What a loan officer needs to know. Who is a credit consultant and what does he do?

Credit controller develops credit policy, deals with analysis and management credit risks, management accounts receivable. This specialist determines credit limits, interacts with business units. We present you a sample job description of a credit controller.

Job description credit controller

Last name I.O.________________
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1. General Provisions

1.1. The credit controller belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The credit controller is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization on the recommendation of the head of the lending department.
1.3. The credit controller reports directly to the head of the lending department.
1.4. During the absence of the credit controller, his rights and duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of credit controller economic Education and work experience of at least one year.
1.6. The credit controller must know:
- current legislature Russian Federation V banking sector, basics of labor and civil legislation;
- structure banking system, banking activities;
- credit work, methods and techniques financial analysis, analysis of the creditworthiness of small and medium-sized businesses;
- basics accounting and bank reporting;
- methods of obtaining, processing and analyzing information;
- office work;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.
1.7. The credit controller is guided in his activities by:
- Charter of the organization;
- orders, instructions of the head of the organization (direct manager);
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a credit controller

The credit controller performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Monitors documentation and reporting, works with debtors, determines the level of creditworthiness of future clients applying to the bank for a loan.
2.2. Checks financial situation.
2.3. Conducts profitability analysis of investment projects.
2.4. Analyzes information and package of materials on loan application client.
2.5. Conducts legal examination of documents.
2.6. Prepares a package of solutions.
2.7. Provides a package of documents to the underwriter for drawing up checklists.
2.8. Prepares documents for issue and orders to the accounting department.
2.9. Monitors the timeliness of collateral insurance and provision of documents.
2.10. Controls the timing of interest payments and the repayment of principal.
2.11. Forms and maintains a credit dossier, including for inspection authorities.
2.12. Maintains electronic databases on the loan portfolio.
2.13. Timely generates and submits documents to the service for working with distressed assets, the business assistance service, and the risk management service.

3. Rights of the credit controller

The credit controller has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management concerning its activities.
3.2. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.
3.3. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the organization’s activities ( structural unit, individual employees) identified in the process of performing their official duties, and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the organization’s management from the organization’s divisions and other specialists information and documents necessary to perform their official duties.
3.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

4. Responsibility of the credit controller

The credit controller is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or failure to fulfill one's job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of performance of one’s official duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the organization and immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Causing material damage to an enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.6. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The profession of a credit manager is a very broad concept, and you won’t find any number of specialist titles! Credit manager or broker, expert, appraiser, consultant...

A lending specialist communicates with clients, assesses the borrower's solvency, selects suitable loan terms, processes loans and follows them up until closing. Already within this activity there are specializations in the following parameters:

  • who exactly is the borrower (individual or organization);
  • what kind of loan (consumer, mortgage, auto, business loans).

Places of work

Loan specialists can work:

  • in banks, leasing and investment companies;
  • at retail outlets - car dealerships, jewelry stores, shops household appliances and in general in any store that offers fairly expensive goods. This specialist can represent both the bank and the store itself, which interacts with banking structures;
  • in the financial and economic departments of large companies.

History of the profession

The need for borrowed money arose with the advent of money. Until the middle of the 18th century, when the first banks appeared, people turned to moneylenders for loans.

The financial needs of modern people have increased greatly. Small items are in particular demand consumer loans, automobile and mortgage, as well as loans for small and medium-sized businesses. In this regard, the position of credit manager has become very popular today.

Responsibilities of a Credit Manager

Although many of the job responsibilities of a loan officer may vary, the main thing is that he organizes and conducts all credit operations. It could be:

  • advising clients on loan terms;
  • calculating the loan amount and drawing up a payment schedule;
  • filling out a loan application and checking the provided documents;
  • monitoring customer solvency, risk assessment;
  • control over the borrowers’ use of received funds, support of the issued loan until its full repayment;
  • distribution of other banking services.

In a bank, the job responsibilities of a lending manager are:

  • attracting and consulting clients;
  • conclusion of loan agreements;
  • ensuring timely return of funds.

