Premium card MasterCard World Beeline. Beeline debit card

January 2019

How many people know that in Beeline stores you can issue not only SIM cards and buy a phone, but also issue a Beeline MasterCard payment card. For several years now, Beeline has been implementing this project together with the Payment Center National Nonprofit Organization, which successfully cooperates with Euroset, and successfully issues Kukuruza cards. Therefore, the functionality of the "Beeline" card and the "Kukuruza" card is very similar in many respects.

In this review, you will learn about the conditions and tariffs, all the nuances and features of the card, its advantages and disadvantages. Also, the article presents analogues and competitors of the "Beeline" card, in connection with which we will try to answer the question: "Should I issue a Beeline card?".

Tariffs and conditions for the card

  • Card type- MasterCard Standart and World (only for customers of the Beeline operator). There is 3-D Secure support for secure online shopping.
  • Release, re-release and annual maintenance - Is free.
  • SMS informing- Is free.
  • Interest on the balance (PNO) on the card account- from 3 to 7% per annum monthly.
  • Withdrawing your own funds. If the amount of the transaction is more than 5000 thousand rubles - free of charge, if less then 149 rubles per operation. Without a commission, you can withdraw no more than 50 thousand rubles per month, and if you have exceeded this limit, then the commission will be 2% of the withdrawal amount.
  • Accrual of bonuses. You get 1% of all purchases in any case, 5% for payments in your "favorite" categories and up to 15% for payments from card partners.
  • Transfers between Beeline cards- Is free.
  • Between bank transfers. Up to 100 thousand per month can be transferred without commission, over this amount - 0.5% of the transfer amount (min. 20, max. 1000 rubles)

Bonus program (cashback) on the Beeline card

Let's talk in more detail about the most interesting - the Beeline bonus program. As mentioned above, for each purchase you receive bonus points, which in the future can be easily cashed out and turned into discounts for yourself.

How to accumulate bonuses on a Beeline payment card

  1. One percent always and everywhere You get it provided that you pay with a Beeline MasterCard card (including on the Internet).
  2. Increased bonuses in favorite categories. Each cardholder can independently choose no more than 3 categories in the personal account of the card, where he wants to receive as much as 5% of the "cashback". The following options are now available for selection: Restaurants; Cosmetics and perfumery; Sporting goods; Pets; Duty Free; Taxi; City transport and parking; Beauty Salons; Entertainment and taxis. As you can see, the list is quite extensive and interesting. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves the most frequently used categories and quickly earn bonuses for their purchases.
  3. Special bonuses from partners. In addition to standard and increased bonuses, you can also receive special bonus points from card partners. Among the partners are: Apteka.RU, shops Perekrestok, Liters and many others.
  4. Especially for the readers of our blog, we give the Beeline promotional code for 300 points... To activate it, you need to go to mobile app Beeline cards, on the left in the menu, find the "Promo codes" section and indicate the promo code there: FR1POMQXV... After that, you need to make any purchase with the card in the store and automatically on bonus balance 300 points will be credited.

By the way, if you plan to use a Beeline card to pay for purchases on the Internet, then I recommend using it in conjunction with cashback services in order to get the maximum benefit from purchases on the Internet.

Recommendeduse the service LetyShops , in which you can now get a premium account for the promotion.

How to spend bonus points of the Beeline card:

So, if you have accumulated bonuses for soybeans purchases, then it's time to start spending them. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Cellular. In the personal account of the Beeline card, the accumulated bonuses can be withdrawn to your Beeline mobile connection.
  2. Salons Beeline... If you often make purchases in Beeline communication stores, then you can turn bonus points into a discount when buying a phone or accessories. When paying for services, bonuses cannot be used.
  3. Shopping from partners. You can also pay with bonus points from card partners in the online literature store Liters, the KARI shoe chain and the BILETIX service for buying air and railway tickets.

