Renaissance life insurance - programs, reviews and analysis of aspects. Renaissance insurance (including touch insurance) - reviews of the Renaissance life insurance company

LLC IC "Renaissance Life" is the largest insurance company in Russia, providing its clients different kinds insurance. For the convenience of users, the presented organization has developed an online service in which you can quickly and conveniently access necessary services, and also take advantage of additional options. Read on to learn how to create and log into your Renaissance Life personal account.

Personal account functionality

Before moving on to the procedure for creating and authorizing a personal account, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features available in the system:

  • Searching for information on issues related to concluding insurance contracts;
  • View detailed information about the risks, amount, terms and other parameters of insurance;
  • Payment status information is available;
  • If necessary, the user can find out the contact information of a specific agent;
  • Investor or Legacy Program Management;
  • View and analyze the dynamics of asset return (for participants in the “Investor” program);
  • Payment of insurance premiums through a bank or Kukuruza card (the company interacts with various banking structures).

And also through the personal account the user can contact an employee of the organization and receive professional consultation for any questions regarding life insurance services. Moreover, consultation is provided free of charge and is available at any time of the day.

Attention! It is no longer possible to receive pensions from the Renaissance Life NPF. The fact is that the represented organization’s license was revoked. All available funds in the company’s account were transferred to the Pension Fund.

Additional system functionality

For users who participate in the Investor program, information will be provided in their personal account additional features. So, after logging in to home page They will display a table with the following information:

  • Available insurance programs;
  • The amount of all contributions made;
  • Information on the distribution of available capital according to certain strategies;
  • The amount of the cumulative contribution share;
  • Risk component (amount Money, which goes to cover risks);
  • Sum insured (the amount of payments that the user will receive upon expiration of the program).

In addition, a graph will be placed under the table, which displays all changes in assets based on the rates of return of certain strategies. In addition, the user will have the opportunity to change the parameters of investment strategies.

Registration in the system

You can register a Renaissance Life personal account only at a branch of this insurance company. To do this, the user needs to do the following:

  1. Go to the nearest branch of the organization. If you don’t know where to go, you can use the map available on the official website in the “Contacts” section.
  2. Ask an employee of the organization to register you in your personal account.
  3. Fill out the appropriate application.
  4. Submit your application for review.

The submitted application will be reviewed for some time. After this, the organization’s employees will register a personal user account for you, in which you can log in.

Attention! In the application for creation account You must provide your passport details. So, don't forget to take your passport with you.

Login to your personal account

Many clients of CB Renaissance Credit who have created a personal account are interested in the question of how to get a login and password to log into the system? This question arises due to the fact that in the application that is filled out when registering a personal account, the user is not asked to indicate authorization parameters. The thing is that for the first login the user must indicate the series and number of the passport (login) and the date of issue of the document (password). After your first login, you can change your login settings in the “Settings” section.

2.Click on the “Personal Account” button (located in the upper right corner of the page).

3.Enter your username and password.

4.Click “Login”.

If you have correctly specified the login parameters, you will find yourself on the main page of your personal account.

Authorization problems

If, when logging into your account, the system notifies you that you are entering the password incorrectly, then you can use the access recovery system. For this:

2.Click on the “Forgot password” button.

3.Enter your login.

4.Enter the confirmation code from the SMS message.

5.After that, create a new password.

If you experience the system error “ORA-20101: Contact with the received login was not found,” then first check that the parameters have been entered correctly. If the error appears again, contact support for help (the phone number is listed on the company’s website).

Let's sum it up

If you need to take out MTPL, Casco or other insurance, then you can take advantage of the insurance programs at the Renaissance Life company. You can manage all services, as well as view information about insurance programs in your personal account.

To gain access to your personal account, you must submit a corresponding application at the nearest branch of the organization. After this, you will be able to log in to your account by entering your passport information in the “Login” and “Password” fields.

