Federal law on the replacement of electricity meters. Rules for replacing the electric meter in an apartment

First of all, the consumer of electricity should know that everything related to the operation of electricity meters is regulated by the Rules for the Arrangement of Electrical Installations (PUE).

Installation in an apartment is not prohibited, but it has its own characteristics.

State verification

It is possible to install electricity meters in residential premises if there is a state verification, the term of which has not yet passed.

For different types counter exists different period verification:

  • for a three-phase meter - 1 year;
  • for a single-phase meter - 2 years.

Even when buying, it is necessary to check the statute of limitations, since it does not matter whether the meter was in operation or not. The date of verification is indicated on the seal of the meter body, Roman numerals indicate the quarter of the last check, and Arabic numerals indicate in which year it was checked. These terms are also regulated by the PUE.

Shield requirements

There are no clear requirements for design features electrical panels.

However, certain conditions still exist:

  • there must be free access to the terminals of the electric meter and to the current transformer;
  • it is necessary to ensure the possibility of a comfortable replacement of equipment;
  • so that there are no obstacles to installing the meter at an angle of up to one degree;
  • it is very important to ensure that all installation and repair work is carried out from the outside of the equipment.

It is allowed to use shields made of wood, plastic and metal for attaching electric meters.

Installation rules

Counters are installed according to clearly regulated rules. The height above the floor should be between 0.8 and 1.7 meters.

It is convenient to place it in front of your eyes for comfortable reading and operation. To avoid large errors, the device should not be tilted by more than one degree at most.

Such norms are more important for an electromechanical (induction) electric meter, the tilt angle does not affect the operation of an electronic device, but there are no such clarifications in the rules, therefore the requirements are the same for all types of meters.

Security measures

To ensure safe operation and renovation work electric meters, it is customary to mount special safety devices that make it possible to disconnect the device from the network.

Such switches are attached to the location of the electricity meter. The distance should be no more than ten meters.

There is a practice of little approval from the utilities for the installation of such fuses. Therefore, so that there is no suspicion of theft electrical energy, it will be advisable to seal them, like an electric meter.

Installation in residential buildings

It is not customary to install electric meters in apartments on your own. For these purposes, employees of energy companies are called in.

V multi-storey buildings older buildings, electric meters are located in common areas.

Today there is a practice of transferring meters from common corridors to apartments.

In modern new buildings, it is customary to install electric meters in electrical panels located in the hallways of apartments according to regulated rules. All machines are located in the dashboard next to the counter. According to the PUE, the connection is made to the incoming machine, and the main circuit is de-energized.

From the main machine, electricity goes to the meter, and then it is distributed among the machines through the wiring. It is imperative to make grounding to prevent short circuits.

Features of accommodation in private houses

best done in a heated room.

Best suited for these purposes:

  • heated loggia;
  • the corridor;
  • warm sennik.

An important point is the inadmissibility of moisture entering the electric meter in the form of precipitation or vapors. A safety ground must be installed to the electrical panel, which will prevent damage to electrical equipment. The main installation parameters remain the same as indicated in the basic rules.

Installation in summer cottages

There is a practice of installing electric meters in dacha cooperatives outside buildings for the convenience of taking readings by representatives of the dacha community.

Today, quite often the question arises of replacing the electric meter in the apartment. How to do it? Or how to put a 2-tariff device? First of all, you need to figure out what function the device that you plan to deliver will carry, since each case has its own characteristics.

When replacing an electric meter, it will be good to replace old plugs and automatic machines with modern ones.

What do you need to know?

  • According to the functions that are assigned to the counters, they distinguish between calculation and accounting models.
  • Calculations according to the readings are made by "Electrosbyt". Also, this organization is also replacing electricity meters. Petroelectrosbyt deals with this issue if you are in St. Petersburg. The devices are sealed by the employees of this organization, and it is possible to break the seals only with the permission of this company. If it is opened without the appropriate permission, you face a rather big fine or a power outage in your living quarters.
  • Calculations based on the meter readings are made between consumers, for example, in communal apartment- between neighbors. That is, there is a metering of electricity that was consumed by any consumer (neighbor) separately. Such devices are not sealed, therefore, the cost of replacing the electricity meter will be lower.

