Sberbank car loan with government subsidies calculator. Car loan at Sberbank

A car is a necessary means of transportation for many people. A long time ago vehicle no longer a luxury. To purchase the desired option, many people are forced to borrow funds from banks. A car loan from Sberbank can offer favorable conditions in 2017, a calculator for which you will find online. This organization offers various lending options, you will find the option that suits you best.

A car loan from Sberbank is issued against the security of a vehicle. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce interest rates for individuals. This allows them to purchase both new and used cars even without down payment. However, in this case, the vehicle registration certificate will have to be kept in the bank - the owner will not be able to make any transactions with the car until he pays off the debt in full. At the same time, he can use the purchase without restrictions.

If you decide to take out a car loan, you must understand that you will also have to purchase CASCO insurance. This is a mandatory requirement for everyone banking organizations. If you refuse, you may be denied a loan or the payment percentage may be increased. Weigh the pros and cons, after which you will be able to make the right choice.

Car loan from Sberbank with government subsidies

Sberbank has special program, allowing you to take out a loan to buy a car at reduced rates. This is done with state support. To become a participant in such a program, the following conditions must be met:

  • Be a citizen Russian Federation.
  • Buy a car worth up to 1 million rubles.
  • The weight of the machine should not exceed 3.5 tons.
  • The loan is issued for 36 months.
  • The vehicle must be made in Russia.
  • The buyer has a down payment of 20%.
  • The car must be new.

Conditions for lending to buy a car at Sberbank

This financial institution will be able to issue a loan for the purchase of a vehicle if the following conditions are met:

  1. The borrower's age is 21-75 years.
  2. He is a citizen of Russia and has a VU.
  3. He can provide a certificate of income for the last 3 months.
  4. He worked at his last job for more than a year.
  5. He has credit history with no delays.

Women in maternity leave cannot take out a loan to buy a car. There are also separate categories citizens to whom special lending conditions apply:

  • If the client’s age is 65 years, then the issue of issuing a loan is considered individually - the decision depends on employment.
  • If the client receives wages to the Sberbank account, then three months is enough for him continuous experience at the last place of work.
  • When calculating the loan, the income of the spouse may be taken into account, but they do not become co-borrowers.

Sberbank car loans to individuals interest rates in 2019

Thanks to the Sberbank Online service, you can independently calculate loan terms. This service also helps you find out how much you can expect, as well as the size of your monthly payments.

To use the calculator, you must have the following information:

  1. The exact cost of the car.
  2. The amount of equity capital.
  3. Loan terms.
  4. Interest rate.
  5. Payment type – equal or decreasing.
  6. First payment due date.

Let's give an example: you are going to buy a car, the price of which is 750 thousand Russian rubles. You have 200 thousand in your hands, which you can give as a down payment. In this case, the interest rate will be 9.5%, and the loan duration will be 36 months.

Types of car loans

On this moment The interest rate for a Sberbank car loan in 2017, a calculator for which you will find online, with no benefits, is 13.5-16% when purchasing a vehicle in national currency. In this case, the amount of the down payment should not be less than 15% of the cost of the car. As mandatory conditions is the purchase of a CASCO policy, which can also be counted towards the loan amount. In 2019, Sberbank offers the following credit lines:

  • IN Russian rubles– from 45 thousand to 5 million.
  • In euros – from 1 to 120 thousand.
  • In dollars – from 1.4 to 150 thousand.

The most popular are car loans in national currency. The loan duration can range from 3 to 60 months.

Such programs are little popular, since Sberbank offers unfavorable conditions when compared with third-party organizations. It is best to use a program created with government support.

The official car loan calculator at Sberbank will calculate the amount of monthly payments in 2019. Find out the loan terms and interest rates from the official website! Nowadays, personal vehicles have ceased to be superfluous and have become necessary tool for life. He is simply irreplaceable big city, where the speed of movement sometimes decides many issues. In addition, often a vehicle can become the main source of income.

Most often today a car is bought on credit. There is not always enough money on hand for such a serious purchase. Do you want to know if you can afford a loan to buy a car? Don’t want to wait in line at a bank branch once again to find out the information you are interested in? Then you need a car loan calculator. This convenient and easy-to-use online tool will provide you with a detailed loan calculation for the selected terms in a matter of seconds.

