VTB 24 deposit account for individuals. VTB deposits

IN Last year there is a constant decline in deposit rates for individuals. This process is natural in a situation of positive stabilization economic production and lowering the Central Bank of the Russian Federation key rate. At the same time, the reduction in the number of banks continues, and for the depositor the issue of placing savings remains pressing not only in the search for favorable conditions, but also in the reliability of the institution. VTB 24 Bank deposits seem to be one of the most effective against the backdrop of high trust financial institution.

What are the types of deposits at VTB 24 Bank?

The credit organization VTB 24 is not just the largest, but a systemically important participant in the financial and banking services. Since 01/01/2018, VTB24 has merged with VTB and today the bank is already operating on the basis of license No. 1000 dated 03/09/2007, general license financial institution VTB. The bank's majority shareholder is the state represented by institutions such as Rosimushchestvo (agency for managing state property) and the federal Ministry of Finance.

They own 60.9 percent of the votes, or, taking into account the participation of the Deposit Insurance Agency, 92.2 percent of the bank's shares. The credit institution provides individuals with a wide range of individual banking products and service packages: card services, lending different types, Internet banking and deposits. Bank deposits VTB 24 is in demand and justifiably interesting to a wide range of citizens.

Among the different options offered banking sector, VTB 24 deposit rates are attractive due to the variety of options available for clients with different goals of maintaining and using their investments. The official portal has a convenient bank calculator that allows you to:

  1. Select one deposit type, which is suitable for the investment currency, duration of placement and flexibility of using the principal amount, and current interest charges.
  2. Calculate the interest on deposits in VTB 24 from the available amount yourself.

Today, VTB 24 deposits for individuals in 2018 are represented by the following options: Comfortable, Savings, Profitable, Replenishable. The Bank of Moscow, which became part of the VTB financial group on May 10, 2016, has its own line of products for individual depositors: Maximum income, Maximum growth, Maximum comfort and Cumulative. These offers are available in the regions where VTB Bank Moscow offices are present.

Deposit "Loud benefit"

Deposit in VTB 24 for individuals with increased profitability“Loud Benefit” was offered to citizens for opening in the period from 09/01/2017 to 12/31/2017 both in any office and using the Internet service. The minimum investment amount was 30,000 rubles, the period was 200 days. Those who managed to invest under this offer continue to enjoy the following conditions from the state bank:

  • replenishment is not provided;
  • deposit annual rate changes by period for every 50 days: the first period is 10%, the next - 8%, 7%, 5.4%;
  • early termination is possible while maintaining a yield of 6% per annum for each period - a full 50 days;
  • free when opening a deposit (for two years) Visa card Gold, where interest is credited, provides additional convenience for everyday payments and the opportunity, thanks to the “cash-back” option, to receive 1% when making purchases in retail chains;
  • annual rate for renewal – 6%;
  • Funds are subject to deposit insurance as standard.

Deposit "Maximum income"

Branches of the reorganized Bank of Moscow, affiliated to the VTB group, offer clients to multiply their income by taking advantage of the “Maximum Income” deposit offer. Product Terms:

  • currency – rubles/dollars/euros;
  • period – 91-1095 days to choose from;
  • replenishment - no;
  • withdrawal – no;
    • for rubles: 3-6 months. – 7.1%; 6-12 months – 6.9%; 1-1.5 years – 6.75%; 1.5-2 years – 6.4%; 2-3 years – 6.05% and 3 years – 3.1%;
    • for dollars, on the contrary, the rate increases according to the duration of placement: 3-6 months. – 0.4%; 6-12 months - 1%; 1-1.5 years – 1.5%; 1.5-2 years – 1.65%; 2-3 years – 1.7% and 3 years – 1.7%;

Contribution “Maximum comfort”

These conditions from VTB Bank of Moscow are attractive due to the comfortable management of savings:

