Sberbank promotions on credit cards. Loan rates at Sberbank with a guarantor

Sberbank presents profitable offer for holders bank cards, as well as reduced rates on consumer and housing loans, attractive conditions for deposits. There are special mortgage offers for young families, military personnel, pensioners, and seasonal interest reductions.

In order to find out about current promotional offers, just contact any of the company’s branches, or call hotline by calling 8-800-555-55-50 absolutely free. If you have access to the Internet, you can get similar information on the bank's official website.

In addition, in this section we provide current data on securities that investors can purchase at the offices of this organization. What offers are available here, how much the shares cost, which ones bring dividends - all this can be found out from us

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Are you interested in a loan with a reduced rate at 11.9% per annum from Sberbank of Russia? In this article you can learn about the basic conditions under which you can get the one you need sum of money under this program.

You can often see a request on the Internet regarding the structure and list of shareholders of Sberbank of Russia for 2019. Unfortunately, there is no publicly accessible list of people and organizations on the Internet who are shareholders of this company, so we can only talk about how you can purchase bank shares.

Today, getting your own home is not so easy; not everyone is able to earn money square meters independently, and banks do not offer the lowest rates. Sberbank offers to take out a mortgage at a promotional rate, and this is what attracts many clients.

Since December, Sberbank clients have been able to obtain a cash loan using a promotional offer. It consists in the fact that the borrower will be able to obtain a consumer loan for any purpose without documentary evidence at an interest rate of 12.9% per annum.

Many people are interested in whether the “Young Family” promotion will operate at Sberbank in 2019? We answer - yes, it will be possible to use it in this year, in this article you will learn the basic conditions and requirements.

At the beginning of 2018, the program began to operate in Russia mortgage lending With state support, the essence of which was partial compensation of the interest rate under the agreement. This offer is available in many companies, including Sberbank of Russia. Who can qualify for a reduced rate, and how to get it - we will tell you further.

Are you planning to take out a personal loan in the near future? We recommend that you pay attention to the new offer from Sberbank, where you can get new year loan at a reduced rate of 12.5% ​​per annum.

Recently, Sberbank introduced a new promotional deposit called “Simply 7”, which offers a yield of up to 7% per annum. You can take advantage of this offer until December 31 of this year, and today we will tell you about the main parameters and advantages of this program.

Good news for those who did not have time to take advantage of Sberbank’s special offer in February and receive Housing loan on favorable conditions– the promotions continue! Due to the large number of applicants, the bank’s management decided to extend the deadline for accepting applications for participation in special programs until the end of this year.

Shareholders of Sberbank of Russia are interested in the question of what dividends are planned to be paid to them in 2019. Today we will tell you what kind of profit shareholders can expect.

In the period from May 1 to June 18, 2017, Sberbank is holding a spring promotion for its regular customers. Thanks to it, you will be able to get a consumer loan at a reduced interest rate, under what conditions - we will tell you more in our article.

Would you like to know about promotions and high interest rates on deposits for individuals at Sberbank this year? In this review, you can find out what special offers are currently in effect, what is the most profitable deposit to make and how to get additional advice on all the issues that interest you.

Good news for those who were planning to apply mortgage in Sberbank - this year it has become even more profitable! Company representatives announced that interest rates on all major products were reduced by 1-2 percentage points.

Investing free funds in shares large companies is the most popular type of investment. The investor should remember that this type of investment is associated with high degree risk - the value of shares constantly fluctuates under the influence of supply and demand, depends on many factors and sometimes it is very difficult to predict whether such an investment will be beneficial to the investor. There are several reasons...

If you want to get a profitable loan, don’t rush, first find out which financial institutions are currently offering loan promotions. After all, by taking part in such a program, you will be able to conclude an agreement on more favorable terms compared to a standard banking product. Today, in almost every major locality offices are open in our country credit organizations. In pursuit of “their” client, they arrange various promotions. As a result, the army of real borrowers increases significantly. Shares in Sberbank in 2019 are the most popular.

