Accounting financial statements. Order of the Ministry of Finance on the forms of financial statements of organizations

The financial statements of an enterprise are designed to solve two fundamental tasks, the first of which is the synthesis and provision of information to tax and statistical authorities to monitor the correctness of tax payment, the second is the creation for the owners and management of the company of a complete picture of the current financial economic activity.

Accounting reporting should be distinguished from tax reporting, which has its own forms and procedure for sending it to the Federal Tax Service.

Basic provisions and regulation procedure

At the legislative level, the procedure for the formation and submission of accounting reporting information is regulated by the Federal Law “On Accounting”. Corresponding to it are regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance, in particular, Instruction No. 66n, which approved all standards for document preparation.

The Ministry approves the forms of documents and the procedure for their provision. Reporting forms change quite frequently, usually starting on January 1 of the year following adoption. normative act regarding changes, therefore, before preparing reports in the new year, you need to make sure that no changes to its forms have been approved.

Consumers of the information contained in the reporting are:

  • organs state power, among them the Federal Tax Service, the state statistics body, as well as extra-budgetary funds;
  • shareholders and founders of the company;
  • investors;
  • credit organizations;
  • organizations that issue permission to engage in a particular type of activity;
  • participants in tenders for government contracts;
  • counterparties.

The information contained in each form shows the financial position of the organization in several aspects, both in the form of a stable picture of the balance sheet and liabilities (balance sheet), and in the form of the dynamics of changes in capital and individual species assets, as well as the ratio of revenue and profit for certain periods of time.

Changes in types and procedure for provision in 2019

In 2019, there were significant changes in the procedure for forming and submitting for commercial enterprises did not have. Changes in documents and the procedure for their submission affected mainly budgetary institutions. For privately owned enterprises, some norms related to the delivery of tax reporting and information to funds. From March 27, 2018, a new form of balance sheet has been applied.

Composition and content

For an enterprise that uses only RAS standards in its work, it also uses common system taxation, there is the following standard list of basic documents:

  • balance (form No. 1);
  • profit and loss statement (form No. 2).

For each of these forms, there are necessary applications and must be submitted. So, along with both are provided:

  • statement of changes in capital, which is a set of data on the change authorized capital and reserve funds;
  • traffic report Money showing only the income and expenses of the enterprise for the past period;
  • a separate application, called “Annex to the Balance Sheet” or.

In addition, a special explanatory note is drawn up. For some types of enterprises, the composition mandatory reporting comes in and audit report.

  1. Balance contains a list of articles that indicate the property of the enterprise (asset) and the sources of its formation (liability). The amounts of all active and passive balance sheet items () must be equal.
  2. Profit and loss report or form No. 2 shows the consumer the revenue and profit of the organization and their ratio. When analyzing this form, especially over several years, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the profitability of the organization and the structure of income, as well as about the growth or reduction of production costs.
  3. Cash flow statement will reveal full information O financial flows enterprises. At the same time, they will be divided into three parts, showing income and expenses for core activities, investment or investments in shares, and financial, or provisions for loans or interest-bearing securities.
  4. Form No. 5 contains information about certain strictly defined types of assets and liabilities, as well as a number of obligations of the company. These are assets of a special nature, data about which requires decoding, namely, which include patents, trademarks, R&D developments and similar ones, fixed assets, shares and others. Among the expenses, it is necessary to disclose expenses for R&D and related to the development of natural resources, also reveals the essence of expenses for core activities.
  5. “Appendix to the Balance Sheet” will disclose part of the data determined by the norms contained in. This document allows for some operations to be reflected differently and the specifics of these differences should be clear to the consumer. In addition, it will reflect some data that does not find its place in the balance sheet, but whose disclosure is necessary.
  6. Explanatory note will give the accountant the opportunity to explain some balance sheet items and features of the organization’s accounting policies.
  7. Audit report must be compiled for public joint stock companies, insurance organizations, banks and some other types of organizations. It confirms that the accountant’s work in summarizing information complies with the law, and all information contained in public (published) reporting is reliable.