Who is the Sberbank car loan calculator suitable for? Anyone who is planning to purchase motor vehicle on credit. Besides, banking institution special conditions offers to the following categories of potential borrowers:

    owners of salary Sberbank cards,

    persons who have reached retirement age,

    legal entities.

For individuals, which do not fall into any of the above categories, loan terms will be standard.

Features of a car loan 2019

For which vehicle can the borrower apply for a loan:

    new car, from the showroom,

    used car (a vehicle that already has a certain mileage and has been owned).

Naturally, everyone wants to choose a loan program with the most comfortable conditions for themselves. This is where car loan calculators help. The tool on our website is based on the most current banking data (for 2019). Our online calculator will allow you to very accurately calculate the consumer loan option that will suit you best in terms of interest rate, debt repayment period, and the amount of monthly loan payments. Thanks to this, you can calculate everything in advance possible risks and determine your financial capabilities.

Using the calculator, you can also determine the possibility of repaying the loan with early repayment. Of course, every borrower wants to pay off their debt as soon as possible. But it should be understood that this payment regime has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. That is why online payment will allow you to understand, even before contacting the bank, how payments will go and how much less the overpayment will be.

The interest rate is one of the main parameters of any loan. It is determined based on various data. This indicator is influenced by the age of the borrower, the amount he wants to borrow and the terms of repayment, the presence or absence of guarantors in the transaction, the presence or absence of a down payment on the loan.

Conditions for obtaining a car loan from Sberbank:

    having citizenship of the Russian Federation,

    work experience at the current place of employment for at least six months,

    The age of the loan applicant is from 21 to 75 years.

The package of documents required during registration includes a passport, an application for a loan, confirmation of permanent registration (or temporary), a certificate of income from the place of work, documents for the purchased car. You can get a loan without a certificate from your place of work, but in this case the size of the down payment will be increased.

Why do you need an online car loan calculator?

The main purpose of the online calculator is to help you decide on the most optimal car loan program in all respects. In addition, every user can use it for free. And the ease of working with the tool does not require any specific knowledge or skills.

Taking out a car loan today is very easy. But it is always better to prepare in advance for such a serious transaction so as not to make rash decisions. Calculate the debt repayment schedule, determine for yourself whether the payments are feasible. And only after that, with a cool head, contact the bank about getting a car loan.

In addition to the lowest interest rate for car loans, Sberbank of Russia provides:

  • possibility of accounting family income when making a positive decision to issue a car loan;
  • no commissions for issuing a loan;
  • opportunity to choose (change selection) car model within 6 months.


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Mikhail Adamov

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Sberbank is not only the largest credit and financial institution in Russia, but also the most reliable. Many borrowers here seek to take out a loan to realize their dreams. A sufficient reserve of assets allows the bank to make interesting offers to its clients, providing favorable conditions and acceptable interest rates on loans. A car loan is no exception.

Features of car loans at Sberbank

Now available to clients only consumer loan at 13.9-14.9% per annum.

The change in the car loan rate is due to the fact that Sberbank transferred this group credit products to its subsidiary, Cetelem Bank, which has branches in 80 cities across the country.

Conditions for granting a loan to purchase a car

To obtain a car loan, the borrower must meet certain conditions, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Loan period: from 1 year to 5 years.
  2. Age of the car. Used or new domestically produced cars no older than 5 years are subject to registration, imported cars no older than 10 years.
  3. Amount of credit. It cannot exceed 5 million rubles and is issued in rubles.
  4. Minimum down payment – ​​from 20%.
  5. Necessarily .

Availability salary card Setem Bank or Sberbank allows you to get the minimum rate.

Sberbank car loan calculator: how to calculate the cost of a car purchased on credit

An online calculator located on the bank’s website will help the borrower calculate monthly loan expenses. After all, the debt will have to be repaid over a long period of time. own funds or from family budget. You may need to consider buying a used car rather than a new one, or choosing a different brand of car.

