Pay less: how to reduce your monthly loan payment. Mortgage interest rate reduction

Document form “Application for reduction interest rate” refers to the “Application” section. Save the link to the document in in social networks or download it to your computer.

At OJSC AKB "__________________"

address: _________________________________


I, _________________________, entered into an agreement with your bank to provide a loan for urgent needs without collateral under the “Credit “________” program on the following conditions:
1.1. Loan term (in months) __;
1.2. Loan currency rub
1.3. One-time interest payment for the use of funds: ____ rub. __ kop.
1.4. Annual interest rate on the loan (% per annum): ___
1.5. Loan amount _______ rub. __ kop.
1.6. The total cost of the loan is _____ percent per annum.
Simultaneously with the conclusion of the above agreement, I agreed to participate in the program personal insurance according to the Collective Agreement on voluntary personal insurance of borrowers against accidents and illnesses No. _________ dated __________, concluded between JSCB " Russian capital"(OJSC) and OSJSC "__________" for the risks of death as a result of an accident or illness and disability of group I or II as a result of an accident or illness, which led to an increase in the one-time interest payment by _____ rubles. __ kop. per month.
Thus, the one-time interest payment with insurance amounted to _____ rubles. __ kop.
Currently, my financial situation has changed and I am not able to pay the specified amount monthly. The situation is also complicated by the presence of other loans in various banks the city of Moscow (there are eight of them in total, for an amount of more than _________ rubles, taking into account unpaid interest, excluding penalties).
These events significantly change the circumstances under which the above-mentioned loan agreement was concluded.
According to Part 1 of Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding an agreement is the basis for its modification or termination, unless otherwise provided for by the agreement or follows from its essence.
A change in circumstances is considered significant when they have changed so much that, if the parties could have reasonably foreseen it, the contract would not have been concluded by them at all or would have been concluded on significantly different terms.”
In the current circumstances, which I could not foresee when concluding the agreement, taking on credit obligations in the agreed amount is an unbearable burden and therefore, anticipating this, I would insist on concluding the agreement on the terms of a different (reduced) interest rate.
By virtue of Part 1 of Art. 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Amendments and termination of the contract are possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by this Code, other laws or the contract.
As follows from parts 2 - 3 of Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the parties have not reached an agreement to bring the contract into compliance with significantly changed circumstances or to terminate it, the contract may be terminated, and on the grounds provided by law, changed by the court at the request of an interested party if there is simultaneously following conditions:
1) at the time of concluding the contract, the parties assumed that such a change in circumstances would not occur;
2) the change in circumstances was caused by reasons that the interested party could not overcome after their occurrence with the degree of care and prudence that was required of it by the nature of the contract and the conditions of turnover;
3) execution of the contract without changing its terms would so violate the relationship of property interests of the parties corresponding to the contract and would entail such damage for the interested party that it would largely lose what it had the right to count on when concluding the contract;
4) it does not follow from business customs or the essence of the contract that the risk of changes in circumstances is borne by the interested party.
When terminating a contract due to significantly changed circumstances, the court, at the request of either party, determines the consequences of terminating the contract, based on the need for a fair distribution between the parties of the costs incurred by them in connection with the execution of this contract.
On the basis of the above,

1. Reduce the one-time interest payment for using funds.
2. Reduce the annual interest rate on the loan
3. Edit full cost loan in accordance with clauses 1 and 2 of this Application.
4. Consider me as having refused to participate in the Collective Agreement on voluntary personal insurance of borrowers against accidents and illnesses No. _________ dated ________, concluded between JSCB "____________" (OJSC) and IJSC "__________" for the risks of death as a result of an accident or illness and disability Group I or II as a result of an accident or illness.
5. Return to my account cash, previously written off in connection with participation in the Collective Agreement on voluntary personal insurance of borrowers against accidents and illnesses No. ________ dated _________, concluded between JSCB "_____________" (JSC) and IJSC "___________" for the risks of death as a result of an accident or illness and disability Group I or II as a result of an accident or illness, for the period from _____ to _____ years in proportion to unfulfilled obligations.

D. Signature_______________

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The possibility of reducing the mortgage rate is one of the pressing issues among borrowers who signed contracts several years ago before the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reduced the refinancing percentage. After the adoption of this measure, banks were asked to lower the tariff, but in fact the difference is 3-5 points or more. About the rate reduction existing mortgage described in the article.

Who can I contact?