When are the meters replaced?

There are two types of work to replace devices: planned and unscheduled. The main requirement is that the replacement of the device in mandatory must be produced by a specialist of the enterprise that supplies the electricity.

Planned replacement of the electricity meter in the apartment

Work with the planned replacement of the calculating device is performed in the following cases. Firstly, the replacement of the electricity meter is necessary if such a device is already outdated and requires replacement. Older models today can no longer match the load that new electrical appliances can withstand. The number of such devices in apartments is constantly growing. It is worth noting that in such devices, due to long-term operation, the transition resistance changes towards an increase.

The consequence of such changes can be arcing of the wires, causing fires that can occur in the event of a short circuit. Therefore, replacing the electricity meter is necessary even for reasons of safety of your home, as well as your life and health.

Unscheduled meter replacement

Such a replacement of the electricity meter is performed if it stops working. Situations often arise when devices cease to take into account the consumed electricity and do not show the correct readings. The reason for this can be both wear and tear of the device and its breakdown during overload in the network itself. In such cases, the user must submit an application to the power supply organization, after which work will be carried out to replace the meter. A device malfunction must be immediately reported to Energosbyt - a well-written statement can help to avoid a fine.

Upon the call, the arrived inspector of this organization, according to the rules, is obliged, when replacing the electric meter, to take readings, a seal and draw up corresponding act, which will confirm the inoperability of this device.

Electricity metering without a meter

During the period when the electricity meter will be replaced, payment for its consumption will be charged according to the average daily indicators that were established during the last 30 calendar days. If during such a period a new device is not installed, then the basis for charges will include consumption standards, which depend on the entire area of ​​the dwelling and the number of people registered in it. It is worth noting that the time during which electricity was consumed without taking into account, and the average consumed power should be recorded in an act signed by both parties.

Where can I get an electric meter?

Replacing an electricity meter involves the purchase of such a device, which must have a certificate entered in the State Register responsible for measuring instruments. The purchased device must be sealed by a state auditor, the date of verification must be on the seal.

The period from the date of sealing the meter to the date of its installation should not exceed 2 years for a single-phase device and 1 year for a three-phase device.

Electricity meter replacement procedure

  • The owner of the living space has a desire to replace the old meter with a new one.
  • The person who has expressed a desire writes a statement to the energy supply organization and asks to remove the last readings from the old device, as well as a seal due to the fact that the electricity meter will be replaced.
  • Next comes a specialist technician who examines and draws up an inspection report for this state of the electricity metering unit, fixes the readings for the device, verifies the device number, removes the seal, etc.

  • From this moment on, the entire calculation for electricity will be made in accordance with the average monthly consumption of your home or the so-called "sockets" - the number and power of consumers in the house are multiplied by the coefficient and the number of hours of consumption.
  • After that, with the help of an electrician, the electricity meter in the apartment is replaced.
  • In "Energosbyt" the owner of the apartment writes a new statement in which he asks to accept the new device into operation, as well as to make calculations according to the readings of this electrical device.
  • A specialist technician comes again, checks the wiring diagram of the device, fixes the number and meter readings, puts a seal and leaves.
  • Now the payment for electricity is made using the new electricity meter. You need to know that the device must be installed in accordance with the Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations, and more specifically: not lower than 0.7 m from the floor and not higher than two meters (human eye level, in order not to put the chair down and subsequently not fall from it).
  • The device connection diagram must be correct (the first phase is the input, the third is the zero input, the second is the consumer, the fourth is the zero consumer).
  • Electrical connections that are not insulated at the inlet of the meter cover must be sealed.

Who pays for the replacement of the electricity meter?

Many people wonder how much it costs to replace an electricity meter and who is responsible for it. The owner of the facility where the electricity meter is installed is responsible for its integrity, maintenance and safety. If the meter is installed in living quarters, then its safety, as well as the integrity is ensured by the owner of this living quarters. As a rule, replacing the meter costs the owner 1200-1400 rubles, excluding the cost of the device itself. So says the Resolution on the replacement of electricity meters of the Government Russian Federation of August 2006 No. 530 "On Approval of the Rules for the Operation of Retail Electricity Markets in the Transitional Period of Reforming the Electricity Industry".

