There are only three donor regions in Russia, the rest are subsidized or bankrupt. The volume of subsidies to the regions set a record Donations to the regions of the Russian Federation

Subsidized regions are those subjects of the Russian Federation that receive cash from federal budget RF without the need to return them free of charge. The purposes for spending subsidies are not specified in the law of the Russian Federation, so the region can dispose of them at its own discretion.

On the other hand, the state allocates budget funds to support local producers. These can be any large enterprises, whose significance for everyone is quite great. For example, enterprises in the Republic of Sakha (these are subsidized regions). The list of the top 20 leading regions of Russia is presented below.

Regions of Russia receiving subsidized transfers

It is most convenient to present this kind of information in the form of a table indicating the volume of gratuitous transfers received from the Budget Center.

The table shows data for 2013 on the volume of subsidies received without breakdown by type.

List of subsidized regions of Russia

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

Total volume of subsidies

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Tambov Region

Ivanovo region


Republic of North Ossetia

Rostov region

Magadan Region

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kurgan region

Kirov region

Primorsky Krai

Altai Republic

Arhangelsk region

Penza region

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Voronezh region

Saratov region

Mari El Republic

Bryansk region

The data for 2013 is disappointing - 79 out of 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were included in the list of subsidized regions of Russia. They received government subsidies to equalize the budget. This happened due to many factors, including:

Reduced subsidies regional budgets.

An increase in the total mass of non-transparent subsidies aimed at adjusting the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The table shows that Yakutia received the largest amount of subsidies from the federal budget. But can such an amount even be called a subsidy? The answer to the question is not as obvious as we would like. The fact is that most of the funds from the Federal Center are sent to Yakutia for the development of new mineral deposits, on which the Russian economy is still heavily dependent - oil and gas. And of course, the construction of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean main oil pipeline had a significant impact on the amount of transfers to the republic.

Where does the money go?

The government sends subsidies to those regions in which certain government programs are implemented in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

They may be related to social sphere, for example, the construction of sports facilities, as was the case in Sochi (data on subsidies for 2014 will be available later), or programs for the development of medicine in the region, for example, the construction of cancer centers in the northern regions of Russia.

Thinking out loud

Another one is also traced interesting feature related to the receipt of subsidies by regions. Subsidized regions are territorially remote regions and districts. The greater the distance from Moscow, the greater the amount of funds they receive. But this information cannot be confirmed by anything. Subsidized regions are those entities that receive a free transfer and have this right. The calculation is made by analyzing more than 200 indicators and comparing the results with standard indicators.

The distribution of funds received from transfers regarding the implementation of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation is controlled by the Accounts Chamber. At the same time, regions that have not fulfilled their obligations will most likely not receive the required amount next year.

New subsidies to Crimea and Sevastopol. Current situation

The annexation of Sevastopol and Crimea to the Russian Federation took place over 2 months. back.

On this moment is 85 units. Tax law Russia and Ukraine are built on different principles. In Russia, 90% of tax deductions from organizations (i.e., income tax) remain in the budget of the region in which its activities take place. In Ukraine, such tax deductions are sent to the state treasury in full. In this case, the region has nothing left.

On the topic of Crimea

Everyone knows that Crimea is first and foremost a resort. Accordingly, its entire infrastructure is designed for vacationers. hotels and mini-boarding houses used to pay taxes to the state budget of Ukraine. Now Russia needs time to change legislation and establish ways to follow it for private entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Therefore, the question of whether Crimea is a subsidized region or not is on everyone’s lips. After the accession, an assessment of the budget security of each autonomous republic (Crimea and Sevastopol) was carried out. The result was the conclusion that Crimea needs subsidies just like the Caucasus region.

What will change in Crimea?

