Standard of living in Belarus: salaries, prices of goods and housing. How do salaries differ in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine? Average salary in Belarus

The devaluation of the ruble and the general economic crisis in the Russian Federation have led to the fact that wages in Belarus and Russia in dollar terms in many industries have now become almost the same. Calculations show this High school Economics and Institute of Social Policy. During the study, it was used as an assessment nominal salaries, and accounting

If in 2011 the Russian Federation was ahead of the CIS countries by 40%, now there is no such gap with Belarus at all. And this is due to the fall of the Russians. In January 2016 average salary in Belarus in rubles amounted to 21.98 thousand. Just this month the denomination took place national currency for the third time in the history of independence.

What is the salary in Belarus: general information

Until 1991, the country was part of the USSR. In January, the salary in Belarus was 266 rubles, in December - 1109. You need to understand that in 1994, 2000 and 2016. denomination of the national currency was carried out by 10, 1000 and 10000 times, respectively. The exchange rate (ruble) as of October 20, 2016 to the Russian one is 1 to 32.84.

From the very beginning, inflation proceeded at a fairly high pace. In December 1994 it reached 248,922 thousand rubles. The denomination carried out in August 1994 helped only partly. continued to grow.

Already in September 1994, salaries again began to be calculated in six figures. In June 1995, the pre-reform level was reached. In December 1999, the average salary in Belarus was 34,871,899 rubles. And this is at an exchange rate to the Russian currency of 1 to 0.000077. That is, in rubles it is 2865, that is, two times less than in 1994.

After the denomination, the average salary in January 2000 was 36,659 rubles. The exchange rate to the Russian currency was 1 to 301.7. Six-digit salaries in Belarus began to be calculated due to inflation already in March 2001. However, the rate of currency depreciation has slowed significantly. After the next redenomination in January 2016, the average salary in Belarus was 655.22 rubles. In rubles - 21517.42. In August 2016, the average salary was 750.3 rubles.

Features of the denomination

After gaining independence and introducing its own national currency, the country experienced huge rates of inflation. To date, three denominations have already been held in Belarus:

  • In August 1994. Then the salary “decreased” 10 times. In July it was 815.459 Belarusian rubles, and in August - 89.723. The exchange rate to the Russian currency at that time was 1 to 0.0185.
  • In January 2000. Then the Belarusian ruble was denominated 1000 times. If in December 1999 the average salary was a fabulous 34,871,899 Belarusians. rubles, then in January 2000 it was “reduced” to 36.659.
  • In January 2016. If in December 2015 the average salary was 74,224,092 Belarusian rubles, then at the beginning of 2016 it was only 655.2. Thus, Belarusian currency denominated this time 10,000 times.

The latest denomination made it possible to significantly strengthen the currency. And the crisis in the Russian economy allows us to talk about the level of Belarusian salaries in dollar equivalent exceeding Russian ones in the near future. And this is the forecast of the Higher School of Economics. Interestingly, back in 2011, Belarus lagged behind Russia in this indicator by as much as 40%.

By region

In 2015, according to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, real wages increased only in the capital by 1.1%. In all other regions it decreased by an average of 3%. The average salary in the country in 2015 was 6.7 million Belarusian rubles. The exchange rate to the Russian currency during this period was 1 to 38.78. The regional salary breakdown looked like this:

  • Capital - 8,872,477 Belarusian rubles.
  • Minsk region - 6,667,886.
  • Gomel - 6,095,879.
  • Grodno - 5.920.433.
  • Vitebsk - 5.805.342.
  • Mogilevskaya - 5.799.081.
  • Brestskaya - 5.757.018.

By area of ​​economic activity

The largest salaries in Belarus were paid in rubles to financiers. They received almost 300 thousand in Russian currency. If you arrange the spheres economic activity in descending order of salaries in Belarus, you get the following list:

  • Financial activities.
  • Operations with real estate.
  • Mining industry.
  • Research and development.
  • Construction.
  • Production and distribution of gas, electricity and water.
  • Communications and transport.
  • Industry.
  • Manufacturing industries.
  • Trade, repair of cars and household appliances.
  • Healthcare.
  • Agriculture.
  • Education.
  • Hotel business.
  • Fishing.

