Mortgage for large families in Sberbank. Preferential mortgage for large families

Most Russian families have incomes below average and they simply cannot physically afford to buy an apartment or house, relying only on their own strength. In such cases, the state comes to the aid of families, guaranteeing every low-income citizen the right to their own housing. In 2013, the state program “Affordable Housing” was launched, under the terms of which privileged categories of the country’s population received the right to certain benefits when applying for a loan to purchase a home. These include:

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  • disabled people and those who have disabled children in their families;
  • people of retirement age and receiving pensions;
  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combatants;
  • citizens whose housing is recognized by a special commission as unsafe;
  • employees government agencies and services, special services (fire inspection, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.);
  • healthcare workers;
  • employees of the scientific and educational sphere;
  • large families (with more than two children).

Particular attention should be paid to the terms of the mortgage for large families in Sberbank. This category of beneficiaries, according to the terms of the state program, received one of the most attractive and advantageous offers with a lot of advantages and distinctive features.

Terms and principles of mortgage lending

According to the new legislation regarding the “Large Family” program, everyone who is raising more than two children in their family, regardless of whether they are natural or adopted children, has the opportunity to obtain a mortgage from Sberbank for more than favorable conditions. The bank offers several lending programs to choose from:

  • purchasing an apartment/house for secondary market;
  • purchase of suburban residential real estate;
  • purchasing your own home from a developer (both in a house that has already been commissioned and in one that is just being built);
  • for housing construction.

From selected credit offer Sberbank depends on the terms of the mortgage, as well as interest rates for clients with many children.

Table. Terms of mortgage lending at Sberbank.

The problem of obtaining their own housing through obtaining a loan, which gives rise to the manifestation, is acute for many Russian families.

It is especially relevant for young families who have not yet managed to create more or less substantial savings. The situation with acquiring your own home with installment payments and the onset of a mortgage by force of law for families with many children is more complicated.

The legislation includes those families where parents (or guardians) are raising three or more minor family members. As a rule, in such families the income per family member is below the statistical average. And such a family can count on bringing into action exclusively on our own Mortgages by force of law are very difficult. If repaying a mortgage seems extremely difficult for ordinary Russian families, it is much more difficult for large families.

After all, such a family requires, in order to create more or less comfortable living conditions, not small-sized housing, but spacious housing. And its cost is much higher, which makes a mortgage by law for a large family almost illusory.

Mortgage for a large family in 2017

still remains for legislative branch Russia is just a topic of discussion. This is not the first year that there has been talk that this year, mortgages for families with many children will definitely receive state support by force of law. But the wheels of the state cart in such cases turn, oddly enough, very slowly.

In 2017, mortgages for large families are still regulated regulations, adopted in 2013. In 2017, the problem of mortgages for large families continues to be solved, based on the provisions of the federal program for providing Russians with housing. In extensive legal act In addition, many issues related to providing citizens with affordable housing and required level utilities.

But it completely lacks a mechanism for direct mortgages for large families, and in 2017 it is still not launched. Based on the federal program, a three-year program for providing preferential mortgages for large families was launched, which continues, with modifications, to operate in 2017. The basic federal regulatory act remains the program for providing affordable housing to Russians, designed to last until 2025. On its basis, mortgage issues for large families are being resolved in 2017.

The draft federal regulatory act, which will stipulate the provision of mortgages for large families by virtue of law, remains at the stage of behind-the-scenes discussions.

Those who fall under the conditions stipulated by the “Housing for Russian Family” subprogram can count on state assistance in obtaining a mortgage for a large family in 2017. To grant a family the social status of a large family, the following must be present:

  • Registered marriage;
  • three children (or more). To this number the legislator includes not only natural children, but also stepsons (stepdaughters), adopted and under guardianship;
  • underage age – 18 years.
Mortgages for large families in Moscow and in the regions may have certain differences, arising, for example, from the fact that the legislative act of Mari-El considered families with at least four children to be large.