Features of the Beeline bonus program

  1. You can cash out bonus points for mobile communications in the amount of no more than 90% of the average monthly expenses for cellular communications over the past six months. Let's say you spend 300 rubles a month on communication, then you can cash out no more than 270 bonuses per month.
  2. Also, when paying from partners and Beeline stores, the same restriction applies. You can pay with bonuses only 90% of the check amount.
  3. When paying from a card for housing and communal services, cellular communications, the Internet, insurance services, or when making transfers from card to card, bonus points are not credited.

Beeline credit card

Any Beeline payment card can become a Beeline credit card with a grace period of up to 55 days. To connect credit limit for a payment card, you must leave a request on the card website or contact one of the Beeline offices. Previously, a credit limit could be obtained from two partner banks - Tinkoff and Alfa-Bank. And now only Tinkoff Bank.

Credit limit from Tinkoff Bank

  • Age from 18 to 70 years old
  • Credit limit amount up to 300,000 rubles.
  • Limit registration fee- 500 rubles.
  • Grace period- up to 55 days.
  • Interest rate- individually from 19.9%.
  • Loan withdrawal fee- 4.9% + 500 rubles.

When registering a credit limit for a Beeline card from Tinkoff Bank keep in mind that by applying for it, you will not be able to receive a credit Tinkoff map, since the bank has a rule - one credit product in one hand.

Therefore, here you need to think carefully: "Do you need a Beeline credit card?" or it is better to issue a regular Tinkoff credit card. Most people prefer to use the second option, according to which you can get a larger limit and a more interesting bonus program.

Percentage on the balance - Beeline card-piggy bank

The card, which many call a Beeline bank card, can be used not only as credit card or cards only for payments, but also as a storage tool Money.

The fact is that by using the card, you can connect the “Interest on the balance” service, which will allow you to receive interest for keeping your own funds. This service paid and costs 99 rubles per month.

There are conditions, compliance with at least one of which will allow you to use the PNO service completely free of charge:

  • In the first 2 months after the card is issued.
  • The card constantly has a minimum balance of at least 3000 rubles;
  • Within a month, you replenished the card with a similar one. amount;
  • You spend on the card from 3000 rubles for a whole month.

By the way, the interest rate that is charged on the balance depends on the amount you store on the card:

  • From 15 thousand rubles to 100 thousand - 3% per annum.
  • From 100 thousand to 300 thousand - 4% per year.
  • From 300 thousand to 1 million - 6.5% per annum.
  • Over 1 million rubles - 7% per annum.

If you store an amount of less than 15,000 rubles on the card, then practically no interest is charged (0.01% per year).

Any holder of a payment card can order a personalized Beeline card with contactless payment technology in his personal account MasterCard PayPass and the presence of a chip on the card. Issuance and maintenance of the card is also free. The only thing you have to pay for is the delivery of the card by Russian Post, which is 200 rubles.

How to top up a payment card

You can replenish a Beeline payment card in several ways:

  • In numerous offices of "Beeline"- Is free.
  • By interbank transfer from another bank- the commission depends on the sending bank.
  • By card number at ATMs, terminals and services of transfers from card to card - the commission depends on the service through which you send. On average, from 0.5%.
  • From a card of another bank in the payment account "Beeline". Perhaps this is the easiest and most convenient way to replenish a payment card, since in your personal account it is enough to link your salary or debit card once and then, if necessary, “pull” money from there to the Beeline card. There is no commission from Beeline in this case, but from the card from where you are debiting, you need to look at the tariffs or better try to find out. The main thing is not to top up with a credit card of another bank. There will be almost 100% commission.
  • At ATMs of MKB Bank... Since June 2017, it has become possible to replenish the card account at ATMs of the Moscow Credit Bank no commission.

How to get a PIN

The Russian mobile market is constantly changing and transforming, and any successful company must develop in accordance with its requirements. The VimpelCom trademark, which represents the services of the mobile operator Beeline, is not limited to continuous improvement of existing projects. In 2014, the company introduced a new product - a premium card MasterCard World Beeline. It is designed for non-cash payments on the Internet and in stores. In addition, the product offers a lot of advantages to users of the services of the mobile operator "Beeline". Let's take a closer look at what are the differences between this card and others.

