A significant advantage of the 1c enterprise program is. "1C: Enterprise": identifying the main characteristics, functions and capabilities

The possibilities of the 1C program are limited only by the imagination of the specialists working with it. The leading position in the domestic market for the vendor of the same name was provided by standard solutions, which include a wide range of functions for solving standard problems facing the bulk of enterprises from various business areas. The same tools and methodological principles"1C" is used to refine typical automation systems for industry requirements and business goals of organizations. This is how mass-produced solutions are created for car services, pharmacies, agricultural complexes, enterprises. retail etc. However, in some situations, even the functionality of an industry-specific software product turns out to be insufficient. And then individual development comes to the rescue.
Individual development of an automation system on the 1C platform is a unique opportunity to create a solution tailored to the goals and needs of your specific organization.

Benefits of developing customized automation programs

Individual development of business automation systems has a lot of advantages over the use of standard solutions:

  • the possibility of full-scale business automation in order to increase labor productivity;
  • tailored to the specifics of the enterprise;
  • the ability to organize support for innovative technological processes;
  • obtaining a system that takes into account the smallest features of corporate business processes;
  • creation of a program that provides desired result when performing a particular task;
  • development of a convenient, simple, intuitive interface with a minimum number of settings;
  • creation of all necessary conditions to expand the business or introduce serious changes into it;
  • saving on the purchase of licenses for each PC installed in the office;
  • high level reliability and stability of the automation system due to the elimination of the bulk of shortcomings and weaknesses at the design stage;
  • high speed of the system due to the absence of unnecessary elements in the individually developed configuration;
  • adaptation of service functions to business needs;
  • saving time and labor costs of employees, minimizing the number of mistakes they make;

Benefits of developing business automation systems based on 1C

When ordering the development of a business automation system and technological processes, most Russian entrepreneurs choose the 1C platform as a base. And this is justified, since this domain-specific development environment has a lot of advantages over its competitive counterparts:

1) Affordable cost of development of automation systems. Choosing the 1C platform as the basis for developing an individual software solution, you save on:

  • the product itself (individual software is assembled from standard 1C frameworks, which is cheaper than developing unique functions and reporting forms);
  • services of developers (since the domestic market does not experience a shortage of 1C programmers, the cost of their work is traditionally lower than that of competitors);
  • the price of technical support of the implemented solution (if you find specialists to support foreign systems automation in Russia is quite problematic, but for 1C it is easy).
2) Fast and easy development. The 1C: Enterprise platform provides a wide range of ready-made templates and tools that can be customized to meet the needs of each specific enterprise. It is a unique combination of proven mass-market solutions and unlimited customization options.
3) Possibility of making changes at the operational stage. Automation systems based on 1C are easy to modify and upgrade. Business grows, develops - and over time there is a need to expand the individual automation system. The 1C: Enterprise platform allows you to add new modules in any quantity and at any stage of project implementation / operation.
4) Ample opportunities in terms of design. You can order for your automation system the development of an individual interface, reports of any complexity, finalization of printed forms.

Services for the development and implementation of automation systems in the Central Federal District

The individual development of an automation system on the 1C platform can be entrusted exclusively to certified specialists of franchising firms. You can find such professionals in Tula at the SoftExpert company.
Our experienced highly qualified specialists are able to modify any standard or production solution for the needs of your business, as well as develop individual software from scratch. After studying business processes, existing mechanisms accounting and structural features of the enterprise, we carefully work out the functionality of the system and create a solution that most effectively meets the requests and needs of the customer. You can be sure that the system of automation of technological and business processes developed by us will be executed in accordance with the highest quality standards and will provide maximum budget savings during operation.
If you have a full-time 1C specialist in the future, you will be able to independently support and develop software. We initially put in the architecture of the software product the necessary margin of modifiability, so that with subsequent updates and modernization of the system, it does not have to be rewritten.
You can

"1C: Accounting" is one of the most popular and widespread programs for accounting... Many consider it to be the most convenient of all. This program is designed to facilitate and automate accounting and tax accounting.

"1C: Accounting" can work with MC Office and browsers. It stores a lot of reports, analytics and freelance programs. Here is 1c accountancy 8 prof, one of its latest versions, is a good example of quality.

