Raiffeisenbank which banks are partners without commission. Which banks does Raiffeisen Bank cooperate with - a list of partners where you can withdraw money from a card without commission

Russian banks are increasingly moving to the level partnerships. Wanting to encourage their users, companies cooperate with each other by establishing interest-free cash withdrawals in ATMs or money transfers. Raiffeisenbank subscribers can experience such a loyalty program for themselves. Raiffeisenbank's partner banks take the most advantageous steps for the user, offering a wide range of financial transactions. Due to such cooperation, not only a colossal exchange of clients takes place, but also the optimization of work in the system of each financial company.

Banks-partners of Raiffeisenbank

ATMs, or ATMs, are classics in the financial culture of users. Almost every owner of a plastic card uses cash-out machines. This is a way to get money in the shortest possible time. To prevent a person from looking for the nearest branch machine, Raiffeisenbank has developed affiliate program with other banking companies. Why did this become possible? There are several reasons:

  • simplify the withdrawal of money in other ATMs by removing the commission percentage;
  • eliminate the need to look for the nearest branded machine;
  • optimize your work save time and company finances.

How do Raiffeisenbank's partner banks keep its funds? The number of users is growing daily. And in order to provide each category of the population with terminals and cash dispensers, a sufficient amount of investment will be required in the installation of devices in all cities of Russia.

To save its capital, the bank, together with its potential competitors, developed an affiliate campaign. The cardholder can withdraw funds from other ATMs with zero fees.

On what basis do partners work? By cashing out electronic money, the user does not overpay for the services of a bank with a foreign name. In this case, Raiffeisen overpays, partner banks give ATMs for use to outside customers without commission, charging a certain amount from the partner bank for the provided use.

However, it is much cheaper than installing additional self-service machines throughout the country. The contract between the companies indicates the condition according to which one of the parties is obliged to pay the N-th amount of money.

In which ATMs cash withdrawal without commission

In the territory Russian Federation German bank Raiffeisen is considered a company that has developed loyal conditions for its client base. Cooperation with other financial brands is a clear confirmation of this. During the years of work in the Russian Federation, the bank owns:

  • more than 2 thousand ATMs in all regions of the country;
  • about 15 thousand ATMs of their partners;
  • more than 5 thousand self-service terminals, in which the client can independently conduct banking transactions.

To date, Raiffeisen's partner banks have jointly provided commission-free ATMs for common customers. This policy allows you to maintain the image of companies in a bilateral manner. Raiffeisen offers clients to use the services of their counterparties, their name and money limit for cash transactions the following:

  • Unicredit Bank allows you to conduct transactions in ATM devices up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • Rosbank offers a cash maximum of 150 thousand rubles;
  • Moscow Credit Bank - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Gazprombank - 150 thousand rubles;
  • Rosselkhozbank provides the highest limit of 200 thousand rubles.

The rest of the list of banking partners can be found on the website's website in the section ATMs and terminals: https://www.raiffeisen.ru/offices/. According to the options presented, it is clear that the average limit is 150 thousand rubles. This is a one-time cash withdrawal. If there are restrictions on issuance, it is enough to call the bank's hotline and find out all the nuances of the restrictions.

Maximum monthly amount, through which Raiffeisenbank's partner banks can withdraw cash without commission, reaches 3 million rubles. Rosselkhozbank is the leader in terms of existing restrictions, offering bank users to receive money in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

Introduced restrictions on the type of cards

According to the list of partners presented above, it is clear which companies provide zero commission when receiving cash in an ATM device. However, there are nuances in the cooperation program regarding the types plastic cards.

Third-party ATMs pass standard debit cards without problems. These types are considered to be samples indicating Classic, Standard, Platinum, Gold (Visa, MasterCard or Maestro). When you enter a credit card into a partner's ATM, a condition on the commission will be displayed on the screen, which you need to familiarize yourself with.


Raiffeisenbank is cooperating with a number of partner banks, eliminating the interest fee when withdrawing funds from ATMs and transferring them to self-service terminals. This campaign greatly simplifies the use plastic card, allowing its owner to use ATM in nearby branches of third-party financial companies. Some banks have introduced a limit on the amount and interest on loan accounts from Raiffeisen. Before confirming the data on the screen of the machines, you should carefully read the information provided.