The list of required reporting for small businesses using the simplified system is shorter. They only rent annual balance and financial performance data.

If the company operates in budgetary sphere or relates to those large companies who are required to additionally provide information in the form accounting reports formed according to the rules international system financial statements, the list of documents will expand.

The deadlines for submitting all forms are also determined by the Ministry of Finance. The balance sheet is submitted to the tax authorities quarterly, approved by the Ministry of Finance.

Sample forms

Any accountant using an updated computer system accounting, automatically generated by it in accordance with latest changes legislation reporting forms.

If this is not possible and you need to fill out forms manually, which is only allowed for businesses with staff strength staff no more than 25 people, they can be found:

  • for a small enterprise in Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 66n;
  • for an enterprise submitting full reports - also in Instruction No. 66n;
  • for budgetary institutions - in Instruction No. 157n.

Be sure to check the latest changes to the instructions before completing the form. Please note that reporting to in electronic format will require the need to obtain an electronic signature certificate.

All reporting forms contain corresponding information and complement each other. In order to check the reliability of the figures, they are correlated. As such, there is no requirement for interconnection and its procedure in the legislation; every accountant on one's own carries out the necessary operations, comparing matching balance sheet and income statement figures.

It should be understood that if there are obvious discrepancies in the figures, then the tax inspectorate will also carry out the reconciliation procedure to verify the correctness of the reporting. If discrepancies are found, the accountant will be required to adjust the documents or be asked to provide the necessary explanations.

This procedure takes place in next order:

  • information is checked for completeness;
  • information contained in various documents is compared with each other;
  • all indicators are checked for comparability with data for previous periods; serious and objectively unexplained discrepancies will be a reason for re-checking;
  • all indicators that are comparable in tax and financial statements, will be checked against each other once again.

If no discrepancies are identified, the data can be considered reliable.

For the convenience of taxpayers, on the Federal Tax Service website you can find tables showing which indicators are subject to joint analysis and comparison. So the data in the line “retained earnings” in the balance sheet is compared with the data in the line “net profit” in the income statement, the data in the line “cash” in the balance sheet is compared with the data in the line “cash balance at the beginning of the period.” All these numbers must match.

Accounting formats are designed to enable the consumer financial information saw the full picture of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. They will help tax authorities check the correctness of tax payments, investors make decisions about financing a business, and counterparties make sure of its reliability before concluding a contract. That is why everyone should fill out the information reporting forms you need to approach it as carefully as possible.

Learn more about financial reporting forms in this video.

Report No. 1 in all organizations is considered to be the balance sheet, since it is the one that provides information about the company’s assets and the size of the sources of these assets as of the reporting date, although entrepreneurs are allowed not to keep accounts and not submit a balance sheet. The form of the document is periodically reviewed and changed at the legislative level. Let's learn more about this document and the features of its preparation.

Balance sheet for 2017

The balance sheet form for 2017, the form of which we will consider in this publication, is not so new. It was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 66n dated July 2, 2010 and has been used since 2011.

An important change in this year is the introduction of a new classifier OK 029-2014, and, as a result, a change in OKVED codes. Therefore, when drawing up a balance sheet and submitting reports, companies will have to pay attention to the reflection of OKVED in the balance sheet for 2017 in accordance with the newly adopted collection. Although the codes are replaced automatically, it is better to first check the information about OKVED with the tax authorities. It can be noted that only in this regard the form of the balance sheet for 2017 has undergone changes. The document form can be downloaded below.

Balance sheet 2017: features

By filling out the form, the company itself details the indicators by item, taking into account the level of materiality of each. To the regulatory authorities (IFTS and statistical office) financial statements must be presented in a form that includes line codes. We will present a sample of filling out the balance sheet for 2017 in exactly this form.

The basis for drawing up the balance is accounting registers, for example, a chess sheet, memorial orders, order journals, a balance sheet or a general ledger.

