Pattaya travel agency reviews, the best travel agencies. Apartments from the developer in Pattaya: the main advantages for the investor

The trip to Pattaya was not planned by chance, I really wanted to go on a two-day excursion to Cambodia to see the famous temple complex of Angkor Wat. We bought a tour for January 2019 and began to look for a local travel agency. We paid attention to Jim Travel, read the reviews and, while still at home, contacted Evgeny via viber. They voiced their desire to purchase two-day excursions to Cambodia, to Koh Chang and Kwai.

Upon arrival, we phoned Evgeny from a local SIM card and discussed all the details regarding the trip to Cambodia. The guide of the tour operator at the meeting frightened us with the fact that passports would be taken away at the border and it was not known what would happen next. And he also said that he would never have dared to go to another country not from TO. But we still took the risk. It should be noted that the organization of the tour was excellent.

Let's start with the fact that we did not have to go anywhere for a voucher. We sent photos of passports via viber, we brought a photo for a visa with us, Eugene informed us about this in advance. Although they are for extra. a fee of 100 baht can be done at the border. Before leaving, the night before, Eugene told us when the transfer would come for us. We paid the guide directly on the bus. There was a small minibus, we quickly gathered people and drove to the border. The whole journey took about 4 hours. There we were met by a guide who took us to the other side of the border, and already in Cambodia we were met by another guide who took us to the bus.

Yes, our passports were indeed taken away from us, but only in order not to stand in queues and not to process visas. And on the way back we were handed them with visas and migration cards for Thailand. Almost a few minutes later we were on the bus and immediately moved towards Siem Reap, where we were supposed to stay at the hotel for the night. We drove another 4 hours. Well, everything was already happening according to the program. We liked all the guides, they told us very interesting things about the country. Impressions from the temple complex were simply unforgettable.

Despite the rather long road, we did not regret this trip at all. I took about 900 photos and several videos.

The second trip to the island of Koh Chang also left a lot of positive emotions. Very beautiful nature on the island and those islands that we visited the next day as part of a sea excursion. On the advice of Eugene, we ordered the Grand Cabana 3 * hotel with meals, although we originally planned another hotel. The Grand Cabana 3 * hotel is located on the first line, its own beach and a chic green area. And again, a lot of impressions, photos and videos. In short, both trips were great. True, Kwai had to be abandoned, he scored all the memory of the smartphone. We will definitely take this tour next time.

Well, thank you very much, Evgeny, for the unforgettable impressions that we received. Everything was organized clearly, there was not a single moment that I had to be nervous. We will gladly use the services of his agency on our next trip and will recommend him to our friends and acquaintances.

After returning from Pattaya, the first thing we took care of was renting an apartment, so first I’ll tell you how things are with finding and renting apartments in both cities.

In Thailand, with the search for hotels, hostels, apartments and condominiums (they are condos), in general, things are going great. Especially when compared with our realities. Offers are many, from a few thousand for a rural hut to tens of thousands for huge villas. Thailand is a tourist country, so the number of apartments offered here is not surprising.

Pattaya is a resort city and accommodation here is not particularly difficult to find. Another conversation if we are talking about taking off nice apartment and for reasonable money. In addition, yes, I think this is understandable, any resort town in demand is gradually becoming more expensive. Food, entertainment, housing - all this comes to a certain denominator that tourists are willing to pay.

The bottom line is that there is a condo in Thailand.

Let me explain, few people do not know. A condominium or condo for short in Thailand is our tenement houses forgotten in the Soviet era. When apartment house belongs to one owner and apartments are rented (or sold) in it.

In today's Russia, I have not seen such options, this business is apparently not interesting for a modern Russian with prosperity. It does not bring quick money, it takes time. We usually deal with surrender individual apartments, because maintaining a whole house is an order of magnitude more difficult.

So what is the beauty of renting an apartment in a Pattaya condo? In short - all maintenance lies on the shoulders of the owner or landlord.

