A report on the inspection of foundation soils and a sample of filling. Pit survey

All pits are subject to inspection, which is carried out by geological specialists. After the inspection procedure, the pit is accepted by a special commission; the customer or his representative must take part in this process. The survey is carried out in order to determine the compliance of technical indicators between the already excavated soil and established plan based on data obtained during geological research. A positive certificate of acceptance of a pit is an act confirming that the pit has passed the inspection. Four copies of the inspection report are made.

One copy is received by each organization taking part in the soil quality survey process (contractors, geologists, organizations that carried out geotechnical control and designer's supervision).

Survey work foundation soils pits carried out in the first stages of construction, when necessary confirmation of results engineering and geological surveys. A geologist’s visit to the site is usually necessary to compile act hidden work according to IGASN form No. 8/99.

To this form soil data is entered, forming the foundation of the pit; about groundwater levels, and about planning marks surfaces and design elevations of the pit bottom. When phased development of the pit, description and activation is underway in sections with mandatory indication certain axes within which soil sampling was carried out.

In case of soil inconsistency basis for the research results given the act allows react in a timely manner and correct, with the participation of designer supervision, design solutions.

When drawing up an act must have in the commission representatives of the technical customer, designer's supervision and responsible manufacturer of the work. The act is drawn up in at least 4 copies and signed by each member of the commission. After signing act, each the sample will be sealed the organization that carried out the inspection.

Specifics of the examination procedure

The initial stage of the survey is a visit to the territory where the pit is located by a specialist in the field of geology. The geologist gets acquainted with the dug pit and gives a description of the soil; the soil on the walls of the pit is examined.

In order to clarify the new indicators and detail them, data from an official technical report compiled during previous studies is used.

The dimensions of the pit and the actual location of the layers are taken into account. The quality of the soil must correspond to the section shown in the plan. A special commission, based on the project information, determines the possibility of installing the foundation at the marks given in the project or makes certain changes depending on the circumstances.

A visual inspection of the dug pit is made by a specialist in the field of geology. The geologist also gives a description of the open ground on the walls of the pit. And based on these descriptions, it carries out an inspection of the soil quality.

A specialist in the field of geology compares the data obtained with the information presented in the report made on the basis of geological research.

Having completed the entire range of relevant work, the geologist leaves a report confirming that the pit has been surveyed. The inspection report provides a description of the exposed soil and indicates the location groundwater, if they are. An analysis is carried out of how real indicators correspond to those stated in the project, and other information of an additional nature.

The base surface must be dry - this is important during the inspection procedure. Very often, geological surveys to survey a pit encounter certain difficulties.

If research is carried out in a city, difficulties arise that are technogenic in nature: in the process of digging a new pit, parts of the foundations of old buildings and areas of technogenic soil are encountered. In this situation, there is a need for additional soil sampling and its careful study in order to explore the area of ​​future construction as much as possible.

If the results of a control study of the soil were obtained with large discrepancies with the standards established in the project, additional studies are carried out in this area. The scope of these studies must be sufficient to make the necessary changes to the project. This recommendation must be followed, otherwise differences will cause changes to the decisions established in the plan, and soils about which there is no data in the technical report will have to be opened.

The inspection procedure is considered completed after a certificate is received indicating that the inspection work has been carried out.

What is included in the inspection documentation

The inspection documentation consists of several parts:

- drawing of the pit;

— a journal in which all work performed and author’s control are recorded;

— evidence of geodetic division of the pit;

— certificates of work of a hidden nature (soil properties, backfill composition, bearing capacity of the soil);

- an act confirming the inspection of the pit.

Why is the examination carried out?

Pit inspection is a control procedure.

The inspection of the pit is carried out in order to assess the work performed and determine the safety of the pit during its use.

The survey is carried out at the initial stage of construction. This makes it possible to identify and eliminate defects that may negatively affect the operational properties of the structure. Once construction begins, this will no longer be possible.

Own copy the act is kept in the archive companies, at least 5 years.

The first stage of construction of buildings and other engineering structures is excavation work to create a foundation pit. This is an important element of the building, therefore, in order to ensure that all construction standards have been met, a survey of the pit is carried out, the purpose of which is to collect data for the commission that officially accepts the work and confirms the readiness of the pit for further construction operations. Our company, Geotop Engineering, has specialists who can comprehensively and competently assess the condition of a pit for any purpose in Moscow and the Moscow region.

