Which bank is more reliable? Which bank to choose for deposit? Reliability rating of Russian banks for deposits

The well-known magazine of business people presented to everyone a list of Russian banks in 2017, the distinguishing feature of which is reliability. Anyone who wants to place their hard-earned money there can sleep peacefully and not worry about their irretrievable loss. The most reliable banks offer many services to their customers. All that remains is to figure out which institutions to trust.

The most reliable banks: how the degree of “reliability” is determined

In relation to banking institutions, the word “reliability” has the following meaning:

  1. The bank's management manages capital competently and rationally, i.e. It is appropriate to talk about profitability.
  2. The possibility of losing all capital within literally 24 hours is excluded. People with higher economic education understand that we're talking about about the “instant liquidity standard”.
  3. Capital adequacy shows how the equity bank and money in its accounts (assets).
  4. Money invested by the population.

The most reliable banks attract the attention of entrepreneurs and people who want to.

No. 11 Alfa Bank

Something prevented this commercial bank enter the top 10 best banks. Management is carried out without the participation of the state. One might believe that Alfa Bank is not subject to foreign influence if it were not for registration in Cyprus, where, as is known, the tax climate is very favorable. The assets at the bank's disposal are estimated at 2,404.1 billion rubles.

If you choose the most reliable banks for deposits, then this financial institution is suitable for small savings. Although many are happy to cooperate with this bank.

No. 10 Rosselkhozbank

The bulk of clients are the part of citizens on whose shoulders the domestic economy rests Agriculture. Against the background of assets, 2795.1 billion rubles, other indicators seem more modest. For example, last year the institution was content with a return on capital of one and a half percent.

The bank will appeal to everyone who decides to open a business in rural areas. The institution is happy to cooperate with farmers.

No. 9 Gazprombank

The Americans and Ukrainians “liked” the name of this bank so much that they certainly decided to include it in their sanctions lists. When 2017 came, Gazprombank had 5054.3 billion rubles in assets. The difficult times that have come do not allow them to be used, which is why the bank cannot rise above 9th place in this rating.

In any case, this institution was included in the list of the most reliable banks in 2017.

No. 8 VTB

About 61 percent of the shares are controlled by Russian government. As for the volume of assets of VTB Bank, 9502.1 billion rubles, figuratively speaking, is breathing down Sberbank’s back. Things are worse with the instant liquidity indicator - when compared with 2016, it decreased by almost 30 percent. This circumstance did not prevent the regulator from placing VTB in second place in the reliability rating compiled by Central Bank RF.

No. 7 Bank of China

It was born back in 1912 and is considered a long-lived Chinese bank. He settled in neighboring Russia in 1993, where he registered under the name JSCB Bank of China. Preference is given to servicing funds moving in both directions between China and Russia as a derivative financial transactions. But the doors of the institution are also always open for ordinary citizens. The bank has assets in the amount of 29.2 billion rubles.

The most reliable banks in Russia are a guarantee that clients’ money will be saved or increased. Even in such establishments it’s not scary.

No. 6 Banca Intesa

At the beginning of its activities, the bank participated in projects related to charity. Then the name of the institution sounded different - “Russian Bank for Project Finance”. Patronized him " European Bank reconstruction and development."

At first people came here for loans large enterprises, but then the vector of activity shifted towards small businesses, and even later reoriented towards individuals.

In 2003, the Italian corporation Intesa Sanpaolo became the owner. On this moment Banca Intesa manages assets in the amount of 59.1 billion rubles. You should pay attention to this bank if the question arises.

No. 5 Citibank

All Citibank securities that carry voting rights are owned by the influential financial group Citigroup. Its headquarters are located in America. Citigroup was lucky enough to be among the first to trod a path among the ruins of the Soviet Union, successfully creating Citibank here. Since then, he has assets worth 442.3 billion rubles.