The air conditioner, refrigerator broke down, the shower dripped or the light bulb burned out - you are contacting your landlord. Breakdowns are eliminated by his forces and at his expense, unless of course you did not take an active part in them. In Russian conditions, the renter himself, often, deals with problems, at best with a refund. Agree, the Thai version is much more convenient. However, I think it is clear that lazy people and bad owners are found everywhere.

So how to choose a condo in Pattaya.

There are usually 4 main options:

  • search through an agency (in your country or local);
  • search through booking networks (for example, the same Airbnb);
  • search through acquaintances who live or lived in Pattaya;
  • personal choice on the spot.

With the first and second points, everything is logical and understandable. Agency employees help you or you sort through the options on the sites on your own, look at the photos, read the description and, as a result, make a list of several nice options. You contact the hosts and upon arrival inspect all the options and choose the one you need.

The third point, searching through acquaintances, is usually the most convenient. There are acquaintances and friends whose experience you trust, you can contact them directly at the addresses indicated by them.

The last option is ideal for adventure lovers. In Thailand, it is not customary to post advertisements for the delivery of housing at bus stops, and there are no special stops. Therefore, usually the scheme is as follows: booking a hotel room for a couple of days, choosing areas of interest to stay, during these days bypassing all interesting areas, choosing the condos you like and renting an apartment in one of them. Thais quite understand when you ask them about condos. So you can quite chat with the locals about the next options.

Personally, we used points 2 and 3. When traveling around Asia, we selected options ourselves through booking networks, and found our main apartment in Pattaya on the advice of a blogger.

We personally did not use agencies, but everyone unanimously advises not to use the services of Russian agencies for renting apartments in Pattaya, and indeed around the world. If you want to simplify your life, use agencies, but local ones are better. Recently I studied a blog about Montenegro, the same advice was voiced there. The reason is simple - overpricing.

Our condo and apartment in Pattaya.

As I wrote above, we found our condo in Pattaya on the advice of one of the bloggers. Many thanks to him for this. The condo is really great, especially for my taste. Blogger - puma, his blog about life in Pattaya. It tells in more detail about this condo, how to get there, etc. I will add a few photos from our apartment and describe the most pleasant nishtyaks.

Called condo A.S. Garden View and is located at 56/231 Naklua Banglamung Chonburi 20150. Below is a photo of a business card from the puma website. Based on the printout of this photo, we drove to the condo for the first time, showing it to the taxi driver. By the way, the condominium is marked on Google Maps, so you can use the search.

Pleasant moments:

On the little things you can write a lot of pluses. The main disadvantage is that the beaches are quite far away. Although we found one hotel beach within walking distance, where we could easily walk. Cloudy, but acceptable and with a shower after bathing.

Condo rental price in spring 2014:

  • 7,000 baht per month and 6,000 if rented for 3 months or more;
  • water and electricity by meters - respectively 35 and 8 baht per unit;
  • Internet 2 Mbps - 500 baht per month per account (1 device on the network at a time);
  • full cleaning in the apartment with a change of linen - 300 baht (you can clean and wash yourself).

In general, I advise this condo in Pattaya. What we have seen in the more Russian Jomtien has raised the value of the area to a new level.

1. House or condo?
2. Finished or under construction housing?
3. Where to buy property?
4. How to choose a real estate agency?
5. Subsequent rental of housing.
6. Mini-questionnaire for the buyer.

Even despite the difficult economic environment, the number of people wishing to buy property abroad continues to grow. This is a rather serious step, and it must always be approached competently and carefully. Let's try to figure out how to buy property in Thailand, make a really good purchase, and not a spontaneous purchase.

We offer you advice from real estate experts in Pattaya.

Unlike the Emirates (Dubai, UAE), where the collapse of the bloated real estate market occurred during the last crisis, the real estate market in Thailand is real. At least 80-85% of the housing purchased by foreigners in the Kingdom is used for its intended purpose - either live in it or rent it out. This - the best insurance from financial defaults and price collapses, in a country that is a year-round resort.

