What is more profitable now: investing in real estate or US dollars? What currency should you invest in: expert opinion Is it profitable to invest in dollars now?

How do experts feel about attempts to invest in household appliances, electronics, etc. The round of ruble devaluation has devalued the savings of Russians, but many fellow citizens do not know how to save their remaining savings. Listen to the advice of experts.

Contrary to popular belief, buying household appliances and electronics will not help save savings; rather, on the contrary, it will lead to their loss, experts say. In conditions when real incomes of the population are falling and prices are rising at double-digit rates, the issue of preserving savings becomes especially relevant. Another round of devaluation Russian currency devalued the ruble savings of his compatriots even more. And those fellow citizens who still had savings left flocked to the shops, mainly for household appliances and electronics.

What is it not too late to invest in? What about rubles? Is it worth buying dollars for 70 rubles? We asked these questions to financial analysts.

Anton Soroko, analyst at the investment holding ""

Contrary to popular belief, purchasing durable goods usually results in loss of savings rather than preservation. Firstly, due to the fall in prices for such goods over time due to their obsolescence, and secondly, due to a decrease in consumer demand, which leads to a drop in liquidity by secondary market and, again, a drop in average prices at which you can get rid of of this asset. In general, the main advice is not to try to earn as much as possible, because you risk losing most of your savings. First you need to save, and only then search investment opportunities with a low or moderate level of risk.

In times of turbulence in financial markets, it is best to adhere to conservative investment strategies and avoid purchasing assets that may be subject to default by the other party.

In particular, you should avoid buying shares or bonds of pre-default companies, and do not try to earn an extra few percent at the expense (especially if we are talking about amounts of more than 1.4 million rubles). It is best to have diversification across several currencies - for example, have part of your savings in some assets denominated in US dollars. You can also reduce overall portfolio risks by purchasing a protective currency like Swiss franc(unfortunately, Russian investors have a hard time with assets denominated in this currency).

Anton Krasko, expert analyst at MFX Broker/leading analyst at MFX Capital

I highly recommend not playing exchange rates, since it is unclear what will happen to oil and the macroeconomic situation in Russia in the coming quarters. In the current situation, the best way out is diversification - that is, distributing savings across several assets.

Of course, it is necessary to have a certain amount of funds in hard currencies - it is best today in dollars, since these currencies are least susceptible to inflation, and accordingly, the risks of losing savings are very low. Moreover, if we are talking about large sums(over 1 million rubles), then it is best to store them in real estate and traditional assets, however, the selection of an investment object must be approached very carefully - one of the key criteria should be the high liquidity of the object, so that it can then be sold quickly and with minimal discounts. A universal recommendation is to remain calm - in a crisis, you shouldn’t jump on the bandwagon, you need to maintain strategic thinking for the years ahead, since the crisis will end sooner or later, the same trends cannot continue all the time.

Irina Rogova, analyst at Forex Club Group

If we talk about the current situation with real incomes of the population, which decreased by 3.5% in the first half of the year alone, then we can assume that the volume of savings of the population is extremely low. Of course, I want to preserve them too. But. For example, at this stage, when the ruble is once again demonstrating weakening against the dollar and euro, it is quite risky to purchase currency at peak values. Moreover, the difference between the buying and selling rates in such conditions can be extremely high. Therefore, if the amount of savings does not exceed 6 average monthly salaries, perhaps, it is better not to convert assets into currency, but to place money on deposit (since in this case it is better to keep funds in the currency in which most of the expenses are made).

If the funds have already been transferred into foreign currency before new wave the fall of the ruble, they should not be touched. An attempt to “speculate”: sell now and then buy cheaper can end up costing you more.

While Russian economy is gradually recovering from a protracted financial crisis, many citizens of the country prefer to keep their savings in the national currency. But, of course, the question of investing rubles in foreign currency in 2019 still remains relevant, since the financial market is quite unpredictable, as a result of which it would be stupid to limit ourselves to just the Russian ruble.

Is it worth investing rubles in other currencies in 2019?

