A new law requires your employer to pay you for your vacation. Methods of paying for vouchers Only certain vouchers do not create taxable income

1. at the Viaduct Tour Company office in cash;

2. at the Viaduct Tour Company office using a card;

3. by non-cash transfer to the Company's current account at any branch of Sberbank of Russia (bank commission 2%).

4. from the website by non-cash transfer to the Company’s bank account (no commission). When choosing a payment option from the site, in the “account number” field you must enter the account number that you will receive from our manager when confirming the tour. Pay by card

Payment by bank cards is carried out after issuing an invoice for the booked tour. services.

Payment by VISA bank cards

All types of payment methods are accepted for payment. VISA cards, with the exception of Visa Electron. In most cases, the Visa Electron card is not applicable for online payments, with the exception of cards issued by individual banks. You need to check with the issuing bank of your card about the possibility of paying with a Visa Electron card.

Payment on credit MasterCard cards

All types of MasterCard are accepted for payment on the site, with the exception of Maestro.

What you need to know:

  • your number credit card;
  • expiration date of your credit card, month/year;
  • CVV code for Visa cards / CVC code for Master Card:
    The last 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of the card.

If your card does not have a CVC / CVV code, then the card may not be suitable for CNP transactions (i.e. transactions in which the card itself is not present, but its details are used), and you should contact your bank for detailed information. information.


Payment for orders through SBERBANK is carried out after issuing an invoice for the booked tour. services. To pay for your order, you need to print a payment invoice, which the manager will send to your email address.
We warn you that SBERBANK charges a commission for the payment service.


How to pay with a bank card.

Click on the "Go to website" button payment system SBERBANK" You will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, where you can indicate the details of your bank card*. Connecting to a payment gateway and transferring your parameters plastic card carried out in secure mode using the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol.

If the Issuing Bank of your plastic card supports the technology for secure online payments, be prepared to provide a special password required for successful payment. You can check the methods and possibility of obtaining a password for making online payments with the bank that issued your card.

When choosing a form of payment using a bank card, payment for the order is made immediately after the invoice for the tour is issued. services. in the “account number” field you must enter the account number that you will receive from our manager when confirming the tour.

* Confidentiality of the personal information provided is ensured." The entered information will not be provided to third parties except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Payments by bank cards are carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the payment system


If you cancel a paid order (in part or in whole), you can order other services for the same amount, or return the order amount to the card in full (under the contract, in accordance with the penalty clause) with the help of your manager.

Receiving a tour. services paid for by bank card.

The date of receipt of the amount paid by plastic card is the date the money is credited to our bank account.
To receive services, you will need your passport and contract.

How to book a tour

Select the tour you are interested in and click on the "Book online" button:

Choose an agency, you or a private tourist

N.G. answered questions. Bugaeva, economist

The company pays for the employee’s trip: we sort out taxes

Some employers help their employees organize vacations, for example, by paying for trips to sanatoriums. We will look at how this affects the tax burden and company contributions using examples from our readers.

Only certain vouchers do not create taxable income

THEM. Denega, Voronezh

In what cases is the issuance of a voucher to an employee or former employee of a company (pensioner) not subject to personal income tax?

: The cost of a voucher for which services are provided by a sanatorium-resort and health-improving organization located on the territory of the Russian Federation is not subject to personal income tax. clause 9 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the type of organization must be named in clause 9 of Art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. After all, the services of, for example, a health and entertainment complex are not eligible for personal income tax benefits. Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated July 31, 2008 No. 03-07-06-01/243.


Vouchers to sanatoriums, dispensaries, sanatoriums, recreation centers, boarding houses, medical and health complexes, sanatoriums, recreational and sports children's camps are not subject to personal income tax. clause 9 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the employer must pay for the trip using funds that are not included in expenses for profit tax purposes. At the same time, you can either purchase a voucher and give it to the employee, or reimburse its cost in full or in part if the employee bought the voucher on his own. Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated November 30, 2011 No. 03-04-06/6-325.

As for the voucher provided to a former employee who resigned due to retirement due to disability or old age, its cost will also not be subject to personal income tax if the above conditions are met. But if an employee of retirement age was dismissed for other reasons, for example due to staff reduction, personal income tax will have to be withheld Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated April 20, 2012 No. 03-04-06/6-119.

Personal income tax must be withheld from the cost of the voucher given to the employee.

Maria Steblova, Yaroslavl

Our organization purchased a sanatorium voucher for its employee at the expense of net profit. Subsequently, it was decided not to deduct the cost of the trip from the employee. A donation agreement was concluded. Do I now need to charge the cost of the trip? insurance premiums and withhold personal income tax?