1. What do you prefer - a house or an apartment in a condo?

The main difference between a house and an apartment is that, according to Thai law, a foreigner can only purchase an apartment as personal property. A foreigner cannot buy land in his name (and hence the villa, house or townhouse located on it), since land is only allowed to be owned by a Thai individual or legal entities. Buying a house is possible only through the registration of your own Thai company, which will belong to the buyer, and this company will own the house. The acquisition of an apartment does not require such a scheme of ownership - you are the full owner.

When do we recommend considering buying a house? If housing is purchased for permanent or long-term (4-8 months per year) residence, it is better to purchase a house. For comparison - for 100 thousand dollars in Pattaya you can buy either a 1-2-room apartment with an area of ​​45-60 square meters, or a three-bedroom house with a total area of ​​120-170 square meters. m. The difference in size is obvious, but we recommend that you keep in mind that most cottage settlements are located on the outskirts and you will need your own transport. At the same time, most condominiums are within walking distance of tuk-tuk or motorcycle taxi routes. In addition, the house, its own swimming pool and a plot with a tropical garden need constant care, while the management company takes care of the condition of the building and the territory of the condominium and this is included in utility bills. And, lastly, selling a house is much more difficult than an apartment - there are always more offers on the house market both in the secondary segment and in new modern settlements constantly being built.

If you are buying a property to visit several times a year, it is preferable to buy an apartment in a condominium. Under the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand, in any condominium, foreigners can buy no more than 49% of the living space (not area of ​​the apartment, A total area the entire building). This is the so-called "foreign quota". The remaining apartments must be purchased by Thai individuals or legal entities, this is the “Thai quota”. The cost of housing in the same condominium in the "Thai quota" is usually 15-30% lower than apartments from the "foreign quota".

ADVICE: IN Lately many unscrupulous agents lure the buyer with a cheaper price of apartments from the "Thai quota" through the Thai legal entity, "forgetting" to mention the problems associated with it. Do not rush to believe them. The fact is that such an apartment is very difficult to sell, and the cost of maintaining a legal entity in a few years will equalize the cost of such a purchase with an apartment from the “foreign quota”!

So it is wiser to buy an apartment only in your own name. Such an apartment can be mortgaged, bequeathed and much easier to sell, especially if the housing is located in a good, well-maintained condominium. A professional agent will definitely tell you about all the pros and cons of each property, including those related to liquidity and, most importantly, the cost of rent.

2. Finished or under construction housing in Pattaya?

Price square meter apartments in a project under construction are generally HIGHER than the cost of similar real estate on secondary market, especially if her age is more than 8-10 years. But the final price of the secondary may be higher. This is mainly due to the fact that about 5 years ago there was a reorientation of the market towards small-sized housing. That is, secondary housing has a larger footage, which, even at a lower price per square meter, leads to a higher price of an apartment. Since the offer of housing in Pattaya is so large that you can always find an option for every taste, you just need to decide what you are buying property for.

If you want to invest money in real estate with the aim of reselling and making a profit in the next few years, then the ideal option is to buy a new building. An important argument is that you pay the cost of the apartment in installments, that is, you purchase it in installments for the period until the end of construction. You also always have the opportunity to sell the apartment even before the end of construction. The price of real estate under construction from the start of sales to the date of delivery can increase by 25-35%. And one more important point: when buying a property under construction, you sign a contract directly with the developer and ALWAYS pay him directly: transferring money to an agent's account is not accepted in Thailand. A good agent will always show you several options in new buildings, describe the pros and cons of each project, and tell you which developers have the best reputation.

ADVICE: If an agent strongly advises to purchase housing from only one developer, then he has high commissions there, or simply does not have contracts with other developers, which also does not speak in his favor.