Considering the current market situation, exchanging Russian rubles for foreign currency would not be the most appropriate solution. On this moment In general, you should not bet on changes in exchange rates, since the dynamics of their value is not volatile. If you trace the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar for Last year, then we can conclude that in 2017 the value of the dollar remained almost the same (the same applies to the European currency). But at the same time, most experts still argue that savings should be kept not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency. It will be quite difficult to accurately predict how much the ruble will cost in the new year, since you need to take into account a large number of aspects, the list of which includes:

  • price " black gold” (at the time of writing this article, the price of Brent rose to $63 per barrel, but it is not yet known whether this trend will continue in 2019);
  • features of the foreign and domestic policies of the Russian Federation (on the eve of the presidential elections, not only the foreign, but also the domestic policies of Russia, as well as Ukraine, may be shaken);
  • the level of confidence of Russians in the national currency (the stability of the exchange rate largely depends on deposits);
  • import/export of goods.

At the moment, the ruble is in a state of stagnation, which is why changing the currency is not recommended. It was much more profitable to buy foreign currency during sudden changes in the exchange rate, because in any period of destabilization the ruble either strengthens its position or sharply loses value.

What is the most profitable currency for investing capital?

As stated above, it is better to simultaneously invest rubles in several currencies, which will be a kind of hedging. Quite difficult to predict favorable rate one or another currency in long term, so it is important to minimize your risks in the event of an unexpected economic crash. Let's look at the most popular currencies for investing.

American dollars (USA)

US dollars are the most obvious investment option, as green remains the world's base currency. Of course, the dollar buys with its reliability and reputation, and the United States still remains the main economic force in the world market and is trying in every possible way to strengthen this status, supporting the country’s authority.


For Russian citizens, the other “standard” currency for investing is perhaps the euro. The euro appeared on the world financial market in 2002, and gradually everything more countries moved into the eurozone. But Poland, for example, does not seek to join the eurozone, despite calls big business And left-liberal Polish politicians. Another reason why Poland does not want to give up the zloty is the economic crisis that has engulfed the entire European Union on the wave of Euroscepticism.


Tight economic relations Russia and China are an excellent reason to invest in CNY. Thanks to the gradual growth of the Chinese economy, the yuan is gaining popularity in the global financial market and, of course, attracts the attention of investors.

If you want to profitably invest rubles in foreign currency in 2019, you can also consider the following options:

  • yen (Japan);
  • franc (Switzerland);
  • pound sterling (Great Britain);
  • zloty (Poland).

The last point stands out from the list because the zloty does not have as much influence in the financial market as other currencies. However, it should be noted that in the new year it attracts many investors thanks to its significant growth, which amounted to 18% in 2017 alone (this was one of the best results).


After more than 20 thousand dollars began to be offered for one bitcoin, the world was gripped by cryptomania, as a result of which interest in investing in cryptocurrency increased significantly. In 2019, it is too late to think about investing in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, since many economists argue that cryptocurrencies are just a huge economic bubble. But at the same time, it cannot be denied that cryptocurrencies are the future. international finance. You can invest money in digital only if we're talking about about small amounts.

Basic rules of investing

  1. A novice investor needs to determine the level of his desired income and anticipate possible risks.
  2. Don't forget about hedging, but too high level hedging virtually eliminates the return on investment.
  3. First, you need to consider the prospect of short-term investing, as it reduces potential risks and at the same time allows you to receive a fixed, stable income.
  4. It is also important not to give up chosen strategy at the slightest volatility of the exchange rate.
  5. If you expect to receive significant stable income, then you need to take care of the development clear investment strategy . Fortunately, in this year there are many special tools, which to one degree or another will help predict the dynamics of the foreign exchange market. The latest innovation is individual investment accounts.

Existing risks

Among potential risks that almost any investor may face include:

  • high level of inflation (currency actually depreciates);
  • sharp changes in the exchange rate (just remember the recent collapse of the DOW mark on the American stock exchange to understand that unexpected changes in the financial market are not uncommon);
  • tense geopolitical situation, which can either play into the hands of investors or bring huge losses.

