Transfer from card to card bps. International cash transfer "Kolibri"

Transferring funds from ATMs

The remuneration for making a transfer is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

The operation is carried out in real time and the recipient of the transfer will be able to use the money within a few seconds.

The senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders issued by any resident banks of various payment systems (for example, a money transfer from a Mastercard to Visa card, from BELKART card to Mastercard cards, etc.).

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

the name of the operation

Reward amount

2.5% of the amount

2% of the amount

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds at information kiosks

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders of OJSC " ASB Belarusbank» various payment systems.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

In addition, from cards of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" you can make transfers to cards issued by non-resident banks (except for Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (the list of countries can be changed by payment systems).

In accordance with the requirements of the international payment system, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard cards and Visa per day – 5, for 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

the name of the operation

Reward amount

Transfer Money(translation) to Belarusian rubles using the card of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" or its details to the account to which the card of another bank is issued 1

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using a resident bank card:

to the account to which the card of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" is issued

2% of the amount

to an account to which a card from another bank is issued

2.5% of the amount

1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).

Money transfers BLIZKO

The senders of the transfer can be cardholders of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

BLIZKO transfers are carried out in accordance with general Rules payment system BLIZKO, which can be found on the website

Transfer within the Shchodra Club (3 favorite recipients)

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transferring funds via Internet banking

Transfer from card to bank card within the accounts of one individual

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

The transfer is carried out both in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency without charging any remuneration.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of JSC ASB Belarusbank of various payment systems.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles. The remuneration for making a transfer is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

Recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards issued by any resident banks or non-resident banks, except Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (the list of countries can be changed by payment systems), various payment systems (i.e. a money transfer from a card is possible Mastercard to Visa card, from BELKART card to Mastercard cards, etc.).

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card. Enter the first and last name of the transfer recipient in Latin (when making a transfer to a non-resident bank card).

In accordance with the requirements of the international payment system, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

the name of the operation

Reward amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using the card of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" or its details to the account to which the card of another bank is issued 1

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using a resident bank card:

to the account to which the card of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" is issued

2% of the amount

to an account to which a card from another bank is issued

2.5% of the amount

1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).

Transfer within the Shchodry Club to a club card or Magnit installment card (three favorite recipients)

To make a transfer, registration of the service is required at the bank institution at the place where the account was opened using the Shchodry Club card. The client can specify no more than 3 recipients of the transfer.

The senders of the transfer are holders of the Shchodry Club cards, the recipients of the transfer are the holders of the Velvet, Carte Blanche, #nastart, Shchodry, Persona Club cards or Magnit installment cards.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles without charging a fee.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer of funds in M-banking

Transfer from card to bank card within the accounts of one individual

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles without charging a fee.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of JSC ASB Belarusbank of various payment systems.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles. The remuneration for making a transfer is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

The senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders issued by any resident banks of various payment systems (i.e., a money transfer from a Mastercard to a Visa card, from a BELKART card to Mastercard cards, etc. is possible).

In addition, from cards of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" you can make transfers to cards issued by non-resident banks, except for Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (the list of countries can be changed by payment systems).

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card. Enter the first and last name of the transfer recipient in Latin.

In accordance with the requirements of the international payment system, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

the name of the operation

Reward amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using the card of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" or its details to the account to which the card of another bank is issued 1

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using a resident bank card:

to the account to which the card of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" is issued

2% of the amount

to an account to which a card from another bank is issued

2.5% of the amount

1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).

Transfer of funds on a corporate website

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of JSC ASB Belarusbank of various payment systems.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles, the remuneration amount is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

Within the accounts of one individual, the transfer is carried out without charging a fee.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of various payment systems issued by any resident banks (i.e., a money transfer is possible from a Mastercard to a Visa card, from a BELKART card to a Mastercard, etc.).

To carry out a transfer operation, you must indicate the number, validity period and three-digit CVV2/CVC number of the sender's card, as well as the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card. The card from which funds are written off must necessarily support 3D-Secure technology, Internet Password BELKARD/BELKART-InternetPassword.