Balance sheet form for 2017: how the document is structured

The balance sheet of the organization is a table, on the left side of which all the assets of the company are reflected, and on the right side - the sources of these funds. Both of them must be equal, since the value of the property cannot be more or less than the sources of its formation.

The left side is divided into 2 sections, the first contains fixed assets, in the second - negotiable.

The right side of the balance sheet is a liability, divided into 3 parts, in which information about reserves, capital and liabilities is consistently recorded.

Procedure for filling out the balance sheet 2017: asset

Fill out the balance form starting with the active part. For greater clarity, we offer a tabular version, which indicates in which line of the balance sheet which indicators should be reflected, as well as the rules for summing the values:

Line code

Account balances included

Section I

08 s/account for expenses for search work

08 MC expense account for prospecting work

01, 08 s/account for fixed assets, the commissioning of which has not yet been carried out

02 s/account “Depreciation of assets classified as income. investments"

59 s/account “Accounting for reserves for long-term liabilities”

amounts not included in previous lines of the section

1200: Total for Section I

sum of partition rows

Section II

41,15,16, 97, 10, 11, 43, 45, 20, 21, 23, 29, 44

62, 60, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 (excluding interest-rate loans), 75, 76

58, 55 s/account “Deposits”, 73 s/account “Loan settlements”

50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 55 s/account “Deposit accounts”

the value of assets not included in the listed lines of section II

1200:Total for section II

sum of partition rows

1600: Total assets

sum of results of sections I and II

Filling out the 2017 balance sheet according to the lines of the passive part

Line code

Account balances included

Section III

83 s/account “Additional assessment of fixed assets and intangible assets”

83 (except for additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets)

1300: Total for Section III

sum of section III row values

Section IV

amounts not included in the lines of section IV

1400: Total for Section IV

sum of rows of section IV

Section V

60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76

amounts not included in the previous lines of Section V

1500: Section V total

sum of rows of section V

1700: Total liabilities

sum of row values ​​of sections III, IV and V

If all balance lines are filled out correctly, the final results on lines 1600 and 1700 will be the same.

Balance sheet of an enterprise: completed example 2017

Sample of drawing up a balance sheet based on accounting data grouped into balance sheet Crocus LLC. To simplify the problem, let’s assume that the company was organized in 2017 and is preparing a balance sheet for 2017 for the first time. The 2017 balance sheet form, a sample of which is presented, involves considering the results of the company’s work for the reporting, last and previous years. In our example, information for 2017:

Account number


In accordance with the instructions for filling out the form indicated above, we will fill out the balance sheet for 2017 based on the accounting data.

An important point in the preparation of this document is compliance mandatory rule any balance - the equivalence of both parts. In our example, the balance lines were filled line by line like this:

Account balance

D/t 04 – K/t 05

8700 – 3000 = 5700

D/t 01 – K/t 02

825000 – 443000 = 382000

D/t (10 + 41/2 + 41/3 + 44) – K/t 42

(50000 + 575000 + 33000 + 12500) – 120000 = 550500

D/t (62 + 71 +76)

15000 + 1900 + 40000 = 56900

D/t (50 + 51 + 52 +58)

10000 + 92000 + 7800 +5000 = 114800

K/t (60 + 68 + 69+ 70)

265000 + 57000 + 12000 + 30000 = 364000

The presented example demonstrates the decoding of the balance sheet items for 2017. A sample of filling out the lines shows the simplicity of this work, but it requires care. Drawing up a balance sheet is unique in that errors are detected during work by a discrepancy between the values ​​of the active and passive parts, which allows you to quickly correct the situation.

The 2017 balance sheet form (form with line numbers for ease of preparation) can be downloaded below.

When preparing documents for filing reports accounting type both annual and intermediate, it is necessary to use established forms accounting statements. They are used to ensure that all reporting documents have a standardized appearance and meet state requirements.

In order to determine what is displayed in documents and how, it is worth considering all forms of the document package separately. It is important to take into account not only the names, but also the structural appearance documents.

