False accidents for insurance punishment. What is the penalty for using a car for insurance?

Companies that enter into compulsory car insurance contracts often become victims of scammers or resourceful drivers who manage to solve their problems through insurance payments. This is facilitated by the negative experience of motorists who have encountered unprofessional or dishonest work by insurers. Legislative nuances, incompletely thought-out insurance rules, and corruption among traffic police officers also help to successfully organize fake accidents to obtain insurance compensation. In fact, the possibility and amount of payments under the insurance contract largely depend on the documents drawn up by the traffic inspector at the scene of the accident.

Who organizes accidents and why?

The initiators of artificially created traffic accidents are the car owners themselves and (or) professional fraudsters who specialize in deceiving insurance companies. The third participant may be a traffic police officer who goes to the scene of the incident to draw up a report. Sometimes dummy damaged cars, relatives of the driver responsible for the accident, and other persons are used. The purpose of fake road accidents is:

  • Receipt of insurance payment in case of an accident, which is recognized as a non-insurable event;
  • Replacement of a drunk participant in an accident before the arrival of traffic police officers;
  • Receiving double payments (from the guilty party and from the insurance company);
  • Repair of previously received damages at the expense of insurance payments;
  • Replacement of faulty parts at the expense of insurers;
  • Receiving compensation for theft under CASCO and selling the car for parts.

It is a widely known practice when a drunk driver, having an accident, calls a relative or friend included in the insurance policy. When a traffic police team arrives at the scene of an accident, there is a sober driver behind the wheel, which allows the accident to be considered an insured event and a claim full refund losses under the insurance contract. It is quite difficult to notice the substitution, especially if the real culprit managed to describe in detail the process of the accident to the figurehead, and the traffic police officer did not interview the parties in sufficient detail.

Common Schemes

One of the most common schemes for fictitious accidents is the repair (replacement) of existing damage at the expense of the insurer. The owner insures a car with damage, and in the event of an accident, records the defect as a consequence of the impact. Cars are repaired using a similar principle by those who have damaged the car but are not entitled to payments (driving while intoxicated, driving by a person not included in the MTPL agreement, etc.). CASCO clients also resort to illegal schemes. When the contract expires, the car owner breaks, for example, a headlight that has dimmed due to prolonged use. The incident is reported as an accident, and the owner receives compensation or installation of a new headlight through insurance.

Receipt double benefit is also one of the most common fake accident scenarios. The culprit and the victim resolve the issue peacefully without notifying the traffic police. The injured party receives cash compensation for damages, and the driver who caused the incident leaves. After this, the victim calls the traffic police and registers an accident, claiming that the culprit fled the scene. The owner of the car compensates for his damages in double amount. Fraudsters who report the theft also receive significant benefits. Under a CASCO agreement, substantial compensation can be paid, in some cases amounting to full cost cars. At the same time, the car is sold for spare parts or sent for rework (numbers, color, options, units, etc. are changed), and then sold.

Responsibility for staging

The Insurance Law allows insurers to investigate an accident and request necessary information in medical institutions, traffic police, investigative departments, banks. Large insurance companies are dealing with issues of possible fictitiousness of road accidents. special departments or departments specializing in combating car fraud. Employees of such departments are former traffic police inspectors, emergency commissioners, and police investigators. Doubtful cases are investigated with special care: the testimony of witnesses and parties is rechecked, and the details of the accident are carefully analyzed. Any discrepancy can be the impetus for revealing the true picture of the crime.

If fraud is proven, then the perpetrators do not simply lose insurance payments. Companies usually take the case to court, where a decision is made to punish the perpetrator under Article 159.5 of the Criminal Code. The article provides for a fine (up to 120,000 rubles or annual income guilty person), correctional labor for up to one year, arrest for 4 months, imprisonment (up to 2 years). The sentence depends on the severity of the crime, the number of members of the criminal group, their positions and other details of the case.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Strict adherence to traffic rules allows you to avoid an accident on the road. Vehicle. They also enable car owners to protect themselves from scammers who, by staging a fake accident, try to get monetary compensation for the alleged damage. To avoid turning from a driver into a regular victim of fraud, you should carefully study how to avoid such situations or get out of them without damage in 2019.