In accordance with the requirements of international payment systems, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

Transfer from card to card - convenient service, which allows you to transfer funds to a loved one without leaving your home. You can perform such an operation or by contacting the bank that issued your card for help.

Most often, the transfer can be made via Internet banking. mobile application, some financial and credit institutions supplement this list with information kiosks, ATMs and transfer services on the corporate website.

However, it is worth remembering that a fee may be charged for such a service. The size of the bank's remuneration may depend on several factors:

  • Which bank issued the card to which the transfer is made?
  • who owns it, you or another individual
  • where the transfer is made, for example, in online banking or an information kiosk
We monitored Belarusian banks to find out which of them provide services for transferring funds from card to card, and how much does it cost? For your convenience, information for each bank is presented in a separate table.
Transfer method between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Service on the bank's website
no commission
no commission - from a card of another bank to an Alfa-Bank card
Mobile Bank no commission no possibility
ATM / Information kiosk no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank

between cards of different persons:
0.9% - transfer using the Internet Bank service
0.9% (min 0.49 BYN) - transfer "Hot on the card"
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - on Visa card, Mastercard, Belcard of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a BelVEB Bank card
Service on the bank's website
no commission - between cards of the same person
0.9% (min 0.49 BYN) - between cards of different persons

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Service on the bank's website
no commission 1% (min 1 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a VTB Bank card

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
no commission - between cards of the same person
1% + 0.14 BYN - between cards of different persons
1.5% + 0.14 BYN - salary “Basic”, “Bonus”
0.5% + 0.14 BYN - salary "Premium"
1.5% + 1 BYN - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks / from a card of another bank to a Dabrabyt Bank card
Service on the bank's website no possibility
ATM no possibility
2% - from a Dabrabyt Bank card to a card of another bank (except for devices and services of Belgazprombank)
free - salary "Elite"
Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website
no possibility
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 0.5% - from a Solution Bank card to a card of another bank (except for V-BANKING cards)

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
no commission - between cards of the same person
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - between cards of different persons
1.5% (min 0.99 BYN) - to a card of another bank
ATM / Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
1.5% (min 0.99 BYN) - to a card of another bank / from a card of another bank to a Belagroprombank card
1.5% (min 1.49 BYN) - between cards of other banks
Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Info kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
no commission - between cards of the same person
1.5% - between cards of different persons
2.5% - to a card of another bank / between cards of other banks
2% - from a card of another bank to a Belarusbank card
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 2.5% - from a Belarusbank card to a card of another bank

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Information kiosk
no commission
no commission - from a card of another bank to a Belgazprombank card
Service on the bank's website no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
no commission 1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - only Belagroprombank, Belarusbank
ATM / Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - to a card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a Belinvestbank card

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank no commission - between cards of the same person
2 BYN per transaction - between cards of different persons
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank
ATM / Information kiosk / Service on the bank’s website no possibility
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 2% (min 2 BYN) - from a BPS-Sberbank card to a card of another bank (for cards
serviced at BPC - on the back of the card number 2992525)

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks

Service on the bank's website
no commission 1.5% (min 0.5 BYN) - to a Visa / Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a BSB Bank card
ATM no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank no commission - by contract number / telephone no possibility
Mobile Bank no commission - by contract number / telephone
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - by card number
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
ATM no possibility
Service on the bank's website 1.5% (min 2 BYN) on Visa, Mastercard cards

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
Service on the bank's website
no commission 1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to an MTBank card
ATM / Information kiosk no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile bank
no commission no possibility
ATM / Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
no commission 1.2% + 1.5 BYN - to a card of another bank / between cards of other banks
Service on the bank's website no possibility
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 0.5% - from a Priorbank card to a card of another bank

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile bank
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile bank
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website no possibility 1.5% (min 1 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a StatusBank card
ATM / Information kiosk no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank no commission 1.5% (min 2 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks / from a card of another bank to a Technobank card
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank no commission - between cards of the same person
no possibility - between cards of different persons
no possibility
Mobile Bank / ATM /
Service on the site
no possibility

Thus, all listed financial and credit institutions allow you to transfer funds within one bank. Please note that making a transfer to a card Fransabanka You can only use your cards.

