How to implement an order in 1C Enterprise. Other printed forms for HR specialists


federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"Samara State University"

Faculty of Economics and Management

Documents and working with them in 1:c "Enterprise"

Completed by a student

2 courses 23201.50 groups

Sidorenko Anna


Klimentyeva S.V.

Introduction 3

Purpose of documents 4

Comparing documents with other objects 9

Working with documents 11

Conclusion 13

List of used literature 14


Currently, automation systems for enterprises engaged in various types of accounting have become widely developed. There are quite a large number of systems that work with databases on the market in our country. However, small enterprises often work according to their own internal specifics and with small databases. For this type of enterprise, 1C has developed the 1C: Enterprise system, which is an interpreter and a working configurator (program), without which the operation of the system is impossible - an analogue of the BASIC language.

The 1C: Enterprise system is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing modern enterprises. "1C: Enterprise" is a system application solutions built according to common principles, on a single technological platform. The software product system "1C: Enterprise" can be adapted to any accounting features at any specialized enterprise

In the 1C: Enterprise system, “File sharing” is possible:

    Tools for importing and exporting information through DBF and XML files allow you to organize data exchange with any systems.

    Saving printed forms in Microsoft Excel and HTML formats.

    Control the operation of other programs using the built-in language, for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel.

    Access 1C: Enterprise data from other programs.

    Insert objects created by other programs into documents and reports, for example, place pictures and graphs in reports.

The abstract will discuss the question of what documents are in the 1C: Enterprise program and how to work with them.

Purpose of documents

Documents are intended to store basic information about all events occurring in the enterprise, and, of course, making sense from an economic point of view. With the help of documents, payments from the current account, cash register transactions, personnel movements, movements in the warehouse, and other similar events are reflected.

During the configuration process, an arbitrary number of document types is configured. Typical examples of document types are documents such as “Payment order”, “Invoice”, “Receipt invoice”, “Expense invoice”, “Internal movement invoice”, “Receipt invoice” cash order" and so on. Each type of document is designed to reflect its own type of event. This determines its structure and properties, which are described in the configuration.

Documents play a central role in the core mechanisms implemented by system components. In the 1C: Enterprise system, a document is the main accounting unit. Each document contains information about a specific business transaction and is characterized by its number, date and time. Date and time are the most important characteristics of documents, as they allow you to establish a strict time sequence of transactions. All documents (regardless of type) form a single sequence. In fact, this sequence reflects the sequence of events - the way they really happened. Within a date, the sequence of documents is determined by their time, while the document time is not so much a means of reflecting the real (astronomical) time of document entry, but rather a means of clearly ordering documents within one date.

The data entered into the document (document details) usually contains information about the event that occurred: for example, in the invoice - information about which warehouse, what goods and how many were shipped; in the employment order - information about the employee, salary, and other information. In addition to the actual recording, a very important property for a document is its execution. When posted, the document can reflect the event it records in the mechanisms implemented by the components. For example, if the Accounting component is installed, the document can record an accounting transaction, reflecting the information contained in the document as accounting entries. Composition of the document

For the user, the contents of the document are presented in the document screen form:

The table part looks like regular table, where columns are details of the tabular part of the document. When creating a document in the configurator, you can visually customize the appearance of the form, the placement of details and determine in the form properties whether the toolbar will be displayed, whether the user will be able to change the size of the form, etc.

Also, a document usually has one or more paper forms - Tables. Using Tables, a document is printed on paper. The behavior of the document is determined using the built-in 1C language. The language records what a document does in the system, how it forms a paper form, and how it behaves on the screen.

The document is usually in printed form. The printed form is completely generated using the built-in 1C language, which gives greater flexibility to the program. This is one of the reasons for the stunning success of the 1C: Enterprise system. The printed form of a document is actually a report, usually generated from a form open document and containing information from this document. To learn how to create printable forms, you need to study the Reports chapter (Table object).