  1. . Represents the main document from the reporting package. This is the basis of all documentation and the final logical stage of the organization’s ongoing activities, called the balance sheet. This document consists of an Asset and a Liability, which in a generalized form give an idea of ​​what funds the company has and whether they are sufficient to cover all expenses.
  2. . This document displays the sources of profit generation, as well as expenses as a result of activities.

Samples of financial statements forms 1 and 2 are the “skeleton” of financial statements. In relation to them, they are formed and accompanying documents necessary for a full consideration of the situation.

Complementary Forms

  • . This document provides an explanation of the events that led to changes in one or more types of capital, as well as a summary illustration of these events.
  • . Here the receipts to the accounts are reflected along with their sources.
  • . The form is an appendix specifically to the balance sheet, as it provides an explanation of its items.
  • . This is relevant for non-profit organizations.

The forms indicated above in the list are the main documents for the formation of the reporting package.

When considering the composition of the reporting, it is also worth pointing out that it must be submitted on time, since fines may be imposed for non-compliance. This period consists of three months after the end of the annual reporting period, but reporting must be submitted within the last 30 days of this period. If the end date is a weekend or holiday, the submission can be made on the next working day.

see also interesting video on the composition of financial statements:

Relationship between reporting forms

One of the reporting requirements is the coherence of the data provided. Moreover, this connection must be maintained not only in the structure of one document, but also between reporting documents for a certain reporting period. So, the forms are buh. statements are complementary elements that fully reflect the financial picture that has developed as a result of the functioning of the enterprise.

Moreover, each form reflects different data on different indicators or such that complement the previous ones in accordance with the importance of the document. It is for this reason that the forms are assigned a certain type, which, although it may undergo some changes in order to become more convenient for use, must meet all the requirements of the preparation instructions.

Legal regulation

In order for the reporting to be accepted by the relevant authorities for consideration, it must be drawn up in accordance with the current legislative acts, which regulate not only the composition of the documentation, but also its appearance, and also provide a list of requirements regarding the package of documents.

The main regulatory document is Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n “On Forms of Accounting Reports”. This one legal act specifies what data certain forms are used to display. This document regularly undergoes adjustments due to changes in the relevance of documents and the reporting procedure. Thus, one of the latest metamorphoses was the change in the name of the “profit and loss” report to the “about financial results».

The Order of the Ministry of Finance on the forms of financial statements of organizations also regulates the list of those forms that are required to be submitted by business entities; accordingly, a list of documents is established that compile these statements.

So, when talking about the forms of financial reporting of organizations, it should be noted that there are many of them, and each individual one is adopted to demonstrate a separate part of the reporting, but they are all interconnected, which ensures the integrity of the financial picture being formed. Reporting forms can be developed by enterprises themselves, but general principle compilation and design is taken from official sources.

Incorrect reflection (non-reflection) of the facts of economic life in accounting leads to distortion of reporting indicators. Because of this, the organization and its officials may be held liable. In addition, potential investors, counterparties, and creditors may draw the wrong conclusion about the organization’s ability to generate profit and fulfill obligations in a timely manner, which may hinder the achievement of your business goals.

Reporting deadline missed

The first quarter of 2018 has arrived, and now is the time to remind taxpayers about the deadlines for submitting annual accounting (financial) statements for 2017. What will be the deadlines for submitting reports of individual entrepreneurs and organizations for 2017?

Please note that the deadline for submitting financial statements is the same for all legal entities3 months after the end of the reporting period(v. 18 Federal Law RF “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ). The auditor's report on the annual accounting (financial) statements subject to mandatory audit is submitted together with these statements or no later than 10 business days from the day following the date of the auditor's report, but no later than December 31 of the year following the reporting year.

The last day for submitting financial statements for 2017 to the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat will be April 2, 2018, since March 31 coincides with a Saturday - a day off.

The last day of the reporting year is December 31, 2017. This date is reporting date accounting (financial) statements. You should also pay attention to date of signing reporting, from which one can judge the possibility of including in it all events that occurred in the organization before the date of signing these reports. Annual balance sheet, the financial results report and appendices thereto should be signed on the same date.

