Radchenko m g 1s enterprise 8.2.

Books, booklets, articles

1C:Enterprise 8.2. Practical guide developer. Examples and typical techniques (article 4601546069627). Electronic version

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques for developing and modifying application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

On the example of creating a real applied solution the structure of various objects of the system, their purpose and methods of use are shown. Procedures are given in the built-in language, including those using the query language, which are provided with detailed comments.

The material is intended both for novice developers who are not familiar with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, and for those who already create or maintain applications on the platform.

The new edition of this book has been specially prepared for the release of the final version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform is a fundamental change in the architecture of the version 8 platform, the most significant since its release.

In order to provide developers with more opportunities for the rapid development of the new platform for the period until December 31, 2009, low prices are set for the book. From January 1, 2010, the cost of the book may be increased.

The new edition of the book has two significant advantages.

On the one hand, it shows all the main points that are important for development in the new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform: designing a managed interface, developing managed forms, using report options and new options for customizing them, a new method of document management, setting up a desktop, command interface, use functional options and etc.

On the other hand, the book has been supplemented and revised with the expectation of specialists who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system. At the same time, questions, opinions, and wishes expressed by readers of this book in an Internet conference were used. For example, the book is supplemented with a special section that describes in detail the methodology for using the syntax assistant and various ways using a debugger to analyze existing code or write your own. This information is intended to help novice developers to independently master the whole variety of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 built-in language.

The book is built in the form of a collection practical exercises with a total duration of more than 20 hours.

The book supplements, but does not replace, the documentation for software products included in the package.

Publishing house LLC "1C-Publishing", ISBN 978-5-9677-1147-3, 874 pages, A5 format (60x90 1/16).

Questions about the literature of the publishing house "1C-Publishing" can be sent to [email protected].


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4601546069627 1C:Enterprise 8.2. Practical developer guide. Examples and typical techniques (article 4601546069627). Electronic version 240 200 170 140

book structure


Lesson 1. Acquaintance, creation of an information base
Lesson 2. Subsystems
Lesson 3. Reference books
Lesson 4. Documents
Lesson 5. Theoretical
Lesson 6. Accumulation registers
Lesson 7: A simple report
Lesson 8. Layouts. Editing layouts and forms
Lesson 9. Periodic registers of information
Lesson 10. Enumerations
Lesson 11. Posting a document across multiple ledgers
Lesson 12. Revolving registers of accumulation
Lesson 13. Reports
Lesson 14. Optimization of document delivery Provision of services
Lesson 15. Plan of types of characteristics
Lesson 16. Accounting
Lesson 17. Plan of calculation types, calculation register
Lesson 18: Using the Calculation Register
Lesson 19. Database search
Lesson 20: Running tasks on a schedule
Lesson 21: Editing Motions in Document Form
Lesson 22. List of users and their roles
Lesson 23. Desktop and command interface setup
Lesson 24: Data exchange
Lesson 25 Functional Options
Lesson 26
Lesson 27. Techniques for developing forms

M. G. Radchenko, E. Yu. Khrustaleva

The book can also be used practical guide, And How reference guide. The applied solution considered in the book takes into account the accumulated experience of development in the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and demonstrates many of the new features and mechanisms provided by version 8.2.
The material is intended for novice developers who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system.

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques for developing and modifying application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.
On the example of creating a real applied solution… Expand

When we were told at work that we would write the next version of the program in the 1C programming language, but we never saw it and never even opened it, I was shocked. How? The boss bought this book for us and gave it to us for self-study, saying that after reading it, we could all do it.

I am a programmer - I studied and know basic knowledge many programming languages, naturally read books on them, so I can say for sure - if you decide to learn programming in the 1C language on your own, then this is the best book for the first steps. After it, you can safely say that you have an idea of ​​how to program in 1C:Enterprise, you can do the simplest tasks (using typical configurations) and even develop a simple configuration.