New subsidized regions are Sevastopol and Crimea. They will have to provide required level salaries of public sector employees (teachers, doctors, police officers, etc.). As for the provision of Crimea and Sevastopol with resources (gas, electricity and water), so far Crimea and Sevastopol receive all this from Ukraine. Therefore, at one time there were statements in the media by Ukraine about non-payment of bills for these benefits by Russia and Crimea in particular. Agriculture was on the verge of collapse, as the fields dried up and the harvest was in jeopardy. But the Russian authorities resolved this issue. To date, new water towers have already been installed in Crimea, which can fully meet the needs of the entire peninsula for irrigation.

Is Crimea a subsidized region or not? Since the working population of Crimea will replenish the budget of the Russian Federation with their contributions, and the peninsula will become the center of Russian tourism and will flourish, it will be possible to find out about this only in the future. No conclusions can be drawn now regarding the prospects for the development of the peninsula. But we can assume the following trend: large sums will be transferred free of charge to the treasury of the autonomous republics of Crimea and Sevastopol for their development. The state will also support regions to improve and attract investors.

List of subsidized regions of Ukraine 2014

1. Chernihiv region - 1,370,000 hryvnia.

2. Kirovograd region - 1,470,000 hryvnia.

3. Kharkov region - about 3,200,000 hryvnia.

4. Odessa region - about 3,200,000 hryvnia.

5. Lviv region - 3,920,000 hryvnia.

6. Dnepropetrovsk region - 4,040,000 hryvnia.

7. Donetsk region - 5,090,000 hryvnia.

Of course, the list of subsidized regions of Ukraine is not complete. According to official sources, only a few regions fulfill their budget in full and do not need subsidies from Kyiv.


There are problems in every state. Recent world events, unrest and the non-recognition until now by the Ukrainian authorities of the border between Sevastopol and the territory of Russia - all these factors, albeit indirectly, still complicate the lives of ordinary citizens. Crimeans and Sevastopol residents want to work and feed their children, many of them are simple pensioners, they want peace of mind in their old age. All these people, like citizens of Russia, are in many ways far from politics and tend to draw conclusions only from publicly available information. But, as you know, the media of each state interprets all events exclusively in their own interests, so ordinary people can only talk about world events while sitting over a cup of tea. Life for Russians did not become any worse after the annexation of the two autonomous regions.

  • Burenina Natalya Borisovna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky

The work identified the most subsidized regions for 2016, identified the main problems of recipient regions, including crisis, backward and depressed regions. The rating of the 10 most subsidized regions of Russia for 2016, including the region of the Republic of Crimea, was analyzed. The donor regions that showed sustainable the economic growth. The problems of subsidized regions are identified and ways of effective management of regional economic security. The project for the strategic development of Crimea was considered.

  • Strategy for effective management of economic security of the Russian Federation
  • Innovative activity of free economic zone organizations
  • A mechanism for optimizing costs and results when planning enterprise activities
  • Regulatory and legal regulation of issues of assessing the quality of provided state (municipal) services in Russia

All regions in Russian Federation according to their socio-economic development can be divided into recipient regions And donor regions.

Recipient regions include: crisis regions, backward regions ( most republics North Caucasus, republics and autonomous okrugs southern Siberia, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Kalmykia"), depressed regions.

In crisis regions indicators of socio-economic development are significantly worse than in the country. Located close to each other, the regions are crisis zones. In Russia, belts include: belt, belt, Ural belt, belt.

The problems of the belts are: decline in production, unemployment, standard of living, budgetary security, population level, military conflicts, number of migrants and refugees.

Backward regions.“Characteristic developments of the regions are: a state of stagnation, intensity of activity, a poorly diversified economic structure, weak scientific and technical potential, a developed sphere. The following regions belong to this category at the time: most of the republics of the Caucasus, and the districts of southern Siberia, the Republic of El, Kalmykia.”

"Depressed regions- these are territories that at the time had lower socio-economic development than the national average, but were developed and, in terms of indicators, leading in the country. Distinctivedepressed regions are: the level of scientific and technical potential, the share in the economy, the relative level of personnel. More often region goes intostate influenced reasons: a decrease in the competitiveness of products from government orders and a reduction in demand, mineral resource base, structural in the country.”

