Who does the head of the central bank report to? The Central Bank of Russia is a government body or commercial organization

Central bank Russian Federation- this is an unusual bank, such as Sberbank, Tinkoff or others known to us. The Central Bank is a kind of treasury. Here they produce money, mint coins, and issue banking licenses. A citizen or individual cannot come to the Central Bank for a loan or open an account. The organization interacts only with commercial banks known to us.

In 1990, it was controlled by the Supreme Council, and after perestroika it was declared a branch of the International Monetary Fund and separated from the state.

On this moment Central Bank - entity, registered in Moscow. All institutions ensuring its operation and monitoring its activities are located there.

The Central Bank has an authorized capital, which belongs to part federal funds. The designation of the Central Bank as a legal entity presupposes full and independent provision of its activities. But 75% of income is transferred to the state budget.

Essentially, how can any individual organize legal enterprise, so the state created a body engaged in independent activities, the only “but” is that this activity cannot be called commercial. The main task of the Central Bank is to ensure control over the work of other banking institutions, as well as to monitor the stability of the ruble. Some earnings or income are just a side effect of the main task being carried out and are transferred to the state budget.

However, according to the documentation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it is not government agency. That is, he does not bear any responsibility for the activities of the state. In the event of the collapse of the state, its bankruptcy, the Central Bank, even having a gold reserve or securities It has every right not to pay off the state's debt. In response, the state does not bear any responsibility for the activities and responsibilities of the Central Bank itself.

However, many are interested in the question of where the Bank of Russia is registered as a legal entity. And this is quite natural and understandable, because this body supervises the legality of the actions of all other commercial banks. And in case controversial situations, an individual can send a complaint and a request to verify the legality of actions commercial bank, of which the citizen is a client.

Legal address of the Central Bank of Russia:
107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12, Bank of Russia

Fedorov in the above video even managed to say that the Central Bank " has nothing to do with Russian economy " So what " no one even demands this from him", that is, the development and maintenance of the domestic economy;

Moreover, it is argued that Russia really does not have gold and foreign exchange reserves, because they belong to this “private office.” And that is precisely why Russia cannot use them.

2. Clause 18.2 of Article 4 the same law, which says that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation " is a depository of funds of the International Monetary Fund in the currency of the Russian Federation, carries out operations and transactions provided for by the International Monetary Fund and agreements with the International Monetary Fund". Based on this point, it is argued that the Central Bank is a branch of the IMF and carries out orders “from abroad”;

What is happening in reality?

The Central Bank is truly a legal entity. But this face all authorized capital and property of which are federal property(Article 2).

All functions of the Central Bank are entirely concentrated around the Russian economy (Article 3), namely around its monetary, financial and payment systems. Whether the goals of the Central Bank are formulated well or poorly is another question. The fact is that Fedorov is lying when he says that the Central Bank is in no way connected with the Russian economy and no one even demands that he take action to develop it.

Its monetary policy (which is the prerogative of the Central Bank, and not the Government, whose prerogative in turn is fiscal policy) The Central Bank of the Russian Federation develops and carries out together with the Government of the Russian Federation(Clause 1 Article 4), together with him pursues a policy of stability and development financial market RF (Clause 1.1 Article 4). The range of issues of monetary policy includes the issue of the ruble, and the management of interest rates, and operations on the open market, etc., on the topic of which Fedorov speaks so lustily.

Including on behalf of the Government The Bank of Russia carries out "all types banking operations and other transactions necessary to perform" his functions (clause 11, article 4).

TSB RF reporting to the State Duma of the Russian Federation(v.5). The annual report is sent to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and from there to the President and Government of the Russian Federation (Article 25).

National financial advice- a collegial body of the Bank of Russia, consists of 12 people, of which 2 representatives are sent by the Federation Council from among the senators, 3 - by the State Duma from among the deputies, 3 - by the President of the Russian Federation, 3 - by the Government of the Russian Federation (Article 12). The competence of this council includes, among other things, consideration of the project and quarterly review of the implementation of the directions of the unified state monetary policy (clause 5, clause 8 of Article 13).

Candidacy for Chairman of the Bank of Russia (currently E. Nabiullina) introduced by the President of the Russian Federation and approved by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The Chairman may be dismissed from office, among other things, for violations federal laws regulating the activities of the Bank of Russia, that is, for inappropriate and inadequate monetary policy (Article 14). He is released from office by decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation.

