How to receive a pension on a card. Preferential conditions for older people at Sberbank


When applying for a pension, bank employees will most likely want to see not only your passport, but also your pension certificate. You can fill out an application for a card directly at a bank branch, receiving it from an operator, in some you can do this on the website or fill out an application on a computer and print it out. A down payment when applying for a pension card is usually not required.

Then you will have to visit the branch as well Pension Fund servicing your registration address, and write an application for the transfer of your bank card. Usually the account number is enough for this, but just in case, ask the bank employees to also give you full details. The application form will be given to you directly at the branch.

After this, you only have to visit the branch where you submitted your application within the time period specified by the bank employees and receive a ready-made card (it takes no more than a week to produce) and wait for the first transfer of the pension due to you.


  • transferring pension to card

With a large number of ATMs and payment terminals, debit plastic cards are in great demand among the population, including pensioners. Passbooks are becoming a thing of the past and are being replaced by completely modern bank cards.


If you need to have access to a card account abroad, then prefer map VISA Classic. But keep in mind that for using such a service the bank will debit a certain amount from your account annually.

Then, in the “Account (card) currency” field, check the “” box. In the next section, select which card issue you need. If the opportunity to use a banking service is at your most as soon as possible, then check the box “Urgent”. But in this case, keep in mind that an additional fee will be charged for expedited issuance of a plastic card (within 2 business days).

If you agree to wait 5 working days to receive your pension map, then check the “Standard” option. In this case, the banking product is issued absolutely free of charge.

Then indicate the address and telephone number of the place of registration. If you currently live in another place, then indicate a second address in order to receive mail notifications from the bank in a timely manner.

Next, write your last name and first name in block letters in Latin transcription. If you have a foreign passport, then write down the data from this document. If you don’t have a foreign passport, make a transcription yourself.

Then enter the required passport and pension card details. Complete the document by adding a date and signature.

Receiving a pension on a bank card has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • When receiving a pension, you don’t need to stand in queues or wait for the postman to deliver the money
  • the pension is transferred to the plastic card at the time of its transfer by the Pension Fund
  • there is no need to deal with cash and worry about its safety, money is always protected and accessible

Who can transfer a pension?

Anyone can transfer a pension to a Sberbank bank card. Before asking such a question, you should make sure that there are bank branches in the region where the pensioner lives. Sberbank has an extensive network of branches and ATMs, which makes it possible for most residents of the Russian Federation to receive a pension on a Sberbank card.

What documents are required for translation?

To transfer your pension you will need the following documents:

How can a pensioner transfer his pension to a Sberbank card?

To transfer a pension you must complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the nearest Sberbank branch with documents.
  2. Conclude an agreement with the bank for banking services, which includes a range of services - issuing a card, opening a card account, connecting to Internet banking, issuing additional card, if the pensioner wishes to provide access to the funds in his account to third parties.
  3. Visit the territorial department of the Pension Fund, where you fill out an application to transfer your pension to a bank account.

If you set a goal, you can transfer your pension to a Sberbank card within 1-2 days.

Which card can I transfer to?

For pensioners, Sberbank offers several types of debit social cards:

  • MIR pension card
  • Master Card Active age

The MIR pension card does not involve a service fee, is issued free of charge, and there is no charge for cash withdrawals, when funds are credited to an account, or when receiving a statement. For the remainder own funds 3.5% per annum is charged on the card account.

Master Card Active Age, in addition to the listed advantages of the MIR pension card, provides additional services:

  • special travel prices
  • themed sales
  • free access to video courses

When is a pension transferred to a Sberbank card?

The timing of receiving a pension by mail and the timing of crediting money to a bank card may differ. This is due to the need for uniform distribution of PF funds. Also, payment terms may vary depending on the region.

Detailed information about when your pension will be transferred to your card can be obtained from regional representative offices of Sberbank or by phone hotline 8-800-555-55-50.

Advantages and disadvantages

5 advantages of receiving a pension on a Sberbank card:

  • Reliability. Sberbank - large National Bank, fulfillment of obligations to depositors is guaranteed by the state, and the likelihood that the bank will go bankrupt is minimal.
  • Wide network of branches and ATMs. With a Sberbank card you can withdraw funds without commission in any corner of Russia and abroad. Sberbank has one of the largest ATM networks in the world.
  • Modern technologies. Cardholders have access to the multifunctional Internet bank Sberbank Online, which allows them to manage their account remotely, mobile bank, SMS notifications, various ATM functionality.
  • Benefit. The issuance and maintenance of the card is free, 3.5% per annum is charged on the account balance, the SMS notification service is provided free of charge for the first 2 months, and then has a symbolic price of 30 rubles. per month.

