A trial population census will be held in Russia this fall. Population census in Russia When is the next census

The next All-Russian population census will take place in 2020. Population information will be collected from October 1 to October 31, 2020. The corresponding order was signed in November 2017 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

It is assumed that the collection of information about Russians will take place different ways, including in electronic form. In July 2017, at a meeting on the All-Russian Population Census, Medvedev proposed conducting it both in the traditional way of door-to-door (census takers personally at home will either fill out paper sheets or enter data into a special electronic form), and remotely (citizens themselves will be able to complete the online survey via home computers, tablets and smartphones).

As Rosstat reported, the need for such an innovation is due to the experience of conducting previous censuses in 2002 and 2010. The fact is that the last time more than a million people did not let the census takers into their homes, and 2.6 million people were not at home at all at that time.

Similar experiences with Internet censuses have already taken place in other countries, for example, the USA, Canada, Estonia and Bulgaria. It also worked well in Japan, when in October 2015, residents of the Land of the Rising Sun were able to provide data about themselves and their lives using a regular smartphone.

To prepare for the 2020 census, including testing new methods of collecting information, a trial population census is being held in Russia in October 2018.

How and when will the trial census take place?

The trial population census began on October 1 and will end on October 31, 2018. It will take place in two stages.

The first stage - from October 1 to October 10 - is all-Russian, and any resident of the country can take part in it. Information is collected via the Internet; electronic census forms are filled out on the Unified Portal public services(gosuslugi.ru). To participate in the online census, you must have a verified account on this portal. One verified account is enough to register all family members.

The second stage - from October 16 to October 31 - is local, it will take place in 10 pilot districts in 9 constituent entities of Russia:

1. Elbrus municipal district Kabardino-Balkarian Republic;

2. Sviblovo North-Eastern District administrative district the city of Moscow;

3. City of Veliky Novgorod;

4. Municipal district Knyazhevo St. Petersburg;

5. City of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory;

6. Nizhneudinsky municipal district of the Irkutsk region;

7. Katangsky municipal district of the Irkutsk region;

8. Municipal district "Khangalassky ulus" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

9. Aleutsky municipal district of Kamchatka Territory;

10. Urban settlement Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Sakhalin region.

In these areas there will be a door-to-door walk-through: from October 16 to 27 - a 100% walk-through, and from October 28 to 31 - a selective control walk-through of 10% of apartments. Census workers, depending on the pilot area, will use both mobile electronic devices (tablet computers and smartphones) and traditional paper machine-readable census forms to collect information.

Residents of these areas can complete the census via the Internet on the government services portal from October 1 to October 10: in this case, the census taker will need to show a special confirmation code, which can be obtained on the website.

In addition, residents of pilot areas can register at stationary sites.

When were the previous censuses in Russia?

IN Russian Federation The All-Russian population census took place twice: in October 2002 and 2010.

The last time a large-scale census in Russia took place was from October 14 to October 25, 2010. According to its results, the country's population amounted to 142,905,200 people. Since the 2002 census, Russia has shifted in population from 7th to 8th place in the world.

Also, from October 14 to October 25, 2014, in connection with the entry of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation, a census of the Crimean federal district. The permanent population living on its territory amounted to 2284.8 thousand.

A trial population census is planned in our country in the fall of 2018. It will affect a small proportion of citizens, but if there is a desire, then almost anyone can participate in it. The trial census will be a preparation for the upcoming large population census. Trial census of Russia in 2018: who will be affected, how to participate, when will there be a big census in Russia.

Photo: pixabay.com

When will the next population census be held in Russia?

A full-scale all-Russian population census will take place in Russia in 2020 and is planned for October. From October 1 to October 31, 2020, Rosstat will clarify the number of citizens, their social status, place of residence, family status, etc.

By the time of the new census, 10 years have passed since the previous general population census was taken in Russia. 10 years is a mandatory standard in accordance with UN recommendations.

According to the results of the 2010 census, Russia had a population of 142.9 million. 74% of them lived in cities, 26% in rural areas.