No. 4 Raiffeisenbank

Few people know that the scale of activity of the world-famous Austrian company Raiffeisenbank was much more modest in the mid-19th century. After all, at that time it was just a cash fund for ordinary German agricultural workers. Peasants were given the opportunity to receive compensation in the event of a very bad harvest or other disasters.

Nowadays, Raiffeisen branches successfully operate on the territory of all states formed after the collapse of the USSR. In total, assets amount to 768.5 billion rubles. If you plan, then you can safely contact us here for financial support.

No. 3 Rosbank

The lion's share of Rosbank shares is in the hands of French colleagues from Societe General. The administration of the Bank of Russia considered it necessary to include Rosbank in the top ten systemically important financial institutions. Rosbank owns profit-generating funds in the amount of 786.5 billion rubles.

No. 2 Unicredit Bank

The largest bank in Russia, Unitcredit, is officially considered part of the association of Italian financial organizations with the same name - UnitCredit. Colleagues from abroad own a decisive amount valuable papers giving the right to vote. All assets measured in monetary equivalent, are estimated at 1196.6 billion rubles.

So far there are no prerequisites that in the foreseeable future someone will take the first place as the heir to the savings banks founded in the young country of the Soviets in the 20s of the last century. As of now, the leader of the top ten has assets worth 22,336.5 billion rubles.

This is the most reliable bank for making deposits, obtaining loans and obtaining finance for the development of your own business. A wide range of services and work in all regions of the country make this bank popular and reliable.

In conditions economic instability when, assessing the reliability of a credit institution is of fundamental importance and is a particularly pressing issue for depositors. It just so happens that in recent years Russians have learned to understand that the banking system, like no other, is extremely sensitive to economic fluctuations.

Many small Russian banks, finding himself in a difficult situation financial situation, almost instantly declare themselves bankrupt. More reputable credit institutions, even when faced with certain difficulties, are trying to overcome the crisis with dignity and continue to fulfill all their obligations even in conditions of economic instability. In this publication, we will tell you what the reliability of a particular bank depends on, how to determine it for the average person, and we will name the most reliable banks Moscow and Russia.

Criteria for assessing bank reliability

The reliability of a bank is influenced by many indicators, here are the main ones:

However, these indicators for assessing the reliability of a bank are unlikely to be understandable to an ordinary depositor, since their analysis requires special knowledge. In this case, you can turn to more accessible and understandable information, after studying which you can form a fairly objective opinion about the reliability of the bank without complex mathematical calculations.

How to determine the reliability of a bank?

The most reliable banks today are large financial organizations connected in one way or another with state capital, ideally with direct state participation in financing. As practice shows, banks that are part of large financial and industrial corporations and holdings are quite reliable.

Information about the owners of the bank, and, therefore, the degree of its reliability, can always be found on the bank’s official website. This is where bona fide banks place annual reports O financial activities, which should also be carefully studied.

Ratings compiled by independent rating agencies or others professional organizations, are also carriers of objective information about the reliability of banks. Thus, the bank reliability rating Forbes magazine is compiled on the basis of the size of the credit institution's assets, its profits, capital and deposits of individuals. In addition, it takes into account the ratings given to each employee working at Russian market jar international agencies Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poor's.

Rating of the most reliable banks in Moscow

The volume of assets and the volume of capital of the bank is one of the main indicators of the bank’s reliability. The largest financial institution Russia is Sberbank of Russia, whose assets exceed 17 billion rubles.

Top 50 largest Moscow banks by asset size (banks are shown in descending order of assets):