Most banks offer such transfers free of charge. The fee for transferring funds to another person’s card issued by the same bank as your card will be charged:

  • Bank BelVEB
  • Bank Dabrabyt
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
  • BPS-Sberba NK
15 financial and credit institutions allow you to transfer funds to another bank’s card, and this list has recently been expanded BSB Bank.

In addition, previously in Alfa-Bank’s Internet bank a transfer to a card of another bank could only be made through the service of the Russian Alfa-Bank, but now Belarusian bank your service will appear.

If your bank is not one of the financial institutions that allow you to transfer money to a card of another bank, then you can use the services of other banks, some of them allow you to make transactions even if the sender’s card is issued in another bank.

Please note that some banks may charge a fee for transfers from their cards through third-party services!

To clarify, here's an example:

You need to make a transfer to an Alfa-Bank card from a card, say, BelVEB Bank. If you use Alfa-Bank’s P2P transfer service for the transfer, then neither Alfa-Bank nor BelVEB Bank will charge you a commission for such an operation. But if you transfer money to an Alfa-Bank card from a Priorbank card, then the latter will charge you a commission of 0.5% of the amount for “transfer in devices and services of other banks.”

Please note that according to the map Bonuses up to 5% are provided for each transaction. Bonuses can be used to compensate for purchases on AliExpress

So, today they charge a commission for transferring funds through third-party services:
  • Bank Dabrabyt - 2% of the amount (exception: devices and services of Belgazprombank)
  • Bank Solution - 0.5% of the amount (exception: V-BANKING cards)
  • Belarusbank - 2.5% of the amount
  • BPS-Sberbank - 2% of the amount, minimum 2 rubles (applies to cards serviced at BPC - number 2992525 on the back of the card)
  • Priorbank - 0.5% of the amount
We have added this information to the tables of the respective banks.

In addition to transferring by card number, you can transfer money through the ERIP system; no commission is charged for such a transfer. However, in this case you will need to know the recipient's contract or account number, and crediting may take longer. Let us immediately note that you cannot top up cards through ERIP:

  • VTB Bank
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
Another way to transfer funds is "Arbitrary payment". In this case, there will definitely be a commission, both from the sending bank and the receiving bank. This transfer takes up to several days. Plus, you need to know all the recipient’s data:
  • Account number
  • UNP of the receiving bank
  • BIC of the receiving bank
In addition to all of the above, you should remember that many banks have limits on transfers - minimum and maximum amounts. The information is presented as of July 30, 2019, and does not take into account possible changes


Sberbank - KOLIBRI transfers

Hummingbird transfers within Ukraine, as well as between Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, will soon be stopped, as Sberbank of Russia is selling its subsidiary bank JSC Sberbank of Russia (Ukraine). In October 2016, a number of Russian payment systems (including Hummingbird) came under expanded sanctions from Ukraine, in response to this, on March 22, 2017, the State Duma adopted changes in the third reading the federal law "About national", prohibiting cross-border money transfers from Russia to Ukraine using foreign payment systems. The law was signed by Putin.

Of all kinds money transfers Russia, urgent cash transfers “Hummingbird” of Sberbank of Russia are considered one of the youngest. This type of transfer appeared at the beginning of 2013, when Sberbank rebranded the Blitz money transfer system, popular among the population, which received a new life as urgent cash transfers Kolibri. The conditions for processing this urgent transfer have been significantly improved.

Hummingbird logo

So, KOLIBRI, these are urgent cash transfers from Sberbank of Russia, which are carried out both between Sberbank branches in Russia, and between Sberbank of Russia and its subsidiary banks abroad, as well as within one of the subsidiary banks. Transfers are made without opening an account (by both the sender and the recipient).

The system of urgent transfers "KOLIBRI" of Sberbank of Russia consists of several types of money transfers, namely:

  • Transfers within Russia - urgent cash transfers between Sberbank branches throughout Russia.

  • Transfers abroad - international urgent money transfers between Sberbank of Russia and its subsidiary banks abroad.

  • Transfers within Ukraine - urgent cash transfers between branches of Sberbank of Russia JSC across the territory of Ukraine.
It should be noted that on the Crimean peninsula (Simferopol, Sevastopol, etc.), which joined Russia in 2014, there are still no branches of Sberbank of Russia, and therefore this type of transfer is not available in this part of Russia.

