Is life insurance required when getting a loan? Waiving loan insurance: step-by-step instructions

IN Lately Most consumers perceive insurance as an imposed service. However, banks everywhere continue to promote as their own insurance products, and those owned by partners. Of course, now the schemes have changed significantly. They are usually used in relation to legally weak borrowers who consider an insurance contract necessary and are forced to make a choice - take what they give, or leave without money at all. Every borrower should know how to apply for waiver of insurance.

However, there is another important factor that makes people agree to insurance. The fact is that credit terms Banks are often designed so that products that include insurance seem more favorable to the client in terms of interest rate, loan duration and amount. The borrower thinks he made the right decision, but in reality total amount banking Money together with interest and insurance, it comes out to be larger than a debt with higher interest, but without insurance, which is a typical marketing ploy that works very effectively. We have to find out whether it is possible to waive insurance after receiving a loan, and if so, how.

Insurance Law

More recently, when applying for a loan and signing an application for insurance, a person was practically unable to reverse the move. Further appeals to the bank and the relevant companies were rejected with a categorical refusal: since the application was signed by the borrower himself, then his action was deliberate and voluntary. This problem was resolved through the courts, but only if the person could prove that the service was being imposed.

Just not a large number of financial institutions, as an exception, were given the opportunity to issue a waiver of bank insurance and return the money for it within a few days.

On June 1, 2016, the Bank of Russia, which also regulates the insurance market, made an announcement that citizens who purchased the policy could return it and withdraw the money paid. For this purpose, a so-called cooling period (five days) was introduced. During this period, the client could change his mind and contact the insurer, who is obliged to return the money to him. Legal insurance refunds are carried out very quickly, the money is transferred to the applicant within ten days.

In addition to waiving insurance new law allows clients to disagree with various additional services that are imposed by relevant organizations. However, in this case the risk of the financial institution increases significantly. That is why banks increase interest rates or reserve the right to change them if the client refuses. And this path is prescribed in the loan agreement. This often stops borrowers from taking active steps. If the client does not agree to take out insurance, banks are reluctant to return his money. However, this is still possible, even if the whole process will be accompanied by long debates with the financial institution.

A sample waiver of loan insurance is presented in the article.

What types of insurance are refundable?

In the field of lending, there are both voluntary and required types insurance services, which include policies such as:

  • Real estate insurance, relevant for loans secured by real estate, mortgages, where the collateral must be protected.
  • CASCO, when, when taking out a car loan, the bank obliges the client to insure the purchased car - transport as collateral gives the bank financial protection. So how do you process a waiver of insurance after receiving a loan? More on this later.

All other types of services accompanying the conclusion of a loan agreement are voluntary.

Insurance can be returned for cash, trade credits, credit cards etc., which are accompanied by:

  • client life insurance;
  • title insurance;
  • insurance policy in case of layoffs at work;
  • protection against financial risks;
  • insurance of the borrower's property.

Insurance is legal in any case, since it is an additional service offered to the client when concluding a loan agreement. If it is not included in the list of mandatory ones, the borrower can refuse it for legally. True, such a choice will lead to a negative decision in issuing money. When a bank offers insurance, the law is not being violated in any way.

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

It is possible to cancel insurance, but it is not easy to do. For your right to this action some borrowers even sue creditors, but this option is not suitable for everyone, and the likelihood of losing is not canceled, since bank employees can easily turn the situation in their favor. At the same time, the client can ask his lender about whether it is possible to write an application to waive loan insurance several months after the contract is drawn up and payments are made on time. But such a procedure can be carried out only when a simple consumer loan is taken out

Subtleties in the law on the cooling period

The recently passed law does not affect collective agreements. It is valid only if an agreement is concluded between an individual and an insurance company. This is why banks often sell additional services as part of a collective agreement (in fact, the bank acts as an insurer), and the return of insurance during the cooling-off period becomes impossible.

Available ways to cancel insurance

Many people think that insurance is a mandatory procedure when taking out a loan. However Russian legislation asserts voluntary nature insurance contract. The catch is that financial institution may refuse a loan even without specifying a reason.

Most often, clients are given this alternative:

  • A program with a low interest rate and mandatory insurance.
  • More high interest rates and lack of insurance.

Many are afraid that option number 2 is unprofitable. And therefore they themselves agree to additional services that they do not need. But it often happens that the increased interest is cheaper than the insurance policy payments, which can be up to 30% of the total amount.

