The most skeptical people rating. Who is a skeptic and is it good to be one? Natural optimists - Boar, Horse, Ox

As US Patent Office commissioner Charles Duell said in 1899, "Everything that could be invented has already been invented." I offer a selection of statements by scientists, politicians and other influential people about scientific and technological innovations.


Emperor Napoleon of France did not trust technology, commenting on the news of Fulton's steam boat as follows: “Are you going to light a fire under the deck of the ship and thereby make it sail against the currents and winds? I'm sorry, but I don't have time for that kind of nonsense."


In 1864, Kaiser Wilhelm I came up with what he then thought was a very successful argument against steam locomotives: “No one will pay money to get from Berlin to Potsdam in one hour, because he can do the same on a horse in one day - and completely free of charge."


In 1878, the Western Union Company (Finance and Communications) circulated a memorandum among employees stating: “The so-called “telephone” has too many shortcomings and cannot be considered as an effective means of communication. It is of no interest to our firm.” At the same time, the chief engineer of the British Post Office, Sir William Preece, condescendingly remarked that "the United States needs a telephone, but we do not, because we have a lot of delivery boys."


When, in 1909, Henry Ford's lawyer decided to become part owner of his famous client's automobile company, the president of the Michigan Savings Bank warned him: “Don't do it. There will always be horses, and cars are just a novelty, a temporary fad.”


In the 18 months before the Wright brothers' flight, airplanes were criticized by the respected scientist Simon Newcomb ("They are impractical and unlikely to fly"), and the Reverend Lord Kelvin, head of the British Scientific Society, declared in 1895 that heavier-than-air aircraft were not possible at all.


All the same Lord Kelvin in 1897 "made happy" the radio, saying that he had no prospects. Partners of David Sarnoff - a native of Belarus and the founder of one of the world's largest radio corporations - doubted the wisdom of his investment: “A wireless music player will not be able to make a profit. Who will pay for a radio message that is not addressed to anyone in particular?


The famous science fiction writer HG Wells wrote in 1901: "I must confess that my imagination refuses to imagine a submarine that is good for anything else than strangling its crew and spontaneously sinking into the sea."


In 1916, British Field Marshal Douglas Haig criticized tanks to the nines: "The proposal to replace the cavalry with iron wagons is absurd and smacks of high treason."


Harry Warner, one of the founders of Warner Brothers, said in 1927: “Who cares about actors talking anyway? ”, and just two years later the number of sound pictures began to exceed the number of silent tapes.

Atomic bomb

Winston Churchill in 1939 assessed the military potential of atomic reaction: "This energy may be comparable in efficiency to conventional explosives, but it is unlikely to produce more serious destruction." In 1945, five-star Admiral William Leahy assured President Truman, “This is going to be the dumbest thing we've ever done. The atomic bomb will never explode. I am telling you this as an explosives expert.”

The television

Educational radio host Mary Somerville believed that television had no future because it was just a series of bright flashes. And 20th Century Fox producer Darryl Zanuck seriously believed: "Television will not last long, because people will quickly get tired of staring at a wooden box every night."

A computer

Thomas Watson (the founder of IBM Corporation) is often cited: “There is a demand for about five computers on the world market” (1943), and Bill Gates: “640 kilobytes of memory is enough for everyone.” In fact, these people hardly uttered such a thing. Gates has repeatedly denied this phrase, and the accuracy of Watson's quote has not been confirmed by anything. But it is reliably known that the next director of IBM, having heard about the microprocessor in 1968, asked in bewilderment: “Why is it needed?”. His colleague, the founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, Ken Olsen believed that: "No one can ever need to have a computer in their home."

Today, gadgets literally absorb children. Even the most skeptical people in this regard admit that this is far from always normal and it would be better for children to devote more time and attention to "active" activities. Help in this direction can, including needlework. So, in the new review, several incredible things were collected that will help distract children from electronic friends.

1. Race track

A small race track that can be built in the backyard with just a small piece of land, some sand, cement and white paint. Such a project will not only please the boys, but also introduce the child to the most simple rules road traffic.

2. Boat

An original sandbox in the form of a boat, which can be built from wood or plywood, with an awning sail that can protect the child from the rays of the scorching sun.

3. Lounge area

With the help of a throw and bright cushions, an old inflatable pool can be turned into a comfortable lounge area for the youngest members of the family. In such a dry pool, it will be possible to leave the baby for a short time to play with toys, without worrying that he will be injured, crawl away or eat something from the ground.

4. Tent

A small, beautifully lit tent that you can make in your backyard from a few discarded pallets and an old tablecloth will be a secluded place for outdoor play.

5. Game table

A stunning table for exciting games with sand or water can be built from the remnants of PVC pipes of different diameters and any deep plastic containers. Rest assured, children will be delighted with such a toy and will happily splash in the water or dig in the sand, coming up with more and more new ways to play.

6. Throwing balls

A wall with round holes for throwing balls, which can be made from a sheet of plywood and a few wooden planks, will undoubtedly captivate children, contribute to their physical development and accuracy.

7. Rocking balancer

From an unnecessary car tire cut in half, a wide wooden board and a pair of handles, you can make a wonderful balancer rocking chair that will become a real decoration of the yard and entertain bored children.

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8. Wigwam

Used wooden pallets can be used to build a mini Native American wigwam that will appeal to both boys and girls and is a great outdoor play area.

9. Helicopter

The most patient and talented fathers can build a solid helicopter for their children, which will become a wonderful backyard decoration and a favorite place for a variety of games.

10. Twister

A field for everyone's favorite family game - a twister in the summer can be painted directly on the lawn using cans of colored paint.

11. Dominoes

From wooden planks or plywood, you can cut out large chips for playing dominoes in the open air. Such a game will appeal to both adults and children and will contribute to the development of physical and mental activity of people of all generations.

12. Garage

From PVC pipes and leftover fabric, you can make a small garage in which the child can put his toy cars, bicycles, scooters and other toys. Such a project will undoubtedly please the child and turn cleaning into a fun game.