In the capital

If we consider the situation in 2015 in the city of Minsk, then the average salary here was 344 million rubles. The highest paid were financial workers. If we look at salaries in each sector in the capital, the top five most expensive professions are as follows:

  • Financial activities. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 542 million.
  • Operations with real estate. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 493 million.
  • Research and development. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 357 million.
  • Production and distribution of gas, electricity and water. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 352 million.
  • Construction. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 352 million.

TOP 10

According to 2013 data, the most big salary in Belarus was offered for the following positions:

  • Marketing Director at a development company mobile applications. Estimated earnings - 8,000 US dollars. In December 2013, the ratio of American and Russian currencies was 1 to 32.88.
  • Wholesale sales manager for the holding. Estimated earnings - 6,850 US dollars.
  • Financial Director management company into a large distribution and logistics group. Estimated salary - 5,000 US dollars.
  • Financial director in a large manufacturing company. Estimated income - 5,000 US dollars.
  • Director of transport and warehouse logistics in a large retail chain. Estimated income - 5,000 US dollars.
  • Director of the IT department in a large foreign company. Estimated income - 4,000-5,000 US dollars.
  • Territory manager in a wholesale company. Estimated income - $4,000.
  • Marketing Director at a distribution and logistics holding. Estimated earnings - 4,000 US dollars.
  • Director of Property Management. Estimated income - 4,000 US dollars.
  • Director of a company for the construction of energy centers and boiler houses. Estimated income - 4,000 US dollars.

Minimum salary in Belarus

The lowest wage in the state is fixed by law. Its establishment occurs every year. Moreover, it can be indexed in accordance with economic realities. In 2015 minimum wage in Belarus was 2,100,100 Belarusian rubles. This amount was indexed three times. Taking into account the adjustment of the minimum wage to economic realities, in January it was already 2,391,769 BYN. rubles The exchange rate to the Russian ruble as of October 21, 2016 is 1 to 32.84. However, after the redenomination, from June 1, the minimum wage was set at 239 Belarusian rubles. rubles 18 kopecks. In September, this amount was indexed. Now the minimum wage in Belarus is 239.48 BYN. rubles or 7864.52 Russian rubles.

Wages indicate the standard of living of people in a country. The average salary in Belarus (minimum wage) is calculated using the arithmetic average method. This means that when calculating the SWP, the entire volume of the Federal Law is summed up and divided among the employed population.

According to a sociological survey for 2016, only 15.6% of the population are satisfied with their standard of living. Such data can be explained by the fact that in 2015 only a third of the working population could boast of an average level of earnings and, accordingly, living standards. Although the majority of Belarusians note financial stability, social sphere suffers.

Over the past few years, from 2015-2017, the situation has changed for the worse due to the crisis. The local currency in the country has weakened significantly, which is why in 2016 they made a denomination and cut off the zeros in many thousands of Belarusian rubles.

According to experts, the standard of living in the country will decline in the next 5 years. The situation will affect the middle class the most.

Features of life in Belarus for 2018:

  • free medicine;
  • quality roads, cleanliness;
  • absence of corruption;
  • unemployment rate 1.1%.

Salary dynamics

The national currency of the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian ruble. After the redenomination, the currency was cut by four zeros. In the charts, data is indicated in the old currency. If before the denomination people received salaries in millions, then after the 2016 nomination they began to receive in rubles: 100 den. rubles. = 1 million Bel. rubles

The minimum wage as of January 1, 2017 was 265 den. rub. In August 2017 it remains at the same level. Compared to 2016, the minimum salary increased by 11% and amounted to 230 den. rub.

