Futures rate chart for Sberbank Forts. All about Sberbank stock futures: codes, analytics and forecast


Friends, good afternoon.

RIH0, SiM1, GZU2, SRZ2 – all these symbols are a dark forest for novice traders.

That is why many people who have just come to the stock exchange immediately rush to the stock market. After all, when we see the name “Gazprom” or “Sberbank”, the process of receiving money seems simpler to us.

Unfortunately, this simplicity hides quite a lot a large number of cons. Futures, in turn, are more attractive instruments for novice traders. Therefore, in my opinion, it is better to deal with all these codes once than to constantly avoid them and thereby go to less interesting markets.

In general, the futures contract code consists of 3 main parts (CMY):

1. Underlying asset code (indicated by two symbols; for example, Ri, Si, Gz, Sr)

2. Month of execution (indicated by one symbol)

Each futures contract has its own lifespan. The month in which expiration occurs (i.e., termination of operation) is indicated in the futures contract code.

Here are the letters that represent the months:

3. Year of execution (indicated by one symbol)

It is also necessary to pay attention to the year of execution. The year of execution is encoded with just one digit, i.e. if the year of contract execution is 2012, then the last digit is indicated in the contract code. In this case it is number 2.

Other years for example:

So we have figured out the mysterious letters and numbers behind which all futures contracts are hidden. Now you can decipher absolutely any code yourself.

That's all for now. If the information was useful to you, please like and recommend the article to your friends.

Happy trading!

Sincerely, Alexander Shevelev.

Trade on stock exchange is one of the ways to invest Money. In addition, the sale valuable papers is a separate mechanism for making money by changing the rate of purchase and sale of certain goods. At the same time, trading directly in the underlying asset, that is, physical goods or company shares, is a significantly smaller volume than transactions with futures on them.

What are futures?

One of the most common trading instruments on the stock exchange are futures. This term, which has become a derivative of the English word “future,” refers to secondary or derivative financial instruments. Two parties, a buyer and a seller, enter into a contract for the supply of a certain product (an underlying asset). And the peculiarity of such a contract is its maximum standardization. All the main characteristics are established in advance in a document called a specification. And the parties only agree on the price of such a contract. Thus, when trading futures, the object is not the commodity itself, but the contract for its delivery. Thus, a futures contract for Sberbank means a delivery contract for shares of this bank.

The main goals of working with this financial instrument:

  • risk insurance;
  • speculative operations.

In the first case, the owner of an underlying asset, for example, shares, can hedge against a fall in prices for this asset. Having a futures for sale at the current price minimizes the investor's losses when the value decreases. The main disadvantage of this scheme is the inability to make a profit even when the price of an asset rises - after all, in such a situation, the loss received on the sale of a futures offsets the increase in the profitability of the asset itself.

Much more often, futures are used for speculative trading, when the purpose of the operations is not buying and selling. real asset, and earning money from fluctuations in its value on the stock exchange.

The main advantage of working with futures is the much smaller amount required to secure a transaction on them. When working with the underlying asset stock broker You must have the entire amount in your account. To conclude a futures transaction, the parties only need to provide a security deposit, the amount of which is fixed by the exchange on which trading is conducted. And this value is several times less than the cost of the lot itself, that is, the futures.

In addition, the volume of futures on an asset may significantly exceed the existing volumes of the asset itself. This makes it possible to carry out a much larger number of transactions on the exchange.

Trading futures on shares of Russian companies

In Russia, futures trading is carried out on the FORTS derivatives market, which is part of the Moscow Exchange. Here you can buy futures on almost all stocks largest companies our country. Sberbank futures are among the most liquid instruments, that is, they are easy to sell.

There are two types of futures:

  • supply;
  • calculated

The difference between them is whether the contract involves the delivery of a real underlying asset or only cash settlements between the parties.

Futures on Sberbank shares

The main parameters of the specification of this futures:

  • Designation in trading system- SBRF-М.Г, where M is the designation of the futures closing month, and G is the year, respectively. Closing is the expiration date of the futures, that is, the date when final settlements under this contract must be made between the parties. On the Moscow Exchange, futures are closed every last month of the quarter (March, June, September, December).
  • Contract type – supply.
  • Lot size – 100 shares (in the case of ordinary shares of Sberbank).
  • Guarantee collateral – established by the exchange and on this moment is a little more than 1300 rubles per lot.
  • The price step and its cost are 1 ruble.

Specification parameters, as well as the latest data on futures prices, can be viewed on the official website of the Moscow Exchange (http://moex.com/ru).

Futures Trading Process

So how does futures trading work? An exchange participant has an account for a certain amount. Within this amount, he can purchase futures on Sberbank shares at a price of current date. This settlement price is determined by taking into account all trades on a particular futures. In this case, it is not the cost of the futures itself that is debited from the account of the transaction participant, but the guarantee obligations for each lot.