Considering the pros and cons of this program, we must admit that opinions about it are divided. "1C: Accounting" is not suitable for solving all problems. For some enterprises, this is the only and most correct program, for others, its capabilities may not be enough.

Considering the advantages of the "1C: Accounting" program, it is worth noting the main points:

1. The program is designed to account for all types of activities of enterprises.
2. The program does not require prior training and special knowledge.
3. The most time consuming calculations are automated.
4. The program strictly complies with the legislation.
5. The program conducts accounting documentation different enterprises.
6. The program allows you to adjust the indicators in manual mode.
7. The program has a built-in service, thanks to which reports can be sent over the Internet.

So, no matter what type of activity the company is engaged in, accounting and tax accounting can be performed with the "1C: Accounting" program. This program has a built-in reference book, so you don't have to waste time on staff training. When filling out reporting documents, most of it will be done automatically. Automation of complex calculations can significantly save time. All accounting and tax accounting data are contained in one transaction. The program includes all reporting forms corresponding to regulatory documents and the provisions of laws, regulations Tax Code... All databases of normative acts are updated in a timely manner. The program can be customized for a personal user. For example, the most time-consuming processes should be carried out on a powerful computer - a server, and the result should be sent to all users. The program "1C: Accounting" comes already configured for the local network. It is possible to work through the web client from anywhere.

Like any other program, 1C: Accounting has a number of disadvantages. The main one is the need to finalize the program for each specific enterprise.

When choosing a software for accounting, you must take into account all the positive and negative aspects. Compare all software tools and choose the most convenient and correct product.

Currently, the most common software for automating accounting and management accounting in Ukraine areproducts, 1C companies: .

Despite the high popularity of 1C products, the attitude of users towards them is ambiguous: many specialists consider 1C programs the best among the developed tools for automating accounting and management accounting, there are also a fairly large number of specialists who consider the programs developed by 1C a "raw" product that has a large number of imperfection,
flaws and mistakes.

If we objectively evaluate the programs, series "1C", then they can not be called either bad or good. It is simply impossible to give an assessment to the 1C program without reference to a specific enterprise. For exampleimer, for manycompanies "1s accounting" is an ideal solution that fully meets their requirements for the automation of accounting. Similar, For many companies, this program is absolutely unacceptable, since it cannot be used to automate their business processes and solve the assigned tasks.

Since our company offersautomation solutions various retail outlets(shops, mini-markets, kiosks), service establishments(restaurants, cafes, bars, gyms), industrial facilities, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the 1C program precisely in this context.

The disadvantages of solutions based on 1C include:

  • The main application of 1C: solving problems of automation of tax and accounting.

Basic 1C products are focused primarily on the automation of accounting and tax accounting tasks ( "1C: Accounting", "1C: Enterprise", "1C: Trade Management") at enterprises of all spheres of activity.

For the operation of retail facilities, the service sector, special facilities, such solutions are not suitable in principle. Many companies specializing in development for 1C create their own configurations focused on various areas business. Pricesuch 1C products are an order of magnitude higher than the basic versions of 1C, and the functionality will need to be refined, pay extra for setup, support, etc.

Communication of one 1C product with another (for example, communication "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Trade Management") is carried out using information exchange operations (unloading / loading documents). A lot of programs for business automation include modules for exchanging data with the 1C platform. In this regard, the work of two different programs is often practiced at retail outlets. Usually, back office are 1C products, and front office- solutions of other developers.

  • There is a significant difference between the concepts of "finished system" and "platform".

Each enterprise uses unique solution"1C" implemented not a custom configuration !!!, but programmed in the 1C programming language, which is built into the platform. That is, when buying any solution based on 1C, you buy only the "1C platform", which you will have to tweak, add, and modify to suit your requirements. And such services result in additional costs, and as a rule - unplanned.
For large enterprises, this is a normal practice, since for the effective operation of such organizations, individually designed products for automating business or technical processes are required.

In the case of small enterprises, this approach to automation is laborious and costly, both in terms of time and material resources.

  • Configuration, implementation and launch should be carried out by a qualified 1C-programmer.