Reporting is completed incorrectly

Financial statements must contain a handwritten signature general director or another person authorized to do so (the head of an economic entity), as well as the seal of the organization.

The original reports do not need to be certified or stapled. In case of reporting in certified copies(for example, the general director who signed the statements is no longer working at the time of the audit), each sheet of such statements must be certified.

Incorrectly corrected errors in accounting

A situation in which accounting employees, having discovered an error from last year, make corrections to the accounting directly previous year, entails a change in the indicators of the annual financial statements of the past period already presented to external users. Therefore, when comparing the balance sheet data as of the 1st day of the reporting year with the indicators of last year’s balance sheet as of December 31 of the previous year, it is discovered that these indicators are not identical.

Please note, significant error of the previous reporting year, identified after approval of the annual financial statements for this year are corrected directly in the reporting period in which they were discovered (clause 9 of the Accounting Regulations “Correcting Errors in Accounting and Reporting” (PBU 22/2010), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010 No. 63n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 22/2010).

To do this you need:

    make corrective entries on the relevant accounting accounts in correspondence with account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”,

    recalculate the comparative indicators of the financial statements for the current reporting year by correcting the indicators of the financial statements of previous reporting periods, as if the error of the previous reporting period had never been made (retrospective restatement).

Organizations that have the right to use simplified accounting methods, including simplified accounting (financial) reporting, can do without retrospective recalculation.

To do this, entries are made in the corresponding accounting accounts in the month of the reporting year in which the error was identified. The profit or loss resulting from the correction of this error is reflected as part of other income or expenses of the current reporting period (clause 14 of PBU 22/2010).

Accounts receivable (payable) are “collapsed” and the balances of sub-accounts in the reporting are “expanded”

There is a situation when an organization, on the basis of different concluded agreements with counterparties, has both receivables and payables to some counterparty. When preparing reports, an accountant incorrectly reflects the balanced result as a receivable or accounts payable , carrying out the “offset” of these amounts.

However, by virtue of clause 34 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Reports of an Organization” (PBU 4/99), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 07/06/1999 No. 43n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 4/99), clause 40 of the Regulations on accounting accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n, offsetting between items of assets and liabilities is prohibited.

For all active-passive accounts, the balance sheet should show an “expanded” balance.

Consequently, accounts payable cannot be reflected minus accounts receivable (including for the same counterparty). There is one exception to this rule. Postponed tax assets and liabilities can be reflected in the balance sheet not in full amount (“expanded”), but only in part of the difference between them (in the form of a “folded balance”) (clause 19 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for calculations of corporate income tax” (PBU 18/02), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 18/02).

Please note that in order to correctly reflect mutual settlements with the budget for income tax (account 68.4 “Calculations for income tax”) in the balance sheet, the balances listed in subaccounts 68.4.1 “Settlements with the budget” and 68.4.2 “Calculation of income tax” should be displayed “collapsed”.

Loans, credits and interest on them are incorrectly reflected

When forming annual reports Accountants have a question: in which section of the balance sheet should the funds attracted by the organization be reflected? borrowed funds and interest-bearing loans issued to other legal entities or individuals - on the line “Long-term liabilities” or on the line “Short-term liabilities”? And sometimes they make mistakes when qualifying this debt.

For example, the accountant, considering the duration of the agreement to exceed one year, incorrectly reflects the debt under a loan agreement concluded several years ago, or concluded for a year, but repeatedly extended under additional agreements, as part of long-term debt.

However, according to paragraph 19 of PBU 4/99, based on the maturity date in the balance sheet, liabilities are divided into short-term (with a maturity date of no more than 12 months after the reporting date) and long-term (other liabilities).

Thus, accounts payable for a loan are reflected in the balance sheet as part of short-term liabilities if there are no more than 12 months left until the obligations are repaid.

Despite the fact that the loan was received, for example, 5 years ago, but as of the reporting date (December 31 of the reporting year) there was less than a year left until its repayment, according to the agreement - such debt is short-term.

