Download the program for filling out the 2nd personal income tax declaration. Personal income tax changes

1. Submission of the report to Pension Fund RF according to questionnaires and individual information for 2016, 2017
2. Formation of reports for 2016, 2017 to the tax office using the new form 2NDFL.
3. Full testing of reporting files for PFR and 2NDFL 2016, 2017.

The uniqueness of the program is that it was created by the same authors who dealt with these types of reports within the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the State Scientific Research Center of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Download the Pension Fund program + 2 personal income tax 2016, 2017 >>

Program features

Importing data from personal reports. accounting, certificates 2 personal income tax for 2016 and previous years from any other accounting programs

Provided personalized accounting according to new requirements 2016, 2017 both for half a year and for a year.
Added the ability to generate reports RSV-1, 4-FSS, current tax returns.
Automated work with several organizations.
Implemented universal module for testing reporting in the Federal Tax Service(tax returns and 2-NDFL), Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund.


Since 1997, when reports on personalized accounting and 2NDFL income certificates on magnetic media first appeared, the accountant actually had to do double work. First, enter data in one program offered by the Pension Fund for personalized accounting, then in another, offered in tax authorities.
The work could be made easier by commercial software products that included both of these capabilities. However, it was still necessary to check the generated files in different programs of these government departments.

An experienced accountant knows well what problems constantly arose with connecting the address classifier in each of the programs, and how many other problems there were that were solved differently for the purposes of personalized accounting and reporting in form 2NDFL.

One could only dream of a program that simultaneously made it possible to generate all reports and would itself carry out a guaranteed check of files in the Pension Fund of Russia and 2NDFL. The main reason was that the Pension Fund and tax authorities did not cooperate in this area.

And now, with reporting for 2016 and 2017, such a program has appeared!

The absolute advantage of the PFR + 2NDFL program 2016, 2017 is that it was created by those developers who personally participated in the creation software to receive a report to the Pension Fund and in form 2NDFL.


All testing functions in the PFR+2NDFL program 2016, 2017 are provided free of charge. If you generate a report in any other program that does not check the generated file, then the PFR+2NDFL 2016, 2017 program will allow you to upload the generated report file, test it, and print an error log. If you generate a 2NDFL report using other programs, we strongly recommend additional control in the PFR+2NDFL program, since in addition to formal control, this program also contains preventive control, which is used by tax authorities at the stage desk audit.

Generating reports in the PFR+2NDFL program 2016, 2017 is paid. This opportunity created by developers in their free time, outside the scope of their official duties. The rights to these modules are transferred by them under copyright agreements for commercial use. Use of the program by policyholders and taxpayers is a right, but not an obligation. However, the commercial basis allows the user of the program to get real technical support, obviously different from free analogues. And this point is especially important when preparing such reports.


PC "Taxpayer PRO"

PC "Taxpayer" - designed for maintaining accounting, preparation of accounting and tax reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, FSRAR in in electronic format on magnetic or paper media in approved forms and formats, including for transmission via telecommunication channels (TCC) with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

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What's new?

Implemented the ability to download documents from the seller (invoices, UPD, Acts, TORG-12, etc.) into information base programs through electronic document management (EDF) according to approved formats (Accounting-EDO menu)

When calculating/recalculating vacation and vacation compensation, printing of a non-unified form for calculating average earnings has been added

New indicators in the "Counterparty Monitoring" section. Improved stability.

Added a new mode: "Salaries and personnel -> Calculation of dividends"

The ability to import from Bukhsoft Simplified System software has been added to the "Import from Bukhsoft programs" mode

Implemented import of data from software products BukhSoft. Menu "Settings and service", "Import, export", "Import from Bukhsoft programs"

Implemented output of form P-4 (statistics) to magnetic media

Tax return on the estimated income of an individual (form 4-NDFL, KND 1151021). New format 5.03.

Tax return for value added tax (VAT, knd 1151001). New format 5.06.

New form for corporate property tax. Format 5.05. Applicable from the first quarter of 2019.