Oil painting: 10/28/2016 bank manager of LLC "** Bank" (Moscow, Grekova St., 8) instead


Oil painting: 10/28/2016 bank manager of LLC "** Bank" (Moscow, Grekova St., instead of
deposit recommended investment. She swore and swore that this was the most profitable thing on the market. They say you won’t regret it and I will remember it all my life. As a result, an investment insurance agreement No. 3520019596 was concluded with the “Investor 2” program *** for 3 years in the company SK Renaissance LLC

Unfortunately, it was very late when I began to figure out what it was and how. You cannot enter your personal account. Check the availability of money and interest too. My personal account was not working at all for several months. 3 years later, on October 29, 2019, through employees of the bank LLC "HKF Bank" at the same address, an application for insurance payment upon survival was submitted. The general manager who accepted the application said that the application was drawn up correctly and was sent to SK Renaissance Life LLC, which received confirmation. After which she said that payment would be made to the specified details within a month!!! I want to say that they met me not very friendly, as if I owed it to the bank employees, but what I owed and why was not clear. They also informed me that I would not receive the promised interest (unfortunately, in 3 years) and God forbid if the full amount was returned to me two days later. "Inc. Renaissance Life" reported that a copy of the passport and a copy of the contract were missing, although all the documents were given to a bank specialist and scanned by him. The next day, November 2, 2019, again through the bank’s specialists, these documents were sent, after which the bank specialist himself called an employee of SK Renaissance Life LLC and confirmed receipt of the documents!!! I began to wait. 4 weeks have passed. Today is November 27. 2019 called SK Renaissance Life LLC to ask: how long should I wait for the money? The answer killed me: copies of the documents did not arrive. Is this another joke? On November 27, 2019, I went back to the bank to find out what they were doing there, that again there were no documents? How can you work like this? They were unable to confirm the shipment. In this case, who did the bank employee talk to and who confirmed receipt of the copies??? Remains a mystery. Corrected again. They called IC Renaissance Life again, while she was dictating the contract number, saw an error, asked the operator: would the mistake made affect the refund. They said no and there was no need to rewrite the application. But to the question: when will the money be returned? The answer was: within 40 working days!!! Is this another joke? This is not even regulated by law. The contract itself states the validity period of the contract from 10/28/2016 to 10/28/2019 and there is no footnote or clarification. Why did they arrive after the expiration date? How can HKF Bank LLC recommend such a product? Shame!!! The result: loss of time, waste of nerves, delay in payments for an indefinite period and complete use of money, unprofessionalism of employees and nothing in return. I’m not young, I’m a pensioner. To be honest, I will remember you for a long time. I don’t know where, after all this, the employees of your establishments will receive good life, healthy relatives and children, if you deceive pensioners. Maybe you judge by yourself, but I earned this money through honest and very hard work. Give the money back to the pensioner!!!

Portal administrator 01.12.2019 10:25

Renaissance Life 11/28/2019 9:55

Dear Customer!

Thank you for your cooperation and contacting SK Renaissance Life LLC.

