Ready-made house projects in Poland. Projects of Polish houses and cottages

Today, when planning a future home, many not only rely on the building traditions of our people, but also actively borrow similar experience from architects of other countries. So, if you dream of a spacious building, made quite compactly, which will have a completely traditional look and at the same time be attractive, then construction using Polish technology would be optimal. It does not involve any special revolutionary solutions, for example, the use of a dome, however, such houses are very comfortable for living, especially for families with children, because classic Polish designs one-story houses designed specifically for such inhabitants.

When choosing the development of your future home among Polish projects of one-story houses from the Cottage Projects company, you can be confident that we take into account the specifics of such buildings as fully as possible, fully conveying the spirit of Polish architecture, as well as creating the most comfortable space for living. In addition, we carry out all work with maximum scrupulousness and care, which guarantees their accuracy and precision.

In the last 2-3 years, various options for modern architectural and design solutions have begun to be used in private housing construction. One of these is the Polish house project. The popularity of buildings erected in this style is constantly growing.

Project No. 57-13K Project No. 57-02L Project No. 57-11K

Key Features

The main feature of design in the Polish style is brevity and practicality. This combines Polish designs with European style designs. Finished projects Polish-style houses have the following characteristic features:

  • no more than two floors, and more often - one floor with an attic;
  • small area, rarely exceeding 170-180 sq.m.;
  • two- or four-slope roof without architectural frills (bay windows, broken shape, etc.);
  • large windows or panoramic glazing;
  • the use of materials that imitate natural tiles or stone.

There are no clear standards that Polish house and cottage projects must comply with. The main emphasis is always on restraint and economy, which helps reduce the final cost of construction.

Examples of Polish cottage projects

A striking example of Polish style - Project No. 57-06. The designed building has the following features:

  • small area (175.08 sq.m.);
  • one floor;
  • use of metal tiles for roofing;
  • the use of decorative stone on the facade;
  • the kitchen and dining area are combined into one spacious room (28.6 sq.m.)

The photo shows another characteristic feature of the architectural style in question - when decorating the facade, the same colors are used as on the roof.

Project No. 57-06

Project No. 47-21 demonstrates another feature of Polish design. Despite the full two floors, the building area is only 114 sq.m. The cleverness of the layout is manifested in the location of recreation areas on the second floor and active pastime areas on the first floor. The house has large windows, and artificial stone is used to decorate the basement. The area of ​​the kitchen-dining room is 18.57 sq.m., which is a significant share of the total. The laconicism of the applied planning solutions made it possible to reduce the ineffective area of ​​the hall (11.18 sq.m.) and stairs. The house does not have a garage.

Polish projects cottages have a number of characteristic features, for which they are chosen for the construction of buildings all over the world. This:

Low number of storeys. As a rule, there are 1 or 2 floors, while Polish house designs with an attic are not uncommon. But such houses are practically not planned with a garage, which is partly due to the small area of ​​the plot, and partly, according to the Poles, to the non-primary importance of this functional element.

Small area. Usually it does not exceed 120-150 sq. m. However, Polish-style house designs can hardly be called cramped, which is facilitated by the special

Layout. The center of such a house is a spacious living room, in which it can be organized simultaneously work zone with computer desk and bookshelves. Quite large (in relation to with total area) they also make a kitchen - 12-15 m. But the bedrooms are compact and maximally functional, designed for a family with 2-3 children. A special feature is 2 bathrooms, on each floor (if there are 2).

Already from the above we can conclude that the main concept is efficiency. At the same time, you will probably be surprised to see a cottage project in the photo - the Polish version! - with a winter garden, sauna, garage. The fact is that Shop-project presents projects from Polish bureaus, adapted to the conditions of our country and the requirements of most customers, including the inclusion of popular functional elements.

Thus, Polish projects of one-story and two-story houses, without a garage or with a garage, do not demonstrate the actual “dry” economy, but rather the rational distribution of resources. This is reflected both in construction and in operation. For example, modern Polish houses are aimed at the European building materials market and provide excellent thermal insulation, which in turn allows you to save on heating and air conditioning. Considering the jumps in tariffs and the appetites of payment systems, quality will probably not be out of place in Russia.

In addition to ready-made projects, Shop-project offers individual design taking into account the parameters that are important to you.

Many people like Polish houses because of their practicality and originality. Previously, they had a complex roof, non-standard windows, and only natural materials were used for construction. The buildings are light in color, often with columns. All these characteristics can often be found today when considering Polish Z500 house projects.

Layouts and architecture of projects from Poland

Comparing old Polish buildings, you can see that a lot has changed, and the features of the buildings have become more modern. They are created in laconic styles, and main feature– simplicity and restraint. Ready-made house designs from Poland can be purchased at the average cost on the market, and the construction itself using the services of professionals is very profitable.

Often clients select models with some architectural solutions, meeting a number of parameters:

  1. Housing layout with one floor or attic.
  2. Building area from 120 sq.m.
  3. Using a blood design for 2 or 4 slopes, but in Lately Many people choose flat roof models.
  4. A large number of windows and glass around the entire perimeter of the building to receive more natural light.
  5. The number of rooms according to the projects starts from 3 pieces, as well as the use of 2 bathrooms.

Polish house projects z500 are in great demand. Clients often modify them to add individuality and increase the level of comfort to suit their needs. As a rule, an attic is created under the roof, and the right design and furniture help to give coziness.