According to the Moody`s international scale, Raiffeisenbank was assigned a Ba2 stable rating. A sustainable financial organization ranks 14th in the Russian Federation in terms of net assets and 7th in terms of net profit.

In a reputable organization, counterparties are trustworthy. Russian banks - partners of "Raiffeisenbank" have achieved no less outstanding results and, in addition, are loyal to the clients of a representative of a serious holding from Austria. Partner units are ready to provide services to Raiffeisenbank cardholders 24 hours a day.

Number of devices

The list of places where you can pay by bank transfer is expanding in the country. But the need for cash notes is still great: to pay taxi fares, to tip service personnel, to buy Forbes magazine at the Rospechat kiosk.

The CFU under consideration offers users for operations with physical means of payment use a network of own devices, a total of 2000 pieces of equipment. In addition, there are 16,000 ATMs and terminals that provide services “at home rates”. Replenishment is available in 7.5 thousand modules.

Cardholders are also served without commission by Raiffeisenbank's partner banks.

In the cities of Russia, including in the capital of the South Urals, the city of Chelyabinsk, users of the RFB banking plastic can freely find the equipment of eight partner banks for depositing / withdrawing cash.

Dollar exchange for Russian currency

Consider a situation where there is no way to replenish the card with rubles. The wallet contains only dollars and euros. You can deposit dollars or euros for plastic only at Raiffeisenbank units.

Application operation cash currency through the banking module is more profitable in terms of conversion than the exchange at the checkout. Although there are more profitable way exchange - through the Internet bank. All courses are listed on the website of the bank in question. For example, on November 02, the dollar exchange for looks like this:

  • internet bank 1: 56.85;
  • ATM 1: 56.65;
  • cash desk branch 1: 56.40.

On the calculator, you can sum up the results as a percentage. Conversion through the banking module more profitable than a deal through the cashier by 0.443%. Thus, the exchange of 1 thousand dollars through the device will give an additional 443 rubles compared to the operation through the cash register.

The Magnificent Eight

Clients who use the funds received from Raiffeisenbank can make ruble transactions without additional costs in the partner network of the analyzed KFU. The register consists of eight banks, according to information from the official website on 10/29/2017, allowing you to withdraw money without commission. Two banks from the list allow the replenishment of the plastic of consumers of the "RFB" services.

Name of KFU partner

Operations without commission

Top up


"Moscow credit bank"


"UniCredit Bank"





The apparatuses of the Binbank and Moscow Credit Bank institutions accept only Russian money from Raiffeisenbank clients and no more than 45 (forty-five) thousand rubles per transaction.

Raiffeisenbank issues 6 types of ruble cards borrowed money and 15 types of debit cards, five of which allow transfers not only with the Russian currency, but also with the dollar and the euro. But, we repeat, you can work with currency only in Raiffeisenbank machines.

The requested amount for cash withdrawal differs from the amount of funds to be deposited.

Depending on the denomination of banknotes, limits on the amount of one transaction may vary at an ATM. Before making an investment or withdrawal paper money in the aggregates of partner banks, you can find out the balance of the card account for free.

The result depends on the denomination

ATMs are configured for the number of banknotes. The technically possible maximum volume of circulation of cash sheets in the machine is 30 banknotes.

If the denomination of the money sheet is five thousand, then you can withdraw 150 thousand in one operation. A loaded unit will allow you to withdraw five times less at a time - only 30 thousand. The smaller the denomination of banknotes in the dispenser of the machine, the smaller the amount of money withdrawn.

Cashing out and replenishment in the city of white nights

In the city of St. Petersburg, 58 units of Raiffeisenbank were registered for withdrawing and depositing cash.

In addition, Raiffeisenbank's partner banks in St. Petersburg help RFB users to receive cash or replenish a card at institutions:

  • "Binbank";
  • "Gazprombank";
  • "Moscow credit bank";
  • "Rosbank";
  • "Rosselkhozbank";
  • "Uralsib";
  • "Energotransbank";
  • "UniCredit Bank".