All basic configurations of "1C" can be called "semi-finished products", and, accordingly, they are offered at the price of semi-finished products. The real cost of one workplace can be estimated only when the improvements or complete rewriting of the source code of the purchased modules are completed. You can prepare for the fact that buying a constructor for low price You will pay for the expensive services of programmers so that they build the configuration you need from it.

Consideringcompany accounting programMicroinvest , then its competitive advantage is precisely the adaptation for self-installation / configuration and the maximum set of functionality.

  • The need to order 1C support services.

Very often, the client needs that all questions and errors that arise when working with 1C (fixing errors in the configuration, consulting staff on how to work with the program, installing program updates) are resolved promptly.
In such cases, you cannot do without the services of companies that specialize in setting up 1C. Either you have to work with a 1C-programmer "freelance" or hire a specialist who can write a new functional module or find and correct errors in the code written before it.

  • Paid product updates.

    The 1C company quite often releases updates to its products. This is due both to changes in the legislation of Ukraine and to the management of errors in work in products. To be able to receive these updates, you must register not cheap paid subscription.
    Also, please note that an ordinary PC user will not be able to update 1C, due to a rather complicated update process. And if your configuration was individually tweaked, then installing an update can break or delete all previous improvements.

  • Low security and security of information used by 1C.

    Due to the widespread use of 1C programs, there are thousands of ways of illegal access and theft of data used by 1C on the Internet. The number of hacking techniques for breaking is constantly updated and increased.

The advantages of solutions based on 1C include:

  • The presence of a large number of potential staff for work in a company where solutions based on 1C are implemented.

  • The fastest and highest quality accounting solutions support on the part of 1C Company.

  • Ability to create or modify individual projects that take into account the business processes of each organization.

  • Built-in object-oriented language specially developed by 1C.

    For the convenience of the programmer in the "1C: Configurator" shell, various auxiliary tools have been developed (Syntax-help, color syntax highlighting, built-in debugger, etc.).

  • Full openness software products 1C

    All configurations that are sold to end customers are open source, and any 1c programmer can easily change or add a ready-made configuration.

  • Unified technological platform

    Thanks to such a foundation as the presence of a single technological platform, high standardization of development, full scalability of projects and ensuring rapid implementation is achieved. modern technologies in all applied solutions.

Currently, most modern accountants are accustomed to carrying out their accounting and tax accounting in special programs, the most common of which is the 1C: Accounting program. One of the latest versions of this program is 1C: Accounting 8, with the help of which most accountants also prepare their entire mandatory reporting... Purchase this program now you can even on the Internet, for example, on the site http://1001-soft.ru/1c_buhgalteria_8.html. The use of such a program largely helps to fully automate all accounting activities for commercial organizations.

The 1C: Accounting 8 program was created on the platform of one of the most modern programs 1C: Enterprise 8, which contains useful materials for maintaining accounting activities at the enterprise.
Analysis of different versions of the 1C: Accounting 8 program, which are based on various 1C: Enterprise platforms (there are comparison tables for 1C Enterprise versions), revealed the following main advantages of this version of the program:

1. Possibility of simultaneous accounting for a large number of enterprises in one information base... At the same time, enterprises can use common lists of goods, cost items, as well as counterparties. However, any of these enterprises can carry out their accounting under the general or simplified taxation system using the same information base.

2. The presence of a special batch accounting in this version of the program, which allows to significantly expand the scope of application of standard solutions. At the same time, in addition to the standard method for assessing the available inventories according to their average cost price, it is now also possible to evaluate inventories using methods such as FIFO and LIFO for each of the enterprises.
3. Simplification of comparability of data in accounting and tax accounting thanks to the introduction of a separate chart of accounts for tax accounting.

4. In this version of the program, it is possible to record the activities of various individual entrepreneurs characterized by simplified system taxation.
5. There is also an optional analytical accounting at the place of storage, namely quantitative and quantitative-sum.
6. An option has been introduced to account for goods by their sales price even in retail.

We continue what we have already done a lot.

Chernomyrdin V.S.

Not so long ago, a client once again contacted me with a well-known problem. His company installed 1C updates. And the work stopped because the program stopped working correctly. I think everyone who has come across software products from 1C as a programmer or user is very familiar with this situation.