Everything is written easily and clearly - even for a person who has no knowledge of what a programming language is, not to mention algorithms and so on. In addition to theory, starting with how to install the program in general and ending with a description of the functionality of the language and its objects, the book contains practical tasks that help you feel like a programmer from the very first lessons - write a working program. Questions are given at the end to reinforce the topic. I do not advise you to ignore them - only after answering them and realizing that you have mastered the topic, you need to move on to the next one. If something is not clear, it is better to re-read. V without fail do all the tasks from the book - learning programming from the book without writing a line of code is very difficult and almost unrealistic.

That is, if you are an ordinary manager who decided to join the ranks of 1C programmers, buy it. Personally, when my friends ask me where to start learning 1C, I definitely advise you to buy and read this particular book.

When we were told at work that we would write the next version of the program in the 1C programming language, but we never saw it and never even opened it, I was shocked. How? The boss bought this book for us and gave it to us for… Expand

Maxim Radchenko: 1C:Enterprise 8.1. Practical developer guide. Examples and typical techniques (+PC CD)

Annotation to the book “1C:Enterprise 8.1. Practical developer guide. Examples and typical techniques (+PC CD)»

The applied solution considered in the book takes into account the accumulated experience of development in the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 system and demonstrates many new features and mechanisms.

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques for developing and modifying application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 platform.
On the example of creating a real application solution, the structure of various system objects, their purpose and methods of use are shown. The given procedures in the built-in language, including those using the query language, are provided with detailed comments. The book can be used both as a practical guide and as a reference. The final chapters contain an index of the development techniques mentioned in the book, with links to the relevant sections. In addition, the book contains a list of questions that arise when studying the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 system from developers who have experience with version 7.7, and answers to them, referring to the material of the book.
The applied solution considered in the book takes into account the accumulated experience of development in the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 system and demonstrates many of the new features and mechanisms provided by version 8.1.8.
The material is intended both for novice developers who are not familiar with the 1C:Enterprise system, and for those who already create or maintain applications on this platform.

Electronic version of the book Radchenko M.G. 1C:Enterprise 8.1. Practical developer guide. Examples and typical techniques

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques for developing and modifying application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 platform.

The material is intended both for beginners who are not familiar with the 1C:Enterprise system, and for those who already create or maintain applications on the platform.

The example of creating a real application solution shows the structure of various system objects, their purpose and methods of use. Procedures are given in the built-in language, including those using the query language, which are provided with detailed comments.

The new edition of this book has been prepared in connection with the release of a new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 platform to the mass market.

With the release of version 8.1, the focus was on increasing the scalability of the system, changing the internal architecture of the platform, and introducing modern technologies.

These changes give the most visible effect on large implementations. However, even for such a simple infobase, which is considered in this book, the new version of the platform contains a number of interesting and useful features.

First of all, this is a new mechanism for creating analytical reports - a data composition system. All of the reporting examples contained in the new edition are already done with this engine. Also, the material of the book is supplemented with examples of using full-text search in data and creating scheduled tasks that allow you to perform administrative actions with the infobase on a schedule.

Additionally, four demo configurations and a text template file are included (the printed version of the book contains an additional CD). Now there is no need to type code fragments manually, but you can simply insert the desired template with an example into the module. In addition, in the demo configurations, you can always see a working example of any fragment described in the book.

This book supplements, but does not replace, the documentation for the software products included in the package.

Radchenko: 1C developer guide

Surely all users who wanted to learn 1C: Enterprise have heard about Radchenko. The specialist was able to show everyone that even a beginner will freely learn all the intricacies of development in this program, just by finding a practical guide. It is interesting that before him no one tried so deeply and at the same time clearly to consider such a complex issue. Yes, courses are constantly held, but the book will become much more useful in many ways.

What is Radchenko's book?

In fact, Radchenko wrote a unique developer guide. It includes some incredible tricks that turn out to be the most understandable and simple for inexperienced users. This is the main secret, because the book is primarily aimed at beginners. Accordingly, it lacks complex concepts and incomprehensible techniques of programmers.