: Anything your employee received from the employer under a gift agreement entered into writing, not subject to insurance premiums Part 3 Art. 7 of Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 212-FZ); Letters of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 12, 2010 No. 2622-19, dated May 19, 2010 No. 1239-19 . It would seem that there is also no need to withhold personal income tax from the cost of the voucher if the voucher complies preferential conditions clause 9 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (see question above) . However, the Ministry of Finance is against this approach Clause 1 Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated March 16, 2006 No. 03-05-01-04/68 . And he believes that if the voucher was provided under a gift agreement, then the personal income tax benefit does not apply to it. Therefore, tax must be calculated on the cost of a trip exceeding 4,000 rubles. clause 28 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Since they are not subject to personal income tax present

only within this amount. This is, of course, illogical. But if you don’t need disputes, then it’s easier to charge personal income tax and withhold it from the employee than later because of not the most large sums

sue the tax authorities.

“Vestniks” have vouchers that are not subject to personal income tax as compensation

Employees of our Federal State Unitary Enterprise, in accordance with Government Decree No. 899 of December 31, 2004 “On the procedure for medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment of citizens engaged in work with chemical weapons,” once every 2 years have the right to receive compensation for the cost of a sanatorium voucher and travel to the place sanatorium and resort treatment throughout Russia. Those who have not exercised the right to receive this compensation within 2 years are paid compensation in the amount of 23 thousand rubles. Is this taxable? personal income tax payment?

: Since such payment is legally established compensation pp. 3, 5, 6 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 899 dated December 31, 2004, it is not subject to personal income tax as compensation related to harm to the health of an employee in clause 3 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It can also be taken into account as expenses for profit tax purposes, since it is provided in accordance with the legislation. clause 3 art. 255 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A trip from dividends is not income

O.L. Dovzhenko, St. Petersburg

The organization applies common system taxation. For 2011, net profit was received. CEO is the only member of the organization. He asked to pay for a tourist trip for him and his family members using the dividends due to him. How to arrange this? What about personal income tax and insurance premiums?

: First, by decision of your participant, you must accrue dividends to the director, from which you must withhold and transfer personal income tax at a rate of 9% clause 2 art. 214, paragraph 4 of Art. 224, paragraph 2 of Art. 275 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Then let the director write a statement that he asks for a certain amount of the dividends due to him to be used to pay for a tourist package. Thus, at the request of the director, the company will pay for his trip with his own money. That is, the cost of the trip will not become another taxable income for the employee. Therefore, you won’t have to withhold personal income tax from it, or charge insurance premiums. Part 1 Art. 7 of Law No. 212-FZ.

The trip was paid for by the trade union: for personal income tax it is important from what funds

Maria Belyaeva, Tula

Our trade union organization is registered as a legal entity and pays for trade union members trips to the sanatorium from its budget. Is it necessary to withhold personal income tax from vouchers and charge insurance premiums?

: The budget of a trade union organization is like any other non-profit organization, can be formed from different sources in clause 1 art. 2 of the Law of January 12, 1996 No. 10-FZ; clause 1 art. 6, paragraph 1, art. 26 of the Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ. These could be membership fees, targeted revenues from the employer, income from paid cultural events, etc. If the voucher provided to a trade union member is paid for from membership dues, then there is no need to withhold personal income tax clause 31 art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

But if the trip was paid for, for example, targeted funds provided by the employer for the health improvement of employees (which cannot be spent on any other purpose), then your trade union organization will have to withhold personal income tax from the cost of the voucher Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated June 10, 2011 No. 03-04-05/6-420. And since the union has nothing to keep him from, it will be necessary to notify tax office about the impossibility personal income tax withholding and submit a certificate in form 2-NDFL for the employee who received the permit clause 5 art. 226 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

There will be no need to charge insurance premiums, including “for injuries”, if there is no labor or civil law agreement between the employee and the trade union organization. Part 1 Art. 7 of Law No. 212-FZ; Art. 20.1 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ.

Sanatorium-resort and health-improving organizations do not pay VAT

E. Gordeeva, Moscow

Our company has country houses in the Moscow region. Company employees and our pensioners vacation there in the summer, for a fee, of course. We do not charge VAT, since the houses are located on the territory of a sanatorium-resort recreation center. In addition to the receipt slip and cash receipt, we have a contract agreement with the vacationer. Do I need to issue vouchers for the provision of recreation services?