If the client has chosen the first path, he has the right to receive a loan and then legally issue an insurance waiver (sample application below). When the application is approved by the bank and the agreement is signed, payment additional services the borrower may consider it unjustified and cancel it.


Refuse insurance policy can be done in two ways:

  • by contacting the bank with a written request;
  • through the court.

A refusal can also be issued if the loan has been repaid regularly within six months. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Contact the bank's credit department.
  • Make a written request to terminate the insurance contract.
  • Wait for the bank's response.

In many cases financial institutions react positively to such requests from clients if there are no late payments for the entire period and there are no insurance cases. Then the bank recalculates interest rates and increases them to compensate for the risks.

A financial institution can carry out recalculation only if this is provided for in the agreement. Otherwise, the client will refuse his request.

Documents for going to court

If the bank does not accommodate the borrower, it is possible to refuse insurance on the loan through the court. In order to file a claim, the following documents are needed:

  • loan agreement;
  • insurance policy;
  • bank refusal in writing.

It is imperative to provide evidence of the imposition of insurance services, so it is better if all conversations with bank employees are recorded on a voice recorder. To increase your chances of winning, it is advisable to enlist the support of a professional lawyer if the client is not sufficiently competent in legal subtleties.

The chances of winning the case are quite high: you just need to prove that the insurance policy was imposed by the bank fraudulently (for example, by including it in the monthly premium without warning). If the program with low interest rates and the insurance was chosen voluntarily, it will be much more difficult to refuse.

Features of the return of funds deposited under insurance

The new legislation provides that refusal of loan insurance during the cooling-off period guarantees that the bank will return the funds spent on purchasing the insurance policy within ten days.

It is also possible to satisfy the client’s request if there is no insurance case during the cooling-off period. Since the policy does not always take effect immediately after signing the contract, the amount of funds returned may be full or partial. If the insurance contract has not yet taken effect, the premium amount is refunded in full. Otherwise, the amount for the past time is deducted from the funds, and the company has to do this every right, since the service was provided.

Features of insurance return after a cooling period for an outstanding loan

If the cooling-off period has already passed, the registration of the service does not fall under the new law. There is no need to rush to file a lawsuit to cancel insurance (many people download a sample application on the Internet). It's better to try contacting your bank. Many organizations are now very loyal to customers and give them the opportunity to refuse additional services even later than five days. This is how VTB 24 banks operate (under agreements executed before February 1, 2017), Home Credit, and Sberbank (30 days).

If you send a claim to an organization, it will almost 100% be rejected, justified by the fact that the client himself signed the application. In this case, the borrower, confident that he is right, can only go to court, and it is better to do this through lawyers who can suggest some loopholes. However, in reality it is very difficult to return the money, because the person himself agreed to the service and even paid for it.

Early repayment and return of insurance

Is it possible to return the insurance if the loan is repaid early? Since the policy is issued for the term of the loan repayment, a person who repays it in full ahead of schedule is entitled to receive a portion of the insurance fee. If the loan was taken out for two years, and 60,000 rubles were paid for insurance, then if it is paid off after a year, 30,000 rubles are supposed to be returned. In general, you need to contact the bank with this question.

An application for a refund is drawn up or when an application for early repayment, or immediately after closing the loan. To resolve this issue, the bank can refer the client directly to the insurance company. There he can also request a sample application for refusal of insurance.

Should I act on my own or contact a lawyer?

If you return the insurance within provided by law five days, you will not need the help of a lawyer. But after this period, the process will become complex and in some cases impossible. If you receive a refusal from the bank, apply for a qualified legal assistance It’s still worth it, since a specialist will be more competent in this matter.

To avoid such delays and unplanned expenses for hidden insurance, you need to carefully study each clause of the loan agreement, since some banks may take on the deduction of insurance premiums. Therefore, it is worth spending time studying the contract in order to avoid financial problems and litigation

Then a sample application for waiver of loan insurance will not be needed.

Life insurance is one of the clauses of the loan agreement, which is willingly or accidentally signed by every borrower in need of money. What does life insurance provide, is it possible to refuse it, and how to do it?

  1. Is life insurance required for the borrower when receiving a loan?
  2. Is it possible to refuse life insurance on a loan?
  3. Is it possible to terminate a life insurance contract on a loan?