Borrowers under open agreements have the right to write an application for a reduction in the mortgage interest rate to a bank offering favorable conditions. The reasons include the following factors:

  1. The birth of a child and the appearance of additional expenses.
  2. Deterioration financial condition, change of job, change in health status.
  3. Desire to pay off loan early favorable conditions.

After applying for a reduction in the rate on an existing mortgage, the monthly payment may be reduced or the amount changed, which will have a beneficial effect on the financial condition of the payer.

Types of rate reduction

How to reduce your mortgage interest? There are several types of procedures with their own conditions and requirements. Clients can choose the most suitable type for themselves. The following are known options for reducing the mortgage interest rate:

  1. Refinancing. This is a complex procedure in which a mortgage agreement is signed on new terms. The transaction is re-issued by one bank, but you can contact another financial institution.
  2. Restructuring. The procedure is formalized when concluding an additional agreement to the main contract when the rate changes credit program in the bank where the security was provided. The document indicates the agreements between the financial institution and the client on the validity of the new interest payment terms and the recalculation of the agreement and payments.
  3. Use of social support means. Some amount of the mortgage is paid thanks to public funds, for example, under the “Young Family” or “Housing” program. It is possible to apply the presented financing towards the first payment, which is necessary to reduce the rate.
  4. Going to court. If the client finds out that some conditions of the mortgage, including the assignment of interest for the use of money, do not comply with the law and the rules of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, or if there are violations with the calculation, he can go to court. To do this, an application is drawn up to reduce the mortgage interest rate or change the terms of the transaction.


A sample application for a reduction in the mortgage interest rate is presented in the article. According to it, you need to draw up a document to any bank. In the application for a reduction in the interest rate on a mortgage, in the top header it is recorded who the application is intended for, personal data (full name, passport details, registration, contract number).

The main part indicates a request to reduce interest on a specific agreement (number and date of its preparation) for a specific reason, for example, due to a fall in mortgage rates. The application for a reduction in the mortgage interest rate indicates the method by which it is desirable to notify the decision:

  1. By mail.
  2. In person at a bank branch.
  3. By email.

At the end of the application for a reduction in mortgage rates at Sberbank or any other bank, your full name, telephone number, signature and date must be indicated. The bank will review the application and then make a decision. Because of large quantity When such applications are received, a response may not be received immediately. Usually maximum term is no more than 30 days from the date of filing an application for a reduction in mortgage rates at Sberbank or another financial institution.


How can I reduce the interest rate on my existing mortgage? To do this, it is important to meet some conditions:

  1. The duration of the contract is from 4-6 months, it is different in each institution.
  2. No late payments or non-payments throughout the entire period.
  3. Availability of proof of solvency.
  4. Positive credit history.
  5. Possibility of attracting a guarantor or co-borrower.
  6. Liquidity of real estate, absence of claims from previous owners.
  7. Spouse's consent.
  8. Absence of registered children in the amount of the deposit.

The new interest applies to the balance of the contract and debt. Recalculation for the full period is rarely carried out.

Procedure for drawing up a contract

As the rate decreases, events can develop in 3 ways:

  1. Notification of bank clients by the founder about changes in mortgage terms when providing favorable treatment. Messages are sent to phones, but notifications may be sent to email or postal addresses. Often this mailing is mass, but there are also situations where the bank is loyal to a specific borrower who has been regularly making payments for a long time under the old conditions.
  2. If the borrower becomes aware of the possibility of a rate reduction based on program changes. Then the initiative lies with the client. He needs to apply to the management of the organization, and then get a decision on whether to sign an agreement to the mortgage agreement or an agreement on amended terms.
  3. The client analyzes the mortgage situation in the region. If there is a decrease in rates in other banks, then he can apply for refinancing.

These are the main options on how to lower your mortgage interest rate. Each procedure requires proper execution. Only then will it be valid.

Conditions at Sberbank

Is it possible to reduce the interest rate if the loan is issued at Sberbank? This procedure is carried out on your own terms. IN this institution There is a “Refinancing” program. The rate on it is 13.9%. If previously the contract was drawn up at 15%, then using the procedure you will be able to save 1.1%. For example, with a loan of 2 million rubles, the benefit will be equal to 220 thousand rubles.

According to this scheme, refinancing of a loan at VTB24 works if a new agreement is drawn up at Sberbank. Possible refinancing due to restructuring. It is likely that both a reduction and an increase in the debt payment period will occur, provided that the rate at Sberbank is reduced.