Members of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia are appointed by the State Duma according to a list submitted by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia. But the Chairman must agree on this list with the President of the Russian Federation(v. 15). The Board of Directors meets once a month (Article 17), develops together with the Government directions of monetary policy and makes the main decisions of the Central Bank, including on interest rates, and on the issue of the ruble, and on other issues (Article 18).

The draft directions of monetary policy are also presented to the President of the Russian Federation (Article 45).

The Bank of Russia transfers half of its profits (after deducting all taxes) to the federal budget (Article 26). At the same time, Article 3 states that making a profit is not the goal of the Bank of Russia.

Well, isn’t it weak for statements that the Central Bank is a “private office” that is not subordinate to anyone? Now it’s clear how brazenly and recklessly the patriotic public is being led by the nose?

But that’s not all; as a “cherry on the cake” I will cite here in full Article 21 of the same law:

"To implement the functions assigned to it The Bank of Russia participates in the development of economic policy of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the Bank of Russia or, on his behalf, one of his deputies participates in meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, and may also take part in meetings of the State Duma when considering bills relating to issues of economic, financial, credit and banking policy.

Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation and minister economic development of the Russian Federation or, on their instructions, one representative from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and one representative from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation participate in meetings of the Board of Directors with the right of advisory vote.

The Bank of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation inform each other about proposed actions of national importance, coordinate their policies, and conduct regular mutual consultations.

The Bank of Russia advises the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the issues of the schedule for issuing government securities of the Russian Federation and repaying the government debt of the Russian Federation, taking into account their impact on the state of the financial market of the Russian Federation, including the state banking systems s of the Russian Federation, and the priorities of the unified state monetary policy".

Now about the fact that The Bank of Russia is a branch of the IMF. It is already quite obvious that this is absolute, idiotic nonsense. However, we will still look at how to understand clause 18.2 of Article 4 of the law we are considering, the text of which we cited above.

We must remember that the International Monetary Fund is, first and foremost, a fund. A fund is an organization that manages the capital it controls. The capital of the International Monetary Fund is formed by the member states of this Fund. And the larger a country’s share in the overall pot, the more votes it has when making decisions.

The IMF charter states that " Each member country shall designate its central bank as the depositary of all holdings of the Fund in its currency, or, if it does not have a central bank, it shall designate another institution acceptable to the Fund.".

A depositary is, simply put, a custodian of securities, keeping records of them and carrying out transactions with them. That is, roughly speaking, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stores all IMF deposits in rubles and carries out transactions with them. That's all. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not any "branch of the IMF", it is blatant and cynical lies.

The IMF's mission is to provide financial assistance(loans) to countries in difficult situations. Experience shows that assistance is provided under obligations, which, if fulfilled, the country finds itself in an even more difficult situation, in an even more severe crisis.

For example, the situation at the end of 2014 in Ukraine is widely known. At that time, Ukraine needed financial assistance, but the Azarov Government and President Yanukovych refused the IMF tranche because it was provided under very strict and suicidal requirements. For example, an increase in gas tariffs for the population by 40%. For this, the Government and President of Ukraine were overthrown, power was usurped by war criminals, who not only destroyed the country's economy, but also started a civil war.

But the fact remains a fact. The IMF's recommendations are just that: recommendations. And they become mandatory when a country takes money from the IMF. If Russia does not take money from the IMF, then the IMF does not have any direct levers to govern Russia.

Tales about the Central Bank being a branch of the IMF are, I repeat once again, a blatant and shameless lie. Cynical in her confidence that the people listening to her are not able to understand anything. It's a shame.

Well, at the end I will make an important disclaimer. All of the above does not mean that our country is carrying out completely independent and adequate development tasks of the country. economic policy. This does not mean that external forces cannot somehow influence and control our economic policy. But the fact is that the levers and tools here are much subtler and more complex than how various “cover-rippers” present it to the patriotic public. But we'll talk about them later.

(to be continued)

Official version

The Central Bank of Russia is a first-tier bank and serves as the main bank of the Russian Federation. It is the main issuing body and monetary institution of the country. It acts as a central coordinating and governing body credit system RF. The Central Bank controls other banks and has the right to issue and withdraw licenses from banks in Russia.

The Central Bank was formed in 1990 and is the legal successor State Bank THE USSR.

Objectives of the Central Bank of Russia

The main goals of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are: protection and guarantee of the stability of the ruble, ensuring continuous and efficient operation payment system, development of the Russian banking system.

