Summer bank consumer loan interest rate. Conditions for obtaining a cash loan at Leto Bank

The financial institution was registered in November 1990 in Bryansk under the name “Bezhitsa-Bank”. The number of significant shareholders and main clients in the 1990s and until the beginning of the 2000s included the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant, the Bryansk Electromechanical Plant, the Bryansk Chemical Plant, the Menokom enterprise, and the Bryansk Dairy Plant. In 2004, the bank became a participant in the deposit insurance system. In 2005, the Federal Property Management Agency became part of the bank's capital. In 2006, the credit institution found itself in the sphere of interests of the Bank of Moscow, which by 2009 already controlled over 95% of the financial institution. By that time, Bezhitsa Bank occupied a strong position in the Bryansk region in mortgages, as well as in lending to medium and small businesses. After the acquisition of the Bank of Moscow by the VTB group in 2011, Bezhitsa-Bank de jure became a member of the group.

In April 2012 retail bank VTB 24 became the owner of 100% of the shares of Bezhitsa Bank. The board of the latter was headed by the ex-deputy chairman of Russian Standard and VTB 24 Dmitry Rudenko, who, as part of the Russian Standard team, was actually a pioneer at the launch consumer lending in the Russian Federation, including lending directly at retail outlets (POS lending). The rest of the bank's top managers, almost entirely, also came from Russian Standard.

In October 2012, Bezhitsa-Bank rebranded and received a new name - “Leto Bank”, and its head office moved to Moscow. Leto Bank was a so-called light bank, focused on the mass retail segment. The financial institute specialized in express lending (including in retail chains), issuing cash loans and credit cards.

In 2015, it was decided to create a new Post Bank on the basis of Leto Bank with the VTB Group selling 50% minus one share of the bank to Russian Post. After the approval of the FAS in January 2016, the transaction took place, and on April 6, 2016, Leto Bank officially changed its name to PJSC Pochta Bank. Thus, until recently, VTB 24 controlled 50% plus one share in the capital of Post Bank, 50% minus one share belonged to Postal Finance LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of FSUE Russian Post. In January 2018, the VTB 24 license was canceled due to reorganization in the form of the bank’s merger with VTB PJSC.

Currently, PJSC VTB and FSUE Russian Post each control 49.99% of the shares of Post Bank, two more shares belong to the President - Chairman of the Board of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko.

The entire regional network of Leto Bank (338 customer centers, 283 counters and more than 46 thousand POS points) continued to operate under the new Pochta Bank brand. In 2016, more than 6.3 thousand points of provision of banking services were opened in 3.5 thousand post offices. At the end of 2017, Pochta Bank opened about 12.5 thousand service points in 82 regions of the Russian Federation and took second place in terms of retail network size in Russia financial market. At the end of 2018, Post Bank opened 18 thousand service points in 83 regions of the Russian Federation. More than 80% of the geographical presence is in small towns and countryside. The number of bank clients in 2018 reached 10 million people. By 2023, the bank plans to open more than 26 thousand points, increase its customer base to 21 million people and enter the top 3 leading banks in Russia in terms of this indicator. The average number of personnel, according to the latest available data, was about 8 thousand people.

The bank's target client segments are pensioners, participants in salary projects, online shoppers, small and micro businesses. In post offices, the bank is presented in the format of sales windows with a bank employee or with a Russian Post employee. Post Bank operates without cash registers; clients perform all transactions using ATMs with a closed cash circulation function. The financial institution is the only bank in Russia whose ATM network (more than 4,800 machines) consists entirely of such devices. You can also withdraw funds and top up your card balance at those branches of the Russian Post where Post Bank POS terminals are installed (50 thousand devices).

The current list of bank services for retail clients includes loans (cash, refinancing, education, for employees of corporate clients, for pensioners), debit and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Mir), deposits, making payments and transfers (in including through systems Western Union, UNIStream), savings accounts with accrued interest on the balance of funds, etc. the bank offers business representatives salary projects, online cash registers, corporate cards, deposits and Internet acquiring. to corporative clients Loans are also available, although their share on the balance sheet is minimal.