The purpose of the actions carried out by Sberbank

Sberbank, being a commercial bank, even with state participation financial organization, through promotions, seeks to increase the volume loan portfolio and thus receive additional profit. “There will be no strong growth in the personal lending segment in 2019...” says Mr. Torbakhov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, and continues: “The growth rate will be expressed in units of percent. We avoid giving more precise figures.” This, let’s say, unoptimistic forecast was fully confirmed: according to statistical data, the volume of the loan portfolio of this financial organization in the first 6 months previous year increased by 2.12%, reaching 15,079,430 million rubles. The ongoing actions at Sberbank played a significant role in this. Let's take a closer look at them.

For loans

Promotional offers provide the borrower with the opportunity to save money. However, despite advertising in the media, on TV, SMS mailings and banners around the city, clients are attracted to special offers distrust - promises from advertising can become reality only with a considerable number of additional conditions. And there is some truth here. However, it is necessary to understand that Sberbank’s promotions on loans in 2019 are aimed primarily at reducing the interest rate. At the same time, the requirements for guaranteeing the return of loaned funds are becoming more stringent compared to standard programs.

Consumer loans

It is worth saying that Sberbank has already carried out promotions on consumer loans this year. During such an event, which started on February 15 and ended on April 30, preferential terms applied to 2 banking products: “Consumer loan guaranteed by individuals” and “Consumer loan without collateral.” To get an idea of ​​the order of numbers inherent in these loans, check out the following table:

ProgramBorrower categoryAmount, rubles
A client receiving a salary/pension who has opened a deposit in a bankOther clientsMinimumMaximum
“Consumer credit guaranteed by individuals”12.9-16.9% for a period of 3-24 months.300 thousand3 million
13.9-17.9% for a period of 25-60 months.
"Consumer loan without collateral"13.9-17.9% for a period of 3-24 months.14.9-18.9% for a period of 3-24 months.300 thousand1.5 million
14.9-18.9% for a period of 25-60 months.15.9-19.9% ​​for a period of 25-60 months.

The specific loan amount is determined based on an analysis of the documents submitted to the bank. By the way, on the corresponding page of the Sberbank website you can find evidence of the legitimacy of the thesis about tightening the rules for issuing promotional loans: “The Bank reserves the right to change the terms of lending in unilaterally" However, if the loan application is submitted before October 15, 2017, the rate is fixed for the entire term of the loan agreement.

Until January 31, 2019 preferential customer credit individuals in this financial institution are represented by the “Loan at a reduced rate” program. Sberbank is positioning it as a consumer loan with a reduced annual fee, which starts at 12.5%. To receive funds at the specified rate, you must submit an application through the Sberbank Online service. When submitting an application to a bank
branch rate starts at 13.5% per annum.

The advantages of this product include:

  • There are no processing fees;
  • short decision-making time – from 2 hours;
  • possibility of repayment using the Sberbank Online service. By the way, you can remotely initiate the procedure for obtaining such a loan;
  • early repayment of the loan is not accompanied by the collection of fines and commissions.

From 17.07. until October 31, 2017, Sberbank is running a promotion that provides the opportunity to win 200 thousand rubles.

Its active period ends on September 15, 2017. To become a participant in the promotion, you must apply for a consumer loan before this date not at a branch of this financial institution, but through its website/service “Sberbank Online”/mobile application. The promotion applies to the products “Consumer loan secured by individuals” and “Consumer loan without collateral”. The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand, and the maximum is 5 million rubles.

Mortgage credit lending

Not every one of our compatriots is able to purchase their own home today. And in most financial institutions, long-term loans are not issued at the lowest interest rates. At Sberbank you can get a mortgage at a promotional rate, which attracts a large number of clients. The offer became effective on June 1, 2017 and was extended until the end of March 2019. The base rate for the product “Promotions for new buildings” is 9.5%. But with electronic registration of a transaction, this figure drops to 9.4%. Moreover, the program for subsidizing mortgages by developers provides for issuing loans at 7.5% per annum. And if such a transaction is also registered electronically, the rate will be only 7.4%.