Added a new mode: Reporting, taxes and contributions -> 2-NDFL ->

For Unified Agricultural Tax payers (since 2019 they have become VAT payers): in the default value settings (on the "Special Modes" tab), the ability to exclude VAT from the transaction amount reflected in the Income and Expense Accounting Book has been added

2-NDFL reporting in 2019

News 2-NDFL in PC "Taxpayer PRO"

The calculation of personal income tax on a statement if it contains a tax refund has been clarified

Implemented printed form and format for electronic submission of the Application for confirmation of the right to reduce the calculated amount of income tax individuals for the amount of fixed advance payments paid by the taxpayer (KND 1110055). Changes are available in 2-NDFL mode, Decrease Application button. Personal income tax

A new mode has been added: Reporting, taxes and contributions -> 2-NDFL -> Certificates to different OKTMO. Designed to generate 2-NDFL certificates for 2018 for different OKTMO in different month ranges

A new mode has been added: Reporting, taxes and contributions -> 2-NDFL -> Certificates to different OKTMO. Designed to generate 2-NDFL certificates for 2018 for different OKTMO in different month ranges

Implemented new form and format 5.06 approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-11/566@ dated 10/02/2018 for reporting for the 2018 reporting year

The 2-NDFL control module has been updated for testing 2-NDFL reporting format 5.06

Import of data (including in multi-base mode) from 2-NDFL files of format 5.06 has been implemented.

Capabilities of PC "Taxpayer" in part 2-NDFL:

  • Changes have been made to 2-NDFL in accordance with latest changes in legislation 2018;
  • Generating files 2-NDFL in a prescribed format;
  • Importing files 2-NDFL in established formats;
  • Printing certificates 2-NDFL V in the prescribed form;
  • Formation of a register of information on the income of individuals;
  • Performing control of received 2-NDFL files, module recommended by the Federal Tax Service control for all years starting from 2011, with receipt of the inspection protocol;
  • Reconciliation of 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, calculation of insurance premiums, SZV-M, SZV-STAZH;
  • Multi-base operations 2-NDFL(special solution for companies with a large number of branches).
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Difference LIGHT versions from PRO lies in the absence of multi-year storage of information, which significantly increases performance, and this is especially important when importing large volumes of information

Reconciliation of 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, calculation of insurance premiums, SZV-M, SZV-STAZH

In "Taxpayer PRO" the functionality "Reconciliation of 6-NDFL data with 2-NDFL data" has been expanded with new reporting forms. Indicators of 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, calculations of insurance premiums, reporting on form SZV-M and SZV-STAZH. Any discrepancies found are reflected in the reconciliation protocol.

Help 2-NDFL

Form 2-NDFL is official document, one of the main components financial statements for commercial organizations that are tax agents of our state. A certificate of this form fully discloses information about income and taxes withheld from each employee of the enterprise in a certain period of time. More to the point in simple words, then the 2-NDFL reporting contains information about wages all employees provided to them tax deductions and contributions that a company or individual entrepreneur makes to the state for each person hired.

2-NDFL for individuals

In addition to the fact that the 2-NDFL certificate is used directly by employers for accounting, it can also be useful to any officially employed person. This document is required by banks and visa centers that require confirmation stable income and, accordingly, the solvency of their clients. In addition, it must be presented to the following authorities:

  • to the Federal Tax Service when registering property or social deductions;
  • Pension Fund when calculating pensions;
  • guardianship authorities when adopting a child or registering guardianship;
  • social protection authorities when applying for benefits;
  • courts when calculating alimony;
  • employment service when registering unemployment;
  • for a new one workplace when calculating vacation pay or wages.

You can apply for a certificate from the accounting department of your company, where, based on an oral or written application, it will be issued free of charge within three working days. In the document itself, fields must be filled in with information about the employer, employee data, his net income, tax codes and final profit.

Deadlines for submitting the report on form 2-NDFL

The deadline for submitting 2-NDFL is fixed, but it depends on the attribute code entered in the certificate, expressed by the numbers “1” and “2”. Sign “1” indicates information about the income of individuals and the amounts withheld from them and transferred to special tax authorities. Code “2” means the impossibility of deducting the calculated personal income tax from employees. This separation of documents by characteristics allows the tax service to determine the following data:

  • number of company personnel;
  • taxable income;
  • accrued and withheld tax;
  • the amount of debt and the number of debtors.

In 2019 commercial organizations and entrepreneurs submitted certificates of employee income for 2018. You can submit 2-NDFL to the Federal Tax Service with sign “1” until April 1. Certificates with code “2” are provided a month earlier, and in 2019 they had to be submitted before March 1.

Methods for submitting 2-NDFL certificates to the tax authorities

Reporting on income tax According to the Tax Code, you can pass it in two ways. If during the reporting year less than 25 employees received income, then the company or individual entrepreneur can provide a 2-NDFL certificate to the tax authorities for on paper. Otherwise, the document is transmitted only electronically. In fact, in the latter case we mean submitting reports via the Internet.

An employer can submit a 2-NDFL certificate on paper by appearing at the Federal Tax Service in person or by sending an authorized representative of the organization for whom an official power of attorney has been issued. In addition, the document can be sent by mail in the form of a letter with a list of attachments. If the shipment is carried out by postal services, the authorized person making it receives a receipt with the date of departure, which is considered the date of reporting.