A document can have several printable templates. Using the built-in language (Source Table method) you specify the template of the printed form that will be used.

Printable form templates (tables) may be common. This makes it possible to use one template to print several types of documents. Those. The common table is global for the configuration and can be used in any module. An example from a typical configuration could be the “Document Movement Report” print form template, which is used by different configuration modules

Some documents may be held. From the user's point of view, "passing" a document means "putting it into action." From the programmer’s point of view, when posting a document, the document posting module will work (the Processing Posting procedure). This is where all the actions performed when posting a document are determined. For example, when posting the document “Hiring Order”, the module of this document will be triggered, which will add a new employee to the Employees directory.

Each type of document can have an unlimited number of details in the header and in the multi-line part. An input form is created for the document - an on-screen dialog. When setting up a document, you also set General characteristics: document number length, conditions for maintaining unique numbers, and others. All documents are identified by number, date and time.

The term “header” is quite conditional and can refer not only to the document details that are physically located at the top of the paper form of the document. Therefore, in the most general case, any attribute that appears in the document only once will be considered a header attribute. The tabular part of the document is a list of similar lines with information. For example, in the already mentioned invoice for payment, the tabular part is a list of goods or services to be paid. In addition to names, the tabular part of the document can also contain a variety of additional information - the cost of goods or services, quantity, volume, weight and much more. In most cases, the tabular part is used to form total amount document. Document structure in the 1C system: An enterprise can contain only one tabular part.

When developing documents in the Configurator, the required number of general document details can be created. Such details, once created, become available for all documents: general details can be placed in document forms, the values ​​of general details can be accessed from the built-in language of the 1C: Enterprise system. Working with the 1C: Enterprise system, the user can select documents in journals based on the values ​​of general document details.

All documents are stored in journals. A document journal is an electronic analogue of a regular paper folder. On the screen, the journal looks like a table, the rows of which are documents. For example, you can create a journal Personnel Orders, which will include the documents “Order on hiring”, “Order on dismissal”, “Personnel transfer”. The HR user will work with this log. Or you can create a separate journal for bank documents, which will include documents “ Payment order" and etc.

Document logs are for viewing documents. Each type of document can be assigned to a specific journal. The document log itself does not add new data to the system, but serves only as a means of viewing a list of documents of one or more types. For documents different types You can specify one journal, which allows you to randomly group documents in journals. The journal assigned to documents can be changed. For example, a journal “Warehouse Documents” can be created, which will contain all receipt notes and invoices for internal movement. The journal assigned to documents can be changed.

Journal columns can be defined for the journal, for the convenience of viewing details of various types of documents classified as this magazine. A magazine can be described in several forms of its visual presentation.

Specially created general journals can be used to work with documents. What distinguishes them from “regular” document journals is the ability to select documents by value specified by the user.

Journals in the 1C system can be of three types: Normal, General and Additional. A regular journal is designed to store certain types of documents. The document can also be included in an additional journal, and the document will be registered in two journals at once. There may be several additional logs. The general journal shows documents of all types.

The document journal has a screen form where you can customize the columns displayed. You can create additional columns that will display information from documents. For example, in the Personnel Orders journal it is convenient to immediately see which employee each document relates to; for this purpose, an Employee journal column is created

In order for wages to be calculated correctly, you need to correctly fill out documents for hiring employees. Small organizations can maintain personnel records directly in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program. In this article we will look at how to enter information about a new employee into the program and hire him.

To work with personnel records, you need to make a number of settings (or check how they are currently made in your program). Go to the "Administration" section and find the "Accounting Settings" link.

Then go to "Salary Settings", where it should be indicated that the calculation wages and personnel records are maintained in this program.

Personnel records are complete. With these settings, the necessary items will appear on the “Salaries and Personnel” tab.

Click the “Create” button

We indicate the name of the organization and fill in the basic personal data of the employee: full name, date of birth, gender. We be sure to fill out the TIN and SNILS fields, as this information is very important for reporting.

