Congratulations on the day of the insurer in prose. Best congratulations on the day of the insurer in verse and prose

Insurance companies help us protect ourselves from losses over which we have no control. Employees of such commercial firms know exactly what services to offer their customers and how to convey the main idea - the protection of personal safety. On Insurer's Day, we are grateful to people who act professionally and honestly, who consider it their duty to help others. For congratulations on Insurer's Day, you can pick up a beautiful or cool poem, but congratulatory words in prose will also be a pleasant surprise.

When is Insurer's Day celebrated in Russia and CIS countries

In Russia, Insurer's Day falls on October 6th. In Ukraine, this professional holiday is usually celebrated on September 17, and in Belarus - on the first Saturday of December.

Solemn congratulations on the Insurer's Day in prose

It is considered that Insurance companies have been operating in Russia for more than 8 decades. Often, their services become the last hope for those who have lost everything as a result of a natural flood, fire or other life circumstances. More often, insurance serves as a magical tool that allows a person to be confident in his future and get rid of the fear of loss. People who choose to work in the insurance industry, along with the profession, made an unspoken promise to help others, to support, to offer honest solutions. With gratitude, we congratulate such people on the Day of the Insurer and wish prosperity both in business and in personal life.

Happy Insurer Day, real professionals! You give people confidence, and sometimes hope, which is stronger than anything. You give a carefree life to others, although for you it seems like a familiar daily job. Convey the most important idea - to think about tomorrow in order to protect yourself from life's misfortunes. You are not only employees of the insurance company. You are real psychologists, economists and predictors! May there always be honesty and openness in your work, and in return you will receive sincere gratitude.

In the old days, knights built castles and fortresses for themselves, and in modern world insurance is the best protection. Thank you, employees of insurance companies, emergency commissioners, agents and consultants for the calmness and confidence in the future, which the fruits of your work bring to us.

Beautiful congratulations on the Insurer's Day in verse

Happy Insurer's Day!

Today without insurance

Do not bypass our lives

Traps and tricks.

Tranquility pledge

And there is only one rule:

Insurance won't let you

Fall to the bottom of life.

I congratulate those

Who is doing a good deed.

Always be successful

Healthy in mind and body.


With respect, respect.

Your work is connected

With adversity.

Force majeure and case

Only fate dictates

And he is calm

Who insures himself.

Happy Insurer's Day!

I wish you success

pleasure at work,

Joy and laughter!

On this day, employees of insurance companies

There are many reasons to wish good luck.

You help us to lead the thread of life,

Save valuable property in time

Be confident in yourself and the peace of others,

And just in case to provide dear ones.

May your plans be fulfilled in your difficult work,

In your personal life - let your dreams come true quickly!

Original congratulations on Insurer's Day to colleagues in prose

There is a joke about the work of insurers: first he must scare the client, and then reassure. I wish you, colleagues, not to go too far with either the first or the second, but to successfully negotiate and conclude brilliant deals. Happy Insurer's Day!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Insurer's Day! Our work can be compared to a seat belt. Insurance provides guarantees and security, and you and I must skillfully manage this ingenious tool. I wish each of you health, inspiration and strength in your work. Let there be a reliable seat belt in your life!

Happy Insurer's Day! I wish you, colleagues, to perceive your work as a true work for the benefit of others, to be attentive to other people's lives, and then success in a difficult profession will overtake you! Good luck and inspiration to you!

Funny congratulations on the Insurer's Day in verse

Happy Insurer's Day!

Everyone must understand:

We need to weigh the risks

Compare everything in life.

The insurer will help everyone

Deal with values

So that in case of loss

Don't be left without a penny.

May you not be threatened in life

insured dangerous event,

And the trust of others

You will be rewarded with the best!

Happy Russian Workers Day

Insurance companies!

May fate not give you

Extra tests.

Let into your office every day

People open doors

Let insurance not grow

Cases you have lost.

I wish from the bottom of my heart

You don't give up in life

Always in insurance

Stay competent!

On Insurer's Day

I want to make sure

How important in the profession

To assert yourself.

Let there be trust

The basis of work

Don't be disturbed

Tough worries.

Let there be luck

In business, an eternal friend.

May all life be

Happy and carefree.

Comic and funny congratulations on the Insurer's Day in prose

They say when there is not a single doubt in making a decision, it's time to play it safe. And it is true. What intuition or our own instinct does not tell us can be accurately analyzed and predicted by an insurance agent. I congratulate everyone on the Insurer's Day and wish you fewer insurance cases in your life, and more pleasant and fateful meetings.

The life of each of us is a policy. The more we invest in it, the better we protect it. And this protection is in the hands of our insurers. On your professional holiday, I wish you not to forget that in addition to work obligations, the insurer is primarily an assistant to a person who is able to correctly understand and guide him correctly.

Happy Insurer's Day to all those who have dedicated their lives to a worthy cause - caring for the well-being of others. Let honesty become your faithful companion on the way to personal self-realization in the field of insurance, and work will be rewarded with financial well-being.