Over the last year, net assets credit organization increased by 45.3% - to 416.8 billion rubles as of March 1, 2019. The growth of assets was funded primarily by household deposits, the volume of which increased by 74.3% (+137.9 billion rubles). More than 100 billion rubles of the attracted liquidity were allocated to retail lending, the portfolio of which increased by one and a half times. The remaining part of the liquidity was distributed between the portfolio of issued interbank loans, the volume of which grew by a quarter, and highly liquid assets, which grew by almost 40%.

As a result of active growth, the already dominant share of individual deposits in liabilities increased over last year from 64.7% to 77.7%. The remaining part of liabilities is formed mainly own capital, its adequacy in accordance with the Central Bank standard N1.0 was 10.3% at the reporting date (with a minimum of 8%). Over the past year, the volume of bank capital, calculated according to the Central Bank's methodology, has increased by more than one and a half times. The increase in fixed assets occurred both due to additional capitalization of the bank by shareholders and due to own profit credit institution, as well as attracting a subordinated loan. A year earlier, capital doubled for similar reasons.

During the year under study, the bank repaid over 80% of its interbank loan debt, as a result of which the share of this source of funds in liabilities decreased from 13.9% to 1.9%. At the same time, according to IFRS reporting, at the end of 2018, all funds were raised from the VTB Group Bank (at a rate of 9.45% per annum). Within a month, the bank attracts interbank loans in small amounts from non-residents. The funds of enterprises and organizations are represented on the balance sheet in an insignificant amount.

The bank's assets are 76.4% represented by retail loan portfolio, the volume of which has grown one and a half times over the past 12 months. There are virtually no corporate loans in the portfolio. The growth rate of the volume of overdue debt in the total portfolio turned out to be lower than the growth rate of performing loans, which led to a decrease in the share of overdue loans from 9.1% to 7.4%. The provisioning level also decreased - from 13.3% to 10.5%, while still fully covering the arrears. Due to the retail line of business, there is no collateral for loans with property. IN term structure of the loan portfolio, more than half of the loans have terms of more than three years, and about a quarter have terms of one to three years.

The portfolio of issued interbank loans by the reporting date amounted to 14.2% of net assets, a year earlier the share was 16.4%. Slightly more than half of the interbank loans as of the reporting date are provided for medium-term periods of up to six months, and the remaining part is placed on deposits with the Central Bank. In the last months of the study period, there was an increase in intra-monthly turnover for placing funds on interbank market. So, if in November 2018 the turnover amounted to 77.2 billion rubles, then in February the bank placed twice as much funds on the interbank lending market.

Highly liquid assets account for 5.2% of net assets (most of them are represented by funds on hand), other assets, fixed assets and investments in the capital of other organizations in total occupy slightly more than 4% of net assets.

Briefcase valuable papers absent. The bank does not operate in the repo market. FX turnover is also minimal.

At the end of 2018, the bank received a net profit of 10.2 billion rubles, which was almost twice the result previous year. In the first two months of 2019, the bank managed to earn 416.8 million rubles.

Supervisory Board: Konstantin Noskov (chairman), Andrey Kostin, Pekka Viljakainen, Anatoly Pechatnikov, Vladimir Salakhutdinov, Dmitry Rudenko, Vladimir Levykin, Dmitry Pyanov, Nikolay Podguzov.

Governing body: Dmitry Rudenko (Chairman, President), Georgy Gorshkov, Elena Mokhnacheva, Svyatoslav Emelyanov, Pavel Tulubiev, Anastasia Maslennikova, Natalia Strokun.

VTB-24 created a subsidiary financial structure Leto Bank for providing retail services. The main activity of the bank is cash lending, consumer express lending and credit cards. From submitting an application to receiving the money by the client, it will take from a few minutes to one day.