Providing mortgages to large families based on current laws

While the mortgage provided to large families has not entered into force of law as a separate regulatory act, the provisions for its provision, based on individual government programs. It should be recognized that, by and large, a mortgage for a large family in 2017 is practically no different from the standard one. In the vast majority of cases, the option of purchasing a home is chosen. Certain measures social support for a large family, they offer mortgage assistance in several forms:
  • Reduced basic rates. It is more profitable for a borrower to purchase housing in a new building from the point of view that the basic rate can be provided at a level not exceeding six to seven points. While purchasing an apartment on the secondary market provides a higher basic rate. The difference in favor of the new building is a very noticeable four to five points, i.e., more than one and a half times;
  • possibilities of using maternity capital. A large family can take advantage of the right to a certificate by directing funds either to deposit down payment, either to pay interest or to repay the principal body of the loan;
  • the duration of the agreement, which can be up to thirty years;
  • a reduced down payment amount, usually equal to a fifth to seventh of the amount. Again, maternity capital can be used to make a down payment;
  • providing holidays in payments in the event of the birth of another child. It is clear that if a child is born, one of the family members will have to spend a lot of time caring for him. Family income will naturally decrease and paying off debt will become more difficult. in such cases, they willingly accommodate clients halfway, providing a long deferment, up to a year and a half;
  • compensation by the state for part of the borrowing.

Mortgage for a large family: how it is done at Sberbank

The position regarding the provision of mortgages to large families in 2017 is very important because:
  • As a financial institution with state capital, it is actively involved in federal social programs Oh;
  • on Russian market In providing borrowing services, the bank owns the lion's share. Sberbank of Russia provided more last year than all other representatives banking sector, taken together.
Bye new law regulating the conditions for providing mortgages to large families has not yet been adopted, Sberbank met such clients halfway, providing the opportunity to connect up to three co-borrowers to borrowing. This is far from a petty indulgence, as some may think.

The involvement of third parties, which does not include the spouse of the main recipient of the loan, has a very significant impact on the terms of the agreement. This is due to the fact that now the total financial condition, which allows you to count on:

  • Reduction of the main rate;
  • increase in the amount borrowed.
Mortgage for a large family credit programs Sberbank is not covered. But it is possible to connect a large family to two programs at once, providing:
  • attracting maternity capital.
Mortgages for large families, for example, living in Moscow, as a city with high incomes, are provided by Sberbank on the following basic conditions:
  • The main rate will be reduced to 9.5 points, provided that the transaction is registered in in electronic format, and the client has ;
  • will provide the opportunity to connect maternity capital;
  • will allow the spread tax deductions for interest payments;
  • the borrowing amount will be offered from three hundred thousand, but it cannot exceed four-fifths of the value of the collateral;
  • the payment period will be extended to thirty years. The payment will be deferred for a period of three years if the family has another child;
  • the minimum down payment level is from a fifth of the amount. In this regard, Sberbank remains cautious, many financial institutions The down payment level has already been reduced significantly.

Mortgage by force of law and AHML

The agency cooperates with many partner banks, repurchasing part of the loan debt from them. The loyalty of the agency's conditions is quite acceptable:
  • The basic rate for purchasing an apartment on the secondary market will be set at six points, in a new building - eleven;
  • the share of the first payment will be only one tenth of the amount;
  • the monthly payment will be calculated in such a way that the family does not spend more than 45% of the total budget on it.
The agency offers large families the opportunity to reduce the base rate:
  • If a child is born while the agreement is in effect. The discount will be a quarter of a percent, but will not exceed a total of half a percent for the birth of several children;
  • provided that the cost of the purchased housing is below the level established by local regulations. The reduction will be half a percent;
  • provide comprehensive insurance. But this will have a fairly noticeable impact on the family’s wallet, so it’s worth calculating whether you should resort to this method of reducing the basic rate.

How mortgages for large families are issued in 2017, until a new law is adopted

A family with several children who decided to connect to preferential program, it is worth checking your compliance with the required conditions. They provide:
  • Availability of official status;
  • documentary evidence by the local government of the need to improve living conditions. Not only the living space per member is taken into account, but also whether the technical condition and utilities meet sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • permanent residence in the region based on permanent registration.
Young families in which the parents are not yet thirty-five years old should count on a more loyal attitude. After all, young people will retain their ability to work for a long time and, therefore, the ability to repay the loan.

It is better to prepare for a mortgage in advance; you will need to provide:

  1. Copies of passports.
  2. Marriage certificate.
  3. Birth certificates of children.
  4. Certificates that confirm that the family is officially recognized as large.
  5. Certificates confirming the financial condition of both the main borrower and co-borrowers. You will need to bring copies of proof of official employment.
  6. Military ID (for persons under 27 years of age).
  7. SNILS.
  8. Original certificate for maternal capital and its copies.
  9. Statements of the family's account from the local PF branch.