13. Summer kitchen

From a few construction pallets, plywood and an old waste sink, you can make a wonderful open-air kitchenette that will surely win the heart of a young housewife and become a favorite place to play.

14. Children's furniture

Charming low furniture, which can be made from wooden pallets, will surely appeal to the younger members of the family and will make summer holidays even more pleasant and comfortable.

15. Sandbox with lid

For the smallest family members, you can build a small sandbox from wooden boards with a lid that will protect its contents from rain and bad weather.

16. Water mattresses

Large plastic bags sold at hardware stores can be used to make amazing waterbeds that kids will love. The process of creating such products is extremely simple: you need to pour water into the bags, pre-tinted with blue and seal the edges by ironing them through parchment paper.

17. Artificial pond

An old baby bath can be used to create a beautiful artificial pond on your own. suburban area. To do this, you just need to dig a hole of a suitable size, install a bath in it, dig in with earth and decorate with stones. Such an unusual pond will become an original decoration of the site and will definitely appeal to children, because you can splash around in it in hot weather, play with toys or arrange impromptu fishing.

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In continuation of the topic and not only in it.

Since childhood, everyone has known the expression "Unbelieving Thomas." Moreover, it is rare that a person is called this Thomas in a positive sense. Often a skeptic is perceived as a stubborn and even "armored" person. But is such a statement true? Perhaps you should trust others more? Could there be negative consequences for the skeptic because of his demeanor? Or does distrust, on the contrary, make life easier for a person, protecting him from negative consequences? In this case, being a skeptic is even better. But then why aren't they loved so much? Let's talk more about all this in confidence.

Who is a skeptic?

A skeptic is a person who treats with distrust any incoming information. In fairness, it should be noted that we are all a little skeptical in childhood, testing the warnings of adults on our own skin. Until we hit our own bumps, we don’t start to become more careful. This personality trait is called skepticism..

Then, several times convinced of the soundness of other people's advice, people are divided into two opposing camps. In one gullible representatives of humanity gather. In another camp - inveterate skeptics. Someone prefers to listen to others, while others continue to fill "bumps" with their own efforts. To say that this is good or bad will not be correct, since everything depends on the specific situation. Let's talk about the pros and cons of skeptics a little further. The main thing to learn is that since they have not died out as a result of social evolution, this type of personality has its own competitive advantages. Moreover, they took shape at the level of social thinking, claiming to be one of the ways of world perception.

So skepticism as a philosophy, originated in ancient Greece, in the period after Aristotle. The origins of this trend can be considered the works of the philosopher Xenophanes. Further skepticism was formed under the influence of Pyrrho, Arcesilaus, Aenesidia, Agrippus and Sextus Empiricus, who doubted the possibility of finding the truth. If this is not possible, then it is better to be guided by the criteria of practical behavior, based on "reasonable probability". The totality of knowledge and views formed in the process of everyday life is called common sense. People should rely on it in any incomprehensible situation.

One of the varieties of skeptics can be considered those who do not believe in the positive motives of human behavior. develops in response to life situations that demonstrate the validity of such judgments. It is not characteristic of children, appearing and progressing already in adulthood. Many leaders tend to be mistrustful and cynical people who always figure out ulterior motives.

The extreme degree of skepticism can be considered nihilism- a complete denial of any kind of knowledge. This approach has a destructive effect, because it rejects any truths and foundations. A person with this type of thinking is distinguished by the precariousness of his gaze, an extreme degree of distrust and a complete denial of everything that is possible.

If we talk about skeptics in a global philosophical context, then the most widespread is scientific skepticism, which rejects all judgments that cannot be proven experimentally.

This variety is the most productive but, because it is the foundation of science. A skeptic, by and large, is a classical scientist who denies all pseudoscientific hypotheses. One of the tools of scientific skepticism is called "" - a logical principle that cuts off any untenable views of the world.

The skeptic is a common phenomenon and it is possible to stumble upon it anywhere. We will talk further about how to quickly recognize this type of personality in an interlocutor.

How to recognize a skeptic?

The fact that you have a skeptic in front of you can be determined fairly quickly. First of all, the manner of communication. Such a person has reduced emotionality. He shows stubbornness, distrust, which can even border on rudeness. Any new information is immediately required to be confirmed with facts, specific examples, situations from life. It is not enough for him to hear that the Earth is round. The skeptic wants to see this with his own eyes, at least in photographs from space. Although, in the case of extremely skepticism, he will not even believe in the photo, believing that it is a fake and installation.

Specialists of physiognomy argue that a skeptic can be recognized externally. This type of personality corresponds to a thin physique, pointed facial features. It is not worth absolutizing such an approach, but there is a rational grain in it.

Is it good or bad to be a skeptic?

The main question of this topic is whether it is good to be a skeptic? Definitely - better than naive suckers. Perhaps constant doubts periodically complicate life, but they protect a person from rash actions.

Benefits of Skeptics.

The skeptic is much less prone to suggestion and manipulation. He is less likely to fall victim to scammers and publicity stunts. It is unlikely that such a person will believe in the sincerity of a street fortune teller, another presidential candidate, or a sales agent who obsessively promotes his product. Moreover, a skeptic will not believe that a ton of gasoline accidentally evaporated from a tank, and several hectares of forest disappeared on their own from the face of the Earth. These qualities make it suitable for regulatory and law enforcement agencies, as well as auditors. But he also has his drawbacks, because not everyone wants to live with the "inspector" under the same roof.

Disadvantages of skeptics

The greatest manifestation of the shortcomings of this type of personality falls on the sphere of interpersonal relations. Extreme suspicion and distrust complicates communication with the opposite sex, friends and relatives. The meticulousness of a skeptic sometimes tires his interlocutors. After all, people do not always keep in mind the source of their knowledge, they cannot refer to factual material at the first request. Especially when we are talking about common truths.

The skeptic himself from time to time is not happy with his character. For example, when you need to quickly make a decision, without analysis and long deliberation. And, if a skeptic, with his characteristic manner, begins to meticulously analyze the rightness of the screamer to the cries of “get away, the tree is falling”, he risks turning into the “hero” of the next news release. So, skepticism does not always protect a person from sad consequences.