Consumer cash loans

Leto Bank is loyal to borrowers; money will be issued to citizens of the Russian Federation: men aged 21–65 years and women aged 18–70 for any purpose.

The bank will need a passport with permanent registration in any locality Russian Federation, mobile, work and other telephone number and any other document of the borrower. Pensioners under the age of 75 years (men) and 80 years (women) are offered two types of loans, extended insurance protection programs.

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To pay for the purchase of expensive items or receive money in cash at the cash register consumer loan in Leto Bank can be issued within 2–3 hours. It has a variety of lending programs, great opportunities for borrowers to change rates, payment terms, and insure risks.

With falling interest rate

A uniform reduction in the rate from the initial 49.9% to the final amount of 9.9% in the event that the borrower properly fulfills its obligations under the contract is carried out:

  • monthly, if the amount 20 thousand rubles, loan term 5 month;
  • every 2 months when lending for 10 months in total 50 thousand roubles.;
  • every 3 month with loan amount 100 thousand rubles, and period 15 months

Super bet

Any respectable borrower at the “Super Summer” and “Super Profi” tariffs will be able to receive a reward from the bank under the special “Super Rate” program. All that is required is to make payments regularly throughout the entire term of the contract.

  • According to the tariff " Super summer» the super rate begins to apply after six months of the loan 15–100 thousand roubles. for a period of 6 before 24 months (decreases by 10% ) and after a year with a loan from 100 before 300 thousand roubles. for a period of 6–48 months (decreases by 10% ).
  • For borrowers at the rate " Superpro» it is possible to reduce to 19,9% rate after a year of perfect settlement of debts when borrowing 50–500 thousand roubles. from a year to 4 years under 29,9%.

The lender will transfer the entire benefit amount to the borrower at the end of the loan term.

Super Pro

To increase the loan amount and reduce the interest rate, you can use this tariff. Additional documents can be obtained at a rate 29,9% before 500 thousand roubles. for up to 4 years.

To do this you will need:

  • provide the bank with the employer’s TIN;
  • work in one (last) place for at least 9 month;
  • present pension certificate and allow the use of personal account data in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • have no more 2 repaid loans from other organizations.

Super summer

Upon presentation of additional documents, the same as for the “Superprofi” tariff, the bank will issue a loan:

  • from 15 before 100 thousand roubles. on 6–24 months under 49,9% ;
  • from 100 before 300 thousand roubles. on 6–48 months under 39,9%.

To withdraw cash

It is very easy to borrow and receive cash at Leto Bank. To do this, it is convenient to use two programs: “Summer-Pro” and “Summer-Money”, each of them has its own advantages.

Summer is money

There are two offers for this tariff, differing in the amount, loan period and annual rate.

  • For a period of six months to two years under 49,9% borrow from 15 before 100 thousand roubles.
  • From 100 before 300 thousand roubles. can be borrowed for a period of six months to 4 years at rate 39,9%.

The requirements for borrowers and the list of documents are usual: you need a passport, mobile and work phone numbers, any other document (foreign passport, military ID, driver’s license, car registration certificate, military or ordinary pensioner ID, real estate certificate, bank card).

Summer pro

At this rate, a client working for 9 or more months in one organization will be given from 50 before 500 thousand roubles. for a period from one year to 4 years at rate 29,9%.

Additionally, you will need the TIN of the employing organization, SNILS, consent to use personal account data in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and no more than two outstanding loans from other banks.