What are the main criteria for excavation inspection?

The documented results of our activities - the excavation inspection report - takes into account the various characteristics of the excavation being examined. Our inspection team includes both qualified surveyors and experienced geologists. This is explained by the fact that the inspection and acceptance certificate for the pit provides for a control check not only geometric parameters(depth, shape), but also engineering-geological examination of the bottom of the pit and its walls. It is necessary for us to confirm that the indicators of the actually exposed soil layers correspond to the geological characteristics that were expected based on the results of pre-design engineering studies of the land plot.

Important! Our timely inspection of pits in Moscow and the Moscow region quite often reveals unexpected problems that can complicate further construction works and jeopardize the stability of buildings under construction. Fortunately, thanks to the timely information received from us, correcting the situation at this stage of construction is not difficult and does not require huge financial costs.

Geodetic issues included in the excavation inspection report

As part of our team carrying out the inspection of the pit, the presence of a geodetic engineer is necessary, since a number of questions, the answers to which are provided by the inspection of the excavation of the pits and the survey of soils, require accurate geodetic measurements. During the inspection process we establish:

  • heights of ground surface marks on the boundaries of the pit;
  • the exact depth of the pit bottom, the presence of deviations from its design plane;
  • correct leveling and marking of the leveling benchmark;
  • compliance of the parameters of the foundation pit (sheet piling) with the project;
  • geometric dimensions of the recess.

As appendices to the act, we draw up an executive plan with the axes of the construction project marked on it, transverse and longitudinal profiles, and a diagram of the development of the embedded fastening. The collected information, on the basis of which we draw up a pit inspection report, allows us to determine whether the inspected pit is suitable for its intended use, or whether it needs to be improved in order to more closely match the project and avoid complications when laying the foundation.

Important! Among other things, during the inspection process we identify factors that are dangerous for builders working in the pit (inadequate fastening, excessive steepness of slopes, etc.), thereby helping to increase the level of industrial safety at the construction site.

Why is a geological survey of the pit bottom necessary?

The main task of our geologists is to compare the soils exposed during the excavation of the pit with the information presented in the technical report based on the results of pre-design geotechnical surveys. All conclusions and comments of our company’s specialists are included in the soil inspection report for the foundation pit. Familiarization with the pit excavated to the design depth and inspection of the rocks exposed in its slopes allows for the most reliable and detailed assessment of the engineering-geological situation. After all, no matter how accurate the methods used in the process of preliminary research were, such a complete picture underground space, which we can observe while inside the pit, they are not able to provide.

Attention! In the capital and many cities of the Moscow region, where it is not uncommon to find earthworks ah fragments of the cultural layer (archaeological strata) or technogenic formations (local accumulations of bulk soil, unauthorized dumped waste, areas that have long been out of order underground communications, foundations) inspection of pits by our representatives is especially important.

Survey methods used by geologists to draw up an inspection report of the foundation pit soils

The very first method with which we begin examining an open pit is a visual inspection of its walls and bottom. Our geological engineer performs careful and detailed description rocks exposed as a result of excavation work. We then carefully compare this description with the corresponding section of the engineering-geological report for the site being built. If we identify significant discrepancies in the description of some soil layers or discover engineering-geological elements that have not previously been encountered by surveyors, we move on to a more in-depth study of the soils of the pit. We carry out additional sampling and laboratory research. The number of sampling points that we outline depends on the number of identified problem areas. If geological information needs to be clarified at the bottom of a pit, then we use equipment for field testing of soils in their natural occurrence (stamping devices, penetration probes). Using such methods, it is possible to obtain information about bearing capacity soil base under the foundation, without resorting to laboratory tests.

Attention! Sometimes the difference in the descriptions of soils made by the performers of the survey engineering-geological report and our specialists drawing up the excavation inspection report is due to the subjective characteristics of the perception of a particular geologist (for example, the indicated shades of rock color may differ). Discrepancies of this type do not affect conclusions about the strength qualities of the foundation; we consider them insignificant and do not entail consequences.