: Only health resort and health organizations that provide such services on the basis of vouchers or courses, which are BSO, can not impose VAT on health resort services. subp. 18 clause 3 art. 149 Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of May 3, 2006 No. 15664/05. If your company simply has its own recreation center, then there is no reason not to tax its services with VAT. This means that you need to issue invoices clause 3 art. 168 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

But whether to issue vouchers or not is at your discretion. After the cancellation of travel voucher forms approved by the Ministry of Finance, organizations providing services to the public approve them independently, taking into account the fact that they must contain a certain set of details in pp. 2, 3 Regulations, approved. Government Decree No. 359 dated 05/06/2008. If you decide to issue travel vouchers, do not forget to approve the self-developed form in accounting policies e clause 4 PBU 1/2008.

Subsidies for travel packages for children of employees - company income

Anna Galich

The company paid for trips to a local multidisciplinary sanatorium for the children of employees. The health department issued vouchers, an invoice for them without VAT and a delivery note. Based on a copy of the agreement with the sanatorium and the payment order, we entered into an agreement with the local education department on the return of funds from the budget (subsidies for the health of children under the federal program). After some time we received the full amount. How to reflect this in tax accounting, is it necessary to register invoices for purchased vouchers in the purchase book?

: Let's start with accounting for purchased vouchers. It will not be possible to recognize their cost as expenses when calculating income tax. clause 29 art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Finance and Moscow tax authorities are against taking into account expenses for vouchers when calculating income tax, even if their provision to employees is provided for in collective or labor agreements and Letters of the Ministry of Finance dated February 16, 2012 No. 03-03-06/4/8; Federal Tax Service for Moscow dated February 22, 2007 No. 20-12/016779. Controlling authorities emphasize the non-productive nature of these payments and believe that they are more like some kind of social guarantee on the part of the employer, rather than on incentives for work. And the courts agree with him and Resolutions of the FAS ZSO dated September 26, 2011 No. A27-16788/2010, dated December 28, 2010 A27-8377/2010; FAS VSO dated January 19, 2010 No. A19-15653/08.

But the budget money you received as compensation for these costs, according to the Ministry of Finance, will need to be recognized as non-operating income Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated October 13, 2011 No. 03-03-06/4/116. Since reimbursement of the cost of vouchers is not included among the income not taken into account for profit tax purposes. And although economic benefit there is no compensation from this Art. 41 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-recognition of budget money in revenues will definitely lead to a dispute with the tax authorities.

Reimbursement from the budget will not be subject to VAT Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated October 13, 2011 No. 03-03-06/4/117.

And the received invoice is general procedure is registered in part 2 of the log of received and issued invoices, as well as in the purchase book clause 2 of the Rules for maintaining a purchase book, clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining a journal of received and issued invoices, approved. Government Decree No. 1137 dated December 26, 2011.

The cost of a child's voucher for the simplified tax system cannot be included as an expense

Yulia Voronkova

The entrepreneur paid for the simplified tax system (“income minus expenses”) full cost vouchers to a children's health camp for your employee's child. In accordance with the local resolution, the mayor's office transferred half the cost of the trip to his bank account. Should the amount received from the mayor's office be taken into account in income when calculating taxes? And can the amount paid for the trip be included in expenses?

: In the closed list of expenses for simplifiers, there is not a word about vouchers for employees or their children. Therefore, it is impossible to take into account the cost of the voucher when calculating tax under the simplified tax system.

Some try to include it in wage costs as a bonus for special merits of the employee. subp. 6 clause 1 art. 346.16, paragraph 2 of Art. 255 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. But then the condition for this must be spelled out in the collective or employment agreement, plus an application from the employee is needed to receive a salary partially in natural forms e

A.M. Terekhova, Sortavala

Our organization is located in the Far North region. In accordance with the collective agreement, we always pay employees for travel to and from their vacation destination, and sometimes for travel vouchers. But if an employee is not on vacation in Russia, how is the border to which we must pay for his travel determined? For example, if an employee flies to Turkey by plane from Moscow.

: If you have public sector entity, then you must pay the employee’s travel to Moscow, as well as the cost of flights within Russia, included in the ticket price. It is determined by a certificate that the employee must obtain from the air carrier. clause 10 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 455 dated June 12, 2008. If he has not submitted such a certificate to the accounting department, then you will only reimburse him for travel to Moscow. The same goes for the return trip.