Of course, in this particular case, I tried to solve all the problems in the most short time and, as a result, office work is back on track. But even in this situation, I received a lot of negativity from the client. And then I thought about why so many problems constantly arise with 1C software products, why so much negativity comes from clients, and 1C programmers themselves are often disliked, including other programmers?

In this article, I decided to offer my own version of the reasons that lead to such a negative. I will try to use as few specific terms as possible so that the text is understandable to as many readers as possible.

At the same time, for some time personally I myself was exclusively engaged in 1C programming, and today I still actively use software products from 1C in my work, and I am very grateful to this company for the fact that it gave me the opportunity to earn money, including me.

But on the other hand, I believe that it is also necessary to understand the reasons for the negativity. At least in order not to leave all this at the level of intuition and emotions.

How did 1C begin? Let's remember!

Personally, I started out with software 1C from version 6.0. In my opinion, this program was a little more complicated than the various accounting options that were kept in electronic Excel spreadsheets.

It was replaced by the 7th version, including its most successful release - 1C 7.7. It was already a fairly powerful software product, which became very widespread throughout the post-Soviet space. By this time, most users were so accustomed to working with 1C that the ability to use these programs became one of the conditions for hiring accountants, various office personnel, as well as managers, storekeepers, etc.

In principle, 1C 7.7 successfully solved problems associated with various types of accounting. Moreover, this software product is still used in some cases, which also speaks of its popularity.

Now this software amazes with the breadth of possibilities and at the same time the complexity of the system.

Today, 1C provides a whole ecosystem for its customers:

  • A powerful platform for developers.
  • Environment for reference different types accounting and analytics
  • Possibility of connecting various commercial equipment
  • The widest network of partners
  • Multifunctional CMS for website creation
At the same time, together and separately, all the components of this ecosystem do not function in the best way. Problems often appear, failures in work, additional investment of time and money is required, which, of course, causes rejection.

1C updates: how it works

I would like to remind you briefly how software products of the 1C family work today. In most cases, the user buys one or more software products consisting of a platform and an application written on this platform - the so-called configuration.

Further, the programmer adjusts the work of the selected configurations for the needs of a particular company, often installs additional plug-ins, finalizes certain reports, creates new documents that are involved in the internal workflow in this company, etc.

At the same time, both in the platform and in any configuration, there is a fairly large number of bugs from the developer. And the system itself is so complex and voluminous that it is very difficult to fix these bugs by the efforts of a 1C programmer and, most importantly, it is not profitable for the end user. Moreover, both the platform and the configurations themselves are distinguished by such an unpleasant quality as the lack of modularity.

As a result, you have to install updates to fix bugs. In this case, the entire platform and / or configuration is updated each time. Naturally, such a decision takes a very long time, and if it comes about the configuration, then the settings, additional plugins and other modifications made by the programmer will most likely have to be performed anew.

But this is still not the saddest thing in the situation with 1C updates. The saddest thing is that the developer's website shows that updates are released very often, sometimes even 3-4 times a month. In some cases, minor errors are fixed, in others - serious bugs related to the operation of the entire system.

Each new version is an addition of functionality and a kind of "patch" to the bugs of the previous one, which fixes old errors, but almost always carries new ones. Therefore, installing updates is a largely unpredictable process.

Lack of modularity: why it is so important

First, let's talk directly about the platform. 1C programmers know how cumbersome it has become. I have already written about the lack of modularity above. The product code contains the so-called subsystems, but they do not meet the modularity requirements, and therefore are just some kind of attempt to structure the code.

Why do I personally consider the lack of modularity a problem? Let's take an example. Let's say there is a need to improve some functions necessary for the successful operation of the Trade Department or to make changes to the means of storing the balances. But in the 1C platform, everything is interconnected, and therefore you also have to pull updates on work with salaries, with accounting, etc. etc.

In the absence of modularity, in order to make even the smallest changes, you have to study the entire array, the entire platform.

At the same time, the 1C platform is very large and cumbersome. So much is collected in it today that at first it even arouses admiration for its wealth of possibilities. But as you use this platform, the admiration quickly fades away. In an effort to make the program universal, 1C developers have added many different features to the platform.

And now you get a powerful tool, a user-friendly visual interface and… at the same time. many problems and bugs due to the complexity of the system.