The degree of differentiation in the level of socio-economic development of Russian regions remains quite large. To overcome the lag of the regions and reach the Russian average indicators, as expert calculations show, it will take more than a hundred years.

Some territories of Russia belong to free economic zones or special economic zones: SEZ "Nakhodka", SEZ "Yantar" (Kaliningrad region), Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Crimea (for 25 years SEZ with possible extension). In Crimea, the SEZ statute came into force on January 1, 2015 and provides for some features of taxation in Crimea and Sevastopol, features of state control, entry, and functioning of the free economic zone.

Analysis official documents on the website of the Ministry of Finance of Russia gives a rating of the 10 most subsidized regions Russia for 2016 per billion rubles. (see table 1).

Source .

The definition of “subsidized region” must be treated with caution. The main thing here is not the availability of subsidies, but their percentage component in the regional budget. As of 2016 subsidy level Dagestan 70%, Chechnya 82%, Ingushetia 87%. Sevastopol is subsidized by 70%.

However, one should keep in mind the size of the territories of the republics and, accordingly, the number of subsidies in absolute terms. Based on this, Crimea receives funds from the federal budget more, than any of the Caucasian republics.

According to the "Development Program North Caucasus the Caucasian republics must achieve “self-sufficiency” by 2025. With Crimea, a similar program does not yet work; it will only be able to really work after the construction of the bridge by 2018. In the meantime, over the course of three years (2015, 2016, 2017), Crimea and Sevasopol will receive approximately 150 billion rubles. In addition to subsidies, of course, there will also be investment costs. Direct subsidies that intended purpose Dont Have. The Crimean authorities can use them at their discretion. It is clear that most of the money will go to social payments, construction of infrastructure and organization of summer holidays.”

In Crimea, which has been free since January 1, 2015 economic zone for a period of 25 years, it is necessary to develop our own livestock farming, poultry farming, fisheries, crop production - everything that was practically destroyed over the many years that Crimea was in Ukraine. Crimea has always been especially famous for its winemaking, which can successfully compete not only in Russian markets, but also in world markets. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to increase the vineyard area and expand the production of wine products. Crimea has every chance of becoming a self-sufficient region or even a donor region, but this will take several years and multi-billion dollar investments.

A project for the strategic development of the Republic of Crimea until 2030 has been developed, which notes that “the sectors of specialization of the Crimean economy are the medical, health and tourism complex, Agriculture, food production, winemaking, fishing, production of inorganic chemicals (soda, salt, titanium dioxide), shipbuilding.”

This project for the strategic development of Crimea provides that for the full entry of the Republic of Crimea into economic space Russian Federation, achieving the average Russian standard of living and surpassing it in certain areas must ensure accelerated rates of socio-economic development of the region. Currently, a significant share of investments in fixed capital in the Republic of Crimea consists of budget resources, and the predominant direction of investment is the elimination of bottlenecks in the region’s infrastructure. After the completion of the Federal Target 21 program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, this source capital investments will be reduced, and progressive development will be possible primarily through private investment. Besides financial resources, necessary factors successful development are the development of innovative technologies and approaches, as well as the attraction and development human resources. The scenario characterizing the socio-economic development of the region depends on the result of the competition of the Republic of Crimea for the listed factors.

Taking into account the priority of the development of the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Federation, the high expectations of the residents of the region and the readiness of the leadership of the Republic of Crimea to implement a proactive socio-economic policy, a combination of 2 scenarios is taken as the basis of the Strategy:

  1. modernization scenario (period 2017-2020);
  2. innovation scenario (in the period 2021-2030).

The main direction of the first stage of implementation of the Strategy is the solution of infrastructure restrictions at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, the formation of prerequisites for the subsequent expansion of sources of financing for infrastructure projects. It is planned that in the future Crimea will gradually emerge from foreign trade isolation, creating new transport and logistics chains, creating the most attractive conditions for investment compared to other regions of the Russian Federation.