The low level of training required has become a gift to the people. Now they are fulfilling their dream, mastering a profession in demand. Indeed, any large enterprise will gladly accept a programmer who will fully study the developer's guide. His knowledge will be enough to conduct various parts of the business, which means that you will not have to turn to third-party firms to order expensive services for setting up or creating a database.

Features of the allowance

Considering the features, many different points should be listed. However, the practical guide can be limited to a few main points that will most interest users. Which of them are truly worthy of attention?

  1. Low level of students' preparation;
  2. Various examples;
  3. Operating methods and mechanisms of programming.

In the hands of an industrious user, Radchenko's book will turn into a specialist's desktop reference book. It has unprecedented nuances that no one has been able to combine together. Because of this, the author's achievement is known all over the Internet, and any enterprise will gladly accept new employees with such training.

Low level of student preparation

Who said that 1C: Enterprise is the most complex program that requires many years of experience for each developer? The author freely refutes this statement, showing that the minimum knowledge of the Internet and diligence will give the necessary impetus to development. This is where his popularity lies, because no one has ever been able to explain important nuances so intelligibly.

Today this book is found everywhere. Experienced programmers and novice users prefer to work with it to refine details or improve finished databases. A large enterprise often requires unprecedented steps from an employee, so without additional information he can't do it. At this point, it is easiest to abandon existing knowledge in order to plunge back into the study of basic issues.

Various examples

How did Radchenko solve the problem with the level of knowledge? The book is built on examples that take up more than half of its pages. They are necessary for a detailed consideration of the main nuances that usually take weeks to study in courses.

A modern practical guide allows you to visually see the actions of the programmer, then to repeat them in right moment. It would seem that the presence of a professional teacher is much more useful, but the examples can be reviewed indefinitely. In this lies free access to the basic information used to create branched databases. Is it possible to prepare them on the basis of someone else's clues? In no case, a person should only be based on the main principles of programming in order to work out the details on his own.

Operating methods and mechanisms of programming

Examples are a useful detail, but Radchenko also preferred to reveal to everyone the practical application of the techniques. In his book, he managed to describe almost all the working mechanisms and the most complex techniques of professionals. They can also be learned from a variety of examples, so you do not have to face a lack of data. It is always important for a developer to first read the description, and then see how the project is translated into reality.

It is interesting that such a practical guide existed before. True, I had to look for it for each individual case on various sites where newcomers shared own experience. Now the information is collected in a single book, carefully checked and finalized to become available to inexperienced users. The result is a boundless volume that programmers return to with every new task.

The main tool of the 1C developer is his knowledge and excellent understanding of the structure of the future database. Because of this, the useful work of Radchenko became so popular. It contains knowledge that has been applied in practice for more than a year. They will always remain at hand with a person, which means that it will be possible to return to one or another example at any necessary moment, delving into the study of one's own mistakes.

M.G. Radchenko, E.Yu. Khrustaleva “1C: Enterprise 8.3. Practical developer guide. Examples»

M.G. Radchenko, E.Yu. Khrustaleva “1C: Enterprise 8.3. Practical developer guide. Examples and typical techniques” (+CD)

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques for developing and modifying application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

The example of creating a real application solution shows the structure of various system objects, their purpose and methods of use. Procedures are given in the built-in language, including those using the query language, which are provided with detailed comments.

The manual is built in the form of a collection of practical exercises with a total duration of more than 20 hours, at the end of the classes are given Control questions to secure the material. Lessons are structured from simple to complex. They consistently describe the main techniques and cover various areas of development in the 1C:Enterprise system.

The book contains a large number of drawings and code examples in the built-in language, provided with detailed comments.
The material is addressed to novice developers taking their first steps in the development of applied solutions. The explanations given in the book are detailed and accessible even to those who are only remotely familiar with the basics of programming.