Banks participating in Kolibri transfers

The branch network of participants in the Kolibri transfer system consists of 4 banks:

  • OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" ( Russian Federation) - with a branch network that ensures the receipt and issuance of transfers in more than 10,000 branches of the bank. Sberbank carries out transfers within Russia and transfers abroad. The list of branches of Sberbank of Russia that carry out Hummingbird money transfers can be viewed

  • SB Sberbank JSC (Republic of Kazakhstan)- with 33 service units that carry out transfers with Russia (Almaty, Astana, Aktau, Aktobe, Taldykorgan, Atyrau, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Uralsk, Kostanay, Ust-Kamenogorsk). You can view the list of branches of SB Sberbank JSC that carry out international urgent money transfers “Kolibri”

  • JSC "Sberbank of Russia" (Ukraine)- with 160 bank branches, which are present in all regions of Ukraine (Kiev region, Crimea, Dnepropetrovsk region, Donetsk region, etc.). The Bank carries out transfers both from Russia and across Ukraine (within its branch network). The list of branches of Sberbank of Russia JSC that carry out these transfers can be clarified

  • OJSC "BPS-Sberbank" (Republic of Belarus)- with divisions in 46 cities of the republic (Minsk, Mogilev, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, etc.), which carry out transfers with Russia. The list of structural divisions of BPS-Sberbank can be viewed

On none of the websites of the banks listed above did I find information that using the Kolibri system you can process transfers between the subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia directly. That is, for example, transfers from Kazakhstan to Ukraine or from Ukraine directly to Belarus are not made and this is a big minus of the system.

Conditions and commission for urgent money transfers KOLIBRI

The main conditions and commissions for KOLIBRI transfers, which operate in Sberbank of Russia and its subsidiary banks in 2013, can be divided into the following areas:

  • Transfers within Russia

  • Transfers abroad

  • Transfers within Ukraine
Transfers of "Hummingbird" are carried out only between individuals, only in cash (without opening current accounts for clients), and cannot be related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity.
  1. Conditions and tariffs for KOLIBRI transfers across Russia

    Transfers within Russia are urgent cash transfers from Sberbank of Russia OJSC, which are carried out between the bank’s structural divisions and are carried out:

  2. Conditions and tariffs for KOLIBRI transfers abroad
    Conditions/Participating countriesOJSC "Sberbank of Russia" - from RussiaSB Sberbank JSC - from KazakhstanJSC "Sberbank of Russia" - from UkraineOJSC "BPS-Sberbank" - from Belarus
    1. Transfer currency KOLIBRIrubles, US dollars and eurosrubles, US dollars and eurosrubles, US dollars and eurosrubles, US dollars and euros
    2. Maximum amount of transfers per day
    • for residents no more than 5,000 US dollars (equivalent);
    • for non-residents 10,000 (Ten thousand) US dollars
    5000 US dollars (at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the day of the transaction)10,000 US dollars.
    3. Bank commission for transfer - when sending a transfer to Kolibri1% of the amount, but not less than 150 rubles. (5 US dollars/euro depending on the currency of transfer), max 3000 rubles, 100 US dollars/euro.1% of the amount, min 150 Russian rubles; 1% of the amount, min 5 US dollars/5 euros1% of the amount, min 150 Russian rubles; 1% of the amount, min 5 US dollars/5 euros
    4. Bank commission for transfer - upon receipt of the Kolibri transfer1% of the amount1% of the amount1% of the amount1% of the amount
    5. Deadline for money transferno more than 1 hour from the moment of registration by the senderno more than 1 hourno more than 1 hourno more than 1 hour
    6. Additional service (Recipient Notification)informing the recipient at the request of the sender by telephone about the fact of acceptance of the transfer in his favor - 10 rubles.50 tengeNoNo
    7. Cancellation of a transfer (until the recipient requests the transfer)150 rub.750 tenge30 UAH150 rub.
  3. Conditions and tariffs for KOLIBRI transfers in Ukraine

How to send a transfer to Kolibri?