In the largest banks, credit specialists specialize in types of lending: consumer, mortgage, automobile, card products.

IN large company credit manager finance department deals with:

Requirements for a loan manager

To start working as a lending specialist, it is enough to be an adult citizen of the Russian Federation with secondary education. Banks, credit organizations and retail outlets usually do not present special requirements neither age nor education and teach beginners their skills for free credit products in our own training centers.

However, having a higher economic education and experience in finance, you can count on the position of VIP client manager or department head.

The requirements for a lending specialist in a large company are much higher:

  • higher economic education;
  • knowledge of financial and economic analysis;
  • in matters of lending and investment Money;
  • experience working in credit banking institutions;
  • PC ownership;
  • good negotiation skills;
  • pedantry.

Credit manager resume sample

How to become a loan manager

You can become a lending manager at specialized universities in economics or finance faculties with specialties in “Banking”, “Finance and Credit”. Or at the employer’s training center.

Credit manager salary

The salary of a lending specialist directly depends on his professional experience and usually consists of salary, bonuses and bonuses. A beginning specialist usually earns around 20-25 thousand rubles per month. average salary credit manager is 40 thousand rubles per month. The maximum monthly income can reach 80 thousand rubles.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training on the market, usually lasting from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its courses in the direction of "".

Institute vocational education“IPO” invites you to take distance courses in the “” direction (there are options of 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) to receive a diploma or state-issued certificate. We have trained more than 8,000 graduates from almost 200 cities. You can undergo external training and receive interest-free installments.

Work in the field of investing and finance attracts people with high incomes. Many job seekers begin a career in this field as a loan officer. This profession does not require special education or high qualifications. The specific responsibilities of a loan officer vary by location.

Citizens and legal entities often require borrowed funds. A loan is necessary for purchasing expensive goods, starting your own business, replenishing working capital enterprises and other purposes.

The responsibilities of a loan specialist include initial consultation with the client, accepting a loan application, signing loan documentation and much more.

A lending specialist is an employee who provides advice on issuing loans, selection of financial products suitable for the client, calculation of loan rates and execution of contracts. May work in a bank or other financial organization, a household appliance store, an auto center, a development company or another legal entity. It is to him that people who want to get a loan turn to him.

The most preferable option is employment in a bank. Here the loan specialist will provide a wide range of financial services, actively study the work of a financial organization, improve your skills. In other places, the responsibilities of a loan specialist often come down to informing citizens about current offers and drawing up an agreement using a template.

The knowledge and experience gained will help you advance your career. After working with individuals, the employee may be transferred to a department corporate clients. Where the volume of loans issued and average work will be higher.

In the banking sector, preference is given to its own personnel. An experienced employee can count on advanced training with subsequent assignment to a vacant position of a lower-level manager, for example, head of a sector.

Requirements for a candidate for the position

When searching for an employee for the position in question, employees personnel service pay attention to several factors:

  • sociability and restraint;
  • ability to quickly analyze information;
  • desire to learn and develop;
  • ability to negotiate;
  • ability to remember a large amount of information;
  • desire to be part of a company with its own corporate culture;
  • availability of relevant experience.

A specialized economic education is welcome, but is not decisive. The necessary basis for work is given during preliminary training at the bank.

Personal qualities

When choosing characteristics for a resume, it is worth focusing on the following:

  1. Communication skills and tact. The responsibilities of a loan officer involve constant communication with people. It is necessary to politely convey to people essential information about banking product in a form they can understand. And convince them to sign the contract. In some situations, it is necessary to dispel the doubts of a potential client and refute the existing negative image of banks.
  2. Emotional stability. People of different education and social status apply for loans. Some speak discourteously and demand special treatment. A bank employee has no right to respond rudely or impolitely. He is obliged to comply with ethical standards in any situation.
  3. Attention to details. Often employees have to perform several tasks in parallel: answer questions from a future borrower, draw up a contract, check the accuracy of the information provided, and assess the client’s solvency. At the same time, you cannot make a mistake when drawing up documents.
  4. A sense of responsibility for your work. Interacting with citizens and representatives of organizations, the credit specialist is the face of the bank. The impression of the entire company that the client will have after applying for a loan depends on his professionalism.