If you want to buy an "apartment by the sea" and start using it immediately, then you should pay attention to the secondary market. There are practically no installments on the secondary market - apartment owners, of course, want to get money for their apartment right away. Positive arguments are that the maintenance of housing (“communal”), which was built 7-12 years ago, as a rule, is 1.5-2 times lower than in new buildings, and the location is not worse, and often better. A normal realtor will show at least a dozen options in several objects, since the choice of "secondary" in Pattaya is quite large.

ADVICE: When concluding a contract for the purchase of real estate in the secondary market, before making a deposit, the realtor is obliged to check the ORIGINAL certificate of ownership of the seller. Be sure to sign the contract and pay the deposit in the presence of witnesses (witnesses also sign the contract, this is standard legal practice in Thailand). Witnesses can be your friends, relatives, acquaintances or, for example, employees management company condominium.

3. Where to buy property in Pattaya?

Real estate agencies that work professionally in the market have disproportionately more information and opportunities than any private brokers, friends, acquaintances of acquaintances and other compatriots who have lived in the country for a long time, who also work without a work permit (that is, illegally) or simply "working out".

ADVICE: Realtors in Thailand DO NOT TAKE any money from the buyer - the commission here is always paid by the seller. An agent who demands money from the buyer, at a minimum, violates the rules of doing business that have developed in Thailand, and at the most, deceives the client.

Real estate under construction can be bought directly and at the developer's office. But it will not be cheaper - although the price of the apartment already includes the agent's commission, no one will give you a discount on its value, since this will scare away agents from such a developer. With a higher probability, you can get a discount from the agency, at the expense of part of its commission. In addition, a professional realtor will show you several options from different developers that are comparable in price and quality, and only their own offers will be praised in the office of the developer himself. And thirdly, in a reputable real estate agency, you will receive absolutely free advice on legal, visa and other issues. In addition, it is the agency that takes care of all the issues and problems that often arise during direct communication with the developer, often without even Russian-speaking staff - this is the so-called post sale (after-sales) service. In the agency, you can always get information regarding the maintenance and maintenance of the purchased property. The builder will not do all this.

Hence the conclusion: it is more profitable to buy any real estate in a foreign country from market professionals - in a real estate agency. In this case, the buyer, who does not know the Thai language and the peculiarities of the local market, will not be affected by a lot of trouble. A realtor will help you get around all the pitfalls that are enough in this business. And the process of registration in the property will be much easier than in the case when you would try to do it yourself.

4. How to choose a real estate agency in Pattaya?

per century information technologies almost any company has a website that contains information about both the objects for sale and reference materials that reveal aspects of buying and registering real estate in Thailand.

After typing in the search for the phrase "property in Pattaya" there are hundreds of sites. Let's try to figure them out.

If the site contains several dozen offers, then most likely it is either new firm without experience and reputation, or the site is made on the principle of "so that there is at least something." On the websites of professional companies, you can always at least roughly imagine what you can buy for your money. So the real estate database available for viewing should contain at least several hundred offers in all market segments. And information about houses and apartments will include not only the price and a beautiful photo, but also additional data on the subject of purchase, utilities, maintenance payments and distance from the sea.

ADVICE: Pick a few informative sites, bookmark them, and try to keep an eye on them for at least a couple of months. If the site is updated, then the company is really working. If the site is static and dead for a long time, this is not the company to deal with. With a high probability, the information was copied from really working companies, and the agency simply does not have its own real estate database.

A legal real estate company in Thailand is required to have a local office. In addition, only a company operating directly in the Kingdom can offer the cheapest accommodation. Otherwise, you run the risk of simply overpaying the intermediary (under intermediaries, we mean a chain of subagents who resell the product of other agents).

A very important factor proving the seriousness of the agency is the professionalism and competence of the company in general and its employees. A good real estate agency will definitely give you comprehensive information about the real estate market, its development trends and prospects. If you need to resolve other issues that are not directly related to real estate, the agency’s client will simply be advised where and to whom to contact in order to get the best result and not overpay. This is the meaning and indicator of a professional approach - everyone should do their own thing.