The number of devices for receiving and issuing money in St. Petersburg varies among banks. Banks from the first rating twenty are represented in the city thoroughly by the number of offices, ATMs and terminals.

An ATM has been installed in the only St. Petersburg branch of Energotransbank to accept cash from partners' clients.

"Moscow Credit Bank" so far has the only unit that accepts money in the city of St. Petersburg on Pulkovskoye Highway in the premises of the Avtodom car dealership. This information can be found on the website financial institution. MCB clients, if necessary, withdraw money in the modules of all partners, including through Raiffeisenbank devices, and deposit banknotes through the Alfa-Bank unit.

How to recognize a partner

The chain of mutual services was confirmed and closed in a ring. This gives hope for the trouble-free use of plastic by both Raiffeisenbank and its partners.

Consumers of the services of partner banks can, if necessary, use Raiffeisenbank's modules for depositing/withdrawing cash.

Each financial institution has developed a recognizable logo. It is useful for the reader-counterparty of the bank to know the "picture" of the institution in order to easily find the desired device.

Usually, the bank logo is located on the body of the device on both sides and on the front side. In addition, information about the KFU website and the emergency telephone number is applied on the sides.

In the offices of the "RFB" near the ATMs there is an information stand with the addresses of terminals and ATMs of partner banks.

Emergency banking assistance

The hotline advises plastic holders in difficult and non-standard situations. The client should conduct the conversation patiently and calmly, as most hotlines are robotic. A conversation with a live operator is a rarity. Therefore, proposals and wishes should be stated clearly and concisely.

If you have any questions about working with ATMs without a commission of partner banks of Raiffeisenbank, then hotline will definitely help.

Partial namesake

The Ukrainian Raiffeisenbank Aval is part of the International AG holding. A large bank has gained a high reputation in the market, consumers trust KFU, whose shareholders are RB with a share of 68.3% and with a capital ownership of 30%.

The political events of 2014 led to the closure of Aval branches in Russia, including the Republic of Crimea.

As of the date of writing, there are no partnerships between the Russian "RFB" and the Ukrainian "Raiffeisenbank Aval". Clients of these banks will not be able to quickly use the units of a consonant institution for either withdrawal or cash acceptance. Information obtained from the hotline.

Trust percentage

Depositing and withdrawing cash from plastic is made without commission.

To understand how convenient it is to have constant companions when conducting cash transactions, you should familiarize yourself with the percentage of payments when an interaction is made with a “foreign” bank or a “foreign” card, for example, a transfer.

Transfer from your own card to the plastic of "other" banks:

  • with debit - 1.5% of the transfer amount, but at least 50 Russian rubles, 3 US dollars or 3 euros;
  • with credit - 3% of the amount of departure + 300 Russian rubles.

Transfer within Raiffeisenbank to cards of other clients:

  • with debit - no commission;

Transfer from the plastic of "foreign" banks to your own "RFB" card.

No commission, but a transfer fee may be charged by the issuing bank of the debit object. For example, if you transfer money from debit card"foreign" Sberbank on credit plastic "RFB", then Sberbank will write off 0.3% for the service, and Raiffeisen will not take a penny.

Transferring money between own Raiffeisenbank cards:

  • with debit - no commission;
  • with a credit card - 3% of the transfer amount plus 300 Russian rubles.

Partner banks work in the same way. Cash transactions do not impose encumbrances on the client of Raiffeisenbank, regardless of whether the counterparty deposits money on the card at the RFB ATM or deposits through the aggregates of partner banks. Only non-cash transfers are subject to interest deductions.

Debit cards from Raiffeisenbank are especially popular, because the cost of their service is low, and the range of options is impressive. This bank serves salary cards and credit cards such as MasterCard or Visa.

In some cases, when withdrawing money from an ATM using the above cards, the client has to face a bank commission that must be paid at the time of cashing out.

Therefore, you need to know in advance , what is the commission at Raiffeisen Bank ATMs and how to withdraw your money as profitably as possible.