Table. Dynamics of growth of the minimum salary in the Republic of Belarus in the period from 2000 to 2017:

Year Minimum salary in Belarusian rubles.
2000 The minimum salary was 3600. Since January 2000, it was 2200, but it rose twice by 8.4% and 61%.
2001 The minimum wage increased three times in a year. By March 2001 it amounted to 5,700, by July it increased by 31%, and in December it was already 10,000.
2002 Increased over the year by 70% and amounted to 17,000.
2003 Increased by 139% by January 1, 2003 and amounted to 40,600.
2004 By January it had risen by 100%, and by November 2004 it reached 128,390.
2005 Remained in the same place, rose only by 470 rubles, which is equal to 0.1%
2006 It increased by 22% and amounted to 156,900.
2007 The salary was 179050.
2008 By January it increased by 16% and amounted to 208,800.
2009 Equal to 229700
2010 By January it increased by 12.5%, and by November it was exactly 400,000.
2011 The indicator has grown almost every month since May 2011. In May it was 491,920, in June it increased by 10%, in July by another 8%, in August by 4.7%, and in September it amounted to 687,730. By December, the minimum salary increased to 925,520, which is 131% more than the previous one of the year.
2012 The mark was raised to RUB 1,000,000. However, throughout the year the rate was raised every month. By December it grew by 10%
2013 By the end of the year, the minimum salary increased to 1,532,230. This is 38% higher than the previous year.
2014 Over the year, the rate increased 8 times, by December it reached 1,841,483.
2015 Increased by 13.5% and amounted to 2,100,000.
2016 With the denomination, the salary became equal to 230 den. rubles.
2017 Equal to 265 den. rub.

average salary

The average salary indicator indicates the level of remuneration. Productivity depends entirely on it. In order for an organization to make a profit and the economy to remain at an appropriate level, it is necessary that the growth in salary be lower than labor productivity.

By July 2017, the average salary of the Republic of Belarus was 827.5 rubles, which is equal to 426 US dollars. Below you can trace the growth dynamics of the FFP against the US dollar since 2014.

Dynamics of average wages in the Republic of Belarus in dollars from 2014 to 2017.

Comparative analysis of the average salary for 2014-2017. showed that the income of Belarusians increased by 147 den. rubles, but in dollar equivalent the average salary, on the contrary, decreased by $180. Let's consider the average monthly salary in the Republic of Belarus from 2013 to 2017.

Average monthly salary in Belarus from 2013 to 2017.

The accrued salary of employees in January 2013 amounted to 436.8 den. rubles. (translated), which is 390.7 den. rub. less compared to September 2017. There was an increase in salary by 89% over 4 years. In 2017, average wages grew every month. Compared to January 2017, there was an increase of 14.9% to July 2017.

You can trace the dynamics of average wage growth relative to the closest neighbors of the Republic of Belarus - Ukraine and Russia:

Dynamics of wages in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in 2015-2016.

Thus, in December 2016, wages in the Republic of Belarus were $18 lower compared to 2017. However, the country was significantly ahead of Ukraine by $161 and lagged behind Russian Federation for 357 US dollars. High earnings in Russia also correspond to the satisfaction of the population, which cannot be said about Ukraine, where people are completely dissatisfied with the economic situation in the country. The Republic of Belarus is in an average position and is far from the most poor country among the countries of the former Soviet Union. Although the general atmosphere remained the same as under the USSR.

Average salary by region

The Republic of Belarus is divided into six regions. You can see the leading areas by average salary using the following table:

Average salary by regions and leading districts in the Republic of Belarus for 2016

According to data for 2016, the leading position is occupied by Soligorsk district 1293.5. In terms of wages, it is 10.9% ahead of the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Many people are interested in: what is the salary in Minsk? It is noteworthy that the capital is not ahead in terms of salaries of a small district of the Gomel region - Soligorsk. In Minsk, wages still remain high relative to other regions of Belarus and even relative to the Minsk region. The graph shows that the region lags behind the capital's earnings by 30%.

Next come Brest and Gomel regions at 39% relative to Minsk. The Grodno and Vitebsk regions were not far behind at 40.8% and 41.9%. The last place in salary by region is occupied by the Mogilev region - 666 rubles. This figure is 42% lower than capital earnings. The lowest ZPRB is in the Sharkovshchinsky district of the Vitebsk region.