Mortgage state programs

A mortgage with state support is an opportunity to purchase housing on favorable terms. Sberbank is one of the institutions that implements this program. According to it, borrowers can reduce the interest rate before concluding an agreement. In this program, rates start at 10%. This is typically 0.5% less than the principal interest on a standard mortgage. Attractive conditions are offered:

  1. Young families.
  2. Military personnel.

If the borrower can attract maternal capital, then this also serves as a reason to reduce the rate. The following requirements are imposed on clients:

  1. Age - from 21 years.
  2. Availability of verified income.
  3. Official work.
  4. Work experience - from 5 years.

These requirements are considered universal and vary depending on the program.

Electronic registration

Like the previous option, electronic registration will help reduce the rate before the transaction is concluded - by 0.5-0.7%. The exact size is determined individually. Such deals are not available to everyone. They can be used:

  1. When buying an apartment.
  2. When purchasing plots on which there is no real estate, if the first title of ownership was registered after 1998.
  3. If participants are over 18 years old.
  4. Representatives are not involved.
  5. Participation of no more than 2 buyers and 2 sellers.

More detailed information about this service can be obtained from bank specialists.

Personal insurance

This option is suitable for those who refused personal insurance when registering a mortgage agreement. Life and health insurance is voluntary. But Sberbank is not entirely loyal to those who do not want to take out comprehensive insurance.

For these basic clients, the percentage increases by 1 point. For example, if the minimum rate is 10%, then if you refuse insurance it will be 11%. To reduce overpayments, you need to take out insurance. Companies that provide these services can be found on the Sberbank website or in a branch.

Salary clients

If there salary card Sberbank, then the client has advantages. If it is not there, then the rate increases by 0.5%. If the card was issued after signing the documents, then you need to submit an application to Sberbank, where you indicate this circumstance. The application will be reviewed, and if the decision is positive, the rate will be reduced.

Promotional offers

This is another way to reduce the rate at Sberbank. Promotional offers are initiated by partner developers, as well as by the institution itself. Their list can be found on the official website.

Typically, offers appear before holidays and significant dates. Shares have a limited validity period. For those wishing to participate, they establish special conditions, which are different from a regular mortgage.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is no need to postpone re-registration of mortgage documents if there is a possibility of reducing the rate, as this will reduce financial burden per client under the following conditions:

  1. Recalculation of the entire amount.
  2. Payment reduction.
  3. Reduced insurance.
  4. Reducing the period of validity of the document and payment of debt.

But there are also disadvantages to this service:

  1. It is necessary to carry out a secondary assessment of the collateral by the company, which requires additional expenses.
  2. Commissions are set by the new bank. Their size may vary for each financial institution.

Reasons for refusal

With the help of a bet, the bank covers risks. If the borrower regularly pays his obligations, does not miss payments, has Fixed salary and a positive reputation, then such a client is unlikely to be denied a rate reduction. But refusal follows in case of low payment discipline.

Banks take into account various factors. What matters is the amount of the balance. If the client has paid about 98% of the debt, then making changes will not be practical. If you were refused by the bank where the mortgage was issued, you should not be upset. Borrowers have the right to apply to other institutions for refinancing. This way you can choose the most attractive loan terms.

When completing the interest reduction procedure, you should consider the following tips:

  1. It is important to become familiar with the consequences of changing conditions. Information provided upon request from electronic calculators online on official websites is not always valid. During the calculation, the conditions for payment of commissions are usually not taken into account; insurance is counted according to minimum rate with an incomplete set of services, expenses for a secondary assessment of the object are not taken into account in the amount. You can find out these details and tariffs after contacting the bank.
  2. To reduce the rate on a new document, it is possible to use additional methods that guarantee payments, for example, attracting guarantors or co-borrowers.
  3. To re-issue a mortgage agreement at a reduced rate, it is advisable to contact the bank where you have the salary project or the borrower is given other payments or there is active deposits. It will be easier to conclude a more profitable agreement with this organization.

Thus, clients have the right to a reduction in the mortgage rate in several cases. This procedure reduces the financial burden, so it will be much easier to pay the balance.

IN Lately This type of loan, such as a mortgage, has become very popular. There was a time when you had to take her under high percent. But now it can be reduced.

Basic ways to reduce your mortgage interest rate

There are several ways to reduce the interest rate on a mortgage: changing the criteria of the contract by agreement of the parties, refinancing the loan.

Reduced interest rate on VTB mortgages in 2019

VTB clients can receive a rate of 9.7%, increase the mortgage period to 30 years, and receive an amount of up to 30 million rubles. Refinancing a mortgage loan is possible with just two certificates.