According to the terms of the Sberbank mortgage promotion under consideration, the following allowances to the value of this indicator are provided:

  • + 0.5 p.p. – if documents confirming employment and availability are not presented stable income;
  • + 1 p.p. if the borrower refuses to insure health and life.

To increase the volume of lending under the promotion, it is allowed to attract co-borrowers.

Currently, Sberbank is holding a “Promotion for Young Family”. From August 10, 2017, the following rates apply for this program:

  • basic – 9.0%;
  • with electronic registration of a transaction – 8.9%.

At such interest rates, long-term housing loans are provided to clients who receive wages to a card/deposit account opened at this financial institution.


  • + 0.5 p.p. – for “non-salary” clients;
  • + 1 p.p. – if the borrower refuses to insure his health and life.

More useful information you will learn from the article "".

By deposits

In 2019, Sberbank offers individual clients an extensive range of deposits. Some of them are intended for people who are ready to invest for several years a large sum and to get maximum percentage, do not use these funds. Other deposits are designed for Russians who have a limited amount of free money at their disposal, so they may need part of their savings at any time. There are also deposits for those who plan to live on interest by depositing a large amount into the account.

Since the beginning of August 2017, Sberbank has not held any promotions on deposits. Nevertheless, according to the “profitability” criterion, a number of banking programs can easily be classified as promotional. Firstly, this is a deposit with a rate of up to 7% “Time to Save”. To become a participant in this program, you must deposit at least 100 thousand rubles into a deposit account before August 18, 2017. Secondly, there are contributions from higher rates. Their list contains 3 items. For ease of reference, the parameters of these deposits are presented in the following table:

Last year, the same deposits could be opened in euros. At the moment, Sberbank is temporarily not processing deposits in this currency. For clients wishing to store cash in euros, it is proposed to put them into a euro “Savings Account”. Of course, it would be a stretch to call the numbers presented in the table very attractive. Especially against the backdrop of the beneficial ruble deposit from Sberbank “The Most Valuable”.

Personal offers of Sberbank to clients

Carrying out actions is not the only means adopted by this financial institution in order to replenish the loan portfolio. Sberbank often sends special offers on loans to its clients (current or cooperating with it in the past). Usually these are “salary workers”. Since the financial institution knows the client's income level, it assigns for him certain period specific loan amount.

Special offers to Sberbank clients allow borrowers not only to service the loan on more favorable terms, but also often receive some additional amount. Adjustments to loan parameters are made after receiving a corresponding application from the borrower.

But most often we are talking about obtaining new loans. Since these offers are personalized, customers learn about them via SMS. Such a notice usually contains the following information:

  • amount allowed to be received;
  • indicative rate;
  • maximum term of the loan agreement;
  • password with which you can activate the special offer.

You may wonder why the bank sends SMS a large number citizens. This can be explained quite simply. For example, the client has taken out a loan before, and the financial institution wants him to do so in the future. Or the bank invites the depositor to also become a borrower.

And a few words about special offers regarding credit cards. They are also sent via SMS. Only the amount of the approved limit differs. But the final figure is established after the application is written. It is possible that the proposed type of map will not interest the client. In this case, offers to choose a credit card of a different type, as a rule, are not received.

What is the “Thank you” bonus program from Sberbank

This banking product is also a promotion whose validity period is currently unlimited. To take part in it, you must have a Sberbank card and complete a number of simple steps.

The essence of this bonus program the following: when paying for purchases with plastic, points are accumulated, which can later be transformed into discounts when paying for goods and services throughout the Russian Federation. Not only owners of premium products, but also salary clients, as well as elderly people with pension card.

Promo code - what is it?