To make a transfer through a Sberbank branch, the sender will need:

  1. Visit the Sberbank branch that provides Hummingbird transfers.

  2. Present an identification document.

  3. Provide the bank employee with the necessary information:

    • Last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient of the money transfer;

    • Security Question and a response for the recipient (if desired);

    • your number mobile phone and/or the recipient's phone number (not required) - then the sender will be informed free of charge via SMS about the receipt of the transfer, and the recipient about the sending or cancellation of the transfer.

  4. Carefully check the application for transfer completed by the Sberbank operator and sign it.

  5. Deposit the transfer amount and the commission amount into the Bank's cash desk.

  6. Receive a receipt containing the transfer control number.

  7. Independently inform the recipient of the transfer control number.
The list of Bank branches that carry out urgent transfers can be viewed by going to the participants’ websites from the section of the material “Banks that carry out urgent cash transfers Hummingbird”.

How to get a translation of Kolibri?

To receive a Kolibri transfer, the recipient must do the following:

  • Visit any branch of Sberbank or a subsidiary bank that processes such transfers.

  • Present a passport or other identification document.

  • State the control number of the transfer and the answer to the security question (if specified) and the sender’s last name.

  • Get a translation.

  • For international transfers, you must also pay your part of the commission for receiving the transfer.

How to check the status of a transfer

It is not possible to check the status of the KOLIBRI transfer through the Sberbank website, since there is no such service.
Instead, Sberbank invites the sender, and only if he wishes, to indicate in the application his mobile phone number and/or the phone number of the transfer recipient, i.e. This bank service is optional.
In this case:
  • the sender will be informed free of charge via SMS about the receipt of the transfer,
  • recipient - SMS message about sending or canceling the transfer.

How to correct mistakes made when completing a translation

Payment of the transfer is not made if the sender of the transfer, when filling out the “Application for Transfer”, indicated incorrect recipient information, i.e. when the recipient's full name and/or passport details do not match the data entered into the system as directed by the sender.
In this case, the sender has the right to amend the data of the transfer recipient in terms of changing the surname, and/or first name, and/or patronymic of the recipient, upon presentation to the bank:

  • receipt/receipt cash order 0402008 with the transfer control number issued when processing the transfer.

In the absence of a receipt/cash receipt order 0402008 with a transfer control number, the sender can make amendments if:

  • correctly indicate the transfer control number,

  • and the data of the Identification Document of the sender of the transfer will coincide with his data (client data) specified in the transfer details when sending it.

According to the “Conditions...” Sberbank does not classify the following discrepancies as errors in writing a full name:

  • different spelling in the transfer details and details of the recipient’s identity document, the letters “E” or “E” and the letters “I” or “Y”,

  • the same spelling of letters in Latin and Cyrillic. For example, “P” (Latin) and “P” (Cyr.).

  • the absence or presence of a full name in the details - a space or a hyphen.

Canceling a bank transfer Kolibri

The sender has the right to cancel a transfer unclaimed by the recipient and return his money. True, the commission for processing the transfer is not refundable, in addition, the sender will additionally pay for the service of canceling the transfer.

Cancellation of an unclaimed transfer is carried out in the structural unit of Sberbank of Russia / the Respondent that accepted the transfer, upon presentation of:

  • identification document

  • receipts with transfer control number.

Cancellation of an unclaimed transfer and return of funds to the sender, in the absence (loss) of a receipt/receipt cash order 0402008, is carried out in the following order:

  1. A written application is drawn up in any form addressed to the head of the branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC/ structural unit The respondent who accepted the transfer.

  2. The bank is checking primary documents according to the accepted transfer, after which permission is obtained from the head of the structural unit of the Respondent/structural unit/branch of Sberbank of Russia to pay out the money.

  3. The funds are paid to the sender.

Senders of Kolibri transfers must remember that in case of loss of the receipt/cash receipt order 0402008 containing the control number of the transfer, duplicates and copies will not be issued. And in order not to get into a difficult situation, it is advisable not to lose or throw away the receipt for the sent transfer until you receive information that the recipient has received the transfer.