Based on the goals, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has several tasks:

  1. It must be the emission center of the Russian Federation, that is, have a monopoly right to issue money (which is confirmed by Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  2. It must be a government bank, that is, carry out government functions settlement transactions, provide him with loans, support economic programs states. And also the Central Bank of the Russian Federation must keep gold reserves(gold reserves) of the country;
  3. It should be the main settlement center of the state, that is, be an intermediary in non-cash payments between other banks of the Russian Federation;
  4. It should be a “bank for banks”, which means it should work not with outside clients, but mainly with Russian banks. Their interaction is characterized by the fact that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stores reserves of other banks (in established by law size), exercise control over the activities of other banks in the country and issue loans to them;
  5. He should be involved in regulating the economy monetary methods. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation can issue loans to the government to pay off the deficit in state budget, however, cannot finance loans to pay off off-budget deficits state funds and budgets of Russian subjects.

Making a profit is not the main goal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Who is the chairman (head) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

According to Article 83 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of Russia proposes to the State Duma a candidate for election to the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The President can also raise before the State Duma the question of removing the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from his post.

Since 2013, Elvira Nabiullina has served as head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Who is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation subordinate to and why does the Central Bank not belong to Russia?

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been given a special constitutional and legal status. Its functions and powers and status are established by Federal Law No. 86-FZ. Legally, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is non-state body, i.e. it is not the property of the state, and its employees are not government employees, the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is defined as a legal entity. But in fact, in terms of its powers and goals, it belongs to government agencies, since the implementation of its functions involves measures of state coercion.

Who owns the Bank of Russia?

The authorized capital and all property of the Central Bank are federal property, while at the same time the Central Bank disposes of gold and foreign currency reserves and its property independently. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not pay for the obligations of Russia, just as Russia does not pay for the debts of the Central Bank, unless otherwise provided by law. This can be interpreted as follows: the state can go bankrupt, even if there is a reserve of gold and foreign exchange reserves stored in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In fact, the government depends on the Central Bank of Russia. The Central Bank is financially independent from the state. He covers his own expenses with income. Until 2014, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation transferred half of its income to the Russian budget after paying all taxes and fees. In the fall of 2014, Vladimir Putin signed a law that obligated 75% of the Central Bank’s revenues to be transferred to the federal budget. This year, the Central Bank was obliged to give 15% of its income to Vnesheconombank.

Who runs the Central Bank of Russia

According to Article No. 15-FZ on the “Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, the management structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation consists of the head and members of the board of directors of 14 people. Members of the Council are elected by the State Duma on the proposal of the Chairman of the Central Bank in agreement with the President of the Russian Federation. The Board of Directors is elected for five years and works on a regular basis.

Why doesn't the ruble belong to Russia?

Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) - main bank the first level, on which the entire economy of the country depends. It is this bank that issues the ruble, it is this bank that sets credit rate and foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble, it is this bank that controls the activities credit institutions, issues and revokes their licenses to carry out banking operations, it is this bank that stores the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves and many other powers and functions are vested in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that the Central Bank of Russia issues money independently of the state, which is stated in the constitution of the Russian Federation:

Article 75 paragraphs 1, 2

1. Monetary unit in the Russian Federation is the ruble. Monetary emission is carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The introduction and issue of other money in the Russian Federation is not allowed.

2. Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it carries out independently of other government bodies.

Here we will take a closer look at the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, taken from the official website of the Central Bank www.cbr.ru. Having studied this law, we will see that the Central Bank of Russia not only acts independently of the state, it is generally not controlled by the state and is not responsible for anything. It sounds incredible, but it's true. And you will see this now.

Since the analysis of the law is quite cumbersome, in addition to the text version, you can familiarize yourself with the video version of the analysis of the law on the Central Bank from Artyom Voitenkov, who explains quite interestingly with examples what this or that article means.

Which version of the analysis to study - text or video - decide for yourself which is more convenient for you.

So, after analyzing the federal law on the Central Bank, you will learn that:

  1. The Central Bank is legal entity independent from the state;
  2. The exclusive right to issue cash and organize cash money circulation possessed only by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  3. Without permission from the Bank of Russia, the state cannot dispose of property and even more so the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves;
  4. The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for state obligations;
  5. The relationship between currencies is regulated by the Central Bank the Russian Federation, regardless of the government of the Russian Federation;
  6. The Bank of Russia has the right to apply to international courts to protect its interests, courts foreign countries and arbitration courts;
  7. The Bank of Russia in the financial sector can give instructions, regulations and instructions, what needs to be done, both by government authorities and legal and individuals, and everyone must fulfill them unquestioningly;
  8. The Bank of Russia has no right to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation, but it is allowed to lend to the economies of other countries;
  9. The Bank of Russia is absolutely not obliged to carry out the orders of the president, State Duma, Ministry of Finance and any other government bodies.
  10. It is almost impossible to fire the Chairman of the Bank of Russia until his term of office expires, even if he does a poor job or simply refuses to follow government orders.
  11. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is the only structure whose instructions the Central Bank must carry out.