ADVICE: If a realtor tries to take you to a latex or jewelry factory, to a gift shop or massage parlor, offers to buy excursions, a yacht and Thai diet pills from him, this is a reason to seriously think about it. It is better not to get involved with such a “generalist realtor”. A person who does everything at once, by definition, cannot be a good specialist.

Any real estate agency in Pattaya must have Thai staff, this is an axiom. An agency without Thai staff will not be able to provide you with a wide choice of apartments or houses in Thailand, since even in Pattaya more than half of the housing is still owned by Thais, who rarely even speak English well. It is also important that in order to obtain a work permit foreign employees at least 4 Thais are simply required to work in the company. In addition, in self-respecting companies that work seriously with Russian-speaking clients, it is customary to have a COMPETENT representative in Russia who communicates with the client both before and after the acquisition of real estate and also provides any support and advice.

ADVICE: Having a work permit for an agent in Thailand is an additional guarantee for the buyer. Discreetly ask the agent to show you a copy of the work permit. Professionals will take it for granted. There have been cases when an illegal agent was detained by immigration authorities in the process of buying. The client paid a deposit, the agent was arrested, and it is not known how to find the owner.

5. Renting out purchased housing.

Most buyers of real estate in Thailand plan to rent out houses or apartments for the period of their absence in the Kingdom. Let's return to the difference between an apartment and a house in this aspect.

Real estate such as a house or townhouse in Pattaya, as in all of Thailand, is most often rented for a long period of 3-6-12 months. The fact is that the houses are located far from the places popular with vacationers and are not in great demand for short-term rentals. So renting out your house between your visits will be problematic. Renting out apartments is much easier. Of course, subject to full furnishing (including a safe, a kitchen with a set of dishes, a microwave oven, and so on) and a good location. Sea view is another big plus in the rental prospects of the acquired property. There is another pattern - the more expensive the property, the lower the percentage of profit. For example, an apartment or townhouse worth about 1 million baht is rented out on average for 7-9 thousand per month, and real estate worth 3 million, although it will be rented out for 25 thousand, will be less in demand due to its high cost.

In addition, the rental market of Pattaya, like any resort city, is subject to seasonality. Although Thailand and the country of "summer all year round”, people come here to relax at certain periods. So if in December-January it is easy to find a tenant who is ready to pay 20 thousand baht for an apartment, then in July the price will have to be reduced to 15,000 baht.

ADVICE: Despite the 10% or even 15% yield promised by many, renting an apartment brings an average of 5-6% per annum, in the most successful cases - 7-8%.

This return may seem low, but the rates annual deposits in Thailand rarely exceed 1-2%. So, by local standards, earning on rent in the Kingdom is quite a profitable occupation, and the cost of real estate is growing little by little.

Buying a home abroad is not only a great investment and an opportunity to keep your savings. An apartment bought wisely is able to bring to the owner stable income. Real estate in Thailand is ideal for investors from the CIS: the country offers a large selection of quality properties, reasonable prices and ease of purchase. Portal "ZagraNitsa" tells about the most promising region of the country and how to buy an apartment in Pattaya via the Internet

Investing in real estate is a universal solution for people who plan not only to protect their capital from possible depreciation, but also to benefit from investments. Real estate agency Pattaya Grad helps its clients to quickly buy high-quality and profitable properties in the most popular resort city in Thailand - Pattaya.

Photo: Shutterstock

Why Thailand?

Real estate in Thailand is in stable demand both among Russians and residents of other CIS countries, and among Europeans and Americans. Excellent climate and year-round flow of tourists, no tax on property ownership, ease of processing transactions and freedom from bureaucratic delays - all this makes Thailand one of the most promising locations in the eyes of potential investors.

