Card “90 for nothing” from ATB. Credit cards from ATB Bank: choosing the best card ATB participates in the bonus plus program

Asian-Pacific Bank is recognized as one of the largest banks in Russia. He offers everyone credit programs 4 types with a specific limited loan. For the convenience of using these products, customers are recommended to issue a plastic card. Credit cards from ATB have the following advantages: long period of use, availability of cashback, affordable cost of service.

Having studied banking market and the demand of the population, the company offers everyone credit cards for favorable conditions. The popular line includes several options plastic cards glasses: for everyday spending, use while traveling, VIP clients. Maximum amount the loan can reach 700 thousand rubles, issued against low percentage- from 15% per annum.

Plastic ATB cards attract customers with low annual rates and a long preferential tariff, with the help of which the borrower has the right to use loan funds for a significant period of time without paying interest. Except for the “90 Free” card, where this tariff is valid for 92 days, other credit cards have a grace period of 56 days. All cards have long period validity, which is 6 years.

Table No. 1 - comparison of ATB bank cards
No.CategoryLoan limit, rub.BidService, rub./for 1st yearMonthly maintenance after 1 year, rub.
1 "90 for nothing"300 thousandUp to 33%588 49 2 "Bet 19"300 thousand19% 588 49 3 "Available Plus"700 thousand15-39,9% 1788 149 4 "My rules"700 thousandUp to 28%1788 149

Card No. 1 – “90 for nothing”

Provides the opportunity to withdraw funds to purchase clothing, goods, and also to pay for services. The grace period is valid for 3 months, which allows you to carry out cash withdrawals and non-cash payments without paying interest. The loan limit is 300 thousand rubles and is issued at 33% per annum. A nice bonus is a 1% cash back on all purchases. Distinctive Features This program can be called a high commission for the service of receiving your own funds, as well as a grace period when carrying out any transactions, including cash (in this case, the interest-free period does not apply).

Card No. 2 – “Bet 19”

Provides finances in case of unplanned purchases or trips. Maximum credit amount does not exceed 300 thousand rubles, however annual interest on a loan can range from 19% to 33%. Cash in the amount of 1% of all purchases is returned back. The advantage of this program is the relatively low interest rate for non-cash transactions. The plastic holder can receive free own funds cash at any ATM or cash desk.

Card No. 3 – “Available Plus”

Allows you to use financial assets when shopping or traveling. The maximum loan amount can reach 700 thousand rubles. The loan rate ranges from 15% to 39.9% per annum. A special feature of the card is: low interest on non-cash transactions, but a fixed amount of payments, which is the amount of 1/26 of the issued credit limit and another 200 rubles. The card holder has the right to withdraw his own money from any ATM for free.

Card No. 4 – “My rules”

Helps you make your favorite purchases, buy food, pay in restaurants, cafes and gas stations. A credit card with a premium VISA PLATINUM card allows you to pay anywhere in the world, while receiving a refund of 7% of the amount spent. At the first application, the client is issued a credit loan in an amount not exceeding 300 thousand rubles at a fixed rate of 28% per annum. The minimum payment is the sum of 5% of the debt and accrued interest. The downside of this program is the high cash withdrawal fee. own money and no grace period for cash transactions.

Which card is the best?

Choosing the best credit card from ATB, you should pay attention to such indicators as:

  • available credit limit;
  • annual rate;
  • the size of the preferential tariff;
  • cost of service.

Ideal credit product The bank can call the card “Rate 19”, provided that 300 thousand rubles will be enough for the client to solve his problems. Low annual loan rate, long grace period, cashback availability, and inexpensive banking services, without a doubt are better conditions credit program.

However, if you need to have funds on hand in an amount exceeding half a million, the “Available Plus” card will be ideal. A high credit limit, the presence of an interest-free tariff, a grace period for all transactions, a low annual rate for non-cash transactions, as well as a refund for purchases will undoubtedly attract the attention of many customers.