Calculations will also help to assess the likelihood of a positive decision on a loan depending on the borrower’s income. They are executed immediately after all necessary information in a special form. By specifying the amount to be processed and the interest rate, you can see the amount of monthly payments on the monitor.

For example:

  1. Interest rate for the purchase of a new car - 21.5% per annum.
  2. Loan amount – 750,000 rubles.
  3. Contract time - 5 years.
  4. Monthly payment will be 20,676 rubles.
  5. Overpayment (including commission) – 490,608 rubles.

It is clear that these are very approximate calculations, because there are many additional parameters:

  1. Car make.
  2. The year of its manufacture and mileage of the car.
  3. Cost of the car.
  4. Down payment, etc.

More accurate figures can be obtained from the bank manager, who will take into account all the above-mentioned nuances.

Choosing a car loan from Sberbank

After carrying out all the required calculations and making a decision about his solvency, the borrower can proceed to get acquainted with car loan programs.

The bank offers 4 types of loans and more than 10 affiliate programs.


According to the conditions, the client can purchase a car to his taste and color, the main thing is that the funds received are enough for him:

  • interest rate – up to 19-22.6% per annum.

Subsidized classic

This type of loan is issued for cars manufactured or assembled in the Russian Federation:

  • rate – 11.7-13.8%;
  • minimum contribution – 25%.

Part of the funds is paid by the state.


To apply for a loan, you only need 2 documents - a passport and, for example, driver's license. You can submit any other document identifying the borrower. The loan application is reviewed within 1 day:

  • loan amount – no more than 1.5 million rubles;
  • for domestic cars - up to 650 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate – 19.5-22.8%;
  • minimum contribution – 30%.

Subsidized Express

The loan is issued for cars manufactured or assembled in our country. Part of the funds is paid by the state:

  • The validity period of the car loan agreement is 2-3 years;
  • minimum contribution – 30%;
  • interest rate – 11.7-13.8%;
  • no more than 650 thousand rubles are allocated for the purchase of a domestic car.

affiliate program

The program is valid when purchasing a car from a car dealership included in bank list. Moreover, similar partnerships imply some benefit for the client. The salon provides a discount on the car, and the bank enters into a loan agreement with the borrower:

  • contract duration is 2-5 years;
  • minimum down payment – ​​20-25%;
  • interest rate – up to 16-22.8% per annum.

What will happen next year, will it change? annual interest on a loan from Sberbank for different types cars, you can find out from the table.

Sberbank interest rates on car loans in 2018 in the table

The name of the program Bid amount, %
For cars without mileage

For used cars

Foreign cars Domestic Foreign cars Domestic
Classic 19-22,7 19-22,7
Subsidized Classic 10,9 11,9 13,6 13,8
Express 21-21,5 17,5 21-23
Subsidized Express 13,8 11,7 16-26,8
affiliate program 7,8-19,5

The size of the rate is affected by the amount requested, the down payment, the age of the car, new or used, and the loan term.

Early repayment of a car loan from Sberbank

If the borrower has the opportunity to repay the loan balance early, he has the right to do so without any penalties.

Use the car in modern world very important, and most importantly convenient. In order to purchase the car you want, you can use a car loan from Sberbank.

This loan is provided for the purchase of a new vehicle at a car dealership. The bank transfers the required amount of money to the car dealership, and the borrower subsequently repays the loan amount, with an accrued interest rate.

The Sberbank car loan calculator 2017 allows you to independently determine the loan that is profitable for yourself. You can choose the size of the down payment, find out at what interest rate the loan will be issued, as well as its repayment period. This is very convenient because you can find out your costs.

When purchasing a car on credit, insurance is a mandatory requirement. If desired, the cost of insurance can be included in the loan amount.

Requirements for the borrower

Sberbank does not put forward any special requirements for the borrower. The borrower is obliged to provide the bank with the following documents:

  • application form,
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if there is no indication of the place of permanent registration, you can provide a document on temporary registration,
  • certificate of income and a document confirming work activity,
  • documents from the car dealership for the purchased car.

When purchasing a car, the borrower must pay initial amount contributions in the amount of 15-30% of the cost of the vehicle.