The loan officer must know the law and regulations in the field of lending

Job description of a credit specialist

The main document regulating the status of a loan specialist in a bank is the job description. It contains a list of rights, responsibilities and professional requirements for an employee holding the corresponding position.

General provisions

The document includes a provision on the employee’s place in the department’s hierarchy. His immediate superior and the head of the unit are indicated.

Installed qualification requirements to an employee. To occupy the position of a credit expert, a higher financial and economic education or work experience of at least 3 years is required. The requirements are reduced if a person holds the position of assistant specialist or other similar position.

A bank loan officer should know:

  • fundamentals of legislation in the field of finance: banking code, law on consumer lending, law on mortgages, law on microfinance organizations, etc.;
  • methods for assessing risks when lending to clients;
  • factors affecting the solvency of citizens and organizations;
  • financial products offered by the bank;
  • labor protection rules;
  • methods of working with confidential information(personal data of citizens, information classified as a trade secret);
  • rules for working with specialized software;
  • basics of labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Main responsibilities

In progress loan officer the bank must comply with:

  • current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • internal documents of the organization (orders of the director, decisions of the bank’s board, job description);
  • standards of business communication with clients.

Functional responsibilities:

  • informing clients about current offers on loans;
  • consulting potential borrowers about the requirements imposed by the bank when issuing a loan;
  • accepting applications, reviewing submitted documents;
  • analysis of clients' solvency;
  • execution of loan agreements;
  • support of contracts, control of debt repayment;
  • loan portfolio analysis;
  • preparation of quarterly reports;
  • participation in the development and implementation of new financial products;
  • timely informing the service for dealing with problem loans about delays under the loan agreement.

Job responsibilities are not limited to the above list. Some specialists defend accepted applications in the bank department that makes decisions about issuing loans. Employees are also tasked with maintaining electronic databases, explanatory and claims work with defaulters.

Some responsibilities include a range of tasks. For example, counseling involves:

  • comparison of several loan products;
  • calculation interest rate;
  • drawing up a loan repayment schedule taking into account the client’s solvency;
  • calculation of the cost of the loan that the client must pay to the bank;
  • informing about ways to reduce the interest rate or increase the loan amount - insurance, inviting a guarantor.

Rights and responsibilities

The job description of a credit specialist includes the following rights:

  • get acquainted with the decisions of the bank’s management regarding the employee’s work;
  • improve skills;
  • send proposals to optimize and improve your work to your superior;
  • require other bank employees to provide information necessary to complete assigned tasks.

The employee is responsible for improper execution responsibilities assigned to him, for material damage caused to the bank, for offenses committed. Limits of liability are established by current legislation.


The salary of a loan officer depends on the efficiency of work. Almost always, employees have a small fixed salary and a bonus depending on the number of loans issued. The remuneration depends on the number of executed contracts, the absence of complaints from clients, the presence of late payments, and other factors.

The average salary of credit specialists in banks varies from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. The upper threshold is not set. The salary is about 20-25 thousand rubles.

The loan officer must have high stress resistance

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the profession are the following:

  • low entry threshold;
  • high earnings with efficient work;
  • opportunity for additional training and career growth;
  • work in large banks with a corporate culture.

The position of a credit specialist is suitable for active and purposeful people. Employees who have proven themselves as professionals will be noted by management and transferred to more attractive positions within 2-3 years.

It will be difficult for those who do not know how to deal with stress and have difficulty negotiating. The main task of a loan specialist is to issue a loan to a reliable client who will repay the debt in a timely manner. This is done through personal communication with people. An ineffective employee will not bring profit to the bank, but will receive low salary and will be forced to resign soon.

The long-term prospects for the profession in question are mixed. Thus, German Gref predicted a reduction in Sberbank employees involved in the processing of loan applications and execution of contracts for the period until 2025. Their place will be taken by robotic systems.