Features of programs with a large credit limit

to his regular customers who can easily provide evidence of their solvency, the ATB company provides the opportunity to receive plastic cards with a significant credit limit. At the same time, plastic owners receive large amounts of money (up to 1 million rubles). Based on their tasks and personal needs, each of them can apply for one of three types of cards:

Table No. 2 - programs with a large credit limit
Credit card typeMaximum loan limit, rub.Plastic maintenance, rub./yearLoan rate, %
"Super"500 thousand2000 30% "Optima"1 million1000 30% "Personal budget"1 millionfor free25%

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The tariff plan of this credit card is the most affordable. After providing a certificate of income and a copy of the work book confirming work experience in the last place of at least 3 months, the certificate is issued and issued to the client within an hour. An attractive bonus is the presence grace period at 62 days.


It differs from the previous tariff plan in the loan amount and in the longer term for issuing a credit card, which is 10 days. As for the grace period and annual rate, they are similar to the previous conditions.

"Personal budget"

The tariff plan can issue salary clients banks whose credit cards are issued to special conditions and within just a few days. The attractiveness of the card is the reduced annual loan rate and free servicing.

Any card also has a preferential interest-free rate of 56 days.

ATB card holder capabilities

The owner of a credit card from ATB has the right to use the loan received as needed, while he can independently manage the account at his disposal. He is allowed to use his own money (no interest is charged on the balance). According to the agreement, repayment of credit debt is allowed to the extent possible. VISA card holders are given the opportunity to participate in incentive programs.

Using Mobile Banking

The owner of an ATB plastic card can connect the SMS information service to the card and use the free ATB-online system. With its help it is possible:

If a plastic card is lost anywhere in the world, the owner can contact the bank using a single number.

Methods for replenishing a plastic card

The ATB card holder has the right to replenish the account in several ways:

  • in cash through ATMs that have a cash acceptance function - Cash in;
  • in cash through an office or terminal;
  • by bank transfer using the ATM transfer service or the bank’s website.

Repayment of loan debt

In order not to violate the terms of the agreement, the borrower is obliged to repay the loan debt on a timely basis.

The terms of repayment are:

  • the minimum payment amount is 5% of the loan plus interest accrued for use;
  • in case of late payment, a penalty of 3% is charged daily, but the total fine should not exceed 20% per annum;
  • If an overdue debt is established, a fine of 700 rubles is applied, which is paid at a time.

Lending terms

ATB company places high demands on potential clients. The ATB credit card is issued to persons who fully comply with the following conditions:

  1. Reaching the age of 21 at the time of applying to the bank. By the end of the repayment period credit debt The client's age must not exceed 65 years.
  2. Availability of Russian citizenship, temporary or permanent registration and residence in the region where there is a bank branch;
  3. Availability of a valid passport, which must be provided when applying for a plastic card;
  4. Availability official employment, and obtaining stable monthly income in an amount sufficient to repay the debt.
  5. Have at least 1 month of experience at your last job. Individual entrepreneurs must work in their new status for at least six months from the date of registration.

When applying to a branch of the company, it is not necessary to submit a document on income, since the verification is carried out by the relevant internal security service based on the data specified in the application. If during the verification process any information needs to be clarified, the bank has the authority to require a certificate of income in Form 2-NDFL or in the bank form, as well as other documents: TIN, driver’s license, international passport. U individual entrepreneur may request a document confirming the amount of his income, as well as a patent, declaration, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and some other documents. The pensioner may be asked to provide an account statement showing the amount of income or a document about the amount of the pension.

The procedure for obtaining a credit card at ATB

Applying for a plastic credit card is a simple process consisting of several stages.

Filing an application

There are several options for contacting the bank:

  • visiting one of the branches and conducting a personal conversation, which significantly speeds up the registration process, but takes some time;
  • innings online applications, which has a standard form and is located on the company’s website;
  • a call to the phone number indicated on the website, during which the operator will fill out a questionnaire based on the answers to the questions asked.

Consideration of the application

It takes from 1 hour to 3 business days to make a decision. The period depends on studying information about the client, his status and credit history, the amount of the requested loan.