The Renaissance Life company pays Special attention quality of work with the client. To achieve this, our company has a training system and sales standards, which we pass on to all our agents, including banks. We have hundreds of thousands of clients across the country who come to us through banks.
Unfortunately, we are not able to control each of the thousands of employees of our partner banks. We are constantly improving our interaction with agents, increasing the quality of customer service, and analyzing every problematic precedent to eliminate the possibility of its repetition.
You have issued an insurance contract under the "Investor" program - this is an investment product with guaranteed safety of invested funds. A beneficial combination of the advantages of various financial instruments in one product: insurance guarantees, reliability of bank deposits and high profitability of mutual funds.
An investment life insurance contract is not a contract bank deposit, since in addition to the possibility of investing funds and the possibility of receiving additional income Each client who has entered into an investment insurance contract receives insurance protection for the entire period of the contract.
The insurer, as well as the Policyholder, is interested in ensuring that the dynamics of the return on assets is positive. However, the value of the assets is not determined by the Insurer and the market situation does not always provide an opportunity for the Insurer and the Policyholder to obtain additional profitability. However, under the terms of the Insurance Contract, we guarantee a 100% return of the insurance premium you paid, even in the event of a negative investment result, and reliable insurance protection for included risks during the validity period of the contract. What is not provided by others financial instruments.
In accordance with clause 12.7 of the Policy Conditions, which are an integral and integral part of your Insurance Agreement, the Insurer, if an event occurs as an insured event, draws up an insurance act within 20 working days from the date of receipt of documents establishing the fact of the occurrence insured event. According to clause 12.8 of the Policy Conditions, insurance payment is made within 20 working days from the date of drawing up the insurance act by transferring money to the recipient's bank account.
The application for insurance payment was received by the Insurer by email on October 29, 2019, without attaching a copy of the pages of your passport and the Contract. On November 1, 2019, you were informed by telephone call about the need to provide the missing documents, and on November 27, 2019, the documents were provided.
Currently, the documents are under consideration and the insurance payment will be made within the time limits established by the Policy conditions.

We hope that our explanations helped you understand.

Renaissance Life

It is absolutely necessary for all those affected by the activities of banks and insurance companies promoting Investment Insurance Life (ISJ) and Endowment Insurance Life (NSJ), unite! Write to me at [email protected]

Let me say right away that I am not a lawyer and do not offer legal services for the return of money (such offers may also conceal deception, but from lawyers). I’m just your fellow sufferer who invested money in the ILI agreement. In 2018, I already tried to write a detailed complaint about the clearly fraudulent actions of bank and insurance company employees, attaching a scan of a printout - an advertisement. insurance product, from which it followed that the profitability of such ILI agreements allegedly varies in the range from 10% - 13% per annum. At the end of the year, the yield was 5% (i.e. minus 5%). After about a month and a half, I received a response from the Consumer Rights Protection and Accessibility Service financial services Central Bank of the Russian Federation (this is a special department in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). The essence of this answer is “EVERYTHING WAS DONE STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LEGISLATION OF THE RF, you yourself signed the insurance contract, the bank employees explained everything to you in detail, you had 14 days (the so-called cooling period) to terminate the ILI contract without losses. Now there are NO legal grounds for early termination of the ILI agreement without significant material losses.” The Central Bank of the Russian Federation also proposes to go to court, in case of our disagreement, being confident in advance of a favorable outcome for the insurance company of such developments.

After that, I read a bunch of negative reviews from clients and other insurance companies providing similar “financial services” on the same website: “”. Everyone's deception scheme is approximately the same. Banks and Insurance companies form fraudulent associations to attract free money from the public. Insurance companies pay large bonuses to bank employees for attracting clients, etc. Bank employees turn out to be overly motivated to attract clients to ILI and NSZH (Accumulative Life Insurance) with all the lies and fraudulent tricks. After reading various articles on the Internet, I learned that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is seriously concerned that the population does NOT lose interest in such an important type of insurance as individual life insurance and private life insurance in view of the fact that average yield for those insured throughout the market such investment products tends to zero (i.e. the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is aware of everything that is happening)! Currently, the total volume of free (for insurance companies) investments attracted in this way is 500 billion rubles throughout Russia. Those. officials of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are not at all concerned that in our country it has flourished the new kind financial fraud in particular large sizes, delivered to a wide stream. Moreover, in view of the concern of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the further development of this type of insurance, the thought inevitably arises that high-ranking officials of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation turn out to be materially interested in the development of this type of financial services market? Perhaps the Central Bank of the Russian Federation itself, together with insurance companies, developed these schemes for attracting depositors and agreements for insurance companies and banks so that they would always remain within the legal framework of the Russian Federation?