Deposits of a classic nature are usually associated with lower risks, however, the rates are not high enough for quick earnings. Many people are looking for alternative options for investing money. Recommendations from experts on storing funds in foreign currency First of all, it is worth recalling the advice that was already mentioned above - for successful investment you need to choose two or more currency, that is, you don’t need to put all your eggs in one basket. If we are talking about purchasing goods, then there is no need to purchase things that are of no practical use, since their value will only decrease in the future.

Important! A novice investor needs to determine the amount for constant waste, which must be stored in national currency (in this case, in Russian rubles). The remaining funds can be kept in foreign currency, whether it be dollars, euros or yuan.

If you like to travel, then it is recommended to store funds for foreign trips in the currency of the country where you travel most often, since in this case you will save money on transferring money.

Should I invest in dollars or not? That is the question, to paraphrase the classics. Indeed, the ruble regularly loses value, purchasing power falls and so on. With the hryvnia, for example, there is the same problem. But the US dollar is quite stable, one might even say frighteningly stable. So should you invest in dollars or not?

Is it possible to invest money in dollars?

Of course it is possible. Who will stop you? Invest, of course, if you want. Another thing is, is it necessary to do this? Dollars are of course good. The situation is such that whenever the national currency falls and for whatever reason it happens, dollar owners still remain in the black. But for how long, that’s another question.

Is it worth investing in dollars?

In the short term, yes, absolutely. Or some part of the money, as an option. But it doesn’t make much sense to transfer all your savings into American green bills. At the very least it is not safe. The essence of the problem is that dollars essentially retain their price and stability only due to the fact that they are used to pay for any goods and services almost all over the world.

But in fact they are not provided with anything. Roughly speaking, this is really ordinary paper. Only painted and cunningly made, so as not to be counterfeited. They have been talking about the collapse of the dollar for a long time. How true this is is anyone's guess, but the fact that sooner or later this will happen does not go away. As a consequence, if such an exchange is made, it will be only partially.

It is generally reasonable to distribute all currently unclaimed savings into several parts and buy the same dollars, euros, Belorussian rubles and any other currencies you can get your hands on. Under such conditions, if one thing collapses (about financial crisis a lot has been said too), you will still save a significant part of the funds.

Is it profitable to invest in dollars?

And this is the third question. If you just take it, buy it and put it under your pillow, then no, it’s not profitable. Of course, if the exchange rate of the national currency falls, then there will be some profit from this, but not too much. If you take dollars and put them in a bank as a deposit, the profit will be higher. But banks are such a thing... where is the guarantee that by the time the deposit expires they will return it to you? Not in the sense of what exactly they will return, but in the sense that they will return it in dollars?

Other options include purchasing real estate or jewelry, but it frankly doesn’t matter what currency you buy them for. Moreover, you will lose something on conversion. 'Cause the only thing is real profitable option What remains is not just an investment, but one with which you can earn money.

We believe that this is what options trading is. To the right of this text you see a registration form. When filling it out, you will notice three currency options to choose from in which you will hold your account:

  • Rubles.
  • U.S. dollars.
  • Euro.

You cannot change this parameter after registration, so if you still decide to work in dollars, make sure that you have the opportunity to convert them in one direction or the other. That is, from the national currency, whatever it is, into dollars and vice versa.

After registration, you will have access to the exchange. In fact, this is already the first step towards financial independence. Study the information from the “Training” section, test your strength on a demo account and start real trading.


Should I change my money to dollars? controversial issue. There are approximately the same number of pros and cons here. But options trading has only solid advantages. More precisely, the existing minus (some risk) is fully compensated by the existing advantages.

Investment greetings, friends! I am often asked in which currency to invest my hard-earned rubles. Dollar? Euro? Yuan? Or maybe take a risk and bet everything on Bitcoin? Let's figure it out.

Perhaps the most popular answer to the question of what currency to invest in in 2018, which all experts give, is the dollar. In fact, it has been growing convincingly over the past few years...