  • currency – rubles/dollars/euros;
  • period – 91-1095 days to choose from;
  • minimum amount– 1000₽/100$/100€;
  • replenishment – ​​unlimited;
  • withdrawal is available up to the minimum balance established when drawing up the agreement based on the conditions: with an initial contribution of 1000₽/100$/100€, the minimum limit is 30,000₽/1000$/1000€, with other investments – equal to the initial contribution; the maximum balance for reduction can be changed during the validity of the contract;
  • payment of income - monthly to choose from: on a card or capitalization;
  • opening – at a branch/ATM/Internet banking;
  • renewal – automatically, no more than 5 times;
  • The annual rate depends on the contract term:
    • for rubles: 3-6 months. – 4.3%; 6-12 months – 4.1%; 1-1.5 years – 4%; 1.5-2 years – 3.85%; 2-3 years – 3.8% and 3 years – 1.9%;
    • for dollars, on the contrary, the rate increases according to the duration of placement: 3-6 months. – 0.1%; 6-12 months – 0.2%; 1-1.5 g – 0.25%; 1.5-2 years – 0.3%; 2-3 years – 0.35% and 3 years – 0.01%;
    • for the euro, a single rate for any period is 0.01 percent.

“Maximum growth” deposit

VTB 24 deposits for individuals in 2018 are interesting for their diversity. Thus, this offer from VTB Bank of Moscow is advantageous with the opportunity to accumulate funds, while receiving an increase in the rate by replenishing the account. Its parameters:

  • currency – rubles/dollars/euros;
  • period – 91-1095 days to choose from;
  • minimum amount – 1000₽/100$/100€;
  • replenishment - no;
  • withdrawal - an expense transaction is allowed once 180 days after opening until the minimum balance;
  • payment of income - monthly to choose from: on a card or capitalization;
  • opening – at a branch/ATM/Internet banking;
  • renewal – automatically, no more than 5 times;
  • The annual rate depends on the contract term:
    • for rubles: 3-6 months. – 6.65%; 6-12 months – 6.45%; 1-1.5 years – 6%; 1.5-2 years – 5.6%; 2-3 years – 5.35% and 3 years – 2.75%;
    • for dollars, on the contrary, the rate increases according to the duration of placement: 3-6 months. – 0.25%; 6-12 months – 0.85%; 1-1.5 years – 1.3%; 1.5-2 years – 1.4%; 2-3 years – 1.45% and 3 years – 0.01%;
    • for the euro, a single rate for any period is 0.01 percent.

Savings account at VTB 24

In 2018, the VTB 24 line of deposits for individuals provides an account that combines the comfortable use of a card with the option of placing capital under high interest rates. The offer implies a package service and the range of services includes issuing a multi-card with the “Savings” option. Its features:

  • the ability to withdraw money while maintaining basic interest from 5.5%, depending on the length of time the funds are in this savings account;
  • In addition to the main interest charges, there is an additional charge, which is determined by the activity of using the card - on the volume of purchases made per month, giving a total total income up to a maximum of 10% per annum;
  • an account can be opened via bank office, Internet and mobile bank;
  • If desired, accounts can be opened not only in rubles, but in US dollars and euros with the ability to take advantage of a multi-currency account for currency conversion.

VTB Bank of Moscow offers its savings account, where, by multiplying savings, you can still make a profit from placing them on following conditions:

  • there is no minimum deposit requirement;
  • opens only in rubles;
  • opening via the Internet is not provided;
  • deposits and withdrawals are not limited;
  • Interest is calculated on the daily balance (0.01% per annum) and on the minimum monthly balance (4.50% for amounts up to 30,000 rubles, 5% for the range of 30,000-300,000 rubles, 5.5% for the range of 300,000 rubles -600,000 rub., 6% – from 600,000 rub.;
  • salary depositors are offered increased rates for the minimum balance: 5% - up to 300,000 rubles, 6% - from 600,000 rubles.

Deposits in VTB 24 for pensioners

A special group of clients - pensioners - will find convenient offers among VTB 24 deposits for individuals in 2018. All specified deposit conditions - “Maximum income”, “Maximum growth”, Savings account are also available to older people. The “Loud Benefit” deposit can be used if the pensioner managed to open it before December 31, 2017. In addition, such clients are offered additional savings opportunities banking products, specially designed for them:

“Current pension” deposit

Offered for pensioners special conditions generating income specifically for this group of Russians. A mandatory source of replenishment of such an account must be pensions and other social payments, which the state transfers to the recipient by bank transfer. Currency deposit VTB 24 is not possible for this type; the contract is opened only in rubles. Its parameters:

  • the minimum amount for investments is not established;
  • opening an account through electronic means communications - not available;
  • term – unlimited (similar to an account on demand terms and no extension is required);
  • income payment – ​​quarterly;
  • deposits and withdrawals are not limited;
  • the annual rate is 4 percent, the amount does not depend on the duration of storage, income will be received if the funds were stored for only a day.