What is the commission for cash withdrawal

The client will have to comply with the daily limit in the process of cashing out money, which is equal to 3 million rubles. At the cash desk or at a bank branch when withdrawing cash, you must pay commission in the amount of 0.7% of the amount , but not less than 300 rubles. If with the help bank card you try to cash out money at ATMs or terminals of Raiffeisen Bank - you do not need to pay interest for this.

In the event that it became necessary to use a terminal of a third-party bank, you will be prepared for the fact that from your account in addition 150 rubles will be debited (fixed figure) plus 0.5% of the withdrawal amount. You can withdraw money in a currency other than the main account, paying the bank only 2% of the transaction amount.

The Prozora card from Raiffeisenbank is considered especially advantageous. This product is distinguished by the most transparent terms of service, so the card is very easy and profitable to use.

Money can be withdrawn from it at any ATM of the Raiffeisen financial institution, not only in Russia or Ukraine, but also abroad. If you do this at the checkout with documents confirming your identity, no commission will be charged from the client.

Cash withdrawal through an ATM is carried out with a commission of 3%, regardless of the amount of withdrawal. If the money is cashed in other banks or abroad, another commission may be added to the amount for the service. financial organization, which may vary and it is better to know it in advance.

Banks partners of Raiffeisenbank and the possibility of withdrawing money without overpayment

The cooperation between banks is primarily focused on ensuring that customers get the opportunity to withdraw money without extra commissions.

That is why modern popular banks are trying to unite into a large network and conclude appropriate agreements among themselves, according to which, within a specific banking group, clients will not be charged interest for a transaction.

Raiffeisen ATMs without commission are a great opportunity do not overpay, you can find them on the map of your city. Also, withdrawal of money without interest will take place in the following self-service terminals:

  1. Uralsib bank;
  2. MDM bank;
  3. TAT-fondbank;
  4. UniCredit Bank.

All of the above banks allow you to withdraw money from the card without commissions. In this case, some conditions and restrictions on cashing out may apply, the main of which is the type of card. The rule will apply to all debit cards: gold, platinum or classic, which are served by Visa system, MasterCard or Maestro.

  • For credit cards Raiffeisen Bank has completely different conditions, especially if the money is withdrawn from third-party organizations. You can call the hotline or contact a consultant who will explain them to you in detail.
  • The second condition under which you will be able to withdraw cash through an ATM without paying additional interest - the limit on the amount may fluctuate from 7500 rubles to 10 thousand rubles one-time . Only after exceeding the established limit, you will have to pay an additional percentage of the amount, at least 15 rubles.

Raiffeisenbank has rather loyal card service conditions and tries not to install interest rate, which is withdrawn from the client's account at the time of cashing out.

But when withdrawing money at the terminals of third-party organizations, it will not be superfluous to read the terms of the transaction, and if they do not suit you, you can always look for partner banks of Raiffeisen Bank so as not to overpay.

Check out the offers of banks

Card with cashback in Rosbank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Cashback up to 7% - for selected categories;
  • Cashback 1% - for all purchases;
  • Bonuses, discounts on goods and services from VISA;;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking - free of charge;
  • Up to 4 different currencies on 1 card.
Card from PromsvyazBank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 5% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Home Credit Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 10% cashback from partners;
  • Up to 7% per annum on the account balance;
  • Withdrawing funds from ATMs without commission (up to 5 times a month);
  • Apple technology Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

More about the map

  • Cashback up to 10% from gas stations
  • Cashback up to 5% from bills in cafes and restaurants
  • Cashback up to 1% on all other purchases
  • Up to 6% per annum on the balance
  • Card service - free of charge;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Tinkoff Bank

Somewhat inferior to the scale and branching of the giants' service networks financial market. Therefore, it is useful for card users of this bank to be aware of its affiliate programs.

The financial institution has entered into partnership agreements with eight banks. Therefore, now customers can withdraw money without commission at ATMs of the following partner banks:

And you can deposit cash on a card without a commission at ATMs of Binbank and Moscow Credit. The funds will be credited to the card immediately. It is worth noting that all partner banks operate only in Russia, and Raiffeisenbank has no partners outside of it.