Comparison table of programs

Program Amount, thousand rubles Duration, months Rate, per annum %
Countdown (declining rate) 20 5 monthly decrease from 49.9 to 9.9
50 10 decrease every 2 months. from 49.9 to 9.9
100 15 decrease every 3 months. from 49.9 to 9.9
Super bet 15–100 6–24 reduction in the rate for the “Super Summer” tariff after six months of regular payments under the contract (from 49.9 to 39.9)
100–300 6–48 reduction in the rate for the “Super Summer” tariff after a year of regular payments (from 39.9 to 29.9)
50–500 12–48 reduction in the rate for the “Superprofi” tariff after a year of regular payments (from 29.9 to 19.9)
Super summer 15–100 6–24 49,9
100–300 6–48 39,9
Superpro 5–500 12–48 29,9
Summer money 15–100 6–24 49,9
100–300 6–48 39,9
Summer pro 50–500 12–48 29,9
Harvest summer 11,9%
(for pensioners)
50 24 23.9 (first year), 17.9 (next 6 months), 11.9 (last 6 months)
Harvest summer (for pensioners) 30–100 6–24 24,9

Purchases on credit

Making purchases on credit with Leto Bank is convenient and easy. To do this, just select the product you like in the bank’s partner store, issue a statement and contact the bank.

Within a few hours, the loan for the purchase will be issued, the money will be transferred to the seller, and the buyer will receive the goods. The loan will be issued in the amount of 3 to 300 thousand rubles. for a period of 3 to 24 months. at a rate of 8.26–69.9%.

You can purchase goods using Leto Bank credit funds in the online store. Having chosen the product you like on the website of the bank’s partner store, you need to contact the bank, select a tariff and draw up an agreement in a few minutes.

The bank has developed several options for lending for purchases, differing in the size of the down payment, rate, and debt payment period.

Leto Bank tariffs for purchases in stores and online

Rate Amount, thousand rubles Down payment amount, % Debt repayment period, months. Bid, %
Credits for purchases in stores
I choose 3–300 0-90 3–24 39,9
0–0–6 0 6 13,66
0–0–10 10 13,52
0–0–12 12 11,36
0–0–18 24 9,14
0–0–24 24 9,14
+ 30–300 0–90 6–36 29,9
Mobile 3–50 10–50 3–18 59,9
1% 3–300 0–40 6–24, multiple of 2 19,49–34,29
Loans for purchases in online stores-partners of Leto Bank
I choose 3–100 0–90 3–24 55,9
I choose@yu+ 30–150 0–90 6–36 39,9
M@bilny 3–50 10–50 3–18 64,9


Decor loan agreement takes some time, despite the favorable terms of the consumer loan at Leto Bank. An alternative to various cash lending and payment programs can be credit cards that the bank issues for any purpose and goods.

Credit cards

It is convenient to use Leto Bank credit funds using Leto credit cards Visa Platinum and Visa. Limit for "Summer card" 5–15 thousand rubles, under 0% for any operations within 2 month, for the “Summer-card Element” limit from 20 before 100 thousand roubles. under 19,9% to pay for services and goods.

Advantages and disadvantages

Leto Bank is a young organization created by the international financial group VTB. The Bank specializes in retail services to individuals, namely in issuing consumer loans cash, credit cards and installments.

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The Bank's main strategy is to make loans affordable both in price and in quality. The Bank already has several consumer lending programs in its arsenal, which are focused on the different needs of clients and the different social status of borrowers.

Lending terms

You can take out a consumer loan from Leto Bank in the amount from 15,000 to 500,000 rubles. Loan term from 6 months to 4 years.

Interest rates depend on the amount, loan term and the program itself. Minimum interest rate loan - 9.9% per annum, maximum - 49.9%.

Funds are provided for any needs; their intended use is not monitored.

A minimum package of documents is required for registration. The bank does not require collateral or guarantees.

For the convenience of clients and their additional protection, the Bank offers several related products and services.

These include borrower insurance. This service is activated at the request of the client and can be canceled at any time upon his request.

The essence of insurance is that upon the occurrence of an insured event, the debt to the Bank will be repaid by the insurance company.

The following insurances can be issued to the client:

  • Standard program. Straightforward cases: death, loss of ability to work (1-2 disability groups). For this service, the client pays a monthly insurance premium of 0.99% of the loan amount;
  • Plus program. Insurance cases: death, involuntary loss of work, disability of 1-2 groups. The monthly commission for this program is 1.19%.