28.11. 2017 President Russian Federation V.V. Putin proposed to the government to subsidize mortgage loans at 6% per annum for families raising two or more children.

Since 2018, this program has been actively working; many large banks in the country began to provide mortgages at a preferential interest rate. In particular .

You can always get acquainted with mortgage lending offers from other banks.

Almost all young families are faced with the problem of purchasing their own home, and it helps to solve it mortgage credit lending. Much harder to decide housing issue when in a young family, in addition to the spouses, there are three or more minor families, in addition, such a family needs a spacious apartment, which is quite difficult to buy even with the help of borrowed money. Let's consider whether there are mortgage benefits for large families.

Who receives the status of a large family

To begin with, it is worth determining that the possibilities for families with children vary significantly depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. For example, in Moscow and neighboring regions, the status of a large family is given to those spouses who have three or more children, and for Ingushetia, this status is given to families with five children. This is determined by regional authorities.

The status of a large family can be obtained by a complete family with both parents, or by an incomplete family, when one parent is responsible for the maintenance and upbringing. In addition, it does not matter whether the children are natural or adopted. By the way, after children reach adulthood, the family loses its status as a large family.

Programs for large families

At present, specialized training is not provided for at the legislative level. mortgage program for young families. Although our country previously had a program designed for a wide range of clients, which, in addition to large families, included employees budgetary sphere, doctors, teachers, young families. According to this program, part of the interest on a housing loan was paid to the lender from federal budget funds.

But in conditions of fierce competition between financial institutions, banks are reducing rates and offering more favorable lending conditions for the preferential category of the population. For example, they reduce the amount of the down payment, because it is difficult, and even almost impossible, for a family with children to save 20 or even 30% of the cost of housing, and besides, this category of borrowers needs more spacious and, accordingly, expensive living space.

Please note that an interest-free mortgage for a large family is impossible, because banks are commercial organizations whose goal is to make a profit.

But nevertheless, the state provides in every possible way material support to this category of citizens, in the form of benefits and subsidies, as well as other measures. The main task of potential borrowers is to find a lender willing to offer more comfortable lending conditions. Therefore, it makes sense to consider several current proposals.

Features of mortgage lending

To begin with, it is worth noting that no matter which bank you choose as a lender, mortgage lending for large families is not much different from the standard procedure. The procedure is no different; the purchased housing will also be pledged to the bank until the borrower fully fulfills his obligations under the contract.

For any family, a mortgage is the safest type of transaction from a legal point of view. Because the bank carefully controls every stage of the transaction and protects itself and the borrower from fraudulent actions by third parties. But from a financial point of view, this event is quite expensive for the borrower, so it is worth studying the market of bank mortgage offers as carefully as possible.

Interest rates on mortgage loans are quite high, about 13-15% per year, and given the high cost square meters, for parents with many children, loan payments will be almost unaffordable. To find a way out of the situation, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • the rate for purchasing housing on the secondary market is several percent higher, so it is wiser to look for a suitable option in a new building;
  • there are mortgage lending offers that do not require a down payment, but this is not the best way out of the situation, because the rate will be several percent higher;
  • use state support, this will be discussed further.

Despite the variety of commercial banks in Russia specializing in mortgage lending, many potential borrowers choose Sberbank or AHML as a reliable partner. Let’s look at what conditions are offered to parents with many children here.


There are quite favorable lending conditions here. In addition, the bank took care of borrowers whose income level does not meet the requirements. Now the borrower can attract up to three co-borrowers, whose income will be taken into account when calculating maximum amount mortgage loan.

Basic conditions:

  • the minimum amount is from 300 thousand rubles, the maximum is determined individually;
  • loan term up to 30 years;
  • down payment from 20%;
  • interest rate from 11.4% per year, but it may fluctuate depending on certain factors, including life insurance and others;

In addition, Sberbank provides the opportunity to receive a deferment upon the birth of a child to pay off the principal debt for up to 3 years.

Mortgages for large families on preferential terms are available only under the Young Family program, that is, the borrower must meet certain requirements. Firstly, there are requirements for the age of the borrower, the return of one of the spouses should not be more than 35 years old. Triple important condition– this is the down payment, and the higher it is, the lower the rate. Participants in the salary project receive especially favorable conditions.