Let me give you one more example. Let's say I only need Trade to work. The company no longer uses anything, neither a mobile interface, nor accounting, nor an online store, nor any other components. But no matter what, when I receive updates, I get the entire platform, including the functionality necessary for the work of those components that I do not use. Those. despite the fact that I use Trade, and the updates are intended for working with Accounting, I have to download and install the entire platform.

Licensing policy and bugs in the system

When updating the platform, quite often users are faced with the fact that license keys stop working. If you have not personally encountered such a situation, just type in the search engine "After the update, 1C stopped working", and you will see how common this problem is.

So, imagine the situation. There is a company that employs, for example, 30 people. After the update, the program stopped accepting license keys. The work of the company is paralyzed. The company incurs losses.

An important issue: the unpredictable behavior of the platform when updating.

In addition to the fact that the license often "flies", after updating the platform, it may contain new functionality, which may also not work correctly. And you can check the quality of work and identify new bugs in the new version of the program only in practice, i.e. in progress.

Let me remind you that the platform is very large and cumbersome, and therefore it is simply unrealistic to test it by a programmer in a short time. And all this must be taken into account with every update.

So, the situation for a programmer looks like this:

  • With each update, I get a lot of unnecessary things, since the platform is completely updated, and there is no way to uninstall or not install tools that will not be used in the future.
  • Still, updates are necessary, since this is the only way to "cure" current bugs that are known or not yet identified by the programmer.
  • At the same time, a new update usually carries new bugs that will be fixed in the next version.
Thus, the circle is complete. And the programmer has to install new versions from time to time, in spite of the new problems that they carry in themselves.

Why are there so many bugs?

In my humble opinion, the main reason for the abundance of bugs is the complexity of the system. Remember, now the 1C platform is available for Windows 32 and 64 bit, for Linux, server version, mobile, etc. The complexity of maintenance is very high, and as practice shows, 1C developers simply cannot cope with maintenance.

Due to the lack of modularity, additional difficulties also arise, since it is practically impossible to identify all errors and debug such a cumbersome software product. As a result, new updates are constantly being released.

Another very important reason for the constant presence of bugs and the situation with them is the lack of competition. In fact, 1C is now a monopolist.

Of course, alternative software products are being created, some of them are quite decent. But so far all of them are applied solutions capable of solving certain problems, while 1C is a whole ecosystem.

Moreover, 1C is distinguished by very powerful and aggressive marketing, everyone knows about this software.

That is why I argue that today 1C does not have a worthy competitor in the post-Soviet space. And the lack of competition always leads to a decrease in the quality of the product itself, which we observe in the example of 1C: constant "raw" updates, constant bugs, lack of detailed documentation for updates, etc.
Therefore, I personally advise all my clients not to update without special need. By the way, I received the same advice myself from one of the people who stood at the origins of 1C.

Of course, the current version certainly contains some bugs, but if you work in it without problems, then these bugs are not critical for you. It is impossible to predict what will happen in the new version. Therefore, updates should be installed only when it becomes really necessary for work.

Flagships. Typical configurations

The line of 1C software products is based on typical configurations. There are quite a lot of ready-made box solutions on the 1C website.

But the bulk of the users working uses only 4 configurations:

  • Enterprise accounting
  • Trade management
  • Manufacturing enterprise management
  • Salary and HR management
And each of the configurations has the same disadvantages as the platform:
  • Lack of modularity
  • Bulky and many unnecessary functions
  • New bugs in new versions
  • Unpredictable update result
At the same time, for each update, you need to analyze what exactly was updated, carry out the update itself, and re-configure the configuration. But configuration updates are also released so often that it becomes problematic to understand them.

In addition, due to the lack of modularity, more often than not, you have to update, even if the changes affect functions that you are not using. Simply because a mistake in this functionality can lead to incorrect operation of other modules.

If we talk about Trade, then my practice shows that in fact people use no more than 30% of the entire functionality of this component. The situation is similar in other typical configurations. In pursuit of the implementation of the maximum number of possibilities, the developers have created very cumbersome and complex products in which everything is interconnected, and therefore even turning off unnecessary functionality is not always realistic.