The Bank demonstrates its loyalty to customers by giving borrowers the opportunity to change the terms of existing loans themselves.

These useful services include:

  • possibility of changing the payment date. The client can change the monthly payment date once a year. The cost of the service is 190 rubles;
  • possibility of reducing the monthly payment. This can only be done once during the entire term of the contract. As a result, it is recalculated, the monthly payment is reduced, and the term increases proportionally. The Countdown program is not connected to this service;
  • possibility of repaying the loan automatically. For only 29 rubles per payment, the client can activate one-time or regular loan repayment from any card of another bank.

Everyone wants to get a consumer loan for favorable conditions. Therefore, we decided to tell you where and how this can be done. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of such loans.

Do you want to get a consumer loan for a period of 10 years? All the information you need is located.

To apply for a loan online you need to take just three steps:

  1. Application. The application is filled out on the Bank's website. All reliable data must be entered into it. This will reduce the likelihood of being denied a loan.
  2. OK. The decision on lending is made within 10-15 minutes based on the borrower’s scoring assessment.
  3. Receipt. After approval, the client can receive funds at any nearest branch of the Bank.

Information on the conditions for granting, using and returning a consumer loan under the “Consumer Loan” program for the products “Summer-Money”, “Super Summer”, “Summer Pro”, “Super Pro”, “Countdown”, you will find in the document, download which, you can by .

Types of consumer loans from Bank Leto

The Bank's programs are developed taking into account the interests of all categories of borrowers and are aimed at making loans profitable and not burdensome. 7 programs are offered to clients, 2 of which are aimed exclusively at pensioners.

Leto Bank lending programs

The name of the program Bid, % Amount, rubles Duration, months Special conditions
Countdown 9,9 – 49,9 100000 5-15 20,000 rubles for 5 months - the rate decreases by 10% every month; 50,000 rubles for 10 months - by 10% every 2 months; 100,000 rubles for 15 months - by 10% every 3 months.
Super Summer 100 49.9 Super bet 39.9 15000-100000 6-24 If the client has not been late and has made at least 6 monthly payments, then upon final repayment of the loan the Bank returns the difference between the interest paid and the interest accrued at the super rate (- 10% of the base rate).
Super Summer 300 39.9 Super bet 29.9 100001-300000 6-48 The conditions are similar to the Super Summer 100 program, but the minimum number of monthly payments is 12.
Super Pro 29.9 Super bet 19.9 50000-500000 12-48 The conditions are similar to the Super Summer 300 program.
Summer-money 100 49,9 15000-100000 6-24 The loan provides the opportunity to withdraw cash without commission.
Summer-money 300 39,9 100001-300000 6-48 The conditions are similar to the Summer Money 100 program
Summer Pro 29,9 50000-500000 12-48 A convenient loan for those who plan to withdraw cash. There is no commission for withdrawals from ATMs of partner banks.
Harvest Summer up to 11.9% 29,9-11,9 50000 24 Loan for pensioners. If the client does not allow delays, credit rate decreases every 6 months by 6%.
Harvest Summer 24,9 30000-100000 6-24 Loan for pensioners. Funds are provided on the card payment system Visa.

Interest rate

The bank offers fairly loyal rates for its programs. The size of the rates depends on the program itself, on the loan term and on the amount.

The maximum cost of funds will be 49.9% per annum. If the client does not default and makes monthly payments in full, then under some programs he receives a reduction in the interest rate. Its minimum threshold can be 9.9% per annum.

If the client violates the terms of the loan agreement and is late, then, according to the Bank’s tariffs, he must pay a penalty in the amount of 20% per annum of the amount of the overdue loan and interest on it.

It should be noted that almost all loans are provided to the Bank card of the Visa payment system.

Cash withdrawals from the Bank's ATMs occur without commissions, but in other cases the client will have to pay 3% of the withdrawal amount, but not less than 300 rubles (except for special programs focused on cash withdrawals).

