its design was developed creatively. The British national currency strengthened its position after the formation of the European Union. Today, the price of one pound sterling falls short of 79 rubles.

Euro – sixth place

The euro, which is the official currency of the European Union, today costs 70.17 rubles per unit. It has firmly held its position since 1999 (for non-cash payments) and since 2002 (for cash payments) in all countries that are members of the European Union. Very popular and competes with the American dollar. Many countries around the world use the euro as a reserve currency. This currency is protected from falling by the gold and foreign exchange fund.

Cayman Islands dollars – seventh place

What is the most expensive currency in the world, occupying seventh place in our ranking? These are Cayman Islands dollars that many have never heard of. Today this currency, which once replaced the Jamaican dollar, costs 68.66 rubles per unit. It is tied to the American currency, and therefore is characterized by similar spasmodic instability. It became national in 1972 after the creation of the British Monetary Board. It is one of the leading banknotes because it is localized on the shores of Cayman financial structures international level. There is an offshore zone with a tourism industry that employs 100% of the population of this state.

Swiss franc – eighth place

Thanks to the stability and quality of Swiss production of chocolate, cheese and watches, the country's national banknotes are becoming increasingly stronger throughout the world. The vertical design of the banknotes is an original difference that you immediately notice. In Switzerland, the banking system is designed to ensure 100% confidentiality of information. That is why the franc is characterized by stability on the world market. foreign exchange market. Today it costs 60.33 rubles per unit.

American dollar – ninth place

What is the most expensive currency? This is not an American dollar. Although it is very popular and everyone on our planet knows about it. And all because you can pay for any product or service using the American dollar. Even despite the specifics American economy and the presence of a huge government debt, this currency is still among the leaders, accounting for more than 60% of world capital. The fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate is influenced not only economic situation America, as well as the financial affairs of Europe. The US dollar is closely linked to the euro. Today it costs 56.3 rubles.

Libyan dinar – tenth place

The Libyan dinar is in tenth place in our ranking. Today its price against the ruble is 42.32. One Libyan dinar is divided into 1000 dirhams, not 100.

The exchange rate of world currencies changes every year. But the first three leaders of our list have not been losing their positions to anyone for many years. Of course, banknotes are not made from , however, some specimens are quite highly valued among numismatists.

Every year the world economy changes, and the economies of individual countries also change, so the rating of currencies in 2015 differs from this year. We present to you a list of the eight most expensive currencies in the world in 2016.

In the top, the US dollar is given the last eighth position in terms of value. But from the point of view of demand and its use as a world reserve currency, the US dollar occupies the most significant role.
The rating uses the conversion of each currency into dollars.

As a result of a transaction between Saudi Arabia and the United States in 1973, the concept of “petrodollars” was born in the world. And in 1975, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries adopted the US dollar as the only currency for purchasing oil, which created a strong demand for USD.

7. Swiss franc

1 CHF = 1.02795 USD
Switzerland is a banking haven country and very strong economy. The Swiss franc is very popular as a primary savings currency. The average monthly salary in Switzerland is $9,374.

6. Euro

1 EUR = 1.12940 USD
The well-known currency of the Eurozone, in Lately The euro is experiencing many different economic and political problems.

5. Jordanian dinar

1 JOD = 1.41283 USD
The average monthly salary in Jordan is about $2,700.

4. British pound

1 GBP = 1.44754 USD
The British pound as a currency gained its strength during the colonial era and is still one of the main units of account for savings accounts. The average monthly salary in England is $6,785.

3. Omani rial

1 OMR = 2.59963 USD
The average monthly salary of $4,100 can convince many to work in Oman.

2. Bahraini dinar

1 BHD = 2.65625 USD
Bahrain occupies a strategic position in the world that facilitates the development of international trade. With the development of the economy and industry, the economy of Bahrain has become perhaps the strongest and most stable in the region. The average monthly salary in the country is about $3,500.

1 KWD = 3.35086 USD
Kuwait's currency is the most valuable in the world, and the country benefits from a booming oil-based economy. average salary in the country is $3,650 per month.

Below is a summary table:

Top most expensive currencies in the world

RatingCodeCurrencyPrice, $
1 KWD3.351
2 BHDBahraini Dinar2.656
3 OMROmani rial2.599
4 GBPBritish pound1.448
5 JODJordanian dinar1.412
6 EUREuro1.129
7 CHFSwiss frank1.028
8 USDU.S1.000