Compared to the 2002 census, the 2010 census showed a decrease in the country's population by 2.3 million. The number of villages/villages decreased by approximately 8.5 thousand people. The latter is explained by enlargement settlements, in which the nearest villages are included in large cities.

In 2010, 19.4 thousand villages and hamlets existed only on paper. When the census takers arrived there, it turned out that no one lived there - everyone had left and died out.

The 2020 Census should be especially exciting for a number of reasons. First of all, it will be the first since Russia grew in area and population after its inclusion in Crimea. It will also provide a real understanding of the current socio-economic situation in the regions. After the crisis that began several years ago, this is very important.

In 2018, a rehearsal for the big general census will take place. A trial census of Russia's population will take place in October. A little more than half a million people will fall under it.

Photo: pixabay.com

Why is it needed and when will the trial population census take place in 2018?

The trial census will take place October 1-31, 2018. It is necessary to test new census methods, as well as to estimate the cost of a large census and how to optimize its costs.

One of the innovations that will be tested during the trial census in October 2018 is the opportunity to participate in the census via the Internet.

In 2016 in Russian laws We introduced this possibility, and today it is absolutely legal to fill out a census questionnaire on the Internet. Why do they use the State Services portal? Anyone with a verified account on it will have the opportunity to fill out the census questionnaire themselves.

The law adopted in 2016 and allowing participation in the census in absentia also introduced mandatory trial population censuses. The first of them is planned for October.

People who will take part in the trial census were selected using a separate method. The census will take place in 10 specially selected points in Russia - from Moscow to the Yakutsk ulus.

Photo: pixabay.com

Where will the 2018 trial population census take place?

The ten areas of the country selected for the pilot census in October 2018 are:

  1. Elbrus municipal district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic,
  2. Sviblovo district NEAD of Moscow,
  3. Veliky Novgorod urban district,
  4. Municipal district of Knyazhevo, St. Petersburg,
  5. City of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory,
  6. Nizhneudinsky municipal district of Irkutsk region,
  7. Katangsky municipal district of Irkutsk region,
  8. Municipal district "Khangalassky ulus" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
  9. Aleutsky municipal district of Kamchatka Territory,
  10. Urban settlement Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Sakhalin region.

It should be noted that not only those living in these settlements will have the opportunity to participate in the trial census. Through State Services, every person will have this opportunity.

The 1st stage of the census will take place on October 1-10: citizens will be given the opportunity to fill out the questionnaire themselves.

On October 11-15, Rosstat will create lists of addresses taking into account people who have already completed the census via the Internet.

On October 16-31, stationary sites will be opened, where people who were not reached by census takers will have the opportunity to contact them, and a door-to-door and door-to-door survey will take place. Thus, in the second half of October, the population census will be carried out in the old, usual way.

If the trial population census is considered successful, then the 2020 general census will follow the same pattern.

A trial population census will be held in Russia this fall. It will affect a small percentage of the population, although almost any resident of the country will be able to take part in it if they wish.

The trial census will be a preparation for the large population census that is being prepared soon. Population census in 2018 - who will be affected, how to take part in the trial census, when there will be a large population census in Russia.

Full-fledged All-Russian census population will pass in our country in 2020. It is scheduled for October. Throughout the month, from October 1 to October 31, 2020, Rosstat will clarify data such as the number of Russians, their social status, places of residence, family conditions, etc.

By the time of the new census, ten years will have passed since the last general population census was conducted in Russia. The ten year cycle is now mandatory norm- this is the UN recommendation for all countries of the world.

According to the results of the 2010 census, Russia had a population of 142.9 million. 74 percent of them lived in cities, 26 percent in rural areas.

Compared to the 2002 census, the 2010 campaign showed that the country's population had decreased by 2.3 million people. There are fewer villages and hamlets - by about 8.5 thousand people. The latter fact is explained by the consolidation of settlements, when the nearest villages are included in the big city.

Even more villages and hamlets - 19.4 thousand - existed only formally in 2010. When the census takers reached them, it turned out that not a single person lived there. People left there and died out.