The book can be used both as a practical guide and as a reference. The applied solution considered in the book takes into account the accumulated experience of development in the 1C:Enterprise 8 system and demonstrates many of the new features and mechanisms provided by version 8.3 (for example, the Taxi interface, the operation of the interface without the use of modal windows, new options for searching by string, convenient code editing techniques, etc.)

The training manual is devoted to the study and application of the configurator 1C: Enterprise 8.2. The main purpose of the manual is to help students master the techniques for developing and modifying applied solutions, to study the main elements of the built-in programming language 1C:Enterprise 8.2.
It is intended for students studying in the specialty 080801 "Applied Informatics (in Economics)", students studying in the directions 080800 and 230700 "Applied Informatics", as well as for students and graduate students of other economic and technical specialties.

A feature of this book is a systematic presentation of general theoretical concepts for the construction and use of the "1C: Enterprise 8" system
The main goal of the tutorial is to give an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the fundamental principles of building a system, approaches and methods that underlie the creation and use of various configurations of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system.
The book is intended for bachelors and masters of economic specialties involved in the study information systems based on the system "1C: Enterprise 8".

Download and read Information technologies 1C, Glushkova R.V., 2014

The manual "Accounting and tax accounting in" 1C: Accounting 8 "(edition 3.0). 6 edition" considers the technology of accounting and tax accounting in the program "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0.
Considerable attention is paid to the issues of preparing the program for operation, document flow, organization and technology of accounting in certain areas, summarizing accounting data and generating resultant information for internal and external users.
The manual is aimed at accountants-users of the program "1C: Accounting 8", implementation specialists, students and teachers who study Information Technology accounting. The manual may be useful for the organization training courses on accounting in the 1C:Enterprise 8 environment.

Download and read Accounting and tax accounting in 1C: Accounting 8, Kharitonov S.A., 2014

A detailed illustrated practical guide for working with the latest and most modern software product for accounting and tax accounting at enterprises of any form of ownership - the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program. This book introduces the reader to the process of accounting and tax accounting using all the new features of the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program. In detail, on practical examples, the accounting methodology is described, starting with entering data primary documents in information base and ending with summing up the general results, the formation balance sheet, tax reporting, certificates to various funds and other reports submitted to regulatory authorities.
The book is intended for both beginners and already experienced accountants, economists, heads of organizations. Clear step-by-step presentation of the material and visual practical examples will help to quickly and efficiently start working with the program even for unprepared users. The book is also recommended for students of higher and secondary special educational institutions, teachers and students of courses on practical use program "1C: Accounting 8.3".

Download and read 1C: Accounting 8.3 for an accountant, Selishchev N., 2014

Execution Tutorial laboratory work in the discipline "Economic Information Systems" is intended for students of higher educational institutions of full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education in the specialty 080801 "Applied Informatics in Economics".
The purpose of this manual is to develop programming skills in the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 environment. In the manual, practical tasks are consistently given, as a result of which an automated information system should be developed ready for implementation at the enterprise. To consolidate the skills of developing economic information systems and programming in the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 environment, in the final part of the manual, options for tasks for self-fulfillment are presented.

1C:Enterprise 8.2 is a fundamental change in the architecture of the version 8 platform, the most significant since its release.

The guide shows all the main points that are important for development in the new version of platform 1 C:Enterprise 8.2: designing a managed interface, developing managed forms, using report options and new options for customizing them, a new methodology for documenting, customizing the desktop, command interface, use of functional options, etc.

The book has been supplemented and revised with the expectation of specialists who are not familiar with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system. For example, the book has been supplemented with a special section that describes in detail the methodology for using the syntax assistant and various ways to use the debugger to analyze existing code or write your own.
This information will certainly help novice developers to independently master the whole variety of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 built-in language.