The advantage of modern banking system is its global nature, thanks to which clients can transfer funds not only within the country, but also to any bank in the world. Given that Belarus and Russia have friendly relations, their citizens may need to transfer funds. One such option is one that allows you to transfer money to Belarus through Sberbank, but customers are asking if this can be done through an online system.

About the possibility of transferring funds from Russia to Belarus through Sberbank

If clients want to send money to Belarus directly to a bank card in this country, they will be refused, because this simply cannot be done. Although Sberbank is present in Belarus, it is impossible to make a direct transfer to its card, and it is necessary to use international systems. As in other countries, funds can be transferred in cash or from an account, including using Internet banking.

Transferring money from a Sberbank card to Belarus is not a difficult undertaking if a person knows the recipient’s full name, his bank details and other official information. First, you need to take data from the recipient of the funds, which he has the right to request from his bank. All information can be transmitted via the Internet or by phone, after which the Russian must provide the details to the cashier or enter them in Internet banking.

Available methods

Even taking into account the fact that BPS-Sberbank, operating in Belarus, has been a subsidiary of Russian Sberbank, the client is not spared the need to use international payment systems. There are several methods to transfer money from Russia to Belarus through Sberbank:

  • cash transfer using the Kolibri system;
  • MoneyGram;
  • international transfers in cash or non-cash methods.

The first method, which involves using the Hummingbird system, allows you to send money without the need to open a new account with Sberbank. To send it, you can contact the company’s office directly and transfer the money to the cashier or consultant. The transfer procedure will be completed within an hour, although usually the money is transferred earlier. A special feature is that both the sender and the recipient pay a commission of 1% of the transfer amount.

International MoneyGram system makes it possible to send money, which will be received by the recipient within 10 minutes, however, you cannot transfer money from a Sberbank card. But the percentage in this case is quite high, since the funds are transferred in currency, usually dollars. For amounts up to $100, fees will be 2%, and for larger amount the percentage will be higher, for example, from 100 to 300 dollars you will need to overpay 3%.

International transfers in cash and by non-cash method are carried out within a period of up to two working days, while the money will be sent within 24 hours if the transfer is made to a card or account. You must pay 2% for the transaction if it is made in rubles; when sending currency, you will need to overpay 1% of the amount. Previously, Sberbank offered its clients the “Blitz” service, which later became known as “Hummingbird”.

Important! On this moment this is one of the most quick ways, because the money is available within 10-20 minutes after sending. Both rubles and dollars can be sent from euros. The main thing is that a commission of 2% is paid for the transaction in national currency and 1% – if we're talking about on transfers in foreign funds.

Is it possible to transfer money through Sberbank Online

There are no problems when sending money between clients of Russian banks, and this task can be completed through Sberbank Online. But the situation changes when money needs to be sent abroad, in particular to Belarus. What this country has subsidiary Sberbank does not change the fact that these are different legal entities, located in different countries. Therefore, it is impossible to transfer money to Belarus through Sberbank Online, and you need to use other international systems for this.

They, in turn, only require a visit to the branch, and, depending on the system, different lists of documents will be required. For example, the easiest way would be to create a translation of “Hummingbird”, which can be sent to Belarus and Kazakhstan. Apart from the passport and full name of the recipient, no data is required. A SWIFT transfer will be less convenient, since, in addition to the passport, you need to know the name of the bank where the recipient will receive the money, as well as its SWIFT code. In addition, you must also provide the recipient's address or passport details.

MoneyGram, which requires a higher commission, will require a smaller list of data. So, the client will only get by with his own passport and the name and surname of the recipient, written in Latin letters. But it will be possible to receive a transfer from abroad through Internet banking, if the company allows it. Then you need to go to the payments and transfers section, and then enter the required transaction details.

Alternative options

In addition to official banks, there are no less legal methods, which, in particular, are payment systems. Of these, the most international is WebMoney, which operates in most countries of the world, and if a client replenishes an account and then sends funds to another user of the system, the operation will take place without any codes or additional data.