If you want to benefit from the amount issued earlier through regular refinancing, you need to prepare:

  • passport, SNILS, military ID (for men);
  • certificate (form 2-NDFL);
  • copy of the work document;
  • loan documents;
  • bank's consent to refinance (in some cases).

How to reduce the mortgage interest rate at VTB

To reduce the mortgage interest rate, you need to contact the bank branch with an application addressed to the manager credit company. The reason given is a reduction in the original rate. This can be done at any VTB branch.

The application also indicates the full name, passport details, registration address, number and date of conclusion of the agreement, current and desired loan rate, loan term, postal or email address.

All applications are considered individually.

Interest reduction upon completion of housing construction

For different types different types of housing are offered mortgage rates. After changing the type, you can apply for a tariff change. For example, at first a loan was taken out for a new building, but over time the apartment was rented out and the client became the owner. Therefore, he has every reason to claim a reduction in the interest rate. This reduction has several requirements:

  • availability of registration of property rights to housing;
  • mortgage;
  • mortgage in favor of the bank.

Reduction of the current interest rate upon application

The application can be written in a form convenient for you. The main thing is to indicate your full name, passport details, registration, information on the contract (number, date, rates, term), address to receive a new repayment schedule.

You can provide supporting arguments: using the principal amount, receiving a salary through this bank, social programs, benefits for public sector employees, guarantors.

Applications are considered individually. The more bank services you use, the higher the chances of a rate reduction.

If the bank's decision is positive, you will be notified at the address indicated in the application.

Reduced rates for borrowers from other banks at VTB

To attract new clients, VTB refinances mortgages from other banks. Conditions:

  1. Interest rate from 9.7%.
  2. Duration – up to 30 years.
  3. Amount – up to 30 million rubles.
  4. No registration fees.
  5. Package of documents: application, borrower documents, 2-NDFL certificate, copy of work book, loan documents.

VTB also requests the consent of the bank from which the mortgage was taken. It is important to understand that the entire procedure will take a lot of time and entail additional expenses: property valuation, paperwork, insurance.

How is the rate determined?

Based economic indicators The Central Bank sets the key rate, which can be raised or lowered. It is the basis for calculating annual interest rates on loans and deposits. If the Central Bank lowers the rate, then loans become cheaper.

Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows amendments to the contract to reduce the rate by agreement of both parties.

Conditions for providing refinancing

In order for a refinancing agreement to be concluded, several conditions must be met:

  • ownership documents;
  • the current rate is more than 12%;
  • there must be more than 12 loan payments;
  • debt – less than 30 days.

Required documents

  1. Identification.
  2. Certificate of marriage or divorce.
  3. Real estate documents.
  4. Cadastral or technical passport.
  5. Evaluation document.
  6. Labor.
  7. Certificate of income.
  8. Mortgage papers.
  9. Certificates of timely payment of the loan.


Applying for a loan rate reduction is a lengthy procedure. First you need to submit documents. The bank will consider your application for several business days, because it needs to study credit history and the entire package of documents, request, if necessary, additional information.

After this, you will be notified of the decision by email, in connection with which you will need to sign an agreement. Then VTB will contact the bank (where the mortgage was taken out) and transfer money to repay the loan, receive a certificate of fulfillment of mortgage obligations, and register the loan.

Reasons for refusal

Sometimes even conscientious clients are denied refinancing. There may be several reasons: low current mortgage rate, small loan balance, poor loan, no insurance. In general, if the requirements for the borrower are not met.

Reducing the interest rate on existing loans is a smart approach when managing personal finances. If loans are obtained at higher rates than the current offer from banks, it is worth taking the opportunity to get tangible benefits. This article will discuss the issues of reducing the interest rate on current credit obligations, and also attached an application to reduce the interest rate for the loan

Interest rates on mortgages and consumer loans are falling. How to proceed?

Conditions in the lending market change periodically. For example, starting from mid-2015, mortgage program rates have been decreasing. To those who executed contracts mortgage lending at high prices, now you need to contact the bank with an application for a rate reduction.

Long loan terms and large loan sizes require high overpayments. By reducing the interest rate by 1%, you can get significant savings and reduce your monthly payments. To begin the procedure, an application is sent to the bank’s credit department.

Read also on the topic:

Owners should take the same actions consumer loans. At first glance, it may seem that lowering the interest rate on consumer loans will bring less benefits than on mortgages. But here you need to take into account the individual situation.