At the second (2021-2026) and third (2027-2030) stages of the Strategy implementation, the Republic of Crimea plans to transition to the path innovative development, which provides the following directions:

  1. development and implementation of new technologies;
  2. innovations in all spheres of life in the region, in all its sectors;
  3. development of innovative approaches in education in the formation of a new generation of creative leaders-managers and a sustainable middle class;
  4. effective development of the entire diversity of resources of the Republic of Crimea;
  5. introduction of new living standards according to the concept “Live, work and relax in Crimea”.

As for donor regions, out of 85 regions of the Russian Federation, only 10 are donor regions. TO regions donors The following economically developed and financially independent regions include (see Table 2).

Table 2. Donor regions for 2016

Starting next year, the Ministry of Finance will again change the methodology by which it provides subsidies to regions for budgetary security. But the five largest recipients, from Dagestan to Chechnya, will not change and will take 30% of all such subsidies.

Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. ​The subsidy to the region will amount to 27 billion rubles. (Photo: Alexey Nikolsky / TASS)

Thirteen Russian regions out of 85 will receive exactly half of the subsidies to equalize budgetary security allocated by the Ministry of Finance for the next year, as follows from the materials for the draft federal budget for 2018-2020. In total, the federal center will allocate 645.1 billion rubles in 2018 for this type of subsidies to the regions. - 5% more than in 2017.

Last year, the Ministry of Finance announced that regional budgets had decided to reduce the issuance of budget loans (and now from them altogether) and increase the amount of funds for the provision of subsidies. In September of this year, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov also explained that subsidies to equalize budgetary security will increase in 2018 by an increase of 1% tax base on income tax, which since 2017 has been distributed among entities in need of support.

The total volume of subsidies to equalize budgetary sufficiency has been growing over the past six years, says Alexander Shurakov, a senior analyst at the group of sovereign and regional ratings ACRA, an increase of 5% is a slight increase (in 2017 the volume of subsidies increased by 20%, in 2015 - by 10 ,9%). “In addition to the increase in subsidies, there was a redistribution between regions. Accordingly, for those regions whose subsidies increased [as of 2018], the total increase amounted to 48 billion rubles. Both due to 30 billion rubles, by which the total amount increased, and due to 17.4 billion rubles, by which subsidies to other regions were reduced,” Shurakov calculated.

Who will receive the subsidies?

The largest recipient of equalization subsidies for the third year in a row will be Dagestan - the republic will receive more than 59 billion rubles from the federal budget, an increase of 6.6 billion rubles. more than in this year. And the largest increase in the volume of subsidies in 2018 will be demonstrated by Yakutia - next year the republic will receive 7.3 billion rubles to equalize the budgetary provision. more and will become the second largest recipient of this subsidy. The third largest subsidy is more than 39.3 billion rubles. - will be sent to the Kamchatka Territory.

These regions are among the highly subsidized ones, in which the share of dependence on federal transfers is maximum: the share federal subsidies in the income of their budgets exceeds 40%, explains Vladimir Klimanov, head of the department of state regulation of economics at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Also highly subsidized are the Altai Territory (in 2018, the equalization subsidy will increase by 4.5 billion rubles, to 27.1 billion), Chechnya (the subsidy will be 27 billion rubles), Crimea (17.7 billion rubles), Tyva (15.7 billion rubles), Ingushetia (9.2 billion rubles), Karachay-Cherkessia (9.1 billion rubles). The budget revenues of Chechnya are 84% made up of gratuitous revenues from the federal center (grants, subventions, subsidies and other revenues), and the budget revenues of the Crimea are 67%, it follows from the updated laws on the budgets for 2017 of the two republics.

In general, the gap in the budgetary provision of the regions is such that the top five most subsidized entities will receive 30% of all equalization subsidies in 2018.

How are subsidies calculated?

The volume of subsidies is calculated depending on the level of financial security per capita, explains Klimanov, and two indicators are taken into account - the tax potential of the territory (how many taxes are generated and goes to the regional budget) and an increasing cost factor, the so-called index budget expenditures. “In Kamchatka and Yakutia there is one of the highest price increases. This is due to the fact that a standard set of budget services, which should be received by one citizen, in Yakutia or Kamchatka will cost many times more than in the European part of Russia,” says Klimanov.