I can also say that, unfortunately, I have a lot of negative experience in litigation with the state. organs. Legal justification and all evidence of illegal actions of the state. bodies are simply ignored by courts at all levels and illegal decisions are made exclusively in favor of the state. organ. That. The court in our country, unfortunately, is not independent. Moreover, and this is the worst thing, we can safely say that Russian courts work according to the state principle. the body is always right, whoever is stronger (richer) is the truth, i.e. stand guard over the state. interests and large capital, regardless of how legal such a position is! These are our realities. Of course, you can always find rare exceptions to this rule. I also have experience working with the Russian Prosecutor's Office at several levels. In such disputes, the prosecutor's office always takes a position of strict neutrality, offering to prove its case in court. Therefore, I am deeply convinced that even collective lawsuits to insurance companies and banks are doomed to failure, since everything is thought out in advance from the point of view of the formal letter of the law of the Russian Federation, and Russian courts, moreover, are not independent. That. I think that writing letters anywhere with complaints about this fraudulent outrage is a waste of time, effort and nerves, because... We do NOT live in a legal state!

But this does not mean that you have to put up with it. First we need to unite. And the more people there are, the better! Imagine that even if everyone private investor would have contributed 1 million rubles, then in order to accumulate funds in the amount of 500 billion rubles, 5 million of such deceived private investors would be needed, and given that the average size attracted private investments are most likely significantly less than 1 million rubles, then the number of deceived private investors throughout Russia will significantly exceed 5 million people. Use social media for this. I consider the network dangerous. You can try to start gathering people on the Internet using the Telegram messenger. True, I have no experience working with this messenger yet. To begin with, you can even use email, but it is very important to gather as many deceived private investors as possible against the fraudulent arbitrariness of banks and insurance companies covered by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. We must try to attract public attention and the same media to this fraudulent lawlessness in our country.

The personal account “Renaissance Life” is available around the clock and works every day of the week. This is very convenient, since having access to the network, all insurance contracts, important documents and all the latest information related to the Renaissance Life Personal Account are available at any time, which in turn significantly saves time.

Using the Renaissance Life Personal Account, users have the following opportunities:

  • Ability to search for information related to all previously concluded insurance contracts;
  • It becomes available to view detailed information about specific risks, amounts, deadlines, etc.;
  • View payment status information;
  • To know contact information about the Agent you are interested in;
  • Familiarize yourself with the structure of assets under the “Investor” program;
  • The ability to view and analyze the dynamics of the return on assets under the “Investor” program for various periods of time.

Professional and prompt consultation provided by online support operators will allow the client to get an answer to any question regarding the insurance service.

Registration in your personal account “Renaissance Life” occurs when you sign a contract. To enter your account, you need to use the data specified when concluding the contract.

To log into your Renaissance Life Personal Account (if you are logging in for the first time):

  1. Go to .
  2. Specify login and password: when logging in for the first time, the series and number of the client’s passport, entered without a space, are used as the login, and the date of issue is used as the password.
      • For example: passport series 5786, number 479625, and issued on 02/17/2010, then your login is 5786479625 and password is 02/17/2010.
  3. Confirm action.

If you get the message “ORA-20101: The contact with the received login was not found.”

You need to contact tech. telephone support hotline+7-495-981-29-81 or write a letter with your name and number insurance policy by e-mail [email protected].

A client who has logged into his Personal Account gets access to a range of services from the Renaissance Insurance insurance company, for example, here he can issue, renew or purchase a policy.

How does the Renaissance Life Personal Account work?

After authorization, the user is immediately taken to a page containing information about insurance contracts. On the left side the client’s name and the menu available to him are displayed. You can always return to the Contract Information tab using the menu on the left side of the page.

If you click on the policy number, the screen will display all the information on the insurance agreement, as well as the possibility of paying premiums.

Clicking through the contract will show:

1. Full information about the selected cost of the insurance policy, its term and insurance risk.

2. detailed information about your agent and the name of the agency (partner) through which the contract was concluded.