For legal entities, pensioners, workers and individuals of other categories, VTB Bank 24 provided special deposits, helping to increase savings. The “Profitable” contribution to VTB 24 is such.

Terms and conditions of the “Profitable” deposit

VTB 24 allows its clients to choose any convenient investment program Money. But determining which investment is the most profitable is not always easy. The “Profitable” deposit from VTB 24 received such a name for a reason, since today the conditions of this deposit are considered one of the best.

Its parameters are for the most part very beneficial for bank clients.

The use of invested money is carried out under the following conditions:

  • Interest on the deposit is accrued monthly.
  • There is a possibility of capitalization of funds.
  • Minimum investment amount— 100,000 rub. or 3,000 dollars or euros.
  • Possibility of opening an account in pounds sterling and Swiss francs, also in rubles, euros and dollars.
  • If the client wishes, it is possible to close the deposit ahead of schedule and receive money along with preferential charges of 0.60% of the rate set at the time of opening the account.
  • Annual interest rate on deposit can reach 6.69%.
  • It is possible to automatically extend the payment (2 times).
  • The deposit is made once at the time of opening the account; you cannot deposit any more money into the account.
  • You cannot withdraw funds during the contract period, depositors are allowed to cash out the account after closing.

For those who want to deposit a certain amount in the bank at interest, and not store it under the mattress, this deposit is very profitable, as it helps to increase their savings without wasting time on replenishing the account. That is, the client does not worry about his deposit, but only deposits and withdraws money, there is no need to monitor him.

Conditions for the “Profitable Privilege” deposit

This contribution is a variation of the first one discussed. It has the same parameters as the first type, but there are nuances that significantly distinguish it from the previously discussed:

  • The entry fee must be at least 700,000 rubles, or 20,000 dollars or euros;
  • Money can be deposited for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 5 years;
  • The interest rate may be calculated at total amount deposit, or can be transferred to an additional account, from which you can already withdraw money even during the validity of the deposit.

Regarding the interest rate, conditions for withdrawing funds and replenishing the account, this deposit does not differ from the “Profitable” deposit in these parameters.

Interest rates

It is always necessary for bank clients to know how much money they will earn by placing their money in this particular financial institution.

The “Profitable” deposit can be opened with capitalization of funds and extension of the term, then the interest on the deposit will be slightly different, as indicated in the table.

When extending the deposit, the deposit amount remains the same, there is no need to deposit additional funds, which allows investors not to worry if there is temporarily no money. The interest rate will largely depend on the amount deposited.

Interest on deposits in dollars

As banking practice shows, deposits from large sums have higher interest rates than minimum deposits. Therefore, in each specific case, it is better to find out in advance from a bank employee what the interest rate on the deposit will be depending on the term and amount of the investment.


In order not to go personally to a bank branch for information about a deposit, you can simply go to the official VTB 24 website in the deposits section and find the information you are interested in. There is also a special calculator that allows you to calculate the amount of profit taking into account the client’s wishes (the amount of money invested and the period for opening the deposit).

By adjusting the calculator to your parameters, you can see the amounts of interest charges, which often delight bank clients.

VTB 24 tried to make the “Profitable” deposit convenient and easy to use for its clients, and its financial policy only increases the rating and popularity of the bank, since interest rates are at top level compared to others banking organizations countries.

VTB is one of the largest players in the Russian financial market. He works with both legal entities and individuals. In January 2018, as a result of the merger, VTB 24 Bank and VTB Bank became a single entity. Among the services that the bank offers are issuing loans, issuing credit and debit cards, mortgage agreements, as well as deposit programs.

We have compiled a list of everyone VTB deposits 24 so that you can decide which one will be more profitable. After all, different conditions, terms and interest rates suit each client. And for some, the presence of bonuses is more important.