The volume of subsidies to Dagestan is explained by the large population in the republic, since subsidies are calculated on an average per capita basis and multiplied by the number of residents. Another reason is the low budgetary provision of the republic, adds Shurakov. This is due to the low level of tax and non-tax revenues that the region’s economy is capable of generating. “About 72% of income tax revenues individuals are generated in the budgetary sectors of the economy - public administration, education, healthcare. A significant part of salaries in these sectors is paid by the regional budget,” he says.

The volume of transfers will increase for 47 regions, and for 26 regions the volume of subsidies will decrease. The most significant reduction in subsidies awaits the Perm Territory - by 2.6 billion rubles. Krasnoyarsk Territory will receive less by 2.4 billion, Chelyabinsk region the subsidy will be reduced by 1.4 billion rubles, the Lipetsk region - by 1.1 billion. The reduction in subsidies for 2018 is due to the improvement in the state of their economies, Shurakov believes, they received more income this year due to rising prices for raw materials. All these regions at different times were also donor regions, that is, they did not receive subsidies for equalization, Klimanov points out. “These are regions with economies of large enterprises; they can largely depend on the state of the industry and the principles of accounting for income in this industry for the formation of tax potential,” explains the expert.

At the same time, 12 regions in 2018 will not receive a transfer to equalize budgetary security at all, just like this year. These are the Khanty-Mansiysk, Yamalo-Nenets and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, Tyumen, Samara, Sakhalin, Sverdlovsk, Moscow and Leningrad region, Tatarstan, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg. All of them are donor regions and do not receive equalization subsidies.

New technique

In 2018, the methodology for calculating subsidies to equalize budgetary provision will also change. The methodology changes almost every year, Shurakov points out, the current edition will be the 11th. But at the same time, the composition of the leading regions in terms of the volume of subsidies received has not changed much for five years, he points out.

Firstly, the Ministry of Finance introduces a 20% limit on the increase in subsidies to each region year on year. Secondly, according to materials from the Ministry of Finance, another element is included in the formula: the volume of subsidies is made dependent on the debt burden ratio. IN new edition methodology, much more attention is paid to the debt of the regions and the costs of servicing it, Shurakov points out, the Ministry of Finance is thus trying to reduce debt load to regions. “Indeed, interest payments for a number of regions are a significant item of regional budget expenditure,” he says. This, in his opinion, is one of the reasons for the increase in subsidies to individual regions.

The innovations proposed by the Ministry of Finance will give the department the opportunity to take a more flexible approach to calculating the volume of subsidies to the regions, Klimanov believes. “This is an element of some kind of manual control. The Ministry of Finance will insist that this is also a formula, but a rigid formula can lead to sharp spikes or drops that are unnecessary for the whole financial system. For this purpose, a third component has been introduced, which makes it possible to approach this situation more flexibly,” the expert believes. The new methodology will give the Ministry of Finance the opportunity to maneuver to avoid “subsidence” in subsidies due to a simple mathematical calculation.

Other grants have not yet been distributed

Subsidies for equalizing budgetary security are the most formalized and transparent among all federal transfers to the regions. The budget also provides for subsidies for partial compensation of regional expenses for increasing wages for workers budgetary sphere according to the May decrees, subsidies for achieving the highest growth rates of tax potential and subsidies for balancing the budgets of individual regions.

Subsidies for balancing regional budgets for 2018 are provided in the amount of 48.7 billion rubles, Alexander Remezkov, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, told RBC. The draft budget submitted to parliament does not decipher these allocations; they will be distributed by the second reading of the budget. IN current edition budget for 2017, such subsidies were allocated, in particular, to Chechnya, Crimea and Sevastopol under separate, “nominal” expense items - these regions received an additional 40 billion rubles for them. There are no such “nominal” items in the draft budget for 2018, says Remezkov; accordingly, Chechnya, Crimea and Sevastopol will not be provided with a separate balance subsidy from other regions. But perhaps it will be included in total amount subsidies for balance (48.7 billion rubles). The press service of the Ministry of Finance did not respond to RBC’s request about the distribution of these subsidies.