Geological information that is included in the inspection report of the pit bottom

The following geological data must be included in the inspection report of the foundation pit.

On the website https://vsn012-88.ru


under ________________________________________________________________________

"__" _____________________ 200_

Commission consisting of: ________________________________________________________________


(positions, surnames, first names, patronymics)

acting on the basis of ___________________________________________________



participating in admission or for rights according to position,


presented in the prescribed manner)

carried out a survey of the pit under ___________________________________


The commission was presented with:

  1. 1. Working drawings of the foundation, fencing and fastening of the pit No. ___________

developed by ______________________________________________________________

(name of organizations)


with drawings showing deviations from the design made during the construction process and agreed upon with the design organization ________________________


  1. 2. Work log No. __________________________________________________________
  2. 3. Journal No. _____________________________________________________ author's supervision
  3. 4. List of permanent benchmarks and act No. _______________________ geodetic breakdown ___________________________________________________________________






After reviewing the documents presented and checking the work performed in kind, the commission established:

  1. 1. Marking the natural ground surface at the pit _______________________
  2. 2. The pit is dug to the mark _____________________________________________

at the design elevation ______________________________________________________________

  1. 3. Leveling was carried out from benchmark No. _____________________________ mark

which _______________________________________ (in the marks adopted in the project)

  1. 4. The pit has a sheet piling (mortgage fastening) made of __________________________________________ driven to a depth from the bottom of the pit

from ___________ m to ____________ m with a driving depth according to the project ____________ m;

Marking the top of the fence ___________________________________________________

Compliance with the design and condition of the fence ___________________________________

(indicate deviations in the position of the tongue,


fastenings on the top and ground surface marks,


the presence of all strapping and spacers; quality of connections,


closed contour of the tongue in plan, etc.)

  1. 5. The bottom dimensions of the pit in plan with the design axes and foundation plan are given in Appendix No. _______________________ to this act
  2. 6. Water mark (outside the pit on the date of drawing up the report) ______________________


  1. 7. Elevation of the working water horizon adopted in the project _______________________
  2. 8. Drainage intensity __________________________________________ m 3 /hour
  3. 9. The soil at the bottom of the pit consists of _____________________________________________



and lies below the pit, according to drilling data (pitting) to a depth of ____ m, after which it goes ____________________________________________________________



  1. 10. Data on key silencing _____________________________________________________


  1. 11. Results of tests of soil bearing capacity ________________________




The design resistance of a given soil foundation can be taken _____

Kg/cm 2, with _______________________ kg/cm 2 adopted in the project

The commission decided:

  1. 1. The work was carried out in accordance with the project, standards, building codes and rules and meet the requirements for their acceptance.

Works submitted for acceptance were accepted with a quality assessment __________________



  1. 2. Allow the laying of the foundation at mark _______________________________


(in the marks adopted in the project)



  1. 1. Design and executive plan of the pit with reference to the axes of the structure.
  2. 2. Longitudinal and transverse sections along the foundation pit with design and actual marks.
  3. 3. Results of control drilling or trenching from “__” _____________ 200_.

with the application of geological data specified in the project.

  1. 4. Certificate of testing the bearing capacity of the foundation soil.
  2. 5. Reaming the sheet piling.
  3. 6. Sheet piling log.

Signatures: ___________________________________


under ___________________

___"______________________19 ___g.

Commission consisting of:______


(positions, surnames, first names, patronymics)

acting on the basis of__________________________________________



participating in admission or for rights according to position,


presented in the prescribed manner)

carried out a survey of the pit under __________________


The commission was presented with:

1. Working drawings of the foundation, fencing and fastening of the pit No. _______ developed by __________________________________

(name of organizations)


with drawings indicating deviations from the design made during the construction process and agreed upon with the design organization _______________________________________________________________


2. Work log No. _______________________________________

3. Journal No. ____________________________ author’s supervision

4. List of permanent benchmarks and act No. ________ geodetic breakdown _____________________________________






After reviewing the documents presented and checking the work performed in kind, the commission established:

1. Marking the natural ground surface at the pit _______


2. The pit is dug to the mark ____________________________

at the design elevation _____________________________________________

3. Leveling was carried out from benchmark No. _____________________,

whose mark is ________________ (in the marks adopted in the project)

4. The pit has a sheet piling fence (mortgage fastening) made of ________________________________ driven to a depth from the bottom of the pit from ___________m to ___________m with a driving depth according to the project of _____________ m; mark of the top of the fence _________________________________________________

Compliance with the design and condition of the fence ___________________

(indicate deviations in the position of the tongue,


fastenings on the top and ground surface marks,


the presence of all strapping and spacers; quality of connections,


closed contour of the tongue in plan, etc.)