Disadvantages of a pension on the map:

  • the card can be lost, forgotten, or stolen
  • you can forget your PIN code, as a result of which money will become inaccessible for a while
  • there may be no money in the nearest ATM, and the terminal at the point of sale may not work

If you think sensibly, then any disadvantages bank card may occur no more often than with cash in your wallet. After all, your wallet can just as easily be lost or forgotten, and you will have to stand in line for hours to get your pension.

Nuances and limitations

Owners pension cards can join the “Thank you from Sberbank” program. When paying with a Sberbank card, cardholders receive 0.5% of the purchase price in bonuses. 1 bonus equals 1 ruble discount. When paying by card at partner outlets, the discount can be up to 20%. Bonuses can be used to pay for any goods and services.

Reverse procedure

If for some reason you need to transfer your pension from a Sberbank card to the post office, the re-registration procedure is even simpler. You need to contact territorial body pension fund at the place of registration with the corresponding application.

Transfer of pension to Sberbank deposit

Temporarily free funds that are stored on a card account at Sberbank can be placed in deposit accounts, which allows you to receive a little more income. Sberbank offers pensioners the Pension-plus deposit of Sberbank of Russia. Annual rate on deposit - 3.67%; if necessary, funds from the deposit account can be withdrawn and replenished without losing interest. Minimum amount The minimum balance is symbolic and amounts to 1 ruble. Interest on the deposit is accrued quarterly and added to the deposit amount, which increases the deposit amount, and, therefore, the pensioner’s income.

When connecting to your Sberbank Online personal account, you can avoid unnecessary hassle by opening deposit deposit remotely. To place temporarily free money on deposit, you do not need to visit a bank branch; all procedures are carried out without leaving your home.

Not all post offices offer a service that allows you to bring your pension home. Therefore, older people have to go to the post office or bank branch on their own in order to receive the money transferred to them. And of course, here they will have to stand in lines and experience some discomfort associated with slow service and long waits. It is much more convenient to apply for a card and receive your pension in any of available ATMs credit organization. For example, this is possible in Sberbank. But how to connect this service? And how to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card?

Visiting the bank to issue a card

Before transferring your pension to a Sberbank card, you must first open it. To do this, you should come to the nearest bank branch with a pension certificate, passport and savings book (if up to this point the pension was transferred to it). Next, you need to write an application to open a card account, sign it and wait 10 to 14 days.

After you receive the card, you need to take its details (they are in the bank service agreement) and go to the Pension Fund. There you will also have to write a statement indicating a change in the method of crediting your pension.

And then all that remains is to wait until all the formalities are checked and settled. As a rule, the next payment is made in the old way (through a bank cash desk or post office). The next time the pension is credited to Sberbank cards. For pensioners, this is a great opportunity to withdraw money from an ATM.

What programs for pensioners operate at Sberbank?

Currently, Sberbank offers elderly people and those receiving a pension a program called “Golden Years”. It is a set of banking products that allow pensioners:

  • Receive a pension without problems and queues.
  • Perform operations with your own pension account remotely.
  • Use additional deposit services and increase your savings.
  • Make purchases in stores, including virtual boutiques, using the card.

Moreover, everyone who joins the program has the right to obtain social cards Sberbank. For pensioners, they are opened and serviced completely free of charge. By the way, withdrawing cash using such cards from ATMs of other credit institutions occurs without additional commissions.

What Sberbank cards are available to pensioners?

When a pensioner connects to the bank’s program, he is asked to choose one of the bank’s cards. For example, this could be a Maestro “Social” debit card. It is she who opens access to remote account management and an additional complex banking services. A pleasant bonus for the elderly will be additional charge 3.5% per annum on your account balance. Crediting pension to card Sberbank Maestro carried out on the basis of a written application.

To enroll your pension, you can choose social card"World". It is protected by an electronic chip and also includes free issue and maintenance.

What are the validity periods of Sberbank social cards?

All Sberbank social cards have the same expiration date - 3 years. The end date can be seen on the front of the card. It is until the date indicated on it that your “plastic” will be valid. Subsequently it will need to be reissued. To do this, you need to come to the bank with a passport and pension certificate, and then write a new application for card issue.