The problem is that you must first enter personal data into account and confirm it using your passport data. But the verification is quick, and to make a transfer you only need to know the user’s wallet number; new ones are opened instantly and do not require additional confirmation. In addition, you can link a card from any bank to your account and subsequently immediately transfer money directly to it. The transfer fee is set at 2-3% of the amount, which is quite tolerable compared to other possibilities.

If intrabank systems and WebMoney do not suit the client, he can use additional systems translation, one of the most convenient is Western Union. Almost every bank in the world is connected to it, and Belarusian institutions are no exception. To work with it, you do not need to open an additional account, and the funds reach the recipient within a few minutes after sending.

The commission for this method will be a maximum of 1.7%, and it depends on the size of the transaction, as well as the type of currency. To receive a transfer, the receiving party needs to present a passport and also fill out a special form. It indicates the transaction number, its amount and other information, so the method is quite simple and reliable.


There are several ways to transfer funds from Russia to Belarus, but you must definitely come to the Sberbank office, since such a transaction cannot be performed through its online system. A person can choose several systems and ways of transferring funds, which differ in commission and deadlines for completing the task. At the same time, there is a transfer that works only in subsidiary banks of Belarus and Kazakhstan - “Hummingbird”, it allows you to receive money in 10 minutes and even credit it to your card via Internet banking.

One of the most sought after banking operations is a transfer from card to card of Belarusbank. And it’s true - not everyone has the opportunity to transfer an amount in cash, especially when the other person is in another city, country or even continent.

Belarusbank is a modern company that has at its disposal tools that provide customers with fast and high-quality service. Let's discuss whether it is possible to make money transfers in the system of this bank.

Methods of transferring money from card to card of Belarusbank

I would like to note that the process of transferring funds between cards doesn't take much time. Therefore, even in the most emergency situation, when you need to urgently transfer the required amount, you can completely rely on it.

For the operation at your disposal there are four options, which will be discussed below.

Money transfer from card to card via Internet banking

Banking online now very common among users banking services. And there is something to appreciate it for, because through it you can carry out many different operations, without visiting a bank branch:

  1. Replenishment of card and current accounts by non-cash method.
  2. Connecting and disabling additional services.
  3. Ordering plastic release.
  4. Make payments inside and outside the bank.
  5. Transferring funds, including international ones.
  6. Open a deposit account.
  7. Applying for .

Let's take a closer look at fund transfers. This is the fastest and effective method replenish the card of any resident of the Republic of Belarus, the bank also charges a very small commission for the service - about 1.5% of the amount movement. And the client makes transfers between his own cards without commission.

Please note: P2P credit error when transferring funds

In Internet banking it is possible to make money transfers:

  • Between your card accounts.
  • To the card of another client of JSC JSB Belarusbank.

The operation can be performed not only in Belarusian rubles, but also in other currencies. In order to use the service, necessary:

  • Log in by entering the username and password provided during registration.

Step 1
  • In the main menu select section"Payments and transfers".

Step 2
  • From the list that appears, go to “Transfer of Funds”.
  • To make a transfer from your card, activate it in the list provided, and then you need to enter the number and expiration date of the card to which you want to transfer money.

After all the manipulations, you need to confirm your intention to carry out the operation by clicking the “Continue” button, after which you receive automatic offer on establishing regular status for it. This function allows you not to bother with entering the data of the required plastic.

Video on the topic:

How to transfer money to a card via M-banking?

It works on platforms:

  1. Android.
  2. Windows Mobile.

Another clear advantage of M-banking is its mobility - you can make a transfer to another Belarusbank card in a matter of minutes and at the same time you don’t have to be at the computer.

To make it easier for you to navigate the functionality, we decided to introduce you to very simple instructions:

  1. First you need to log in, and then find in the main menu“Popular payments”, where the “Money transfer” section will be available.
  2. From the list provided you select required type card account.
  3. The bank always informs its customers about the conditions of its products, therefore, before conducting a funds transfer operation should be read with the rules and prices for this action in the Belarusbank system.
  4. The next step is filling out the details payment card, to which the money will be credited, namely 16 digits and an expiration date.
  5. Activating the button“Translate”, you launch the translation mechanism into action.

Photo instructions:

How to transfer funds from your card to another through an information kiosk?