Short poems for Insurer's Day for SMS

Happy Insurer's Day

So nice to congratulate

Those who can boldly

Manage life!

Happy Insurer's Day

Finance Defenders!

More for you at work

Pleasant nuances!

Congratulations, insurer!

You know how to save us

In an accident or disaster

Find strength again.

I wish you success

Thrive in your career

Insurance costs

Cover infrequently.

Insurance for a reason

Given this name

Protect from fear

Her purpose and calling.

Happy Insurer's Day! For many

You are a man of hope

Let fate reward

Continue the success of the life of the century!

When choosing one of the options for congratulations on Insurer's Day, be sure to emphasize the importance of this work. Let your relative or acquaintance who works in an insurance company feel necessary for society and for his company. Pick up a short verse for Insurer's Day for a colleague if you decide to send a text message or sign a modest card. Whatever the choice of congratulations, the main thing is to pay due attention to the representative of this modern and very necessary profession.

October 6 is annually celebrated in Russia as the Day of the Russian Insurer. The date of the celebration of the Day of the Russian Insurer was timed to coincide with the foundation day of insurance activities in Russia - October 6, 1921. It was on this day that the Gosstrakh of the RSFSR was founded. Further development state insurance in Russia determined by a decree signed by the People's Commissar in 1921. As a result of this decree, compulsory insurance in villages and cities. Gosstrakh of the RSFSR was part of the People's Commissariat of Finance and was a nationwide insurance body. Issues of insurance in villages and cities were solved by local insurance authorities. Insurance activity in Russia developed along with the creation of alternative insurance organizations, such as ASKO, Progress. And only with the beginning of the mass formation of insurance companies, the Law “On Insurance” was issued, which regulated the activities of these organizations. Congratulations to all employees of the insurance sector on their professional holiday! We wish you successful insurance deals and good clients!

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[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the insurance agent in prose

Congratulations on the day of the insurer! I wish you to insure everyone and everything, and so that the insured event never occurs! Let there be representative serious people among your clients, let the desire to protect yourself and your property with insurance among citizens only increase! Good luck in your work and life!

I congratulate you on a magnificent holiday, Happy Insurer's Day! You are always in a hurry to help ordinary people in order to protect their property and even life. Insurance in these times is necessary and we thank you for your efforts and strength to make the life of ordinary people safer. May luck always smile on you so that you are insured against distant adversities. Happiness and blessings to you!

Dear, I congratulate you on the Insurer's Day! I hope that your professional holiday will be bright - the authorities will take care of bonuses, flowers and treats! I want your work to be always a joy to you! And let there be more grateful customers. I wish that in your life all the days were happy, filled with love, health and joy!

Insurance is the measure that protects against ruin at the time of unforeseen circumstances. It, first of all, contributes to material support and allows you to avoid deep spiritual upheavals. And you are like an angel who promptly offers a way out of a difficult situation. Stay always purposeful, benevolent, smiling. Let good reviews about you multiply from year to year! Let the sky smile bright and wide! Let your path be even and smooth! Happy Insurer's Day!

Hooray! Today is just a wonderful holiday - insurance day! I congratulate you and wish you to insure yourself against sincere love, great happiness, great wealth, good health, good mood and receive payments on all these policies in the very near future! Happy holiday, my friend! Let everything be in the best possible way!

The insurer is the person who helps us protect what is dear to us from trouble. Today you can insure your life and health, home, travel or pet... How can you not thank the people who help to gain confidence in the future for the work? Happy holiday, dear insurers, thank you for your work and success in your work. Let life's cataclysms not meet on your way!

Dear insurers! Accept congratulations on your day, declared as such in recognition of your services to society! After all, insurance is one of the most important social components of our time. An uninsured person is much more exposed to risks, and property that its owners did not take care to insure becomes simply dangerous. So all the kind words addressed to you today are entirely justified. Let there be as many franchises as possible and as few payments as possible in your life! Congratulations, dear insurers!

“Berezhenogo and God protects,” says folk wisdom. Who, if not you, knows that this proverb is more than true! Happy Insurer's Day, friend! Let insurance cases occur as rarely as possible! Let everything in your life happen without force majeure! Happiness to you, good health and success in all your endeavors!

Congratulations on the professional holiday of all insurers. We wish them happiness in work and personal life. We wish you always be successful and successful. May their own property, as well as the health of them and their loved ones, never create a single insured event.

Happy Insurer's Day! Your profession is to take care of the well-being of people, help and support them in difficult situations. So let there never be force majeure in your life. May fate insure you against failures and adversity, and the insured event will never come.

Insurance today
Got a big success
Not lost so that investments
And everyone's property!
We guys congratulations
Happy Insurer's Day to all of you,
And we wish you good luck
To make life easy!

Congratulations to all insurers,
We sincerely wish you good luck,
Earnings above the clouds,
Have a house, a garage, a car, a cottage!
Rejoice in the cause and the client,
And the client is happy to be!
Grow up, do not miss the moment,
Charm the whole planet with a smile,
Everyone so that the agent does not forget!