Mortgage lending from AHML

There is also no target program for the preferential category of the population, but you can choose a housing loan on favorable terms. As part of the mortgage loan program for the purchase of finished housing, the loan rate starts from 12% per year, which increases depending on the down payment, here the minimum is 20%, and the waiver of life and health insurance.

Restrictions on the amount from 300 thousand rubles to 10 million rubles (20 million rubles for residents of the capital).
But there is a significant chance to save money here. Namely, choose housing from collateral real estate. In simple words– these are objects that were pledged by the bank for previously issued mortgage loans, and their owners failed to cope with financial burden for loan repayments. Here the rate will be lower by 2 points.

Please note that maternity capital funds can be used as a down payment.

Federal benefits for large families

Regional support

If, as part of federal support, mortgages for large families with preferential terms is not provided, but in some regions there are regional programs. Let's look at a few examples:

  1. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2011, the government decided to reimburse borrowers with three minor children in the family 75% of the mortgage loan rate, and if there are five or more children in the family, then the interest was paid entirely from the budget.
  2. In Udmurtia, mortgage lending for large families was offered on extremely favorable terms: rate 5%, down payment 10%, additional material aid to repay a housing loan of 200 thousand rubles at the birth of a child.
  3. In the Penza region, financial assistance is provided to families with five children in the amount of 500 thousand rubles; this can be used for reconstruction, construction, home repairs or repayment of a mortgage loan.

But, unfortunately, there is no specialized program for parents with many children. There are other ways to save and offset some of the costs of purchasing a home. For example, when purchasing an apartment for the first time, a borrower can return income tax in the amount of 13% of the cost, but not more than 360 thousand rubles, in addition, a refund is provided income tax interest on a mortgage loan is also 13%.

Moscow families are in more favorable conditions compared to other regions, since they can count on additional preferences from regional authorities. In this article, we will look at the conditions under which mortgages are offered to large families in Moscow in 2019, and highlight the main points.

Since 2005, large families have the opportunity to get into. The federal program “Affordable Housing for Russian Citizens” established the following requirements for potential participants and conditions for obtaining a loan:

  • housing subsidy cannot exceed 35% of the total cost of living space;
  • the subsidy must be credited to the account of the banking institution where the loan will be taken out on a monthly basis;
  • in the event of the birth of another child after obtaining a mortgage, the family receives a discount of 18% from total cost loan;
  • the state pays for the purchase of 30 sq. meters of housing, and in the future this area will not be eligible for lending.
The family has the right to apply to pay off the existing debt. As already noted, assistance is provided on a strict priority basis, so it is important to contact authorized body with a corresponding statement.

What interest rates are provided for large families?

Mortgage lending for families with more than three children provides for a loan at low interest rates and partial reimbursement of the loan by the state.

Receiving a preferential loan has practically no differences from receiving a regular loan. home loan, however, this option is more profitable for a large family. For example, in AHML mortgage it will be possible to register at 6.15% per annum, provided that the apartment is located in a new building, and if the housing belongs to the secondary category, the rate will be 11%.

Other banking institutions also offer such clients favorable rates. Typically, the reduction occurs by 1-2% or more than the percentages established for all other borrowers.

Reasons for obtaining a mortgage for a large family in Moscow

The state provides citizens included in this category with certain preferences when applying for a mortgage. State aid consists of a low interest rate and subsequent compensation of payments. Subsidies are given only if there are certain grounds:

  • if there are three or more minor children in the family;
  • provided that the family is registered as in need;
  • the area of ​​the apartment or house is insufficient for permanent residence all family members.

In the last paragraph, the determining parameter is the standards established by a specific region regarding footage per citizen. In Moscow, this figure is 18 square meters. meters.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage for large families in Moscow

There are several state programs in the capital region that are aimed at improving the living conditions of families with children. According to one of the projects, families can purchase apartments from the municipal fund with a small initial payment and at a low interest rate.

Let us take a closer look at what conditions are offered to such families in the capital and what may be required to receive mortgage loan. The following points can be noted as the main loan conditions:

  • the interest rate on the loan is 10%;
  • the living space can be located in a new building or belong to a group of secondary real estate;
  • the maximum loan term is 30 years;
  • the down payment is 10% of the final cost of housing;
  • the child’s mother must contribute the initial amount using maternity capital funds;
  • after the birth of a child in a family, Moscow banks provide the family with a deferred payment for three years.