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Lending is one of the most popular services provided by banks. Financial institutions offer similar services to the population to meet various needs: from household appliances to living space. Today it is impossible to imagine our life without the possibility of lending. After all, it is precisely this that allows you to carry out your plans even in the absence of money, be it opening your own business or buying a car.

What is lending

With the help of loans, it has become much easier to organize and distribute funds. They are engaged in lending commercial banks and financial institutions. For every type debt obligation there are certain conditions that include the amount of the minimum down payment, loan repayment interest, as well as the individual characteristics that the borrower must have. For each amount of money issued, the bank sets certain requirements for the client that he must meet.

The loan is issued not only to legal entities and individuals; the borrower can also be another commercial bank.

Requirements for the qualities of a loan specialist

The success and productivity of a bank directly depend on the qualifications of its employees. Since the main income of the bank is considered to be the expansion of resources, staff need to make every effort to ensure that the operation is profitable.

One of the most important officials of a bank is a specialist in the credit department. Its responsibilities are to provide complete information to the client about the loan. He also prepares and submits to the bank commission all the documents necessary for registration.

A credit specialist, whose responsibilities include directly advising the client and concluding an agreement with him, must have not only a number of professional skills, but also many human qualities, such as:

  1. Honesty.
  2. A desire to work.
  3. Ability to think logically.
  4. Ability to intuitively identify potential clients.
  5. Responsibility.
  6. Stress resistance.
  7. Ability to find a common language with each client.
  8. Communication skills.
  9. Competence.


A credit specialist, whose responsibilities are radically different from the functions of managers and inspectors, does not search for clients, but enters into an agreement and maintains a loan until its closure with existing clients. For greater bank profitability, searching for potential clients among legal and individuals carried out by a special department.

The responsibilities of a loan officer at a bank include:

  • Informing potential clients about tariffs.
  • Providing complete information about the conditions for obtaining a loan.
  • Assistance in choosing a loan.
  • Calculation of basic loan indicators, such as terms, interest, minimum payment and payment schedule.
  • Acceptance of applications for extradition.
  • Checking the package of documents provided by the borrower.
  • Carrying out credit risk assessment.
  • Preparation of necessary papers and documents.
  • Control of the process of issuing funds.
  • Transaction support until full repayment loan.

A credit officer, whose responsibilities include all of the above points, must also have a sufficient level of self-control, which may be needed in unforeseen situations.

Training of specialists

People who have graduated from the Faculty of Finance or Economics have the opportunity to work in this banking industry. Many banking institutions Only workers with a higher education diploma are hired for this position.

The job responsibilities of a loan officer involve constant communication between the bank employee and the borrower.

Training and retraining of professionals in this field is carried out directly by financial institution. For better quality work, many banks divide loan specialists into subgroups. That is, each employee is assigned separate category products in which he specializes. Some work exclusively with consumer loans for goods and services, others are engaged only in car loans. Specialists in issuing and supporting mortgages should also be highlighted separately.

The division of specialists by type of lending is carried out in order to improve the quality of their work. After all, each of them must have not only general concepts relevant to this area, but also have a thorough knowledge of the regulatory aspects.

Work specifics

The credit specialist, whose responsibilities also include conducting the transaction, must, if necessary, collect and prepare all the necessary documents for issuing any type of loan. The main such document is loan agreement, which is filled out by the borrower and the banking institution.

The document stipulates such points as:

  1. Borrower's agreement to repay funds.
  2. The amount made available.
  3. Penalties provided for violation of the rules of the contract.

The decision to issue a loan is made directly by the bank commission; the specialist only submits all the necessary documents. After approval, the expert will support the transaction until the loan is fully repaid.

Resume for applying for a job

The work of a specialist in this industry is worthy of respect. After all, constant contact with people and communication with them require not only professional skills from an expert. This profession is considered very prestigious. It provides an opportunity for personal and career growth. Let's list the main skills and responsibilities of a loan officer for a resume.

In order to obtain a position as a credit specialist, your resume should include the following information:

  1. Personal Information.
  2. Previous employment.
  3. The level of education.
  4. Types of lending that the specialist is familiar with.
  5. Work experience.
  6. Benefits of the job.
  7. Level of knowledge of foreign languages.
  8. Professional skills.
  9. Personal qualities that can improve the work process.