Although no. Stop. It's not the dollar that's growing. The ruble was falling. Now the “wooden” currency has stabilized, but the dollar’s ​​position, on the contrary, is quite unstable.

Reasons for the weakening of the American:

  • huge... no, HUGE US debt;
  • strengthening of other currencies – in particular, the euro and the yuan;
  • weakness stock market USA and all American economy generally;
  • availability of alternatives - you can pay in bitcoins, for example, or directly in national currencies, bypassing the dollar.

And in the end, everyone is simply tired of the hegemony of the dollar. If the world powers have the opportunity to kick Big Brother, they will not miss their chance. Consequently, the dollar may collapse in the future.

Of course, this will not happen today or tomorrow, and is unlikely to happen in 2018 at all. But in the coming years, 10-15 dollars will most likely come to an end.

But this is not certain - I am not Vanga.

However, when considering which currency is better to invest in, I would not exclusively buy the dollar. There are other options - more promising.


After the euro's downward rally during the Greek crisis, many are wary of investing in the single European currency. But in vain. The euro is rushing up. If the hegemony of the dollar comes to an end, then a European may well take the leadership position.

If you distribute your foreign currency assets “according to the classics” (i.e. ruble, euro and dollar), then allocate the majority of the euro in your portfolio. You can, for example, even 40-50%.

The economy is recovering in Europe and no near-term fever is expected. The real estate crisis in Spain and Portugal, the Greek default, Brexit – the euro has survived all this. And everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.


This is a new promising leader. When thinking about which currency to invest rubles in, be sure to pay attention to the “Chinese”. Russia, by the way, is establishing trade with the Middle Kingdom in national currencies. This means that the yuan is on its way to Russian market will be open. In the Far Eastern regions, by the way, yuan and yen are already familiar, just like dollars and euros in central Russia. A similar fate may soon befall the rest of the country.

In addition, China's economy is gaining momentum. If the government does not deliberately “drop” the exchange rate (and this is what they sometimes do), then the yuan will rise. And therefore, if you are thinking about which currency is profitable to invest in, think about the yuan. In the next 5-10 years, its popularity, and therefore its value, will grow.


Abenomics (if you don’t know what it is, google it, it’s a cool thing 😉) is bearing fruit. But the yen is still slowly growing. You could say it's just hanging out.

Although this is better than the falling ruble.

But if you think about what currency to invest in, then I would exclude the yen. It has growth potential, but the currency is being held back. And all for the sake of increasing the prosperity of Japan. As long as the economy is in Abe’s tight hands, we won’t see explosive growth of the currency.

Swiss frank

After one trick, when the Swiss Central Bank untied the franc from the euro, collapsing the national currency and simultaneously bankrupting thousands of brokers and provoking a wave of heart attacks among traders who did not close transactions on time, the currency is not very trusted.

Now the franc is not in danger - at least in the foreseeable future. The worst thing has already happened to him.

But one cannot count on constant and stable growth. Moreover, keep money in Swiss bank with a negative key rate.

If you are thinking about which currency is better to invest rubles in, choose another.

British pound

But this is the icing on the cake. Before and after Brexit, only the lazy did not sell the pound. Or someone who was not in the know. Or someone who didn't have money.

But now the British economy is working as it should. And if you are looking for which currencies to invest in in 2018, then invest in the pound. He grows.

After all, the British currency is traditionally opposed to the euro. Hedge your risks - if the euro falls, the pound will begin to rise. And vice versa.


Agree, when considering the topic of what currency to invest in in 2018, one cannot ignore crypto. In my opinion, it is useless to invest in Bitcoin itself. It is unlikely that it will grow so quickly and so rapidly. The euphoria passed, serious investors came to the market - as a result, the price was more or less fixed (if fixing can be called a “swing” of 2000-3000 dollars).

Bitcoin volatility is still enormous. And if you trade with leverage, it will most likely blow you away. So invest in it carefully. And bring to the market only the money that you are ready to lose.