Now let's proceed directly to studying the articles of the law on the Central Bank themselves to make sure that all of the above theses are true.

“Article 1. The status, goals of activity, functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

The functions and powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law are exercised by the Bank of Russia independently of others. federal bodies state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The Bank of Russia has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.

The location of the central bodies of the Bank of Russia is the city of Moscow.”

This article indicates that the Central Bank not only carries out money issue, which is stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 2), but also all other functions and powers, regardless of other government bodies. Moreover, the Central Bank is a private legal entity, i.e. This is far from a state bank. Although " The Bank of Russia has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation", Russian money depicts the coat of arms of the provisional government of 1917, which once again reminds us of the lack of nationality of the Central Bank.

Russian rubles do not bear the Russian coat of arms, but the coat of arms of the 1917 provisional government.

"Article 2. Authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. In accordance with the purposes and in the manner established by this Federal Law, the Bank of Russia exercises powers to own, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia. The seizure and encumbrance of the specified property with obligations without the consent of the Bank of Russia is not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of the state, unless they have assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

The Bank of Russia carries out its expenses at the expense of own income

This means that the state owns the property (building, tables, equipment, etc.) and the authorized capital of the Bank of Russia, but without the permission of the Bank of Russia, which is a private legal entity, the state cannot dispose of the property, much less the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves, what does it tell us? next part Articles: “The seizure and encumbrance of the specified property with obligations without the consent of the Bank of Russia is not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.” Then it gets even more interesting. It is stated that “The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia is not responsible for the obligations of the state,” i.e. It is once again emphasized that the Bank of Russia and the state are independent of each other, and no one is responsible for anyone.

“Article 4. The Bank of Russia performs the following functions:”

Let us consider only some of the points of Article 4.

“1) in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation, develops and implements a unified state monetary policy;”

Again, it is clarified that the Bank of Russia develops and implements a unified state monetary policy in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation, and not strictly following government orders.

“2) monopolistically issues cash and organizes cash circulation;”

Monopoly means that only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has the exclusive right to issue cash and organize cash circulation. And this is also written down in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 75, paragraph 1).

“7) carries out effective management of gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia;”

Gold and foreign exchange reserves are state property, but they can only be disposed of by a legal entity - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is not responsible for its obligations and is not subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation.

“12) organizes and implements currency regulation and currency control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;"

The relationship between currencies is again regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, regardless of the government of the Russian Federation.

“Article 6. The Bank of Russia has the right to file claims in the courts in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Bank of Russia has the right to apply for protection of its interests to international courts, courts of foreign states and arbitration courts.”

It turns out that the Bank of Russia, if it doesn’t like something, can at any time apply “to protect its interests” (and not necessarily that these will be the interests of the Russian people and state) to an international court. The International Court of Justice (Article 15 paragraph 4) takes precedence over Russian court. Thus, if the interests of the Central Bank and international organizations coincide, but they do not coincide with the interests of Russia, then the Central Bank will, as expected, always win all cases. This only means one thing, that through international law control of the Russian economy is exercised.

“Article 7. The Bank of Russia on issues within its competence by this Federal Law and other federal laws issues in the form of instructions, regulations and instructions regulations, mandatory for federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, all legal entities and individuals.

The rules for preparing Bank of Russia regulations are established by the Bank of Russia independently.

Only part of Article 7 is presented here, but it is enough to understand the essence of what was said. Article 7 of the federal law on the Central Bank says that the Bank of Russia in the financial sector can give instructions, regulations and instructions on what needs to be done, both to government authorities and to legal entities and individuals, and everyone must comply with them unquestioningly. Those. It is once again emphasized that in the financial sector the commander-in-chief is the Bank of Russia, and not the government of the Russian Federation.

"Article 21.
The Bank of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation inform each other about proposed actions of national importance, coordinate their policies, and conduct regular mutual consultations.

The Bank of Russia advises the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the issues of the schedule for issuing government securities of the Russian Federation and repaying the government debt of the Russian Federation, taking into account their impact on the state of the banking system of the Russian Federation and the priorities of the unified state monetary policy.

A very interesting excerpt from the article, which shows the relationship between the Bank of Russia and the government of the Russian Federation. Resembles a treaty between two countries that “inform each other of proposed actions,” “coordinate their policies,” and “conduct regular mutual consultations.” It also turns out that the Bank of Russia does not belong to the Ministry of Finance, but it only advises it.