Purpose of the dramatization

The staging of a traffic accident is a real theatrical action: its main character is the driver, who was distracted from the situation on the road for just a moment.

The planned incident itself is an imitation of an accident with fairly minor or pre-existing damage to the car. The latter fact, by the way, makes it possible to simply negotiate with the unwary driver, get some money from him and calmly drive away without calling the police.

Staging an accident for insurance is another type of such incident, with the goal of obtaining funds from the insurance company. After the policy civil insurance became mandatory for car owners, it became clear that not all of them are persons with high moral principles, and therefore are not averse to having their car repaired at the expense of the insurer.

A fake accident for compulsory motor liability insurance usually does not involve a serious accident. Most often, a fraudulent driver provokes his victim, making him the culprit.

After this, following the standard procedure from calling the traffic police to filing a company, he receives funds for the long-awaited repair.

In some cases, stagers go even further and simulate the theft of a vehicle, which allows them to receive the full amount of the cost - in some cases, this is even more profitable than fake accidents for the insurance company.

What to expect from scammers

First, let's look at how attackers prepare for an intentional incident. The first is a car. To simulate road accidents, used cars of expensive brands are usually used. These include:

  • BMW seventh or fifth series;
  • Audi A6, 80 or 100 first years of production;
  • Honda CRX;
  • Chrysler Cirrus;
  • Lincoln Towncar;
  • Mitsubishi Galant;
  • Saab 9000;
  • Mercedes with body W124, 201, 210, 140;
  • Volvo series 8 and 9.
  • You should also pay attention to the care with which scammers select their victims. The least likely to be victims are:

    • owners of new expensive foreign cars;
    • those who recently purchased a domestic car with sports wheels and heavily tinted windows;
    • drivers of cars with passengers;
    • owners of battered domestic iron horses.

    Typically, attackers prefer to target single drivers, newbies with a “U” sign on the windshield, chatting on the phone, owners of new but inexpensive cars that look like office clerks, and women.

    Schemes of staged accidents

    As for the schemes for such staging, here is a list of the most common situations encountered on domestic roads:

    • when the turn signal is on, turn left or right, perform a maneuver in the opposite direction;
    • sudden braking without any reason immediately after the car has picked up speed;
    • leaving for road intersections out of turn;
    • sudden appearance of a vehicle;
    • pedestrians throwing themselves under the wheels of a car;
    • attraction of false witnesses.

    The most typical example of a set-up on the road looks like this: you are driving in the middle lane, a Mercedes catches up with you from behind and gives you a sign to change lanes. Turning on the turn signal, you start to move to the right, and then out of nowhere another car appears, the fender of which you crush. The driver of the damaged car offers you to part ways peacefully for a certain amount, and you leave happy that everything ended so well.

    Is it possible to compensate for the damage?

    It's no secret that the policy compulsory insurance allows the car owner who is the victim of a traffic accident to compensate for the damage.

    But what if the driver is the victim of a staged accident and actually acts as the culprit? In such a situation, the law provides that the victim receives compensation. The only exception is the case when she is found to be both the guilty and the injured party at once - this can only be proven in court. This option is possible if the participants in the incident did not reach an amicable agreement, but went through the entire formal procedures.

    If you want to completely protect yourself from any payments and expenses caused by an accident, you need to take care of the purchase.

    How to prove innocence

    The first thing a driver who is “hooked” needs to do is calm down and not succumb to the provocations of intruders. In the circumstances that arise, you should definitely call the traffic police. It’s better to do this yourself, since a police squad “accidentally” passing by may end up in collusion with the scammers.

    Rest assured: the pressure will be exclusively moral; threats, phrases with the name of criminal articles, and so on may fall. But the consequences of a fake accident will not reach the point of physical violence, since the criminals are well acquainted with the law. Therefore, it would be quite reasonable to turn on the camera and record the entire conversation.

    If possible, do not leave your vehicle until the police arrive. While waiting for her, contact your lawyer, relatives or lawyers competent in this field. In order to further prove your innocence in a frame-up accident in court, you will have to use the recording from the dash cam, so make sure that it is always on while driving.

    First of all, you should rely on the help of traffic inspectors. If there is a suspicion that they are in league with the scammers, write down the license plates of all the cars involved in the staging, and feel free to submit the available materials to the court: he will certainly appoint a special examination to investigate the circumstances.