  • rates: up to 6.2% / up to 2.6% / up to 0.4%;
  • terms: from 91 to 1830 days.

Interest accrued at the end of each month is optionally capitalized. If you wish, the bank will credit them not to your card, but to the deposit account, thereby increasing it the final amount. Thus, each next month will bring in more and more money.

When choosing this program as your main one, please note that you cannot top up your account other than by capitalizing interest. There is also no provision for withdrawing funds from the account. If you want to terminate the contract early and its validity period exceeds 181 days, the preferential terms. Interest will be reimbursed based on 0.6 current rate. There are no benefits for earlier dates.

It is necessary to close the deposit on time. If this is not done, the period will be extended. This procedure is possible no more than 2 times in a row. If you want to open a deposit using Internet banking, a program is available "Profitable online". This is from this bank. The rates and amounts in it change as follows (rubles / dollars / euros):

  • rates: up to 6.6% / up to 2.6% / up to 0.4%;
  • amount: from 30,000 rub. / from 500 $ / from 500 €.

Currency interest in these programs is the same. Ruble deposits They differ only in the rate for the first term:

  • Rubles: 91-180 days (6.2% for regular, 6.6% for online deposits); 181-394 days (6.15%); 395-545 days (6.1%); 546-731 days (5.9%); 732-1101 days (5.7%); 1102-1830 days (3.1%).
  • Dollars: 91-180 days (1.35%); 181-394 days (1.75%); 395-545 days (2.45%); 546-731, 732-1101, 1102-1830 days (2.6%).
  • Euro: 91-180 days (0.1%); 181-394 days (0.2%); 395-545, 546-731 days (0.25%); 732-1101 days (0.3%); 1102-1830 days (0.4%).



  • currency: ruble / US dollar / euro;
  • rates: up to 3.75% / up to 0.8% / up to 0.01%;
  • amount: from 100,000 rub. / from 3,000 $ / from 3,000 €;
  • terms: from 181 to 1830 days.

The name “Manage” has similar characteristics. Finance is also capitalized here. All accumulated funds are transferred either to the client’s card or to the deposit account.

Replenishment is possible subject to restrictions. The minimum allowed deposit is 15,000 rubles, as well as 500 dollars or euros. The validity period of the offer is limited: if there are less than 30 days left until the end of the deposit agreement with VTB 24, you cannot deposit new funds.

For partial withdrawal separate terms and conditions apply. The minimum you can withdraw here is 15,000 rubles or 500 dollars and euros. However, there is a minimum minimum balance rule. In the “Comfortable” deposit it is equal to the minimum designated deposit amount. That is, if you deposited 500,000 rubles and then wanted to withdraw part of the money, at least 100,000 rubles should remain in the account.

The contract is terminated early at the first request of the client. Interest is paid at full rate. Automatic renewal is possible only the first 2 times. In the contribution "Comfortable online" the bank changes only minimum amounts: from 30,000 rubles. / from 500 $ / from 500 €. Other parameters are saved:

  • Interest for rubles: 181-394, 395-545 days (3.75%); 546-731, 732-1101 days (3.65%); 1102-1830 days (1.9%).
  • For dollars: 181-394 days (0.5%); 395-545 days (0.8%); 546-731 days (0.55%); 732-1101 days (0.35%); 1102-1830 days (0.01%).
  • For Euro: For all terms, the monthly increase is 0.01%.



  • currency: ruble / US dollar / euro;
  • rates: up to 5.75% / up to 2.15% / up to 0.15%;
  • amount: from 100,000 rub. / from 3,000 $ / from 3,000 €;
  • terms: from 91 to 1830 days.

Here is one of the highest. Capitalization - at the client's choice. Restrictions on the minimum amount and terms of replenishment are the same as in “Comfortable”: 15,000 rubles and 500 dollars or euros per month before the end of the contract. But you cannot withdraw funds partially.

Termination ahead of schedule possible according to the rate. Automatic renewal – no more than 2 times, as in previous deposits. To open this deposit online, use the program "Refillable online". The conditions are the same, but the minimum amount: from 30,000 rubles. / from 500 $ / from 500 €.