Life insurance when receiving a loan - consider the advantages and disadvantages

There are not so many advantages and disadvantages of life insurance when applying for a loan.

Pros of insurance:

    In the event of disability or death, the borrower's relatives will be protected from credit debts- in this case, the insurance company assumes all the obligations of the borrower.

    Life insurance - not only protection against risks for the borrower, but also a convenient tool for saving money - up to 4 percent per year of guaranteed income.

    Life insurance will be relevant for a family with one working parent; for parents who care about the future of their children; for grandparents who want to leave an inheritance to their children/grandchildren.

    The accumulative insurance option assumes that the heirs will receive the accumulated money even if the insured does not live to see the expiration of the insurance period.

    In the absence of an insurance policy, the heirs will have to reissue the loan or agree to the sale of the home (if it is, for example, a loan for an apartment). If there is a policy, the heirs immediately receive ownership of the apartment.

    The interest on the loan when taking out life insurance will be lower than without insurance.

    Disadvantages of insurance:

      Most likely, you will have to undergo a medical examination.

      If an insured event occurs, you will have to prove that there was no fact that the borrower concealed his chronic diseases. And also that the injury received at the time of death or the death itself is not a consequence of alcohol (drug) intoxication.

      Life insurance is not a free procedure (0.45-1%). Payment of insurance for a loan of, for example, $50,000 will be $100-1000 per year.

      There are always exceptions to insurance claims. That's why the terms of the insurance contract should be studied carefully . There are cases paid by the insurance company, and there are also those in which payment will definitely be denied (for example, suicide).

      Money spent on standard life insurance banking scheme, are not returned unless an insured event occurs.

      Your monthly loan payment will be much higher than without insurance. Sometimes the monthly amount for insurance exceeds the amount of the principal payment on the loan. If the insured events listed in the contract are unlikely, then it makes sense to immediately refuse insurance.

      In some cases, the package of evidence documents that must be provided in an insurance case is so large that it is simply impossible to collect these documents.

    Is life insurance required for the borrower when receiving a loan?

    According to the laws of the Russian Federation (Article 935 of the Civil Code), life insurance of any borrower is an exclusively voluntary procedure. Nobody has the right to legally force it. The borrower can refuse insurance calmly and confidently. True, a loan may be refused, but this is another side of the issue.

    Today, banks simply include a clause on life insurance in the conditions for issuing a loan. , and not everyone knows that this service can be easily refused. The borrower is simply helped to tick the boxes, and after a while the client understands that he has automatically signed an agreement to life insurance and, accordingly, to insurance payments. Therefore, attentiveness comes first.

    Is it possible to refuse life insurance on a loan - when you are required to insure your life?

    Life insurance when applying for a loan is the borrower’s protection of his relatives from payment obligations credit debt. Therefore, at the slightest concern about your health and life, you should take out insurance in order to protect your family from serious problems.

    What else should you remember about life insurance?

      Be sure to check with an insurance company specialist what specific conditions are grounds for an insurance payment. What are the deadlines for collecting documents? What are the payment terms after the date of insured event.

      When filling out the form for an insurance policy, indicate the most accurate and extensive information about yourself - this will reduce the risks of non-payment of insurance. That is, all of them chronic diseases, injuries, all hobbies, professional risks. For example, if the borrower is a diving fan, and death occurred during the dive, then the insurance company will not pay out insurance if this hobby was not taken into account in the questionnaire.

      The borrower has every right to independently choose an insurance company, and not just from the list of insurers offered by the bank.

      The bank does not have the right to force the borrower to sign an insurance agreement.

    Is it possible to terminate a life insurance contract on a loan?

    Is it possible to refuse life insurance services? Can! Moreover, at any time.

    Option one:

    When applying for a loan, you decided to refuse insurance. The bank employee told you that in this case the loan will most likely be denied. Since you are in dire need of money, you are forced to accept insurance. What to do next?

      Having signed all the required papers, immediately write a complaint addressed to the bank management with the text about the unlawful behavior of the bank employee and with an application for refusal of insurance.

      Did the complaint have no effect? Contact government agencies - the prosecutor's office, FAS or Rospotrebnadzo R. Just have evidence that you were forced to take out insurance (audio, video recording, witnesses, documents).

      The paid cost of insurance must be returned to you upon your application.