Or click on the “Complete document” button - “Hiring”

In the window that opens, fill out the “Hiring” document. We indicate the Organization, division and position for which the employee is being hired. The “Employee” field will be filled in automatically from the “Employees” directory. We fill in the date, type of employment, planned accruals and method of calculating the advance.

We post the document and print the order by clicking on the corresponding button on the top panel.

Now we will determine the method of reflecting wages in accounting. Open the “Payments and Cost Accounting” tab

And fill in the line “Method of reflection” of wages in accounting

If the employee has the right to receive personal income tax deductions, we fill out an application for deductions.

We post the document and close it. We can view this application for deduction in the “Salaries and Personnel” section, group “Personal Income Tax” - “Application for Deductions”

Also, when applying for a job, it is advisable to print out your consent to the processing of personal data. To do this, click on the “Print” button and select “Consent to the processing of personal data”

Fill out the opened document

We carry it out and print it. If you have any questions about the topic of the article, you can ask them in the comments.

Beginning of work:

In this lesson we will start working in our database. Let's fill in the details of our organization. Let's select the functionality we need. The 1C Accounting 8 program contains many functions and not all of them may be needed. For example, we will not consider the possibility of retail trade, we will not consider agency accounting, accounting intangible assets and some other operations. Accordingly, so that the interface is not loaded with functions that are not intended to be used, we will disable them. In the future, it is possible to enable them when the need arises.

Accounting parameters in the 1C Accounting 8 program can also be selected by determining how we will account for certain operations. Let's see how they are configured in our program.

Then we will set up the accounting policy. The legislation provides for the possibility of choosing certain accounting methods. This requirement is established in the accounting policy of the enterprise and is usually formalized by order for the enterprise.

Next, consider the Chart of Accounts accounting. In the 1C Accounting 8 program, the Chart of Accounts complies with the Order of the Ministry of Finance “On approval of the chart of accounts and instructions for its use.” Nevertheless, the user of the 1C Accounting 8 program sometimes needs to enter some of his own accounts and subaccounts into the system. 1C Accounting 8 supports this feature. I will show you how new accounts are added to the chart of accounts.

In conclusion, we will look at how to set personal settings for the 1C Accounting 8 program. You constantly have to fill out various details in documents. Often the user works with a specific set of details. In order to simplify work, personal settings indicate the data that will be supplied to documents automatically. If necessary, the user will be able to change and edit them.

Initial filling of information about a legal entity

You can start filling out the details of our organization by clicking on the link on the initial page “Fill in the details of the organization”. You can also go to the “Main” section of the “Organizations” directory. In the future, we will be able to change our details through this section. In the “Organizations” directory, you can use the “Create” command.

This command opens the initial page of the assistant for creating a new organization. It is necessary to choose who our organization is - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur- select “Legal entity”.

The organization creation form opens and the system issues several information messages. At this stage information messages we are not interested. Let's close them.

You can fill in the details in two ways:

  • manually starting with the name of the organization and then all the details;
  • automatically - when Internet support is connected, I indicate the organization’s TIN. At the “Fill in by INN” command, the system, based on data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, fills in all the details known to it (names, codes, address, full name of the manager).

Details to fill out

Full name:

Limited Liability Company "Finvolk"

Short title:

LLC "Finvolk"

Legal and postal address:

121096 g.Moscow, st. Filevskaya 2nd, 7/19, building 6, TARP ZAO premises


7730581431 / 773001001






74.12 - Activities in the field of accounting






TIN/ Checkpoint Bank


GusarovDmitry Ivanovich

Note. When we open the address input tab, we can see a warning in red about the need to load the address classifier. This classifier is used to fill out addresses in a special format and is required for reporting to the Federal Tax Service.