The bank's performance directly depends on the professional qualities and skills of its staff. Credit specialists occupy not the last place in this chain and are able to influence the success of the bank as a whole.

Traditionally, financial workers have high incomes, so vacancies in banking and the lending industry are attracting more and more applicants every day. You can start a career in a bank even without special education or special skills if you get a position as a loan specialist. The list of responsibilities of a loan specialist at each specific workplace is different, but there are General requirements which the applicant must meet.

So, for the position? Let us consider the content of the activity and its inherent conditions.

Processing loans for both individuals and legal entities happens daily. Organizations use the funds raised to buy equipment, engage in advertising, and invest money in business development or paying off debts. Individuals buy real estate or cars, furniture or appliances using loans. And if you decide to take out a loan, then it’s time to contact credit specialist. His responsibilities include initial consultation with clients, filling out an application for a loan, monitoring the process of obtaining borrowed money and signing documents. The credit manager must help the client with the choice of financial product, calculate lending rates and draw up an agreement based on oral agreements.

Place of work

The place of work of such a specialist can be not only a bank, but also a large electronics store or jewelry, car showroom or apartment sales office.

Important! Communication with a loan specialist is the first step towards obtaining a loan.

From the point of view of career growth, it is best to choose a bank as your place of work. Here the loan specialist will not only be able to provide the client with any banking service from the wide range available in the arsenal of a financial organization, but will also have the opportunity to develop daily in the profession, gaining valuable experience.

In stores and sales offices, the work of a credit manager often comes down to simply advising citizens about the procedure for applying for a loan, necessary documents and interest rates.

What qualities do you need to have?

No experience and special knowledge career growth in banking sector impossible. As a rule, after working with individuals, a specialist is transferred to the corporate client service department, where the volume of lending will increase significantly, as will the income of the credit manager.

The financial sector prefers proven personnel, so an experienced employee should seek promotion if a suitable vacant position is available.


What qualities, according to staffing agencies, should an applicant for the position of a loan specialist have? Here they are:

  • openness and sociability;
  • literacy and neatness;
  • modesty and restraint;
  • good learning ability, desire for professional growth;
  • ability to build a dialogue;
  • ability to assimilate a significant amount of information;
  • the desire to be part of a team and the ability to “fit in” with the team;
  • understanding the norms and rules of corporate culture and ethics;
  • experience is desirable.

Although specialized economic education will be a definite plus, it is not a determining factor in the approval of a loan specialist.

The bank provides mandatory training, during which employees receive the necessary amount of knowledge.

Personality traits

  1. When choosing characteristics when writing a resume, pay attention to the qualities that are preferable for bank employees: Tactfulness and sociability. The work of a credit specialist involves constant communication, and reporting about loans and interest should be done in an understandable and polite manner. The manager must have sufficient persuasiveness and good verbal communication skills. Sometimes you will have to smooth out conflict situations and correct the negative attitude of clients towards banks in general and their staff in particular. Every employee - This is a bank representative!
  2. Emotional stability - will be useful during communication, because a variety of people borrow funds from the bank. Bank employees Often we have to deal with rudeness and lack of education among clients. Such situations require special attention on the part of the loan officer, because he cannot afford to be rude in response. One of the responsibilities of bank managers is to maintain ethical standards no matter the situation.
  3. Attention to detail. The fact is that multitasking is the norm in the work of a credit manager. Often he answers the client's questions, searches for the necessary information and draws up a contract at the same time. Moreover, it is impossible to make a mistake when drawing up papers, so attentiveness occupies one of the most important places in the set of personal qualities important to bank employees.
  4. Responsibility. A loan officer represents a particular bank, so it is he who is responsible for the impression that clients have about this financial institution. The quality of its work determines the likelihood of clients returning to this bank.

Job description

Job description - this is the basic document that regulates the duties and status of the employee. He contains full list responsibilities and rights, employee capabilities and requirements for him. For each specific position: be it a lending expert, a loan consultant or an assistant manager.