Speaking of tourism: in the ranking of the most visited cities in the world in 2016 by MasterCard Corporation, the capital of Thailand took first place, ahead of London, Paris and New York. In just a year, Bangkok was visited by more than 21 million tourists, and the main item of their expenditure (26%) was spending on housing.

Why Pattaya?

Don't be fooled by Bangkok's tourist success - most tourists use the capital as a transit point, going to the resort regions of the country. In this regard, Pattaya is without exaggeration one of the key tourist cities in Thailand: it has excellent infrastructure and summer all year round without the rainy season.

Today, Pattaya is experiencing a construction boom: modern and high-quality residential buildings are being built in the city, and developers do not skimp on titled architects and high-class workers.

Photo: Shutterstock

Buying property in Pattaya for your own use, you get an apartment with summer outside the window 365 days a year. If you intend to rent out property, a huge flow of tourists will make the investment profitable and profitable. Pattaya Grad specialists can take care of both the search for tenants and the execution of all necessary documents.

How can a foreigner choose the right property in Thailand?

Let's start with the most important thing - any adult foreigner can freely buy an apartment in Thailand without any restrictions. It is important to note that a non-resident receives 100% ownership rights and can dispose of the apartment at his own discretion: rent it out, sell it, bequeath it to heirs, etc. The ownership of a foreigner is confirmed by a special document - chanot - which is issued by the Land Department of Thailand after the transaction is completed.

Photo: Shutterstock

It is somewhat more difficult for a foreigner to buy a house in Thailand: according to the law, such a transaction is formalized as an acquisition land plot, and accordingly, a Thai company should act as a buyer.

Let's take a closer look at a simpler option - buying an apartment in Thailand.

Apartments from the developer in Pattaya: the main advantages for the investor

The main advantage of buying real estate on primary market- Possibility to pay in installments. By general rule, a client who buys an apartment in Thailand receives an interest-free installment plan until the construction of the house is completed.

Another important point is the quality of residential facilities being built today in Pattaya. According to the Pattaya Grad agency, the mass construction of modern buildings here began less than 10 years ago, so the price-quality ratio is attractive only in the primary market.

Buying an apartment in Pattaya

The process of buying an apartment from a developer is extremely simple: just choose the option you like, make a deposit for the apartment and book it for yourself. The deposit is usually between 20,000 and 50,000 baht depending on the price of the property.

Photo: Shutterstock

After making a deposit between the buyer and the developer, an agreement is concluded with a detailed schedule of payments for the apartment. At this stage, it is desirable for a foreigner to have consultants from a real estate agency. Pattaya Grad, for example, acts as a witness to the transaction for its customers on the part of the buyer.

After signing the contract, the buyer pays part of the cost of the apartment (usually 20-25%) and waits for the object to be put into operation.

When buying an apartment in Thailand, be prepared for the following additional payments:

  • state duty for registration of ownership of real estate (1–2% of the transaction amount);
  • contribution to the depreciation fund (depends on the area of ​​​​the apartment and the type of house);
  • the cost of installing meters and utility bills.

How to buy an apartment in Pattaya via the Internet?

Today, you can buy anything on the World Wide Web: from chewing gum to an apartment in another country. Real estate agency Pattaya Grad helps its clients to significantly simplify the process of buying an apartment in Pattaya. Each visitor to the site can choose and book the option they like without leaving home.

To book an apartment, you need to provide:

  • 1. A copy of the passport.
  • 2. Place of residence.
  • 3. Address of residence (if different from the address of registration).
  • 4. E-mail address.
  • 5. 2 contact numbers.

Why Pattaya Grad Agency?

Buying a home should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility, especially when planning to become the owner of real estate abroad. Using the services of professionals, you not only save time and money, but you can also choose from objectively best projects available on the market today.

Contact real estate agency Pattaya Grad

Address in Pattaya: Renu House 216/92, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi, 20150, Thailand