    Car owners who are puzzled by how to frame an accident for insurance should be aware that the insurance company has the right to order an additional examination to identify the fictitiousness of the accident. Such conclusions may not be the most pleasant, especially if we're talking about about a group of criminals who, having entered into a conspiracy, are trying to defraud insurers of money.

    Today, the punishment for faking an accident reaches 7 years in prison and a fine of 1 million rubles.

    Here are a few tips to protect yourself from encountering intruders:

  1. Before making a turn, never lose sight of the car in front of you.
  2. In heavy traffic, watch for vehicles to your right and left. If they are too close, let them pass ahead and watch what they do next.
  3. If someone blinks at you from behind, do not rush to change lanes suddenly. Make sure that nothing interferes with this, and only then gradually move to the next row.
  4. Study the situation in the mirrors all the time, not only before changing lanes, but also during the process.
  5. If your car is being aggressively pinned, stop and turn on your hazard lights.
  6. Always be prepared to apply sudden pressure to the brakes.

In any situation, try to avoid a collision, but to do this you need to be extremely careful on the road.

False accident: Video

Insurance Fraud
originates... in the traffic police?

The introduction of compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners has led to a significant increase in insurance fraud associated with the falsification of road accidents for the purpose of illegally obtaining Money for a non-existent accident.

Similar comparatively the new kind fraud has become an integral companion dynamically emerging market insurance services. At the same time, imitation of an accident can be associated not only with a false insurance claim under compulsory motor liability insurance, but also with other types of insurance, for example, with CASCO insurance, payments for which can reach several thousand, or even tens of thousands of dollars.

As a rule, this kind of theft of funds from insurance companies is carried out by a group of people, which may include employees of the insurance companies themselves, expert appraisers, as well as managers of car service centers. At the same time, it is impossible to simulate an insured event without “your” traffic police officers, since a non-existent accident must be documented. Thus, often the origins of crime originate in... Traffic police. Thus, during the investigation of a number of criminal cases by the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Bashkortostan, many such fraudulent police officers were identified. Moreover, both ordinary “werewolves” and middle management actively participated in such criminal activities.

Falsification of road accidents: “directors” and “actors”

Let's consider general scheme auto insurance fraud. An accident is falsified as follows. Cars that have damage from other accidents are selected and placed at the scene of a false accident. Then a diagram of the accident is drawn up, signed by witnesses and drivers who claim a certain share of the stolen money. In this case, photographs of the accident scene and damaged vehicles are taken and a number of other procedures are performed. That is, in the words of criminologists, a complete model of a non-existent accident is built.

However, crooks in uniform do not always bother themselves with theatrical performances, resorting to another, completely brazen option (according to the prosecutor’s office, the most common), when the traffic police inspector simply invents an accident without leaving his office, draws up a fake accident diagram, and draws up other necessary documents. In this case, the witnesses can either be taken from the head or be acquaintances of the inspector. Individuals can also be selected whose cars had no damage at all, but they agreed to give documents for registration of a fake accident using these documents. At the same time, a traffic police officer who has registered a non-existent accident can be either the initiator of a crime (the leader of a criminal group) or an ordinary performer, receiving a certain fixed amount for this.

Next, all these fabricated documents are sent to the department of inquiry and administrative practice, where executive Based on the presented materials, the traffic police makes an appropriate decision in the case of administrative offense, sometimes without even realizing that the documents presented are fake.

After completing the most difficult stage of fraud - falsification of the fact of an accident - the documents are transferred to an expert organization to estimate the cost of restoration repairs. If the expert appraiser is in collusion with the scammers, then he draws up a fake conclusion about the presence of damage to the car, while overestimating the amount of damage. Photographs for a false expert report are made by selecting a car of the required model of the same color, and the license plates are attached to the car recorded in the protocol. And it happens that an expert appraiser who is not associated with criminals may not even be aware of the fraudulent intentions of the persons who contacted the expert organization, not assuming that the car presented for inspection has already been examined by another organization and the damage to the victim in this accident has already been compensated .