The 2020 census should be especially interesting for many reasons. Firstly, it will be the first since Russia has grown in area and population after being included in part of neighboring Ukraine. Secondly, it will give a more realistic understanding of what the socio-economic situation looks like in each region of the country. After what began in 2014-2015. economic crisis is especially important.

In 2018, a kind of rehearsal for the future general census will take place. A trial census of Russia's population will take place in October this year. A little more than half a million Russians will fall under it.

The trial census will be carried out from October 1 to October 31, 2018. It is needed to test new ways of conducting a census, as well as to estimate the cost of a future census and ways to optimize census costs.

One of the new features that will be tested during the pilot census in October 2018 will be the ability to take part in the census via the Internet.

In 2016 in Russian legislation such an opportunity was introduced, and now filling out a census questionnaire on the Internet has become an absolutely legal option. For this purpose, the power of the State Services portal will be used. Anyone who has a confirmed Account on this portal, will be able to fill out the census questionnaire independently.

The same law that was adopted in 2016 and made it possible to participate in the census in absentia also introduced mandatory trial population censuses, reports the Ros-Registr website. The first of them will take place in October.

Citizens who will become participants in the trial census were selected using a special method. The census will take place in 10 specially selected regions of the country - from the capital to the Yakut ulus.

The ten districts of the country that were selected for the pilot census in October 2018 are as follows:

  1. Elbrus municipal district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic,
  2. Sviblovo district NEAD of Moscow,
  3. Veliky Novgorod urban district,
  4. municipal district of Knyazhevo of St. Petersburg,
  5. city ​​of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory,
  6. Nizhneudinsky municipal district of Irkutsk region,
  7. Katangsky municipal district of Irkutsk region,
  8. municipal district "Khangalassky ulus" of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
  9. Aleutsky municipal district of Kamchatka Territory,
  10. urban-type settlement Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Sakhalin region.

It is worth keeping in mind that not only residents of the listed areas will be able to take part in the trial census. Using the Gosuslugi portal, any resident of the country can do this.

The upcoming population census, which will take place in Russia in 2020, will become the most technologically advanced in history. You can fill out census forms online. This is stated in the draft government resolution published by Rosstat.

In October 2018, Rosstat should conduct a trial population census covering approximately 300 thousand people to work out methodological and organizational issues of conducting the 2020 All-Russian Population Census itself, the document says.

“Information about the population is collected using information and communication technologies,” says the draft Cabinet resolution.

The need for such an innovation is determined by the experience of conducting previous censuses in 2002 and 2010. The fact is that the last time more than a million people did not let the census takers into their homes, and 2.6 million people were not at home at all at that time.

Population census 2020 in Russia: goals and objectives

Reliable data is necessary both for the formation of budgets at all levels, adjustments interbudgetary relations, and for the justified formation of socio-economic programs.

With this innovation, the state will reduce administrative costs for conducting the census, Ivan Solovyov, Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of Russia, is confident. According to him, the advantages of Russians using the future census online service are that, having unlimited time to fill out the form, without being constrained by communication with the persons conducting the census, during off-hours a person can calmly and thoughtfully answer the questions asked. . Moreover, he can do this in any place convenient for himself, be it at home, at work or on vacation.

Population census 2020 in Russia: latest news

The Government of the Russian Federation agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development to conduct a population census in October 2020, and a pilot survey will be conducted in 2018. This is stated in the decisions published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers following a meeting on this topic, which was held on June 11 under the leadership of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The government instructed the Ministry of Economic Development to prepare and submit to the draft government resolution on conducting the All-Russian Population Census in 2020 by August 21, providing for a pilot survey (test population census) to be conducted in 2018.

All-Russian population census 2020: latest news

The next population census in Russia is scheduled for 2020. Rosstat reported in June 2017 that, according to preliminary estimates, it would require 50 billion rubles. Supervisor Federal service state statistics Alexander Surinov said that major changes will not be made to the 2010 census form, but questions will be added that will allow an objective assessment of migration, including labor migration.

In July 2017, the Russian government approved the month for the next All-Russian population census, which will be held in October 2020. The government must announce the exact date of the census by August 21, 2017.