Non-cash payments by card and payments on the Internet are not charged for all programs.

Video: When can you take out a loan?

List of documents

Funds under any of the programs are provided without collateral and without guarantees.

To apply for a loan, the Bank requires the following documents:

  1. Main document. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent registration. The bank does not require registration in the region where the loan is provided. For the Super Pro and Summer Pro programs, you will need to provide the employer’s TIN and SNILS.
  2. Additional document. The client must provide one of the documents offered by the bank:
  • international passport;
  • Russian driver's license;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate housing stock or about vehicle registration;
  • military identification card;
  • pension certificate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • personalized bank card another bank (with the cardholder's name embossed).

Requirements for a potential borrower

The loan can be obtained by clients, citizens of the Russian Federation, who have reached 18 years of age for women and 21 years of age for men, but not older than 70 and 65 years, respectively.

The potential borrower must have permanent registration. You must provide your mobile and work phone numbers.

For the Summer Pro and Super Pro programs, the mandatory requirements are at least 9 months of work experience in the last place and the presence of no more than 2 current loan agreements with other banks (credit cards are allowed).

Maximum and minimum amount

According to various programs, a consumer loan can be obtained from Leto Bank from 15,000 to 500,000 rubles. The final loan amount will depend on financial condition the borrower and his solvency. Monthly payment cannot exceed 40% of the client’s monthly budget.

Application processing time

Leto Bank very quickly reviews applications and makes lending decisions. Filling out the application online will take the client no more than 15 minutes.

The consideration itself depends on the amount of the loan. If the desired amount up to 300,000 rubles, then making a decision will not take more than an hour. For loans over 300,000 rubles– the decision is made within 1 business day after submitting all necessary documents.

Loan payments

Paying off Leto Bank loans is simple and convenient. Without commissions and additional fees, you can make payments through ATMs and at the Bank’s customer centers, under an agreement, from a Bank card or using a barcode.

In this case, the funds will be credited to your account on the same day. You can also pay for the agreement in MTS stores, in Elexnet terminals, at VTB24 ATMs, through the Rapida, QIWI, CyberPlat payment systems.

Non-cash payments are accepted from Visa payment system cards and accounts of other banks. It is possible to connect one-time or regular repayments from cards of other banks.

The Client may at any time make an early full or partial repayment a loan with debt recalculation and a reduction in the number of monthly payments.

For calculation exact amount at early repayment You must contact the Bank's contact center.

Enrollment deadlines must be taken into account Money. If the method chosen by the client assumes that the money will arrive in the loan account within 3 banking days, then it is better to make the payment taking into account this time, since otherwise the Bank will charge a penalty for late payment.

Pros and cons of the bank

The main advantages of cooperation with this bank are:

  • transparency of tariffs;
  • speed of decision making;
  • convenient loan programs;
  • Bank loyalty;
  • minimum package of documents;
  • lack of collateral and guarantees;
  • minimum requirements for borrowers.

"Leto Bank" is an institution renamed "Pochta Bank". It is a subsidiary of VTB 24 Bank and Russian Post.

The financial institution specializes in providing a wide range of services to individuals and legal entities. The organization's branch network is distributed on the basis of Russian Post branches.

The main source of funding is funds from VTB 24.

The institution's strategy is to make loans the most accessible both in cost and in the format of provision. Today, the bank offers several programs focused on the needs of clients of various categories.

Basic lending conditions

When submitting an online application for a loan at Leto Bank, you must familiarize yourself with the basic conditions that apply to all offered products:

Limits from 15,000 to 500,000 rubles;
Loan term from 6 months to 4 years;
Rates from 9.9 to 49.9% (their size depends on the amount, term and loan program).

Loans are provided for any need. The client will not need to report where he spent the funds. For registration, it is enough to provide a minimum package of documents. The need for collateral and surety is eliminated.

When filling out an online loan application at Leto Bank, it is worth considering related products and services created for the convenience and protection of customers. For example, an institution offers to use insurance.