You can download the classifier immediately by clicking the “Download” button and indicating the regions that we need for downloading. Download the classifier from the 1C company website or from the 1C:ITS disk. Also, if Internet support is available, it is possible in the “Administration” “Support and Maintenance” section to select a different mode for filling out the address classifier. The classifier is not loaded into the program, but “Use the 1C web service to enter and check addresses.” I will choose this option for myself.

What is the difference? Legal and individuals in a programme1C Accounting 8 there may be relatively little that is special in small companies. And if you load a classifier, especially for all regions of the Russian Federation, this will significantly increase the size of the database, which will lead to a decrease in performance. Therefore, it makes sense to use the 1C web service to enter and check addresses and not inflate the database in size.

We also indicate the chief accountant and cashier.

You can upload your company logo and a facsimile of your seal and signature into the 1C Accounting 8 program. These images will be supplied in the form of an invoice, making it easier to bill clients. The procedure for creating a fax print is provided at the corresponding link.

Let's move on to the next tab - details pension fund. My system automatically filled in the registration number, the name of the Pension Fund and the payment details for contributions.

The details of the Fund are also filled in social insurance- indicate the registration number in the Social Insurance Fund, subordination code, name of the department and payment details.

On the “Statistics Codes” tab, codes are indicated for the all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms, the all-Russian classifier of forms of ownership and the all-Russian classifier of types economic activity. These data are provided in the information letter from the statistics agency on registration.

Taxpayer attribute “The company is largest taxpayer“I won’t indicate anything. Click the record button.

The organization's details are saved in the system. If you noticed the name of the organization - it was originally marked with an asterisk - this is a sign that the data has been modified. After recording, the star disappeared.

Now we need to specify Bank details our organization.

Click on the “Bank Account” hyperlink. The “Create” command opens a form for creating a current account for our organization. Fill in the data and click the “Save and close” button. The 1C Accounting 8 program will create a current account and automatically assign it the “Use as main” attribute. If you have several accounts, you can similarly enter information about them and designate one as the main one.

My company details are now complete. You can click the “Record and close” button and proceed to the next stage of setting up functionality and accounting parameters.

Selecting functionality

Let's start setting up the functionality. Go to the “Main” - “Functionality” section. We have full functionality enabled. If not, we'll turn it on full. Let's go through all the tabs and uncheck unnecessary boxes.

On the first tab “Bank and cash desk” we will not need “Calculations in conventional units”, we will not take into account “Monetary documents (tickets, vouchers, forms strict reporting)”, we will not use payments using “Payment Cards” and “Payment Requests”.

Let's go to the "Inventory" tab. Let’s remove the flags “Workwear and special equipment”, “Returnable packaging”, “Import operations” and “Item selection”

On the “Fixed assets and intangible assets” tab, we will uncheck the “Intangible assets” flag.

In the "Trade" tab, we will not use the " Retail and trade in alcoholic beverages. We will not use intermediary operations, we will not use “Shipment without transfer of ownership.” Leave the remaining three checkboxes enabled.

“Batch issuance of acts and invoices” can be used when you are a lessor or mass services are provided regarding a large number persons In this case, it is possible to indicate a list of persons to whom similar services are provided and the service itself. The system will automatically generate a set of documents for such buyers. “Management of offset of advances and debt repayment” - let’s look at how to use this opportunity in monetary documents for advance payments, in documents that affect settlements with suppliers and customers. When you set this flag, we will have the opportunity to tell the system to read out or not to read out advances, to read out automatically, or to read out according to a specific debt document.

On the “Production” tab, we will leave the flag of the same name turned on, since we will be producing products. Our company is a manufacturing company.

If in the future we need to use any functionality, we go to the appropriate section and set the required flag. After this, in the 1C Accounting 8 program it will be possible to create the corresponding documents.

We are done with the functionality of the program. Let's close this window and move on to the accounting settings.

Setting up accounting parameters

Accounting parameter settings apply to the entire program. If our program keeps records of several legal entities, then the settings will apply to all legal entities.