Are you familiar with the situation when one of your relatives tells you that he urgently needs money? What would you do in such a situation? We think that many of you would rush to look for the nearest branch to stand in line at the cash register and deposit cash on the desired card. Is it true? Of course this is one of optimal options, but we advise you to use the services of an information kiosk and the ERIP system.

If you decide to use it, then its working procedure is as follows:

  1. Insert plastic into the card slot.
  2. Activate the action by typing the PIN code from the card on the keyboard.
  3. On the screen, activate the “Transfer Funds” option.
  4. Enter the recipient's details for bank transfer (number and expiration date his cards).
  5. Agree to payment commission and confirm the transfer operation.

Step-by-step instruction:

Transfers "Strizh" in Belarusbank

The Strizh transfer system can be used by any bank client. This system is Belarusian analogue of world-famous translations such as Western Union.

To transfer using this system need to contact to the manager of any Belarusbank office who will help you:

  1. Fill in information about the recipient.
  2. Will check your passport details.
  3. Will direct you to the cashier to deposit the funds that will be transferred.

The result of the entire operation is the issuance of a check with a transfer control code, which must be transferred to the recipient.

The recipient for his part must contact to the operator responsible in the Strizh system and name the code, which is assigned to the transfer of funds.

How to transfer money from Belarusbank to the plastic card of a client of another bank?

Software package of the Russian Alfa-Bank entitled card2card will easily transfer the required amount from Belarusbank to a client of Russian banks. Usually most often this service used to transfer funds to Sberbank cards in Russia.

Please note that before using the Alfa-Bank program, you must activate 3D Secure.

How to make a transfer to Belarusbank from other banks?

Users of banking services in the Republic of Belarus have the opportunity to transfer money not only from Belarusbank, but also in the opposite direction - from other banks to its clients.

let's consider a few examples.

From Belagroprombank and Belgazprombank to Belarusbank

All three services remote banking provide the ability to transfer money from the above-mentioned companies to card accounts in Belarusbank.

Belgazprombank service

Algorithm for performing an operation from any service almost the same. Thus, when replenishing a Belarusbank card from a card account at Belgazprombank, you can use an information kiosk, Internet banking or M-banking, where a simple mechanism is performed:

  1. Go to the menu of any of the systems and select the “Transfer to bank card” section.
  2. Select the item “To a Visa or MasterCard card of another bank.”
  3. Enter the recipient's 16-digit plastic number and its expiration date.
  4. Enter the transfer amount.
  5. Confirm the transaction and receive a receipt in in electronic format, which can be saved as a file and printed if necessary.

Any of the banks will require a fee, which will be 1.5% of the transfer amount.

From Belinvestbank to Belarusbank

Belinvestbank has its own interesting P2P service, which allows transfers between bank card accounts of clients throughout the country.

But to do this, the user must activate a service that will enhance the security of such transactions and limit the intervention of third parties. This function is called 3-D Secure. Without it, operations for transferring money to third-party resources will be blocked.

From BPS-Sberbank card to Belarusbank

The bank has similar systems for transferring money to cards of other banks, including Belarusbank. The most developed among them is Sberbank Online.

The system is also easy to operate, as in Belarusbank, and the sequence of actions when transferring to card accounts in other banks almost identical:

  • Authorization in the system.
  • Activate the “Transfer to a card of another bank” operation.
  • Enter the recipient's card details and the transfer amount.
  • Agree to the terms and carry out the operation.

The difference lies in the removal of a commission in the amount of 1.5%, but not less than 2 Belarusian rubles.

Transfer from Russia to Belarusbank using Alfa-Bank

To exchange funds between two neighboring countries (Russia and the Republic of Belarus), in addition to regular money transfers, you can use special service Alfa-Bank, which can help transfer funds from a neighboring country to the Republic of Belarus. Online service called"Alpha click".

To use this system to transfer funds, in the transfers section need to choose"From card to card" and further point“To the card of any bank.”

There is also a commission and it amounts to 2%.


Today plastic cards Banks is not only a convenient wallet, but also the ability to quickly move money between client accounts. Developed network of Belarusbank allows you to transfer money not only to internal accounts, but also to carry out mutual settlements with clients of other banks.