Consumer loans from Alexandrovsky Bank. Loans on individual terms Bank Alexandrovsky lending to individuals

I hereby give my consent to PJSC Bank “ALEXANDROVSKY”, location: Russia, 191119, St. Petersburg, Zagorodny pr., 46, lit. B, building 2:

To process your personal data in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 (processing of personal data in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” means actions (operations) performed using funds automation or without the use of such tools with personal data individuals, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data) for the purpose of considering an application for the services of PJSC Bank "ALEXANDROVSKY" (lending, opening an account, issuing payment card or other services), as well as obtaining information about the bank’s products and services. The personal data I provided to the Bank includes my last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date and place of birth, telephone number, address Email, passport details, registration address at the place of residence;
for PJSC Bank “ALEXANDROVSKY” to receive the necessary information, including that contained in the main part of the credit history, in one or more credit history bureaus in accordance with the Federal Law “On Credit Histories” No. 218-F3 of December 30, 2004 to verify the client’s reliability. The validity period of this consent is 60 calendar days

I have been informed by the Bank that in order to revoke this Consent, I must (must) come to the Bank with an identification document and submit an application to an authorized employee of the Bank to revoke this Consent. If I withdraw this Consent, the Bank has the right to process my personal data in order to fulfill the requirements imposed on the Bank by law Russian Federation functions and responsibilities in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.
I confirm that the information provided in the application is accurate, and the personal data posted belongs to me. I understand that if I knowingly provide false and (or) unreliable information in order to obtain a loan, I will be held liable in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Consumer loans at Alexandrovsky Bank - simple and convenient way make your desires come true, the ability to quickly deal with material problems. Taking into account the needs of clients, the Bank offers them more and more new financial products that are optimal for solving economic problems different levels difficulties.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a loan, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the features of existing programs. The consumer can do this in a comfortable environment by using the specialized Internet service of our portal.

Our advantages

The website presents all the programs that this Alexandrovsky offers its clients. A potential client can apply for funds remotely by filling out an online form. A decision on your request will be received within one business day. visitors who fill out an online application can become participants in partner promotions and will be provided with personal terms of service (for example, reduced interest rate, various cash-back options, preferential terms for other banking products).

If you have any questions about the registration of the product, the procedure for repayment, or the list of documents that need to be collected, use the online Question and Answer form.

All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable solely in the opinion of experts

Business loans

Revolving loan

You will be confident in timely payment to suppliers if you establish credit limit to the current account. At any time you can receive short term loan within your limit.


We are always ready to discuss loan parameters and offer special conditions according to rates, collateral and repayment schedule, taking into account the specifics of your business

Basic overdraft conditions
"Overdraft Classic" "Overdraft Expert"
INTEREST RATE from 11% per annum from 11% per annum
AMOUNT OF CREDIT Up to 30% of the average monthly turnover for 6 months at Alexandrovsky Bank Up to 20% of the total average monthly turnover for 6 months in other banks
CREDIT TERM up to 12 months up to 6 months

pledge of corporate or personal property (for “Overdraft - Classic” - optional)

guarantee of the main business owners and/or third parties with confirmed solvency

Possibility of guaranteeing business support funds (promoting lending to small businesses)

pledge of a bank bill or security deposit in a bank.

COMMISSIONS 0.17% of the limit amount per month 0.25% of the limit amount per month
REPAYMENT Daily automatically due to receipts to the borrower’s current account
Revolving loan terms
Options Description
PURPOSE OF LENDING Filling the deficit working capital For:

acquisition of inventory

payment for inventory items

procurement of materials or raw materials

expanding the product range

fulfillment of contract terms

financing expenses, etc.

INTEREST RATE The interest rate for using a loan depends on the loan term and financial condition borrower.

real estate

movable property



property rights

Revolving credit line
Non-revolving line of credit

We know that every company has different needs and approach to business. Therefore, for each client we have an individual approach to determining loan terms:

  • the size of the rate, depending on the financial condition of the borrower,
  • repayment schedule, incl. taking into account the seasonality of business,
  • loan terms,
  • types of security, including pledge of movable and real estate, guarantees, guarantees and property rights.

Business credit cards

Corporate MasterCard Business cards are a convenient means of paying for travel, entertainment and business expenses of the company. You can pay with business cards:

Connect a credit limit on your card

    Get a card with available limit 50,000 rub. immediately upon opening an account

    You have up to 55 days to repay the debt

Terms of Service

Convenient calculations

With the card you can make payments at retail outlets and on the Internet - around the clock, 7 days a week, both in Russia and abroad.

Reliable cost control

Simplified reporting scheme for accounting. You can control your spending through card statements.

Payment security

Without the risks associated with receiving, collecting and storing cash. Possibility to block a card by calling at any time in case of its loss or theft.

Privilege program

Holders MasterCard cards Business are provided with all the privileges that are included in the package of services for MasterCard Gold cardholders.

Bank guarantees

Bank guarantees are a reliable way to protect the interests of both parties to a transaction or tender participants

Customs guarantee

Provides obligations to pay customs duties for foreign trade participants: exporters and importers, owners of temporary storage warehouses, customs carriers, duty free stores, etc.

execution of the contract

Ensures the fulfillment of obligations under contracts, including foreign economic transactions export-import

Return Guarantee
advance payment

Ensures the return of the advance received by the counterparty in the event of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract.


Compensates the bidder for costs if the bidder withdraws his offer or refuses to sign the contract

How to apply for a loan and guarantee

Send a request

Cooperation with funds to support small and medium-sized businesses

The bank cooperates with funds to support small and medium-sized businesses, therefore, to obtain a loan, clients can provide security not only in the form of collateral, but also in the form of a guarantee from one of the funds

How to obtain a fund guarantee
  1. Apply for a loan at Alexandrovsky Bank.
  2. When agreeing on the terms of the loan, the bank will prepare and send to the Fund all Required documents for surety.
  3. The fund will review the application within 3 working days.
  4. After approval of the guarantee, a tripartite agreement is signed between the Fund, the bank and the borrower.

The fund was created by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg N 1059 dated August 28, 2007 with the participation of the Committee economic development, industrial policy and trade. The formation of the Fund's assets is carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of St. Petersburg and funds from the federal budget.

The main task of the Fund is to ensure equal access of small and medium-sized businesses to credit and other financial resources. In 2012 Rating agency"Expert RA" assigned a reliability rating of the guarantee coverage provided by the Fund at level A++ "Exceptionally high level reliability of warranty coverage." The rating is confirmed annually, the rating forecast is “stable”.

The Fund's guarantee is provided to small and medium-sized businesses in St. Petersburg for preferential terms- the commission amount is 0.75% of the volume of the guarantee. More details on the website