On the “Income Tax” tab, using the hyperlink of the same name, we will check the income tax rates. Subject budget rate Russian Federation may differ from 18%. Set the required value.

The “VAT” tab indicates whether it is necessary to maintain separate VAT accounting.

Let's go to the "Bank and cash desk" tab. Here it is necessary to indicate whether we will take into account the movement Money by cash flow items. Our company is small. We do not have to prepare and submit Form 4 “Cash Flow Statement”. Owners also do not require the submission of a Cash Flow Statement. We can remove this flag. If preparation of such a report is required. We leave the flag and using the link “Cash flow items” we can go to the corresponding directory. This directory contains items of cash receipts and expenditures. If the “Keep records of cash flow items” flag is selected, you will need to select in monetary documents relevant article. The system warns that removing the flag may result in data loss.

The “Calculations” tab indicates the payment period by the buyer and the payment period to suppliers. The corresponding debts will be considered overdue in the 1C Accounting 8 program if the debt date is greater than that specified in the agreement or in this parameter. It wouldn't be a bad idea to spend at least 1 day here.

Go to the “Inventory” tab. What's interesting here? Firstly, we will not keep records by batch. We will also not take into account inventories at storage locations. If this flag is checked, then you will need to select a method for accounting for inventory items in warehouses. Namely, take into account only the quantity or take into account inventory items by quantity and amount. The next flag is “Is write-off of inventories allowed if there are no balances according to accounting data.” If you remove it, the 1C Accounting 8 program will control the availability of inventory items in the warehouse at the time of documenting the consumption of inventory items. We will leave this flag enabled.

  • do not display anything - only the name of the inventory items will be displayed,
  • column “Code” - the system code of the “Nomenclature” directory is used,
  • column “Article” - the article is used, which can be specified manually.

Let's select "Article".

The “Trade” tab only indicates whether it is necessary to load data from the “Trade and Warehouse 7.7” configuration.

On the “Production” tab, set the flag “Costs are recorded by departments”.

On the “Salaries and Personnel” tab, we indicate that we will keep records of salaries and personnel in this program. We will keep records of settlements “For each employee.” Let’s turn on the flags “Keep records of sick leave, vacations and executive documents employees" and "Automatically recalculate the "Payroll" document when editing."

We will choose to maintain “Full” personnel records.

Click the “Save and close” button

Setting up accounting policies

You can access the accounting policies of our organization from the “Organizations” directory element using the “Accounting Policies” hyperlink or from the “Main” section using the “Accounting Policies” hyperlink.

In the window that opens, we can set the date from which the accounting policy is applied. We have set the start date of the year by default. This suits us. For example, if an organization used a simplified tax system and in the middle of the year switched to general mode taxation, then the beginning of the month is indicated when the organization switched to common system taxation.

Tab “Income Tax” - uncheck the flag “PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations” is applied. Our company is small - it has the right not to apply PBU 18/02. We will select the “Linear” method for calculating depreciation in tax accounting. This method will be applied in tax accounting to all fixed assets. You can also choose a nonlinear method. “Methods for determining direct production costs in tax accounting” - here you fill in the methods for determining direct costs. We won't change anything here. Just make sure that the register is filled out for the current year. We will not use the “Nomenclature Implementation Groups” directory for now.

Let's go to the "VAT" tab. Let’s remove the flags “The organization is exempt from paying VAT” and that “Separate accounting of incoming VAT is maintained.” Set the flag “Calculate VAT on shipment without transfer of ownership” and indicate the procedure for registering invoices for advance payments. In the 1C Accounting 8 program, you can select one of the proposed values. We will focus on what the program offers by default - we will “Register invoices when receiving an advance.”

On the “UTII” tab, the flag for applying this taxation regime and the base for the distribution of expenses by type of activity are set.

On the “Inventories” tab we indicate how we will account for inventories. We will take them into account at average cost. The FIFO (first in, first out) value is also available.