So, let’s summarize which currency is better to invest in. Great option There will be a traditional trio - dollar, euro and ruble, but the emphasis will be shifted towards the euro. The pound sterling and cryptocurrencies have growth potential. You can play with the Swiss franc. In the future, the yuan will also grow - but who knows when exactly this will happen. If you want to be the first, you can buy it little by little. But investments in the yen, Belarusian ruble and Swaziland lilangeni are best avoided. It is unclear whether something will grow there or fall there.

Read more, it's interesting!

The question of investing money is always one of the most pressing among the population, since everyone wants their money to “work” and no one wants to lose this money in any way.
Experts distinguish several categories of investors:

  • conservative investors
  • moderate investors
  • investors willing to take risks

But what unites them all?

That's right, the eternal dilemma: what currency?

  • Conservative investors prefer keeping money in the bank; for them, the main principle is not to increase money, but to preserve it. In this case, lost income is easier to perceive than a direct loss.

    They are the ones who keep all their money in national currency.

  • Moderate investors prefer to keep about 50-70% of all amounts in the national currency in the bank, and distribute the rest among foreign ones.
  • Investors who are willing to take risks in banks generally keep an amount intended only for force majeure circumstances, and the rest of the amount is distributed according to foreign currency deposits and deposits in foreign currency.
  • When asking the question: “in what currency should I invest my money?”, first of all, you should decide on the financial purpose of the investment, for example, to buy a summer house, a house, a car, since this determines in which currency the investment should be made. And the duration of the investment will determine where it is better to invest the money.

    Currency No. 1 – Euro

    In the CIS countries, the euro shows a stable, confident exchange rate position against the national currency. The euro is growing steadily from year to year.
    Let's turn to history. In 2002, the euro crossed the 30 Russian ruble mark. In 2004-2005 it was around 35-36 rubles. In 2008, the crisis hit, and as you remember, at the end of the year, the price was already 40 rubles, and throughout 2009, the rate held.
    From 2010 to 2012, the rate either decreased to 38 or rose to 42 rubles.
    And in 2014, a new milestone was taken - 1 euro = 50 rubles.

    Currency No. 2 - British pound

    Stable, the British pound is loved all over the world for its stability. During the crisis in 2008, the currency fell slightly, but by 2010 it had returned to its previous levels of 47-49 rubles per pound. In the summer of 2012, a new mark of 50 rubles was taken. And in 2014, already 1 pound = 60-62 rubles.
    The difficulty for residents of the CIS countries in choosing deposits of this currency is simply enormous, or rather, there are practically none. They are simply not accepted. But there are alternatives, which are discussed below.

    Currency No. 3 - Swiss franc

    In 2008, the Swiss franc showed growth at economic crisis, thereby crossing the 30 ruble mark. In 2012, average rate was 33 rubles. In 2014, he crossed the 40 ruble bar.
    The dynamics of the Swiss franc as a currency are very similar to British pound, which is why he is located in the position immediately behind him.

    Currency No. 4 – American dollar

    Why isn't he No. 1?
    is the currency of one state
    — constant economic news about devaluation, problems in the US economy and the credit sector
    — 80% of investors open foreign currency deposits exactly in dollars, which is not very good
    Since 2008, it remained at the level of 30 rubles until the end of 2013, when it began to grow. Now the exchange rate is approximately 35 rubles.

    Currency No. 5 – Russian rubles, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian rubles and other CIS

    Dangerous, very dangerous because domestic market, depends on the euro and dollar, so our national currencies fall.

    But how to open the right foreign currency deposit?

    In our regular banks, no way. The rate on foreign currency deposits is usually 2 times lower than in national currencies.
    Which exit? Of course investing via the Internet

    Investment in PAMM accounts

    If we talk about what it is, then everything works as follows: you transfer to trust management a certain amount of money to some successful traders who will spin their and your money on foreign exchange market, in the end, both you and they will profit.
    Undoubtedly, there is some risk in such an investment, but the profit here will be higher. If you choose a successful and stable trader, you can achieve 200% per annum.