5. The bottom dimensions of the pit in plan with the design axes and foundation plan are given in Appendix No. _________ to this act.

6. Water mark (outside the pit on the date of drawing up the report) _______

7. The elevation of the working water horizon adopted in the project ________

8. Drainage intensity ___________________________ m3/hour

9. The soil at the bottom of the pit consists of _________________________





and lies below the pit, according to drilling data (pitting) to a depth of _____ m, after which it goes ______________________________





10. Data on key silencing ____________________________

11. Results of tests of soil bearing capacity _________




The calculated resistance of a given soil foundation can be taken as _____________________ kg/cm 2, with _____________________ kg/cm 2 adopted in the project

The commission decided:

1. The work was carried out in accordance with the project, standards, building codes and regulations and meets the requirements for their acceptance.

Works submitted for acceptance were accepted with a quality assessment ___


2. Allow the laying of the foundation at level ________________


(in the marks adopted in the project)



1. Design and executive plan of the pit with reference to the axes of the structure.

2. Longitudinal and transverse sections along the foundation pit with design and actual marks.

3. Results of control drilling or trenching from "___ _____ ______19__ with geological data specified in the project.

4. Certificate of testing the bearing capacity of the foundation soil.

5. Reaming the sheet piling.

6. Sheet piling log.

Signatures: ________________________________




1. Test drilling or trenching to a depth of at least 4 m below the level of the base of the foundation is carried out when accepting a pit for the supports of large and medium-sized bridges. In this case, monitoring wells, if there is a possibility of pressure water appearing, should be laid outside the pit.

2. When laying a foundation on a rock and in the pits of small bridges and pipes, control drilling is carried out only at the special request of the acceptance committee.

3. Soil testing is carried out if there are special instructions in the project or at the request of the commission.

If necessary, representatives of the design organization, including a geologist, are involved in acceptance.

Appendix 13

Building company_____________


Construction _______________________


(name and location,


An analysis is carried out of how real indicators correspond to those stated in the project, and other information of an additional nature. The base surface must be dry - this is important during the inspection procedure. Very often, geological surveys to survey a pit encounter certain difficulties. If research is carried out in a city, difficulties arise that are technogenic in nature: in the process of digging a new pit, parts of the foundations of old buildings and areas of technogenic soil are encountered. In this situation, there is a need for additional soil sampling and its careful study in order to explore the area of ​​future construction as much as possible. If the results of a control study of the soil were obtained with large discrepancies with the standards established in the project, additional studies are carried out in this area.

Inspection of pits

When drawing up the act, it is necessary to have representatives of the Technical Customer, designer's supervision and the responsible producer of the work on the commission. The act is drawn up in at least 4 copies and signed by each member of the commission.

After signing the act, each sample will be sealed with the seal of the organization that carried out the inspection. Specifics of the inspection procedure The initial stage of the inspection is a visit to the territory where the pit is located by a specialist in the field of geology.
The geologist gets acquainted with the dug pit and gives a description of the soil; the soil on the walls of the pit is examined. In order to clarify the new indicators and detail them, data from an official technical report compiled during previous studies is used.

The dimensions of the pit and the actual location of the layers are taken into account.

Inspection of soil foundations of buildings and structures in an open pit.

We inspected an open pit for foundations for construction (name of the object) on the site at the address: (development area, block, street, building, house number) During the inspection it was established: 1. The soil at the mark of laying the foundations in the pit corresponds to the data of engineering-geological surveys and presented: 2 Groundwater was not opened when opening the pit 3.
Planning surface marks according to the project 4. The planned position of the dimensions of the building corresponds to the sketch of scale 1:500, attached to the technical report No. Mosgorgeotrest 5. Markings of the bottom of the pit are: according to the project actually 6. Construction of the foundations according to the project 7. During the excavation work encountered obstacles ( weak soils, old wells, foundations of old buildings, cesspools etc.) that require changes to the foundation design 8.