Average wages by industry

The most paid industry in the Republic of Belarus is aviation and information Technology. The average salary is 2082-3500 den. rub. – this is approximately 1073-1804 US dollars. Financiers and insurers are not far behind. RUB 2,790. Belarusians working in the technical and oil refining industries earn on average from 1212 to 1166.2 den. rubles. This is approximately $600. Telecommunications employees are not far behind them. Engineers and architects receive an average of 970 rubles. The following is a table of average earnings for some industries for 2016:

Industry Average salary
Information Technology 3500,6
Sphere financial services and insurance 2790-1915
Production of chemical products 1534,6
Research and development 1445,8
Activities in the field of law, accounting 1272,7
Production Vehicle 1057,7
Food production 919,1
Construction 809
Activities in the field of culture and sports 802,1
Retail 704
Forestry 661
Healthcare 648
Tourist activities 635
Catering services 587
Education 542
Activities of libraries and museums 444,4
Social service activities 435, 3

The amount of salary directly depends on the person’s profession and labor productivity. For 2016-2017, the most popular specialties on the labor market are:

  • manager, trade specialist, sales representative;
  • general workers: builders, drivers, masons, loaders, painters;
  • sellers;
  • engineering specialties;
  • accountant;
  • teachers, doctors, cooks, seamstresses.

The demand for a profession does not mean high wages. You can note the profession of programmers. In 2016, this specialty is one of the most highly paid professions in RB. Social workers and agricultural workers have the lowest income. The average salary in the Republic of Belarus after the crisis at the beginning of 2015 began to change month by month. In January 2016 it was $332, and in February it increased by $50. In March, the FFP was equal to $410.5.

The size of the salary largely depends on the efficient operation of the country's economy. The current level of the country is completely justified. During the Soviet era, Belarus had a fairly strong industrial base and was also considered an agricultural country. Now, over the past 20 years, the Republic of Belarus has maintained a developed industry, but lags significantly behind the Russian Federation and other developed countries.

According to statistics, the country experiences crises every 2-3 years and the local currency depreciates. Therefore, many residents are accustomed to keeping their savings in dollars.

Although the ZP currently allows citizens to live without poverty. In the country, according to statistics for 2016, 37% of the population belongs to the middle class. For foreigners and those working abroad and earning dollars, living in the Republic of Belarus will be quite convenient.

In December 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, dollar wages in Russia and Ukraine increased. In Belarus they remained virtually unchanged. What is happening on the labor market in three countries, what to expect in 2017 - comments our economic observer Dmitry Ivanovich.

In December 2016, wages in Belarus amounted to 801.6 Belarusian rubles ($408.3). Compared to December 2015, they increased by only $1.2.

In Russia, salaries increased by $142 over the year. In Ukraine, in December last year, compared to December the year before, average earnings increased by $24.

Dynamics of wages in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in 2015–2016, in $

Thus, in December 2016, wages in Russia were 1.87 times higher than wages in Belarus. And 3.1 times - wages in Ukraine.

At the end of 2016, average salaries in Belarus were 65% higher than in Ukraine.

Dynamics of wages in Belarus and Ukraine in 2015-2016, % to average monthly salary in Russia

Here are regional salaries in three countries at the end of last year:

Average salary in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in December 2016, in $

Belarus the only one of the three countries in which in December last year in some regions wages in dollar terms did not increase compared to December 2015.

The level of wages in Belarus is oriented towards the Russian one. However, attempts to overcome the level of 80% of wages in Russia ended in our country:

  • Devaluation processes
  • A return to the average salary range of 55%–65% of Russian

Until the recovery of the Ukrainian economy, the Belarusian labor market was of interest to specialists from this country. However, last year interest in the Belarusian labor market decreased significantly. The number of migration influx of Ukrainian citizens is decreasing:

  • In 2015, taking into account those who left, 9.7 thousand citizens of Ukraine came to Belarus
  • In 2016 - 3.7 thousand

Of the three countries, Belarus has the lowest level of bonus payments at the end of the year - within 10-15% of the salary in November 2016.

Russia the only one of the three countries in which the national currency has strengthened. This has had a large positive impact on wages in dollar terms. As a result, wages in Russian rubles increased by 9.6%, in dollars - by 22.8%.

Wage growth occurred against the backdrop of neutral dynamics in the economy.