  • Sberbank of Russia
  • Gazprombank
  • VTB 24
  • FC Otkritie (former NOMOS-Bank)
  • Rosselkhozbank
  • Alfa Bank
  • Bank of Moscow
  • National Clearing Center
  • UniCredit Bank
  • Promsvyazbank
  • Raiffeisenbank
  • Rosbank
  • Moscow credit bank
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Bank Opening
  • Binbank
  • Russian standard
  • Svyaz-bank
  • Citibank
  • MDM Bank
  • Uralsib
  • National Bank"Trust"
  • Nordea-bank
  • Moscow Regional Bank
  • ING bank
  • Home Credit Bank
  • Globex
  • Bank Zenith
  • Petrokommerts
  • SMP Bank
  • Novikombank
  • Growth Bank
  • Absolut Bank
  • Renaissance
  • Moscow Industrial Bank
  • Russian capital
  • MTS Bank
  • TransCapitalBank
  • OTP-bank
  • Credit Europe Bank
  • RosEvroBank
  • Tinkoff Bank
  • SME Bank
  • Renaissance Credit
  • Delta-Credit
  • Peresvet
  • Bank Rosgosstrah
  • Investtorgbank
  • BNP Paribas bank
  • Finprombank

By the way, about 45% of all deposits of individuals in Russia are concentrated in Sberbank.

Return on Equity

Shows how effectively the bank's own funds are used. When calculating the indicator, net profit was cleared from free assistance owner, which is reflected in the profit and loss account in reporting under RAS and often distorts profitability. If this situation persists for a long time, owners may become disappointed in banking business and stop supporting the bank or even start siphoning off assets through loans to tech companies.
In the latter case financial condition the bank can deteriorate quickly and dramatically.
Profitability is above average banking system(-4.4% for the 100 largest banks) may indicate a significant share of a cheap client base, successful speculative operations, and the placement of assets in highly profitable risky operations. This indicator is assessed in combination with capital adequacy (N1).

Instant liquidity ratio

Limits the risk of a bank losing its solvency within one day. This is the ratio of assets that a bank can sell within one calendar day to the obligations of the bank itself, which it must fulfill within one calendar day. Minimum value N2 established by the Central Bank is 15%.

Capital adequacy

The combination of low capital adequacy (less than 11%) and low return on capital (less than 10%) is dangerous. Low capital adequacy means that further growth of assets requires an adequate rate of capital increase. If profitability is low, either the bank's business will stagnate, or the owners will have to constantly support it with capital injections.
With high profitability, to increase capital, owners only need to give up large dividends. In addition, a bank's low level of capital adequacy shows its vulnerability in the event of unexpected losses, for example in the event of a borrower's default, which previously did not raise serious concerns.

Public deposits

High level of large credit risks is typical for banks involved in lending to legal entities, and can indicate both the narrowness of the client base and the lending of very large companies. In both cases, a large borrower in negotiations with a bank has the opportunity to push through a low interest rate- from here low profitability such lending. Therefore, funding large loans with deposits of individuals, a rather expensive type of liability, can undermine the profitability of the bank, and after it financial stability jar.

What we thought

A rating from one of the agencies is the easiest way to assess the reliability of a bank. When problems arise and subsequent rating downgrades, banks often break contracts with agencies. The absence of a rating does not mean that the bank has problems, but the presence of a high rating can be considered a certain guarantee of reliability. A litmus test for what is happening in a bank can also be individual indicators, such as excessive concentration of operations on industries or clients against the backdrop of a small capital reserve and liquidity, low profitability combined with low capital adequacy against the backdrop of a significant share of household deposits, funding long-term loans legal entities at the expense of deposits of individuals. This year we changed the methodology: in addition to international rating agencies, we took into account the ratings of the Expert RA agency accredited by the Central Bank. At the first stage, we selected banks based on three parameters: the presence of a rating, assets of more than 10 billion rubles, and the share of individual deposits of more than 3% of liabilities. If there were several ratings, the maximum was taken into account. In each of the five reliability groups, banks occupy places in accordance with their ratings and the size of their assets.

To understand which bank is considered the most reliable in Russia in 2019, just look at the ratings of credit institutions. A rating is an objective assessment of activity, which consists of several indicators that most clearly reflect the situation.

It is very important to objectively assess the reliability of one or another banking institution before using his services. This is especially important if you want to make a contribution to it, i.e. invest on long-term storage own funds. Now many banks are losing their licenses and closing, and depositors are forced to wait months for compensation on their accounts.