This service can be canceled at any time upon the client’s first request, and its essence is that if an insured event occurs, the loan will be paid by the insurance company.

Insurance includes two programs:

"Standard". For it you will need to pay a monthly insurance premium of 0.99% of the loan amount. Insured events: loss of ability to work and death;
"Plus". The monthly commission will be 1.19%, and insured events include: disability of 1-2 groups, involuntary loss of work and death.

The customer loyalty program also includes the following features:

Change of payment date. Once a year, the client can change the time of payment of the debt for a nominal fee - 190 rubles;
Reduced monthly payment. This service is available only once during the entire loan period;
Automatic loan repayment. The cost of the service is 29 rubles. Thanks to it, you can activate automatic (one-time or regular) loan repayment from a card of any bank.

What loans can be taken from Leto Bank using an online application?

For your clients financial institution prepared immediately 9 credit products, which differ from each other in parameters:

"Countdown". Under this program you can receive from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles for a period of 5 to 15 months. The rate is set at individually and depends on the amount and term of the loan;

"Super Summer 100". The loan limit is 100,000 rubles, and minimum amount– 15,000 rubles. The loan is issued for 6-24 months. The initial rate is 49.9%. However, if the client has regularly paid the loan for 6 months, then 10 percentage points are subtracted from the rate for the remaining period;

"Super Summer 300". The program should be used by citizens who need an amount from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles. The loan rate is 39.9% (it is reduced under the same conditions as for “Super Summer 100”). Loan terms – 6-48 months;

"Super Pro". A loan with a limit of up to 500,000 rubles is issued for a period of 12 to 48 months. The rate is 29.9%. It can be reduced by 10% if the same conditions are met as for the “Super Summer 100” and “Super Summer 300” loans;

"Summer Money 100". This product will allow you to issue from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles for 6-24 months. Rate – fixed – 49.9%;

"Summer Money 300". The program limit is 300,000 rubles. Terms – from 6 to 48 months. The rate is 39.9%;

"Summer Pro". The loan is issued in an amount from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles. Maximum term– 48 months. Rate 29.9%;

"Harvest summer for pensioners." A loan in the amount of 50,000 rubles is issued for 24 months. With correct payment, bonuses apply to reduce the rate from 29.9% to 11.9%;

"Harvest Summer" This is another loan for retirees with a fixed rate of 24.9%. The amount varies from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles. The terms are 6-24 months. The loan is credited to Visa card.

Client requirements and list of documents

Focusing on the convenience of borrowers, Leto Bank has reduced the number of requirements and the number of papers required in order to take advantage of financial support. So, citizens can contact the bank Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority.

For women, the age limit is set at 18-70 years, and for men – 21-65 years.

The client must have permanent registration in the region where the institution’s office is located. A minimum of 9 months of experience is required. The bank also pays attention to solvency and requires that at the time of filing the application the applicant has no more than two open loans with third-party organizations.

The following documents will be required for lending:
Additional document confirming identity;
Documents for mortgaged property, if a secured loan is issued.

How to submit an online loan application at Leto Bank?

Applying for a loan will take a minimum of time. It involves just 3 steps:

Application. It is filled out on the official website of the bank. You must provide reliable information in the application form, since the slightest mistake can cause a refusal;
OK. The decision from the institution will be made within 10-15 minutes. Scoring check promotes efficiency;
Receipt. Immediately after approval and signing of the agreement, you can pick up the money at the nearest branch of the institution.

To repay the loan, you can use one of the most convenient ways: via ATMs, from credit card, in MTS communication stores or the Eleksnet terminal, at VTB 24 ATMs, through the Qiwi, Rapida payment systems, as well as from the accounts of other banks. As you can see, online loan payment at Leto Bank is not provided.

A simplified cooperation scheme saves time and also significantly increases the number regular customers"Summer Bank".

If you contact Leto Bank, you can choose a consumer loan according to your needs. Wide product line was developed taking into account the demand for loan programs, and decisions on applications are made quite quickly. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the terms of the loan.