Replacing the electricity meter in a privatized / non-privatized apartment

If the electric meter is located in an apartment that is privatized, or in a room belonging to a housing construction cooperative, then in this case everything is very clear. The Civil Code in force in the Russian Federation makes it clear that the owner bears the burden of maintaining the dwelling.

If the apartment is not privatized, then everything is not so simple here. To correctly resolve this issue, the tenant should refer to the Civil Code of Russia, which contains norms and a law on replacing electricity meters. It is this document that regulates issues related to electricity.

Here you should rely on article 539 Civil Code Russia. Its essence lies in the fact that in accordance with the power supply contract, the organization is obliged to provide the consumer with electricity through the installed and connected network, and the consumer, in turn, is obliged to pay for it and comply with the consumption regime, ensure the safety of the operation of energy networks, and also ensure serviceability of devices and equipment that are directly related to electricity consumption.

Sooner or later in the life of every owner of a living space, it becomes necessary to make repairs. Sometimes some cosmetic measures are enough, but it also happens that it is required overhaul(especially in old houses), which, among other things, may include an element such as replacing an electric meter.

Which one to prefer?

Before going to the store for the device, you need to decide which electricity meter is suitable for this particular living space. There can be a lot of options depending on certain features of housing, the frequency of energy consumption, etc. In general, the meter can be induction or electronic, one-rate or accounting for several rates. The latter can provide an opportunity to save money, since they take into account energy resources at the basic and preferential tariffs.

Electronic models of electricity metering devices also differ in the principle of the device of the counting mechanism, which can be mechanical or liquid crystal. By the way, experts are inclined to believe that replacing old electricity meters with new electronic models is justified due to the fact that such devices are more reliable and calculate the consumed energy resources with greater accuracy than mechanical ones.

Further, before buying, it is imperative to decide on the desired, permissible load that the device can withstand. If only a refrigerator and a TV will work in an apartment or house, then a five- or ten-ampere meter will be enough. If there is much more equipment (and, as a rule, there are more of them - here you have a washing machine and a refrigerator, a freezer and several TVs, a computer and a microwave oven, a kettle and a multicooker), then the device must also be selected with a more significant load, and preferably with a margin.

Well, in addition to all of the above: you shouldn't buy cheap devices. In such cases, there is always the possibility that the meter is not reliable and accurate enough.

Legal nuances

Most often in apartment buildings single-phase power supply. Therefore, a single-phase meter is needed. The electrical goods market is now quite extensive, and electricity metering devices are presented on it in a large number... But here you should know that replacing an electric meter in an apartment or a private house will entail the need to officially register the device. So: the meter that attracts the buyer must be present in the register of electricity metering devices that have passed certification and are allowed for operation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Immediately before replacing the old device with a new one, you should invite a representative of the organization in charge and overseeing the consumption of energy resources. This is necessary to obtain permission for such a procedure as replacing the electricity meter. Petroelektrosbyt, a guaranteed electricity supplier in St. Petersburg, in some cases can give such permission by phone, without a direct visit from its representative. After receiving this permission orally or at hard copy the replacement procedure is performed as soon as possible. If this is done after some time, then for the entire time period, energy consumption will be calculated according to the established tariffs, and not in fact. And all this amount will have to be paid.

Replacing an electricity meter: at whose expense?

When a permit or an order for work has been received, sometimes the question may arise: and at whose expense, in fact, is the replacement of the electric meter carried out?

According to the Russian Civil Code, any homeowner is financial expenses its content is borne independently. If an electric meter is installed in an apartment, then, according to regulatory documents The government of the Russian Federation, the owner of housing in an apartment building, bears the entire volume of financial costs for the following items:

  • installation of an electricity meter;
  • its replacement due to the end of its service life or premature failure;
  • service (verification, calibration).