  1. Basic indicators
  • assets (net)
  • net profit
  • capital
  • loan portfolio
  • overdue debt
  • deposits (raised funds)
  • investments in instruments (securities).
  1. Performance indicators
  • Return on capital.
  • Return on assets.
  1. Balance sheet indicators.
  • Instant liquidity ratio

Limits the risk of loss of solvency of a banking organization within one day. This is the ratio of assets to liabilities throughout the day. The minimum value established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 15%.

  • Return on Equity

It is an indicator of how effectively the organization's own funds are used. Profitability above average may indicate a large share of a low-cost client base and the placement of assets in highly profitable operations associated with risk.

The indicator is assessed in combination with capital adequacy. Low capital adequacy means that asset growth requires a rapid rate of increase in the number of own funds.

If profitability is low, owners will have to constantly maintain capital through injections, and if profitability is high, to increase it it is necessary to give up large dividends.

When choosing the most stable financial institutions for deposits, various resources are based on the assessment of rating agencies, public surveys and customer reviews. When compiling the TOP, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation uses the sufficiency of its own funds.

The most reliable

Whatever indicator we consider, the first line will be occupied by Sberbank of Russia. There is nothing surprising. The largest bank with a nationwide branch network (its offices are located in all populated areas, be it stanitsa, towns, villages, not to mention cities).

The controlling stake in this bank belongs to the state. Its assets and capital are three times higher than those of even such a giant as VTB. Sberbank is the undisputed leader in all positions.

This is where people come to:

  • open,
  • open a bank account,
  • design
  • get a loan ( , ),
  • make a transfer,
  • make payments for goods, services,
  • transfer money from one currency to another,
  • get a safe deposit box or safe for use, etc.

If you need to securely store your savings, we recommend that you contact Sberbank. Of course, the profitability itself will be low; now it does not exceed 6% per annum (during the period various promotions- up to 7.6%), but the main advantage will be the fact that you will be calm about your savings.

Given banking enterprise participates in the deposit insurance system, which gives the client additional reliability. Please note that the vast majority of private companies and cooperatives that promise 15-20% per annum cannot guarantee you anything.

Of course, most citizens of our country prefer to contact Sberbank, because... it belongs to the state, and can offer its clients the most favorable and “transparent” tariffs. However, he is not the only one in the country who is reliable and trustworthy.

At the moment, there is data only for the end of 2018, because... ratings are compiled based on final figures for the year. Here is the most current information on assets, compiled into a rating of the reliability of Russian banks (in brackets - the number of assets in thousands of rubles).

The most reliable banks for deposits: TOP-10 banks in Russia

  • (27 948 167 428),
  • (13 747 721 706),
  • (6 476 874 005),

Annual data that the Central Bank provides in the public domain indicates that many Russian banks are being liquidated, and after their licenses are withdrawn, although depositors can withdraw the insured part of the deposit, this process does not always go smoothly and within the desired time frame. Unfortunately, not every Russian is financially literate enough to independently determine the degree of reliability of one or another financial institution. Therefore, let’s look at the official data on which bank is recognized as the most reliable in Russia in 2019.

In this article:

What is reliability?

In a general understanding, the reliability of a financial institution is its ability to fully fulfill its obligations to its clients, which is more important for depositors and creditors. To determine the degree of reliability of a bank, it is enough to study its position in official ratings, which are formed on the basis of an assessment of the most important performance indicators.

A potential investor or borrower only needs to compare a few of the most important indicators from a large list of indicators, which will help them understand whether it is worth contacting the chosen organization.

  • asset dynamics;
  • liquidity ratios;
  • net profit;
  • loan portfolio;
  • attracted deposits;
  • dependence on funds from individuals;
  • investments in securities;
  • balance sheet indicators.

It is also important to take into account the organization’s performance indicators, for which the profitability of two components is analyzed: assets And capital. These data show how effectively a financial institution uses the funds available in free circulation. If profitability is below average, it means that the bank’s owners will have to constantly replenish capital by attracting additional funds. If profitability is high, then to increase capital you will need to give up large dividends.