At the end of the day, during a period of time called clearing, the settlement price is recalculated. The difference between the purchase price and the current settlement price is called variation margin. It, as follows from the above, is calculated every day. With a positive variation margin, the amount on the account increases by this difference, multiplied by the number of available lots, or decreases. After some time, the futures can be sold, and the amount warranty obligation returned to the account. The result is profit or loss after the transaction is completed.

It is worth noting that for each transaction with futures, a small commission is also deducted from its participants - both when opening and when closing this contract.

Online trading

You cannot trade futures directly on the stock exchange; such transactions can only be performed through a broker. And if earlier for this you had to come to the broker’s office or constantly be on the phone, now you can work on the stock exchange via the Internet. After concluding an agreement with a broker, the client is connected to the exchange Internet terminal, through which he can work with futures.

The easiest way to buy or sell Sberbank futures online is using the quick terminal - this is the most common platform for stock trading. This program customized to the client's needs and works online, providing current results from FORTS.

  1. If you decide to start working with futures, try a demo account first - all brokers provide this service. This option will allow you to gain experience without risking real money.
  2. For Sberbank, the graphs of stock prices and futures prices over time are almost the same. Therefore, you can build a strategy by analyzing stock movements. These charts can be obtained either from a broker or found independently on the Internet.
  3. Trust, but verify. It is worth listening to analysts giving forecasts for changes in stock prices, but even best forecasters may be wrong - so you should not risk all your funds. You should always remember that stock exchange operations have high risks.

Derivatives market is important part of the global financial market. For many years, it has been of interest not only to professional participants in the financial market, but also to private investors who are attracted by its limitless opportunities at moderate costs. The turnover of the derivatives market in developed markets has long exceeded the trading volume in the underlying asset markets.

RTS-FORTS– the largest exchange platform for trading derivatives in Russia. Based on the results of 2009, RTS-FORTS is included in the TOP 10 of the world ranking of derivatives exchanges.

Futures and options market on the RTS combines developed infrastructure, high reliability and liquidity, as well as modern technologies and a significant number of participants.

Advantages of the RTS-FORTS derivatives market:

  • operations are available both for investors with small amounts of funds and for large clients;
  • high level liquidity;
  • the presence of a “leverage effect” due to the fact that the amount of the guarantee collateral is several times less than the cost of the fixed-term contract;
  • a large selection of instruments allows you to conduct speculative operations, as well as hedge positions against risks adverse change prices;
  • no costs for depository services.

Currently available to clients of Sberbank of Russia the following types RTS derivatives market instruments:

  • stock futures contracts;
  • futures contracts for foreign currency;
  • futures contracts for the MosPrime rate;
  • futures contracts on the RTS index.

You can connect to the FORTS trading system by joining the “Terms of provision of brokerage services of Sberbank of Russia OJSC”. To conduct transactions on the RTS-FORTS derivatives market, you must select a service option that involves using the QUIK remote access system.

On the Moscow Exchange (MICEX-RTS), it is lost in the specifications of contracts. The specific alphanumeric designations of the codes are quite simple and it is not difficult to remember them, but you need to figure it out.

Appearance of futures codes

Futures code consists of three main elements:

  • WITH— code of the underlying asset, consisting of 2 characters
  • M— futures execution month, consisting of 1 symbol
  • Y— year of futures execution, consisting of 1 symbol

We will talk about the code of the underlying asset for futures later, but let’s deal with the dates right away.

Field M (execution month) of the futures code

So, field M - month of futures execution, is encoded with the following symbols:

Month | Futures code

  • January - F
  • February - G
  • March - H
  • April - J
  • May - K
  • June - M
  • July - N
  • August— Q
  • September - U
  • October - V
  • November - X
  • December - Z

The magazine site reminds that each futures contract has its own expiration date. About the month when its operation ends, i.e. is happening expiration, we said above.

Field Y (execution year) of the futures code

With the field of the year of execution of the futures contract, everything is even simpler. This is one digit that duplicates the last digit of the year, i.e.

  • 5 - 2005 year,
  • 8 – 2008,
  • 0 – 2010,
  • 3 - year 2013.

Field C (underlying asset) of the futures code

The most difficult field to remember in a futures code is the asset code itself. We specifically offer you a breakdown by asset type to make it easier for you to find what you need.

Currency futures

— name of the underlying asset

  • AU(AUDU) — Pair rate Australian dollar– US dollar (AUD/USD)
  • ED(ED) — Euro-dollar pair rate (EUR/USD)
  • Eu(Eu) — Euro-ruble pair rate (EUR/RUB)
  • G.U.(GBPU) - Rate of the pound sterling - US dollar pair (GBP/USD)
  • Si(Si) — Dollar-ruble pair rate (USD/RUB)

Commodity futures

Underlying asset code in field “C”
(Code of the underlying asset on the main RTS market)
— name of the underlying asset

  • BR(BR) - BRENT oil futures
  • C.U.(CU) - Grade A copper futures
  • DZ— diesel fuel grade L-0.2-62 (GOST 305-82)
  • G.D.(GOLD) - futures for refined gold bullion
  • P.D.(PLD) - futures for refined palladium bullion
  • P.T.(PLT) - futures on refined platinum bullion
  • UR(UR) - futures for URALS oil