“Article 22. The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the deficit federal budget, buy government securities during their initial placement, except in cases where this is provided for by the federal law on the federal budget.

The Bank of Russia does not have the right to provide loans to finance government budget deficits off-budget funds, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.”

Very often you can come across the opinion that if the central bank is separated from the state, then this is normal - it is accepted everywhere. They immediately give us the example of the United States, where the federal backup system also operates independently of the state. However, in any civilized country in the world, including the United States, the central bank has the right to lend to the economy of its own country. Article 22 of the Federal Law on the Central Bank shows us that if Russian state If there is not enough money, it cannot take a loan from the Central Bank, as, for example, the United States does from its Federal Reserve System, but at the same time, the Bank of Russia is allowed to lend to the economies of other countries, which is what it is actively doing.

“Article 23. Funds of the federal budget and funds of state extra-budgetary funds are stored in the Bank of Russia, unless otherwise established by federal laws.

Bank of Russia no charge commission carries out operations with funds from the federal budget, funds from state extra-budgetary funds, funds from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and funds from local budgets, as well as operations to service the public debt of the Russian Federation and operations with gold and foreign exchange reserves.

The powers of the Bank of Russia to service the public debt of the Russian Federation are determined by federal laws.

The Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, if necessary, enter into agreements on carrying out the above operations on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation.”

Despite the fact that the Central Bank is independent from the state and is not responsible for the obligations of the state, all “Funds of the federal budget and funds of state extra-budgetary funds are stored in the Bank of Russia.” Also, Article 23 tells us that if the Government of the Russian Federation wants to carry out some operation in the financial sector, then it gives orders to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, in turn, must enter into an agreement with the Bank of Russia, and only if if the Bank of Russia agrees to conclude an agreement, the operation can be carried out. Thus, we see that the Bank of Russia is not only exempt from carrying out government orders, which is stipulated in Article 1 of the Law on the Central Bank, but is also not at all obliged to obey the Ministry of Finance, because The law clearly states that “the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, when necessary, enter into agreements” and do not act according to the “manager-subordinate” system.


The last hope for discovering the “statehood” of our Central Bank is to look at the procedure for forming its governing bodies. Chapter III is called: “Governing Bodies of the Bank of Russia.”

"Article 14.

The Chairman of the Bank of Russia is appointed to the position by the State Duma for a period of four years by a majority vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

A candidacy for appointment to the position of Chairman of the Bank of Russia is submitted by the President of the Russian Federation no later than three months before the expiration of the powers of the current Chairman of the Bank of Russia.

In the event of early dismissal from the post of Chairman of the Bank of Russia, the President of the Russian Federation shall nominate a candidate for this position within two weeks from the date of said dismissal.

If a candidate proposed for the position of Chairman of the Bank of Russia is rejected, the President of the Russian Federation shall submit a new candidate within two weeks. The same candidacy cannot be submitted more than twice.

The same person cannot hold the position of Chairman of the Bank of Russia for more than three consecutive terms.

The State Duma has the right to dismiss the Chairman of the Bank of Russia on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation.

From this article we see that the chairman of the Bank of Russia is appointed not by the president, but by the State Duma. The President just proposes his candidacy, but it is not a fact that the Duma will accept it. Moreover, only the State Duma can remove the chairman of the Bank of Russia from his post and only “on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation.” The law is written so cleverly that it is almost impossible for the president and the Duma to dismiss the chairman of the Bank of Russia from his post. To make sure of this, you need to read in what cases the chairman of the Bank of Russia can be dismissed from office.

Read the continuation of article 14:

The Chairman of the Bank of Russia may be dismissed from office only in the following cases:

expiration of the term of office;

impossibility of performing official duties, confirmed by the conclusion of the state medical commission;
submitting a personal resignation letter;

committing a criminal offense established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

violations of federal laws that regulate issues related to the activities of the Bank of Russia;

failure to take measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest to which he is a party, failure to provide or provision of incomplete or unreliable information about his income, expenses, property and liabilities property nature or failure to provide or provision of knowingly incomplete or unreliable information about income, expenses, property and property obligations of their spouse and minor children in cases provided for by the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and the Federal the law “On control over the compliance of the expenses of persons holding public positions and other persons with their income,” as well as the discrepancy between his expenses, the expenses of his spouse and minor children with their total income.”

It turns out that if the chairman of the Central Bank is healthy, his powers have not yet expired, he does not intend to leave, he does not violate the law, he complies federal legislation(that is, he does not give loans to his country), does not hide information about his income - then it is impossible to remove the chairman of the Bank of Russia from his post.