On the Costs tab, you must specify the main cost accounts. The default is 26. Let’s select account 20.01 “Main production” as the main cost accounting account. This value will be the default value in many cost accounting related documents. production activities. At count 20 we will take into account production costs and product release. Let's check the "Product Release" flag. We will remove the “Performance of work, provision of services to customers” flag. Click the “Indirect costs” button to go to setting up distribution indirect costs. General running costs we will include “In the cost of sales (direct costing). That is, credited to 90.08. It is possible to select the option “Include in the cost of products, works, services.” Then we will have to distribute expenses to the 20th account “Main production”. This distribution is configured using the hyperlink “Methods for distribution of indirect costs”. If we open it, we will see an empty directory. We will have another 25 account “General production expenses”. We will need to distribute it to account 20. Click on the “Create” button and indicate that the distribution setting is valid from January 1 current year. Cost account 25 will be distributed pro rata " Planned cost release."

The “Reserves” tab indicates whether the 1C Accounting 8 program needs to create reserves for doubtful debts in accounting and taxation. We will not create them.

Before our seal accounting policy you need to record the entered data. By clicking the “Print” button, you can print the order on the accounting policy and its attachments (selected from the print button menu). Applications may include:
- accounting policies for accounting,
- working chart of accounts,
- forms of primary accounting documents,
- forms of accounting registers,
- accounting policy for tax accounting,
- register forms tax accounting.
The composition of the accounting policy sections, as well as the list of documents and registers, depends on the functionality used and other program settings.
In the list of forms primary documents contain both regulated forms of primary documents (for example, a universal adjustment document, a cash receipt order, etc.) and other forms implemented in the program (for example, an act for the performance of work, the provision of services, certificates, calculations, etc. ).

Our accounting policy has been created.

Chart of accounts

The configuration includes a chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n.

The chart of accounts is common to all organizations whose records are maintained in the information base.

You can add new accounts and subaccounts to the chart of accounts. When adding a new account, you need to set its properties:

  • setting analytical accounting,
  • tax accounting (income tax),
  • accounting by departments,
  • currency and quantitative accounting,
  • signs of active, passive and active-passive accounts;
  • signs of off-balance sheet accounts.

Analytical accounting settings are types of subaccounts that are set as properties of accounts. For each account, analytical accounting can be maintained in parallel using up to three types of subaccounts. You have the opportunity to independently add new subaccounts.

Tax accounting is carried out simultaneously with accounting in the accounting accounts. The accounting accounts on which tax accounting data are registered are determined by the Tax accounting (income tax) attribute.

An account can be prohibited from being used in transactions (the Account is a group checkbox and cannot be selected in transactions). Accounts prohibited for use in postings are highlighted in the chart of accounts with a yellow background.

You can get additional information about the selected account:

  • get acquainted with the description of the accounting account - the Account Description button;
  • view entries in the transaction journal - the Transaction journal button.

You can display and print the accounting chart of accounts by clicking the Print button in the form of a simple list of accounts or a list with detailed description each account.

Personal settings

Personal settings are available in the “Main” section, the last hyperlink is “Personal settings”. You can specify "Primary Department". This value will be inserted into documents by default to facilitate entry. When the user works primarily with one value, this can greatly simplify document entry.

Leave the “Show accounting accounts in documents” flag turned on.

The working date can take the following values:

Current computer date - the computer will provide the current date in documents,

Another date - if we enter documents backdating, this often happens, you can specify a different date. For example, March 31 of the current year. Now, when creating a new document, this exact date will be entered.

The “Request confirmation when closing the program” flag. If it is installed, when closing the 1C Accounting 8 program, the additional confirmation question will be closed.

Next are Directories. Documentation. Operations.

The software product 1C: Accounting 2.0 contains a personnel accounting subsystem, however, this subsystem includes a limited range of documents that allows hiring, personnel transfer and dismissal of employees. This subsystem is suitable for small businesses with a limited number of employees. The personnel accounting subsystem is available from the “Personnel” menu of the main menu of the program.
Also, the personnel accounting subsystem can be found in the “Personnel” tab of the program function panel.