3. Information about the dates of contributions and their status.

4. Payments to the insurance company under the concluded insurance contract.

Information about depositing funds becomes available in Personal account five days after payment.

Tax deduction due to insurance

After concluding a long-term contract with an insurance company for five or more years, the client has the right to receive a fixed tax deduction according to the amount of the contribution. Registration of this service is also available in the Renaissance Life Personal Account, which allows you to register tax deduction(the service is integrated together with the company

There are two main ways to submit documents to the Federal Tax Service (tax office) to receive a bonus tax deduction:

  • Online, using the taxpayer’s personal account at;
  • And also an offline method, carried out through personal contact with tax officials and submission of all necessary documents.

Depending on the chosen method of submitting documents to tax service, you will be provided with the originals of the necessary documents sent to the partner’s (company’s) address, or to your postal address, or scanned copies of the documents will be uploaded to your Personal Account in the “Documents Requested from the Insurance Company” section.

The period for sending documents by the insurance company is no more than a month or 20 working days.

After you have indicated in your Personal Account Required documents, which you need to receive from the Renaissance Life insurance company, click on the inscription “Proceed to filling out the 3-NDFL declaration”, you will be taken to the official website and will be automatically registered.

You may need to provide an email address to complete registration on the site (for example [email protected]) and confirm it by clicking on the link in the letter that will be sent to your email. If the letter does not arrive for a long time, check your Spam folder.

Follow the instructions and tips from the service to obtain the documents required by your tax office.

Personal data of the Policyholder

Viewing and changing data is carried out in the “Personal Data” section. To go to the tab, you need to select the corresponding section in the left menu.

In the section you can:

  1. Find out information about VIP cards and a valid email address.
  2. Change your existing online email address, phone number and password.
  3. Edit information on an identity document (passport), addresses, foreign public status official and a Russian public official.

The system allows you to view and edit client data. If the information entered during registration has not been updated for more than a year, the user will receive a corresponding notification.

It is not necessary to provide new information: if there are no changes, you should confirm the operation, and in other cases, click “Update” and do everything according to the instructions provided.

To correct, change or update personal data, you must click on the “Change” button next to the item that is subject to editing.

When you click on the above button, special fields will appear in which updated personal data is entered. After completing the entry, the new data must be saved. This is done by clicking on the button of the same name - “Save”.

For example: you need to update your Russian passport data. To do this, click on the “Change” button, the following window opens:

After the passport information has been entered, you must click on the “Save” button.

Payment of insurance premiums (premiums)

The insurance contract can be paid in two ways: through the website and through the Renaissance Life Personal Account. Payment for insurance through your Personal Account:

1. First of all, we need to select the insurance contract we are interested in for payment.

2. In the “Payment of the Agreement” section, select the fee we are interested in and pay it by clicking on the “Pay” button.

3. The “Payment of insurance premiums by bank card” window should appear.

4. The items “Insurance Contract Number” and “Name of the Policyholder” will be automatically filled in by the system with data entered from the user’s Personal Account.

Field "Size" insurance premium in the currency of the agreement” - is automatically filled in with the specified contribution from the personal account, but the entered figure can be changed, that is, if you wish, you can pay more or less, for this you need to indicate in the field the amount of the contribution that you want to pay.

But at the same time, if the contract requires payment of administrative costs, then they are added automatically. The currency is set based on the contract data.

Also, the “Email for sending a check” field is automatically filled in with the data specified in your Personal Account.

5. Having filled in the data correctly, you must click the “Confirm” button. If the user does not agree to regular debiting of funds from the account, then simply leave the field blank.

6. A new window “Payment of insurance premiums by bank card” will open.

7. You must carefully check the completed information, if everything is correct, click the “Pay” button.

9. If the user agrees to regular debits from the account, you must check the box next to “Agree to regular debits”.

10. Next, if all the data is filled out correctly, confirm the operation and you have given your consent to regular debits from the account, then information about contributions will be displayed in the “Regular debits connected via the Internet” section.