  • Summary of the book “1C: Enterprise 8.2. Practical developer guide. Examples and typical techniques ":

Lesson 1 (0:40). Acquaintance, creation of an information base
Session 2 (0:45). Subsystems
Session 3 (2:10). Reference books
Session 4 (1:30). Documentation
Session 5 (2:00). theoretical
Lesson 6 (0:50). Accumulation registers
Session 7 (0:25). simple report
Session 8 (1:10). Layouts. Editing layouts and forms
Session 9 (0:50). Periodic information registers
Session 10 (0:30). Enumerations
Session 11 (1:20). Posting a document across multiple ledgers
Session 12 (0:40). Revolving accumulation registers
Session 13 (4:30). Reports
Session 14 (3:20). Optimization of the document "Provision of services"
Session 15 (2:50). Characteristic types plan
Session 16 (1:50). Accounting
Session 17 (1:00). Calculation type plan, calculation register
Session 18 (3:40). Using the Calculation Register
Session 19 (1:30). Database search
Session 20 (1:00). Running tasks on a schedule
Session 21 (0:40). Editing motions in document form
Session 22 (1:00). List of users and their roles
Session 23 (1:10). Desktop and command interface setup
Session 24 (6:10). Data exchange
Session 25 (0:30). Functional Options
Session 26 (1:00). Rebounds and entry based
Session 27 (2:10). Form Design Techniques
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The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques for developing and modifying application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

The example of creating a real application solution shows the structure of various system objects, their purpose and methods of use. Procedures are given in the built-in language, including those using the query language, which are provided with detailed comments.

The material is intended both for novice developers who are not familiar with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, and for those who already create or maintain applications on the platform.

The new edition of this book has been specially prepared for the release of the final version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform is a fundamental change in the architecture of the version 8 platform, the most significant since its release.

In order to provide developers with more opportunities for the rapid development of the new platform for the period until December 31, 2009, low prices are set for the book. From January 1, 2010, the cost of the book may be increased.

The new edition of the book has two significant advantages.

On the one hand, it shows all the main points that are important for development in the new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform: designing a managed interface, developing managed forms, using report options and new options for customizing them, a new method of document management, setting up a desktop, command interface, use of functional options, etc.

On the other hand, the book has been supplemented and revised with the expectation of specialists who are not familiar with the 1C:Enterprise 8 system. At the same time, questions, opinions, and wishes were used that were expressed by readers of this book in the Internet conference http://devtrainingforum.v8.1c.ru . For example, the book is complemented by a dedicated section detailing how to use the Syntax Assistant and the different ways you can use the debugger to analyze existing code or write your own. This information is intended to help novice developers to independently master the whole variety of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 built-in language.

The book is built in the form of a collection of practical exercises with a total duration of more than 20 hours.

The book supplements, but does not replace the documentation for software products included in the delivery.

Publishing house LLC "1C-Publishing", ISBN 978-5-9677-1147-3, 874 pages, A5 format (60x90 1/16).

book structure


  • Lesson 1. Acquaintance, creation of an information base
  • Lesson 2. Subsystems
  • Lesson 3. Reference books
  • Lesson 4. Documents
  • Lesson 5. Theoretical
  • Lesson 6. Accumulation registers
  • Lesson 7: A simple report
  • Lesson 8. Layouts. Editing layouts and forms
  • Lesson 9. Periodic registers of information
  • Lesson 10. Enumerations
  • Lesson 11. Posting a document across multiple ledgers
  • Lesson 12. Revolving registers of accumulation
  • Lesson 13. Reports
  • Lesson 14. Optimization of document delivery Provision of services
  • Lesson 15. Plan of types of characteristics
  • Lesson 16. Accounting
  • Lesson 17. Plan of calculation types, calculation register
  • Lesson 18: Using the Calculation Register
  • Lesson 19. Database search
  • Lesson 20: Running tasks on a schedule
  • Lesson 21: Editing Motions in Document Form
  • Lesson 22. List of users and their roles
  • Lesson 23. Desktop and command interface setup
  • Lesson 24: Data exchange
  • Lesson 25 Functional Options
  • Lesson 26
  • Lesson 27. Techniques for developing forms