Consumer loans are issued for various amounts and terms. If the borrower has a loan agreement for two or more years, for an amount of 100,000 rubles or more, the savings on the reduction will be quite decent. In any case, before going to the bank it is worth making calculations and assessing the possible benefits.

The financial situation of the borrower has changed. How to proceed?

Changes financial position borrowers, and not always for the better. If, due to circumstances, your income has decreased and there is a threat of late payment to the bank, then you should apply to change the rate.

It is necessary to submit documents confirming the decrease in income level - sick leave, a copy of the dismissal order. As a rule, banks meet halfway in such situations, and in addition to reducing interest, they can offer.

The bank refused. How to proceed?

If the bank refuses to reduce the rate, the borrower should receive a written response explaining the reasons for the refusal. If they seem insufficiently substantiated, you can seek help from a qualified lawyer. The borrower’s second step is to contact other banks with a request to refinance the loan.

Actions to reduce credit rate must be taken not only in cases of difficult life situations, but also when there is a change credit policy banks. This will help you save on interest and manage your personal budget more freely.


To reduce the interest rate on a current mortgage loan, you need to send an application for an interest rate reduction to Sberbank. This can be done in two ways: at a bank branch or using the Sberbank Online Internet bank.

Through a Sberbank branch

You need to come to a Sberbank branch and contact a mortgage manager. Remember that not every branch has a mortgage lending department, so it is better to come to mortgage center Sberbank or the branch where you took out a mortgage. You must tell the manager: “I want to write an application for a reduction in the mortgage interest rate due to a decrease key rate central bank". In response, the manager must provide you with an application form. The reason for the application in this form must be indicated: Reduction of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In theory, only an application and a passport are enough, since all copies of documents should be in your bank. But some branches may ask you for: a passport, mortgage agreement, documents for the apartment. Therefore, it is better to call the bank you are going to visit in advance, so as not to return to it again later.

You can also immediately come with a pre-prepared application. You can download it from the link -

But the best and most quick way- fill out an application online. This way you will save a lot of free time.

Important: A rate reduction is possible if this is written in the contract. Usually the contract states that the rate can be reduced at the discretion of the bank or the bank has the right to reduce the mortgage interest rate. But if you haven’t found this clause in your contract, this is not a reason not to try to lower your rate. Even if you get a refusal, the main thing is that you tried, because writing an application is not difficult. And if you submit your application online, then everything will take only 20 minutes.

Through Sberbank Online

Submitting an application Online is the easiest and fastest way. You don't need to stand in queues and communicate with incompetent managers.

First of all, you need to download the application from the link - Fill out the application and sign. Next, this statement must either be xed out or photographed well, fortunately modern phones allow this to be done without problems.

Next, go to Sberbank Online, where at the bottom right you find the “Letter to the Bank” button, go to “Outbox” and create a new request. Type "Other", below "Credit". The text is free, just don’t forget to attach a file with a scan of the application. We send and wait for the bank's response. Everything is very simple.


Next, we have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions asked by borrowers who want to reduce the interest rate on their mortgage at Sberbank. If you have not found the answer to your question, then you can contact the Sberbank contact center using the link

Why is this information not on the Sberbank website?

Interest rates are not being reduced en masse. But Sberbank individually considers each application to reduce the interest rate. But what decision the bank makes (positive or negative) will depend on many factors. But still, the information is on the official website at the link, where it is written in black and white that the possibility of lowering the interest rate is provided.

Why does Sberbank agree to lower the rate?

First of all, I would like to say that the bank is not obligated to reduce the interest rate specified in the agreement. This is his legal right. So why is the bank making concessions?

A reduction in interest rate is possible if you currently have a valid big bet on a mortgage loan. Especially for borrowers who took out loans at the height of the crisis, when mortgage rates could reach 15-16%.

Now, in 2017, rates for mortgage programs at Sberbank are among the lowest in the country - 10% for the purchase of finished housing when applying for a mortgage online. And given the fact that any mortgage borrower, can use mortgage program refinancing in another bank and getting a lower interest rate, then it is more profitable for Sberbank to lower the interest rate current loan than losing a client. Any bank understands this and chooses the lesser of two evils.

Can I come to any branch?

It is best to contact the branch where you took out the mortgage. But any of the Sberbank mortgage lending centers will do. But we still advise you to use modern technologies and submit your application online.

What window should I register in the department?