All of the above is relevant if the dwelling is privatized. If the dwelling is the property of the municipality, then the replacement of the electric meter in the apartment is made at the municipal expense. If there is an agreement with various management companies, then the entire financial burden for the installation, replacement and maintenance of metering devices falls on their shoulders.

If the energy meter is located on the staircase, then it belongs to the property of the house. And here the responsibility for all work on installation, replacement and maintenance should be borne by the management companies (this should be stipulated in the contract concluded with them).

If you need to replace the electricity meter in a private house, all financial questions will be settled at the expense of the owner of the private property.

Many regional organizations engaged in the supply of electricity to consumers, in order to facilitate the financial costs of purchasing, replacing and commissioning new metering devices, offer their customers the opportunity to supply a multi-tariff meter with payment in installments and monthly service charges. A big plus of this proposal is that the consumer will not have to pay the entire amount (and not a small one) for the device and installation at once, but will be able to make payments in equal installments over 5 years, taking advantage of all the advantages of multi-tariff metering of electricity consumption.

Dismantling of the old device and installation of a new one should be carried out only with the permission of the power supply organization and its specialists. In any region of Russia, replacing an electric meter (Ufa, for example, is supplied with electricity through the Energy Sales Company of Bashkortostan) without prior notice is a violation of the electricity supply agreement and may be fraught with a serious monetary fine.

Devices subject to mandatory replacement

In addition to repairs, home owners and tenants may have other reasons for the mandatory replacement of electricity consumption meters. So, for example, today everyone should replace meters with an accuracy class of 2.5, because by a government decree they were removed from the register and prohibited for use. Next, you will have to say goodbye to devices that have expired state verification dates.

It is obligatory to replace the electric meter, for which the counting mechanism does not function, there is mechanical damage to the case, the disk does not rotate or rotates unevenly. It is unacceptable to use a device that has a damaged seal or a damaged viewing window, the calibration error exceeds 2.5%. The use of metering devices of inadequate quality leads to the fact that customers overpay for electricity. Grid companies that provide energy services are suffering heavy losses that will ultimately be a financial burden on the shoulders of ordinary consumers. The use of outdated electricity meters does not make it possible to use multi-tariff metering, which will allow consumers to reduce the volume Money going to pay for electricity.

Required documents for replacing the device

In the old housing stock energy surveys are periodically carried out with the involvement of qualified specialists. During such raids, old devices are identified that must be dismantled. The rules for replacing the electricity meter imply in this case the filing of an application from the owner of the home to the organization supplying the house with electricity.

The application contains the addresses of the customer and the facility where replacement is required (if they do not match), information about the old device and requirements for the new one. The details of the power supply contract must be indicated. In addition to the application, the homeowner must have documents on the ownership of real estate with him, where he will change the meter, a passport with a registration mark. If the owner of the property is not the owner of the application for replacement, a power of attorney from him is required.

Eligibility Requirements and Required Tools

The replacement of the electricity meter must be carried out by an electrician with the appropriate qualifications and admission of at least 3 electrical safety groups. Those interested can get such knowledge in the centers of training and knowledge testing. In principle, if a person graduated from a technical school with an electrical engineering direction or a corresponding university, then the knowledge gained will be enough to carry out all the work on dismantling the old device and installing a new one. Otherwise, it is best to contact the housing office or the same organization that supplies electricity to consumers.

If the qualifications are sufficient and the work will be carried out independently, then the procedure for replacing the electric meter assumes the presence of a certain set of special devices. It is imperative to have a low voltage indicator or digital multimeter available. The set of tools is specific, but quite simple: screwdrivers (Phillips and flat), pliers, wire cutters. A marker and electrical tape will not be superfluous.

Basic installation rules

Replacing an electric meter, at whose expense it is not made, always presupposes compliance with some rules. The instrument should be mounted in a location where it is easily accessible for inspection, maintenance and reading. The room must be dry and the temperature in it must not drop below freezing in winter. It is permissible to mount electricity meters on shields made of wood, metal or plastic. The optimal height at which the mechanisms for metering electricity are placed is from 1.5 to 1.7 m. In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to be able to turn them off in time. The power supply to the device is carried out using any switching device, be it a packet switch, an automatic device or a circuit breaker.