To send an electronic certificate, an organization or individual entrepreneur must select an intermediary providing EDI services. Submitting reports via the Internet is much more convenient, since company representatives do not need to waste time visiting the tax office or post office. In addition, this method allows you to quickly verify that the document was accepted by the authorities and entered into the inspection database, which is also very important.

To prepare and submit reports today you can use convenient service"Taxpayer Online". Using this service you can fill out a 2-NDFL Income Certificate. Also use these instructions with the rules for filling out form 2-NDFL. Taxpayer Online also has a service for sending reports via communication channels with electronic signature.

For automated preparation of 2-NDFL, we recommend using “Taxpayer PRO”. The use of specialized software greatly simplifies the reporting process. Software package“Taxpayer PRO” is used for comprehensive accounting of an organization: personnel management, payroll and accounting, etc.

The Taxpayer online service is able to quickly perform the following useful functions:

  • Upload and organize information about taxpayers from a file in the established format.
  • Generate electronic 2-NDFL certificates using current formats.
  • Conduct a comprehensive check of the form and content of reporting documentation with the output of a detailed log of errors made.
  • Edit the specified information, correct errors and inaccuracies when specifying personal data and details.
  • Generate information from registers intended for uploaded 2-NDFL files.
  • Compile an interactive list of downloaded and uploaded files, attaching hyperlinks to registries and test results of references.
  • Certify with an electronic digital signature and send reporting documents to departments tax office for check.
  • Monitor the status of sent certificates and receive electronic responses from tax inspectors regarding submitted accounting documentation.
  • Regularly update databases in accordance with the latest amendments to Russian legislation.

The service applies the current control protocols used by the authorities tax service. After the first testing of reports in Form 2, personal income taxes undergo repeated control. A multi-stage verification procedure allows you to eliminate any errors and successfully submit reports without complaints from the fiscal authorities.

See also the website section “6-NDFL - a new form for calculating the amounts of personal income tax calculated and withheld by the tax agent”

Multi-base operations 2-NDFL in PC "Taxpayer" PRO and LITE versions

Module "Multi-base operations" allows you to download (with support for legacy formats) files 2-NDFL, received from all divisions (branches) of the organization.

Loading is carried out from the specified directory with the organization of a Unified Database and the automatic generation of a list of identified errors. Wherein The control protocol is created using the built-in Federal Tax Service program.

After correcting errors, group preparation, re-checking and uploading of files is performed in one action 2-NDFL with obtaining a list of them and generating control protocols. At the same time, the combination of TIN, KPP and OKTMO codes in the files is always unique.

Experience using functionality "Multi-base operations" large organizations confirmed its effectiveness in conditions large quantity branches within one organization.

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Certificate in form 2 personal income tax: purpose

Form 2-NDFL is used by a tax agent to submit to the tax authority information about income paid to individuals, as well as information calculated, withheld from it and paid to personal income tax budget(Clause 2 of Article 230 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, with a certificate of income, the agent informs the inspectorate and the employee about the impossibility of withholding tax from a person and indicates its amount (clause 5 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The same certificate is issued to the employee to confirm the amount of his income at the place of work.

Read about the deadlines for issuing a certificate at the request of an employee in the article “They didn’t give the employee a 2-NDFL certificate? Wait for the trial" .

Information to the Federal Tax Service, drawn up with this certificate, is submitted upon completion tax period- of the year. Approves the form of certificate 2-NDFL of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (Article 216, paragraph 5 of Article 226, paragraph 2 of Article 230 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Certificate 2-NDFL for 2018

The current form of the 2-NDFL certificate was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 2, 2018 No. ММВ-7-11/566@. We will use it in 2019 when submitting information for 2018.

NOTE! There are two forms: for filing with the tax office and for issuing to the employee.

At the Federal Tax Service we will submit a machine-oriented form, which retains the name “2-NDFL”. It consists of a main sheet and an appendix. The main sheet shows the amounts of income and personal income tax, and the appendix contains information about income and corresponding deductions, broken down by month, indicating codes for types of income and codes for types of deductions.

The form for issuance to employees is now called simply “Certificate of income and tax amounts of an individual”, without the usual “2-NDFL”. It has remained virtually unchanged compared to the previous 2-NDFL.

In 2018, the form from the Federal Tax Service order No. MMV-7-11/485@ dated October 30, 2015, as amended by the Federal Tax Service order No. MMV-7-11/19@ dated January 17, 2018, was used.

To issue a certificate in 2017, form 2-NDFL was used, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-11/485@. This form 2-NDFL came into force on December 8, 2015 for all areas of its purpose, and it was also used to report income for 2016.

Where can I get/download a sample form 2-NDFL for 2018-2019?