About MasterCard World premium card

The product is analogous to a bank card: you can use it to make payments, you can also borrow money with it with a grace period. In general, this payment system can be described with the following points:

  1. It is issued and reissued absolutely free of charge.
  2. There is no additional charge for servicing the card.
  3. You can get an interest-free loan for any purpose, without collateral.
  4. Upon registration, SMS-informing is automatically connected to the product. Notifications come to mobile number phone when performing any operations.
  5. It is implemented on the international payment system Master Card, so you can pay by card anywhere in the world. When paying in overseas stores, there is an automatic conversion to local currency at the rate The Central Bank Russia without additional commission.
  6. The ability to receive bonuses for purchases. The bonus amount is 1.5% per transaction.
  7. Availability of a smartphone application that allows you to track all transactions made from the card.

Premium MasterCard World Beeline combines best qualities modern payment systems. This explains the popularity of the service in question.

Types of cards from Beeline

In addition to the premium card, VimpelCom is actively promoting its banking products. It is worth noting here:

  1. MasterCard Standard- an ordinary payment card, the design of which is available to subscribers of any operator. The bonus system assumes accrual of 1% of the transaction to the bonus account.
  2. Personal card Beeline Mastercard World provides for the presence of a full name on the front side, as well as the presence of a contactless payment system PayPass. The amount of bonuses accrued for purchases is 1.5%... Any citizen who has a Beeline MasterCard World or MasterCard Standard can issue such a card.

These products, in addition to the premium card, can also be issued for purchases. Also, with their help, it is convenient to carry out non-cash payments.

Premium card features

Speaking about this product, it is impossible not to note its versatility. Beeline premium card is intended for basic banking operations:

The company's developers are constantly improving banking service... As a result, cardholders do not experience any discomfort when using the product.

Credit funds

Among other things, a premium account has another nice feature: you can get credit funds on it. The maximum loan amount is 300,000 rubles, but it should be borne in mind that money limit set for each user individually... Initially, the card is a debit card, that is, it can be used exclusively own funds... But when providing a passport and identification code, the company's employees consider an application for obtaining credit funds and set a certain limit, the amount of which directly depends on the client's income.

The grace period, during which no interest is accrued for the use of credit funds, is up to 60 days. In the future, it is necessary to pay minimum payment, the amount of which is 8% of the amount owed.

Payment system Mastercard World Beeline offers profitable terms lending and a fairly large maximum amount loan. This state of affairs also suits many clients.

Loyalty bonus program

A loyalty program is connected to all accounts of the Beeline trademark, in which each cardholder participates. The principle of calculating bonuses: a person makes a purchase with payment system Beeline, after which a certain percentage of the transaction amount is deducted to its bonus account. So, holders of a premium account receive 1.5% for one spend. For example, a person makes a purchase on total amount 1000 rubles, while 15 rubles are bonuses.

What you need to know about this loyalty program:

  1. Bonuses are awarded for any purchases and payments for services, including those made on the Internet. But when withdrawing funds from an ATM, the program does not work.
  2. Bonuses can be used to pay 90% of the amount of purchases and services in the Beeline chain of stores". For example, if you have 100 rubles on your bonus account, you make a purchase in the company's office for the amount of 100 rubles. You can pay with bonuses only 90 rubles, the remaining 10 you pay from your personal account.
  3. If no transactions have been made on the card within six months, previously accrued bonuses "burn out".

The bonus system is very convenient for those who regularly use the services of the Beeline mobile operator, because you can easily accumulate bonus money and then pay with it in the branded chain of stores.


The card can be replenished without commission in the following ways:

  • in the office of the Beeline company;
  • in personal cabinet a mobile operator or in a mobile application;
  • money transfer system "Zolotaya Korona".

In other cases, the commission for replenishment of the account depends on the bank in which you carry out the operation. You can withdraw funds at the bank's cash desk or at an ATM that works with the MasterCard system. When withdrawing from an ATM, the commission is 1%, when receiving at the bank's cash desk - 4%... Moreover, if credit funds are withdrawn, the commission will be 4.9% plus 500 rubles.