The procedure for replacing an electric meter in an apartment is such that, simultaneously with the installation of an electricity meter, automatic switches are installed that distribute the supply lines of the electrical network within the premises. When choosing machines, one should be guided by the load characteristics of the power supply lines.

Instrument connection procedure

Replacing an electric meter with your own hands begins with installing the device on the shield and securing it securely. The meter should not deviate more than 1 degree relative to the vertical axis.

Further, if an electric stove is installed in the apartment, then a jumper from the phase contact is thrown to the input terminal of the machine that feeds it. If there is no electric stove, the jumper is connected to the switchgear nearest to the switchboard. To bring the phase to the input contact of the electric meter, they usually use a red or blue wire. With the same wire, the phase is carried out from the output contact of the device to the input terminals of one of the machines.

When carrying out such work, wires are laid strictly horizontally or vertically. The wires with red-brown insulation are attached with one end to the contact of the electrical appliance, and the other to the terminal of the machine. The input contacts of other machines are connected by jumpers with the same insulation color and are well tightened.

For wiring "zero" use wires with blue insulation. This is done as follows: the "zero" contact of the meter and the "zero" bus are connected with a piece of wire and securely fastened.

If the meter is mounted on a steel electrical panel, then its body (panel) must be grounded with a conductor connected to the grounding loop, and its free end connected to the contact of the "zero" bus. If the shield is plastic, then the grounding cable is connected directly to its contact plate.

Actions after replacement

New electricity meters to be installed must be checked and sealed by specialists from regional organizations involved in the supply of electricity. For example, after completing such a procedure as replacing an electric meter, Mosenergosbyt, upon request, sends its inspector from the department that serves the residential area.

The following information must be attached to the application for calling a specialist:

  • technical passport of a new electric meter;
  • readings from an old dismantled device, or, if required, the meter itself;
  • sometimes they require a seal removed from the old meter, although this is not required;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the dwelling.

However, if there is a written order from the inspector about the mandatory replacement of the electricity meter, then no applications with a mass additional information Not needed. After the replacement, you just need to call and call a specialist of the organization dealing with the supply of electricity to the population.

After completing the installation of a new device, an act of replacing the electricity meter must be drawn up and signed by both parties (the contractor and the customer). The following information should be reflected in this document: address of the house and place of installation, characteristics of the old and new meters (model, number, year of manufacture, current readings), date of installation of the new device and details legal entity who made the replacement.

The amount of payment has increased: how to check the correctness of accounting?

Imagine that the replacement of an electric meter in a private house or in your own apartment has been made. But suddenly the owner notices that the amount of payment for the consumed electricity has increased, although in theory it should be the other way around. Doubts creep in as to whether the meter was chosen correctly and whether it is as good as it was praised by the seller or the representative of the company from which it was purchased.

There are checks that you can use to verify the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the accounting. The easiest way is to disconnect the apartment or house from the power supply completely. In this case, the meter must remain energized. Next, you need to note the time and observe the disk of the induction device or the indicator light of the electronic electricity meter. Within a quarter of an hour (15 minutes), the disk should not make more than one revolution for an induction device, and for an electronic indicator, it should not emit more than one pulse. If the "activity" of the meter is much higher, it means that there is a so-called self-propelled vehicle, and the homeowner pays for the "air".

A more difficult option is to determine the error with which the electric meter works. For this, all electrical appliances in the house are turned off. A device with a known power (for example, a 100 W light bulb) is taken as a reference, and the time of one revolution of the disk or one pulse is calculated using a stopwatch. The error can be determined by the formula:

E = (P x t x n / 3600 - 1) x 100%

Р - power of the "standard" in kW; t is the time of one revolution or one impulse, n is the gear ratio (as a rule, it is available on the counter display, and it must be in the passport of the device). If the calculated error is with a minus sign, it means that the device works with a leading effect. If the error value is positive, the device slows down. For reliability, you can make calculations with several "standards" and derive the arithmetic mean. An error within 10% is considered normal.