How to deal with a skeptic?

First of all, you need to acquire a whole arsenal of arguments and facts. A skeptic loves clear justifications. If you offer him to do something, it is advisable to foresee all possible risks. For example, there was a "burning" ticket to Turkey for two. Why is she so cheap? Perhaps others simply abandoned it? What if the sea is not the season now? There can be a million questions, and you have to be ready to answer them all.

On the other hand, having received a skeptic in your team, you can be sure that he will scrupulously calculate all the options for the development of events, and warn against possible "pitfalls". This quality is very useful in any team, as it helps to correct the actions of romantics and idealists, "grounding" their wild imagination.

How to raise a skeptic?

To begin with, it is worth answering the question, why educate a skeptic at all? More precisely, why develop skepticism in a person? Of course, teaching children that you should not trust strangers is the right thing to do. But developing cynicism and distrust of everyone and everything is also not an option.

Human socialization relies on interaction with others. Trust is an important component of this process. Without it, it is impossible to build a normal family, friendship, cooperation. Of course, trusting everyone indiscriminately is not right. But pushing people away with excessive suspicion is fraught with bad consequences.

It is best to raise a child in a spirit of harmony with himself and the world around him, developing in him, in addition to critical thinking skills, the ability to trust people.

Do not think that a skeptic is necessarily callous and rude. It all depends on the degree of expression of this quality. Sometimes the ability to doubt helps to avoid fraud and deceit. This type of personality is less subject to external influence, thus always having its own opinion. On the other hand, excessive doubts interfere with networking and building relationships, which should be taken into account by all distrustful people. It is best to trust in moderation, and not to oppress others with your suspicion.

Temperament is directly related to the energy status of a person, and its importance cannot be underestimated. Most of our life reactions are explained precisely by the energy state. There is energy, and we are cheerful, cheerful, friendly. There is no energy, we start to get angry, turn sour, give up. The type of human temperament is designed to provide answers to two main questions: first, where, in what element (nature, space, biofield, information) do certain signs draw strength? And secondly - how do the signs see the world - bright and joyful or dark and ugly?

The classic names of temperaments are in the following correspondence: Natural optimists - sanguine, Cosmic optimists - phlegmatic, Skeptical signs - melancholic, Dramatic signs - choleric.

Natural optimists - Boar, Horse, Ox

From the name of the group it is obvious that Horses, Boars and Bulls must be taken directly from nature, swimming in rivers, lakes and seas, walking in the steppes, forests and deserts, climbing mountains, plunging into the abysses, crossing meridians and parallels.

Of course, each person is free to find his own personal specifics - someone gives more energy to the forest, to someone - the sea. The most important thing is to separate the "flies from cutlets". Not the sea as a place of communication with people, but the sea itself, cleansed of people as much as possible. Similarly, a trip to the forest should not have a picnic with colleagues, but communication with the forest.

It is very important that nature be spectrally pure: pure smells, unpolluted landscapes, the taste of spring water, the sounds of the wind without industrial noise. It is this perception that will return a person to memories of the primitive state. Therefore, in emergency cases of energy depletion, it is necessary for a while to become completely wild, to become a goblin, water or snowman.

All this does not mean that natural optimists should live exclusively in nature. After all, the car is not idle all day at the gas station. Refueled and drove on. So a natural optimist should turn to nature precisely in the case when the batteries are low and it's time to recharge.

The role of Natural optimists in the energy pyramid of mankind is extremely large: taking energy where it is full - sunsets, dawns, surf, the sound of rain, the rustle of leaves - the optimists will give energy to the Dramatizers, who, in turn, will "feed" the Skeptics who will create the foundation for the existence of the Cosmists.

The colors with which optimists paint the world are the most joyful. There is a specificity: Horses most easily express their love of life in books for children and musical works, in Bulls the energy flows most powerfully from paintings, and Boars are especially cheerful in the cinema - more actors, but directors too.

Nature optimists are the most ardent promoters of the natural way of life, as well as the main advocates of nature and guides to nature.

The Ox is a sincere and joyful son, and his energy state depends only on the degree of devotion to one or another natural element. People of this temperament are by nature deeply optimistic, and also strongly energetically involved in the life of nature.

Therefore, each Bull must take care of the presence of a personal lake or sea, forest, steppe, hill, mountain, from which he could draw energy for life. You can, of course, use natural objects of mass consumption, but this will turn out to be some kind of surrogate, all the same, like instead of a mother - an orphanage or instead of a wife - a prostitute, excuse the expression. Only a personal natural object or an object that is shared with a minimum number of energy brothers and sisters will provide a high-quality and sufficient amount of energy.

But Bull should not switch to alternative energy sources. You should not engage in energy theft from other people, you should not look for energy in space or in world wisdom, these are the types of fuel that will not add strength to the Ox, moreover, they can break his entire energy balance. So no fantasy, everything should be simple. I felt tired, melancholy took by the throat, gathered my simple belongings in an armful and a march to nature. It is enough to wander through the forest, go fishing - and the forces are restored. Bulls especially love hunting. Many of the aspirations of the Ox converge in the hunt.

Excessively poking around in oneself, wandering in the labyrinths of one's own consciousness is energetically unsafe for the Bull, in such situations he loses energy without gaining anything in return. It is fitting for a bull to be simple, natural, to equip his life against the background of everything, as they say, first-hand, homespun, condo.

Look who promotes life in nature on our screen - Nikolai Drozdov, friend of all animals, Yuri Senkevich, friend of all travelers. The first is the heir in spirit of Alfred Brehm, the second, probably, Georgy Sedov. American writer Henry Thoreau was an ideologue and preacher of life in nature. He called himself "the caretaker of rains and snows."

The opportunity for the Ox to use an almost endless energy loan imposes certain obligations on him. The bull should not shrink, should not unnecessarily save his strength. Well, not to face the Bull too small scope! With such a powerful temperament, things should be powerful. After all, a bull is not a mouse to sit in a mink, if we are to get down to business, so commensurate with its mighty strength. Moreover, the Bull has the duty not only to drag the heaviest cart possible, but also to drag it with the maximum zest for life, enthusiasm and joy. Take an example from Nikolai Drozdov. Not a young man, but always cheerful, cheerful and cheerful. He lived on the island in "The Last Hero", he was the most cheerful and cheerful, he even sailed away to sleep in the open sea. Wow!