Fee for cash withdrawal at Raiffeisenbank

You also need to remember about the commission for withdrawing cash from debit cards, depending on the service tariff. We have already made sure that no commission will be charged at ATMs of Raiffeisenbank and its partner banks at any rate. However, if you have to cash out funds in the terminal of other banks, then in accordance with a certain tariff, the commission will be as follows:

If the client has a salary debit card client company of Raiffeisenbank, then regardless of the selected service tariff at ATMs of the bank and partner banks, no commission will be charged for cash withdrawals, but the rest credit institutions you will have to leave 150 rubles or 5 dollars / euro.

Remote maintenance - important aspect characterizing the quality of a banking organization. With the help of ATMs, you can deposit and withdraw money without a commission, make money transfers and pay in favor of third parties. But not every bank can boast a wide network technical devices. In this case, companies enter into partnership agreements with each other that allow customers to use third-party devices on loyal terms. So, partners of Raiffeisen Bank, providing free service at ATMs.


On this moment Raiffeisen Bank has 2,000 own ATMs throughout Russia. 16,000 technical devices of partners, where you can withdraw cash according to the terms of your tariff, as if the service is being carried out at Raiffeisen Bank. And besides, 7,700 terminals where you can deposit money to cards and accounts without commission.

Worldwide, Raiffeisen Bank has more than 22,000 technical devices, including partner ATMs, where it is possible to withdraw money without commission, as well as in the country's currency, taking into account conversion. Possible functions of ATMs of Raiffeisen Bank and partners:

  • cash withdrawal in rubles and foreign currency;
  • crediting funds to card accounts and paying to third-party organizations;
  • money transfers from a card to cards of other banks in Russia;
  • account balance check;
  • PIN code change;
  • depositing the amount on a mobile phone;
  • connecting or disconnecting a personal account;
  • changing the mobile number for SMS notification, as well as connecting and disconnecting the service.

Cooperation with other banks allows you to use some of the functions in third-party ATMs “at the internal rate”. Consider which banks Raiffeisen cooperates with.

You can replenish funds in partner banks of Raiffeisen Bank without paying an additional commission. Rubles are credited to the card account instantly. When foreign exchange same day from Monday to Saturday until 18:00. If you pay later or on Sunday, then the transfer may occur on the next business day.

Partners offer more than 7,000 terminals and ATMs with the function of depositing money. Banks cooperating with Raiffeisen in this area:

  • Credit Bank of Moscow;
  • Binbank.

These partners do not charge commission for transactions, they have representative offices in 30 regions of the country. Through ATMs, it is possible to deposit up to 45,000 rubles per transaction. If you need to replenish your account in another currency, then this can be done through the cashier at the branch.

In one day, you can make no more than three transactions for enrollment for free. There can be up to 10 such transactions per week, and a limit of 15 transactions per month is set. In a week, you can replenish your account by 300,000 rubles, per month up to 450,000 rubles. There are restrictions on some tariffs, for example, on corporate cards, this information must be clarified in advance with specialists.

In addition, partners offer to deposit money into the account in cash, i.e. in such banks you withdraw money from the Raiffeisen card at no cost. So, the list of partners and the limit amounts for operations.

This amount of money can be withdrawn one time without commission. Same banking organizations they can independently set a monthly, weekly and daily limit, which varies depending on the decision of the bank. Therefore, the exact limit can be clarified with Raiffeisen Bank or partners immediately before the operation.

It is beneficial for financial institutions to have such additional agreements. This allows companies to save on the maintenance of technical devices and specialists. There is no need to create additional lease agreements.

It also increases customer loyalty. After all, a client of one bank, turning to ATMs of third-party organizations, sees that banking system functions well, the funds arrive on time or the withdrawal occurs without commission. And in the future, if any need arises, for example, to apply for a loan, the borrower can already choose this partner bank.

Maxim Pogorelov

Worked for 7 years in a bank. I have two higher education FINEC(St. Petersburg State University economics and finance) and SPbPU(St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great).