Help bank VTB 24 phone number. VTB24 hotline

VTB Bank 24 is the largest bank in Russia. The bank is a retail division of VTB Bank and specializes in working with individuals, as well as working with small and medium-sized businesses. The bank has a developed network of branches in Moscow and regions of Russia. The bank's former name was Vneshtorgbank -Retail services"Traditionally, the bank is one of the strongholds of reliability and guarantors banking system Russia. The rates on deposits at VTB 24 may not be the highest, but the reliability is beyond doubt.

For a long time, the bank has been actively engaged in lending to the population, issuing mortgages, car loans and consumer loans. VTB 24 credit cards are also common. Getting a loan from VTB is not so easy, but the bank offers loans to responsible borrowers on very favorable terms. If your company is a client of VTB 24, you can count on privileges when issuing loans.

Multicurrency deposits VTB 24

Due to the crisis, which continues to attack today, currency exchange rate fluctuations have begun to be monitored no less closely than the weather forecast. Perhaps large quantity The planet's population has money in different currencies, which is why the influence of fluctuations monetary currencies may also affect own funds ordinary people. Most people learn about currency fluctuations through the efforts of the media, which work very quickly and convey reliable information to the population. Due to significant fluctuations, people are starting to panic a little, and VTB 24 is today ready to provide its depositors new service - multicurrency deposit. This contribution will help your funds gain stability in the face of such large currency fluctuations. Current interest rates on multi-currency deposits can be found by calling the VTB 24 hotline.

As you may have guessed from the name of the deposit, which speaks for itself, this is a deposit in different currencies, that is, the depositor can deposit part of the funds in dollars, part in rubles and part in euros. These currencies are the most common in Russia, but there are others, more rare currencies, which can also be invested through the multicurrency deposit service. In most cases, these “exotic” currencies are of little interest to anyone. VTB 24 Bank also provides the opportunity to transfer from one currency to another. You can also make money live on transfers, just like on the world-famous Forex. For more information about connecting to the Forex market, please contact: VTB phone 24 in your city or by calling the general telephone number of the VTB 24 hotline. A very simple scheme operates here, for example, if you understand that the dollar will fall against the ruble in the near future, then you transfer your funds into rubles, and if it turns out that the dollar will increase sharply again, then transfer funds back from rubles to dollars with it at a great profit for yourself (depending on total amounts translation). When making a deposit, you can determine the proportions of currencies yourself. But everyone understands that banks receive decent profits from this service, which makes you think about converting funds.

Unfortunately for many depositors, there are few such banks in Russia, VTB 24 is one of them. This is due to the fact that a multicurrency deposit forces the bank to enter into new terms of deposits, which adds a lot of headaches for bank managers. But banks that already provide this service, begin to compete with each other because of which they offer more profitable terms. You just need to choose a bank with the most favorable conditions for you and make your multi-currency deposit in it.

For comfort a hotline has been created for VTB 24 bank clients , which allows you to get operational technical support clients of VTB 24 bank. Using the bank's hot line you can perform the following actions:

VTB 24 customer service call center services by phone

  • get information about all bank services VTB 24 hotline;
  • apply by phone and via the Internet for a personal loan;
  • calculate interest and loan payments;
  • apply for a credit Classic card Gold or Platinum;
  • find out interest rates on multicurrency and profitable deposits and other banking products by VTB 24 number;
  • get information about the balance of debt on your bank card by phone VTB 24;
  • find out the balance on your credit card;
  • find out and adjust the loan repayment schedule;
  • find out everything about remote maintenance in the Telebank system in VTB24 hotline;
  • if you need to carry out an operation in the Internet banking system "Telebank"
  • get advice on registration issues foreign exchange transactions And currency transactions, find out how and issue a transaction passport;
  • get advice on connecting to “Bank - Client Online” for legal entities, generate a password, obtain a VTB 24 certificate via the hotline.

The most popular hotline numbers!