How to get a premium MasterCard World card

Any subscriber of the Beeline mobile operator can become the owner of such an account. To obtain it, you just need to go to any office of the company, present your passport and identification code (if you want to immediately set a credit limit). At the same time, for activation, the account must be replenished with at least 3000 rubles. Within 5-10 minutes after activation, an automatically generated PIN-code, which is four random numbers, is sent to the client's mobile phone. After that, you can start using the card.

Premium card MasterCard World Beeline was created for the convenience of Beeline customers. In addition to the existing bonus program loyalty, new profitable promotions periodically appear for them.

13.09.2018 Content

Like any other successful company, Beeline is actively developing, and this is not only about optimizing tariffs and improving conditions for subscribers. Following the rest of the companies, the operator mobile communications launched the production of cards with a set of universal functions. This payment instrument can be issued not only by customers of the service, but also by subscribers of other companies. The product is intended for payment for goods on Internet sites and in ordinary retail outlets, for redemption utilities and other purposes, you can also use a bank card.

Bank card Beeline has a lot of advantages, among which are:

  • The ability to pay bills anywhere in the world - wherever there is access to the electronic payment system.
  • No service fees, free SMS informing service.
  • Favorable bonuses accrued for each purchase, additional points given out for promotions and as gifts on holidays.
  • The benefit of transferring funds into another currency is that the conversion is carried out at the established rate of the Central Bank, without additional payments.
  • The presence of a special program for mobile phone users, which allows you to replenish the account, monitor transactions and transfer money.
  • The ability to issue a loan in the amount of up to RUB 300,000 with a grace period of 2 months.
  • High security of transactions, provided by the international service MasterCard.

Classification of cards

Payment card banking Beeline is produced in one of three modifications:

World- Only Beeline customers can get it, the amount of bonuses for operations is 1.5%.
Standard- available to subscribers of any companies, the amount of bonuses is 1%.
PayPass- a personalized product with contactless technology. Issued exclusively to Beeline customers who already have one of the two main cards. The size of the bonuses, as in the previous case, is 1.5%.

How do I manage my card account?

The maximum amount that is allowed to be deposited into a Beeline account is 100 thousand rubles for Standard and World. For PayPass, this parameter is 600 thousand rubles. Information about any changes to the account comes in the form of absolutely free.

You can replenish your card balance in several ways:

  • Cash in each office of the operator - free of charge.
  • Transfer from a bank account - for this, use your personal account on the official Beeline portal or a special application for your phone. No commission is charged for this operation either.
  • Transfer of funds using the service " gold Crown"- no additional payments.
  • Any ATM financial institution countries - the amount of the commission will depend on the conditions of a particular bank.
  • Translation in any bank branch- the size of the commission is also set by the banking organization.

For withdrawals, you can use an ATM that works with MasterCard. At the same time, the commission will be 1%. When withdrawing funds at the bank branch, a commission of 4% is charged. If you need to withdraw a loan from the account, the payment will be 4.9% + 500 rubles.

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Beeline operator card capabilities

The Beeline card is a universal tool for solving a variety of tasks:

Cash withdrawal through ATM or banking institution cooperating with MasterCard.
Realization of transfers within the Russian Federation, to Georgia and the CIS countries.
Loan payment. This service is available to persons who have Russian citizenship.
Account management with mobile service and a personal account on the official portal of the operator.

If the cardholder intends to use it to pay for purchases on the network, experts advise using special cashback services that allow you to get good benefits from orders on the Internet.

The accumulated bonuses can be used for a variety of purposes, in particular:

  • Mobile connection. The received points are allowed to be withdrawn to your phone account. To do this, you need to visit your personal account.
  • Salons. If you are used to making purchases in the salons of the Beeline operator, bonuses can be turned into a discount in the case of purchasing a smartphone or accessories to it. Points cannot be used to pay for services.
  • Shopping from partner companies. With the bonuses earned, it is allowed to pay for purchases from Beeline partners in the Liters online store, on the KARI shoe website and in the BILETIX company selling railway and air tickets.