"Article 15.

The Board of Directors includes the Chairman of the Bank of Russia and 12 members of the Board of Directors.

Members of the Board of Directors work on a permanent basis at the Bank of Russia.

Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the State Duma for a period of four years upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, agreed upon with the President of the Russian Federation.

Members of the Board of Directors are dismissed from office:

upon expiration of the term of office specified in this article - by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia;

before the expiration of the term of office specified in this article - by the State Duma on the proposal of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia;

This means that only the Chairman of the Central Bank can dismiss an incompetent banker on the Board of Directors early. After all, for the early dismissal of a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank, the representation of the chairman of the bank is required. The State Duma itself cannot fire a banker if the chairman of the Central Bank does not want it.

Thus, having studied the federal law on the Central Bank, we can safely conclude that the Bank of Russia and the Russian ruble do not belong to the state. But, if the Central Bank does not belong and is not subordinate to the state, then who is its owner? By whose rules does the Bank of Russia play?

As you know, Russia is a member of the IMF. Accordingly, Russia has entered into an agreement with the IMF, which must be unconditionally implemented. The law on the Central Bank says so:

“Article 4. The Bank of Russia performs the following functions:

182) is a depository of funds of the International Monetary Fund in the currency of the Russian Federation, carries out operations and transactions provided for by the articles of the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and agreements with the International Monetary Fund;

The Central Bank manages the issue of the ruble in the “currency board” mode. This is necessary because any IMF member country is obliged to ensure a one-time exchange of the entire volume of its national currency in dollars and pounds from its own gold and foreign exchange reserves. This rule must be followed at all times. Without this, they will not be accepted into the IMF. But in the end, there is not as much money in the Russian economy as is necessary for its normal functioning, but as much as the dollars in the Central Bank’s box. How many dollars were received for sold oil and gas, so many can be printed Russian rubles. That is, the entire Russian economy is artificially made directly dependent on exports natural resources. [This paragraph is taken from the book “Nationalization of the ruble. The path to freedom for Russia".]

But how did it happen that the main connecting center of the country’s economy is not controlled by the state? The separation of the central bank from Russia occurred on December 2, 1990, when Boris Yeltsin signed the law “On Central Bank RSFSR (Bank of Russia)" (Federal Law of December 2, 1990 No. 394-1). On December 20, 1991, the State Bank of the USSR was abolished and all its assets and liabilities, as well as property on the territory of the RSFSR, were transferred to the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia). A few months later, the bank became known as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). This is how, under democratic slogans, Russia with its own hands deprived itself of economic sovereignty.

Certificate of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993

October 15, 1993 year, President B. N. Yeltsin signed a decree on a popular vote on the draft constitution of Russia and approved “Regulations on the popular vote on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993”. According to the Regulations, the Constitution was considered approved if the majority of voters who took part in the voting voted for its adoption, provided that more than half the number of registered voters took part in the voting. The term “national vote” (and not “referendum”) was used to circumvent the provision of the current Law on Referendum of the RSFSR, according to Article 9 of which a referendum could only be called by the Congress of People’s Deputies or the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation.

Voting took place December 12, 1993. Voted for adoption of the constitution 58,43 % , against - 41,57 % . The new constitution was adopted and came into force from the date of its publication in " Rossiyskaya newspaper» - December 25, 1993.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Main functions

Central Bank of the Russian Federation occupies the place of the main banking and financial organization of the country. It was founded in 1990 on July 13 on the basis of the existing State Bank. Then, six months later, the law on the Central Bank was approved, according to which the Central Bank began to operate as an independent legal entity and the main banking organization of the country. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation takes the place banking institution first (highest) level.

Reasons for the creation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The creation of a single bank in the country was facilitated by the need for the emergence of a main institution for:

  1. Carrying out emission policy.
  2. Implementation of the relationship between the banking system and state system authorities.
  3. Regulation of the work of all financial institutions in the country.
  4. Coordination and management of the entire credit network.
  5. Monitoring the activities of banks, checking, issuing and revoking licenses for banking operations.
  6. Protecting the exchange rate and stability of national money - rubles.
  7. Further development of the banking segment and the entire financial industry of the country.

Location and leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The headquarters of the Central Bank is located in the capital of Russia - Moscow, on Neglinnaya Street, building 12.
Elvira Nabiullina has been represented as the head of the Central Bank since June 24, 2013. The Board of Directors of the Central Bank consists of the head and fourteen members of the Board, who work in the institution on a permanent basis for five years and are appointed by the State Duma at the proposal of the Chairman (head) of the bank.