Underlying asset code in field “C”
(Code of the underlying asset on the main RTS market)
— name of the underlying asset

  • S.U.(SUGA) - granulated sugar futures, manufactured in accordance with GOST 21-94
  • S.A.(SUGR) - raw sugar futures

Index futures

Underlying asset code in field “C”
(Code of the underlying asset on the main RTS market)
— name of the underlying asset

  • MX(MISEX) - futures on the MICEX index
  • Rc(RTScr) - futures on the RTS index (Consumer Goods and Retail Trade)
  • R.I.(RTSI) - futures on the RTS index
  • Rk(RTSt) - futures on the RTS index (Telecommunications)
  • Ro(RTSog) - futures on the RTS index (Oil and Gas)
  • R.S.(RTSSTD) - futures on the RTS Standard index

Stock futures

Underlying asset code in field “C”
(Code of the underlying asset on the main RTS market)
— name of the underlying asset

  • CH(CHMF) - OJSC Severstal
  • FS(FEES) - ordinary shares of JSC FGC UES
  • G.M.(GMKR) - shares of MMC Norilsk Nickel
  • GZ(GAZP) - shares of OJSC Gazprom
  • HY(HYDR) - ordinary shares of JSC RusHydro
  • L.K.(LKOH) - shares of NK "LUKoil"
  • M.T.(MTSI) - ordinary shares of MTS OJSC
  • N.K.(NOTK) - ordinary shares of OAO NOVATEK
  • O.C.(OGKC) - ordinary shares of OJSC OGK-3
  • O.D.(OGKD) - ordinary shares of OJSC OGK-4
  • PZ(PLZL) - ordinary shares of OJSC Polyus Gold
  • RN(ROSN) - shares of OJSC NK Rosneft
  • RT(RTKM) - shares of OJSC Rostelecom
  • S.G.(SNGSP) - OJSC "Surgutneftegas"
  • SP(SBERP) - preference shares OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
  • S.R.(SBER) - ordinary shares of Sberbank of Russia OJSC
  • TN(TRNFP) - preferred shares of Transneft JSC
  • TT(TATN) - ordinary shares of OAO Tatneft
  • UI(URSI) - ordinary shares of OJSC Uralsvyazinform
  • UK(URKA) - ordinary shares of OJSC Uralkali
  • VB(VTBR) - ordinary shares of OJSC VTB Bank

Money market futures

Underlying asset code in field “C”
(Code of the underlying asset on the main RTS market)
— name of the underlying asset

  • MP(MOPR) - futures contract for the MosPrime three-month loan rateMosPrime three-month loan rate
  • O2(OFZ2) - futures for “two-year” federal loan
  • O4(OFZ4) - futures on “four-year” federal loan bonds
  • O6(OFZ6) - futures on “six-year” federal loan bonds
  • O10(OF10) - futures on “ten-year” federal loan bonds
  • O15(OF15) - futures on “fifteen-year” federal loan bonds

An example of decoding a futures code

Code "OF15-3.13" means that the futures contract for the “fifteen-year” federal loan bonds is due in March 2013.

We haven't presented everything possible options trading on the Moscow Futures Exchange - markets change, and so do contracts. You can always find the complete list on the exchange website.

In this post I want to show the guidelines on the chart of the futures contract for ordinary shares of PJSC Sberbank of Russia, further. The levels are all conditional and serve as a guideline for speculation in Sberbank futures. Price fixation and trading above and below these lines serve as one of the signals for me to open transactions. These lines can shift and sometimes I adjust them, depending on volatility or when switching to a new contract. The charts below show the daily and hourly levels of Sberbank futures.

Sberbank futures online chart (SR)

Futures contract for ordinary shares of PJSC Sberbank of Russia- one of the most popular trading instruments Russian market . The Moscow Exchange trades 4-5 settlement futures contracts with expiration at the end of each of the next four quarters, namely in March, June, September and December. Each contract is quoted in rubles.

Full code the contract is described in the SBRF form<месяц>.<год>. For example: a futures expiring in June 2016 would have the code SBRF-6.16.

Short code looks like this SR<код месяца><последняя цифра года>. The month code is indicated by one of the letters H, M, U, Z, which stand for March, June, September and December, respectively. For example, a futures expiring in June 2016 would be called SRM6.

In this case, the last day when you can make transactions with contracts is the 15th day of the corresponding month or the first trading day after it, if the market is closed on the fifteenth day.

The trading lot size is 100 shares. The size of the guarantee security (GS) is 6.5%. For example, the size of the GO for SRM6 is 1650 rubles (as of April 26, 2016). At the same time, the exchange has established the following fees: for registering a transaction - 1 ruble, for a scalping transaction - 0.5 rubles, for an address transaction - 1 ruble, The cost of a price step is 1 ruble.

Weekly levels (Sberbank futures benchmarks-SBRF)