General rules

The document specifies the employee’s place in general structure organization, indicating its head and the head of the unit as a whole.

It is clearly stated what is required of the employee. So, to fill a vacancy as a loan specialist, you need higher education in the field of economics and finance, or work experience of 3 years. If an applicant applies for the position of assistant manager, then the requirements are reduced.


What should a loan officer know?

The employee must, one way or another, have sufficiently deep knowledge of the following phenomena:

  • basics of labor and financial legislation (from the banking code to laws on mortgages and lending);
  • procedure and methods for assessing risks when applying for a loan;
  • what does the solvency of companies and individuals depend on and what does it mean?
  • assortment of bank offers with a description of each of them;
  • labor safety and health regulations;
  • features of working with classified information (information constituting a trade secret or personal data of citizens);
  • software used.


In the course of his work, the credit manager must ensure compliance with:

  • Russian legislation;
  • bank documentation (from the Charter of the enterprise to orders and instructions from management);
  • standards of corporate communication with colleagues and clients.

Main functional responsibilities

Functions of a credit specialist:

  • advising clients on current loan offers;
  • informing clients about what requirements the bank imposes on potential borrowers;
  • accepting applications and reviewing documents provided during the loan application process;
  • checking the client's solvency;
  • formation and maintenance of loan agreements;
  • control over payment of debts;
  • loan analysis;
  • generation of reports based on the results of the quarter;
  • participation in the creation and implementation of new banking products;
  • timely warning to the loan service about the presence of overdue loans.

This is just a sample list that each bank branches complements locally. Loan managers are sometimes responsible for defending accepted applications at the loan approving office.

Important! It happens that loan specialists maintain computer databases and also conduct explanatory conversations with defaulters. Sometimes they have to combine the positions of insurance agents, sales managers and appraisers.

Moreover, a number of responsibilities imply a wide list of tasks.

For example, counseling includes:

  • comparative analysis of several financial products;
  • calculation of loan interest;
  • formation of a repayment schedule that will take into account the interests of the client;
  • calculation of the total final cost of the loan (the client will have to pay this amount to the bank);
  • providing information on reducing interest or increasing the loan amount (guarantee, insurance).

Responsibility of a specialist and his rights

According to the job description, the credit manager has the right to:

  • obtaining information about management decisions related to him;
  • training;
  • developing proposals for improving one’s own activities, as well as familiarizing management with these developments;
  • Demanding from colleagues information necessary to solve official problems.

The specialist bears moral and material responsibility for poor performance of his direct duties, offenses committed by him or financial damage caused to the bank, in accordance with current legislation.


The amount of earnings of a credit manager is influenced by the efficiency of his work. Typically, income consists of a fixed-rate salary and a bonus, which depends on the number of signed contracts. Customer complaints (if any), late payments and other factors are also taken into account.

On average, the salary of a loan specialist ranges from 50 to 80 thousand rubles, the share of salary in it - 20 - 25 thousand rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the position

Among the advantages of the profession I would like to highlight:

  • minimum skills to start working in the banking sector;
  • high wages with high efficiency;
  • opportunity for career growth and further education;
  • work in large financial structures with a developed system of corporate bonuses.

The Loan Specialist position is suitable for self-motivated and active people ready to develop and able to communicate with a variety of people. And if the employee manages to show his best side, then within 2 - 3 years is likely to increase it.

There are also disadvantages for this vacancy. For example, people who have difficulty experiencing stressful situations and do not know how to deal with stress will have a hard time here.

The main goal of a loan specialist is to issue a loan to a reliable client who will not have problems repaying the loan in the future. It is necessary to recognize a potential defaulter through personal communication, and if this does not work, then the employee becomes ineffective and will not bring profit to the bank.


With the advent of the first banks in the 18th century, the modern understanding of the position of a loan officer was formed.

If we consider the position of a loan manager in long term, then its future is ambiguous. The head of Sberbank of Russia warned of a reduction in personnel involved in processing loan applications until 2025. Instead of people, this work will be done by automated systems.

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