Salaries in December 2016 in all Russian regions exceeded $400:

  • The maximum level was noted in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - $ 1852. This region is also the leader in absolute growth salaries for 12 months - by $422.
  • In 10 regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg, as of December they paid $1000+

Russia is characterized by the highest level of bonus payments at the end of the year - on average December salaries higher than November by 30%.

Ukraine the only one of the three countries in which the tax burden on the payroll fund has significantly decreased over the past two years:

  • After the reform carried out in the country, the single social contribution has been reduced from 41 to 22% since 2016.
  • Another 18% is income tax individuals and 1.5% - military tax

Reduction tax burden could have a more significant impact on wage growth. However, employers kept most of the savings and reduced their costs. According to various estimates, 40% of payers social contribution declare minimum earnings. Every second worker in the country receives a salary in an envelope. For these reasons, the real level of wages in Ukraine differs significantly from Ukrstat data.

Regionally, dollar wages have increased in all regions. The highest, in Kyiv, amounted to $423 in December. In all other regions of Ukraine, workers did not receive an average of more than $270. A year earlier, with the exception of Kyiv, the maximum salary level did not exceed $250.

Bonus payments at the end of the year in Ukraine range from 15% to 20% of the salary in November.

The highest paid activities

Data: Belstat, Rosstat, Ukrastat, own calculations

In the highest paying activities in all three countries, wages increased over 12 months. The financial sector leads in terms of wages in Russia and is one of the three highest paid sectors in Belarus and Ukraine. High level noted in the field of research and development. In Belarus, he was not among the highest paid, but exceeds the average salary in the country.

Low-wage sectors of the economy in the three countries include Agriculture, textile industry, sphere hotel business and catering.


Russia and Ukraine had minimum wage levels in 2015. Since then, wages in these countries have been increasing. There are economic prerequisites for this (growth industrial production, height financial indicators enterprises) to further increase wages. An additional factor for Russia there may be a reduction working population in connection with demographic processes.

The situation in Belarus depends on the authorities’ readiness to reform the current economic model. It is unable to achieve its goal of raising wages to $500 without a significant amount of external assistance.

In Ukraine, real salaries are higher than declared ones. Making adjustments to regulations according to the taxation system can significantly increase official level wages.

The conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine will not contribute to the flow of labor migrants. If the entry regime into the EU is simplified, specialists from Ukraine may find themselves on a more interesting European market in terms of salary.

The Belarusian market will cease to be attractive for Ukrainian citizens.

The first thing that catches your eye when crossing the Belarusian border is the almost perfect cleanliness and order, which, unfortunately, Russian and Ukrainian cities cannot boast of. It's simply not customary here to litter on the streets. There are trash cans everywhere, so people throw garbage only in them. Life in the Republic is in many ways reminiscent of the former Soviet Union. And despite the fact that the average salary of civil servants in Belarus is relatively low, corruption is practically absent. It is not difficult to verify this, since for Russians entry into the country is visa-free and does not require a foreign passport. It is enough to violate traffic rules and try to “agree” with the inspector; this is unlikely to work here. It is customary in the state to strictly adhere to established by law norms and rules.

According to a sociological survey conducted at the beginning of 2016, only 15.7% of the local population are satisfied with their standard of living. Among the positive factors, the majority of Belarusians noted material stability and opportunities for self-realization, but the social sphere received the worst ratings. According to data for 2019, a third of all residents of the state can be classified as middle class.

Today the situation in the country is not changing for the better, due to economic crisis, due to which the local currency in the country has significantly weakened. Therefore, according to experts, the standard of living in Belarus will gradually decline. And this in turn will lead to a decrease in the middle class.

The features of life in the Republic include: free, high-quality medical care, in the absence of corruption (in the literal sense of the word). In fact, employees of medical institutions take gifts from their patients, not directly, but through proxies (who still need to be found).

Belarus GDP statistics, billion US dollars

It is also worth noting that the government is trying in every possible way to implement paid services and the medical field is no exception. There is even a plan here. Therefore, doctors are forced to impose them on their patients, and first of all this applies to foreign citizens.