Bank decision

The result of the request, regardless of the outcome, is brought to the attention of the client via a personal call from a bank employee or SMS notification. In case of a positive outcome, the client is recommended to visit one of the company’s representative offices at the specified time to sign the contract, having in hand Required documents. The bank's decision becomes invalid if within 30 days from the date of its acceptance the agreement has not been signed and the required credit card has not been issued.

Credit card activation

The final step is to activate the credit card using an ATM by entering the PIN code. After this, the card is ready for use.

Advantages and disadvantages of credit cards

ATB credit cards, just like plastic cards other banks are an indispensable way to solve financial problems, which inevitably arise in every person. The main advantage of plastic is its convenience and simplicity of design. Other benefits include:

  • efficiency of registration;
  • provision of a minimum package of documents;
  • the opportunity to obtain a large cash loan on favorable terms at a low rate;
  • the effect of a long-term preferential interest-free tariff;
  • the ability to quickly receive cash to solve problems;
  • independent credit account management;
  • the ability to reuse returned funds;
  • security Money, since transactions are carried out by bank transfer.

For all its attractiveness credit cards have a number of disadvantages:

  • high percentage of refusals of customer requests;
  • denial of service to persons living in other regions other than the region where the company’s representative office operates;
  • lack of an interest-free period for some transactions;
  • accrual of a monthly commission (except for basic interest), which is charged even during the grace period.

As numerous reviews indicate, ATB loans are in a convenient way solutions to financial problems, however, they change the lifestyle of people who get used to living in debt. And only for people who competently manage their own funds, plastic cards become an indispensable assistant when conducting various financial transactions.

» from Pochta-Bank. They were followed by the Asian-Pacific Bank, offering a premium credit card “90 for free” Visa Gold.

There is a grace period for it, but there is cashback and other advantages, which, according to Advisor to the Chairman of the Board, Director of ATB for Retail Business Alexander Paramonov, were developed “especially for clients who are attentive to their expenses and looking for a convenient and profitable way do not overpay extra funds even in the case of a loan.” This, according to a bank representative, puts the card on par with the most advantageous offers currently available on the Russian banking credit market.

How to take advantage of the interest-free benefit on the “90 for nothing” card?

The grace period for the ATB “90 for nothing” card lasts even 2 days longer than the product name “hints” - up to 92 days.

Under the terms of the benefit, the card holder can make cash and non-cash transactions during this period, and the bank will not charge him interest for using the money.

Calculation of the grace period begins from the moment of the first debit transaction on the card until the end of the calendar month plus 2 more months following this.

During the entire grace period, it is mandatory to make a minimum payment (OMEP).

With the “90 for nothing” card minimum payment equal to 5% of the resulting loan debt. The borrower is notified of its amount and the final repayment date in the invoice statement.

And you need to add OMEP within a month.

Making a payment exceeding the amount of OMEP does not exempt the borrower from the mandatory next payment of OMEP. The last minimum payment and the entire amount spent during the grace period must be repaid by the end of the third month.

In this case, the full credit limit will become available again and the grace period will resume.

If the holder does not repay the resulting debt, the bank will charge interest at the rate of 33% per annum on the entire amount of used credit funds.

For example, on May 3, a purchase was made in the amount of 20,000 rubles, and on May 10, cash was withdrawn from the card in the amount of 1,000 rubles. In this case, the beginning of the grace period will be considered May 1. In the monthly statement, the bank will indicate the amount of the minimum payment, which will be: (20,000+1,000)*5%=1,050 rubles. This money must be paid no later than the date indicated on the statement during the month of June. The balance of debt on the card will be: 21,000–1,050 = 19,950 rubles. Further, on June 10, there was a payment for the service for 2,000 rubles, and on June 20, a cash withdrawal in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

OMEP will be:

(19,950+2,000+5000)*5%=1,347.5 rubles, payment during July. And full repayment all remaining debt until July 31. If this is not done, then the interest on the loan will be 33% per annum for the entire amount spent in 92 days 20,000+1,000+2,000+5,000=28,000 rubles.