High competition for financial market encourages banks to develop special products characterized by unique conditions, introduce loyalty programs, and conduct various promotions. The purpose of the latter type of event is, as a rule, to attract the attention of customers to a specific service. If the terms of the promotion provide for the participation of a group of interested parties, promotional codes are used to identify and separate them. This term refers to a special sequence of characters (code) that the client receives to participate in promotions, receive prizes, etc.

As for Sberbank, it assigns promotional codes to clients who pay for services or goods using the remote access system. It follows that without knowing this set of symbols it is impossible to take part in the promotion.

"Kopilka" - an innovative service from Sberbank

This service allows Sberbank clients to save money to achieve their planned goals without much effort, as if imperceptibly. To take advantage of the bank's offer, you need to:

  • be the owner debit card Sberbank, to the account of which your funds are received. Great option– when you receive a salary on this card or your employer has received accreditation in this financial institution;
  • open a replenishable deposit or savings account to which funds will be regularly transferred from the debit card account.

The service in question at Sberbank is of two types:

  • “Piggy bank” from enrollments. A percentage of any income determined by the client is transferred to his debit card account (for example, from a salary).
  • "Piggy bank" from expenses. In this case, a percentage determined by the client is also transferred, but this is based on the amount of expenses spent on his card during the day - cash withdrawals, payment for purchases, etc.

It is important to remember that any promotion is just a marketing ploy.

For example, if a financial organization needs to increase the volume of funds raised, the marketing department is tasked with increasing the demand for deposits. And very soon the promotional deposit appears.

Registration in Sberbank Online: Video

As the new year 2018 approaches, Sberbank announces a grandiose credit product. The bank offers a loan with comfortable conditions for any purpose and for a period chosen by the borrower. You must submit your loan application by January 31 of the following year. So, time is running out!


Following the basic principles of the strategy financial company, the loan is offered to be issued in online mode, i.e. V personal account“Sberbank Online”, or at a bank branch. As you can see from the table below, the interest rate is more attractive when using online banking.

The promotion is valid until 01/31/2018 To Sberbank Online At a bank branch
From 500,000 rub. 12,50% 13,50%
From 250,000 to 500,000 rub. 14,50% 15,50%
Up to 250,000 rub. 0t 12,90% from 12,90%
  • Maximum loan amount: up to 3,000,000 rubles. for any purpose.
  • Maximum loan term: up to 5 years.

We use the Sberbank calculator

To calculate monthly loan payments, you can use the Sberbank loan calculator. But to accurately determine the interest on the loan, you need to contact the nearest Sberbank branch.

It is also necessary to note that clients, holders salary cards Sberbank, the loan will be credited within 15 minutes after the application is approved. But if the client is not connected to salary project, but actively uses Sberbank’s Internet banking, then after submitting an application to Sberbank Online and its approval, you can safely come to the branch to get money.

The undoubted advantage of this loan offer is convenient ways loan repayment.

How to repay a consumer loan at Sberbank

  1. You can repay the loan by drawing up an agency agreement in the employer’s accounting department. Upon instructions, part of the salary will be transferred according to the details to repay the debt;
  2. The easiest way to close loan debt— in your Sberbank Online personal account. You can activate automatic monthly write-off of the loan body and accrued interest. Sberbank auto payment is a very convenient tool for managing personal finances.
  3. An additional agreement can be concluded banking services and an order for monthly debiting of funds from the card.
  4. Funds can also be written off from a deposit opened in Sberbank. To do this, you also need an order issued once at a branch of a banking organization.

This consumer loan can be repaid either in parts, according to the repayment schedule, or ahead of schedule in full/partial amount.

Sberbank of Russia is constantly changing, constantly offering its services and promotions. You can always count on a surprise.

Sberbank and its loan promotions are an opportunity for clients to receive not only cash, but also pleasant conditions, as well as a bonus from the bank. Throughout the existence of the bank there have been many such promotions, and it still pleases with its gifts.

Sberbank of Russia opened back in 1841. Back then these were primitive savings banks with a lot of queues and no computer equipment.