You can pay with points for cellular communication in an amount not exceeding 90% of the average monthly costs for such services over the past 6 months. For example, a client allocates 300 rubles every month for communication, which means that he has the right to cash out no more than 270 points per month.

A similar condition applies when paying for services from partner companies and in Beeline mobile salons. Only 90% of the purchase price can be redeemed with bonuses.

If the card is used to pay for utilities, internet and insurance programs, bonuses are not credited. The same applies to the procedure for transferring funds from one card to another.

Loan processing

The Beeline card can be used to receive borrowed funds in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles with an interest-free period of up to 2 months. To receive benefits, you will need to top up your account by 8% of the amount owed. To take it, you must provide a civil passport and a second document of your choice (for example, TIN or SNILS). A loan application is considered no longer than half an hour.


Beeline debit card in 2018year. They will seem more interesting, of course, to customers using the communication of this operator.

Get a Beeline card

Debit card Beeline, getwhich can be found in any office of the company, in 2018 it is issued in two formats: Mastercard Standard or World. Any citizen who applies with a passport can get standard plastic. To request World map you need to act as a subscriber of the company and have 500 rubles, which you need to add to the account when issuing. Having one of these cards, any client has the right to exchange it for a contactless one, the tariffs and terms of service for which can be found on the operator's website.

Contactless card

Contactless cardW orld M astercard Beeline refers to an international product that can be used all over the world. When exchanging, the account balance, accumulated bonuses and other parameters are automatically transferred to the new product. The convenience of the contactless option is a high degree of security, because any payment transactions or using payment terminals are made by touching - bringing plastic to the device.

Get contactless card Beelineit is also possible via the Internet. To do this, you need to fill out an application, and the card will be sent by mail. Delivery fee is 200 rubles.

You can order a World Mastercard Beeline contactless card by leaving an application on the company's website and receive it by mail, tariffs can be found on the company's website

Card limits

If we consider the tariffs in 2018, the limits on the Beeline debit card are providedin such sizes:

  • balance on Mastercard Standard or World: up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • the balance on the contactless and when connecting the function of generating income for the balance: up to 600 thousand rubles;
  • transfer to bank accounts: 1 million rubles;
  • cash withdrawal from banks acting as partners of the Golden Crown (by prior ordering of the operation via the Internet): 1 million rubles;

bonus program

A debit card in the World format allows you to earn points in the following amounts:

  • 1% of the purchase amount;
  • 5% of expenses at gas stations, pharmacies and restaurants;
  • up to 15% from partners of the company.

Bonuses are not credited for payments via the Internet bank and mobile application. You can use the accumulated points to replenish your phone account or to receive a discount at the offices of partners or Beeline.

The Beeline debit card within the 2018 bonus program allows its users to accumulate points, which can later be used to pay for mobile communications and purchases

Beeline card profitability

In the office of the company, you can activate the "Interest on the balance" option. This allows you to receive income on the balance under the following conditions:

  • 4.6% with a balance of 0.5-15 thousand rubles;
  • 5.1% - 15-50 thousand rubles;
  • 7.2% - 50-150 thousand rubles;
  • 9% - over 150 thousand rubles.

By issuing a Beeline debit card, you can also connect an additional option that allows you to get income on the balance of funds on the card

Cost and rates

Beeline debit card tariffs in 2018has very loyal. Any of the Beeline debit card options is issued and serviced free of charge. When withdrawing cash through an ATM, no commission is charged if the amount is over 5 thousand rubles. For a smaller amount, the commission is 99 rubles. Withdrawal of an amount over 50 thousand rubles is not subject to additional payment. You can use devices of any banks.

Transfers to accounts in any banks and card replenishment are free of charge. Internet banking, SMS notification and mobile application services are free of charge.


As seen, debit card Beelineacts as a convenient payment tool for the operator's clients. It allows you to receive bonuses and income for the balance, as well as perform the simplest Bank operations free of charge (replenishment, transfer, withdrawal). The tariffs and terms of service for the Beeline 2018 debit card can be found on the company's website.