Sample certificate of inspection of foundation soils

The quality of the soil must correspond to the section shown in the plan. A special commission, based on the project information, determines the possibility of installing the foundation at the marks given in the project or makes certain changes depending on the circumstances.

A visual inspection of the dug pit is made by a specialist in the field of geology. The geologist also gives a description of the open ground on the walls of the pit.


And based on these descriptions, it carries out an inspection of the soil quality. A specialist in the field of geology compares the data obtained with the information presented in the report made on the basis of geological research.

Having completed the entire range of relevant work, the geologist leaves a report confirming that the pit has been surveyed. The inspection report provides a description of the exposed soil and indicates the location of groundwater, if any.


Quote: Message from Uncle Benz There are no initiators here.... This is an act of hidden work. There is a form of the act. The situation is as follows: the contractor did not draw up reports for the inspection of the foundation soils and does not even understand what is at stake, although there is an order about this in the project, but according to SP 45.13330.2012: 11.13.

In the foundation acceptance certificates drawn up by the geologist of the survey organization, it is necessary to: assess the compliance of the foundation soils with those provided for in the project; indicate amendments made to the design of foundations and foundations, as well as to the design of work after intermediate checks of the foundations; give recommendations for further work. 11.14.
It is allowed to carry out subsequent work on the installation of a crushed stone base for the foundation; (name of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks) Additional information The report was drawn up in 4 copies. Appendixes: as-built diagram of the device natural foundation No. 1 Representative of the developer or technical customer on issues construction control Deputy Construction Director of Megapolis CJSC Ivanov S.V. (position, surname, initials, signature) Representative of the person carrying out the construction Manager construction complex JSC "MONTAZHSTROY" Petrov T.Yu. (position, surname, initials, signature) Representative of the person carrying out construction on construction control issues Construction control engineer of ZAO MONTAZHSTROY Sidorov A.V.

Foundation soil inspection report, sample filling

All pits are subject to inspection, which is carried out by geological specialists. After the inspection procedure, the pit is accepted by a special commission; the customer or his representative must take part in this process. The survey is carried out in order to determine the compliance of technical indicators between the already excavated soil and the established plan based on data obtained during geological surveys. A positive certificate of acceptance of a pit is an act confirming that the pit has passed the inspection.

Four copies of the inspection report are made. One copy is received by each organization taking part in the soil quality survey process (contractors, geologists, organizations that carried out geotechnical control and designer's supervision).

Sample certificate of inspection of foundation soils in the Republic of Belarus

Empire LLC Aleksandrov Y.M. order No. 16 dated 02.10.2015 (position, surname, initials, details of the document on representation) as well as other representatives of the persons participating in the examination (position, surname, initials, details of the document on representation) inspected the work performed by Empire LLC » (name of the person carrying out the construction, who performed the work) and drew up this act on the following: 1. The following work was submitted for inspection: Construction of a natural foundation for the foundation in the village A-D/6-8 at elevation -2.000; (name of hidden work) 2.

The work was carried out according to project documentation project code RRTs-KDR/P-02-KZh (number, other details of the drawing, Stroyproekt LLC GIP Nikolaev A.M. name of the design documentation, information about the persons preparing the section of the design documentation) 3.

Certificate of inspection of foundation soils sample Belarus

CJSC "Megapolis" Ivanov S.V. order No. 24 of July 20, 2015 (position, surname, initials, details of the document of representation) Representative of the person carrying out the construction Head of the construction complex ZAO MONTAZHSTROY Petrov T.Yu. order No. 2 of July 20, 2015 (position, surname, initials, details of the document of representation) Representative of the person carrying out construction on construction control issues Construction engineer. control of ZAO MONTAZHSTROY Sidorov A.V. order No. 11 dated 08/18/2015 (position, surname, initials, details of the representation document) Representative of the person preparing the design documentation Design supervision engineer Mikhailov P.N., order No. 67 dated 08/01/2015 (position, surname , initials, details of the document of representation) Representative of the person who performed the work subject to inspection Ch.