Who does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation report to?

In accordance with the Federal Law, the Central Bank is a legal entity, and its authorized capital and all property are the property of the federation of the state, but at the same time the Central Bank has financial and property independence. He can dispose of his property according to the legislative order and purposes, and no one has the right to seize property from him. The Central Bank carries out all its spending activities at the expense of its income.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not responsible for the obligations of the state, and the state is not responsible for the obligations of the bank. The bank has no right to finance state debts.

Thus, it turns out that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not obey anyone, but carries out state decrees and regulations. He does not belong to government bodies, but all his powers relate to government functions.

Actions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in relation to other banks and microfinance organizations.

The Central Bank regulates the work of all financial institutions operating in the Russian Federation, both banks and microfinance organizations. His powers include:

  1. Approval of the procedure for creating new banks.
  2. Carrying out inspections.
  3. Granting and revocation of licenses to carry out certain operations.
  4. Determination of rules for lending to the population and organizations by banks and microfinance organizations.
  5. Legal regulation of interbank communications.
  6. Determination of minimum reserves for banks and microfinance organizations for possible losses.
  7. Acting as a lender for credit institutions.
  8. Control and implementation of payments to depositors of bankrupt banks.
  9. Control over banks and microfinance organizations regarding informing clients about the PSK and transferring data to the BKI

Main functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

All yours functions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws. According to its responsibilities, the Central Bank:

  1. Conducts emission and monetary policy jointly with the Government. Only the Central Bank is responsible for issuing cash in the country. He is also responsible for issuing additional banknotes and destroying worn out and old banknotes.
  2. Organizes the general circulation of money and has the right to monopoly issue money. The Central Bank monitors the amount of money in circulation to avoid deflation or inflation. All banknotes are printed only with his permission. Banknotes that were printed by other means are considered invalid.
  3. Controls and regulates all financial and credit organizations in the country, grants and revokes licenses. It is the Central Bank that has the right to issue or revoke licenses from organizations wishing to obtain bank status. Without these license permits, no one has the right to conduct at least some transactions with clients’ money or securities. To obtain any certificate, an organization must provide all Required documents and evidence that she will be able to perform banking transactions. If the license is revoked, the ability to conduct operations ceases.
  4. Approves General terms settlements and transactions in banks. In order to avoid all sorts of tricks of banking organizations in order to carry out operations at their own request, the Central Bank established common conditions for settlements and operations for all banks. Thanks to this, clients will be able to enjoy equal conditions, and the Central Bank will be able to suppress the “willful” actions of other banks.
  5. Serves budget accounts of all levels. Funds from the budgets of regions and capitals cannot be deposited in the accounts of commercial banks. Budgets of all levels are serviced exclusively by the Central Bank.
  6. Manages gold and foreign exchange reserves. Control and management of gold and foreign exchange reserves belongs exclusively to the Central Bank. Even the state does not have the right to dispose of these reserves. Gold and foreign currency reserves include monetary gold, investments in securities and foreign currency, reserves in the IMF. This is not money in its pure form, gold and foreign currency reserves represent non-cash form cash reserves countries.
  7. Conducts currency control and settlement transactions with international organizations and other states. For exchange control The Central Bank ensures that currency transactions carried out comply with the laws, checks the availability of licenses and other documents for this. Control for foreign exchange transactions It is necessary for organizations not to hide the amount of income received and to fulfill their obligations to the state.
  8. Sets exchange rates of currencies in relation to the ruble. The established rates do not imply obligatory use of them by all market participants. The rest simply focus on the exchange rates of the Central Bank and can set their own, but not very different from the official ones. Currency rates depend on market quotes on the foreign exchange market.
  9. Develops payment balance countries. This is a very important indicator of how a country conducts foreign economic transactions with other countries, how it develops own production how the level of employment of citizens changes. Based on the balance of payments, GDP is calculated, monetary policy is carried out, and the level of imported and exported goods is assessed for “healthy” competition between domestic and foreign producers.
  10. Establishes the operating procedure of currency exchanges, issues, suspends or revokes their licenses. All work of currency exchanges is monitored by the Central Bank. Only he can issue a license to carry out their activities and conduct inspections. This is necessary so that all participants foreign exchange market complied with the laws of the country and fulfilled their duties.
  11. Monitors and analyzes the country's economy as a whole and by region. Since the accounts of all regions are in the Central Bank, it can control the use of funds for their intended purpose and monitor the development of the economy of each region. This is necessary for the formation general balance country and identify weaknesses and problems that need to be addressed.
  12. Deals with payments to depositors of bankrupt banks that are not connected to the deposit insurance system. If the bank is deprived of its license, then payments are made

Due to the fact that reports often appear on the Internet, the press and on television that the Central Bank has revoked the license of yet another credit organization - everyone knows this prerogative of it, but what kind of structure is the Bank of Russia, what does it do and who runs it, Not everyone knows.