If we talk about more objective criteria for measuring optimism and love of life, then here an excellent illustration for the joyful, colorful perception of the world by the Bulls is their painting. The painting of El Greco was very colorful for its gloomy time, very bright and joyful - Sandro Botticelli and even lighter - Auguste Renoir. As for Van Gogh's painting, it's just a riot of colors. Our Valentin Serov, Arkhip Kuindzhi and Ivan Aivazovsky, if they lag behind world examples of the brightest colors, then not by much.

Vladimir Korolenko perfectly expressed his joyful view of the world, putting unprecedented power into his famous phrase: "Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight."


Among other Natural optimists, the Horse stands out with some absolutely irrepressible temperament. Sometimes there is so much energy that sanity and prudence, which, it would seem, the Horse is so rich in, are already in danger. Sometimes energy will surge from indignation, just bite off the ears of your enemies. Although the best way to release energy is to sing. Can you imagine, someone insults the Horse, and she boils up and sings an aria from the opera?

Interestingly, an excess of energy does not prevent the Horse from falling into a love blues and even. The same depressive state awaits Horses if they are too actively involved in social activities. So with a large energy income, Horses have high expenses. You can even say that the Horse is an energy spender, unable to save every calorie and accustomed to energy excesses.

In any case, if the Horse nevertheless managed to fall into an energy hole, then it is necessary to improve health not in communication and not in love games, God forbid, but only in nature. To nature, brothers, to her dear! However, the natural component is easy to see in horse optimism. Among the great nature lovers are Vitaly Bianchi, Vitaly Peskov ... And yet it should be noted that the optimism of the Horses is not always reckless. This is due to the desire of the Horses to real assessment situations.

If you look for an objective way to determine temperament, then you need to turn to the literature created by the Horse writers, to see how their books end, because only the ending determines the temperament of the author. The work itself can be arbitrarily sad, but the ending is necessarily optimistic. Among the brightest writers are Korney Chukovsky, Julian Tuvim, Isaac Babel, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Boris Zakhoder, Alexander Miln, Agniya Barto. It is easy to notice the penchant of these bright people for children's literature. The films of George Danelia or Alexander Row always end optimistically.


Wild boars draw energy from the simplest and most mundane phenomena of nature. The sun rose - good, set below the horizon - even better. Everything external is more attractive to them than internal. Fishing, picking mushrooms, catching butterflies - everything is interesting and important.

Selfless merry fellows, fanatical fans of anecdotes, collectors of many sayings and tales that pour out of them in an endless stream. Some Boars seem calm and even phlegmatic. In fact, they never have real melancholy, just some Boars are fans of black humor.

Art, the world of ideas, can become a true indicator that determines the temperament of a sign. Boar writers have a special relationship with nature: Hemingway is a singer of fishing and hunting, Vladimir Nabokov is of butterflies; Sergei Aksakov, among other things, became famous for his Notes on Fishing and the Notes of a Rifle Hunter. In a word, the Boar is an athletic, tanned, fit person, well versed in the intricacies of fishing, hunting, appropriate equipment, deftly climbing mountain peaks and descending into the depths of the sea.

Great travelers such as Nikolai Przhevalsky or Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, the great geneticist Nikolai Vavilov, the philosopher Albert Schweitzer - all of them feel at home in field conditions. Their energy is always where the mountains, forests and other jungles are. Even in the created philosophical systems, the natural Boar is visible. The same Albert Schweitzer came up with the idea that reverence for life is the basis of the moral renewal of mankind.

A logical question: can the Pig, in principle, embrace depression, despondency, low spirits? Of course, this is possible, life has many ways to bring a person to exhaustion. Such a powerful emitter of energy as the Boar literally attracts crowds of lovers to profit from freebies. And having reached a tasty energy source, they will try to drink it to the bottom. Well, it is enough for the bloodless Boar to escape from this crowd and, in absolute solitude, go to the place he has chosen, where, in one-on-one communication with nature, gain new strength.

Cosmic optimists - Tiger, Rooster, Dragon

Cosmic optimism to the main question - where to get the strength? - answers very vaguely - in space. Of course, we are not talking about the space where rockets fly. We are talking about the world of dreams, illusions, prayers. Someone will meditate, someone will go to church to pray, another will need high poetry to connect to the cosmos, and someone just needs to lie down on the sofa and sleep for an hour or two, so that the body is filled with strength again.

Thus, if natural energy flows into a person at the moment when his feelings are as open as possible, then cosmic energy will enter if you disconnect from the outside world as much as possible and turn to that same inner cosmos. Temples and houses of worship must meet these conditions. Everything in them should be anti-natural - strange smells, strange sounds, strange light. The thicker the walls of the temple, the easier it is for Cosmists to tap into their fuel type.

The coloring of the world produced by the cosmic optimists is bright enough, but not too joyful. There is still something lean, sluggish and jelly-like in religious and meditative techniques. In addition, cosmic energy is asocial. She calls for detachment from the worldly bustle. Like, our earthly life is a temporary state, and therefore is it worth it to especially twitch. Unlike Natural optimism, an active, socially directed temperament, Cosmic optimism removes a person from human joys and sorrows, raises him above society, above vanity, setting him up in a philosophical way.

The slogan of temperament: "Whatever happens, everything is for the best." Cosmists are confident in the victory of world good in any scenario of life. It is easy for such people to believe in God. Actually, cosmic optimism is faith in God, who sees everything and will reward everyone according to their deserts. Cosmic optimists are people of a philosophical disposition, whether it be a professor or a person from a plow. At the ordinary level, this manifests itself as detachment from human passions, confidence that everything will be fine, and therefore there is no reason to worry.


