How to pay administrative fees. Administrative fine - how to pay? Procedure for paying fines for administrative offenses

If you believe the statistics, for every fourth Russian citizen who has reached the age of majority, a report on administrative offense, while in 70% of cases a fine is collected. A third of all existing regulations are completely ignored by people who have broken the law. To avoid severe penalties, you should know how to pay administrative penalty fully and timely.

Methods of paying fines for administrative offenses

There are various authorities that allow you to deposit money for an act (for example, for drinking alcohol). The payer can use:

  • a branch of any state banking organization;
  • Internet resources that allow you to pay an administrative fine online, for example, Mobile Bank;
  • stationary payment device – ATM, terminal.

Visit to the bank

The easiest way to pay money for an administrative offense is to visit a Sberbank branch.

Here you can pay a fine without a receipt. The payer must contact the bank cashier and provide information about the authority that issued the relevant decision. After this, information about the violator is provided and money is deposited. The entire procedure lasts for a maximum of five minutes (excluding possible queues). In this case, an additional commission fee equal to fifty rubles per transaction is paid.

A person can be fined by one or another law enforcement agency or department (for example, both the police and the court issue fines for drinking alcohol, depending on how many times the violation was committed). When specifying the recipient's details, you cannot make a mistake, otherwise it will be impossible to return the money spent.

Sberbank Online

Transfer funds online via home or Mobile Internet conveniently, also using the services of Sberbank. To do this, the payer logs into the Internet system and goes to the tab for making transfers and payments. In the next window, select the “Pay fines” option and enter the details of the authority that will receive the money.

Payments and transfers

Payment form

Next, enter personal information about the sender (name, surname, passport details, place of registration and residence). The final step is to display the payment amount and its purpose and confirm the transaction. In the same way, payments are made through terminals.

On the State Services website

The next option is payment through the State Services website. To use this method, the user registers in the State Services service, and the main advantage here is the ability to make payments without paying a commission.

For payment procedures, see the training video:

Payment deadlines

The ruling begins ten days from the date of issuance, so the violator does not have to pay a fine for drinking alcohol in a public place or another offense before this period has expired. Ten days are intended for a person to have time to protest the punishment, but as soon as they expire, the decision will gain legal force.

From this moment, two months are counted, until the end of which the payer must pay the full amount. The government agency can itself check whether the payment has arrived, but it is better to have a receipt with you in order to avoid additional clarification.

Discount when paying fines

Since 2016, new conditions have come into force, which stipulate the application of sanctions to violators of the rules traffic. For example, in accordance with them, when paying a fine for this offense, the payer can receive a discount of 50%.

He is given a period of sixty days during which he must pay the full amount. When carrying out this procedure, the payment amount is halved for the first twenty days. You should not make payment on the very last day. It is better if this is done before the grace period expires.

What happens if you don't pay the fine?

For evading the payment of a fine, the debtor may be subject to other sanctions, for example:

  • double increase in the amount of the fine;
  • assignment of public works;
  • imprisonment for an administrative offense.

These measures can only be applied in accordance with a court decision. To avoid such problems, it is better to get rid of existing debts on time; besides, today this can be done without leaving home.

It is difficult to find a person who has not at least once committed a minor offense such as ticketless travel by public transport. The most common punishment for administrative offenses is a fine: its amount depends on the severity of the violation, and it can vary widely. Every citizen should know how and where to pay in order to avoid any problems in the future.

The fine must be paid within 60 days

Every citizen, after a decision on an administrative offense and the imposition of a fine, can appeal it. This can be done within 10 days after the verdict is passed: if you do not file a complaint, or if it is found to be unfounded, the decision will enter into force and the citizen will be obliged to pay in full.

The period for paying an administrative fine is 60 days, during which time the debtor must pay the state in full. Since January 1, 2016, traffic violators have the opportunity to pay fines at a discount: if a pedestrian or car owner has committed an offense for the first time, he can pay half of the fine within 20 days, after which the debt is considered fully repaid.

However, if he is late by at least one day, the right to a discount is lost and he will have to pay the entire fine. If the violator does not pay the fine on time, the case will be transferred, after which additional penalties will be applied to the violator.