Tariffs and lending conditions for the “90 for free” card

“90 for nothing” is chipped premium card Visa Gold. The currency of the credit account is rubles. Validity period: 6 years. The issue is free and annual maintenance will cost 588 rubles. It is possible to issue additional cards for free.

Credit limit

The amount of available credit funds is from 30,000 to 300,000 rubles.

For each borrower, the limit is set individually, after checking solvency. The increase in the credit limit occurs at the initiative of ATB Bank, provided that the borrower does not violate the terms of the loan.

Annual rate

If by the end of the grace period the bank has not repaid loan debt, then the rate is charged - 33% per year.

Fines and penalties for violation of the loan agreement

In case of violation of the loan repayment procedure, ATB will charge a one-time fine of 700 rubles and a 3% penalty for each day of delay.

Cash withdrawal

Limits for withdrawing cash from ATMs of any banks:

  • during the day 150,000 rubles;
  • within a month – 1,000,000 rubles.

The transaction fee will be 6.9% of the amount.

Card replenishment

Depositing funds to a card account:

  • at ATMs, terminals, on the ATB Bank website - free of charge;
  • at the bank cash desk – commission 150 rubles;
  • through payment service gold Crown, Euroset, MTS, Beeline salons with the payment of a commission according to the partner’s tariffs.

Additional benefits with the “90 for free” card

The holder of the “90 for nothing” card has free access to the 24-hour ATB call center and mobile bank. The card also offers bonus program and a package of services from Visa.

Bank bonus program

The “90 for nothing” card has a cash back program; according to its terms, 1% is returned in the form of points from all non-cash purchases and payments for services. Conversion at the rate of 1 point is equal to 1 ruble.

Visa Gold privileges

The “90 for free” card provides a service for privileged people Visa cards, under its terms the holder receives:

  • 24-hour medical and legal support abroad for up to 90 days;
  • special offers in stores, shopping centers, restaurants;
  • purchase insurance against damage or theft for up to 90 days and an extended warranty that doubles guarantee period manufacturer;
  • emergency services for cash withdrawal, account blocking, card issuance;
  • concierge service (reservations, organization of events around the world);
  • travel insurance.

Procedure for issuing a “90 for nothing” card

You can apply for the “90 for nothing” card online (on the ATB bank website), in the office or by calling the hotline.

To receive approval, the client must meet the bank's requirements:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • age from 21 to 65 years;
  • having a permanent job with an experience of at least 1 month, or individual entrepreneurship for a period of 6 months, or working on a rotational basis for 6 months (except for non-working pensioners);
  • registration in the ATB service region. Temporary registration is allowed for the duration of the loan agreement, as well as registration outside the bank’s coverage area, provided the client has a positive credit history with ATB Bank.

To issue a card you will need the following documents:

  • required: passport, TIN;
  • additional at the request of the bank: certificate 2-NDFL, certificate according to the bank form, statement according to salary account, copy of work.

An application for a card is processed within 1 hour from the moment all necessary documents are provided.

The conditions for lending and servicing on the “90 for nothing” card cannot be called the best among similar ones banking products. There is a relatively small credit limit, overpriced annual rates, large commission for cash withdrawals. But a card can be obtained using two documents, provided that it meets non-strict requirements for the client. This makes the ATB Bank credit card interesting for those borrowers who do not have access to offers from other, more conservative banks in this matter.

I recently did some shopping, I can vouch for it. Wait, don't be nervous. For the city of Kyiv, because I did not find information on your website. There is a problem with increasing the credit limit! Current list of "Bonus+" TSP partners, terms and conditions of the Promotions defined in paragraphs. It’s so nice to receive, accumulate and spend bonuses. Of course, you understand that the author cannot be responsible for the activities of banks and grocery stores that, for whatever reason, decided to terminate cooperation under the Bonus Plus program. I used to buy groceries in a more reputable store (Krepostnoy Lane). I can't pay bonus card Privatbank. On the check they write: “Vіdmova! Code 05. The same thing in two retail outlets. In Celentano pizzerias, can you pay with a Bonus Plus account? To pay for goods from a bonus account, tell the seller that you want to pay from a bonus account. If this money, which is simply lying on the card account, is transferred to a monthly, three-month or other deposit at 21-25%, the card owner can partially compensate for losses from inflation. I have a Bonus+ account, I can see it through Privat24, and the money is there. account. You can check the receipt of bonus funds in any PrivatBank in the ATM menu - View balance - Bonus + or in It seems like in Kyiv, I can imagine what is going on there in the regions When the card is active if I received it today I live in Donetsk, bonuses are accrued. , and spend without any problems at all. It is recommended to find other points participating in the Bonus + program, and if this is not possible, contact Privat24 support or by phone.