The next stage is contacting the insurance company to receive money under false claims. insured event. At the same time, the practice of investigating criminal cases by the prosecutor's office has shown that an insurance company employee is often involved in criminal activities, which significantly facilitates the implementation of fraudulent plans. Moreover, employees of regional representative offices of insurance companies can steal money from their head office, which is usually located in Moscow, according to the scheme considered, which makes it difficult to detect similar insurance manipulations in another region.

How to expose insurance scammers

Let us turn to the materials of the prosecutor's office and the methods of identifying cases of insurance fraud used in practice by employees of the prosecutor's office. Thus, the investigator for especially important cases of the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Bashkortostan A. Khalikov notes, “that identifying such thefts is very difficult, since members of a criminal group may not know each other, performing only their function, independently of others... It should be noted that reports of Road accidents are recorded on magnetic recordings in police duty stations and in all incident logs. To identify crimes, these records should be analyzed, as well as computer records of road accidents in a particular region should be analyzed if the same persons or cars often get into car accidents. , then this should raise suspicions. Another way to identify it is to analyze the whole thing. information base large insurance companies in the region in order to identify the same cars or persons to whom insurance amounts are reimbursed.

In this case, the same experts or traffic police inspectors who draw up the documentation may be identified. In identifying false facts of road accidents, engineering and technical strength examination (ETPE) has also proven itself well. The result of ITPE is the calculated shape of the deformed structure. This makes it possible to check the compliance of the deformation of these vehicles with the circumstances of the accident specified in the administrative protocols and explanations of the participants in the accident. To conduct such an examination, it is enough to have high-quality photographs of damaged cars.

When investigating such crimes, it is necessary to interrogate the drivers who allegedly participated in the fake accident. This requires interrogation tactics related to clarifying all the details of the accident, when it becomes clear that the drivers’ testimony not only reflects different factual circumstances, but also contradicts each other. Testimony about what happened after the accident, who called the traffic police and how, as well as other circumstances of the incident are also important. It is also necessary to call the traffic police officers to give explanations, who will most likely refer to “forgetfulness”, since there are many such accidents, or will simply claim that the entire scheme of the accident corresponds to the actual circumstances of the case.

It should be noted that police officers who draw up falsified reports about car accidents often follow the instructions of their superiors, which they prefer not to talk about, but take full responsibility upon themselves.

After a set of operational measures, it is necessary to identify active participants in the criminal group and resolve the issue of their detention.”

Fortunately, in our automotive region, which is oversaturated with insurance companies, fraud in the field of auto insurance has not become widespread, at least we have not seen vivid reports about the exposure of organized criminal groups specializing in this area. Or maybe the car fraudsters of the Amber Region are more skillful and the theft of money is carried out inside insurance companies, when some of their employees fool their colleagues sitting at the next table? At the same time, in our region there are frequent cases of abuse by insurers associated with unreasonable delays in insurance payments and due to the alleged need additional checks circumstances of the occurrence of an insured event in connection with assumptions about possible fraudulent activities. At the same time, there are no serious signs of a crime and there are no calls to law enforcement agencies. Thus, under a far-fetched pretext, the legal rights of victims are violated.

Provocative behavior on the road - performing intentional or unintentional actions that may cause an accident.

Deliberate provocation - voluntary creation of a pre-accident/emergency situation for the sake of a joke, out of revenge, or to punish one driver for another for a real/imaginary offense or to defraud money based on charges of traffic violations.

Accidental provocation

Unintentional provocation - sudden creation of an unfavorable situation on a separate section of the route due to ignorance of traffic rules or inattention while driving.

Typical cases of provoking an accident:

  • after turning on the left or right turn signal, maneuver the car in the opposite direction;
  • sudden, unreasonable braking immediately after gaining speed;
  • entering the intersection out of turn at the moment when the traffic flow in the perpendicular lane has intensified.

What to do?

Immediately after someone caused an accident, determine the severity of the consequences of the collision:

  • inspect themselves/passengers both their own and another vehicle (call, if necessary, ambulance and provide first aid on the spot);
  • call the traffic police inspectors(or the drivers drive away, if the “losses” on both sides are extremely insignificant, and the collision occurred in a place remote from “civilization”), call the insurer and notify the lawyer.

In a hit-and-run accident due to avoiding a collision with another participant traffic In addition to inspecting the cars and the people traveling in them, you should make sure that the occupants of the building were not harmed and that the gas pipeline and electrical network were not damaged.