To ensure that bank clients feel protected and can always turn to their bank for help, support hotlines have been created. Moreover, on the Internet you can easily find or, as well as many other organizations. By calling this number, you can ask questions of almost any complexity, as well as carry out some operations with the help of a specialist almost around the clock. By calling different organizations, it is easier to choose, or consumer loan without leaving home.

VTB24 bank hotline

So, the telephone number of the VTB24 bank hotline is: 8-800-100-24-24 and extension 8-800-700-24-24. You can call this number with almost any question concerning you and this bank. For example, you can easily get answers to questions: how to open a deposit, an account, what kind of loan to get and how to do it. You can also get information on your own accounts, loan balances, credit card balances, and so on.

Calling within Russia from any phone will be free for you. While roaming, you can also get advice, but the call will cost you some money. In this case, the cost of the call must be checked with your mobile operator.

In addition to these numbers, there is also a hotline number for technical issues, such as questions about functions and problems in the Telebank system. But it is worth remembering that in this case the call will not be free.

What can you find out by calling the VTB24 hotline?

By calling the numbers above, you will receive voice menu suggestions, which you can control using the numeric keypad:

  • “0” - will help in emergency blocking of the card if you have lost it. During the call, you must have your passport at hand and remember the code word.
  • “1” - here you will be answered questions about the loan balance, credit card and the dates of the next payments.
  • “2” - will prompt you with information about VTB24 mortgage lending. Here you can find out about interest, loan amounts and conditions for their provision.
  • “3” - will provide information about current bank products, namely accounts and.
  • “4” - information about the bank’s offices and branches.
  • “5” - information about VTB24 shares, pension savings, asset management and health insurance in the bank.
  • “7” - will help you apply for a loan and clarify interest rates on current offers.
  • “0” from any menu - connection to the operator. It is better to use this voice menu key by selecting one of the above sections.

Advice: It is better for VTB24 Bank contact center specialists to call between 9 am and 3 pm, when the line is not yet overloaded. Hotline open from 9 am to 00:00, except on weekends, when you can only get answers to your questions until 20:00.

Other ways to find answers

In addition to hotline numbers, many banks also have special services with self-service elements. These can be specialized websites or programs and applications for smartphones. VTB24 also has Internet banking, it is called “Telebank”. With it, you can block a card, find out information about your accounts, loans and credit cards and so on. In addition, you will be able to perform some operations, such as payments and transfers, applying for loans. You can also order a call from a contact center specialist on the website.

Using the VTB hotline, you can find out information for clients of VTB Bank, the united VTB Bank of Moscow or VTB 24 about the balance of a card or account, addresses of offices and ATMs, decisions on an application, mortgage, loan, brokerage services, shares, current share price, by executive documents. And also find out the details for replenishing the card. The hotline operates 24 hours a day.

VTB hotline numbers

VTB hotline

VTB Bank is a commercial structure that specializes in servicing individuals and legal entities. Much attention is paid to quality innovative service. The hotline and alternative communication channels act as a connecting link between the bank and the client.

Hotline numbers for legal entities

The multi-channel number 8-800-200-77-99 receives calls from legal entities on all issues. Call center specialists respond promptly to calls; the waiting time for a response ranges from 1 to 10 seconds. The competence of operators in the company deserves high praise, since knowledge banking products and customer support are the main principles of our employees.

Hotline number for credit products

Telephone number 8-800-200-77-99, which supports communications between the client and the bank on issues of lending and legal entities, free from all landline phones, call costs from cell phone- according to the operator's tariffs. A bank employee will provide a quality telephone consultation or switch you to a specialized specialist if necessary. Potential and existing clients can always expect informational assistance from our hotline on all loan products.

Hotline for technical problems

Questions regarding technical problems that slow down service can be addressed to 8-800-200-77-99, but if the bank does not have separate dedicated lines, then you can call the main hotline. Malfunctions may occur in ATMs, Internet banking and all types of card products.

Alternative communication channels for VTB Bank

In addition to telephone communications, the bank actively uses alternative communication channels, such as Email, social media, mobile applications. They are quite effective when the client is abroad and calling the hotline is not always possible. It is important to write your question clearly, informatively and succinctly, and our specialists will answer it within an hour.