The obscure designation of the tiger temperament as phlegmatic will explain almost nothing in a person. Another thing, if you understand that the source of tiger energy is space. Everything immediately falls into place. The tiger is explained in the most peak situations, an ironic smirk and a holy confidence that everything will be fine. From cosmic heights from wise eternity everything seems so small and insignificant.

No matter how terrible the life of the Tiger is, he continues to create light and joyfully. A terrible illness twisted the painter Boris Kustodiev, and his paintings by the end of his life became brighter and more cheerful. The illness of the writer Venedikt Erofeev was terrifying, but his view of the world did not darken under its yoke. The same can be said about the composer Ludwig van Beethoven, who created the most powerful and bright music during the period of his life when he was deaf, sick and poor.

If the circumstances of life are favorable, then the Tigers find a way to toughen these circumstances to the limit. Minion of fate, noble prince, chamber-page of Alexander II, heir to rich estates, gallant officer, future anarchist theorist Pyotr Kropotkin leaves his career and leaves for the most possible wilderness on the Amur. Oscar Wilde (also Tiger) called him one of the two truly happy people with whom he happened to meet. In the words of Romain Rolland (another Tiger), "Kropotkin was in life what Tolstoy would like to become, naturally embodying in his personality that ideal of moral purity, calm, clear self-denial and perfect love for people, which Tolstoy's restless genius wanted to achieve all his life and achieved only in art.

The most obvious manifestations of temperament in the films of the Tigers. You can't say that Andrzej Wajda or Aleksey Herman avoid showing the negative aspects of life. Everything is in their films: dirt, and betrayal, and murders, and suicides. And you leave the hall in a bright and elated mood - you understand that all evil will pass and a beautiful garden will bloom on Earth.

In men, tiger optimism sometimes contradicts their tough will. But for women, a bright cosmic smile is extremely to the face. If the Tiger is exhausted and falls into a depressive state, then for energy he does not need to run either into the forest to the trees, or to people, or to wisdom. The strength of the Tiger is in solitude, in thick walls separating both from people and from nature. Meditation, prayer, and maybe poetry reading - in a word, everything that lifts us above the world. They sometimes know how to refuel with cosmic energy in a short, almost instantaneous dream.

The Dragon

Of all the star children, the Dragon is the most natural and obvious. Involvement in cosmic sources of energy in the Dragon is somehow obvious to everyone. To go out onto the balcony on a clear starry night and communicate with the stars for the Dragon is a common thing. As for the notorious cosmic cold that emanates from phlegmatic people, in the Dragon it is completely compensated by the warmth of the sign of love. Such a cocktail gives a wonderful result - calmness and poise, but without a chilling cold in the eyes.

I don't remember the Dragons waving their arms, stamping their feet and sparkling eyes. Even in a state of extreme excitement, the Dragon looks restrained and correct. Among the historical characters, demonic Dragons are also not recalled. And this despite the fact that the Dragon has enough fix ideas and problems. But he deals with them calmly enough. And, on the contrary, the number of Dragons is extremely large, defiantly, well, just emphatically calm, who do not speak, but downright whisper and are about to fall asleep in the most heated conversation.

Having lulled vigilance, softening and relaxing those around him as much as possible, the Dragon begins to act strangely, because dreams of any degree of madness can be hidden behind a quiet blissful smile. However, this temperament is not socially active, human problems do not become close to the Dragon. Much more important to them seem abstract schemes. Because Friedrich Engels, kind, good man, wrote a book in which he substantiated the idea that children should be taken away from their mothers and driven to some public institutions.

Draconian ideas are always too theoretical. Rarely are we talking about real people. Without thinking about people, Spengler wrote his Decline of Europe. Friedrich Nietzsche also wrote about the arrival of the "Superman", and Vasily Rozanov created his "Apocalypse of Our Time". It may seem to someone that the works of Sigmund Freud are very specific, after all, a psychiatrist. But in reality, his ideas had very little value.

Cosmic optimism inclines a person to abstract philosophizing, not very connected with a real person. Moreover, if most of the Dragon philosophers got into encyclopedias not because of real scientific merit, but rather as examples of the eccentricity of human thought, then one of them is rightfully considered the king of philosophical thought - this is the great Kaliningrader Immanuel Kant. He has a Critique of Pure Reason and a Critique of Practical Reason, but at the same time he did not become only a destroyer, having found and approved many clever ideas.


The cosmism of the Rooster is not immediately evident; on a visual level, it contradicts the active, effective psychology of the sign. How does cosmic daydreaming and mundane activity combine in one person? Well, these qualities often fight among themselves than coexist peacefully. For example, the legendary inability to get things done is, in a certain sense, due to the fact that the Rooster is tired. And he can replenish his strength in only one single way - through dreams, relaxation and isolation from the world.

For the sociable and hard-working Rooster, this way of eliminating the energy deficit seems unexpected. Reclusion, prayers, dreams? Is there an error here? The fact is that the Rooster is somewhat shifted towards skepticism. He, of course, must dream, pray and appeal to meditative values. But to do all this without excessive fanaticism. It is necessary to alternate the search for nirvana with an active prowl on the vital field.

And yet Cosmic optimism with its philosophizing and transcendence remains the flag of the sign. "Chairman of the globe" Velemir Khlebnikov created "star language". Alexander Chizhevsky tried to connect world history with the influence of the sun. One can recall the philosophy of Kierkegaard, the poetry of Navoi, Faulkner's prose, the cinematography of Grigory Chukhrai, but the music of the sign speaks best of all about the space of the Rooster. To some extent, Giuseppe Verdi, but to a greater extent, Richard Wagner, who carried out the synthesis of philosophical, poetic and musical principles. Majestic musical dramas based on mythological subjects are exactly what most of all corresponds to the cosmic scale of the Rooster.

Two other Cosmic optimists - the Tiger and the Dragon pull out their cosmicity from their own soaring. From this, the Tiger and the Dragon have much more philosophers and poets. The rooster has to combine its cosmic mood with mundane psychology.

Dramatic Signs - Snake, Rat, Goat

The main problem - where to get energy - is easily solved by these signs, because there are so many "skins" around, in which the life-giving energy of human communication splashes. Yes, you read that right, we are talking about vampires, good old leeches that suck bad blood, as well as those villains who are able to completely bleed a person.