    Option two:

    You discovered that you took out insurance along with the loan, or you simply decided to refuse insurance. What to do?

      Return to the bank (as early as possible) and inform the manager of your desire.

      Obtain an insurance waiver form, fill it out and sign it.

      After registration (re-registration) of documents, you will receive a new payment schedule, without taking into account insurance payments.

      Does the bank employee insist on maintaining insurance in the contract? Ask him whether loan insurance is legal, and why they are forcing you to provide a voluntary service.

      The bank does not want to meet you halfway? Terminate the insurance contract in judicial procedure. First - a claim to the bank management (refund of funds and refusal of insurance), after - statement of claim. Just to get started, make sure that the loan agreement provides for the possibility of such a refusal.

    Often people have to resort to the help of banks using borrowed funds. To do this, they need to formalize, and they can be received for different purposes and in different sizes. At the same time, often banking organizations require their potential borrowers to live their lives in order to guarantee repayment in the event of the client's death or disability.

    Do I need life insurance when receiving credit funds?

    Each bank strives to reduce the risk of loan non-repayment, and therefore often requires life and health insurance from its clients.

    Important! The legislation clearly states that banks cannot force a person to insure their life, therefore imposing such insurance is illegal.

    Many banks, if people refuse to purchase such a policy, simply refuse to lend.

    Nuances of voluntary-compulsory insurance

    Almost every bank insists that clients issue a life insurance policy, and this is especially true if it is necessary to obtain a large sum money.

    Applying for a loan and life insurance, how to refuse insurance? Watch the video:

    If a potential borrower refuses to take out insurance, this usually leads to the bank refusing to issue a loan.

    Does the loan insurance refund amount depend on the term of the application? See.

    The cost of such a policy is considered high, and it must be issued for the entire loan term, which significantly increases the burden on the borrower.

    Important! Many citizens use a special trick, which is that they initially agree to the bank’s conditions, take out insurance, but after receiving credit funds refuse it and return the funds paid, and banks in such a situation, by law, cannot resort to any sanctions or other measures of influence on borrowers.

    Pros and cons of buying insurance

    Life insurance when taking out a loan has both advantages and disadvantages.

    TO positive aspects such a decision applies:

    • the citizen protects himself and his loved ones from possible death or injury, since if such a situation occurs, it will be difficult to cope with loan payments;
    • if used endowment insurance, then the relatives can receive the entire amount to repay the loan, and it does not matter whether the person died before the end of the contract or after;
    • after death, ownership immediately passes to relatives;
    • there is no need to carry out the process of re-registration or resale;
    • if you take out a policy, banks provide borrowers with more profitable terms, therefore, the interest on such a loan will be low and affordable to repay.

    The disadvantages of life insurance include the need to undergo a medical examination.

    After the death of the insured person, relatives often have to prove that he did not have chronic diseases. Death or injury must not occur while intoxicated.

    The cost of the policy is considered high, and it depends on the size of the loan. There are certain situations in which insurance is not paid, and this includes the suicide of the borrower.

    What to do if an insured event occurs when insuring a loan? Where to contact? All answers by .

    To receive compensation, relatives have to collect a large amount of documentation.

    Sample application for waiver of loan insurance in free form.

    Important! Funds spent on purchasing an insurance policy are not refunded.

    What additional costs do you have to bear?

    Applying for a loan is considered a long and complex process, and it is accompanied by additional expenses.

    It is life insurance that is usually the largest expense, so it is advisable to apply for insurance not from the bank itself, but from other companies offering more favorable and affordable conditions for insurance.

    Is life insurance mandatory when applying for a loan?

    The legislation clearly states that there is no need for borrowers to insure their lives.

    This is required exclusively when applying for a mortgage loan.

    In other situations, the purchase of such a policy is not mandatory, so banks do not have the right to demand such a decision from their potential borrowers.

    If the loan agreement contains information that if the borrower refuses to buy a life insurance policy for the entire loan term, this will result in a fine, then such a document can easily be declared invalid, since it is contrary to the law.

    But if citizens openly refuse insurance, then the bank may simply refuse to issue borrowed money, and at the same time, employees may not even talk about the reasons for such a decision.

    Is it possible to refuse life insurance when taking out a loan?

    It is usually impossible to refuse life insurance if the employees of the bank chosen to receive a loan insist on it.

    Sample application form for refusal of life insurance on a loan.