The range of local pharmacies is not very diverse. They mainly sell pharmacological drugs of their own production.

According to official data, there is no unemployment in the country, but in reality its level reaches 15%. Many citizens regularly leave to work: to Russia, Poland, Germany, and the Baltic states. This is explained by the fact that the average salary in Belarus is much less than in these countries.

As for the cultural level of the local population, it remained at the level of the 80s, when there was still the Soviet Union.

The country through the eyes of Russians

Citizens of the Russian Federation willingly visit this country. This is due to the following factors:

  • a large number of attractions, especially related to the Great Patriotic War;
  • measured lifestyle, peace and tranquility;
  • no conflict among local citizens;
  • low prices for food and other goods;
  • relatively cheap real estate (by Russian standards);
  • visa-free regime.

Citizens who move here for permanent residence from the former CIS countries, who have a stable life in their homeland, feel especially comfortable here. passive income in rubles, euros or dollars.

When comparing the level of prices for life in the republic, you should note that while for most products they do not differ much, for housing the difference is significant. Monthly rent studio apartment in Minsk, it is 250-300 US dollars, and in a city of regional significance it is an order of magnitude less, somewhere around 130-200.

Statistics of the average salary in Belarus, Belarusian rubles per month

But prices for household appliances and electronics in the country is much higher. Public transport is relatively inexpensive:

  • in a minibus - translated into Russian ruble is only 15 rubles;
  • monthly pass - $15;
  • in a taxi the cost of traveling one kilometer is 20 rubles;
  • for payment utilities per month costs - 30 - 70 $ (in summer and winter, respectively).

But to buy an apartment in Minsk you will have to fork out some money. Let's consider how much housing costs in Belarus in the capital and regional centers. One room on secondary market will cost about 60 thousand dollars, and for a two-room apartment 100 thousand. New housing costs an order of magnitude more. In other large regional centers (Mogilev, Grodno, Brest and others) prices are lower - 40 - 50 thousand dollars for a two-room apartment and 30 thousand in Vitebsk, which is considered the most inexpensive in this regard.

Another important factor is life safety. There are no gang shootouts or showdowns here, robbery or rape are extremely rare. In almost all cities, the streets are well lit at night.

When comparing the pros and cons of living in the state, it is necessary to note the high quality of local products. This is explained by the fact that there is very strict control over the quality of their production.

Life in the village

Many city residents Lately are trying to move to the village; this trend is explained by the presidential program for rural revival. As part of the latter, many high-quality brick houses are built, which collective farmers receive for free, and after 10 years of living in them and working on the collective farm, they become full owners. In addition, there is plenty of work on collective farms, and the payment is quite acceptable according to Belarusian prices.

For example, a tractor driver or milkmaid receives on average an amount equal to 200 - 300 dollars in American money. But prices for goods in Belarus increased noticeably in 2019. But in the village this difference is not so noticeable, especially when it comes to food. The salary of a teacher in a village is 1.5 times more than in the city. Many immigrants have already appreciated such advantages. A village is most suitable for emigrating to this country.

Rumors and reality

Due to some political secrecy, there are many rumors about life in the Republic, which in fact do not correspond real facts or distort them.

Myth number one: free healthcare. Refutation - gratitude to doctors in the form of gifts and offerings is required. The purchase of medicines, systems, syringes, dressings is carried out at the expense of the patient himself. This is due to low wages. For example, a young specialist with a medical degree can expect a salary of 100 US dollars. The qualifications of health workers are approximately at the same level as in the Russian Federation.

The second myth is high-quality and free education. In reality, everywhere in schools it is practiced to collect additional Money. Educational materials, school lunches, repairs, everything has to be paid for.

The third myth is the absence of corruption in the Belarusian police. In fact, it also exists, but of course not at the same level and scale as in other states of the post-Soviet space. This mainly concerns road patrol inspectors and local police officers, as it is mainly of a more everyday nature. Explained by a wide range of penalties. Reading reviews from Russians about their stay in the state, many of them note that driving through a prohibitory traffic light sign will cost the driver at least $20, for speeding there is a fine ranging from $15 to $100, and for parking in the wrong place you will have to pay at least $30.