Another way to check is to simply call a specialist from the energy supplying organization. In this case, you will have to pay for the procedure from own funds... The results of the check will be reflected in the written opinion. If it turns out that the device is faulty, then the replacement of the electricity meter can be protested, which will make it possible to require the installation of another electricity meter instead of the previously installed one.

A meter is installed in each house for electricity metering. Its location is an entrance apartment building.

It is often installed in an apartment. Each device has its own expiration date, during which it can function normally. Then a replacement is required.

Devices can also fail. They can be installed in the same place or transferred to another. For example, in the entrance. Removal of equipment is usually required outside the city.

Since 1996, GOST 6570-96 began to operate, according to which it is prohibited to use devices with an accuracy of 2.5 and a current of less than 30 A. It was decided to replace the devices after the calibration interval with new meters with an accuracy of 2.0 (error 2%).

Therefore, the meter is changed in each apartment, although its term may not have passed yet. If the owners of the premises installed a device with an accuracy class of at least 2.0, then they are removed.

Appliances are considered mechanical. They consist of a voltage coil, a current coil and a metal disc. With the help of a magnetic field, the disc rotates. The numbers determine how much electricity is consumed.

Connecting an induction device has advantages and disadvantages. They work for a long period and are inexpensive, but the error can be at least 2%.

And all the same, these devices are used for electricity metering. They are chosen for the entrance and private houses. Their service life is quite long. It is suitable for take-out mounting when the meter needs to be moved to another location.

Electronic counters

The operation of these devices is different from the previous ones. They are based on mechanics, and the current flows directly to semiconductors and microcircuits. This is necessary for energy metering. The device has an electronic display for displaying information.

The benefits include:

  • Small size;
  • Energy consumption can be taken into account at different rates;
  • Accounting is accurate;
  • There is an electronic scoreboard;
  • Readings are easily written off.

The disadvantages include high cost and short service life. Many tenants prefer to install these devices in an apartment. Replacement of any equipment must be performed by an expert.

Types of electricity meters

For apartment buildings different devices are used. They are of different types:

  1. By network type:
  • Single phase. The use of devices is possible only with an electricity consumption of no more than 10 kV. Such a counter is ideal for residential buildings and apartments;
  • Three-phase. The device is more suitable for those places where a lot of electricity is wasted. It can also be installed at home, but only if equipment with high consumption is functioning. The device protects against overvoltage.
  1. By tariffs:
  • Single rate. More suitable for home use;
  • Two-tariff. The meter allows you to keep track of electricity at day and night rates. It is used for businesses;
  • Multi-tariff. It works with several tariffs, which reduces costs.
  1. By type of energy. A single-phase device monitors active energy, and a three-phase device controls active, reactive, flow directions. This is required to save money.

Different devices are chosen for the entrance and for the apartment, including take-away. When the expiration date ends, the installation of a new device is required. It is advisable to choose proven brands of devices.

Electricity meter selection

In apartment buildings, the installation of a meter is required. This is necessary when the expiration date of the device has expired. It is installed in an apartment or entrance. But first you need to select a device.

It is advisable to focus on the following parameters:

  • You need to decide on the type of power supply, and this is installed according to the old device;
  • The standard meter has a load of 60 A and a power of 15 kW. If the power grid is larger than their parameters, then you need a device with 100 A. This information can be found on the machines in the premises;
  • It is necessary to determine the number of tariffs. You also need to find out if it can be used, otherwise such a device will not be useful;
  • Before buying an electric meter, you need to pay attention to the mounting method. The complexity of the installation depends on this;
  • Some devices have additional functions. The work does not depend on this, but it is more convenient to use the counter;
  • The accuracy class should be considered. The device may have an error of 2%.

If you follow these simple rules, then the installed device works well. Moreover, then there will be no claims to the owner of the premises.

Who pays for device replacement?

On the basis of legal norms, the owner of the premises in which the meter is installed must ensure its safety and maintenance. Installation and connection of the device is carried out by the power supply company at the expense of the consumer. They also replace it if the device breaks down or the expiration date has expired.