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Over the past decades, the bank has changed dramatically. Currently, it is far from similar to those savings banks that once existed throughout Russia. But this is not even surprising, because now in 2016 Sberbank was completely different from its other self, which was just a dozen years ago!

The ability to move forward and change is the most important difference between Sberbank and other banks. And Sberbank has always been distinguished by the lowest rates on loans and gifts, gifts!

Summer promotion

By the summer, Sberbank of Russia released new promotion– all summer you can apply for a loan at a rate of only 14.5%!

Sberbank's consumer loan campaign is aimed not only at encouraging existing bank clients, but also at attracting new ones. So, in order to get a loan at a reduced rate, you need to contact Sberbank of Russia from May 16 to August 31 and take out a loan at an interest rate of only 14.5% per annum. The interest rate will largely depend on the term for which you take out the loan, as well as whether you receive a salary or pension on a Sberbank card.

Lending to existing Sberbank clients is always the most profitable, especially if the person has a good credit history. If you take out a loan for a period of three months to a year, and at the same time receive a salary or pension on a Sberbank card, then your interest will be from 14.5 to 21% per annum (everything will depend on how much you take). For other clients, conditions from 15.5 to 24.5 percent per annum will apply.

In the same case, if you take out a loan for a period of 25 to 60 months, and at the same time have a salary or pension card at Sberbank, the bank is ready to offer you a loan from 16.5 to 22.5 percent per annum. For all other clients the rate will be from 17.5 to 25.5 percent per annum. However, if you take out a loan for a period of 25 months or more, you should remember that in this case you will need a guarantee from individuals.

Sberbank’s consumer loan campaign allows you not only to issue new loan on favorable terms, but also to refinance existing loan agreements. In particular, Sberbank loan promotions for 2017 were extended under the same conditions until January 31, 2017.

Advantages of this loan are as follows:

  • the loan amount can vary from 15,000 rubles to 1,500,000 rubles for those clients who take out a loan without a guarantor;
  • the loan amount can vary from 15,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles for those clients who take out a loan with a guarantee;
  • The loan term can range from 3 to 60 months;
  • The loan will be reviewed within two business days.

Promotion: agree to more at a lower percentage

Another promotion from Sberbank is suitable for those families who decide to purchase housing for an amount of 1,700,000 rubles or more.

So, from July 1 to September 30 of this year, you can purchase housing at a rate lower by 0.5% if the housing you purchase costs more than 1,700,000 rubles. It’s also nice to know that the discount can be combined with other promotions from Sberbank in 2016.

If you are a young family, then you can purchase a home on credit for thirty years at an interest rate of 11.5%. Subtract 0.5% from this rate and get an excellent discount from Sberbank!

A similar promotion applies to new buildings. You can purchase housing under construction on credit for 13 years and receive a promotional rate of 12%.

If you are purchasing a finished home, you can buy it on credit for 30 years with an interest rate of 12%.

If you buy housing under construction, then you can rent it for thirty years at the same rate as for finished housing.

In 2016, Sberbank also actively provided loans under the program to provide housing for young families with state mortgage support.

Promotion for new buildings

Another promotion from Sberbank recently launched - from July 1 to September 30 of this year, you can apply to purchase a new building at a rate of only 12.5%. The following conditions apply to the loan:

  1. the initially deposited amount must be at least 13%;
  2. loan term no more than 13 years;
  3. the interest rate on the loan is 12.5 percent;
  4. You can get a loan even without proof of employment and income.

The loan has a lot of advantages, the main one of which is that people who receive their salary on a special Sberbank card only need to have a passport with them to apply.

In addition, the program provides use as down payment housing certificates and maternity capital.

The client can use tax benefits in order to reduce your housing costs - apply annually tax deduction and at the same time – property.

Promotion for young families

Another promotion from Sberbank - This is a promotion for young families. With this promotion, you can purchase housing until September 30 of this year. at an interest rate of 11%. The loan term is up to 30 years, and the amount can be at least 45 thousand rubles. The promotion is valid special condition– a loan can be provided to a young family without proof of employment and income.