After/in parallel, witnesses are identified who saw how and what happened, take their contact information, call representatives of the traffic police, an ambulance, notify insurance agent and a lawyer.

In case of an accident with a pedestrian or another car due to avoiding a collision with another car, find out how much people's health has suffered, provide first aid, wait for the traffic police and ambulance to arrive.

Parallel looking for several witnesses to the accident(pedestrians, drivers who saw the circumstances under which the collision occurred). They take their contact information and ask them to stay where they are until the traffic cops arrive.

You cannot move any of the vehicles involved in an accident (parts flying away from them) unless there is a threat to human life. Recorded information about the location of vehicles will help in clarifying the circumstances of the accident.

Evidence for court

To properly understand the circumstances under which someone caused an accident and make a fair decision about who will bear responsibility, judges require:

  • diagram of the location of cars after a collision, drawn up by a traffic police specialist;
  • conclusion of the expert group on the nature of the damage and the conditions necessary for its formation;
  • eyewitness accounts of road accidents;
  • video recordings of car DVRs and external surveillance cameras (if there were any near the scene of the accident).

How to find a provocateur guilty? Only through court— other methods are not provided for by law.

Auto setup

Auto setup - deliberately causing an accident in order to obtain money from the driver intended for sacrifice.

How to recognize a car scam? External signs of auto fraud before an accident:

  • sudden braking of the car in front (often after a request to give way and a short increase in speed after moving into the same lane as the intended victim’s car);
  • simulation of a sharp transition into one lane (cutting) and a car appearing on the right out of nowhere (the one that cut usually “dissolves”);
  • sudden “jumps” of pedestrians under the wheels or onto the hood;
  • witnesses telling a deliberate lie.

One of the main signs that you have become a forced participant in a car scam is the desire of those who “run into” the “guilty” to receive money from him at the scene of the accident. For it:

  • they propose to resolve issues without representatives of the traffic police, applying psychological pressure, involving in the case a passenger flaunting his physical strength, who “accidentally” found himself in a substituted car;
  • “put pressure on the psyche” with prolonged and groundless hysterics;
  • They threaten the consequences of calling the right people.

How to behave?

Calm down, no matter how hard it takes. In any case, you need to contact the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Moreover, independently, and not thanks to the service from the “riders”.

Those “accidentally” driving past the police station may in fact be the same “decoy ducks”. The main thing is not to give any money.

Automotive fixers know the laws well, so they have no desire to be charged with battery or “murder” - so things don’t go beyond verbal threats. You, too, should not give free rein to your fists, no matter how much you might want to.

It’s better to lock yourself in your car and communicate with scammers through a slightly lowered glass window.

The scammers understand that in the event of a trial, they will not see the money from the victim. Therefore, the scammer will try in every possible way to withdraw money in cash and on the spot.

Notify your lawyer, friends, relatives and ask to report the incident to the traffic cops if the traffic police are not there yet.

Where to go for protection?

First to the traffic police representatives, then to the court.

If you suspect that traffic cops are in cahoots with criminals, write down the license plate numbers of the arriving specialists, take photographs of the faces of those who arrived and those who arrived, call the CSS back. Save your DVR recordings.

No matter how difficult your relationship with traffic cops may be, they will be the ones who can protect you from road scammers. Of course, if in the fight against the latter you show prudence and restraint.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Road traffic accidents occur quite often. A significant part of them ends in causing damage. In this regard, the state has put forward a requirement that every driver have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. It would seem that now in the event of an accident the insurance company pays compensation and there is no longer any point in staging accidents. However, lovers of easy money have not abandoned their intentions, and the scams continue. Let's look at what a fake accident is.

What events relate to an accident?

Not every car or motorcycle accident is considered a traffic accident. The main signs of an accident are the movement of at least one car and the damage caused in connection with this. Moreover, harm can be caused to the life or health of people, as well as cars (including the only participant) or other material objects.

Stand out the following types road accidents:

  1. Multi-car collision.
  2. Vehicle rollover.
  3. Hitting:
  • standing cars and other vehicles;
  • pedestrians;
  • animals;
  • horse-drawn transport.

4. Falling passengers and cargo.

5. Other types.

Which accidents are fake?