With the participation of: Ekaterina Kopalkina

18:26 — REGNUM Once again, Tatarstan has the largest share of subsidies among other subjects of the federation in the amount of more than 2.2 billion rubles. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Kazan experts shared their opinions on the financial relations between the federal center and the republic.

"Tatarstan was allocated a large amount subsidies due to large expenditures on various large projects that are being implemented in the region, Doctor traditionally explains the decision of the Russian Prime Minister economic sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Vadim Khomenko. - In many other regions of Russia, similar Tatarstan ideas have not yet come close. Therefore, investment in a leading republic by the federal center seems logical. Tatarstan is seen by Moscow as a locomotive. Now in Tatarstan everything is going as planned. On the other hand, the question arises: what to do with other lagging regions, because now the gap between them and the advanced regions will increase even more. In Tatarstan there really is a place to invest money, but in most other regions of the country they cannot yet prove themselves as well. However, the problem of outsiders remains. After all, it may seem that it is necessary to help just those who are lagging behind. However, dependency in our country, apparently, is not supported here.”

“We must help the strong - this is the law of capitalism,” the doctor of economic sciences voices the most common point of view now among successful Tatar businessmen Ildar Ablaev, General Director of the ANO "Tatar Academy of Management of Innovative Economy". - If you are weak in the market, you die, and this is only your problem. No matter how cynical it may sound. We have already been building socialism for 70 years, and in the end the country collapsed. It is wrong to socialize losses. Tatarstan is a strong region, so it is absolutely right to invest money here. As for the financing of the North Caucasus republics, there is already a political aspect. In order for them to behave calmly, Moscow is forced to provide them with subsidies. This is really a kind of tribute after that very Chechen war. From a geopolitical point of view, the Caucasus cannot be lost. And Vladimir Putin understands this, which is why the President of the Russian Federation does not agree with the slogan “Stop feeding the Caucasus.” It’s better to feed and preserve the region.”

“Such subsidies are the result of the systematic work of Tatarstan lobbyists,” says Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Sergei Sergeev. Each representative of the republic in the State Duma of the Russian Federation is attached to certain departments and conducts their active work there, which is supervised by the top officials of the republic. What matters is not how much in reality, the work was done well, and the way it was presented to the authorities. The republican authorities know how to present the results of their work to the federal center in the best possible way. This is “efficiency” in quotes, hence the various large injections of funds from Moscow into projects in Tatarstan, for example, those. recent funds for housing and communal services. Also one of the factors can be called the fact that Tatarstan is national republic. But still this moment is not decisive."

In 2018, the majority of Russian regions continue to remain subsidized. Most often, subsidies to Russian regions are artificial, making it much easier for the central government to manage in separate parts countries. By taking the majority of taxes into the federal treasury, the federal government makes governors completely dependent. Regions are subsidized by the all-Russian treasury quite unevenly. The amount of the subsidy depends on how much money the region itself can earn. Subsidies to Russian regions in 2018 - principles of calculation, table of regions with the exact amount of subsidies.

How subsidies are distributed to Russian regions in 2018

The principles by which the federal government distributes subsidies to the regions change quite often. In 2018, the eleventh method of subsidizing regions is in effect.

Nevertheless, general essence does not change. The calculation of subsidies is based on the so-called financial security of the region per capita. The regional budget should include some minimum amount funds for each resident.

The regional budget, relatively speaking, should not be less than an amount equal to the number of residents multiplied by a certain amount in rubles.

The amount of funds for each resident of the region varies for different republics or regions of the country. For example, in regions such as Kamchatka, Chukotka or Yakutia, the budget needs to include many times more funds for each resident simply because the cost of budget services that all residents of Russia receive is many times higher here.