You also need to know exactly the amount of your bonuses so as not to accidentally exceed it: this figure can be easily clarified on the Privat24 website. The mechanism for accumulating funds in the “Bonus Plus” account remains unclear to me. I make purchases with a salary card only in the ATB, “Silpo” and “Silpo” networks. New line". It's hard to say. Perhaps you bought something using a bonus account, and the purchase amount exceeded the amount of money in the bonus account. You can find out the exact figure for a specific locality, by opening this link: “Partners of the Bonus Plus program in Ukraine” - At the bottom of the list of participants there is a final figure. Here is a link to the rules of PrivatBank - If for 12 consecutive months no transactions are carried out on the Client’s bonus account (replenishment or spending of bonuses), the Bank has the right to a reward for servicing the account in the amount of the balance on the bonus account, but not more than 10 UAH. Although, to be honest, it’s high time for PrivatBank to think about alternative opportunities to purchase bonuses, rather than driving people around the city in search of retail outlets. You can activate your CREDIT CARD in any way convenient for you: 1. So you'll probably find it too. Personally, I found a grocery store and a pharmacy where a credit card is consistently accepted for payment on a bonus account. But the list of stores participating in PrivatBank’s “Bonus Plus” program is so large that you can always find a retail outlet with a working terminal and spend your bonus money. Still, the list of Kyiv points working with Bonus Plus is quite large, you can always find something. Yeah, everyone writes so beautifully, but in the end they will leave you without pants, looters((((((((To pay for a purchase with bonuses, you need to give the seller or cashier your card, and warn that the money is withdrawn from the “Bonus +" account). Perhaps some stores do this, but not all.

Examine the Bonus + account statements, if everything is fine on your part, contact Privat24 support - they should sort it out and help. True, there are also tricks: for some reason, of the two terminals, only one is connected to “Bonus Plus”. In addition, in Privat24 it is possible to open dollar deposit, and the dollar, as you know, is prone to growth. And most importantly, how can such divorces be stopped in the future in advance? Actually, it’s not entirely clear what the fuss is about. You can not. Bonuses can only be spent at retail outlets participating in the Bonus+ program. But I bought there quite a long time ago, so I don’t guarantee that this moment she still accepts bonus money. You can spend your accumulated savings in the network of partners with the Bonus Plus logo. Warning: the author of the answer is not a lawyer). Check how much money is in your bonus account on the Privat24 website, and after that you can spend this money in any store participating in PrivatBank’s “Bonus Plus” program. If there are funds on your card account exceeding 100 UAH, they are accrued 10% per annum and are credited to the bonus account, as on a deposit. I think that people will flock there in droves, unless the prices are sky-high, of course. It's about not about deposits, but about simply re-issuing your card account, if, of course, you have money on it.