There are other services that install an electricity meter. Only then does the owner need to conclude an agreement with this company.

If the apartment is owned by the tenant, then the connection and installation of the meter is carried out at his expense. When housing is municipal, then all the work is done by the municipality. This applies to cases of breakdown or when the expiration date of the device has expired.

What to do if the meter is located at the entrance of the house? The legislation says that the device is general. Lawyers also have this opinion.

But the management companies consider it differently: the common equipment is the equipment serving more than 1 apartment, and if it works for 1 room, then it is considered the property of this owner. When the devices are replaced in the apartment, the payment for the work is taken from the tenants.

To accurately understand this issue, you need to familiarize yourself with the agreement drawn up with the tenants and managing organization... The documentation usually contains a list of the work that it performs.

This allows you to find out at whose expense the device is being repaired. The work can be carried out at the expense of residents or for additional funds. If this information is not in the contract, then residents need to organize a meeting. On it, you should decide the question of how the connection and installation of meters will be performed.

Substitution rules

Replacing the meter at the entrance of an apartment building or in an apartment is carried out only after permission from the control organization.

This is necessary in order to avoid further control problems. For the period between the permit and the installation of the equipment, the energy consumption is determined according to the standards.

It turns out that payment will not be made for the resources spent. Therefore, the period for which all the work will be completed is important here.

When the installation and connection of the meter is completed, you need to call an employee of the organization. He draws up a document on the fact of the work performed, the placement of a seal, testimony. Replacement of an electricity meter can only be performed with the necessary skills. If this is not the case, then it is better to contact the managing organization.

Installation coordination

The connection of the metering device must be coordinated. This is required to register the device with the power company.

It is important to observe the following sequence:

  • It is necessary to write a statement on the fact of replacing the equipment. It needs to be taken to the local power organization. The waiting time for a response is about 1 week, since the application is entered into the register;
  • After that, you should take a certificate from the energy company and you can go with it to buy a meter;
  • With the equipment there will be a passport of the device, where all the parameters are indicated. The documentation should be retained.

What is required from the documents

Inspections of electrical equipment are often carried out in older apartment buildings. It is then that the unsuitability of the devices is revealed, for example, the service life has expired or it has broken. An important document, according to which the connection and installation of the device will be carried out, is a statement.

It necessarily fixes the address of the customer and the object where the replacement is performed. Also the necessary information about the old device.

The required data are the details of the electricity supply contract. It is necessary to prepare housing documentation.

If it is not the owner who changes the meter, then a power of attorney from him is needed. To carry out the removal of the device, registration is also necessary.

What is needed from the tools

Installation and connection of devices must be carried out by a professional electrician with the required qualifications and a permit of at least 3 safety groups. Typically, these employees are trained in special centers. But in order to change the meter, a person needs to have a secondary or higher education. The housing office usually has such employees.

If the replacement of equipment will be carried out independently, then it is necessary to prepare a set of tools. You will need a digital multimeter, screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters, marker, electrical tape. This kit is needed for installing the meter in the entrance of the house and to take away. For example, if you need to transfer equipment.


Home meters must meet a number of requirements:

  • The selected device must be in the list of those that have passed the certification stage. This indicates that it is allowed in Russia. In this case, no claims will be made against the owner;
  • After installation, the energy sales employee must seal the meter and check its performance. He also puts the equipment on record and draws up an acceptance certificate. The document indicates the owner's data and meter parameters. A copy is drawn up for each side;
  • To make it convenient to write off readings, it is necessary to install the equipment at a distance of 1.7 m from the floor;
  • Counters must be sealed in 2 places. A seal is placed on the casing with a window by an employee of the metrological organization. The date of the check is indicated there. The bottom cover is sealed by a representative of the energy supply company.
  • It is important to install the appliance in a dry, comfortable place. This is necessary for easy removal during repair or replacement. The entrance to the house includes a special corner closed for safety;
  • The device must have the appropriate power and amperage. You should focus on the power grid;
  • The accuracy class is chosen at least 2, because this rule applies to all electric meters;
  • If more than 2 years have not passed since the date of installation, then verification by the metrological organization is not required. The expiration date of the counter is indicated on the packaging. After its expiration, a new, more modern device is required.