For example, when updating Trade, the developers added a new bonus system... The client does not use bonuses at all. He doesn't need them. But if you try to disable these bonuses, the discount system starts to work incorrectly. I faced such a situation in practice. Of course, solving this problem required the help of a programmer.

Recently, I have come to the conclusion that at the end of the project, I advise all clients not to update at all. I set everything up the way it needs to work, together with the client and his staff, we tested the configuration and made sure that everything works well. Therefore, you do not need to update the configuration until there is a need for major changes.

Aggressive marketing and its results

Very often my clients install updates against my advice. Why is this happening?
Motivating programmers
1C programmers are interested in the client updating the software as often as possible. It is simply beneficial for them. Each time you update, you will need to re-configure the configuration. And therefore, with the help of updates, they receive income literally "out of thin air."

Imagine a situation where a company operates in some configuration without updates, calmly and reliably. But there was a need, for example, to create another report or install additional processing. Naturally, in this case they turn to a specialist.

What happens next? The 1C programmer comes and sees that the program has not been updated for a long time. He tells the client how bad it is, explains that without updates, he will not be able to customize the report the customer needs or perform other work, he scares off with a large number of errors that exist in the old version, etc. etc. Basically, it convinces the customer to buy and install updates.

In fact, in most cases, there is no objective need for updates. But the volume of the programmer's work and, accordingly, his fee increases significantly. By the way, many users are therefore negative about 1C programmers. From their point of view, they pay 90% of the amount to the programmer for something that worked perfectly before his work, i.e. they have to pay for the same functionality several times.

Aggressive marketing from 1C
The 1C company itself is also interested in the fact that users are updated as often as possible. As a result, users often receive reminders of new updates, warnings about the need to update the platform or configuration. But at the same time, the site does not have enough detailed information about what exactly the user will receive in the event of an update, what bugs are fixed, what opportunities have appeared. Those. it is impossible to objectively assess the need to install this or that update. As a result, many users update just in case.

Disadvantages of service and franchising

I believe that there is practically no service at 1C. The company does a great job in sales, it really has a very aggressive and, admittedly, effective marketing policy. But if you need service, you run into a lot of complications.

The 1C website has a whole section where you can find certified partners in your region who provide services for maintaining 1C software products. These partners are certified, pay partner fees. It would seem that everything is in order.

But in fact, the 1C company practically does not work with partners:

  • In order for a company to receive the status of a partner, it is enough to have a certified specialist on staff.
  • Subsequently, no one conducts repeated checks or examinations. That is why a certified programmer may be the only specialist, and completely different people will come to serve you, he may quit altogether, and the company does not lose its partner status.
  • 1C practically does not conduct any work with partners, does not conduct training, does not control the quality of work.
The result of such a policy is known to many. The presence of a particular company in the list of 1C partners is not a guarantee of high-quality service.

I have already mentioned that 1C is a whole ecosystem. In some ways, it can even be compared with Apple. A whole system is built there, consisting of hardware, software and resellers. 1C also has a platform, there are configurations, and there are certified resellers.

But if Apple very tightly controls quality at all stages - from production to the work of partners, and the highest quality is one of the important competitive advantages for this brand, then in 1C everything is not at all like that. There is practically no service maintenance here, no one controls the work of partners, as a result, the quality of post-sale work with the software is very low.

It is also interesting that the 1C company directs its marketing efforts, first of all, to the consumers of the product, i.e. per users. And working with configurations is completely focused on programmers. As a result, one thing is advertised, but in practice it turns out that the buyer received something completely different.

And here, too, the reasons for the negative attitude towards 1C programmers and towards the software product itself are manifested.
When I stopped working only with 1C and took up business consulting, I began to use a variety of software products in my work. These were sites based on Drupal, and systems like ZOHO CRM, ATOL RMK, Redmine, and many other systems. And almost all of these services and programs do not require constant and frequent updates... And when upgrading, there are not so many problems.

While the 1C company makes money in two directions: on sales and on constant updates. But what does the client have to do with it? He is forced to pay and renew, since there is no other way out. Moreover, all products that are used in the enterprise have to be updated simultaneously.