    This is due to various reasons:

    • banks want to protect themselves from non-repayment of funds;
    • they cooperate with certain insurance companies, so the purchase of a policy by borrowers from these companies brings additional profit to the bank itself.

    Each person can legally refuse to purchase a policy, so banks can exclusively offer these services, but cannot insist on this or even force citizens to take out such insurance.

    Important! If a citizen was not even warned about the need for insurance, and yet he finds out that he needs to pay for the policy after signing the loan agreement, then to solve this problem you can go to court or write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the Central Bank, or even to the prosecutor’s office.

    Is it possible to terminate an insurance contract?

    This agreement can be terminated at any time.

    If the need for it is indicated at all in the loan agreement, then this clause can be challenged in court, as a result of which the full amount paid for the purchase of the policy will be returned.

    If the requirement for insurance is not specified in the loan agreement, then the policy was purchased by the person voluntarily.

    Car loan and life insurance, borrower advice in this video:

    It is taken into account that insurance must be voluntary, so if bank employees force people to do this in any way, this can be severely punished by law.

    The policy only protects against the occurrence of certain insured events, so before signing the contract, you must carefully study all its terms.


    Thus, when applying for a loan, banks often require life insurance from borrowers.

    Purchasing a policy is only a voluntary decision of citizens, but due to it, the overpayment on the loan can be reduced.

    Insurance has both pros and cons, so each potential borrower decides independently whether to take out a policy or not.

    In this case, it is advisable to contact Insurance companies, which are accredited by the bank where it is planned to obtain a loan.

    Anyone who has ever taken out a loan has encountered the following problem: credit specialist imposes insurance, and sometimes simply stops filling out an application if they refuse to purchase an insurance policy. At the same time, the borrower is considered the beneficiary of loan insurance. So is it worth refusing the policy so categorically?

    Pros and cons of credit insurance

    The advantage of a particular insurance offer depends on the subject of insurance. For example, if a borrower insures against job loss, he may not worry about how he will have to repay the loan in times of crisis. But it is worth understanding that an insured event is not a simple dismissal, but the liquidation of an organization or a reduction in staff. To confirm an insured event, the borrower will need to provide papers confirming that his employer is going through hard times.

    Life and health insurance allows you to count on closing the loan if the borrower, say, dies. If the loan is not insured in this case, the remaining debt is collected from the borrower's estate.

    The negative aspects are obvious: the borrower has to overpay, and quite noticeably. In addition, even if an insured event occurs, it is necessary to collect a huge number of documents and spend a lot of time to prove the right to use insurance.

    Amount with and without insurance

    The amount of loan insurance is usually from 0.5 to 3% of the loan amount per month (!). That is, if a borrower takes out 100 thousand rubles for a year, the minimum he will have to pay for insurance, for example, life, will be 6 thousand rubles. Even in the best case for the borrower, the amount is quite impressive.

    The problem is that the bank client is imposed not one insurance, but several at once, and the most expensive ones. It’s easy to calculate how much a borrower with two 3% insurances will overpay for a loan of 100 thousand rubles:

    (100,000 rubles * 0.03 * 12) * 2 = 72,000 rubles.

    For a year of using 100 thousand rubles, the borrower will pay only 72 thousand for insurance (not counting interest). To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, you need to carefully read the contract before signing it (especially those sheets that indicate the purchase of insurance). Perhaps by canceling insurance, you can reduce the overpayment by half.

    Myths about credit insurance

    There are several common myths about credit insurance:

    1. Taking out insurance increases the likelihood of approval. This is as common a misconception as the fact that you can’t get a loan without insurance. The employee making the decision to issue a loan does not know at all whether the borrower has taken out insurance or not. Taking out insurance remains a completely voluntary matter for the borrower and does not in any way affect the likelihood of approval.
    2. Insurance cannot be returned. Office employees themselves most often warn about this. If the insurance is returned by the borrower, they will forfeit the premium for obtaining it. You can return the insurance without any problems within a month from the date of registration by contacting the bank.
    3. In the event of the borrower's death, the loan will be paid by his family, and life insurance avoids this situation. In fact, this is incomplete information: the family will pay the debts of the deceased borrower only from inherited funds. If the borrower did not leave an inheritance, no one has the right to demand a penny from the family.

    Only knowing about these conditions can one soberly judge the feasibility of credit insurance.