Interest debt is reflected in the same way debt on a loan, if the terms of the agreement provide that interest payment is made simultaneously with the repayment of the loan amount at the end of the agreement. If there are no specific terms for the payment of interest, the debt for their payment is considered short-term.

When preparing annual accounts, an accountant can incorrectly classify issued interest-free loans as financial investments and incorrectly reflected in the “Financial investments” line of the balance sheet.

We remind you that in accordance with clause 2 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Financial Investments” (PBU 19/02), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2002 No. 126n, one of the main criteria for financial investments is the ability of the asset to bring the organization economic benefits(income) in the future in the form of interest, dividends or increases in their value.

Thus, issued loans that do not accrue interest are not a source of future income organization and should be reflected in the line “Accounts receivable”.

Not created

When preparing annual financial statements, it is necessary to take into account that, starting from 2011, Necessarily, by virtue of the provisions of clause 70 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n, creation of reserves doubtful debts with the attribution of their amounts to the financial results of the organization in the event that receivables are recognized as doubtful.

Incorrectly reflected non-written off debt with an expired statute of limitations

Before preparing annual reports, the organization conducts inventory property and liabilities, which should, among other things, identify receivables and payables, the period limitation period which expired. If it exists, the organization is obliged based on the order of the general director write off the specified debt(clause 77 of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n).

Frequent reasons for incorrectly reflecting overdue debts subject to write-off in the balance sheet:

    accounting employees do not have data on the expiration dates for the obligations of the parties to the transaction due to late receipt of information about the terms of contracts with counterparties from the legal department of the organization;

    "formally" carried out annual inventory leads to the fact that all receivables and payables of the organization are indicated as current, despite the fact that some amounts have not been confirmed by reconciliation reports for more than three years.

Thus, upon expiration of the statute of limitations, the overdue debt must be written off from the balance sheet to the reserve for doubtful debts or to financial results, regardless of whether the organization took measures to collect this debt.

Decommissioned accounts receivable subject to accounting for the balance in account 007 “Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss” for five years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of its recovery in the event of a change in the debtor’s property status.

Business transactions are reflected in the wrong reporting period

Possible causes of errors in periodization when recording transactions in accounting:

    untimely receipt by the organization of documents from counterparties: invoices for payment of communication services, utility bills, waybills, invoices;

    untimely submission to the organization’s accounting department: material and advance reports, acts of completed work, time sheets and other violations of document flow rules;

    incorrect reflection in accounting of the moment of transfer of ownership under the terms of the contract during capitalization material assets.

We remind you that all facts of the organization’s economic activities must be reflected in the reporting period when they occurred, regardless of the time of actual receipt or payment of funds associated with these facts (clause 5 of the Accounting Regulations “ Accounting policy organizations" (PBU 1/2008), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2008 No. 106n).

There is no interconnection of indicators

In all forms of accounting reporting there is a whole a number of indicators that ultimately must correspond to each other. The interrelation of financial reporting indicators means that these indicators must be equal to each other. Such ratios of indicators are not regulated by law; they were developed exclusively in accounting practice. For example, the balance sheet and income statement are detailed in the statement of changes in equity, the statement of cash flows, and the balance sheet exhibits.

Monitoring indicators of reporting forms by interlinking indicators allows you to:

    make sure that all reporting forms are compiled correctly,

    get Additional information necessary for analysis,

    quickly eliminate detected errors.

What is the responsibility of organizations and officials for violations in accounting and reporting?




Gross violation* by an organization of the rules for accounting for income and (or) expenses and (or) taxable items

If within one tax period- collection of a fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles;

If during more than one tax period - collection of a fine in the amount of 30,000 rubles;

If the violation resulted in an understatement tax base(base for calculating insurance premiums) - collection of a fine in the amount of 20% of the amount of unpaid tax (insurance premiums), but not less than 40,000 rubles.

Art. 120 Tax Code RF

Gross violation** of accounting requirements, including accounting (financial) reporting

Administrative responsibility for officials organizations in the form of a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub.