Methods of paying administrative fines

You can pay an administrative fine online

Thanks to digital technologies and electronic payment services, the system of paying fines has been significantly simplified. The violator can settle accounts with the state in one of the following ways:

  • Payment by receipt through Sberbank is the simplest and most reliable, but also the most time-consuming method. When paying by receipt, Sberbank charges a commission, usually 40-50 rubles for each unpaid fine. After payment, the bank client receives payment document, it is advisable to preserve it for as long as possible to avoid possible claims. There is no need to submit the receipt to the traffic police; it must be kept by the payer.
  • Payment via payment terminal Sberbank. To search for a fine, you need to enter the number of the resolution or the payer, and in any case you will also have to pay a commission. If you forget about the commission and enter only the amount of the fine into the terminal, the payment will not be accepted and the fine will remain considered unpaid.
  • Payment through the Sberbank Online service. To do this you need to log in Personal Area and select “traffic police fines”. The system allows you to find all unpaid fines by number, it will show the amount due. After the transaction, the payer has the right to print a document that will serve as confirmation of payment.

Individuals can also pay administrative fines through Sberbank Online using the details. To do this, you need to log into your own account, select the “Payments and Transfers” section and fill in the payer’s information. They are indicated on the receipt received from the traffic police to pay the fine.

After this, the card from which funds are debited is selected and the purpose of the payment is indicated. The transaction is also carried out taking into account the commission, so you will lose a little more money than was stated in the Resolution.

Not all banks accept administrative fines, so it is still recommended to use the proven services of Sberbank. Payments usually go through it without problems, but it is still recommended to pay at least a few days before the expiration of the statutory period.

If for some technical reason the payment does not arrive on time, the violator may be subject to additional penalties.

Consequences of unpaid fines

Payment of an administrative fine through the terminal

A forgotten administrative fine can lead to serious troubles for the payer. If payment under the order is not made on time, the violator will face the following penalties:

  • The fine is double, but it cannot be less than a thousand rubles.
  • For the debtor, this is the most favorable option - the amount of the additional fine for an individual does not exceed 5,000 rubles.
  • Compulsory work lasting no more than 50 hours. Compulsory work is performed in free time from the main activity; its duration per day cannot exceed 4 hours.
  • Administrative arrest for a period of 1 to 15 days. The length of the arrest depends on the amount of debt and other factors. Maximum term arrest is assigned to persistent defaulters.
  • – one of the most effective measures to combat non-payment.

To prevent your vacation or business trip plans from being disrupted, it is recommended to first check for problematic fines.

1. An administrative fine must be paid in full by a person held administratively liable no later than sixty days from the date of entry into force of the decision to impose an administrative fine, except for the cases provided for in parts 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4 of this article, or from the date expiration of the deferment period or installment plan period provided for in Article 31.5 of this Code.

1.1. Administrative fine imposed to a foreign citizen or a stateless person simultaneously with administrative expulsion from Russian Federation, must be paid no later than the next day after the day the relevant resolution in the case of an administrative offense comes into force.

1.2. An administrative fine imposed for committing an administrative offense provided for, 11.29, 12.9, parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.16, Article 12.21.3 of this Code must be paid before the departure of a foreign carrier vehicle, in which an administrative offense was committed, from the territory of the Russian Federation, but no later than the period specified in part 1 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

1.3. When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of the Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If a copy of the decision imposing an administrative fine, sent to a person held administratively liable by registered mail, was received at his address after the expiration of twenty days from the date of such decision, specified period subject to restoration by the judge, body, official who made such a decision, at the request of the person brought to administrative responsibility. The decision to reject the said petition may be appealed in accordance with the rules established by Chapter 30 of this Code. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by the judge, body, or official who issued the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full.

(see text in the previous edition)

1.4. An administrative fine imposed for committing an administrative offense provided for in Article 19.28 of this Code must be paid no later than seven days from the date the resolution imposing an administrative fine comes into force.

2. If a minor does not have independent income, an administrative fine is collected from his parents or other legal representatives.

3. The amount of an administrative fine is paid or transferred by a person brought to administrative responsibility in credit institution, including with the involvement of a bank payment agent or a bank payment subagent operating in accordance with the Federal Law "On National payment system", the organization of federal postal services or a payment agent operating in accordance with Federal Law of June 3, 2009 N 103-FZ "On activities for accepting payments individuals carried out by payment agents."

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

5. In the absence of a document indicating the payment of an administrative fine, and information about the payment of an administrative fine in the State information system on state and municipal payments after the expiration of the period specified in part 1, 1.1 or 1.4 of this article, a judge, body, executive who made the decision, prepare a second copy of the said decision and send it within ten days, and in the cases provided for in parts 1.1 and 1.4 of this article, within one day to the bailiff for execution in the manner prescribed federal legislation. If a second copy of the resolution imposing an administrative fine is made in the form electronic document, legal force which is confirmed by enhanced qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the specified second copy is sent to the bailiff in in electronic format over information and telecommunication networks. In addition, the official federal body executive power, structural unit or territorial body, another state body that examined the case of an administrative offense, or an authorized person of the collegial body that examined the case of an administrative offense, draws up a protocol on the administrative offense provided for

Administrative punishment in the form of money is imposed not only on malicious violators of the law. In order to be on the list of law enforcement offenders, it is enough just to walk on the lawn, smoke in a public place, drive a dirty car or cross the road in the wrong place. Despite the fact that the size of the established penalties is most often not large, it cannot be ignored in order to avoid further consequences. Refusal to pay may lead not only to increased sanctions, but also to more serious problems. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online.