Not in nature and not in chapels, but only in live human communication. Dramatic signs will regain their lost strength, correct their undermined health, add a blush to their cheeks. Antoine de Saint-Exupery said it best of all: "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication." He knew what he was talking about, because he was born in the year of the Rat. So communicate and communicate again, as Saint-Exupery bequeathed. No seclusion, no solitude. And in the forest, and in the mountains, and in the temple of God, the Dramatizer will seek only communication, a process associated with emotional exchange.

In order to avoid confusion and mixing of different types of fuel, they need to communicate with people not at the informational level, but at the emotional level. The rational consciousness must be turned off, and the emotional consciousness must be strengthened as much as possible. It is also good to remember that this temperament in our minds is associated with maximum energy. In fact, choleric Dramatizers have a minimum of energy, and they behave overactively in order to invigorate the body, somehow revive it. No wonder that the outbreaks of activity may well be followed by the deepest depressions. A reliable source of energy that would constantly feed these signs does not exist in nature.

In emergency cases, when you need to get a large number of energy, a special vampire technique is used. The energy object must be relaxed and peaceful, it must be charmed and appeased, maybe fed or watered. Then there is a sudden attack, some ridiculous insult. An inexperienced object will surely open up, explode from the inside and begin to radiate the energy of communication in a generous stream. Don't yawn here - scoop buckets. Protecting yourself from a vampire is easier than easy, do not let them into your emotional sphere, do not succumb to their provocations. Be indifferent, an indifferent person is not afraid of a vampire.

The coloring of the world in most Dramatizers is twofold - very black always alternates with convulsively active. William Shakespeare (Rat) lived and worked in such a schedule: either he would write the gloomy "Macbeth", or the cheerful "Taming of the Shrew", then he would create "Hamlet", then "Twelfth Night". Pyotr Tchaikovsky (Rat) lived his life in the alternation of very black and very light music. Alexander Pushkin (Goat) acted in the same vein, alternating dark and light colors. Moreover, what is important - paints rarely mixed within one work. Is that "Feast during the plague", which gave a very successful slogan for this type of temperament.

Together with Natural optimists, Dramatic signs form the six socially active signs, people who take to heart human problems. The combination of a genuine interest in people with the ability to dive into the depths of one's own consciousness makes the sign gifted in everything related to understanding a person - this is psychology, medicine, pedagogy, and so on.

Thus, the abundance of Snakes, Goats or Rats among magicians, sorcerers, psychics and just doctors is quite natural. As long as these leeches bleed us bad blood, everything is going well, there is a healing effect. But prolonged contact with such medicine should be alarming, because with the "bad" energy, the good one will also begin to flow away.


The most stormy, the most violent, Dramatic, warms the blood of the Rat. Of course, not everyone has this type of temperament clearly and vividly drawn, nevertheless, the ability to turn any, even the most ordinary event, into either the brightest holiday or the most terrible tragedy, fully characterizes the life credo of the Rats.

Interestingly, the oversensitive dramatic energy of the Rat is in obvious contradiction with psychological insensitivity. But such is the specificity of the sign. So, in youth, the depth and subtlety of experiences are hidden behind rude manners, youth jargon, shocking ideas.

There is simply no negativity in temperament, and therefore you should not hold back, and if there are real mood swings, then you need to give them free rein. I want to cry - cry, I want to laugh - laugh. But what you need to know for sure is that at the moment of a deep energy decline, it is necessary to turn to the source of energy that saves Dramatizers - shock human communication. You can always borrow energy from too much active people. It is communication with them that will save the choked Rat.

The dramatic temperament, which allows ordinary, at first glance, situations to be turned into either comedies or tragedies, gives the Rat a dramatic genius. The Rat turns the most gray life into a fascinating performance. The ingenious representative of the sign is William Shakespeare. With his work, he wonderfully illustrates the energy dispersion - from comedies with endless fun and revelry (for example, "Twelfth Night") to tragedies in which it is dark as in black holes, there is neither a ray nor an asterisk (for example, "Macbeth"). The same can be said about the work of Pyotr Tchaikovsky. The changes in music are grandiose - from great joy to equally great anguish.


Many of the contradictions of the Snake are related to her temperament. The Snake has a dramatic temperament - active, black. They either fall into bottomless blackness, perceiving any action as a terrible tragedy, or rush to another extreme, rejoicing and having fun without any particular reason. The paradoxical nature of this temperament is very clearly visible in everyday life: jokers and merry fellows, from time to time falling into depression, or, on the contrary, black misanthropes, for no reason leaving for joyful and powerful sprees.

This difference in his work was most clearly demonstrated by the founder of great Russian prose, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who switched from the unbridled joy of his early works to a gloomy perception of the increasingly dead souls of the Russian people. "Shine always, shine everywhere," - Vladimir Mayakovsky saw his energy like that. But it turned out that inside his sun is black-black.

As a result of all these differences, the Snake turned out to be the number one sign in the sad list of the most famous suicides. Alexander Radishchev, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Stefan Zweig, Jan Pototsky, Alexander Lyapunov. Other signs have one or two suicides of this rank. For a huge number of great Serpents, the theme of suicide has become one of the most important in all creativity. Here are Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Nekrasov, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Charles Baudelaire, Alexei Pisemsky and Vasily Grossman, Gustave Flaubert and Edgar Poe. Of course, the Snake does not have a monopoly on suicide. Monkey, Goat, Tiger, Rat also find reasons to commit suicide. But no one does it as consciously, prudently and cold-bloodedly as the Snake.

Suffering with its flawed physiology and no less flawed psychology, the Snake literally radiates blackness, darkness and death. Sometimes this radiation burns the emitter itself. But more often the Snake tries to poison others with its darkness. The heroes of the books of Goethe and Dostoevsky commit suicide, but also live real people around the Serpents behave. Ehrenburg noticed that there were an abnormally large number of suicides in the environment of Pablo Picasso, although Picasso himself gave the impression of a rather cheerful person.