Most road accidents are caused by a combination of random events. A false or deliberate road accident is caused by the deliberate actions of one or more traffic participants, and this is only the first sign of an accident of this type. The second sign is their goal - obtaining monetary benefits. The object of receiving criminal income can be both a road user and an insurance company.

Due to the widespread spread of compulsory motor liability insurance in Lately It is insurers who are most often the victims of such fraud. In this case, all participants in the incident may be involved in a criminal scheme.

Before the introduction of compulsory motor insurance, the main victims of such crimes were ordinary motorists. The criminals acted as a group, and the consequences of the fake accident were deliberately exaggerated. Their goal was to intimidate the driver and force him to pay out significant amounts of money. By the way, this method is still used today.

However, now the main task of criminals is to get the victim to violate the established rules for registering an accident, and then demand money.

In a situation correct design In the event of an accident, the insurance company bears primary responsibility. Insurers have good specialists, and the fact of a road fraud can be easily proven, so the criminals, seeing the persistent desire of the potential victim to file the incident according to all the rules, simply retreat.

Which drivers are most often chosen as victims?

The goal of scammers is to get maximum money with minimum risk. It is quite difficult to intimidate strong young men, so they prefer women, young men and pensioners. Strong men get into fake accidents only if the windows are tinted, when the criminals cannot see the driver.

The second group of people that scammers pay attention to are drivers of cars with scratches, dents and other damage that could have occurred in an accident. Such cars are usually found in parking lots in yards. As a rule, a note is inserted under the windshield wiper stating that the driver was allegedly a participant in the incident, for which there are witnesses, but he fled the scene. They indicate a phone number to call “to sort things out.” And then psychological pressure is applied in order to lure out funds. If you are sure that you could not have participated in the incident without noticing it, it is better not to call the phone number provided.

Basic schemes of fake accidents

Criminals are trying to make it difficult to determine that this is a set-up accident. That is, they strive to create situations on the road in which the victim of a crime commits a traffic violation and is formally actually the culprit of the accident. It is much easier to exert psychological pressure on a person who feels guilty, and scammers actively use this.

Let's look at situations in which it is quite simple to make a fake accident.

Driving through an unregulated intersection

Usually the intersection of unequal roads is chosen. The criminal parks near an intersection on the main road. Having chosen a victim who begins to cross the main road, he takes off, enters the intersection and causes a collision, for which the driver is formally to blame for not allowing the car to pass along the main road. Similarly, fraudsters can act at the intersection of equivalent roads. In this case, the victim with interference on the right is selected.

On roads with adjacent secondary roads and acceleration lanes

Criminals choose areas of roads with heavy traffic. In such places, cars trying to join the traffic have to wait for a long time in a nervous environment. The criminal demonstrates a desire to let the motorist pass - he can wave his hand, “blink” his headlights or slow down. And when the victim’s car starts moving, the criminal increases the gas and causes a collision, for which the victim is formally to blame.

When changing lanes on the roads

Changing lanes is a very favorable moment for a fraudster to carry out his criminal intentions. Most often, simply driving a short distance on three- or four-lane roads with heavy traffic is enough to select a car to collide with. As you know, when changing lanes, the driver is obliged to let all traffic pass in the lane chosen for further movement. On busy roads this is almost impossible, so drivers let each other pass. Well, the scammers, of course, won’t let the victim through.

A more complex version of the same scam is practiced using two machines. For example, you are not driving in the far right lane. An expensive car is catching up with you from behind, honking intensely and demanding to clear the road. You begin to quickly change lanes and hit the car of an accomplice of the scammers. Formally, you are to blame for the accident.

When moving in a circle

On sections of roads where it is organized Roundabout Circulation, many drivers, especially beginners, feel insecure: they need to let traffic pass and change lanes at the same time, and this is quite difficult. The moment is selected when the victim's car drove into someone else's lane - literally a few centimeters are enough for an accident. Most often, criminals work in two cars in order to have a witness who will prove the victim’s “guilt” in an accident.

Cutting and hard braking

If a driver hits the car in front of him, he is almost always found guilty. Cutting off means intense overtaking, changing lanes and a sharp decrease in speed. It is quite difficult to avoid an accident in this situation. However, the same effect can be achieved without overtaking. A car ahead in a section at fairly high speeds can easily let you get closer and slam on the brakes. At traffic lights, some scammers even reverse before causing an accident, and then claim that they were standing and the victim hit them.