To take advantage of preferential loan terms, a family representative must collect and submit the following documents:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. A certificate confirming the fact of registration of the family as a large family.
  3. Work records of spouses.
  4. Certificate of salary.
  5. The act of concluding a marriage union.
  6. Birth certificates for all children in the family.
After submitting the documentation, a bank employee checks it within the allotted time frame. Based on the results of the inspection, a decision is made regarding the provision of a loan or refusal to lend. At the final stage, the applicant has the opportunity to purchase an apartment.


Moscow families with the status of large families can count on receiving a preferential mortgage loan with subsequent... The procedure for receiving such assistance is specified in regional legislative acts. Preferential mortgage offers low interest rates and a small down payment.

According to current legislation, in the Russian Federation, a family with many children is recognized as one that has more than 2 children, each of whom is less than 16 years old, but in some regions the number of children may be greater. It is especially worth noting that we're talking about not only about relatives, but also about adopted children. A child ceases to be counted as part of the family when he reaches the age of 23, if after his 18th birthday he was in training or in the ranks of the armed forces.

Resolutions of the governments of the constituent entities of the federation (“On approval of the Procedure for providing social support measures to large families…”) establish benefits, which, as a rule, include those related to the registration of preferential mortgages.

How to take part in the social program

A large family is not just a fact, but a social status. It must be properly executed and certified, since without registration it is not automatically assigned to the family.

Status holders can freely access all social benefits provided for by the legislation of a given subject of the federation. For this purpose, documents are collected and submitted to territorial bodies guardianship, social protection or MFC, namely:

  1. Birth certificates for all children.
  2. Passports of parents (legal representatives).
  3. Certificate of family composition.
  4. Single mothers submit a divorce certificate.

As soon as all documents (copies) along with the application are submitted and verified (no longer than 1 month), a case will be opened. After its consideration, as a rule, it is required to submit additional documents, about which the family is notified. And only when everything necessary information information about the family will be collected, it will be assigned the social status of a large family, and a corresponding certificate will be issued. In a number of subjects the certificate has a limited validity period (1 year), in others it is unlimited.

Features of mortgages for large families in 2017

There is still no special law on mortgages for large families. There is currently only federal program “Providing Russian citizens with affordable housing and utilities» , which was adopted back in 2013, then extended until 2016, now we are talking about its extension or replacement with a new wording.

The program is designed for a number of preferential categories of citizens, including large families within the framework of the subprogram "Housing for a Russian family". According to the program, parents of 3 or more children have the right to receive compensation from the state for a preferential mortgage for families with many children, which avoids disagreements due to different regional formulations of this social status.

Sberbank: mortgages for large families in 2017

Sberbank is today the leader in the volume of mortgage loans issued to the population in the country. Also, the bank with state participation carries out various programs aimed at implementing social programs on favorable terms. Therefore, almost every second large family goes to Sberbank to apply for a mortgage loan.

Today, a mortgage for families with many children at Sberbank is not a rigid set of conditions, but an opportunity to conclude an agreement for individual conditions. Socipoteka 2017 is focused on the borrower, his financial opportunities, available down payment, number of co-borrowers and other factors.

Key advantages of obtaining a social mortgage for a large family at Sberbank:

  1. Low interest rate – from 12% per annum.
  2. Possibility of obtaining a loan for a period of up to 30 years.
  3. The down payment amount is from 20% of the cost of the purchased home.
  4. Can't confirm the size monthly income and employment.

You can complete and submit an application directly on the bank’s website by filling out a form. The application is reviewed within a week, after which the applicant is informed of the result via the specified communication channel. If the decision is positive, the borrower is invited to an interview to agree on the terms of the loan.

Since the income of young families, as a rule, is not high, given the number of children, banks are accommodating and allow co-borrowers to be involved. Sberbank is no exception in this regard. When applying for a mortgage loan, a family has the right to attract up to 6 co-borrowers. At the same time, in order to increase the loan size, you can take into account the income of each co-borrower.

This is not the only difference social mortgage from the usual one.

If a family appears new baby, then the bank may, upon application, provide a deferment of repayment of the main loan ( credit holidays). Also, in case of any difficulties arising in the payment of current payments, the borrower can also contact the bank for settlement.