So, who is this young family, according to Sberbank of Russia? This is a family in which the spouses have not yet reached the age of 35, as well as an incomplete family where the parent has not reached the same age, but at the same time he has one child or several children.

The main conditions of the promotion are as follows:

  • participants of the action must be spouses;
  • the down payment must be 10% or more;
  • participants of the action can take out a loan for a maximum of 30 years;
  • loan interest rate from 11 to 14 percent;
  • there is no loan premium for the period of mortgage registration;
  • With a loan you can purchase both finished housing and an apartment in completed new buildings;
  • documents on housing that is being loaned can be provided within 120 days from the moment the bank made a decision on the loan;
  • a loan can only be taken in rubles;
  • The minimum amount of your loan must be at least 45,000 rubles.

The benefits of the loan are as follows:

In order to apply for a loan, it is enough to have your passport with you (if you receive your salary on a Sberbank card);
Not only money, but also housing certificates can be used as a down payment, or maternal capital.

The client can take advantage of tax benefits in order to reduce their housing costs - issue an annual tax deduction and a one-time property deduction. In addition, today there is an amazing offer - on favorable terms, you can draw up an agreement for the provision of legal services. In this case, an experienced lawyer will help you correctly draw up documents and a declaration to receive tax refund not only from the purchase of a home, but also from a deposit or insurance.

To increase the loan amount, you can attract co-borrowers to the loan.

It is convenient to repay the loan: you can simply deposit money into your account in any way that suits you, and repayment according to the schedule will occur automatically.

You can completely voluntarily insure your ability to work and life, and this will not affect the interest rate in any way.

Housing program “Ideal House”

Clients in this program are invited to purchase non-residential premises, or an apartment in the city of Sochi in Residential complex high class "Ideal House".

The following conditions apply to the loan:

  • the loan amount can be from 45,000 rubles and above;
  • minimum interest rate – from 10.8%;
  • The loan can be provided for a period of up to 30 years.

Benefits of the program:

Purchasing non-residential premises, apartments, or an apartment in a ready-made premium-class building;
it is possible to select, book, and then purchase suitable non-residential premises, apartments, or apartments without leaving your place of residence;
An excellent offer from the owner - the best price offer in the entire city of Sochi.

In order to get a loan, you should:

  1. contact the sales office of SB Invest, or a branch of Sberbank of Russia;
  2. choose a suitable non-residential premises, apartment, or residential apartment;
  3. submit an application for a loan at a branch of Sberbank of Russia, and then book the apartment you like;
  4. wait for the bank to review your application;
  5. conclude an agreement for the reserved apartment.

Documents you will need:

First of all, this must be an application form drawn up independently or at a Sberbank branch;
You may also need an application form from the pledgor of the legal entity;
for presentation - the borrower’s passport, as well as, if available, the passports of pledgors, guarantors and co-borrowers;
You will also need documents that would confirm your employment and financial condition(the exception is those clients who receive their salary on a Sberbank card);
In the event that a loan is secured by collateral, you will also need documents on this collateral.

If your loan is approved, you may additionally need the following documents:

  1. documents on the residential premises being loaned (these documents can be provided within 120 days from the moment Sberbank approves the loan);
  2. documents that would confirm the availability of the initial amount.

However, it should be remembered that the list of all of the above documents may be changed by decision of Sberbank.

Special lending conditions apply under the “Young Family” program. In order to receive a loan under this program, you must provide the following documents (in addition to those already listed earlier):

  • first of all, it must be a marriage certificate (it will not be useful if the family is single-parent);
  • If there is a child in the family, then his birth certificate will also be needed.

If there are co-borrowers (parents of a young person), then you will also need documents that would confirm their relationship (these must be documents that would confirm their identity, as well as a marriage certificate, birth certificate, certificate of change of patronymic, surname, names and so on).