If someone else can doubt the rampage of the Rat and the Snake, then the Goat is a classical, standard dramatizer. The sensitive and weak-willed Goat brings the features of the dramatic worldview to its climax - if you walk and have fun, then so that the whole world is flooded with light, and if you grieve, then so that the world drowns in tears.

This scatter surprisingly manifested itself in the well-known paradox of the birth in the same year (1883) and in the same city (Prague) of two writers of allegedly opposite temperament. The "father" of the good soldier Schweik, Yaroslav Gashek, writes easily, lightly, joyfully, and most importantly, funny. But Franz Kafka writes gloomy, scary, his world is full of tragic impotence, the doom of the "little man".

So, most Goats, wherever and whenever they are born, try to find their place in the black or white half of being. They do not know the middle or do not want to know. However, the truly great Goat tries to find itself in both extreme combinations. For example, Alexander Pushkin quickly moved from merry fairy tales to gloomy tragedies. So it was in the central years for him in 1830 and 1831. At the same time, Pushkin wrote "A Feast in the Time of Plague", where he demonstrated how the horror of tragedy goes hand in hand with the most unrestrained fun.

You can explore not the works, but the facts of the biography of the great Goats, but little will change from this. The same Pushkin or, say, Sergei Yesenin, who is closer to us in time, in his life, in the most incredible way, alternated excessive fun and unbridled melancholy, carefree laughter and bitter tears. Now the Goats are smaller, and basically there is specialization. Anatoly Pristavkin is always crying, Philip Kirkorov sings and laughs all the time. However, lately Kirkorov also has tragic notes.

Goats that have lost a lot of energy and got into a depressed state are fueled by human sacrifices, that is, human energy. They can take it in the process of communication, but not any, but built in a certain way. To get the right amount of energy, they need to provoke a person to an emotional outburst. And we are talking not only about joy and laughter, which would be natural, but also fear, anger and even rage.

Usually it is done like this: first, a person must be calmed, softened, maybe even appeased with compliments and caresses, then sharply offended or offended. A person boils and begins to radiate energy in all directions. This is where the energy dip happens. Natural optimists are especially good for bloodsuckers - Horse, Ox, Boar. These will give energy with a light heart and go to nature to refresh themselves.

In this method, a moral problem arises very sharply. Does the donor agree to the return of energy, do I need to ask his permission? For such a moral and humane sign as the Goat, this is not a rhetorical question. Goats justify the fact that they produce energy intake unconsciously, spontaneously. And when they realize that their stigma is in someone else's energy, they even repent. Alas, a vampire is a vampire, no need to make excuses. It's just that the victims must be chosen among the lush healthy men, it is even useful for them to lose energy excesses, to cleanse themselves, so to speak. But attacking those who are barely dragging their feet is already vile!

Skeptic signs - Monkey, Cat, Dog

The paradox of this energy group lies in the fact that, on the one hand, they are socially passive, specific human troubles and worries of Skeptics are not much affected. On the other hand, Skeptics are called upon to communicate a lot with people, because the source of their energy is smart conversations. Thus, it is necessary to communicate, but try not to stir up emotionally significant topics in the conversation, it is necessary to translate the conversation into the mainstream of theoretical, mental reasoning, with a large degree of abstractness. The skeptic continues to think in any setting and never lets his emotions rule.

To satisfy energy hunger of a small degree, an interlocutor is not needed at all, you can turn to a smart book, to the great thinkers of the past. It seems that we have before us a type of intelligent person who is ready to eat books and smart conversations. In fact, the Skeptics are also vampires, only softer than the Dramatizers. With their endless lingering conversations, they draw out of people the energy of attention, admiration for the mind of the talker. In addition, a skeptical approach to life should cause opposition in the interlocutor, the desire to convince the whining vampire that everything is not so bad. It is at this moment that a stream of positive energy will come out of a person, which the Skeptic will chew with pleasure. It turns out that vampirism of the skeptical type is not very dangerous. But it has absolutely no healing effect, like the Dramatizers, so the losses, although small, are completely inevitable.

The coloring of the world by the Skeptics gravitates towards gray-brown tones. However, you can always dispel dullness with the help of a good joke. No one needs a joke like the Skeptics. They are the main customers of comedies. The drama of the Skeptic cannot be stirred up, only by tickling. Associated with the dominance of skeptical signs among writers of humorists is the belief that all humorists are gloomy people.

What we now call a "window to the world" - a TV - is actually a window into which a lot of our energy flies. And all thanks to the endless analytical programs, because almost all analysts were born under the star of skepticism. Evgeny Kiselev ("Results") - Monkey, Vladimir Pozner ("Times") - Dog, Mikhail Leontiev ("However"), Vladimir Solovyov ("To the Barrier") - Cat.

At first glance, a dreamer, fueled by energy from space. Don't be fooled! The cat destroys this tradition, lives and acts in accordance with the canons of a skeptical temperament, usually called melancholy. In this he is similar to the Monkey and the Dog, active and gloomy signs, which is typical for people who work a lot and hard and are always tired of this.

Thus, the Cat, partially turning to the stars, draws the most suitable energy for its temperament from wisdom, knowledge, smart conversations, serious reflections. Well, since any wisdom always multiplies sadness, the wise Cat is a scientific skeptic, an ironic person and critical of everything. Sublime daydreaming, coming from Take-off, is paradoxically colored by the sad smile of an omniscient and wise person.

The most striking example in literature is "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov. The realistic outline of the novel is quite melancholic - all the main characters, the rest have gone crazy. However, there is also a cosmic version: the master deserves peace, Margarita is with him, Pontius Pilate is running along the lunar path, and so on ...

The ending of the most cheerful book in Russia "The Golden Calf", created in collaboration with the Cat and the Rooster, is also not very cheerful - Ostap is defeated and humiliated. However, he is not killed, as planned in the first book. Reread the endings of novels by Walter Scott, Stendhal, Galsworthy. All the same.