Types of consumer loans at Leto Bank

Before contacting Leto Bank, you need to study the consumer loan thoroughly and select the necessary parameters correctly. In 2014 the bank offers the following types non-targeted loans:




Interest rate,

% per annum

Amount of credit,

thousand roubles.


15-300 thousand rubles.

Super Summer

15-300 thousand rubles.

Summer Pro

50-500 thousand rubles.

Super Pro

50-500 thousand rubles.


20-100 thousand rubles.

* - see the next chapter detailed analysis product

Loan products with the word “Super” in their name enable the borrower to receive a “Super Rate” (indicated in parentheses in the table). If the client has not committed a single violation during the entire period of the loan (delays of up to 5 days are possible), then the bank recalculates the interest for the entire period at the “Super Rate” and returns the difference to the borrower. These same products allow you to get free cash at the bank's cash desk. For other loans, cash withdrawals are subject to a commission of 3% of the loan amount, which is added to the loan body. For all loans it is possible to order a free transfer credit funds to a plastic card.

Borrower insurance is voluntary. If the client wants to take part in the insurance program, then he has a choice of the following two packages:

Let's understand the "Countdown"

One of the types of consumer loans at Leto Bank is “Countdown”. This is a loan that can be issued for a period of 5, 10 or 15 months, in the amount of 20, 50 and 100 thousand rubles, respectively. If the borrower makes timely loan payments, the rate is periodically reduced. The loan term is divided into five equal periods, and each of them has its own rate. Visually it looks like this:

Loan amount, rub.

Loan term, months

Rate 49.9% per annum

Rate 39.9% per annum

Rate 29.9% per annum

Rate 19.9% ​​per annum

Rate 9.9% per annum

1st month 2nd month 3rd month 4th month 5th month
1-2 months 3-4 months 5-6 months 7-8 months 9-10 months
1-3 months 4-6 months 7-9 months 10-12 months 13-15 months

It is difficult for an unprepared person to navigate such a variety of numbers. But you can simplify the task. To do this, on the Leto Bank website you need to use loan calculator and calculate the overpayment on the loan. The calculation will make it possible to calculate the effective rate taking into account all the costs of the loan. So that you do not waste time, we will immediately present the results of approximate calculations:

Loan amount, rub.

Loan term, months

Effective rate without insurance,

% per annum

Effective rate taking into account “Standard” insurance,

% per annum

Effective rate taking into account “Plus” insurance,

% per annum

Additional services for credit products

Within credit programs The following additional services are provided:

Name of service


Commission, rub.

I am changing the payment date available once every 12 months and allows the borrower to delay or bring forward the payment date by 15 days
I am reducing the payment Once during the entire term of the loan agreement, you can reduce the amount of the monthly payment by extending the payment period

Not provided

I'm missing a payment You can skip a payment once during the entire term of the loan agreement by increasing the payment term

Not provided

Early repayment with reduced payment When depositing an amount greater than regular payment, recalculation is made and the amount of monthly payments is reduced

Not provided

Early repayment with reduced term If you deposit an amount greater than the regular payment, a recalculation is made and the loan repayment period is reduced

Not provided

One-time loan repayment Funds are debited automatically on a predetermined date
Regular auto loan repayment Funds are debited automatically from another bank’s card according to a schedule

29 (for each operation)

Consumer loan for pensioners

Bank "Leto" is one of the few credit institutions that offer special programs for lending to pensioners. The standard product “Harvest Summer” offers a loan from 30 to 100 thousand rubles for a period of 6 to 24 months. The rate for this product is 24.9% per annum.

Pensioners can also take out a “Harvest Summer 11.9%” loan, which is issued in the amount of 50 thousand rubles for 24 months. The initial rate is set at 29.9% per annum, and every 6 months it decreases by 6 percentage points. up to 11.9% in the last six months. The effective rate on this loan excluding insurance is 24% per annum.