For repeated commission of an offense - a fine of 10,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rub. or disqualification of an official for a period of 1 to 2 years

Art. 15.11 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Failure by the organization to submit tax authority V fixed time annual accounting (financial) statements

Imposition of a fine on the organization in the amount of 200 rubles. for each document not submitted;

Imposition on officials of the organization administrative fine in the amount of 300 rubles. up to 500 rub.

subp. 5 p. 1 art. 23, paragraph 1, art. 126 Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Part 1 Art. 15.6 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

failure to submit or untimely submission, submission in full or in a distorted form of annual financial statements *** to the state statistics body at the location state registration

Warning or

Imposition of an administrative fine on an organization in the amount of RUB 3,000. up to 5,000 rubles, and for officials - from 300 rubles. up to 500 rub.

Art. 19.7 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

We offer you a classic audit, an audit on a special assignment, HR consulting, legal issues, assistance in preparing reports and others.

* In flagrant violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses and objects of taxation for the purposes of Art. 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation means the absence primary documents or accounting registers, systematic (two or more times during a calendar year) untimely or incorrect reflection in accounting accounts and financial statements business transactions, cash, material assets, intangible assets and financial investments.

** A gross violation of accounting requirements, including accounting (financial) reporting, means:

    understatement of taxes and fees by at least 10% due to distortion of accounting data; distortion of any indicator of accounting (financial) statements expressed in monetary terms by at least 10%;

    registration of a fact of economic life that has not taken place or an imaginary or feigned object of accounting in the accounting registers;

    maintaining accounting accounts outside the applicable accounting registers; preparation of accounting (financial) statements not based on data contained in accounting registers;

    the economic entity lacks primary accounting documents, and (or) accounting registers, and (or) accounting (financial) statements, and (or) an audit report on the accounting (financial) statements (if an audit of the accounting (financial) statements is mandatory) within the established storage periods for such documents.

*** as well as the auditor’s report if the annual accounting (financial) statements are subject to mandatory audit.

Read more about cases when a mandatory audit should be carried out.

Highlight the following types accounting statements:

  • Statistical - for statistical authorities. Failure to submit it within the prescribed period threatens the company with a fine. Details - .
  • Managerial. Used by company management to control, manage and improve the efficiency of the enterprise. Specific accounting methods are used to prepare management reporting. We recommend our article “Management accounting in an enterprise - examples of Excel tables”.
  • Directly accounting reporting as a system of data on property and financial situation enterprise and results of economic activity for the period (month, quarter, year). A selection of materials in this section will tell you about it.

The order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n regulates the procedure for drawing up and forms of financial statements. In addition, when preparing reports, accountants rely on PBUs and regulations of Rosstat.

The forms of financial statements in 2019 are as follows:

  • Balance sheet . Shows the size of the company's assets and liabilities.
  • Income statement . Shows the company's income and expenses, as well as the final financial result (profit or loss).
  • Statement of changes in equity. Characterizes the movement of the company's capital during the reporting period.
  • Cash Flow Statement. Includes information about their sources and uses.
  • Report on the intended use of funds. Typically filled out non-profit organizations to provide information on contributions and other gratuitous receipts.

IMPORTANT! From 06/01/2019, new accounting forms are in effect in the wording approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 04/19/2019 No. 61n.

The innovations are as follows:

  1. In all forms, data must be indicated in thousands of rubles, because unit of measurement "million rubles" excluded.
  2. Instead of OKVED, OKVED 2 should be used.
  3. In the balance sheet, lines appeared to indicate information about whether the company is subject to mandatory audit, as well as about the company (IP) auditor and their details.
  4. In the statement of financial results, the names of some lines have changed, and some lines have been completely excluded.
  5. OKUD codes have been changed in some reports.

Read more about the changes.

Composition of financial statements

The composition of the provided forms of financial statements of an organization in 2019 depends on the size of the company, its organizational and legal form and the activities carried out. The most important report is the balance sheet. You can read more about it in this article.