Differences between classics and Polish houses

The Poles themselves are discreet people and are not used to luxury, so Polish house designs with an attic are well-preserved and economical. The main differences from classical buildings are:

  1. Roofing materials are not natural, but only create an imitation of real tiles.
  2. Elements that imitate stone or wood are used as decoration for external walls.
  3. Columns are no longer installed during construction.
  4. Often, when creating a roof, balconies and other complex structures are not used.

Layouts and standard projects many customers like them, but as a result of the fact that they are not adapted to the climate and other features, it is not possible to create a convenient and comfortable cottage. To be economical and improve convenience, it is imperative to consider insulation and additional insulation. In addition, there may be problems with regulations, which are also different, and again you will have to use the services of professionals.

You can order Polish housing directly from the catalogue, choosing the desired project and communicating with a manager who will take into account all your wishes. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to find Polish house designs with an attic and a garage, but in the section there are several models that are characterized by ergonomics and functionality, with a convenient layout.

Adaptation of modern Polish projects

All Polish projects of one-story houses in Belarus presented in the catalog were created by experienced and qualified architects and designers, taking into account building codes and rules, standards and requirements. Before the customer receives the project, adaptation to SNiPs is carried out, which involves several adjustments:

  1. The location and data of the boiler room are changing.
  2. According to the climate zone, the thickness of the walls increases to 400 mm.
  3. The roof, attic walls and their height are changed, if necessary.

After carrying out the necessary adaptation, specialists develop a structural design with recalculation of loads. Engineering drawings undergo similar changes. Polish designs of one-story houses with or without a terrace can be subject to personal adjustments required by the client. This does not cause negative consequences for the building structure, its layout, functionality and reliability. Architects make changes of any complexity, after which new drawings, estimates and design documents are provided.

Features of private Polish houses.

Before the collapse Russian Empire, which included Poland (Rzeczpospolita), due to the significant stratification of property in Poland, 2-4 room apartments served as the basis for private development wooden houses ordinary people and stone mansions of the aristocracy.

In the pre-war period (before World War II war) with the growing prosperity of the Polish population and a reorientation to Western (German) housing construction standards, the most popular houses became stone plastered houses, in which toilets and bathrooms appeared.

After World War II in Poland, as a result of the active growth of the middle class, they became popular brick houses. They were usually built from large-format ceramic blocks and plastered inside and out. Houses of this period of construction had basement floors, half buried in the ground, where there were storage rooms, a garage and, often, a second or summer kitchen.

On the peculiarities of Polish housing construction post-war period can be attributed to the appearance of separate kitchens on different floors, which were organized with a view to creating separate living areas for different generations of the family, which economic reasons socialist model could not separate from their parents and build their own home. In addition, this layout made it possible to rent out part of the house to provide the family with additional income.

In the late 1980s, thanks to financial assistance from the USSR and the issuance of loans for the construction of houses, there was a boom in private housing construction. During this period, private Polish houses appeared, the features of which were not only traditional Polish practicality, but also the desire to impress neighbors. IN ground floors saunas and relaxation rooms began to appear in such houses. A distinctive feature of Polish houses of the socialist period remained simple “square-nested” layouts, in order to minimize the cost of building a foundation.

After breaking the socialist impasse, the welfare of Poles began to grow rapidly, which allowed many families to finally build their own residential buildings or acquire a second home for a seasonal holiday.

Modern Polish houses are no longer boxy, tasteless houses built to save money on the foundation, but beautiful buildings with complex configurations. As a rule, these are spacious one or two-story houses. In such houses there are large entrance halls, spacious living rooms, bathrooms with corner baths.

Polish houses are mainly built from large-format ceramic blocks, aerated concrete or expanded clay concrete blocks.

At the same time, in Poland there is often a strange desire to reinforce aerated concrete masonry with a reinforced concrete frame, which is not required by construction technology low-rise buildings from aerated concrete.

In the same way, Polish builders are trying to strengthen with reinforced concrete frames and brick walls, as if the houses they build are built on mountain slopes or in earthquake-prone areas.

The walls of Polish houses are plastered - the cheap vinyl siding popular in Russia is not to the taste of modern Poles. You rarely see unreliable corrugated cellulose-bitumen roofing sheets on roofs - in Poland they prefer metal tiles, cement-sand or natural tiles.

The layered rafter system is almost universally used, which makes it possible to effectively use the space of the attic floor due to the absence of tie rods.

By the way, even poor Poles who do not have enough money to purchase local treatment facilities do not use “septic tanks made of concrete rings”, which are widespread in Russia due to total environmental illiteracy, which contaminate the soil and groundwater feces, and purchase monolithic reinforced concrete containers for constructing cesspools.

Construction of houses in Poland is a profitable business - there are houses built for sale everywhere.

The facades and roofs of houses based on Polish designs are distinguished by their complex configuration, which makes the house “interesting” to the eye of the observer.

Polish house designs are practical and aesthetically pleasing appearance, far removed from the “shoebox” and “transformer booth” houses of the era of developed socialism, which for some reason are still popular in Russia.

The most attractively decorated roadside restaurants in Poland are taverns, built in the “historical style” in the form wooden houses with reed roofs.

By the way, the food in Polish taverns is inexpensive and very tasty).

Andrey Dachnik