In order to get a mortgage under the “Mortgage + Maternity Capital” program, you will also need to provide:

  • maternity capital certificate;
  • documents from pension fund for the balance of maternity capital.

State certificate for maternity (family capital);

All these documents must be provided within 120 days from the moment the bank approves the mortgage.

Information on past loans

According to statistics, in 2016 it was the loan projects of this bank that were the most profitable and reliable. Sberbank of Russia is constantly holding new promotions on loans. For example, relatively recently a promotion was held - you could take out a consumer loan and end up winning an apartment in Sochi. The bank tries to constantly motivate its clients and offers new promotions and bonuses for those who want to take out a loan from Sberbank. It is expected that Sberbank will also hold promotions on loans in 2017 that are no less interesting and profitable.

Campaign to reduce loan rates in Sberbank in 2019

Sberbank this spring launched a promotion for “Consumer loan without collateral”, reducing minimum bid for a range of loan amounts. The promotion applies to loans from 300,000 rubles and is valid for all categories of clients.

The maximum reduction compared to baseline conditions was 1%. The new minimum rate under the promotion is 11.9% (previously - 12.9%). Rates on loans up to 300 thousand rubles remained in the same range - from 13.9 to 19.9%.

You can apply for a consumer loan with a reduced interest rate without collateral at a bank branch, in the web version of Internet banking and mobile application"Sberbank Online" until April 29, 2019 inclusive.

In addition, the bank returned the possibility of obtaining loans with guarantors. They are available to young people over 18 years of age and pensioners up to 80 years of age. They are also subject to a rate reduction promotion valid until April 29.

However, other banks also offer similar conditions and clients can turn to other credit organizations.

Correspondents of the Business Information Agency ​​counted at least a dozen banks that issue consumer loans for low percentage, and with a high probability of approval of the application. You can view their list with basic loan conditions and the ability to submit an online application.

In addition, there are also microfinance organizations that are also ready to happily lend money, albeit a smaller amount and at a higher price. high interest rates(you can apply for a loan).

But if you are determined to contact the Security Council of the Russian Federation, then ​​correspondents will tell you about the current this moment lending conditions, and will also explain how to get low rate on a loan from Sberbank under current circumstances.

Lending conditions at Sberbank today

Spring The promotion to reduce rates at Sberbank is valid until April 29 and applies to unsecured and guaranteed loans. Let's start with the first one.

1.Promotion on Sberbank loan without collateral

General terms Unsecured loans today are as follows:

Loan rates at Sberbank without guarantors

Sberbank loan interest rates for individuals without collateral today depend on the amount and term. In addition, salary clients and pensioners who receive payments on a RF SB card have some preferences.

Basic conditions

2.Promotion on a loan from Sberbank with a guarantor

Let us immediately note that the peculiarity of this consumer loan is that it can be obtained by young people aged 18 to 21 years and pensioners from 60 to 80 years old (at the time of full settlement with the bank). And the guarantor must be over 21 years of age and under 70 years of age. The general conditions for loans with a guarantor today are as follows:

Loan rates at Sberbank with a guarantor

Interest rates on Sberbank loans for individuals under guarantee today also depend on the amount and term. In addition, salary clients and pensioners who receive payments on a RF SB card have some benefits.

Special conditions if you receive your salary or pension into your Sberbank account

Basic conditions


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How to get a low interest rate on a loan from Sberbank today

As we can see, not everyone can get the minimum rate on a Sberbank loan of 11.9% per annum. But only those who:

1. receives a salary or pension on a Sberbank card.

2. will issue a consumer loan in the amount of 1 million rubles.

3. will issue a consumer loan in the amount of 300,000 to 1 million rubles. But in this case, as we see, the rate ranges from 11.9% to 16.9%. The chance of getting the minimum 11.9% is not great. The rate is determined for each client individually. And its size depends on a variety of criteria: credit history the borrower, his income, place of work, etc.