Everything can be tested in your destiny:
Fire, flood and theft, accidents.
Everything you can expect from life...
Who to ask for help, whom?
To drive safely,
Or live in your apartment
We need property insurance
And don't be afraid of anything from now on.
To whom do we dedicate this verse?
Accept our congratulations, insurer!

Housing and cars, health and cottages,
You insure against different cases in addition.
Are you afraid of the tsunami? Well, the moment
The agent will immediately sign the policy for you!

I wish all insurers of the country,
Do not know the ruins of the financial war,
Get more profit from customers
And to make up for nothing.

And these cases, insurance,
Let them not disturb you, my relatives,
Tsunamis bypass you
We will drink to your happiness now!

You insure if you need
Houses, apartments and cars,
And so we say together:
Insurers needed!

We wish you customers
Calm, important and decent,
And from the work of dividends -
Big, good and worthy!

You can foresee, foresee, foresee and insure everything that is possible. You allow people to look to the future with confidence and not be afraid that something will happen to them or their property. You are a true professional in your work. Happy holiday, dear!

With your professional holiday - the day of the Insurer! Thanks to your work, the life and property of people are under reliable protection. Thank you for our safe life and peaceful sleep! May your life be happy, good luck and prosperity, all the best.

You will be praised by those who are in trouble. Fire, robbery, sudden illness - insurers will come to the rescue here. We wish you in return all the best, calm everyday life, to be protected from all sorts of troubles. Health, peace and kindness!

Congratulations on the professional holiday of all insurers. We wish them happiness in work and personal life. We wish you always be successful and successful. Let their own property, as well as the health of them and their loved ones, never create a single insured event. You will be praised by those who are in trouble. Fire, robbery, sudden illness - insurers will come to the rescue here. We wish you in return all the best, calm everyday life, to be protected from all sorts of troubles. Health, peace and kindness! Happy Insurer's Day! Your profession is to take care of the well-being of people, help and support them in difficult situations. So let there never be force majeure in your life. May fate insure you against failures and adversity, and the insured event will never come. With your professional holiday - the day of the Insurer! Thanks to your work, the life and property of people are under reliable protection. Thank you for our safe life and peaceful sleep! May your life be happy, good luck and prosperity, all the best. The insurer is a popular, much-needed profession. After all, thanks to them, we are calm for our property, for our lives. With talent and professionalism insurance agents easily convince their customers of the need for accident insurance. Today is your professional holiday. I sincerely congratulate you, wish you great fruitful success in your work, great happiness. Let your work inspire you. Good health, good mood, great luck to you in everything. May your dreams always come true, and wishes coincide with opportunities. Good luck in your work and personal life. There is such a service as an insurance agency. This is a very convenient and useful service. Indeed, in our time without insurance is simply impossible. We insure everything, and most importantly our lives. Today insurers celebrate their professional holiday. I congratulate you and wish you good health, happiness and great patience. Let enthusiasm and optimism help you in your work with your clients. Let them please you in honor of the holiday with a salary increase. May good luck always accompany you. Understandable and grateful customers, well-being and prosperity. Peace and understanding in the family. Have a good mood and all the best. In our time, insurance is simply impossible to do. We insure everything: houses and household appliances, cars and our lives. And it is so convenient that you do not need to look for insurance companies, and the insurer will come to you himself. Today the insurer celebrates its professional holiday. I wholeheartedly congratulate you! I wish you success and patience in your work, understanding and grateful customers. Good health, well-being and material prosperity. May good luck always accompany you. Rapid career advancement, peace, great love. Let your talent and skill be appreciated by the authorities. Being an insurance agent means being able to convey the purpose of insurance to citizens. Every citizen must make his own choice. And only a talented insurer always has a lot of clients. Today, all insurance agents celebrate their professional holiday. So I would like to wish them great luck, luck in working with clients. Be patient, attentive and polite, do not impose your opinion, but skillfully explain to people. I wish you good health, fast and successful career advancement. May you always have a good mood, a smile and a friendly attitude. We wish you grateful customers. May peace and prosperity reign in your families, may the angel always protect you. An insurance agent is a talented, energetic and knowledgeable person. He is always polite, attentive and balanced. I would also call insurers big psychologists. After all, they work with people, explain and explain, and sometimes even persuade. Today is the holiday of the insurer. I wholeheartedly congratulate you! May good luck always be in your life. Prosperity, peace and happiness. Faithful friends, friendly colleagues, understanding customers. May there be many happy occasions in your life. Be happy in your family, more sunny, pleasant days for you. Today I would like to wish great happiness, good luck and all the best to insurers. Because they celebrate their professional holiday. May this day bring a lot of joy, gifts, flowers and the best mood. Let everyone rest today insurance contracts and enjoy the holiday. We wish you peace, prosperity, patience and professionalism in your work. Let your desires always coincide with the possibilities. Grateful and understanding customers. May faith, hope and love always accompany you. May peace and grace live in your family. Be valued and respected at work. Great happiness to you!