The regulator of the monetary system in Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This legal entity is a government body, the activities of which are regulated by the main law of the state - the Constitution of the country and laws No. 86-FZ “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, No. 395-1 “On banks and banking».

An alternative name for the Central Bank is the Bank of Russia, the accepted abbreviation of the Central Bank of the Federal Republic. Feature: the state is not responsible for the obligations of the Central Bank, and it is not responsible for public debts.

It is interesting that the Central Bank does not directly relate to any of the branches of government: judicial, executive or legislative and does not have any organizational and legal form.

  • Head office address: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12.
  • Official website address: tsb.rf and cbr.ru
  • Authorized capital: 3 billion Russian rubles.
  • Date of foundation of the structure: October 1921, then called National Bank RSFSR, since July 13, 1990 it bears its modern name.
  • Governing body: The Board of Directors consists of a Chairman and 14 members of the Board of Directors.

It is noteworthy that the Bank of Russia is the only government agency that is legally required to spend funds only from its own income, so the Central Bank’s implementation of transactions on a commission basis is not permitted by law, although it states that making a profit is not the purpose of the Central Bank’s activities .

What is it aimed at and how does it function?

In its activities, the Bank of Russia is guided by the following goals:

  • maintaining and developing a stable state of the financial market and the Russian payment and banking systems;
  • The Central Bank ensures the protection and stability of the national currency - the ruble.

What does the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do? The functions are regulated by Law No. 86-FZ, it gives full list, the main ones are the following:

  • money-credit policy countries, its implementation and development (together with the Government of the Russian Federation);
  • in the issue (issue) of cash in the state and the organization of its circulation, the Central Bank is a monopolist;
  • the ruble sign in the form of a hand-drawn image is the prerogative of the Bank of Russia;
  • establishing a set of rules according to which banking operations are carried out in the country;
  • controls gold and foreign exchange reserves;
  • adoption and execution of decisions on licensing of banks and other credit organizations, revocation of licenses for banking operations, suspension of their activities;

A number of experts criticize the measures of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to “clean up” banking sector in Russia, and emphasize that in the first 10 months of 2016 alone, the country’s economy suffered losses amounting to more than 700 billion rubles due to banks deprived of their licenses.

  • carries out banking supervision, controls and regulates the activities of credit institutions;
  • non-state pension funds can be registered only with a positive decision of the Bank of Russia;
  • accounting plan accounts, in particular its industry standards are approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • official exchange rates - installation and publication in relation to the Russian ruble;
  • refinancing credit institutions and setting a key rate (since September 2016 it is 10%);
  • from bankrupt banks that were not participants in the system compulsory insurance deposits remain debts to clients. Such debts to individual depositors are paid by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the procedure for such payments is provided for by Law No. 96-FZ).

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation participates in the authorized capital of Sberbank of Russia; it is prohibited by law from placing funds in the capital of other credit organizations, with the exception of the possibility of participation in capital international structures, which develop cooperation in financial areas.

SMS fraud: scammers send messages to citizens’ phones informing them that their bank card blocked, they are signed with the signature “Central Bank” or something similar in Russian or English transcription. Trying to find out PIN codes and other confidential information for the purpose of theft Money from map. On its official website, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation warns that it does not send SMS messages and urges citizens to be vigilant.

Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The current Chairman (December 2016) of the Bank of Russia since 2013 is Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina - this is the first woman to hold such a post in the Central Bank of the G8 countries.

The Chairman of the Central Bank is appointed by the State Duma for a period of 5 years upon the recommendation of the President of Russia by voting. Moreover, one person cannot be appointed to this position more than three times in a row.

There is an exhaustive list of cases when the chairman can be removed from office:

  • the period for which it was appointed has expired;
  • cannot perform job responsibilities for health reasons (this must be confirmed by the conclusion of a commission of doctors);
  • leaves the post of his own free will by submitting a letter of resignation;
  • if he has been convicted by a court for committing a criminal offense;
  • will violate the norms of federal laws regulating the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

in case of corruption, concealment of income, failure to take measures to resolve conflicts, storage of funds in foreign banks and expenses (including those of his family members) that do not correspond to income.