  • Interest for rubles: 91-180 days (5.75%); 181-394 days (5.7%); 395-545 days (5.35%); 546-731 days (5.1%); 732-1101 days (5%); 1102-1830 days (2.75%).
  • For dollars: 91-180 days (1.15%); 181-394 days (1.55%); 395-545 days (2.15%); 546-731 days (1.9%); 732-1101 days (1.65%); 1102-1830 days (0.01%).
  • For Euro: 91-180 days (0.01%); 181-394 days (0.1%); 395-545 days (0.15%); 546-731 days (0.1%); 732-1101 days (0.05%); 1102-1830 days (0.01%).

Let's sum it up

You may have noticed that the interest rate for foreign currency, unlike the ruble, increases significantly in the middle terms, and then again becomes extremely low. This is due to the constantly changing exchange rates, which are difficult for banks to predict. The most profitable investment There will always be an investment in foreign currency for a shorter period. Unless the world experiences a major financial shock in the short term, you will benefit more than from longer-term programs.

Deposits in VTB can be made in the amount of 30,000 rubles online and from 100,000 if opened at a representative office credit organization. Interest is accrued once a month. They can be transferred to a current account or used to increase the deposit amount. When interest is capitalized, the return on investment increases from 0.4 to 1.2 p.p. from the base rate.

Current deposits in VTB Bank:

For deposits with the possibility of replenishment in VTB 24, you can make additions from 15 thousand rubles, if you open it in a branch, with online opening there is no restriction.

You can withdraw money from the account repeatedly until the minimum balance is reached, in an amount of 15,000 rubles. when withdrawing through a bank representative and 1 rub. when withdrawing online.

Products are automatically extended: “Maximum” – 1 time, “Profitable”, “Replenishable”, “Comfortable” – 2 times.

If the depositor terminates the deposit agreement ahead of schedule under the “Maximum”, “Replenishable”, “Comfortable” programs, the rate is recalculated to the interest rate under the “On Demand” program. The “Profitable” offer has preferential conditions early termination when valid for more than 181 days.

When placing funds on deposits “Comfortable”, “Replenishable”, “Profitable”, depositors are offered additional bonuses. Clients may be offered rewards for making a deposit online, for replenishing an account, or extending the term of a deposit agreement. Separate bonuses are offered to regular depositors of the bank. Accumulated bonuses are exchanged for gifts.

Interest on deposits at VTB Bank today

Interest rates depend on the placement period, deposit program and how to open an account.

Most advantageous offer at VTB 24 is the “Maximum” when opening an account online with interest capitalization - 6.7%, nominal rate 6.49%. For example, if you invest 500 thousand rubles. for a period of 380 days with capitalization, the investor’s income will be 34,900 rubles. If the client withdraws funds from the account, his income will be 33,800 rubles.

When opening a deposit in a branch, the interest rates are respectively 6.44%, 6.25%.

The “Profitable” deposit, depending on the period of placement of funds, has interest from 5.8 to 6.3%. Under the “Replenishable” program, the percentage is 5.35–4.24%. Investments placed for a period of 2 years have the maximum return.

For the “Comfortable” deposit, rates range from 3.55–3.61%. Maximum return on investment for a period of 13–18 months.

Russian commercial Bank VTB 24 was founded in 1990. Initially, it provided its services as Vneshtorgbank. Today this finance company is positioned as a key link in the VTB banking group. The financially stable enterprise is one of the largest banks in Russia. The international network of VTB Group includes more than thirty companies in twenty various countries world. Entering the international arena contributed to a significant expansion of the client base. VTB 24 provides comprehensive financial services.

The conditions under which deposits are made for individuals may vary slightly. The difference is the size down payment, the validity period of the deposit agreement, interest rate and the availability of additional options. Some deposits include a capitalization procedure. It is carried out at the request of the investor every month or quarter. In this case, all accrued interest is automatically added to the principal amount of the deposit account.

Placement of deposits in VTB 24 Bank is provided for when using foreign currency and Russian ruble. Deposit rates foreign currency will be lower, due to the difference in exchange rate. All details of cooperation are specified in the contract at the initial stage. In particular, the interest on deposits, the amount and term of the deposit are noted there. A separate paragraph specifies the conditions for carrying out incoming and outgoing transactions. The ability to replenish or partially withdraw funds helps reduce the interest rate.

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