Methods of paying an administrative fine through Sberbank

The bank provides the opportunity to pay monetary penalties using several options.
Repayment options:
  • via Internet banking;
  • at a bank branch after providing a receipt;
  • using ATM devices or terminals.

Payment of an administrative fine through Sberbank Online

The procedure for transferring money for offenses remotely is very popular, as it does not involve the payment of commission fees. To complete it you will need Bank card, a receipt or a copy of the protocol on the imposition of an administrative fine and connection to the bank’s remote system. With absence plastic card It is currently possible to order in bank branch instant card. With its help, an identifier will be issued in the ATM device and then access to online banking will be provided.


  • log in to your personal account;
  • open the “Payments and Operations” section in the menu;
  • find the service “taxes, traffic police, duties, budget payments”;
  • if the protocol was issued by the traffic police, then you need to open the appropriate section and indicate payment details;
  • when transferring a fine to another organization, you can find the recovery by TIN and enter the required details;
  • Carefully check the completed information, enter the amount and confirm the procedure.

Payment of fines via terminal

Repayment of financial penalties can be carried out not only through the Sberbank Online system. Self-service machines can also be used for these purposes. This option is suitable for those clients who do not want to waste time visiting a bank branch and do not have access to the Internet. To send a payment you need to find an ATM or terminal with the ability to accept Money or have a card with enough money in its account.

Algorithm of actions:

  • insert the card into the receiving compartment and indicate the code;
  • in the menu, open a special section “Payment of duties, traffic police, taxes, budget payments”;
  • select the required payment option from the list;
  • enter the details indicated on the receipt;
  • enter the required amount to pay the collection;
  • check the completed information and confirm your actions;
  • receive a receipt that will indicate the transfer of money.

Payment through the branch cash desk

The most common payment option is bank tellers. Many clients consider them the most reliable way to transfer finances. But its implementation will require a certain amount of time. When visiting the bank, you must provide the employee with a payment slip with details and cash or a card with sufficient money in the account. A receipt will be considered as confirmation of the successful completion of the transaction, which it is advisable to keep to avoid misunderstandings.

How to pay without a receipt

In a situation where the notice of a fine was lost, in order to pay it you will need the name of the organization to which the money must be transferred. The bank representative should provide information about the recipient, fill out a receipt and pay the required sum of money. At the end, you need to pick up a form that will confirm the fact of payment for the intended purpose.
Another payment option is to obtain information on the website of the organization that initiated the administrative penalty. Here clients can find information about the unit to which the resolution was issued, as well as the required details. After printing, they can be used to pay via Internet banking or visit a bank branch in person.

Commission and payment time through Sberbank

Additional fee that is charged when paying off administrative fines:
  • at bank cash desks - a fee of 40-50 rubles for any receipt;
  • in self-service machines - commission 2% of the amount.

If you do not want to pay an additional commission for repaying administrative penalties, you should use the Sberbank online system.

Based on the law, citizens must deposit money according to the protocol within 60 days. However, they have the right to challenge the imposed fine within 10 days after the notification was received. If there is no appeal, the decision begins to take effect and payment of the penalty is mandatory. If payment is not made in fixed time, then subsequent larger penalties are imposed on the citizen: their amount is doubled (up to 1 thousand rubles). If there is no response, correctional labor of about 50 hours may be imposed or arrest may be imposed for about 15 days.
In addition, another rule is provided: for the first offense, you can pay only half of the fine for a period of about 20 days. These benefits apply to persons who have violated traffic rules. In a situation where the debt is about 10 thousand rubles, a ban on crossing the territory of the country may be established or the case may be transferred to judiciary with the ensuing consequences.

Offenders will be interested in the following information: if within 2 years after court decision The bailiffs have not performed the appropriate actions, then the existing debt will be automatically cancelled. But, in information base information about the violator will still be available for one year.


Payment of imposed fines is mandatory, regardless of their reason. Refusal to repay often entails cash payments of a more impressive size or punishment in the form of correctional activity, restriction of freedom for 15 days or transfer of information to the judicial authorities. If you want to save personal time and finances, we offer a convenient online system Sberbank. With its help, payment transactions are completed in a short time and without charging additional commissions.