You only need to configure the terminal accordingly to pay with a credit card from your bonus account. Hello, I asked the cashier from the Seafood store to pay me using bonuses, in the end she rolled her eyes and doesn’t even know what it is, in another store the cashier withdrew from the account as usual, the same thing happens in other stores, or The people who work there are total idiots who don’t know how to use a computer at all, or it’s a “scam.” That is, people usually have several thousand on their cards, on which 10% per annum is automatically charged. Everyone knows that the lowest prices are on the Internet, and with the PrivatBank card I not only buy at the lowest low prices, but I also receive bonuses for this on the program’s partner sites! During this time, more than 200 hryvnia bonuses have been accumulated. I can’t say for Silpo, but definitely not for ATB (Kyiv). I think I should quit with the private bank if they offer me such insanity. By paying with a PrivatBank card in the Bonus + partner network, you receive bonuses in the amount of 1% to 20% of the purchase price. The client instructs the Bank to debit funds from the bonus account in the amount of the remuneration unilaterally." From which it follows that the bonus account does not belong to you and you are not obliged to be responsible for some mythical minus on it. But in any case, report your loss to the bank by phone indicated on the copy of the agreement. You are right about taxes, but this is an inevitability, the reason for which PrivatBank still accumulates quite a lot in a year. a decent amount, which is a pity to give to someone unknown. But this is not a problem. Pharmacy - Akhmatova, 14b. This is not about business, but about Bonus+, if you read the beginning of the discussion. Don't go to that store again where they impose a higher price on you. Eldorado technology (no problem), many restaurants, cafes, many pharmacies, few grocery stores, no supermarkets at all. Just as they opened it for 300 hryvnia, it’s still there. Maybe some additional data is needed to increase the loan?

The presence of a discount system provides significant benefits compared to other cards from other banks. Not every big one financial institution allows himself extra expenses. And Privat gives out bonuses left and right.

PrivatBank has a network of retail outlets where holders of Privat plastic cards are given certain discounts.

They can be from 1 to 20%. More often, of course, 1 - 3 - 5% occur, but I have not yet seen 20 here. You can find it on the bank's website big discounts in selected shopping centers.

It turns out that it is more profitable to pay not with cash, but with a credit card. Moreover, it is also convenient; you don’t have to worry about losing money. If you lose the card, the money will not be stolen, because the person who found it does not know the PIN code.

I choose pharmacies that use the Bonus Plus program, which almost always has this program.

Let's say you want to buy a product for 100 UAH, where there is a 3% discount. Then the amount of 100 UAH is withdrawn from the account, and the amount of 3 UAH will be transferred to the bonus account as a bonus.

By the way, in the sales receipt detailed information is usually noted and the store can be checked to ensure that this procedure has been carried out accurately.

The "Bonus Plus" sign is usually located on the doors of the store, if this is valid here. It looks like a strawberry, indicating the percentage of how much the discount applies.

Bonus plus is a separate account that is maintained in parallel on the card. And you don’t need to get a separate card for it. In order to spend all the money that gradually accumulates in this account, you must tell the seller when paying for the goods that the money must be debited from the bonus account. By the way, not all points that are connected to these discounts can be used to pay bonus account, although the bonuses themselves are awarded there. This sometimes happens due to problems with equipment in the store, or it can be a rigged fact.

Perhaps it depends on the cash register when there are several of them in the store. I had a case when there were bonuses in one department of the store, but not in another. And one cash register gave a discount, but the other did not. You should always ask about this in advance so as not to lose your discount. And if so, then you need to pay for the purchase in another department where there is a discount. More often than not, sellers make these concessions.

A particular advantage of this system is that there is mobile app Bonus plus, which can be installed on your smartphone. There you will visually see on the map all the retail outlets where this benefit is valid. There you can track the number of your bonuses, how many accruals you received from each point and what percentage of the discount there was.

There have been incidents when there should be a bonus on the card, but the store says that there is none. Then you need to contact the website of this program to report that the store has independently withdrawn from this program in order to restore justice.

Although, on the other hand, the seller does not lose anything when he participates in this program, because all expenses are borne by Privat Bank, not the store.

You can find out your bonus account both at the bank and at your personal account in Privat 24, which is used via the Internet. Everything is very clearly visible there and statistics are kept on each payment.

Another purpose of the account is to transfer funds there from deposits. Most often, your interest is transferred there.

It’s also worth saying that all Privat Bank cards take part here, which is a plus.

Another nice plus is receiving 7% per annum on the balance of this account. This is, of course, significantly less than interest on deposits, which remains at 20%, but it’s still nice.

But probably the only downside is that you cannot transfer money to your main account or to another card.

In conclusion, it should be noted that bonuses are spent only on the territory of Ukraine, but this may change in the future.

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