And the skeptical temperament helps a lot to get smarter, because the mind is a function of doubt. Whoever has no doubts, who does not perceive information critically, will never become smart, and therefore Cats, for all their laziness and dreaminess, are not too difficult to become scientists. Albert Einstein became a symbol of scholarship, but there are enough physicists-Kotov even without Einstein - we have Sergei Vavilov, Anatoly Alexandrov, in the world - James Maxwell, Marie Curie ... But there was also Mikhail Lomonosov!


Excessive trust in superficial zoological analogies and cartoons about funny monkeys is not always useful, because we get a completely wrong idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temperament of Monkeys there. You will see enough of such films and you will see that the monkeys are constantly making noise, yelling non-stop, fussing terribly and jumping through the trees like scalded ones. Among the Monkeys, there are practically no overly temperamental people. Usually these are very calm, balanced people, unhurried and inactive, not allowing themselves any expression. And this is not surprising - after all, the Monkey also has a skeptical temperament.

Monkeys should not yell and rush back and forth, but be sad and yawn from boredom. However, this is all external, and therefore, not the main thing. The temperament of the sign not so much commands external effects, but determines the general life strategy, sets the energy balance, determines the way of perceiving being. So the Skeptic, who is also a melancholic, looks at life somewhat aloof, his emotional involvement in the general madness of passions is not great. The way in which he fences himself off from worldly fuss is quite simple - the intellect turns on, everything is questioned, everything that happens in life looks skeptical.

It may seem that this temperament is not able to bring strength to a person, but only allows you to save energy received somewhere else. In fact, this is not so. A skeptic can get any number of calories if he learns to think correctly, masters the most progressive forms of absorbing world wisdom, and most importantly, acquires a specific ironic approach to any problem, looks at everything with a skeptical smirk. In a certain sense, this temperament can be considered a sluggish form. A skeptic draws energy from people without resorting to scandalous forms, through tedious complaints about health, bad luck, and the loss of meaning in life. It is clear that idealistic Cosmic optimists are the best targets for such sluggish vampirism.

An interesting aspect of the chilly monkey temperament is its fondness for warm countries. The painter Paul Gauguin fled to Tahiti, Russian writers-Monkeys emigrated to warm lands. Alexander Herzen started, Vasily Aksenov and Vladimir Voinovich continued. Moreover, none of them lost their ability to work abroad, did not fall into homesickness. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich, too, by the way, reached out to the south, to heal consumption. It seems that Yalta helped him prolong his life. Andrei Tarkovsky, such a seemingly Russian director, from head to toe. And he also went to warm Europe and became completely foreign to us there. At least, it is difficult to call his last films Russian. The anthem for all the Monkeys was written by the bard Viktor Berkovsky: "And I want to go to Brazil, to distant shores ...". The Monkey chills in cold lands, stretches from a lack of energy to the sun and warmth.

As always, to test temperament, you need to pay attention to the endings of literary works. Remember how Chekhov's plays end. Sad endings will always be found in Dickens, as for Byron, his hero Childe Harold is already a household name for people prone to depression, dreary isolation from human bustle. The outstanding playwright Yevgeny Schwartz always has something sad in store. Read his plays or watch the films or plays they spawned.


The melancholy gloominess of the Dog seems completely incurable. However, look how she blossoms when there is an opportunity to show off her magnificent intellect. The dog has a specific, skeptical, thoroughly ironic view of the reality around us.

Dog irony, causticity and even dog stoop - all this is a consequence of the Skeptical temperament of the sign. fences off from the world of human passions with his mockery, intellectual grin, skepticism about everything in the world. Without the Dog, the concept of satire would be unthinkable. In the first lines, of course, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and Alexander Griboyedov. Of the contemporaries, of course, Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Viktor Shenderovich, who are able to ridicule everything, must be ironic about everything. Here is the "father" of black television Alexander Nevzorov, TV academician Vladimir Pozner, caustic and poisonous Mikhail Leontiev. Next to them, it is easy to imagine the seeker of truth Andrei Karaulov.

Those who do not want to look for examples of skepticism and melancholy among contemporaries should re-read Griboedov's "Woe from Wit" or such famous wise men as Kurt Vonnegut or O "Henry. Who will take the liberty of asserting that the work of the mind of these authors is less noticeable, than the description of landscapes or the subtlety of drawing characters?

As for the pessimistic aspect of this temperament, one should look not so much, say, at the text itself, as at the end of the work. The best ending for Dog writers is the killing of all enemies (the same "The Count of Monte Cristo"), the worst is the end of the world ("Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut).

Attributing depression to Skeptics is unfair. Yes, they look gloomy, but this is not depression, this is their view of the world, which they, not without reason, see in gloomy colors. If, nevertheless, the forces leave and a real energy crisis begins, then energy must be sought in smart books, smart conversations, in various kinds of truths. I found some truth, got up from my bed and went to do my own business.

In 2019, amendments to the law on credit histories will come into force and Russians will be assigned a personal credit rating. 55 million people - 73 percent of the economically active population - have open loans or loans, said the acting general director of the United credit bureau Nikolai Myasnikov.

According to him, a personal credit rating is a kind of score calculated automatically based on various parameters from a credit history. The presence of delinquencies, the level of debt load, the number of requests for checking a credit history are taken into account.

“The higher the score, the lower the risk. In fact, this is the same as scoring,” Myasnikov said.

However, even a very high score does not guarantee that a Russian will be given a loan. The decision always remains with the creditor, who uses not only information from the United Credit Bureau, but also their own risk assessment systems, including additional sources of information, the OKB CEO explained.

Users social network Twitter noted that the credit history of Russians is issued to banks, microfinance organizations, employers, insurance companies and notaries. However, people rarely check credit histories. Most often - by accident, when they are denied a loan. Borrowers were advised to ask the bank for a certificate of absence of debt upon full repayment of the loan.

The Russians think that credit history cannot become the main factor in hiring an employee. Employers noted that a credit history adds interesting touches to a candidate's portrait, and mortgage lenders are diligent and loyal employees.

Credit histories help notaries to adequately assess the estate. Previously, heirs learned about debts after angry calls from collectors, now they receive full information and make an informed decision about entering into an inheritance.