Reading time: 4 min.

We are trying to figure out how to pay traffic fines without a commission and in what cases a commission for online payment of traffic fines can be a benefit.

Several years ago, Russian motorists had a wonderful opportunity to pay taxes and traffic fines from the traffic police. At first, the mechanism worked quite crookedly and there were constant failures in the system. Later, when large players joined the direction, such as Yandex.Fines, the Tinkof Fines service and State Services, the quality of services online payment Traffic police fines have increased. However, businessmen had to earn money from something - so the desire to pay traffic police fines without a commission came up against the severity of market laws.

To check fines from cameras photographing and video recording violations.

To check fines issued by the traffic police inspector.

For free notifications about new fines.

Check fines

We check information about fines,
please wait a few seconds

In a set of some administrative decisions introducing differences in the amounts of fines for the same offenses in different cities of Russia, we consider it our duty to remind you that the material on “how to pay a traffic police fine without a commission” is relevant in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and any other locality countries.

Which services can afford to pay traffic fines without commission:

  • Large state and private banks;
  • State services (State services and their regional copies).

Is it even worth looking on the Internet for services for paying traffic fines without commission?

Paying traffic police fines without a commission may be associated with the following problems:

  1. Low quality of services;
  2. Charging hidden fees;
  3. Refusal to examine controversial situations;
  4. Refusal to return funds to controversial situations;
  5. Lack of customer support services;
  6. Incomplete (partial) repayment of traffic police fines in databases;
  7. Lack of systems for interaction with the traffic police.

Thus, to give society an answer to the people's request traffic police fines without commission and allow yourself payment of traffic police fines online without additional penalties only gigantic, largely clumsy, multifunctional market participants can do so, for which traffic penalties are not a system-forming component.

Saving 20-30 rubles for some will seem like a serious contribution to the fight to preserve family budget, however, in fact, due to the circumstances described above, the difficulties that savings in the name of savings can lead to can more than outweigh the positive effect.

Example 1– a motorist decides to find a service that helps him pay a traffic police fine without fees. The fine received by the driver is subject to a 50% discount. As we all know, the discount is valid for 20 days from the date of receipt of the fine. Slow service undertakes to help the client pay traffic fines without commission. The client’s money is withdrawn from the card and hangs for about three banking days. There is no crime in this, moreover, according to the law financial structure has the right to some delay. However, the preferential (discount) period has ended and the money received by the traffic police already covers only half fine.

Then it gets worse, no one pays attention to the mistake, the debt for the overdue fine doubles and is transferred to the service bailiffs. Government body starts enforcement proceedings, under which the motorist may lose his license, the right to travel abroad, and sometimes be arrested. But saving ten rubles warms the soul! Yes?

With small specialized services for paying fines, such tricks happen extremely rarely. Yes, their work involves a small commission for paying traffic fines online, but these few rubles go directly to the salaries of employees who make instant Money transfers and tracking the repayment of each fine in the GIS GMP databases and traffic police. Is the personal peace of an accomplished person really not worth tenths of a percent of the amount? fine?

Traffic police fines without commission online

Among all the information garbage that falls on a person when searching for “”, it is almost impossible to find a reliable option and a convenient option for free debt repayment.

In-depth monitoring of the situation shows that payment options traffic police fines without commission on the Internet a person now has almost nothing left. Such offers are either associated with a lengthy and tedious procedure for registering and verifying the user’s identity, or simply deceive customers by keeping silent and concealing the real percentage of hidden commissions.

Yes, in a number of situations large banks offer the service of paying fines without commissions. But, firstly, the scheme only works with “favorite clients”. Secondly, there is a certain substitution of concepts. Within which the deposit holder or bank cards does not contribute directly commission for paying traffic fines, but payment for the work of transferring money to the state in this case still occurs, it is included in the payment of interest on credit cards, to pay the commission for monthly use of the card, etc. No one does anything for free, this statement especially applies to banks and others financial organizations, for whom money manipulation is a core activity.

Payment option for traffic police fines with a minimum commission and maximum results

What do we have in the bottom line? Relieving the “pain” associated with traffic police fines, it is most advisable to satisfy on time-tested, medium-sized services that have their own user support system and deal exclusively with the topic traffic police fines. In other words, we need an organization that is not engaged in mindless transactions, but in meaningful repayment of traffic police fines. Most likely, in such a place a small percentage will be charged for the work, but the work itself will be done conscientiously, with guarantees and the hope of the return of a grateful client.

Checking and paying traffic fines 50% discount