You can download the new forms used for reporting for 2018 on our website. This form is intended for reporting to tax authorities.

A sample of filling out the 2-NDFL certificate for tax authorities can be downloaded from the link below.

Features of the CheckXML+2NDFL program

The program is shareware, that is, it combines both free and paid functions available after registration.

Free features:

  1. submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Tax Service (the relevance of the testing modules is maintained in accordance with the versions of the bodies to which reporting is submitted)
  2. A unique feature of its kind: testing includes checking with CheckXML and CheckPFR (formerly CheckXML-UFA)

Paid features (available after registration):

  1. Generating reporting files and printing existing reporting forms to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, balance sheet and tax returns.
  2. Ability to manage multiple organizations.
  3. Import from various reporting files to correct and upload them back.

Depending on the number of employees in the organization, the cost of the program is from 3700 rubles.

If you have several organizations, then send them a list indicating the number of employees and we will prepare for you profitable proposition with additional discounts!

Benefits of the CheckXML+2NDFL program

  1. Functionality of the program.
    The development of the program is aimed at covering all reporting that needs to be submitted to an organization (entrepreneur), regardless of the type of the report itself and the body to which the report is generated.
  2. The versatility of the program.
    Since 2010, the program has included the ability to prepare and test reporting to the Pension Fund, the Federal Tax Service and the Social Insurance Fund. Thus, the program allows you not to use other individual programs to prepare testing of individual reports.
  3. Ease of use of the program.
    Intuitive learning without instructions. Generation of reports in the most automated form. Automatic data calculation is provided wherever it is legal.
  4. Developer competence.
    The program was developed by the authors of testing programs for reporting in form 2NDFL and CheckXML, which provides guarantees for the successful generation of electronic reporting.
  5. Availability of free functions.
    Affordable prices for full functionality.
  6. The fastest possible program updates.
    This is relevant during the period of changes in reporting requirements, especially newly adopted ones. Taking into account the opinion of each user on improving the functionality of programs.
  7. Decent technical support for users.
    For those who need guarantees! Communication with developers without intermediaries! Development of service according to your suggestions!

Helpful information

Certificate 2-NDFL and the procedure for filling it out have been changed starting with reporting for 2018a new certificate has been added in form 2-NDFL, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service dated October 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-11/485@. The main changes affected the reference book “Deduction Codes” (Appendix 4 to the order). So, for deductions for the first and second children there will be separate codes - 114 and 115, for deductions for the third and subsequent children there will be one code - 116. Now the code is the same, regardless of serial number child - 108. And there will also be codes for double deductions only parents and if one of the parents refuses the deduction (codes - 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125).

These changes are taken into account in the program below.

INFORMATION ABOUT PROGRAM 2 NDFL 2015-2018 Since 1999, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNIVTs Federal Tax Service of Russia has annually issued free program
for preparing information on the income of individuals in electronic form F3-99, F3-2000, 2 personal income tax 2015 – 2 personal income tax 2018.
To prepare information, FSUE GNIVTS Federal Tax Service of Russia offers programs from third-party developers that have a fundamentally new interface, unusual in comparison with previous programs.
Pravcons offers the 2-NDFL program, which is a continuation of a series of programs. The program has a familiar interface, import of data from last year’s programs, a free function for testing prepared data, including other programs, and the entire set of functions implemented in the 2-NDFL 2015 – 2 NDFL 2018 programs.
The program was created with the participation of the developers of programs 2 NDFL 2015, 2 NDFL 2018. And this means a 100% guarantee of successful completion of the report with the tax authorities (we are also the developers of the CHECKXML verification program), if testing in the 2-NDFL program was successful. 2-NDFL Due to the fact that the development of the program
was not financed from the state budget; it was distributed on a commercial basis. Before payment you can Download program
from our website and verify its functionality. Commercial basis
allows the program user to receive real technical support, which is obviously different from free analogues. And this point is especially important when preparing such reports.
Also, the 2-NDFL program provides the ability to import data from an income certificate file into the program itself.
After this, the user has the opportunity to correct errors in the report. However, generating a new, corrected 2-NDFL certificate file is only possible in the paid version of the program. Program 2-NDFL, unlike versions previous years
, comes with a ready-made Address Classifier (Kladr), and, therefore, no typical difficulties in the import procedure will arise. Otherwise, working with the program itself is as simple and straightforward as in previous years. .

The procedure for purchasing the program completely coincides with the procedure provided for programs in the Pravcons series and is described in the section DOWNLOAD Bukhsoft programs

FOR SUBMISSION OF THE PFR AND 2NDFL REPORT 2018 Product name (with the ability to work online) Size

Download + Pension Fund (CheckXML)

2 Personal income tax 2018