    Important to remember: we're talking about not at all about such small amounts that the loan officer is talking about. By drawing up an insurance contract, the borrower risks significantly increasing the amount of overpayment on the loan.

    Updated 03/19/2018.

    At the beginning of June, news flashed across all media that Russians now had the opportunity to refuse loan insurance. It is enough to contact the insurance company within 5 days from the date of conclusion of the contract with a request to cancel insurance in order to return your money in full.

    In this article, we will look at the new Directive of the Bank of Russia, which provides for the waiver of insurance, and will try to answer the question of whether something will change dramatically in the relationship between clients and banks when applying for a loan.

    Waiver of loan insurance

    Consequences of the entry into force of the Bank of Russia Directive on the right to refuse insurance within five days

    There are a lot of different nuances, you always need to look at the specific loan agreement. However, I think it would be naive to believe that banks and insurance companies will allow you to refuse “voluntary” insurance without increasing interest rate on the loan or establishing any additional fees.

    Of course, there is an option to defend your rights in court. But, as always, this is a waste of time, effort and money. In addition, the decision in any case always depends on the specific judge and the qualifications of the lawyer.

    It’s always worth thinking: is a loan really needed, or maybe you can do without it?

    If you can’t get by, then carefully read the loan agreement and insurance terms so that there are no unpleasant surprises later. All additional expenses must be clearly stated in the contract. If you do not understand something, then under no circumstances sign the contract.

    UPD: 07/31/2016
    The first reviews have appeared from clients who were able to return money for imposed insurance under the new law. Here detailed description sequence of client actions " VTB Insurance”, who managed to return the money for the imposed life insurance policy:

    Here is another review from a client who also managed to return the imposed insurance, although not very quickly:

    As expected, banks and insurance companies have found a loophole to prevent insurance from being refunded during the cooling-off period. Clients are invited to join the group insurance system. In such agreements, the bank buys insurance protection for the entire portfolio of its borrowers.

    Each borrower does not enter into a separate agreement with the insurer, but pays the bank for connection to the insurance program. Those. the policyholder is the bank ( entity). And the new regulation of the Bank of Russia on the possibility of refusing insurance within five days regulates the relationship between the insurer and the individual:

    General Director of Sberbank Life Insurance Maxim Chernin says that the company allows you to refuse insurance within 14 days for both individual and group insurance, despite the absence of such an obligation for the company under current legislation:

    UPD: 08/14/2016

    Another example of refusing imposed life insurance when obtaining a car loan. The application for refusal of insurance was written by the client at the central office of VTB Insurance. I had to wait a month for the insurance refund:

    If you send a package of documents to waive insurance by Russian Post, be sure to do it by registered mail with a description of the attachment and notification.

    There was a customer review saying that the Alfa Insurance company simply lost the letter:

    UPD: 03/19/2018
    Judicial practice regarding refusals from a collective insurance contract and the return of money during the cooling-off period is gradually changing. Let's look at ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2017 N 49-КГ17-24 .

    Regional public organization Consumer Rights Protection "Fort-Yust" of the Republic of Bashkortostan went to court to protect the interests of G.V. Islamova. with a claim against PJSC VTB Bank to invalidate clause 5 of the application for participation in the collective insurance program, which establishes that if the insured person cancels the collective insurance contract early, no refund of the insurance premium will be made.

    The courts of first and appellate instances rejected the claim. In their opinion, the contested condition does not contradict the law, because the rules on the “cooling off period” apply only to individuals – policyholders who have independently entered into an insurance agreement with the insurer. In the case under consideration, the policyholder was the bank, and the borrower acted as the insured person. In addition, the client voluntarily joined the group insurance program.

    Fort-Yust filed a cassation appeal with a request to overturn the decision of the courts of first and appellate instances:

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation explained that as a result of joining the Insurance Program with the borrower paying the appropriate fee, the borrower’s property interest is insured, therefore, the borrower himself is the insured under this agreement. This means that collective insurance should also be subject to a cooling-off period and the borrower should have the right to refuse it and return the money:

    Thus, the term of the contract that does not allow the refund of the fee for participation in the Insurance Program provided for by the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the event of the borrower’s refusal to participate in such a program is void

    As a result, the case was sent for a new trial to the appellate court, which should take into account the findings Supreme Court.

    I hope my article was useful to you; write about any clarifications and additions in the comments.

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