If you cannot get the minimum rate on an unsecured loan, then pay attention to another credit program Sberbank: Non-targeted loan secured by real estate. The percentage there may be lower.

Calculation of a Sberbank loan at a low interest rate

Now let's calculate how much money you will have to pay the bank monthly if you take out a loan at today's minimum base rate 12.9% per annum. Suppose you are approved for 1 million rubles. The monthly payment amount will depend on the loan term and will be as follows.


Monthly payment

RUB 89,270

RUB 26,778

RUB 22,702

The amounts, as we see, are not small. Therefore, before taking out a loan for a large amount, weigh the pros and cons a hundred times. Try to really evaluate your financial opportunities. And if you have even the slightest doubt that you can repay the loan on time, then it’s better not to take it!

Find out more about consumer loans at Sovcombank →

Online loan calculator of Sberbank of Russia - 2019

How to get a Sberbank loan at a low interest rate

Application methods today depend on what kind of loan you are taking out - with or without a guarantor. Consumer loan without collateral can be done in several ways:

In the office. To do this, you need to contact the Sberbank branch at your place of registration. Only salary clients have concessions. For individuals who receive a salary/pension into an account with Sberbank, loans are provided at a bank branch, regardless of their place of registration in the Russian Federation.

And here loan guaranteed by individuals can only be issued at a Sberbank branch.

Review period loan application can range from several hours to several days depending on the category of the client.

Those who receive their salary into an account with Sberbank will receive a response within 2 hours from the date the full package of documents is submitted to the bank. In other cases, the loan application review period may be 2 business days.

If your application is approved, you will receive the money in a lump sum by bank transfer. They will be transferred to your debit bank card account.

Who can take Sberbank loans

For receipt consumer loan in Sberbank without guarantors Individuals who meet the bank's requirements for borrowers may apply. They are as follows:

1. Age at the time of loan provision:

  • - at least 18 years old if you receive a salary or pension into an account in Sberbank
  • - at least 21 years old - for other borrowers

2. Age at the time of loan repayment under the agreement:

  • - no more than 70 years

3. Work experience:

  • - at least 3 months at the current place of work - for clients receiving a salary or pension into an account with Sberbank. For working pensioners receiving a pension into an account with Sberbank, the total work experience over the last 5 years must be at least 6 months.
  • - at least 6 months at the current place of work with a total work experience of at least 1 year over the last 5 years - for clients who do not receive salaries into an account with Sberbank.

Consumer loan on bail individuals can receive it from young people aged 18 to 21 years and pensioners from 60 to 80 years old (at the date of loan repayment). And the guarantor must be over 21 years of age and under 70 years of age. The length of service requirements for this loan program are the same.

Documents for a Sberbank loan

Before applying to the bank for money, both the borrower and the guarantor (if there is one) need to collect a whole package of certificates and documents. Proof of identity, financial solvency and employment status is required. For most clients, the list of documents may be as follows:

  • 1. Russian Federation passport with a registration mark;
  • 2. A copy of the work book;
  • 3. Certificate 2-NDFL for the last 6 months or a certificate in the form of the bank.

If for some reason you cannot provide these exact documents, for example, you have a work book or a 2-NDFL certificate, then they can be replaced with others. We have a whole article dedicated to documents for obtaining a Sberbank loan for individuals. You can familiarize yourself with it.

It should be noted that when confirming financial solvency, the bank can take into account income not only from the main place of work. Money received from part-time work, as well as pensions and a number of other payments, are also suitable.

Not only Sberbank changes interest rates on loans

In 2019, it was not only Sberbank that updated interest rates on loans - this is a general trend in the market. Other banks are also raising interest rates on loans.

Let us remind you that the lowest interest rate on a loan, as a rule, can be obtained by salary clients of the bank, as well as those who provide any property as collateral.

Contacts for information and consultations

Read more about interest rates and the terms and conditions of consumer loans within the framework of the Sberbank loan promotion can be found on the official website or at Bank branches.