If under the contract there is an overdue debt for payment insurance contract, then it will not be possible to create a “Periodic write-off”. First, you need to pay the overdue debt, and only after that create a “Periodic write-off”.

If you have already registered regular debits through the mPos system, and you want to connect debits through your Renaissance Life Personal Account, you need to write an application to the company to refuse periodic debits through mPos, so that double debits do not occur.

11. The “Payment of insurance premiums by bank card” window will open.

12. It is highly advisable to familiarize yourself with the public offer by clicking on the link “Public offer agreement for regular operations.” The public offer agreement will appear in a new window, read it carefully.

After reading, check the box next to “I have read the public offer agreement” and click on the “Pay” button.

13. The “Payment under agreement No. 47587XXXX...” tab will open and you need to fill in the data bank card:

  • Card number, indicate 16 digits, on the front side of the card;
  • Card expiration date, above the name, for example 07/20 (07 - month, 20 - year);
  • First and last name as indicated on the card.
  • CVV2 – three digit code, indicated on the back of the card.

14. After checking the entered data, click the “Pay” button. The payment will go through successfully, if the card has the required amount, it is not blocked or stolen.

An electronic copy of the receipt confirming successful payment will be sent to the user’s email (if it is specified correctly in the Renaissance Life Personal Account).

The main features of paying contributions through the website - "Renaissance Life" in your Personal Account:

  1. Only cards from the following payment systems are accepted: MIR, MasterCard, Visa, American Express. But in addition to the following card options: MasterCard Electronic, Visa Electron.
  2. Permanent debiting from the card under the insurance contract will only take place after the completed data has been verified by a Renaissance Life employee.
  3. The duration of regular write-offs will be suspended when the insurance contract or the bank card expires, depending on which date comes first.

“Investor” program in the Personal Account “Renaissance Life”

If a policy is issued under the “Investor” program, then a table with the following values ​​will be additionally displayed on the screen:

  • Types of insurance programs;
  • The entire amount of insurance premiums paid;
  • How the current amount is distributed among strategies;
  • Deposit - the cumulative portion of the contribution, which goes to the piggy bank from the main insurance deposit;
  • Risk component - part of the contribution that goes to cover possible risks;
  • Sum insured – one hundred percent insurance payments, which will be at the time of expiration of the policy.

Just below the table, there is a graph of changes in assets under the insurance policy, which is based on the rates of return for each of the strategies: until the renewal date by real rates profitability, then at projected rates.

Also, the user has the opportunity to view the accumulations of a particular program using the menu located above the chart. All data on rates of return come from the Management Company; they change depending on the situation on the stock market.

If you want to change the distribution of the insurance premium, for example, increase the premium amount or create your own distribution between strategies, in your Renaissance Life Personal Account you can first familiarize yourself with how the amount of savings will change when you change the contribution parameters for different strategies.

To change the strategy, you need to click on the “Change parameters” button located in the upper right corner, above the chart. A window with a form for changes will open.

It is possible to make changes to the next, not yet paid, installment. After creating your own strategy, click on the “View results” button, after which a simulated table with the main parameters of the insurance policy and a graph of changes in assets, built taking into account the specified new parameters, will appear on the screen. Please note that calculating new data may take some time.

Changes in interest payments on the website do not lead to real changes in the insurance policy! This is just an online modulator of suggested strategies. To make changes to the insurance policy, you must provide Renaissance Life Insurance Company with a completed application for making changes according to the standard procedure. After which you can familiarize yourself with the new graph and dynamics of asset returns.

The simulated diagrams are divided into pieces indicating the share (%) of investment in certain assets, depending on the strategy drawn up. Data provided Management Company and they are updated automatically.

The graph shows the dynamics of the return on assets, depending on the contribution distribution strategy.

In your personal account Renaissance Life you can select and see the dynamics investment portfolios either for six months, or from the beginning of the year, or for one year or for the entire history of the strategy.