All residents of private and apartment buildings have to change the meters. The installed equipment works with high accuracy, which allows you to pay only for the resources spent.

More and more powerful modern household appliances appear in our apartments, such as ovens, microwave ovens, electric kettles, multi-cookers, bread machines, air conditioners with high power consumption, which significantly exceeds the rating of old apartment meters of accuracy class 2.5.
This leads to the failure of the electric meter, and often to fires. Until recently, such meters could be used, now, after the end of the state verification period, such devices must be changed. Modern electricity meters are designed for currents up to 60 amperes.

Therefore, electric meters with an accuracy class of 2.5 must be replaced with new ones with an accuracy class of 2.0 or 1.0. before the end of the calibration interval (i.e. within 16 years), or as a result of their apparent failure. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2006:
the accounting of electricity consumed by citizens should be carried out only by electric meters of accuracy class 2.0 and higher.
The replacement of electricity meters is regulated by the decision of the State Standard of the Russian Federation and a letter from the State Energy Supervision Service of 2000.

At whose expense to change electricity meters?

Let's turn to the legislation.
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 543 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in the case when a citizen using energy for household consumption acts as a subscriber under an energy supply agreement, the obligation to ensure the proper technical condition and safety of energy networks, as well as energy consumption meters (electric meters) is imposed on the energy supplying organization, unless otherwise specified law or other legal acts.

According to the Rules for the Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets in the Transitional Period of Reforming the Electricity Industry, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 530 dated August 31, 2006, “the supplier of last resort, energy sales organization, grid organization, consumers, as well as producers (suppliers) of electric energy determine the procedure for design, installation , acceptance into operation, maintenance and operation of metering devices, a list of available metering devices used to determine obligations, as well as the procedure for taking readings and calculating on their basis the volumes of received (supplied) electrical energy in the relevant agreements on the implementation of technological connection, provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy, power supply or purchase and sale (supply) of electrical energy. "

“The owner of the facility where this meter is installed ensures its safety, integrity and maintenance. In the case of installing a metering device in a residential area, its safety, integrity and maintenance is provided by the owner of the residential area, unless otherwise provided by the relevant agreement. "

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation in Article 30 obliges the owner of a residential premises to bear the burden of maintaining this premises and, if this premises is an apartment, the common property of the owners of premises in the corresponding apartment building.

Many residential buildings are designed so that metering devices are located not in the apartment, but on the staircase.
At whose expense to change the electricity meters in this case?

In this case, lawyers interpret clause 7 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006 as follows: if an apartment's electricity meter is installed on the staircase, then this device is already common property at home.
And here you need to study the contract that was concluded between the residents and the management company of the house. The contract specifies what kind of work and to what extent it undertakes to perform Management Company... It is the contract between the residents and the management company that determines whether the management company undertakes to repair and replace the electricity meter on the staircase at the expense of the money that it collects from the residents. Or all these works are carried out for an additional fee.
If the replacement of meters is not provided for by the contract, then the tenants must convene general meeting, which will decide on the replacement of devices, as well as on the additional collection of money for these purposes.

In the event that metering devices are located on stairwells and they are not the property of citizens-consumers, but are on the balance sheet of the energy supplying organization or the owner of the house (municipality, organization, etc.), the energy supply organization or other owner of the house must provide proper maintenance metering devices on their balance sheet, as well as bear all the costs of buying, installing, connecting electricity meters, including those that have failed through no fault of the subscriber and (or) in connection with the replacement in the prescribed manner by another accuracy class.

- if a citizen is provided with a dwelling under a contract social recruitment, then the owner of the dwelling, the municipality, is obliged to change the meter.

- if you are the owner of an apartment, you are obliged to maintain and maintain all communications at your own expense, engineering systems and devices that are not common in the home, i.e. are intended only for your apartment, including an electric meter, machines located in the entrance electrical panel. (unless otherwise stated in your agreement with the management company).