In order to calculate the exact amount of subsidies for the region, the federal government calculates the approximate amount of funds that the region can collect for its benefit from local businesses and thereby fill own budget. The funds missing to financial security per capita will constitute the amount of subsidies for the region.

The absolute majority of them are subsidized regions in Russia - 73 out of 85.

At the same time, subsidies are distributed very unevenly. Five regions receive 30% of all federal subsidies. These are Dagestan, Sakha Yakutia, Kamchatka and Altai region, as well as the Chechen Republic.

13 regions will receive exactly half of all federal subsidies. That is, the same as another 60 Russian subjects federation.

Only large ones are not included in the subsidized regions industrial areas and republics like Tatarstan or the Sverdlovsk region, oil-producing regions like the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg, which collect huge taxes from millions of residents and local businesses.


Subsidies for the regions in 2018: to whom and how much

The following table contains the exact amounts of subsidies for specific Russian regions.

It is worth keeping in mind that the given figures are disingenuous in their own way and do not reflect all the nuances of the level of subsidies in a particular region. Thus, Dagestan always leads in this ranking, largely due to the high number of residents living here (more than three million people). However, the percentage of the budget formed through subsidies is not as high here as in Chechnya.

The Chechen Republic, although it ranks fifth in the ranking of subsidized regions, is the most dependent on subsidies. 84% of the republic's budget is formed from subsidies and other revenues from the federal treasury. The budget of the Republic of Crimea is formed from subsidies by 67%, although Crimea is “Only” in eighth place in the ranking.

Region of Russia Amount of subsidies, billion rubles.
The Republic of Dagestan 59,07
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 43,94
Kamchatka Krai 39,36
Altai region 27,13
Chechen Republic 27,08
Stavropol region 19,2
The Republic of Buryatia 18,3
Republic of Crimea 17,71
Republic of Bashkortostan 16,43
Tyva Republic 15,73
Rostov region 13,85
Kurgan region 13
Bryansk region 12,81
Transbaikal region 12,13
Ivanovo region 11,64
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 11,09
Kirov region 10,01
Chuvash Republic – Chuvashia 9,92
Chukotka autonomous region 9,77
Altai Republic 9,65
The Republic of Ingushetia 9,2
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 9,13
Tambov Region 9,11
Republic of North Ossetia–Alania 8,98
Arhangelsk region 8,82
Krasnodar region 8,74
Republic of Karelia 8,54
Primorsky Krai 8,52
Saratov region 8,5
Volgograd region 8,29
Chelyabinsk region 7,59
Kemerovo region 7,22
Voronezh region 7,01
Khabarovsk region 6,77
Penza region 6,68
Omsk region 6,58
Mari El Republic 6,03
Irkutsk region 5,85
Oryol Region 5,73
Vladimir region 5,58
Novosibirsk region 5,56
Magadan Region 4,98
Pskov region 4,29
Tomsk region 4,15
Tver region 4,08
Orenburg region 3,97
Nizhny Novgorod Region 3,93
Republic of Kalmykia 3,84
Republic of Adygea (Adygea) 3,8
Kursk region 3,77
Kostroma region 3,7
Udmurt republic 3,63
Amur region 3,6
Ryazan Oblast 3,47
Ulyanovsk region 3,35
Smolensk region 3,25
Krasnoyarsk region 3,19
The Republic of Khakassia 3,09
The Republic of Mordovia 2,76
Vologda Region 2,73
federal city of Sevastopol 2,6
Astrakhan region 2,42
Belgorod region 2,37
Perm region 2,19
Kaliningrad region 2,17
Jewish Autonomous region 1,89
Tula region 1,85
Novgorod region 1,31
Lipetsk region 0,79
Yaroslavl region 0,69
Murmansk region 0,47
Komi Republic 0,3
Kaluga region 0,27
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 0
Leningrad region 0
Moscow region 0
Samara Region 0
Sakhalin region 0
Sverdlovsk region 0
Tyumen region 0
federal city Moscow 0
federal city of St. Petersburg 0
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 0
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra 0
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 0