You need the Mortgage Support window. In some branches there is no electronic registration for these windows and the queue occurs on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, immediately clarify this issue with any manager at the entrance to the bank.

What to do if Sberbank employees say that it is impossible to reduce the interest rate?

Yes, perhaps not all Sberbank branches and not all of its employees are aware of this possibility. They can tell you that they do not reduce the interest rate for old clients and there is only an interest rate refinancing program for mortgage holders of other banks. So again, explain to them that you are not interested in refinancing, but that you are interested in lowering the interest rate on your loan. Tell them that this is possible at Sberbank and if employees do not know that such an opportunity exists, ask them to call the main office and clarify the situation. You can tell them that you were confirmed about this opportunity by phone on the bank’s official website.

Where can I get the application form?

If you decide to submit an application through Sberbank branches, you can ask for the form on the spot. But not in every city, and not in every department, its employees are informed about such a service, so they may not have forms. In this case, you can write an application to reduce the interest rate in free form on a sheet of A4 paper with personal signature. Or you can download the form from the link and fill it out in advance.

How long should I wait for an answer?

If you sent an application through Sberbank Online, it can be considered in a week. But usually the application review period takes 10 days. But it also happens that the answer comes in the evening if the application was submitted in the morning. It all depends on your city and department.

If the answer is yes, then you will receive something like this: The bank made a positive decision on the issue of reducing the interest rate on loan agreement №...

If the answer is no, you will receive a message something like this: According to your application, your request for a reduction in the interest rate was denied.

Why can they refuse a reduction?

The main reason for refusal is the borrower's low mortgage interest rate. Most likely, if your interest rate is already less than 12%, then you will receive a refusal from the bank. Also, refusal is possible if your apartment is not insured.

How much can the rate be reduced?

As we have already said, the maximum interest rate reduction is possible up to 12%. If you had a really high interest rate, then your rate may be reduced by 2-4%. Therefore, the percentage of reduction is different for everyone, for some from 15.25% to 12%, and for others from 13.25% to 12.5%. So all borrowers who have a rate above 12% can safely go and write an application for a reduction.

Where on the Sberbank website can you ask a question about a rate reduction?

For any questions you are interested in, please contact the Sberbank contact center

You will be provided full information on how to initiate consideration of the issue of reducing the interest rate on a mortgage loan. Due to the reduction of the Central Bank's key rate, this is indeed possible.

How long will Sberbank reduce rates for old clients?

The first messages from mortgagers that they managed to reduce the interest rate appeared back in June 2017. It is difficult to say how long this opportunity will last. It is better to ask this question to bank employees, but they say that until September 2017 such an opportunity will definitely be available. Therefore, it is better not to delay and submit your application as quickly as possible.

When will the rate be reduced?

The interest rate will be reduced after the next payment. There is no need to conclude a new agreement with the bank.

What to do if you receive a refusal?

If after submitting your application you receive a refusal, then you always have the opportunity to use the program at a lower interest rate. Average rate under the refinancing program it is now about 11%. But remember that refinancing will entail other costs: re-issue of insurance, re-production of the appraisal album, as well as the removal and imposition of encumbrances. Therefore, be sure to consider not only the benefits of lower interest rates, but also the costs of the refinancing procedure.

Does this work in other banks?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; there are too many banks in our country. Some banks will definitely follow the path of Sberbank in order not to lose clients who may go to other banks under the refinancing program. And some banks will refer to an agreement where it is written in black and white that the interest rate is fixed on the date the decision is made and is not revised during the repayment period of the loan. Therefore, in order to know exactly the answer to this question, the only and correct solution is to call or come to your bank branch.

Is it possible to reduce the rate on a consumer loan?

No you can not. Everything described in this article applies only to mortgage loan in Sberbank.

Updated information from 10/01/2017

Previously, we wrote that the possibility of reducing the mortgage interest rate will last at least until September 2017 and asked you not to delay your trip to Sberbank. But just the other day it became known that in October 2017, the so-called second wave of mortgage interest rate reductions began. If earlier, the rate could be reduced to a maximum of 12%, then from October the interest rate can be reduced even lower - to 10.9%. Official information from Sberbank is located at the link.

If I already lowered my interest rate to 12% in 2017, can I lower it to 10.9%?

Unfortunately, if your interest rate was already reduced in 2017, then the next rate revision is possible no earlier than 12 months after the rate reduction on the previous application. To many, these rules of Sberbank may not seem very fair, but unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. The rules are set by Sberbank.