Simulation of a collision with a pedestrian

There can be many variations of this scam. Often a pedestrian crossing is chosen that is not regulated by a traffic light. A car is usually parked before the crossing, making it difficult for drivers to see. Everything else is simple. The fraudster, naturally, does not want to actually suffer, so he either creates a situation in which he is barely hit, or the collision is simulated - for example, a rubber ball or potato is thrown at the car. After this, the attacker simulates serious harm caused to health or property.

You can resolve the issue without calling the traffic police by paying for treatment or compensating for damage - for example, for a broken expensive watch or a torn suit.

Recently, the “athletes” scheme has been gaining popularity. There are usually two participants. The “victim” will not be able to compete in competitions with a large prize fund. The damage caused by the fact that the winnings are not received is offered to compensate the victim.

In parking lots near supermarkets and entertainment centers, a scheme with children is often used. When leaving a parking lot, the driver reverses, hears a bump and discovers a child or teenager under the wheels who is feeling very unwell. The child’s relatives immediately appear, offering to solve the problem for money.

Of course, we have not provided all fraud scenarios. In addition, criminals constantly come up with new ones. For example, in Ukraine, the scheme with mannequins has recently become popular. At dusk, mannequins are placed near the road, which are then pulled under the wheels of heavy vehicles using a rope. If the driver stops and comes out to look, they rob the cab; if not, they catch up with the car and demand money for silence.

How to avoid car fraud or prove your innocence

Firstly, it is necessary to strictly adhere to traffic rules. A jeep honking from behind is not a reason to suddenly and rashly change lanes, just as an inviting gesture from a driver driving along the main road does not relieve you of the obligation to let him pass. Assess the road situation qualitatively - and the likelihood of participating in a fake accident will noticeably decrease.

Buy a DVR. Film the aftermath of the accident on your phone. Be sure to record the faces of other participants in the incident - scammers are often known to the police and may simply leave.

Never agree to offers to move aside and come to an agreement there. Do not leave the scene of an accident, do not touch the car if you are persistently asked to pull to the side of the road and inspect the damage “in a calm environment.” Even if it is a busy place, do not remove the car until the traffic police arrive.

Often, criminals, having achieved the departure of the victim, begin to remind her that by leaving the scene of the incident, she committed a violation for which her rights are deprived.

If you see inappropriate behavior of other participants in the incident, lock yourself in the car and call the police. Fraudsters in such a situation usually leave.

Faking an accident to get insurance

Staging an accident for insurance payment has recently become quite common. According to experts, up to 15% of all insurance today ends up in the pockets of criminals. There are many ways to commit insurance fraud:

  • car or liability insurance after the incident;
  • fictitious accidents;
  • substitution of the driver - if the real culprit of the incident does not have a civil liability insurance policy, the driver who has such a policy takes the blame;
  • in a real accident, a car that has received minor damage may be deliberately crashed more severely in order to increase compensation;
  • fraud with insurance forms.

Measures taken by insurers

Insurance companies are mainly powerful financially organizations. Some even create special departments to combat fraud, others use the services of third-party specialists. In any case, all the circumstances of the accident and documents will be studied most carefully.

Currently Insurance companies the latest ones are widely used Computer techologies– in particular, programs that allow you to determine whether the damage received by the car corresponds to the circumstances of the accident, on the basis of which claims for damages are made.

Nevertheless, some scams still succeed, but this happens less and less often. Therefore, if you have thoughts of trying to exaggerate the damage or fake an accident for the sake of compensation payments, we advise you to refuse them.

Liability for false accidents

If the initiators or participants in a false incident are exposed, they will not only not receive the planned income, but may also be brought to criminal liability. Punishment for staging an accident occurs under Articles 159 and 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Depending on the circumstances and amount of fraud, penalties may vary. The maximum is 10 years in prison and a fine of 1 million rubles.


Fake accidents are quite common. If you have become a victim of scammers, under no circumstances agree to offers to resolve all issues without involving the traffic police. Feel free to film the circumstances of the accident and the faces of the participants, call the traffic police and insist on recording the incident in full accordance with the rules.

False accident: Video