The personnel records subsystem includes two directories: “Individuals” and “Employees”, which contain information about the organization’s employees.
The directory “Individuals” reflects such personal data of employees as date of birth, gender, place of birth, citizenship, INN, SNILS, as well as addresses and telephone numbers. The “Employees” directory is intended to store information about an employee’s work activity in a given organization.


The 1C: Enterprise Accounting program provides two options for hiring. The first option is when adding an employee, the program automatically prompts the user to create a job order.

The appearance of the hiring assistant is configured by default. In order to use it, you must enter the personnel number, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and gender of the employee. If information about this employee is already included in the “Individuals” directory, a window will pop up with a list of individuals with similar data. In this case, select what is checked in the list and click on the “Next” button. To avoid duplicates of individuals, it is not recommended to create new positions in this directory.

The next step in working with the hiring assistant is entering personnel information. In the window that appears, you should note the type of employment of the employee, select the department, position, date of admission, and also enter information about remuneration. If you uncheck the “Create a hiring order” checkbox, work with the assistant will be completed, but the hiring order will not be created.
At the next stage it is indicated Additional Information, necessary for payroll calculations, as well as for taxes and insurance contributions.

After filling in all the details, click on the “Finish” button. This assistant also offers to immediately receive a printed form of the employment order.
You can turn off the Hiring Assistant. To do this, you should use the change in user settings, which can be found through the menu “Tools” - “User and Access Management” - “List of Users”.

In the list that appears, select the user who needs to disable the automatic appearance of the job application assistant and click on the button.

In the window that appears, check the box next to the “Do not use the hiring assistant” checkbox, and then save the changes made using the “Ok” button. The second option for hiring employees is to enter hiring orders in the appropriate journal.

If the use of the hiring assistant is not disabled in the user settings, then you will have to follow the procedure described above, since in this case the hiring will be carried out in three stages proposed by the assistant.
If the Hiring Assistant is disabled in the user settings, the program will create a new hiring document in which the user must select an employee and enter HR and payroll information. In this mode, it is possible to enter an order for a group of employees.

You can also print a job order from the hiring document.

Personnel movement

The “Personnel Transfer” document is intended for changing an employee’s personnel information or information about the calculation of his salary. This document can be obtained from the corresponding journal.

When you select an employee, all information about him, taken from the relevant reference books and the employment order, appears in the document. In order to change this data in whole or in part, you must indicate the date of translation, as well as change the information to more current ones, and then post the document. It is possible to make a personnel move for a group of employees. A printed form of an order to transfer an employee to another job is available from this document.


The “Dismissal” document is intended to terminate the employment relationship with the employee and is available from the corresponding journal.

To dismiss an employee, you must select him from the directory, indicate the date of dismissal and the reason for dismissal, and then save your choice using the “Ok” button. It is possible to make an order for a group of employees. From this document it is possible to print an order to terminate an employment contract with an employee (dismissal).

Other printed forms for HR specialists

You can view the list of available reports on personnel in the “Personnel” tab of the program function panel.

Personal cards are printed for each employee according to the unified T-2 form. To receive this report, select an employee and click on the “Generate” button.
The “Lists of Employees” report is intended to generate a list of employees of an enterprise for a specific date. Employees for inclusion in this report can be selected and grouped according to various criteria available by clicking on the “Selection” and “Settings” buttons.
An application for voluntary entry into legal relations with the Pension Fund of Russia (DSV-1) is generated by selecting an employee and clicking the “Generate” button. It is also possible to obtain a blank application form.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the personnel accounting subsystem of “Enterprise Accounting 2.0” contains a limited list personnel documents. Therefore, to maintain full-fledged personnel records, you will have to look for others printed forms independently or use another software product.