Previously, companies were required to include explanatory note. According to the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, in 2019 the explanatory note is not included in the mandatory financial statements, but in some cases the data requires comments. We recommend that you study the article “Drawing up an explanatory note for the balance sheet (sample)”, which, if necessary, will help you draw up a competent explanation for the financial statements.

Another document that allows you to analyze financial statements is the appendix to the balance sheet. you will learn how to compose it correctly.

Some organizations (credit, Insurance companies, companies with assets exceeding 60 million rubles. or the amount of revenue over 400 million rubles, and a number of other companies) must include an auditor’s report in their financial statements. Find out if you should have the procedure mandatory audit, Can .

Preparation of financial statements

The preparation of reports based on the results of the period will proceed quickly if, during the entire reporting period, the facts of economic life at the enterprise were recorded correctly, on time and in full. Preparation of financial statements is the stage at which the accountant checks the correctness of the accounting of business transactions.

Let's look at how individual areas of accounting at an enterprise are reflected in the financial statements:

  • Let's start with the balance sheet asset. This will tell you how to reflect fixed assets on the balance sheet.
  • When disclosing information about fixed assets, intangible assets and R&D, certain nuances arise. If you have property in account 08, you will find the article “On which line to reflect the balance of account 08 in the balance sheet?” .
  • How is the main production reflected in the balance sheet, by what criteria are direct and indirect costs and how work in progress is accounted for, read this article.
  • The result production activities enterprises are finished products. In this publication we explain the order of reflection finished products in the balance sheet depending on accounting at actual or standard cost.
  • Accountants may have questions about accounting for input VAT, as well as VAT as part of advances. We have prepared an article to help you: “How VAT is reflected in the balance sheet.”
  • In what forms of financial statements is reflected the debt of the enterprise and by what rules it is reflected, read the article “Deciphering accounts receivable and payable - sample”.
  • Before preparing financial statements, you need to conduct an inventory. How to do this, read
  • The final stage of preparation of financial statements is the reformation of the balance sheet. You will learn what this is from the publication “How and when to reform the balance sheet.”

After a thorough check of all areas of accounting, the accountant proceeds directly to the preparation of financial statements.

Completing financial statements

We have prepared for you articles-instructions on how to fill out all forms of an organization’s financial statements:

  • You will read about the rules for drawing up a balance sheet with a detailed explanation (from which accounts the information for each line of the balance sheet is taken) and an example of filling it out.
  • This article will tell you how to fill out a financial performance report.
  • We will tell you about the rules for drawing up reports on changes in capital, cash flows and the intended use of funds in this article.
  • Read about how to independently audit financial statements.

Reporting period for accounting

Main of government agencies user of financial statements - tax office. You can submit reports not only in person or by Russian Post, but also through the Federal Tax Service website. He will tell you how to do this.

Peculiarities of preparation of financial statements by different companies

The nuances of preparing financial statements depend on the legal form of the company, the applied taxation regime, and the scale of its activities.

Let's look at the most common cases:

  • This will tell you how to draw up a balance sheet for an LLC.
  • About the features of accounting and preparation of financial statements in an LLC using a simplified system, read the article “Accounting for an LLC using the simplified tax system: submitting reports.”
  • Instructions for filling out a simplified balance sheet are presented in this article.
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation allows some companies to submit not all forms of financial statements. Check to see if your business qualifies as a small business and learn what kind of reporting you need to file. Details - .
  • Read more about the features of the balance sheet of a small enterprise

IMPORTANT! Entrepreneurs are not required to keep records and submit financial statements. However, we recommend that you prepare at least a balance sheet for yourself every year, since it provides clear information about the amount used in entrepreneurial activity property, financial results and amounts of receivables and payables. The publication will tell you what other information can be gleaned from the balance sheet."How to Read a Balance Sheet (Practical Examples)" .

  • Pay attention to the liquidation balance sheet - it is compiled if a decision is made to close the company. In this case, an interim liquidation balance sheet is first formed, and then the final one. Read more about liquidation balance sheet read the article