For example, if you use Trade, a really useful update has come out to it, which fixes some bug that is relevant to you, you will definitely need to update the Accounting department as well. Because the exchange of data is only possible between the same version of the configuration. If you decide to leave the Accounting Department without updating, then uploading documents from Trade to Accounting will stop working for you.

As a result, the client is forced to use the system, which is constantly breaking down, and regularly pay for the restoration of its work. Of course, the client gets negative. And he cannot go to some other software product, he simply does not see a worthy alternative.

Yes, there are other accounting systems in our country, some of them even gradually catch up with 1C in terms of capabilities. But marketing is a great thing! That is why the client does not see an alternative, and, despite the constant negative, makes the next payment.

1C: Bitrix - difficulties, features, marketing

Another product that traditionally belongs to the 1C line is the 1C-Bitrix website management system. At the same time, many users are sure that it is enough to buy Bitrix, and all issues of integrating the site and data in 1C will be resolved.

A user who buys 1C software products and orders a site on 1C-Bitrix sees a common brand and is confident that these are products of the same line that will always work together without problems.
In fact, CMS Bitrix is ​​a separate product that was developed by specialists who have nothing to do with 1C. Later this CMS was supplemented with means of integration with products of the 1C line, and a new name “1C-Bitrix” appeared. This happened because 1C bought out a large stake in Bitrix and decided to use this CMS along with its software.

What happened as a result?
Integration of the online store database and 1C software products is really provided. But it is very complex, and without the help of a specialist, it is almost impossible to set up data exchange, and it is very, very difficult to change.

Moreover, the programmers who set up the work of 1C for you will not be able to install and configure Bitrix. Here you need a web-programmer, Bitrix specialist. Integration is partly configured by 1C programmers, partly by Bitrix specialists. And there are times when the user does not know at all who to contact.

For example, I had this situation. After the next updates, the exchange of data with the site stopped working for my client. I turned to a 1C specialist, but he could not help us, because, in his opinion, the problem was on the side of Bitrix. We turned to the Bitrix programmer. He also threw up his hands and said that the problem, most likely, is still on the side of 1C. The exchange of data with the site did not work for about 2 weeks. The client was forced to manually download prices and balances, unload orders from the site. In the end, we got lucky. I went to a programmer who understood both Bitrix and 1C, and he set up the exchange module.

Bitrix and 1C: systems are different, common disadvantages
Web developers who are familiar with the latest versions of Bitrix will understand me now. Just like 1C software products, latest versions Bitrix have become very powerful, powerful, but unnecessarily complex. Now, without the help of an administrator (web programmer) in Bitrix, a user most often cannot even set up new categories in the product catalog, since in order to organize an intelligent search, you need to set your own parameters for each type of product.

At the same time, you need different specialists to maintain the site and 1C programs. After all, these are different products. They are used for different purposes, have different platforms, and require knowledge of different technologies to work with them.

Instead of a resume

So let's summarize. Software products of the 1C line cause negativity among specialists for the following reasons:
  • High system complexity
  • Lack of modularity
  • Bugs in every update
  • Lack of detailed documentation for updates
  • Unpredictable result of installing updates
All this applies to both the platform and any 1C configuration.

On the part of users, the negative is caused by:

  • Unpredictable results of installing updates. The program may stop working at any time. At the same time, due to bugs in previous versions, updates are necessary.
  • You need to pay for updates both to the 1C company and to the programmer. At the same time, the advantages visible to the user are in most cases insignificant, and most of the costs have to be paid for restoring the program's functionality after installing a new version.
The negative attitude towards 1C programmers also becomes clear:
  • Users transfer part of the negative about the program to the specialist. After all, it is the 1C programmer who gets paid for installing updates and setting up the configuration.
  • Programmers who are engaged in other areas understand that often their colleagues who specialize in 1C receive money, in fact, for "selling air." This is especially noticeable when updates are imposed on the client by the specialists themselves.
  • Due to the lack of control on the part of 1C, random people are engaged in the maintenance of software products, which also does not contribute to a positive image.
These are the conclusions I personally made. Perhaps, in something I am not quite right, perhaps I have missed something. In any case, I decided to write this article not for the sake of criticism as such, but in order to understand for what reasons a negative attitude towards the programs of the 1C line and towards 1C programmers among clients can appear.

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