How to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card without a pensioner?

As can be seen from the previous tips, in order to transfer a pension to a card, the personal presence of the pensioner is necessary. But what if old man is not able to move independently, but still needs to transfer money to the card? For example, this applies to bedridden patients, whose pension goes towards the cost of caring for them. The same applies to disabled people and other citizens who are unable to act independently. How to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card without a pensioner in this case?

In such a situation, a trusted person is required, for example the pensioner's closest relative. He needs to draw up an application together with the pensioner trust management pension of an elderly person and notarize it.

Next, you should report this to the Pension Fund and the bank. The original and a copy of the power of attorney must be submitted to both organizations. After all the details have been settled, the relative of the pensioner can repeat the path of writing an application to the Pension Fund and the bank (as shown above), but without the personal presence of the pensioner. But is it really possible to perform money transfer operations remotely? We’ll talk further about how to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card via the Internet and whether it’s realistic to do it at all.

Is it possible to transfer a pension to a card via the Internet?

Despite the availability of online banking and numerous useful services, it is not possible to transfer a pension to a card using the Internet. To perform this operation, you must personally come to the bank and the Pension Fund. Or a trusted person can do the same.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “How to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card through State Services?” - it will be “no way”. Using the government services website you can obtain the following information:

  • On the assignment of pension accrual.
  • About the status of the current pension account.
  • About how to retire for older people.

Also, using this resource, it is possible to submit an application for transfer from one type of pension to another and recalculate it.

How to simplify the procedure for applying to a pension fund?

To save time and avoid queues, you can do the following:

  • go to the pension fund website;
  • select the “Electronic Services” tab;
  • go to the “Make an Appointment” page;
  • select your region;
  • provide all necessary information;
  • select the time and day of visit;
  • send an application.

This way, you can make an appointment with the fund’s specialists online, thereby reducing the time you spend in the fund and getting rid of long waits in line. Here's how to transfer your pension to a Sberbank card using the Internet. And although such a service does not completely solve the problem, it does make the process much easier and more convenient.

Moreover, on the Pension Fund website you can leave a request to review the method of crediting funds, indicating the Sberbank social card as an option. To do this you need to be registered on the site. Submitting an application is possible via " Personal Area" However, to confirm the action, you still need to come to the fund branch in person.

What opportunities does a pension card open to pensioners?

After you have expressed a desire to change the method of crediting pensions, you are issued a card instead of a savings book. It allows you to perform the following procedures:

  • Pay for utility bills, services and services.
  • Make transfers from card to card.
  • View information about your card account and manage it online.
  • Find out about pension crediting via SMS.
  • Receive money from any ATM of Sberbank and other partner banks.
  • Make payments for goods in stores.
  • Open additional cards.
  • Use others banking products and services on preferential terms (for example, open a deposit).
  • Top up your card online.
  • Shop online and more.

Moreover, when using the card in some stores, it is possible to get a discount on goods and services ranging from 1-12%. Now you know how to transfer your pension to a Sberbank card.

The question of how to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card worries many elderly people who are not particularly knowledgeable about modern technologies, but experiencing serious inconvenience associated with regular visits to post offices. Not everyone has the health to stand in line. In addition, this is a time investment.

Is it possible to transfer a pension to a Sberbank card?

The answer to this question is of course yes! And the procedure is quite simple. Millions of Russians have been receiving pension payments on their cards for a long time and are quite satisfied. It's really very convenient.

Before a pensioner transfers his pension to a Sberbank card, he needs to find in his documents a passport, a certificate confirming his status, and a paper recording registration at his place of residence (if the corresponding stamp is not in the passport). Then, with all this, the person goes to the nearest Sberbank branch and writes two applications: for issuing a card and for service by a banking organization.

All. After this, you can go home and wait for a call from the employee financial institution. When a plastic card will be ready (which may take up to 20 days), a competent person will notify you by telephone. After which the pensioner goes to the bank again. He is given a card, having familiarized himself with all the instructions and rules for using it.

The second stage is a visit to the Pension Fund (its territorial branch), whose employees need to provide their Bank details. You also need to write an application for pension redirection.

It should be noted that the bank will not charge a fee for servicing the card. In addition, the owner is charged three and a half annual interest on the amount in the account. The money is credited to the card immediately after it is transferred to the PF.