VTB Bank is constantly expanding innovative methods communications to improve the quality of service and comfort of our regular and potential customers. Feedback from financial structure for any person it is confidence in its stability, which brings long-term and fruitful cooperation for both parties.

VTB hotline menu structure

  • *. For clients of the merged VTB Bank of Moscow
    • 0. Get a PIN code for the card
    • 1. Already a bank client
      • 1. Card blocking
      • 2. Card or account balance
      • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
      • 5. Another question
    • 3. Mortgage
    • 4. Legal entities
      • 1. Internet bank
      • 2. Connection with the office
  • 0. Issues of support of the state defense order
    • 3. Remote system operation banking services within the framework of the State Defense Order
  • 1. Support for bank cards
    • 1. Legal entities and holders corporate card VTB
      • 1. Card blocking
      • 2. Card or account balance
      • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
      • 4. Details for replenishing the card
      • 5. Another question
    • 2. Individuals
      • 1. Card of VTB Bank or the united VTB Bank of Moscow
        • 1. Card blocking
        • 2. Card or account balance
          • 1. Balance and minimum payment on the card
          • 2. Account or deposit balance
        • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
        • 4. Details for replenishing the card
        • 5. Another question
      • 2. VTB card 24
        • 1. Question about the map
          • 2. Card blocking
          • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
          • 5. Find out the decision on the application
          • 0. Another question
        • 2. Mortgage
          • 2. Apply for a mortgage loan
          • 0. Another question
        • 3. Loans
          • 1. Early repayment loan
          • 2. Find out the decision on the application
          • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
          • 0. Another question
          • 1. Recovering your VTB 24 online login and password
          • 0. Another question
        • 5. Addresses of offices and ATMs
  • 2. For legal entities
    • 1. Services for small businesses
    • 2. Services for regional companies and medium-sized businesses
  • 3. Technical department support
  • 4. For individuals
    • 1. For existing clients
      • 1. For clients of VTB Bank or the united VTB Bank of Moscow
        • 0. Get a PIN code for the card
        • 1. Already a bank client
          • 1. Card blocking
          • 2. Card or account balance
            • 1. Balance and minimum payment on the card
            • 2. Account or deposit balance
          • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
          • 4. Details for replenishing the card
          • 5. Another question
        • 2. Apply for a loan in cash, card or deposit
        • 3. Mortgage
        • 4. Legal entities
          • 1. Internet bank
          • 2. Connection with the office
        • 5. Addresses of offices and ATMs, details for replenishing the card
      • 2. For VTB 24 clients
        • 1. Question about the map
          • 1. Card balance, minimum payment, amount to repay
          • 2. Card blocking
          • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
          • 4. Get a PIN code for the new card
          • 5. Find out the decision on the application
          • 0. Another question
        • 2. Mortgage
          • 1. Early loan repayment
          • 2. Apply for a mortgage loan
          • 3. Contact the internal number of the mortgage manager
          • 0. Another question
        • 3. Loans
          • 1. Early loan repayment
          • 2. Find out the decision on the application
          • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
          • 0. Another question
        • 4. Accounts, deposits, Internet bank
          • 1. Recovering VTB 24 online login and password
          • 0. Another question
        • 5. Addresses of offices and ATMs
    • 2. New product design
      • 0. Get a PIN code for the card
      • 1. Already a bank client
        • 1. Card blocking
        • 2. Card or account balance
          • 1. Balance and minimum payment on the card
          • 2. Account or deposit balance
        • 3. Addresses of offices and ATMs
        • 4. Details for replenishing the card
        • 5. Another question
      • 2. Apply for a loan in cash, card or deposit
      • 3. Mortgage
      • 4. Legal entities
        • 1. Internet bank
        • 2. Connection with the office
      • 5. Addresses of offices and ATMs, details for replenishing the card
  • 5. Information about promotions
  • 6. General information on executive documents
  • 7. Comments and suggestions on quality of service
  • 8. Connect with a bank employee