Interest rates

The car loan amount is issued in euros or US dollars, as well as in Russian rubles. When foreign currency lending the half-cent rate will be 12.5-14.0%. If the amount was taken in rubles, then the interest rate will be 15.5-17.0% per year.

Early repayment

You can repay the loan amount ahead of schedule depending on what lending scheme was specified in the agreement. Annuity payments have the same amount due each month. Differentiated ones have an amount that depends on the actual amount of debt.


A loan from Sberbank is provided only to the following borrowers:

  • Have Russian citizenship.
  • The borrower's age is from 21 to 75 years.
  • Work experience at the current place of work must be more than 6 months.
  • The client must provide a certificate confirming his solvency.
  • Your credit history must be perfect.
  • You can get a car loan only if you provide registration.

Not everyone can afford to buy a new car, which makes the offers of car loans from reputable banks more relevant. An interest calculator will help you choose a car loan from Sberbank in 2019, accurately determining the best offers and monthly payment By tariff rate. Variability of offers to individuals from the largest bank in Russia and availability additional shares from third-party companies make choosing a car loan a responsible task that requires studying all the pitfalls for the loan best choice.

Redesigned in 2019 credit offers, producing improved conditions for customers. This policy makes you think about choosing lending services from Sberbank. The Bank provides not only preferential terms, but also cooperation with manufacturers of domestic and foreign cars, offering promotions for a certain model range. The basic conditions for all offers are as follows:

  • minimum interest rate – from 10.9%;
  • loan term from 3 months to 5 years;
  • The minimum contribution is 15% of the cost of the purchased vehicle. There are offers without a down payment;
  • Rubles, dollars and euros are offered for loans.

You can calculate your loan in detail using an online calculator available on the Sberbank website. This way you can accurately determine the monthly payment amount and interest rate. The calculator interface prompts you to enter the following data for processing:

  • the cost of the purchased vehicle;
  • the amount of down payment you are able to make;
  • currency used;
  • loan term and interest rate;
  • date of first payment.

The system will process and systematize the information, producing accurate data and monthly statistics. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the main car loan offers.

Main loan programs and their conditions

Today there are 3 popular car loan programs:

  • standard;
  • affiliate;
  • preferential

The standard solution is relevant for the cost of a car from 45 thousand to 5 million. The interest rate here is from 15 to 17 percent, and the payment period is from 3 months to 5 years. Current Sberbank clients can receive a 1% discount, which is a pleasant addition to the conditions. The standard down payment is 15% of the cost of the car, but the bank offers a no-deposit option. You will need to provide a copy of the insurance for the vehicle you are purchasing and complete documentation confirming that you are providing the vehicle as collateral.

The affiliate option applies to the purchase of certain models in official car dealerships, offering a lower interest rate and the availability of a variety of promotions, which can be tracked online on the Sberbank website.

The preferential program offers government subsidies. Let's consider this issue separately.

Sberbank car loan with government subsidies – 2019

Subsidies are issued for the purchase of new cars worth up to a million. If the vehicle costs less than 750 thousand, you need to pay 85% of the cost, the rest of the debt is paid by the state. Maximum term this offer is for 3 years. The interest rate is 8-10%, but it is not fixed. The interest is regulated by refinancing. The advantageous offer is available to all individuals, including pensioners. The promotion applies exclusively to models from domestic manufacturers.

How to get a car loan for pensioners

Loan conditions for pensioners differ little from usual ones. Required to provide:

  1. copy of passport;
  2. a copy of your driver's license;
  3. income certificate;
  4. an application drawn up according to a special sample from Sberbank.

Along with your passport, you must provide a copy of your pension certificate. Up to 65 persons are allowed for lending at the time of conclusion of the agreement. For a down payment of more than 30%, the bank will not require guarantors.

Sberbank recommends purchasing cars from a showroom. In this case, you not only get a new vehicle for favorable conditions, but also an additional guarantee, insurance and further service. The bank supports the development of the domestic automotive industry by reducing interest rates and helping to pay off 15% of the cost of transport.

Having chosen a Sberbank car loan with an interest rate in 2019, the calculator will help you choose best option. Please study the current offers in advance and get acquainted with additional conditions providing a loan. Sberbank is known for its advantageous offers and is in demand by the residents of Russia.