Police in cities and populated areas quite a lot, so it’s quite easy to run into penalties. Moreover, there are a lot of moments for which you can get them here.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the average salary in Belarus allows local residents live quietly, without frills, in the state. But for foreigners, in particular Russians, who have a permanent income in rubles, dollars or euros, life in the Republic will be very comfortable and safe.

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Belarus is very different from Russia, despite the fact that it itself is a close “neighbor” and all the people living there speak Russian. And the atmosphere is different - the surrounding cleanliness catches your eye. How is everything going in financially? The average, as in Russia, differs by industry. But it can hardly be called satisfactory, since only 15.7% of the state’s population are satisfied with their income. However, first things first.

Latest data

Today, the average salary in Belarus is approximately 6,000,000 local rubles. This is a little less than 20,000 rubles. in Russian currency. But this, of course, is data valid until the 2016 denomination. Now one is equal to 33.1 Russian. So, according to new data, the average salary in Belarus is ~600 BYN. And now, for convenience, it is worth citing everything as an example at the rate that is valid after the denomination.

The highest wages were recorded in the city of Fanipol. They earn on average about 1,460 BYN (48,000 rubles). Pruzhany is not far behind - in this city the figures are 1,350 BYN (45,000 rubles).

And, of course, we must not forget about Minsk - the capital of the state. If you believe the latest data from the National Statistics Committee, then the average salary here is 1,115 BYN (37,000 rubles). That is $580 per month. This is approximately the average salary in Belarus in 2015. In 2017 it will be possible to compare with the indicators for 2016.

The most profitable professions

If you believe the same statistics National Committee, then civil aviation pilots are paid the most. Their average salary in Belarus is 1,435 BYN (48,000 rubles). The committee immediately refers to the information provided by Belavia. It is alleged that with allowances, additional payments and bonuses, the flight crew receives about 230-260 thousand Russian rubles!

Employees of enterprises producing coke (petroleum products, coal substances, etc.) receive approximately 1,245 BYN (this is about 42,000 rubles). It is worth noting that the work of these specialists is unsafe, and the level of payment in this regard leaves much to be desired.

Middle class

Well, above we named a kind of TOP-3 profitable professions. Now we can move on to the middle class.

This includes employees working in the financial sector. Their average salaries in Belarus are 1,030 BYN. This is approximately 35,000 rubles, in principle, everything is the same as in Russia. Workers in chemical production receive approximately the same amount.

Next come people working in the fields of engineering and architecture. Their average salaries in Belarus are about 970 BYN. This is about 32,000 rubles.

Media specialists earn less. They are paid about 910 BYN per month (~30,000 rubles). The same salary is observed for people associated with the mining industry. And employees of enterprises producing office equipment.

Other industries

An amount of 800-890 BYN (~27-29 tr) is received monthly by specialists who work in the field scientific developments and research, as well as people associated with the extraction of mineral resources (except for fuel and energy). Workers in the construction and publishing industries can count on the same salary.

People working in the trade, repair, insurance, real estate and vehicle maintenance industries earn about the same. Just like Russian Railways workers. The basic average salary in the Republic of Belarus for all of the above specialists is practically the same.

Considering that on January 1 of this year, 2016, a minimum salary of 250 BYN (about 8,300 rubles) was established in this state, then all the indicators are not so bad.

Finally, I would like to talk about the five lowest-paid areas. Livestock - workers in this industry are paid on average 480 BYN per month (RUB 15,900). Next comes the sphere water transport- 470 BYN (15,550 rubles). Third place on this list is occupied by creative activities and everything related to entertainment. Its employees receive an average of 450 BYN (14,900 rubles). In second place is the social services industry. The salary of people associated with this activity is 410 BYN (13,580 rubles). And finally, the first place is occupied by the activities of archives, museums, libraries and other cultural places. Employees working in this area receive about 400 BYN (13,300 rubles).

As you can see, the income level of residents of the neighboring state is just as low as ours. So all that remains for them is to wish for an improvement in the economic situation and, accordingly, an increase in salaries.