If you have a normal commercial organization, then you must establish the procedure for paying for travel yourself in labor or collective agreements or other local acts Art. 325 Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Law of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1. You can specify in your document the same rules for reimbursement of travel costs that are established for budgetary institutions. Or you can define others, for example, pay the cost of travel to a holiday destination abroad using the tickets presented in full. Every organization (including commercial) located in the Far North is required to pay such compensation to employees in some form. clause 3 of the motivational part of the Constitutional Court Resolution No. 2-P dated 02/09/2012. Therefore, it is better to clearly state the procedure and conditions for reimbursement of such expenses in the company’s internal document.

At the time of booking the tour, payment is made using bank cards using two-stage authorization technology. This means that the money is frozen (blocked) on your card until confirmation of all services in the application is received. As soon as all services in the application are confirmed, the money is debited from the card automatically. If a refusal is received, for example, from a hotel, the money will automatically be returned to the holder’s card.

2. Partial payment by bank card

Installment plan from TEZ TOUR!

Partial payment by bank card is possible for tours on charter flights to Andorra, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, China (Hainan), UAE, Thailand, Turkey: 30% payment immediately and the balance no later than than 15 working days before departure.

The cost of the tour is fixed in USD. Prepayment/additional payment is made in rubles at the current exchange rate of the Company on the day of payment. Full payment must be made no later than 15 working days before departure.

Pay for tours online without commission!

At the time of booking the tour, payment is made using bank cards using two-stage authorization technology. This means that the money is frozen (blocked) on your card until confirmation of all services in the application is received. As soon as all services in the application are confirmed, the money is debited from the card automatically. If a refusal is received, for example, from a hotel, the money will automatically be returned to the holder’s card.

We do not charge a commission from clients when paying for tours with a bank card.

We accept bank cards of the following payment systems:

3. Sberbank online and cash payment

You can choose the option of paying in cash through Sberbank branches using an account from your personal account. Invoices printed for payment upon application are valid for 2 business days (day of issue + 1 day). This allows you to FIX the amount payable at the rate in effect at the time of invoice!

When choosing Sberbank Online payment produced in personal account Sberbank, the purpose of payment indicates the application number.

Payment for tours at Sberbank ATMs and terminals, as well as through Sberbank Online without commission!

To pay for tours, you can use any of the following payment methods:

1. Sberbank Online and ATMs

Payment is made from a bank card or your bank account(in Sberbank Online).

2. Terminals

Payment is possible using a Sberbank card.

Sequence of actions when paying for an application (using the example of Sberbank Online):

4. Other payment methods

Payment via Euroset

You can pay for your application at any Euroset salon in Russia: salon addresses.

Payment is made in cash through the cash register (instructions).

Payment via Svyaznoy

You can pay for your application in cash at any Svyaznoy salon in Russia:

For early booking tours with charter flights, partial payment in cash or through Sberbank Online is possible: you must make an advance payment of at least 25% of the cost to book the tour. The remaining 75% must be paid no later than 15 working days before the departure date.

Payment is considered made upon receipt Money.

Attention! On the last day of early booking, payment must be received no later than 18:00 Moscow time!

Select your debit account and click “CONTINUE”

Invoice 001-A dated 01/01/2018 for Maria Ivanova. Click "CONTINUE"

Click on the picture to enlarge or reduce the image.

Check all entered information. Click “CONFIRM BY SMS” and enter the confirmation code you received. The payment has been made! Let us know that you have paid for the trip, and within 2-3 business days you will receive a receipt confirming payment by email. Next, collect medical certificates and suitcase

Payment through a mobile application on your phone

WITH mobile phone log in official application"Sberbank Online".

Go to the “PAYMENTS” section, click the search bar “NAME, CURRENT ACCOUNT, INN”, click “BY DETAILS”

Fill in the details of our organization (the details are indicated in the invoice issued to you for payment for the trip):

  • current account number of the organization LLC "Elena" 40702810438090010433
  • TIN of the organization LLC "Elena" 7717589463
  • BIC bank of the organization LLC "Elena" 044525225


Enter your full name and click “CONTINUE”

Enter the payer's address and payment purpose. When specifying the payment, it is important to indicate the invoice number issued to you for the trip and the child’s last name. Example: According to invoice 001-A dated 01/01/2018 for Ivanova Maria. Click "CONTINUE"

Enter the payment amount and click “CONTINUE”

Check all entered information. Click "CONFIRM". The payment has been made! Let us know that you have paid for the trip, and within 2-3 business days you will receive a receipt confirming payment by email. Next, collect medical certificates, a suitcase, and we are waiting for our children on vacation at the Euroclub!