To assess reliability, many resources additionally take into account the assessment of rating agencies, customer reviews and public surveys. The main criterion for the Central Bank remains the sufficiency of the organization’s own funds.

What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing?

To choose a reliable organization for yourself that will help you not only save your existing money, but also get additional interest, a potential client should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Need to clarify Is the financial institution included in the insurance system?. To do this, you can call hotline insurance agencies.
  2. Before concluding a contract, look financial indicators and official ratings for Last year . To do this, you can go to the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, then go to the section “Information on credit institutions", then enter the name of the institution of interest into the search bar.
  3. It wouldn't hurt to study composition of founders. They can be both physical and legal entities, however, the larger the founders involved, the more credible it should be.
  4. Interest rate on deposits and loans. Important point: the rate should not exceed the average level of the same indicator throughout the country. The average value of this indicator can be found on the Central Bank website in the “Dynamics” section.

Bank reliability rating

IN January 2019 The Central Bank has already published a table showing comparative reliability data TOP 100 banks of Russia. Let's look at the data from the first ten positions from this rating.

Bank's name Net assets as of 01.2019 in billion rubles. Net assets as of 01.2018 in billion rubles. Change per year
1 Sberbank of Russia 28 133,8 24 193 16,29%
2 VTB 13 949,4 9 676,4 44,16%
3 Gazprombank 6 347,7 5 642,4 12,5%
4 National Clearing Center 3 998,6 2 900,4 37,87 %
5 Rosselkhozbank 3 467,4 3 193,3 8,58%
6 Alfa Bank 3 400,2 2 673,4 27,19%
7 Credit Bank of Moscow 2 239,3 1 915,7 16,89%
8 National Bank "Trust" 1 688,9 624 170,26%
9 Bank "FC Otkritie" 1 664,8 2 313,1 -28,03%
10 Promsvyazbank 1 533,3 1 278,7 19,92%

Top banks with the best offers

In order to reliably save your money or take out a loan without shady conditions that emerge after signing the contract and making the first payment, it is better to choose banks that offer profitable terms services, while being reliable in comparison with other financial institutions, which is reflected in the ratings and reports of the Central Bank.

Let's consider TOP banks with better conditions And high degree reliability:

Name of the financial institution Asset (in billion rubles) Deposit rate as a percentage Interest rate on loans
Min. Max. Min. Max.
1 Sberbank 28 133,8 4 5,6 12,9 14,5
2 UniCredit Bank 1 410,4 Up to 9.8 13,9 15
3 Rosbank 1 099,8 6 8,3 12 16
4 Raiffeisenbank 1 149,3 6,5 7,9 12,9 17,5
5 CitiBank 552,6 6,5 9 14 15
6 Banca Intesa 63 6,5 8,5 13,9 17
7 Gazprombank 6 347,7 6,3 8,9 11 14
8 VTB Bank of Moscow 13 949,4 4,1 7,4 14,5 16,5
9 Rosselkhozbank 3 467,4 6,4 8,5 13 20,5
10 VTB 24 4 569,2 4,1 7,4 14,5 16,5

By choosing one of the banks presented in the table, you can without a doubt trust it with your savings or get a profitable loan, including bank card with the condition of interest-free cash withdrawal (you need to check with the manager).

Which bank is better for business and for saving money?

If you choose an organization for the most profitable investment funds, then it is better to turn your attention to banks where the presence of state capital is minimal. Such institutions usually offer maximum annual interest on deposits, and there are also profitable deposit bonuses. The following have worked well: Bank Intesa, Raiffeisenbank, UniCredit Bank.

When choosing a bank for business, you need to focus on the term of the agreement, the type of loan and the interest rate. Some offer favorable business conditions: VTB Bank of Moscow, Rosselkhozbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, Bank Intesa, Citibank, Rosbank, Sberbank. At the same time, it is important before visiting the chosen organization to thoroughly study all the pros and cons, as well as reviews from other clients.